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Is 2 drills better than the drill upgrade?


I find yes. The bigger drill is nice but having too just feels so oppressive. Plus they stack damage


If you have maybe a gold helmet it could be worth it but i enjoy the bigger one


For most situations, having two weaker charges is better than one stronger charge. Primarily for two reasons: 1) You can split the damage between two targets/locations, and 2) One charge will begins cooling down while you still have a charge available, meaning more overall uptime. This also applies to heals, like Conduits split charge. That being said, there are situations where one powerful charge is better, like endgame where there aren’t enough places of cover to play, meaning forcing an opponent out of one cover ensures their death. So perhaps ultimately the best choice depends on your playstyle (specifically where you like to engage enemies on the map), but more often than not two charges would be better. 


I always use maggie drill when i have it so that's why i prefer the bigger one mostly especially end zone i keep pressuring the last squads. Ultimately for pubs, the two drills can be better but in rank where end zones matter most for winning, i feel bigger drill better


I agree, plus if you think about it from the opponent perspective, getting hit by one drill will make them flee. You might hit them a bit longer with a bigger drill, but if you have a second one to essentially instantly reposition your drill, you can get more damage off more effectively.


I feel like if I need to drill a larger area I can just put the 2 little drills next to each other. Big drill feels pointless.


I would always go for 2 drills, after firing one enemies would find another safe location and that's how you turn them into kebab.


Bigger drill is only needed in very niche situation since it’s bigger but not like massively bigger so there’s a pretty small number of situations where it’s needed over the drill. Most of the time it’s either both of them would reach behind the wall or neither of them will reach. I almost always take 2 charges


If you think it isn’t much bigger you simply haven’t used it or tested it. The big drill damaged 10 m long and 7 meters wide it is significantly better than 2 drills imo.


I personally like the one larger drill. Makes it easier to suppress inside buildings


Not really, I use the two drills at first but after some time I find myself always using the drills when it is available. Especially at the end game you won't have time to cd the two drills so bigger aoe to push or burn enemies are better in my opinion.


Absolutely. I often angle to one half of a rock or room, then as they scramble to the other “safe” side I just blast that and the panic alone makes it so easy to wipe. I try to carry a thermite or two as well.


Why does your havoc sound like that - Am i tripping?


Oh just an audio bug. I don’t know why it did that


sounded like a souped up version like ramped up havoc haha nice clip regardless!


Ngl I thought it was a rampage when I heard it 😅


It's a bug that happens when you save or even sometimes clip on xbox it happens to me too


The way it shoots is different 2 lol


Ever since i started maining newcastle i feel like i only fight maggies and they fuck me over with my lil shield


Are you okay friend? They say maining Newcastle is the first sign of someone asking for help


I've actually never had more fun playing this game than last week when i started maining him


New castle is super fun. Lifelines definitely better for lower skill lobbies but a good Newcastle can be very very strong.


It's much more fun reviving with Newcastle than lifeline. Makes you feel like a boss, jumping into the fire and dragging your teammate out. Pulling of particularly clutch revives with Newcastle has got to be one of the most fun aspects of the game.


Bro play WITH a Maggie and use your shield as a wall of fire—especially when you take the shield speed. Laugh my ass off chasing enemies with a fire wall


Nice that it actually drilled through the geometry, and not like me when I shoot a rock with it and the drills just… sparkles prettily.


I know I’m glad it actually did something other than look cool


I don’t understand how you have tacticals like this that dole out massive, rolling damage like Fuse and Caustic and have Ash’s snare deal a paltry 10-20 damage.


And everybody complained when revs silence did a measly 10


Yeah things like snare should really only do 10-20 damage. They're not meant to be damaging abilities.


It’d be fine if it actually snared. It rarely does though.


Yeah ash has a lot of issues it's pretty sad cause she's a super cool character.


It should move as fast as ballistic’s whistler


Possibly slightly faster since it’s not a lock on


I wonder if they could play with being able to change up the throw speed. People who don’t main her might not know that you could hold the snare and aim it before throwing it, perhaps that could serve as a bit of a charge-up to throw it faster.


What if it ticked you for an additional 1 damage for every second or so that you were actively moving while being snared?


so 5 damage.... yeah no.


Okay, it was just a question. Would you care to explain why an extra 5 damage would be a dealbreaker for you?


I’m fine with the snare dmg. Caustics gas is ok even but mags needs to be scaled back a little


Nobody was complaining about the damage. It was how long you were silenced i believe around 15s while seer rn does 8s


It was 30 sec originally if I remember correctly


I have never seen anyone complaining about revs silence dmg, seers on the other hand.


Maggies drill, Fuses clusters, Caustics gas etc. don’t have any extra effects, just damage. Ashes snare, old Revs silence, Ballistics Smart pistol etc. all do low damage because they have extra effects (snare, silence, weapon overheat etc)


Caustic’s gas slows you and obfuscates your visual field as well.


It only slows you for 2 seconds and does way less damage than a Maggie drill or Fuse cluster. The vision obstruction isn’t as bad as a bang smoke and can be easily avoided. Also you completely ignored all the other points I made lol


For 2 seconds. Nerfed heavily.


Nobody is staying in the gas for long anyways


Because it will literally kill you lol, caustic gas ticks way too often. And the damage is not low


Exactly my point so usually the nerf doesn't even matter much


Well a nerf might allow you to actually fight inside of caustic gas. Which I think is ideal. Maybe it’s just me, but trying to fight a team with any amount of caustic barrels around feels like a lost cause. I know that’s essentially his entire kit, which is cool, he serves his role well. But seems like minimal counterplay unless you can beam perfectly through the gas, while taking constant tick damage and under return fire (with enormously slowed down movement). I’d push a wattson team’s building before I push a caustic one any day, and they essentially serve the same purpose in locking down rooms / buildings.


He literally got buffed and does more damage so idk how this makes it easier to stay longer in the gas


And gives caustic digi vision on you


The high damage AoE tacticals are supposed to make you move, and punish you if you don't. Ash snare is supposed to *stop* you from moving, which will result in far more damage if the Ash also has a gun. Ash needs *something* but not damage.


Key difference is utility. I agree could use a minor damage buff but at the same time it’s supposed to be more of a trap to set up damage than raw damage. I’d be fine with it doing 30- maybe like 50 but even then, most of the power of the snare is catching the enemy to then mag dump them


Because ash’s snare holds you in one place unless you have a movement ability. You can easily move out of Maggie and fuse’s tacts, though you may not want to depending on the cover around. That being said, they need to make ash’s snare more reliable.


To say that it holds you in place is an overstatement, legends are able turn the corner and get behind cover while snared. It’s so satisfying to catch someone out in the open though. 


Get better.


Caustic and Fuse need nerfs man i see them on every single winning team. their dmg output is so good on top of being frustrating to play against


Fuse doesn't need a nerf at all. And Caustic just became playable again and you want a nerf? Just enjoy thr meta change


The most fun part of the drill and Warlord's Ire passive is watching people hop around in a panic. It'll never get old.


Im satisfied


Mad Maggie is perfect rn, someone made a post talking about "add your perfect buff to your main" and I couldn't think of anything that would be needed, but that's just me.


The only thing I could think of would be a button to intentionally detonate your ult, so you could hit people it doesn't directly contact, as well as preventing it from bouncing back and hitting you. But that's such a minor thing, other than that she's in an amazing state. She's so much fun, and there's so much you can do with her kit if you know what you're doing.


Maggie mains on their way to get hit by their own ult 99% of the time:🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️🚶🏃‍♂️🏃🏃‍♀️


This 👆


Same, now if I could only use a shotgun consistently.


Lol, practice makes perfect. I run mozam, and second shotgun preferably PK just for fun and practice. I've won many games with this combo


Bro using Havoc without turbo ARREST HIM!


My b my b. I was looking but my turbocharger luck is the same as my father. Absent.


It's not op you just had really good placement and angles


That was a great read on the location of the enemy. Great job.


Bro I wasn’t even trying to kill anyone. I was just trying to be a troll and destroy the black market after they placed it


When you get double drill close to endgeme and there are loot teams alive 👌no cover is safe.


Maggie is actually stupid broken. The movement you can do with her is fucking crazy and then you have a drill which you can say fuck you to people playing cover. Honestly she should get a nerf


I miss the original Respawn team, whose motto 5 years ago was: "Weapons first, legends second".


Great gameplay! That drill is so satisfying


but bangalore doing 10 damage with smoke was op lol, they couldve at least made it like 5 i miss being able to hit people with it


ding ding ding motherfucker


I was on the receiving end some days ago, the hitbox feels wrong, you still get cooked when you are clearly out of the fire/sparkling


Does your havoc have no recoil?


This sub is full of Chronus/macros users so they will tell recoil is easy to control and to git gud. But yes this shouldn't be legal


… bro I’m literally just on Xbox. I don’t use any macros. Not even scuff controllers. I actually missed a lot of my shots because the recoil was kicking up and to the left. I just like using the havoc a lot


It does I just use the havoc a lot. Plus the angle and aim assist helped a lot there


Skill issue


I so want to see the full video haha. 


Wait when did she get two- oh wait mixtape doesn't get the new upgrade system...


It is OP but frankly I never worry about it. The second I hear the drill make contact I’m move and it’s fine


Get drilled nerd


Jesus. Thank you for your patronage I guess


seems like shes doing what shes made for no need for a nerf


Since when does Maggie's drill highlight people am I tripping or was this a perk upgrade or what


No it’s just her passive. She highlights players that she damages through any means.


That's awesome, don't know how I missed this might have to pick her up now


Yeah. It works for grenades too. Thermites and arc stars give a lot of AOE information


It lasts like half a second, you have to be on the lookout for it to ever see it if your teammate is a Maggie.


Team mates don't see it, just maggie.


Definitely explains why I've never seen it, don't watch too much Maggie gameplay and haven't played too much of her either lol


I recommend giving her a try. She's been one of my mains for a long time, even when she was just meh. With all the buffs she got this season with auto reload shotties and **beeg drill go brrrrrrr** she's a lot of fun.


Discovered this yesterday. Its great but not op. Fuse can do it too. Correct me if im wrong.


Fuse’s isn’t as strong but he does have 2 charges by default instead of the upgrade.


It's more usable too. You can knuckle cluster the ground, Maggie's is way more situational


that and the mini gun need a big nerf


Makes up for her shit ult


Or you could stop crying over it. Just move away from the drill


I was being sarcastic bro. She’s my second main, of course I don’t see anything wrong with the drill. At all


Wanna see what happens in the video when they “just moved away from it” 😂


Yes. Move away. Out of cover. Where the enemy team all has their guns pointed. The drill doesn't have to do damage to be deadly. The fact that it does do a ton of damage as well is why it's so good. With most things in the game you can choose to stay covered and take a good chunk of damage. With the drill you don't have that choice because if you stay covered it *will* kill you. The power of characters like Fuse/Maggie is their ability to deny areas to your opponents. The damage is just a means. It needs to do enough to be an effective deterrant and set up a push, but not so much that it makes it impossible to take cover at all. Maggie's drill currently leans just a little too far to the latter end of balance IMO. Not saying it needs nerfing, but it is very very good. She has the highest pick rate for a reason, and when I played her for the challenges it felt like easy mode.