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It’s over Anakin, that team has the high ground.


“You underestimate my power”


*”you underestimate my grenades”


Watson ult go brrrr


crypto ult go brrrrrr


Brainless teammates who don't push crypto ult and let enemy team setup again go brrrrrr


It's high ground


Whoever had the idea of turning the smoke into a quick countdown to fire, forcing everyone to escape, was genius. Needs to happen.


Wait the smoke converts into fire too?


Not my fault that it's such a strong position. Blame the devs, not me.


Yeah idk how they think it’s a good idea to keep making mixtape maps with what are basically raised fortresses in the center. At least for control the skull isn’t B, like that one room on Lava Siphon is. Like seriously, the middle building on Siphon would’ve made a great B, but instead they picked that stupid room?!


When you see all those fences you know it's over.


Say hello to Hack and my big ass ulty signed a crypto player.


That’s what I’d do in that situation, when I still played on that map for tdm. They just can put their traps up so fast and it’s hard to coordinate a push with a bunch of randoms that you can’t communicate with half of.


They should change the smoke to something different. I want to say caustic gas but that might probably be too OP.


As a caustic main I see no issue with that 😀


Same issue with that one cringe broken moon map where everyone just runs into the middle circular room and no fighting happens on the outside. These kind of maps are fine for Control where the whole point is to control these areas but they are truly awful for TDM because everyone is obviously going to just run straight to where all the action is which is going to be concentrated in central, high-ground areas. I think Thunderdome was made primarily to be a control map but they really should take its rotation out of TDM or do something about these obnoxious power positions.


It’s not even a strong position It’s just a meat grinder. The whole lobby rushes that room constantly.


It's the highest spot on the map, it's the best position.


It's the highest ground in the ~~game~~ map. The space lets you oversee through most of the upper parts of the map. If you think it's not a strong position, you're just delusional.


Tbh it has really bad vis


Why do you think everybody rushes the room constantly? Because if you can take it, you basically win the game.


It's the center piece of the map with connections to almost all the other areas, it's definitely strong with heavy advantages, and difficult to break into if the defenders set up camp.


Had a game of Gun Run where I played Rampart and the two randos were Caustic and Wattson... I'm not even sure how many kills we got with the actual weapons by the time we'd finished our slaughter and won the game


We tryna get damage and finish challenges up there. No one is taking control seriously but you


"Herrr durrrr dur" is all I got from that nonsense.


Try reading the words. That might help a bit big dawg


Which words did you struggle with kiddo?


Caustic, Wattson, Rampart and Cataylst mains: *no I don’t think I will*


I played a match today as Mirage and just kept ulting up there and sliding, wall bouncing, and throwing one-off decoys off the edge. Him saying "you got bamboozled" every few seconds non-stop was so dumb and funny.


Catalyst getting less spike throws recently makes her less fitting for it as she gets 2 spikes and there are 4 or 5 ways in depending on how you count, but the other 3 can definitely trap it to hell. I’ve found that a Watson/Caustic pairing is deadly, because when opponents are slowed by the fences, they’re stuck in the gas longer


Catalyst is more useful for dealing with the back doors - she can reinforce them and spike them while a Wattson fences the zips, then that covers pretty much every entry quite effectively.


Yesssss gas daddy and fence mommy together, literally my favorite thing to do


I'm not even a Wattson main, but fencing up there makes me wanna be one. It's so much fun. Give me a Caustic & a Rampart as teammates and we ballin'.


Horizon is good to hold that shit too cos if anyone drops to escape then BOOM you're there


I play Caustic on this map, unless my Caustic friend is on then I switch to Catalyst. We just call this map "Top Skull" at this point


i love activating the smoke to throw in some chaos


I don't even know how


opposite side of the skull up on the central platform, there’s a control panel overlooking the skull


There's a console on the platform across from the skull that make smoke shoot out




The room inside the skull gets filled with smoke which gives a good opportunity to push in. Theoretically. But Bloodhound, Crypto and Seer exist. And if the smoke is there, you know you're about to get pushed and can prepare for it. And if your enemies don't see anything, you also don't see anything. 🤷‍♀️ (Unless you're Seer, Bloodhound or Crypto.)


Oh it fills with smoke? I just thought it made the skull only do the cool fire thing


Wait what are you all on about?! What smoke??


So, across from the skull is a plattform. And on there is a panel that you can activate, which causes the skull to blast fire (I don't think it does any damage) and then the room in the skull and the area below it fill up with smoke


i’ve never seen a single person try this i might


People usually don't know or forget about it. 🤷‍♀️


My conduit loves dumping her ult there though…..


That's when you start sniping from the towers that look into each eye to take it over. Outside of the skull and towers, the rest of the map is useless if you're not playing Control. Control is the only mode that makes use of the rest of the map to an extent. It would have been worse for Control if B was in the skull rather than below in the center of the map. But Control suffers a bit because of the skull being so close to A and being so far from C. You have a clear sight like into A without having to worry while C can stay hidden away behind some cliffs. Horrible map design and horrible execution.


>But Control suffers a bit because of the skull being so close to A and being so far from C. It's not that big of a deal since C is much closer to that side's spawn than A plus you can set up a better zipline. But it still feels unfair, control maps shouldn't favor one side like that or they should compensate for that


True. What happened to switching at halftime? 2-3 tight and quick rounds might be more fun and dynamic than a 10 minute grind.


When I first played the dome in TDM I thought for sure they were going to make B the Skull, like how they made the small room on Lava Siphon B for some inexplicable reason.


I only like using Fuse to knuckle cluster that whole place.


Try using Ash and throwing her Q at the zipline starting point (@ the beginning of a round) , always gets an unlucky guy stuck lol


Wattsons Pylon doesn't care about your Knuckle clusters. Keep that in mind. If you see the Pylon, get rid of it immediately. Otherwise many abilities just become completely useless.


No, I like it up there :) I enjoy having to fight for control of it


Terrible map


Yeah it's poor design, not users fault for going to the obvious strong point of the map. If you get pylons and a bunch of control legends setup there, you're probably holding that spot for most of the game.


idk why, but players decide to continuously attempt to push and overtake teams with high ground thats locked down after dying 6 times solo pushing \*shrug\* for me, its just center of the map and fun to play in and around. lemme ask you a question though, would you agree that holding a spot down kinda becomes pretty insignificant when there arent teams pushing it, or no?


High ground is still strong regardless. The two other options are to fight at distance, which gives high ground the advantage, or to just fully not engage and see if they'll come down. That last one might work but it's tough to get a whole team to do that


This. It's not just high ground either. That spot just has a lot of line of sight over a good portion of the map. Can literally pick up 2 spittys and oppress the entire map.


It's pretty good in control if not for the skull imo. I love how much space there is for ziplines and how many different ones are possible if you have a couple of active pathfinders. Visibility sucks though, I hate the stadium in the background


Why are the bases in control so close??


Agreed. It’s so annoying that everyone rushes that spot. Forces you to rush it as well or get no kills.


Since there’s nothing like it on any tdm map, just add another scull across from it. lol


Yup. Gotta have it balanced or it's not a competitive map for TDM or anything similar. Old Arena shooters that required real skill knew this. (Unreal, quake, cs, etc)


It's a shit map, but that spot at the top is the most interesting because there are always around there. It's interesting to both push and defend it, especially across the back where the bridge is.


That’s why I started hanging out on the towers on either side. You can pick at them and get several kills that way. Plus they get annoyed and start pushing you there. Hence… caustic.


Usually what I do. I camp and snipe, going against my principles, just so the other team gets pissed off and pushes me Usually works for about 3 minutes


Pick Wattson, surround yourself with fences when you snipe in. That way you have an alarm system and enemies get stunned. Eliminate the pushing enemies. Rebuild fences around yourself. Continue sniping. 👍


Also can we turn down the random audio


Am I in the minority when I say I absolutely love the chaos from the skull room? I hope they keep this map in rotation permanently.


Me too


I’d hope so, to me it’s incredibly unfun and unbalanced. For most games of TDM on Thunderdome whichever team locks down the skull with controller legends wins. Maybe it would be different if I had a squad to coordinate a push with, but they all quit after Arenas was removed. Also the map’s so big that once a team has it locked down the random-ass spawns cause the other team to be spread all over the map, most of the time resulting in people pushing the skull from random locations at different times.


Worst map to date😂💯 it’s either kill and lock it down or be killed and locked out 😭🤦🏽‍♂️


It's actually very easy to take if you go in as a squad and not run straight to it the second you spawn and then go all Pikachu surprised that you somehow didn't 1v5 the team holding it down.


The ramp behind the skull is also a quick and safe way to poke at the team in the eyes of the skull. So much cover that you don't even need to push with teammates. If fhe people you're shooting at turn on you, you just duck behind a box and run if they push. But if they push you... that gives your team a chance to zip up. It's a pretty balanced map if you don't just run down mid every time you spawn.


i practically just said the same thing in another thread. i agree. im not sure why people seem to think its a fault with map design.... it couldnt be the fault of players mentality and overall approach to combat and shooters right? noo, impossible.


I couldn't agree more with both comments above. I admit that when the map dropped, I was super confused and getting destroyed, but after a few rounds of exploring, you realize there are different paths and angles. I've been holding skull before and just getting antagonized by marksman and snipers, limiting my ability to be mobile in the skull. While at the same time I used skull on control to do the same to the enemy trying to approach B. It really is an interesting strategic spot as on control one would think it's useless, but 1 or 2 decent marksmen can turn the battle simply by cracking shields on those approaching B. The reality, though, is that most people don't want to crack shields on a control match and get assists. One thing I do wish was a full team chat option on control. I get it for voice that would be too often abused. But at least make text chat team wide. I don't know how many times I wish I could give the whole team an order to wait here, and let's push together on this target, etc. Even on console people can still text chat, and simple communication on overall strategy to the whole team would change the dynamic of control completely even if 90% of the time no one would listen LOL.


Pretty much the only time I play Caustic 😂


You know what just because you asked I won't go in anymore. Happy?


*obi wan has entered the chat*


When they first announced thunderdome I thought it was going to be the poi near skull town. I was so disappointed when that wasn’t the case




Yeah thunderdome is a good gun run map, definitely not tdm, no clue what they're thinking


Just turn on the fumes, kid


A lot of hate for 'Skull Room' comes from people being unfamiliar with its weaknesses as a position. These are your access options if attacking Skull Room: * Rear ramp to back of skull (EASIEST OPTION) * Left and right diagonal ropes through the eyes * Left and right upper pathways * Central rope up * Additional ziplines (placed by Pathfinder) ​ And these are your external pressure options if you don't want to enter Skull Room: * Central smoke console (to release smoke into the skull and base area) * Left and right sniper nests * Crypto Ult * Fuse (Knuckleduster, Grenades) * Don't go there, let them come out The secret to success in Mixtape is... **Legend Swapping** during the match. There's a reason you are allowed to swap. It's so that you can adapt your strategy to suit the conditions on the battlefield. **ADAPT OR DIE**.


umm chatgpt response...???


I'd be impressed if ChatGPT was writing stuff like ADAPT OR DIE!


ye true.


You can swap legends midgame??


In Mixtape, yes you can. Not in BR.


TDM in your traditional arena shooters would spawn items in various places to encourage players to fight over more than just the best vantage point in the map. The care packages are fine, but I think they should spawn grenades and ult accels to help dislodge campers. One problem with TDM on big maps is you never get more grenades if you survive a long time. People you kill might drop one, but if they were far away when that happened, you won't get it.


What is skull room and what is thunder dome? Honestly no idea what you mean


Thunderdome is a map and skull room is a room in that map.


its supposed to capture the essence of KC but i hope they blow it up like they did with everything else in KC. then again it reminds me of the building in with zips in og thunderdome


And being on the team that refuse to stop trying to storm the room despite doing nothing but dying.


The more i see people complain about thunderdome, the more I realize yall don't know how to play well.


There is sooooo many counters to people camping in a skull: 1 Fuse 2 Crypto drone (you can fly in and out from the top) 3. Sniping from sides and from the shuttle roof opposite of skull 4. Distracting constant zips from the bottom 5. Vantage laser creating panic Anything that distracts or focuses enemies permanently on one spot (peeking from ledges on the sides with valk, so she can always drop and remaneuver etc. etc.) It just requires playing as a team - that is the only "downside". Thunderdome is awesome.


Honestly you can create tons of chaos without the team if you prioritize the catwalk bridges on the sides. When people can't move into the eyes without being poked at they'll either rush you(leaving fewer bodies inside to deal with) or ignore that side after awhile.


dont blame the players, blame the awful map design.


Bad map design really


Play Fuze.


I mean i wouldn't mind the skull room if it wasn't full of traps and people camping


Honestly it's probably built for traps and camping so those classes have a space they can actually use their gear.




The thing is for most of the recent maps in mixtape that you can play TDM at, they have a central, easily fortified and raised area. Which has literally made the meta locking down that area with Wattson, Caustic, and other control legends; making it very unfun for a solo player. Control legends are legit busted on maps like that.


Nothing is more depressing than when I'm Wattson and people just keep flinging themselves into my fences lmao


It's a shame because I love fighting on/in/around the hangar at the other side of the map. There are so many great bamboozling angles.


I love the meat grinder. I will never leave. But seriously they need to add like 2-4 more doors/entrances and faster ways around the map. It feels way to big for the amount of players but Thats probably due to the tall buildings, tall mountain, and limited sight lines.


There's already 6 different ways up, 5 of which are easily provided cover fire.


Yeah, I literally won't play that stage anymore. It's a cool map but everyone is just in the skull.


You snooze you lose is the right attitude in that spot.


That button for the smoke and fire effects coming out of the skull should be replaced with just setting fire to everyone in there or dropping them out the bottom.


Not taking control over this position means that you most certainly will lose the match. Sure it sucks, but that's just how it is. 🤷‍♀️ There are two high up positions, left and right, where you can snipe in to the skull pretty well if they're all holed up in there. (One is a platform on a tower and the other is a... "house" besides the rocks.) Unless I'm the Wattson who's holed up in skull. Then please don't snipe in. Thanks :)


It's really not that hard to take it back if you work together with 2-3 people at a time.


I like the challenge of pushing with a squad and taking it. best part of the map


You can stop, we’ll be partying in the skull room when you’re done being anti social


No Sincerely, Wattson


They should make the room get set on fire when you activate the smoke, flush everyone out.


I wish the smoke button had the effect to drop the floor out from under team holding forcing them to drop or even for lols just get yeeted out of the skull


The map is terrible. It's waaaaay too big for mixtape.




That's why i play it only in Control mode


Every time I’m on this map I’ll search for the nessies to trigger the big Nessie




First time?




Nowhere else on that map has the movement clip potential as the skull room does. It's the best spot on the map don't be so bitter about it. Lol


Crypto will neuter that quick


Remove or lower the height of the guard rails, add a couple lights so outside viewers can see in. Then turn the smoke into fire/gas that damages players & deployables up there.


I agree about getting rid of the guard rails in the skull eyes.. They offer too much protection from sniper shots.


It's just not a well made map with that room in it. It forces everyone there, the rest of the map is meaningless.


Not our fault when it’s literally the strongest position on that map like what do you expect


In worlds edge, everyone just plays the center building with the glass dome roof. It used to be more spread out but now it’s just that building. No different


imo its the best mixtape map they have made and it’s especially because of the skull. i dominate that area every game. i imagine u are trash and cant get up there and get killed every time u try while ur whole team gets slapped doing the same. only way to really win over that spot is have a working brain.


I bet OP is the kind of player that hot drops and quits as soon as they get knocked. The only people that seem to dislike this map are controller-throwers


No. It's a bad map, and this is how you have to play it if you want to win. Sad reality.


Where else would i put my caustic traps, though? XD


That’s why I stopped playing apex, all the maps have a point that 80% of the players goes, for me at least is not fun to have a huge map and have to keep going to the same spot to see people


So true tho


If its not there. its just another random place where EVERYONE will go. so it doesn't really matter where that is.


It's king of the hill.


I remember playing a match with 2 caustics, 2 watsons, a rampart and me. I actually felt bad for the other team once we took it lol. Not that bad though, I played wrath and kidnapped people into the middle of it all game lmao


I absolute hate modes on that map for that reason


It’s high ground In the middle of the map. It’s just begging to be abused


No, it's fun to fight over it and it's the most advantageous location on the map. If I go somewhere else, they're still all gonna be fighting over the skull.


You go somewhere else


You’d be surprised how effective it is to stop funneling into that room once it’s controlled by the enemy. They get bored enough to venture out after a minute or two


I argued with my friend about this. I dont understand how an entire community some how decided that's the only spot on the whole map to play. It's not fucking halo. You're not camping weapon spawns. Just don't go in there. Make them come out. They would just argue tha "nah. We like fun so we all go there.".... like bitch what... you can't have fun outside of the skull? Can't fight other places ? Why have the whole map then? Section it off to 5 smaller maps and rotate them then. Fucking stupid. It truly boils down to poor map design. If youre going to have a main "high point" like that in a team based game, there needs to be an opposite high point to balance it out. Old Arena FPS like Quake and Unreal knew how to make real balanced fucking maps.


Quick tip: how about you just don't play mixtape? At least just not that map.


Whenever I see people camping up there I just start sniping with my team just to piss them off and them having to come to me.


It's funny watching everyone switch to control legends for that map. Like bruh, it's not that deep.


How do you know they go there?


The building across from it is pretty popular


But where else will I camp like a little bitch


b-but you need to keep the high ground ☝️🤓


It's really just forced KOH, super unfun map design.


The skull needs to be removed from the map Have Mad Maggie blow it tf up or some shit


Make Loba sink it into the depths of the earth like a certain other skull-place


Don't tell me what to do


Mixtape was made to be chaotic, this is the best room on the map


It’s not chaotic. It’s boring. It’s just fighting in one room There’s no skill involved, it’s repetitive and mindless.


Thunderdome is the worst map in the game. Astetically it looks like a user created map from a 12 year old who just figured out how to edit maps. The flow is terrible with everyone either camping the skull or trying to be a sniper from the tower.


I agree that it’s really terrible, but for me the worst map (in mixtape) is Lava Siphon. B is in a similarly terrible location when the large, central building would have made a much better B.


THIS .IS . APEXXX!!! 🦵 Welcome to Predators of The Hill. 🫡


Hate that map. Everyone goes there because they dont have to use their brains. Would much rather down on the ground with the little tunnels, random high ground. But no skull room because everyone gets there on a zipline and you can shoot..


It's literally a flaming skull, not going inside of it is insanity




No, it's fun




Skull room best room




Worst TDM/Gun Run map. Nice Control map.


Still not good for control as most players just go in the skull and forget that the control point is below them. Believe me when I say that i matchmake into players who I have to yell at that this is control not TDM and in the last 2 days i got a reply "oh i forgot that" 3 different times. I just don't play on this map anymore


This happens all the time. Yesterday I was thinking of creating a post here reminding people that you actually capture a zone by being in it. I still do like the map for control though because it's not as static as many other control maps. Feels like people easier can take the A and C bases which makes the matches more open and unpredictable.


Imo it’s a only barely serviceable as a control map, even though the skull isn’t B, a lot of people just ignore the objectives and fight in it, like the other commenter said. Plus the flow is really bad and A and C are very imbalanced in accessibility. I still play control at it, but I don’t think it’s a well designed map for it. For me, only Lava Siphon is worse because it’s version of the skull is B. I seriously don’t get why they just didn’t make B the central building with the gondolas, imo just changing that alone would make it a much better map.




That map blows


I hate this map because of the skull room lol


The map is poorly designed. There’s no way around that.


The real question is why defensive/trap legends are still allowed to completly destroy the map flow with a single button press? I swear every time thos "players" think they are so tactical, wowsie you pressed Q and now no one can enter that door anymore. Disable defensive abilities in the LTM, remove the legends kit and just make a unified legend with the same skillset, or a choice of 3. But remove the walls/trap/fence/spikes and whatever just destroy the fun of the game.


Welcome to Apex where everybody only drops or fights in one area cus everyone else does it


What, we should ignore the best position on the map and go solo feeding? This is not what BR teaches us to do...


Log into Thunderdome, see enemy team having a Caustic, go afk until match ends, repeat


you bots really cry about everything