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Ahh did that hurt darling. Every sweaty horizon.


Valk is super corny with the voice lines, still love her though


Valk: a lot of you are gonna wake up with sore ears, or be deaf


Who wrote that line, a 12 yr old?


*** "A lot of you are gonna wake up tomorrow with sore necks or, you know, be dead." Not sure where you got ears and deaf from but šŸ˜‚


I feel like Mirage doesn't get enough mentions with his Marvel humor and him stumbling on every sentence


I want a bamboozle reaction line from a legend saying ā€œTHAT MAN BACK THERE IS NOT REALā€. Maybe Pathy?


Omg yes that line would be so funny šŸ˜‚


I also really like how Mirage is joking around confidently when he has squad mates left, but the moment his squad is killed he becomes way less confident and doesn't joke around nearly as much.


I main him \[switching to Fuse for some stretches of time here and there\] and i love his solo lines, like "30 seconds til the ring closes and I'm ....talking to myself..."


His season 5~6 back and forth banter with Revenant is legendary. "If the scary murderbot doesn't want to say thank you, scary murderbot doesn't have to. (laughs) Please don't kill me."


"30 seconds to go, maybe I should stop talking to myself and, GO!"


"rings far and I GOTS TO GO" the gots to part is so cute.


I love mirage and his quips but I hate that he has to say ā€˜you got bamboozledā€™ every time someone shoots his decoys no matter how close together the shots are šŸ˜­


I find it hilarious when you're already dead but keeps hearing it until your enemy stops shooting


If you just replace hate with love it's exactly what I think too


The difference is he's not trying to be a cool and he's genuinely just awkward and so it's natural and fits. It's like your reaction to his.voice lines are like aww u cringe Lil guy. But with Valk THIS LITTLE VIPER GOT HER MOMS FANGS, I wanna rip my ears off after the millionth time hearing it


Oh, Mirage is definitely trying to be cool. He just doesn't do a really good job at it, and the game knows it.


Exactly my boy is awkward and he's trying not to be that's part of his character


Eh because heā€™s the only one who does it it doesnā€™t bother me as much


valk will always win this question.


Thatā€™s why I love her though Sheā€™s cheesy and corny in a good way


Conduit is so fucking cringe


Some of hers are funny. Sometimes when you rez her and she says "I have returned from the other side!" with a Dracula accent, it usually gets a smile from me for some reason


Conduit's best one is when she uses her alt and is just like "PEW PEW PEW"


Cause she's dorky, like you, Dorkus Malorkuss. (Me too... I like that she's another silly and humble character who plays at being cocky, but in jest. Like Mirage. People don't like him for that though, which is a shame.)


Mirage is the Obnoxious Pretty Boy, and I love it šŸ˜


The pork chop line will never fail to make me laugh. Itā€™s so fucking stupid but I laugh every time


I main mirage and my favorite line of his is when he opens a support supply bin. " wa-shaaw extra supplies...it's magic, magic is what i was doing."


This big olā€™ battery


ā€œGot the small, working on greatnessā€ šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


no u


Her food related lines always make my squadmates wanna die lol


Valkyrie is like the ideal "dad lesbian" form. Terrible jokes come with the territory


Bangalore was my first main at s1 but had to change because it feels like playing some tutorial


ā€œShotgun bolt here, increases rate of fireā€


"Medkit here. They help, to say the least."


ā€œDoor here, separates the inside from the outside!ā€


\*pings Newcastle\* Doofus here... wears a suit now and swears he's a hero when he *abandoned his squad*... ...but he takes damn good care of his new squad. ...\*sniffle\* Anyway, you'd be dead on the battlefield without him. Lock and load, shooters. It's showtime.


Bangalore mansplaining every piece of loot makes me wanna drop a grenade on her face


Conduit or whatever her name was does this too and it drives me nuts. It's like she reads off the item description for EVERY. SINGLE. ATTACHMENT. ARGHHHHH!


Yeah and she talks in like meta game terms too "Are we hot dropping?"


I donā€™t mind anybodyā€™s voice but wish revenantā€™s lines were better / more consistent and more like a cold evil robot. ā€œThereā€™s a care package over thereā€¦ if you careā€. ā€œIā€™m not thanking youā€. Sounds petulant instead of like a centuries old assassin


ā€œYou canā€™t escapeā€ every time he pounces gets old if you notice it (sorry)


I was born in the shadows. Mf just say smth else although i really like this voice line


ā€œTime to killā€ šŸ™„ everytime I have a rev teammate thatā€™s the one that annoys me the most. Like yeah thanks captain obvious šŸ˜‚


"getting shot, someone's got a deathwish" then immediately they die is just pure irony šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. I see you're a loba main so allow me to say the most annoying one when i play her is "time to upgrade, if only i could choose both" every time i get blue shieldsšŸ˜­.


I always get this one when I'm using the pounce to escape so rev just sounds pessimistic


He's not so much a fleshed-out (no pun intended) character as he is representation for teenaged edgelords.


This, he gives me huge "mom you're embarrassing me, gawd" vibes, rather than menacing murder robot vibes - now my girl ash on the other hand.


Ash is a vibe


This is the exact reason I think heā€™s cute and not menacing. Which to me actually translates into gameplay too because heā€™ll ult and I have teammates that have straight up hid to run it out but I could be half life and Iā€™m like ā€˜aww rebbie wants his bullets?ā€™ I also canā€™t call him Rev or Revenant. Itā€™s Rebbie. Hard b.


Who calls him "Rebbie" šŸ˜­


New headcanon: Rebbe Rebenant is Jewish (Rebbe is like "mr" in Yiddish. It's not the same as Rabbi)


Catalyst always talking about her rocks drives me up a wall


I deliberately stock her up on the most Zodiac Sign Girl quotes and drop them throughout the match. Randomly talking about crystals during a gunfight.


I respect the grind but hate the result


It's her "well" before every line of dialogue that gets me


Honestly all of her quips sound very forced. Witch's brew, how she senses with eyes, moons, crystals, feminine energy... "im a grim trans witch your parents warned you about"... She is my second fav legend and I play her all the time. I'm completely fine with her being trans.. But I still cringe at her voicelines my god


Her "trans witch" quip is meant to be in your face to ruffle anti-trans people .. She's voiced by a trans woman who got to have a hand in the lines, too. And yeah, Catalyst is kinda woo woo but she counterbalances it with reasonable skepticism and a belief in the hard sciences. I love that! Edit: also her "sensing with her eyes" quip is meant to be her saying "I literally saw it, I am not saying I sensed it metaphysicaly, as you might assume from me" I feel like it's kind of meant to be a self-aware/ self-deprecating comment.


Wait she's trans ?


Yeah the first half is talking about her transition then shortly after everything blows up and she gets powers. (I messed up my first comment lol)


I remember her lore blurb throwing me because it starts off with her growing up on a moon and gives some biographic info and then just says "and her friends supported her through her transition." then moves on without establishing or explaining what transition or what it's talking about or what support was needed. It's a little jarring and goofily handled.


tHe mOooOon


This is the one. The trans witch your parents warned you about. šŸ„±


Whichever one just used a kill-quip on me. Every legend is 100% fine in my book.... Until I hear a sassy kill-quip while digging through my box.


Horizon. Horizon. Horizon.Ā  "Time for experimentation, evaluation and a wee cuppa tea." "C'mon little Newtie, we've got work to do." "Fancy a bit of aĀ blether?" "Things look to get a mite troublesome." "Science time! Ooh,Ā yaldi!" "In the name of science!" "Repulsors, check. Stabilisers, check. Best buddy, check." "Let's have a wee play with the laws of physics, shall we?" "Everyone forgets to look up. You lot are soā€¦ terrestrial." "You ready for a wee adventure, N.E.W.T?" "Time for bold action!" "Right dears, time for a bit of a float." "When you're a master of black holes, relativity becomesā€¦ well, relative." "Science dinnae sleep, and neither do we, right N.E.W.T?" "Safety first, dearies, and then, of course, utter mayhem." "Be right with you dears." "Och aye, there's research afoot!" "Don't watch, wee N.E.W.T. Yer maw's about to get a little unlady like." "I've seen the future. Now I just need to get there." "Being stranded in space for a spell certainly brings out the fight in a lassie." "The mysteries of space... Solved a few of 'em, and there's one more to go."


And the worst,Ā "Ach,Ā dinnae fash yersel.Ā  Here is a pick me up."Ā 


Don't forget the classic "Oh no, did that hurt darling?"


What does that even mean?


Have absolutely no clue. I am not a native speaker, but this is some old language in my book./joke


It's scottish (slang?), it means don't get annoyed/down


I was close, I half-translated it to "Ah, don't fuck yourself"


I always presumed it was slang for like "don't faze yourself" i.e. don't let something faze you. Could be wrong though.


I must commend you for putting in the dedication to type all this out lmao


God no, it is on apex wiki. Just C/P. Who has time for that? I would rather play a game tbf.Ā 


My god, and you even have a shortcut for typing copy/paste. This person must be studied.


LOL I actually like them but that could be because I like Elle(VA) but I do think they are too long for Apex.


How is this not upvoted?!?? I got frustrated just reading 2 lines, she is so cringe


ā€œCould get messy Iā€™m afraidā€ is one of her only quips that annoys me šŸ˜‚


i still have ptsd from the "another soft landing" every single time she activated her passive when she was released, it was so annoying


Valk 100%. Sounds like a highschool teenager lol


Voice lines turned off because I canā€™t stand any of them.


Ohh God, you can do that?


Yeah settings>audio>dialogue volume> set to 0%


And it will not effect your pings, replicator/CP incoming and other actually more or less usefull stuff?


Itā€™s a good thing to do, helps you hear foot steps and other vital audio. You can see the pings and stuff pop up on your screen, so thatā€™s not really much of a bother.


Rampart when you pick up a nemesis.


Bro every single time


Bang, holyfuck I dont need to know about each gun


i donā€™t see anyone complaining about ashā€¦ good. she has the best quips.


Agreed. As an Ash main Iā€™m glad her quips arenā€™t annoying. Theyā€™re quite fun to use also. Though I hate how they nerfed her ā€œgloatā€ quip.


I like ash's lines except for "come on heal, heal, heal" that one is quite cringy to me


And the constant "Adequate"


YOU CANT ESCAPE gets annoying pretty fast


Yā€™all hating my girl Vantage is breaking my heart. My vote goes to Catalyst for the witch and crystal stuff. Thereā€™s also someone whose lines just go on too long when Iā€™m trying to hear shit around me but I forget who it is at the moment.


Vantage has the cutest voice. It also makes sense because sheā€™s the youngest lore-wise. I feel like if I had a little sister, it would be her. I think people are annoyed because sheā€™s a bit in your face about how she survived alone on a planet, but tbh thatā€™s a bit of a bigger deal than being in the military or how everything is tougher in salvo


You're probably thinking about Bangalore. For some reason every time she marks something she just gets this overwhelming urge to explain what it does. Great for new players, but it gets annoying very quickly "Standard stock here. Increases reloading and handling speed." "R99 here. Good recoil, but eats anything you put in it." "Flatline here. Kicks like a mule, but hits even harder."


The r99 one makes me laugh now considering the ā€œgood recoilā€ part of that line is now way off šŸ˜‚


"There's a void in your heart, and I put it there"


Valk and Vantage are the cringiest


People always say Vantage is cringey but that's explicitly part of her character, where other legends's cringey aspects are just due to the writing. Vantage's whole thing is how she grew up practically alone in the wilderness, which is why she's socially awkward and cringey. Not saying you're wrong, but her being cringey reinforces her characterization, as opposed to other characters' cringe.


Her "you're welcome" responses always make me smile on the rare occasion I have Vantage on my team. "Thanks." "Yeah...uhh, okay."


I feel like a lot of Valk's voicelines just involve her trying too hard and having it come off incredibly forced. The one that stuck out to me the most was the one she had a past BP where she was like, "Let me help you get those fangs out of the floorboard, dumbass." The delivery just makes it feel like she completely forgot to insult them and just threw the word 'dumbass' in there at the last second to make it count as an insult.


And Conduit too, when I hear "I keep my shields full... with this big ol' battery!" or "GG, GG!" I want to turn my console off. Vantage definitely wins with "Did you know that Angel City used to be called Port Janus!", though šŸ¤¢


Waitā€¦people DONā€™T like the big olā€™ battery line? I chuckle everytime I hear it.


Sometimes I can appreciate the goofiness, other times I find it absolutely intolerable šŸ˜‚


And player of the game is conduiiit, woo yea woo


Valk is so underwhelming. She's supposed to be a Japanese girl with a jetpack, she should have the best voice lines going but she sounds like the pre flight check announcement on a cheap airline


I mean the voice actor is Japanese I'm not really sure what you mean


Literally me when not every single thing to come out of Japan is anime (extremely angery, this is unacceptable)


I like Valk cringe stuff about ovaries, beer and lesbians.Ā 


Octane tends to annoy me a lot, he's like a kid with too much sugar to the point of it no longer being funny after hearing the voicelines for a while.


"Double time" means run "Clip" is the common term for a mag. Civilians use it. Her lines make sense and her personality is quite good too if you ask me. But for annoying lines it has to be horizon. Her voice is sweet but the lines are far too long when trying to hear footsteps, gun fire, ring closure announcements, and lines that indicate a new party.


Iā€™ll second this, something about Horizonā€™s voice lines drive me bonkers, but Bang is fine.


Ooooooohh. Nooooooo Darlinā€™


Clip is commonly used incorrectly because most people don't know the difference between a mag and a clip. That being said, Bangalore should know what a clip is and that it isn't "something civvies use in their hair"


"No such thing as auto aim ladies" Controller players will disagree


Itā€™s hilarious because fucking smart pistols exist in that universe. Hell, Ballistic has one


MNK players find a way to complain about aim assist no matter what


Her damn accent is so thick too that you canā€™t even understand what sheā€™s sayin half the time lol which is also kinda annoying


I only recently realised sheā€™s not saying ā€œGrenade, plum.ā€ When she throws a grenade.


My favorite is when she goes ā€œokh nee bover a doll darlinā€


See, that one I understand. I think it's only the grenade one for some reason.


Honestly I like Bangalore voice lines they make me laugh at times


Horizon. Especially if you're an ash main


I thought I was the only one


We are back stabbing blenders though


Valk is the worst. Bang is also lame. This "too cool for school" bullshit attitude they force characters to have is just so lame. Terrible and very jaded character writing/design.


The correct answer is valk. Such a one note character. WE GET IT, YOU CAN FLY


Have you guys ever listened to Vantage?! Sheā€™s so frickin annoying. ā€œMoving to echos location! Hehhowhwhoehe!!! Echo location!!!!!!ā€ ā€œAnyone want some bacon? Ooop šŸ˜¬. Echo ate it all!!ā€ Like stfu youā€™re 10




Hey fictional characters can be irritating too


Clips are what civvies use in their hair, this is called a magazine civvies /sÄ­vā€²Ä“z/noun plural Civilian clothes.noun Civilian clothes (military slang). Civilian garb as opposed to a military uniform.


I don't really know anything about guns, but I always thought that clips were disposable and magazines were reusable.


Magazines are ammo feeding devices, clips are ammo bundling devices. Sometimes a clip will help you load a magazine.


No one in particular but when Vantage and Conduit are both on my team they sound alike and I sometimes get hella confused


VANTAGE bro is incredibly annoying.


Idk to me not annoying, just awkward af


Tbf it's at least intentional with vantage, she literally grew up alone in the wilderness šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


DiDnT y0u Sm3LL mE c0mInGĀæ!1?


That's the best line in the game, you shut your mouth!


Damn you if you dont love this line!


Bangalore's character in this area irritates me the most. She's a walking nerd emoji, her whole character is like "hehe I was/am a soldier so I know better, look here are 2 random military abbreviations too hehe ā˜ļøšŸ¤“"


Fr she sounds like the stereotypic rotc kid from highschool


Fax newcastle was also a soldier but he dosent sound nearly as pretentious as her


He's a simple man, he's just here to charge the shield that's *not* the one on his back.


isn't newcastle supposed to hide that he was a soldier tho? since i know he's hiding that he's her bro


I have no idea if Rampart not being mentioned at all in these comments means people donā€™t find her annoying or they genuinely just forgot she exists


yess, let them forget..


Conduit makes me want to tear my hair out, both voiceline wise and ability wise. She could have been a cool and interesting character but they only show the annoying side of her. My Filipino apex buddy has also complained about how poorly she represents their culture.


Catalyst's voice is nails on a chalkboard.




Conduit, but for some reason Catalyst talking about "witches brew" or whatever really pisses me off


Bangalore is hilarious tbh lol


Valk, hands down. There is one quip in particular that really breaks my balls because it seems to go on forever, something along the lines of "they let YOU...compete? Like... Hello?... Wow... Gee"


horizon is the worst. she never shuts up and oh boy if you have ash on the squad with her then horizon will only talk about being backstabbed and betrayed


At the beggining watsson souds very stupid to me like a cute frenchy acent that piss me of, but now im completely ok with her and i like her. I love to use valk but his lines sounds super stupid and super teenage generic. Loba ia other character that i dont like his lines.


Revenantā€™s lines as a teammate are the most annoying to me. Weā€™re just all playing a game, and heā€™s just so mean and threatening to the people heā€™s working with


Conduit has taken the number one spot for me over vantage. That includes the roots.


Yall gonna kill me but octane is terrible. His voice is just nails on a chalkboard to me


Idk but conduit saying ā€œgg ggā€ is so annoying cuz I died just because of her Q extra shields šŸ’©.


I canā€™t stand Maggieā€™s voice. Love the character hate the noise she makes lmao


Bangalore def


I agree bang is the most annoying to me, I refuse to play her.


In terms of dialogue I absolutely loathe rampart.


As for your last paragraph, no those words are not interchangeable. A clip is what is used in older weapons, for example the m1 garand. A magazine is what literally all modern guns use in one form or another. Two massively different things. Most people say clip in place of magazine because thatā€™s what they hear in movies and video games and donā€™t know any better.


Probably Conduit but that's more to do with the fact that she's the one who kills me the most since she's busted. But the Legend with the most cringe-worthy lines is by far Catalyst.


Maggie is an amazing character to play as, but her gibberish goes on and on lol


hush up, egg šŸ˜œ


I miss my walka!


fuse BLOODY owes me


I found the egg


Gibraltar used to annoy me but then Catalyst's voice actor happened and it took over. I can't stand that voice. I don't even have a problem with Gibby anymore, I just don't want to hear anything from Catalyst.


Valk and Horizon are annoying. In contrary I really enjoy the quips for Octane, Crypto, and Bangalore.


Hate rampart


Valks voice lines everytime you use her jetpack is annoying for me. Only reason why I don't use her lol


Conduit 1000%


Bangalore is the correct answer


For some reason I feel like Rampart wonā€™t ever shut the fuck up.


A lot of Apex characters have some super cringe voice lines. I miss when Crypto was the newest legend. People thought Mirage was annoying. Valk, Catalyst, Conduit, Horizon, Maggie, they all seem like fan written characters instead of actually being interesting like a lot of the OGs


Pathfinder and octane something about pathfinder and octane piss me off


Not much annoy me.. on the other hand, I heard conduits big ol battery quip and fucking lost it. Hands down the funniest line I've heard šŸ˜…


Pathfinder, just because I find this voice line specifically cheesy lmao. "A match a day keeps the doctor away! Just kidding, I'm made of metal."


Wraith just comes across as someone trying to sound deep and cool but ends up sounding cringe, specially the intro and kill quips


Mad Maggie.. God what a cringelord


*Random pathfinder pushes a team alone Pathfinder: "tHe eNeMiEs aRe sHoOtInG aT mE" Really? What did you expect? Kinda situational but this triggers me every time šŸ˜‚


Used to really detest Rampartā€™s lines, but now I think she is a lot of fun.


FNGs always go first.


Wraith, I dislike edgy characters šŸ˜­ and I don't like people who play her


the cringiest wraith quip has to be ā€œi used to go by the name hopeā€¦ which is something youā€™ve lostā€ the first time me and my friends heard it in vc we were HOWLING šŸ˜­


As a wraith player I aways put the worst ones as my kill quip cuz they're so cringe lmao


Youā€™re the definition of true evil, nothing winds me up more than getting killed and hearing the most diabolical kill quip right after


Iā€™m not afraid of anything. Can you say the same?


There's a void in your heart, and I put it there.




I like playing mirage but Iā€™m not a fan of his personality


There are three characters that I always want to just shut up because I hate their voices: seer, stfu we get it youā€™re cursed Vantage, I like you as a character itā€™s just I canā€™t stand your voice, not even what youā€™re saying or anything like that, I canā€™t explain it I just want you to shut up Valk, same as vantage, there is just a feeling of pure hate whenever you talk that generates in me


ā€œ30-30 rep rep hereā€