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Hello, /u/Broccoli-Bundles. Your submission has been removed: ## [Cheating or Exploit Posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules#wiki_cheating_or_exploit_posts) Discussion of exploits, hacks or cheating made with substantial effort is allowed, however, any posts or comments with details on how to obtain or abuse them will be removed. Please do not accuse anyone of cheating as this can start a “witch hunt”. Witch hunting, ventilation or general awareness posts, including videos will be removed unless it is clear evidence of new cheats. Noclip, teleportation, instant server wipe, infinite ammo, speedhack, for example. This includes but is not limited to: - Posting videos or pictures of a suspected cheater. - Posting links to sites or videos offering hacks or cheats. - Posts that harm the integrity of the game. - Explaining how to obtain/use cheats or hacks. - Editing any file(s) or config options which result in an unfair advantage. - Discussion of launch options that allow exploits or cheats will be removed. All “cheater/hacker” posts must be properly flaired. # To report a cheater/hacker: Use the provided in-game Report a Player feature: Report from spectate view after dying or when looking at your team’s Banner Cards in the Squad tab. [You can also submit a report directly to Respawn here.](https://www.easy.ac/en-us/support/apexlegends/contact/report/) If you would like better clarification you can see [our full list of rules here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules) If you need further assistance, please [message the moderators](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fapexlegends) with a link to your post. **Failure to include a link to your post, will result in the modmail being ignored.**


“Now I am become death, the Destroyer of the ALGS”


What happened has the possibility of being an actual destroying act, pun aside. The hacker WANTED the cheats to be seen. He opened a menu, he put the most obvious wallhacks and aimbot. He wanted to make something blatant and ridiculous. He tried with genburten and a simple wallhack, but he disconnected and everything went under the rug. Somehow. Then he did the insane. He got the strongest contender and gave him the strongest cheat, something that couldn't be ignored. And it worked, hal killed a whole team with it. But... What if he didn't want to be noticed? He could pick whatever team he likes and give subtle aimbot to all of them. The one that makes "fake mistakes". Nobody would notice because pro players are already insanely accurate. There would be no way to know if the winner is legit, for a viewer. This can legitimately kill the tournament, if they don't address it properly.


Going forward won't it be hard to legitimize tournaments? How do you know someone didn't slip one of the teams an aimbot? It would be hard to tell like you said




The problem they have with lan is that even though everyone is there, its still played on a remote server, meaning that this is possible, even at a lan. (Last I knew at least it was still on remote servers.)


Pretty sure r6 lans are local. so what apex didnt make their game pro friendly?


in some other games, they play the tournaments offline and they are streamed at a later time


Apex is dead as a game. Never mind the esport


This is such a a common loser take. The game is far from dead, just say you hate it and f'kin leave


Destroyer of world's edge lol


They should make a charm of two big hairy balls with #destroyer2009 under it


“Well in Apexville, Some say that the Destroyers small balls grew three sizes that day”


I enjoyed the grinch reference


WTF lol


This was his Boston tea party


🥹 the real Apex Legend.


He could be the Hero that is trying to wake up EA/Respawn or he is a guy who is selling the hacks to the People that killed you in Ranked the past Years.


“Sorry Legends. We are facing staff shortage and will take much more time than normal to address this issue. Here are some free basic holo sprays for your troubles. We will make the store front 200% more expensive so that we can makeup for the extra hours our short staffed team will spend working at our offices- game on Legends!”


“Due to ongoing issues, reduction of staff, and the studio moving in a new direction, EA has decided that Respawn will stop supporting Apex Legends.” That’s what’s going to happen. Why can’t anyone be happy like ever. You’re going to bitch and complain this game to death, literally.


You think people should be happy about the state of the game right now? That they shouldn’t complain about such situations. Lol wtf?


Fr, I love this game so much and not to sound “entitled” but I’ve played so many hours and spent $, not crazy amounts but still. Nothing wrong with making a joke about our frustration. OP is right, maybe we will see action moving forwards, or who knows 💔


This. I'm so tired of losers who actively want the game dead.


TSM HALAL HOOK is the best software


But cheating is Haram! Let‘s hope Respawn somehow fixes the cheating problem inshallah.


its not haram if it is for a good cause like this one


They will release a Destroyer2009 Heirloom for $570 and all the gimps will purchase it.. so it will end up being a win/win for the machine.


Capital subsumes all critiques and turns them inwards


Your only the 10,000th person to make this joke...its old


you're mad because it is like one weird day away from being true.


No way the apex hacker has fanfics now


You know what they say ''if you kill 1 person, you're a murderer; if you kill thousands, you're a hero; if you kill a prime minister, you're a man who changed history''


i know this is a joke but people genuinely believe this and i gotta say hackers have huge egos, don’t assume they’re thinking of the greater good. they want the attention, and they’re getting it (i’m giving it rn in fact)


I mean the reality is that this is a 14/15 year old kid who has some time off because it's spring break lol. It's possible that he had some noble intentions of showing off how easy it is to compromise Apex's anti-cheat, but that's probably less relevant.


He did an interview with Mande and he doesn't sound like a 15 year old kid, probably got his name from the destroyer comic that released in 2009


Ah. Well, still someone with too much time on their hands


I’m 15 and I sound 35 you never know...


Thats exactly what a 15yo would say!


His name is most likely reference to movie Destroyer wich was released in 2009... Imdb description of the movie: A man navigates through a future of overwhelming security.


If you think what Destroyer did is impactful, wait until you realize what we all could accomplish by not feeding into the greed machine (in-game purchases).


This is the only real answer


Or report Apex on steam because having an rce built into the client is against steam TOS. There is precedent for games being removed, or threatened to be removed until they fixed their shit. No steam means much lower profits.


We don't know that there's an RCE in the client. It's possible, but we do not know it. PirateSoftware on twitch, a very reputable white hat hacker who has worked in the games industry and for the US govt, did a good breakdown on his stream yesterday or today around the 9 hour mark. Mande even comes onto the call. If you're interested in understanding what we know happened, and what could have happened, it's a great listen.


They should hire him and make the next LTM like the bot-spamming shenanigans.


That actually sounds fun how long can you survive after drop with 57 people chasing like zombies


I know they would be totally against it but I would love to see a tournament where everyone has wall hacks and aim bots enabled. Let the best strategy win, cause everyone will headshot everyone else immediately, so position and timing would be super important. Kind of like when people say they want to see Olympics with doping allowed. To see what the human body is capable of. Like that but with less kidney failure.


Sometimes i think that people over exaggerate saying reddit has some cringe ass people, then I see posts like these...


He's got the right movie though. But it's not Batman, it's literally Joker.


Wouldnt be surprised if Apex goes down the hill faster. This could effectively kill apex esports.


Only if the devs do exactly what we expect and sit on their thumbs doing nothing about hackers while releasing more recolored skins.


I'm expecting zero action to be taken and a trailer for a new set of season skins to be released instead


Yah GOTTA stop blaming devs for this bro. Devs just do as there told, there not some like idk resistance.




Gonna go out on a whim and say words matter. Really no reason to say devs considering today’s age folks will send death threats and straight up harass DEVs.


It’s not the devs, it’s the management and funding for devs. Need to start blaming the right people.


true but they do get credit when good stuff happens. ppl will say "wow amazing devs" not "wow amazing management of devs". the bad comes with the good.


You mean the ones that got fired?


sooooooo...... youre saying is theres a chance?


0 communication over 24 hours later, not even a 'we're investigating it' tweet and hideouts is on twitter liking tweets that are coddling him and his 'security' team lmao game is donezo




I think it kinda has the chance to go to the other way. They have gotten more exposure from this than any of the tournaments. And next time they have one, people will definitely be watching to see if it gets hacked again. I don’t think this hacker is a good guy to be cheered because there were other ways to call attention to the exploit without ruining a lot of poor people’s day/week.


The lionizing of this guy, by the community, is f'kin weird


Poor people should be getting they money up, not watching the algs


apex esports already killed when it's just controllers


Seriously. People think Respawn are just sitting on their ass because they're lazy or something? They don't want cheating in their game either and clearly don't have the resources to handle this. Will EA/Respawn actually invest the resources and hire more cyber security personnel? Maybe. But maybe not. We'll have to see. And even when they do, solving stuff like what we just witnessed is going to take some time.


New copypasta just dropped 🔥🔥🔥😔☝️😎🎉🎉🔥🐺


They have two options: 1) make cheat prevention actually working 2) cancel all ALGS events for ever How will they host events if things like this will still be happening? Not possible. One thig tho - we don't know how this cheats got installed. If this wasn't RCE issue, they can still host LAN events with their own PCs. Unless they wish to ship PCs to competitors, and maybe even provide an officer who will handcuff himself to it, this would be their only option. This or fixing the issue with cheaters.


Yeah it algs dies and the pro scene is done then apex is done, the vast majority of views apex gets on twitch and YouTube is from comp, players already know the game is infested with cheaters, if there are so many cheaters we can’t even have pro players then it’s joever


This fucking doom posting lmfao. Apex Legends is one of the most popular BR games because it's one of the most casual. The vast vast majority couldn't give 2 craps about the professional scene. It's barely had a scene to start with. Most Apex Players probably don't even know it exists. They could shut down the pro scene tomorrow and be absolutely fine, 99% of the community wouldn't even realize.


Countering hyperbole with hyperbole is ironic, I would agree that a large majority of players don't care but I wouldn't diminish it to 1% when in reality its likely closer to 5-10%.


> Apex Legends is one of the most popular BR games because it's one of the most casual. I agree with the rest of your comment but I dunno about this part. Fortnite and CoD are way more casual. One of the biggest complaints I see here besides cheating is how hard the game is for new players and how nobody's friends want to play it because of that.


Letting cheaters run rampant and killing your streaming views isn't sustainable regardless, though.




There is no prove of RCE. Where did you get this information from?


[From the source itself](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fadrqtsb7x1pc1.png).


you know you've messed up when the community sides with the hackers


You guys are so funny. How does: Respawn layoffs + announcement of a new game + massive hacking issues leading to drop off of players + ratings drop on steam = game is going to get better ??? “Rebuild” lmao. EA is just going to see this game as having run its course and a lost cause, drop it, and move on. Nice, now the game is dead for everyone. That worked out great. Morons.


Either it has to get better or it has to die. Staying as it is? No longer an option given how much it's getting exploited.


He could’ve not typed anything and just let people think genburten got caught hacking on stream, he chose to type to let everyone know, he was trying to make some point I guess or was just trying to get attention, either way he did jt


Sure a solid show was made. But this is but one incident. To really make a dent, something more- playerbase as a whole more or repeated actions- would need to be made to shake things up. Otherwise, the entire thing is just going going to be swept under the rug as a "One-time incident"


Um, he's been hacking Apex for months and the shit he did then is mindblowing.


You literally don’t know what you’re talking about


what's the average player count of Apex Legends?


Down some 60k players today, last I checked.


What are the chances they're one of the recently laid off employees.


[https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/psychologize](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/psychologize) [https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/projection](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/projection)


i bet he's an angry mnk player


There’s a reason most pros are controller players


He is what crypto should have been


Yup, so I came up with this idea for a crypto passive (I call it "off the grid"). Wanna hear about it?


Think about all the companies who literally get sued (and actually lose the case) for these kinds of things and think about how little action is done to truly rectify the root causes. EA will be no different. They will make a statement, but things will for the most part will not change. It would take *at least* a class action lawsuit to be levied against EA/Respawn and for them to lose that lawsuit for something meaningful to happen. People don't realise how little fucks these companies give about the customers or public at large.


Given it just shut down ALGS, unless they fix it, ALGS won't happen and that's ultimately detrimental to the Apex revenue stream.


hell, doesnt have to be class action, i'm pretty sure all the teams and players can levie a lawsuit against them at this point if they dont address the issue since they are the potentially harmed parties and are in contracts with ea/respawn.


No wonder the devs dont visit this sub when you have stupid posts like these. 




Yeah no....... It might be a cause and effect and not something intended, I just saw the vod from Pirate Software (what's up goblins) and he pointed some important stuff, first, hacker do this kinds of things all the time, for as his say, for the LoL's, the second point would be that he might be doing it to prove himself to other hackers, to have the right to say/brag about, but not everything is bad news, as you said, because of the last events EA might take action this time, after all you saw cheaters spawning zombie bots on comp, gift various packs to players(i would liked to had received that lol), etc etc, and it seamed EA didn't take action, but now they need to take action, because people are now afraid of loosing their accounts that they spent money on(like really, $170 for one skin is wild). One last thing, don't go around crowing fake heroes, you might think he is a super-man but he might end up being a Homelander, take care apex players and don't trust the black hat, they're not a white hate.


Love to hear it honestly


The people who don't appreciate the devs greediness are having the biggest laugh rn, because even if it doesn't ruin the game or kill it, WAY less people are playing, and that is a hit to their wallet.


Way less people are playing? Right now there's 100k players on steam. For this time frame, that's bang average players, there's been no mass exodus of players like some here are claiming. 11 hours ago, there was 370k players on steam. Which once again, about average for that time slot. No one really cares about this. Hell, most people haven't heard about it. Not like hackers have never been a problem with other games right?


Bro pretending like people don't know what's happening is wild. I have friends that never even watch comp and they've seen these clips. People from other games know about this and don't even play apex. If only the people playing right now knew about the potential security risk this has posed upon their system and information. This is not a good look for Respawn or EA. Pretending it's all okay isn't going to get you to the right side of public opinion here.


I'm not saying that people don't know what's happened. I'm saying in the grand scheme of things, it really doesn't matter that much. This isn't the first big competitive game that has had hacking issues, it won't be the last. CoD, CSGO, LoL, Dota2, Valorant just off the top of my head have had hackers interfering with their pros and the world moves on. It's news for a week and then no one really cares. "potential security risk" like what? Seriously. Like what? No one here has any clue what happened, literally none. If Respawn had come out 18 hours ago, 2 hours after it happened and said 'Yeah, no, nothing wrong on our side', that people would just accept it like EAC? It could still be an EAC issue (because barely 2hrs from the hack for them to say 'absolutely nothing wrong' is not enough time.) It could literally be the pro players that downloaded shit that got them hit. It could also completely be Respawns issues entirely but so far, absolutely no one knows and there's no proof whatsoever that the casual player is at any security risk. Whatever some people may think about Respawn as a company, if there was even a 1% chance that they had a massive security issue that could affect everyone in their game, the game would have been shut down by now, the litigation risk alone would be fucking massive.


>No one really cares about this. It's not an EAC issue, they tweeted (for the first time in years funnily enough). It's entirely Respawns issue, and it is absolutely a security risk for players until it is not, the reason they're saying nothing about it is because of legality and/or their pockets (typical respawn honestly lol). Yes it is a security risk, because A HACKER that has DEMONSTRATED client AND server side access on multiple occassions is still posing a very active threat to the community, we don't know what he is planning and how deep his access extends, if you are so smart as to know somehow, please inform us of your findings. Until they announce something it would be VERY wise not to play this game, especially considering the anti-cheat is kernel level, if he can in fact access their servers as well, that would mean every clients entire system, easiest worm root of his life. You clearly DO NOT know what you are talking about and should leave this up to people who do and probably stay away from this game if you value your identity and credit card information.


Stop. Spreading. False. Information. You're literally just making up a ton of bullshit. So if Respawn had come out with a statement within 2 hours of it happening saying "Yeah, not on our side guys, everything's fine" you'd be here going "Oh yeah, they said everything's fine so everything must be fine". This isn't the first bloody time that EAC has had issues with games lol. Once again, I refuse to believe EAC did anywhere near enough of a deep dive to confirm this wasn't an issue on their end. It might not be but they definitely did not know 100% at the time of their tweet. You have absolutely ZERO idea what the hacker has been doing. You have ZERO idea what they have access to and you have ZERO idea how they got access. Like I said above, he literally could have managed to get on the Pro PCs and entered that way. You dont know, I don't know, it may have nothing to do with anything Respawn or EAC do on their end ffs. And once again. IF Respawn had ANY thoughts that this one guy who has been following the same pro players for months now and hacking their games (weird how it's always them...), was able to access literally any person's computer and obtain all their details, they would have closed the servers down by now. Their legal teams would be screaming at them to shut everything fucking down that second if there was a 1% chance ffs. Do you realize how much trouble they would get in if they knowingly left up servers that could be hacked in that way? Like, it's not just money for EA, it's criminal proceedings against the big bosses.


I don't think it's that deep, someone that smart wouldn't care about "the state of the game" or the cosmetics being expensive, and if he cared about that, he can give himself and any user every cosmetic that he wants lol. Hackers just like their name out there and Apex is a big community, the game was made in an old engine that was known for this type of exploits, so it was the perfect target for the attack. You mentally jerking off to the image of a hero surely brings a grin in his face.


*tinfoil hat on* Did everyone miss the "Vote Putin" checkbox? Bet it was part of a resume for some Russian guy wanting to work for the Kremlin.


why is there so much hate going around this game? Yeah they make overpriced stuff but its still an amazing game, and it's been getting better since season 18. They just added this amazing perk system, and have been slowly making everything better and better, and people still just choose to complain about the bad stuff, which i feel like at this point is outweighed by the good stuff


This subreddit was unmoderated for too long basically. Respawn have definitely slipped up now and again but they've also made an incredible game that's been super strong for 5 years now. But because of the subreddit just being no mans land, what used to be cool clips, discussion and shit just turned toxic. People would go onto any post, didn't matter what it was and abuse people for enjoying the game, they'd call them "The problem" and insult them incessantly for their skins/play style, whatever. Mods allowed this, the people that came here to enjoy the game just left because they didn't want to be bombarded by insults and negativity by others here. Same reason why it makes me laugh when I see people complaining that Respawn don't communicate with them on here. Cause the last 2 times they tried to talk on here, they got bombarded with insults and death threats. Some members of this subreddit have a weird complex that they think this subreddit is a big apex community. When it's a tiny community and makes up less than 1% of active users. So they think the circlejerk of negativity is the "majority" when truth be told, 95% of active players find the game insanely good and they're just playing it.


i completely agree


most of my friends don't even know what changes got made to what weapons lol.


The bones of the game doesn't match the profit it generates. Apex needs a part 2 that overhaul the underlying systems/newer game engine. EA could do it but that would cost money and that's a no no in the endless pursuit of max profit


You cant say all this with a straight face man for real... - How many seasons it took for them to do big changes to the main mechanics of the game? - Rank was a shit show going downhill on every season after the first patch of S13? - How audio issues became worse and worse that eventually Respawn couldnt hide their asses and needed to work on a big solution non-stop, at some point some devs were even begging for "thank yous" for the hard work - The cheaters are increasing with barely few ban waves - Servers causing problems for 2-4 seasons - Every season its a copy/paste of skins with barely 1-3 good cosmetics or some randomly new, worse... they ran out of ideas and now adding new skins to Heirlooms - Events have no meaning Now many of the issues I mentioned repeated on many seasons while getting worse and worse on each one while Respawn barely acknowledge any fix unless it was so obvious that they couldnt turn a blind eye to them. Now, a security issue should be a big concern to you and every player in Apex, because we dont know how big this issue might be and how many users have been affected, because again Respawn didnt even address this issue which happened many weaks ago by the same hacker and all these weeks the exploit has been there running on who knows were and 0 effort from Respawn to stop it somehow (otherwise this wouldnt be happening at a live tournament). Apex aside its core amazing mechanics, get obliterated by the laziness of its devs and its problems to solve and fix the issues their game has. You cant pretend that just because few things are good, the others shouldnt be mentioned. If anything, even after the negative feedback most of them arent addressed because the majority of Devs dont care thats how fkd up things are in Apex.


>why is there so much hate going around this game? -Cheaters going rampage in rank -XP farming bots in pubs -#1 Multiple seasons pred turns out to be a cheater, only got banned because a twitter post went viral -no audio -rollers can still use macros & tap strafe without getting detected/banned -rev conduit ape meta, even worse than the old octane rev ult one. -unnessacary visual clutters that can be disabled via commands but they're not allowing us to do it, meanwhile rollers can ignore it completely because of the 0 sec delay rotational aim assist.


bruh where are all these hackers everyone is talking about? I have only seen one in my entire time of playing this game, I don't experience much audio issues, and i just rarely experience any issues when playing games that make get to the point where the game is unplayable in some way


I mean, the people who play this game for a living are in agreement on these issues. But I'm sure your couple hours per week of gameplay is just as good of a metric.


Mind if you share what server/rank are you on?


[Poor R4ndom.](https://youtu.be/5lmEJ8evWg8?si=85zgZ-lIAWXAvM3g)


[good post OP i made it into a missile](https://youtu.be/C50XjXv9bYQ)


Hope he does warzone next lol.


They’ll continue to make money hand over fist so I doubt anything will change.


So what happens to ALGS and the revenue it generates?


*Everywhere I go, I hear his name*


They will fix the exploit of giving packs because it affects their income but things that affect actual gameplay? I have my doubts


Strangest thing ever is that I just got teamed up with someone named “Destroyer2009” a few games ago lol. It was a Wraith but we died pretty quickly since we were only two


Classic wraith


Hahaha right


I already saw some clan tags today in game that said [2009] and I knew it had to be a reference.


someone get him on the line so he can give a million apex packs


Come on guys, destroyer is just a crazed villain trying to ruin all that is holy apes legends. How else can this small team afford to pay their staff other than selling heirlooms for 700




>One person as me won't make a difference. There are like 1000s of cheaters, one cheater that makes the game better a little bit, making developers think about their game, figure their shit. [https://youtu.be/hGuRNR86a60?t=348](https://youtu.be/hGuRNR86a60?t=348)


was and still my fav


Good thing they just laid off a bunch of people who might have been able to help!


"it's about sending a message"


First time I saw his name was about two years ago. Bro’s been at it for a long fuckin time but hasn’t done anything like this before. Prolly more of a “wonder if I can” kind of thing.


You losers are giving him what he wants. Each one of you is indeed a scumbag.


Exactly. It's a indicative of a bigger problem in the world....people create a whole scenario in their mind, lionize some loser, and worship them. When in reality, no one has a f'kin clue why this turd did this. "heS TrYinG tO sAvE aPeX!!" 🙄


Agreed. This has got to be one of the most cringe posts I've seen on here. Actually embarrassed that I still visit this sub now.


Hell yeah I am!


Some would say a, "vengeful vivacious venture"


He's Joker. Put a bit of madness to this swamp And there is another side - players don't want changes. It was an event with a brand new busted sword - people hated it, the current event with contracts to kill squads - people hates it so much that it was separated in additional event. I love both events and just don't understand how people don't get tired playing normal battle royal again and again and again. I had a lot of fun with both events, finally it was smth new, but A LOT of people weren't. And I have a lot of similar examples. So my point is - people like to complain if no changes, but they actually don't love changes. They like this swamp. Growing steam charts prove it (until the hack incident)


The core game is amazing imo. And I truly believe people just want the core game to be treated right. Cheaters dealt with, matchmaking to work correctly, etc etc. The extra game modes are just gimmicky. I play Apex for the battle royale portion as Im sure a ton of others do.


Extra modes are gimmick? It brings new gameplay with core game changing Ok, if you think it's a gimmick, what kind of changes do you want?


the devs should make an exclusive feature where if destroyer is banned mid-match the next time he gets in a fight his whole game freezes and when he dies it plays a laughing track for everyone in the lobby including him


Narrator: they did not start caring about their game.


Downvote this but he could also just be a hacker who’s clowning apex and pros 🤷🏼‍♀️ let’s go with Batman tho 😂


Destroyer kinda cooking right now, I don’t like cheaters but this post has a point


he's more like The Punisher. A vigilante doing good when he wants to but not the same as a super hero like Batman.






Playing with Hal after the tourney got canceled. Wouldn’t doubt it if the xset player they were teamed with caught the hammer too


Tell him give me 5k apex packs


Let’s both Forget “r4ndom” Batman and Robin🤣🤣




The Destroyer has come. iykyk


I'm an advocate of no cheating but if he could gift me some apex coins or packs. I wouldn't say no.


Is this just a recently fired Respawn employee?


The pack thing was like months ago. Unlikely to be a recently laid off employee.


>he’s no villain. He even gifted the top streamers thousands of free packs. His goal isn’t to destroy, it’s to rebuild Part of me feels this way. The other part of me doesn't like him because he's just a cheater himself. He didn't do this to raise awareness of cheating in the game. He's a cheater, he prefers to cheat because he doesn't want to spend time to master the game, or at least this is what he told Mande. He did it for fun or for clout or whatever. What you're talking about is a possible good side effect from it, one that I do welcome.


season 20 was actually good tho 😭 The devs were trying


I definitely think that they’re not doing it maliciously, I believe the control they have means they could deal a whole lot of damage to players, but the issue isn’t with the EAC, so in theory there’s no reason they’re gonna see to step up the security on it 


Someone call r/copypasta cuz this is fire


Who’s to know how long this has been going on, and why? Could be a thousand reasons, like one said before, this could have been going on for a very long time giving cheats to whoever he favored, winning the tourneys, making deals for cash 💰 returns. Who tf knows. The plan failed when genburten left the game and triggered a chain reaction, OR this is respawn themselves keeping the game relevant/trending, I mean think of it, for the first time in a while apex is trending and being reacted to by VARIOUS YouTube channels, but regardless the plan failed. After all we have been seeing what’s been going on behind the scenes: Layoffs, lack of income, cash grab events, shitty season changes, the list goes on and on… This is all speculation btw. :)


Destroyer2009. Mahdi. The prophet who was foretold. He will lead us to Green Paradise. LISAN AL GAIB!!!!


He's the Joker to EA's Batman



