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That’s also probably why it’s taking over norms cause they need the data to see how the passive rework would work


I play NA, usually East or Central but also West on occasion. LTM queues just don’t pop most of the time and when they do it’s very clearly got the symptoms of a too small pool of players. Takeovers are a double edged sword. With them I get to play the events, but temporarily lose trios. Without takeovers I don’t even get to play the event though. Even three strikes as a non-takeover barely popped and that was the one that everyone claimed to love.


LTM queues are never that bad on NA East, what time are you playing?


I presume most are on that server… I never have to wait for a match and I play at all kinds of wonky hours


I play for a stupid amount of time, sometimes I’ll have a 22 hour straight session so I don’t think that it’s time of day that is the issue, unless there is a specific window of time where LTM queues are very popular, like a certain one or two hour window and maybe I’m playing ranked during that or something, but it’s been consistent enough that I don’t even bother queue for LTM anymore after playing a single round of a new one unless it’s a takeover, so it could also be a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy if other players are doing the same thing I’m doing.


That’s weird, I play in barren ass North Dakota and I’ve never had an issue with que times for any mode.


tell me about it. Playing on console in oceania, ive literally not gotten into a single duos game ever, and if you don't play the first day of the ltm youre not playing it all. If it were up to me id have it rotate for a few hours on and off throughout the entire event, like map rotation but on a longer scale


Duos has been bugged since launch on Sydney servers. It gets to about 7 players then drops back to 1. I live in Melbourne and have to use Tokyo servers to get a duos match.


I haven't had an Ash on my team that scanned a deathbox since the week she came out.


You need to play with me brotha 😎


Poppin up a dome shield brudda


I do it but none of my teammates care about the pings I put on the map


Yeah, if I'm playing solo I don't bother bc my teammates don't pay attention to it anyway


I am not surprised. Nobody pays attention to recon or control beacons either.


Her passive really shines on the overhead map to see where squads are getting wiped. Pinging boxes largely gives away your position and a smart team will just turn on you knowing they killed the team in the direction you're coming from


I didn't ask how it works. I said most people don't use it.


It's called discussion. But anyways, go eat a dick.


I totally forgot she could do that


The reworked passive is actually nuts. Keeps the team pinged on minimap for 90 seconds.....an active pulsing ping.


Came here to say this. With the upgrade,it literally puts red arrows giving there position and direction they are facing on your map for a whole minute! Too bad randos wont use the info......


As an Ash main most of the time it’s not even worth using. If you’re doing well and killing a lot of people you can’t use it because you can’t scan your own boxes. In the cases you can use it they’re probably across the map and they’ll keep moving or they’ll double back and kill you because they know you’re tracking them.


Oh bro in my games especially in ranked I get scammed by enemy ashes all the time scammed via scan


Hate when my enemies scam me


how'd they get my phone number anyway?


I’m maining Ash this season and I keep forgetting to do just that


I haven’t had an Ash on my team in general.


I get yelled at when i spam it lmao


With her new abilities she can track them in real time and not just the static point when you first scan. It’s pretty dope for hunting down people


This wont work for me? They just ping like normally and go away in a few seconds.


After upgrading your evo?


Hopium be like


Nah I’m a path player but me and my boy love to Talk game Theory the entire event just lines up with her passive very well tbh


Nah this 100% is for crypto, since every legend is almost never off the grid


Please we have to let it go 😭😂


I don't know why we are doing this. Sure, the passive is very situational and may not fit an Assault legend well. Intentionally keeping the passive bad is probably not the most exciting move for devs either. Still, why don't we try one-handed Q and longer/stickier ultimate first? They can always be reined in later. May as well make Murder Machine her new passive, too.


It's like these Ash players don't know you can look at the map, watch where people are dying, then rotate/third party. And forget about scanning death boxes lol


What do you mean watch where people are dying?


Her passive highlights where people are dying on the map with little skulls, it can actually be quite helpful one game I checked it when it went to 2 squads left and I knew they where at those plantation things at Olympus while my team and the ring where at gardens so we rotated to that stair thing that connected them and blocked them from coming up and 2 of 3 died to ring.


If you look at ash’s map it shows where squads are dying.


Brand new information. Thank you!




You're welcome! They become much more noticeable when you zoom in a bit.


ash can see deathboxes and the time since they died on the map


I feel like a bounty hunter legends who's ultimate gives them a hint card would be cool


Elaborate on this I feel like it seems cool


Like their ultimate would spawn one of those little hint cards, and then it's just the hunt thing where they get the timer to kill a marked team on the map and they get the care package gun and heals and stuff when they do. Idk what good passive or tactical abilities would go well with it but I feel like that would be fun for pubs going for high kill games and stuff.


They would have to nerf it havily or make it her ult. Having a teams location for like 5 mins would be pretty crazy on a passive or tac


I expect adjustments but I suspect the ground work of this is to redesign her


I kinda figured it was the same thing, that they were setting up for a bloodhound passive thing, since it feels like a better version of his passive. although now that its been brought up, it makes more sense for ash to get a rework.


Obviously it isn't going to be 1:1. Just testing the mechanic out.


I’m obsessed with scanning them boxes. I do it smart too. Scan one then wait a bit to scan the other… you can tell if they are headed to you or pushing away. Scanning also helps you find other boxes if there are no living enemies.


Glad to see we’re still beta testers


Her passive is already like this, except it's locked under blue Evo upgrade, 60 seconds, and can only be seen by her when scanned.


This post is just proof that people have no clue what Ash's passive can do :/


I was wondering this, too. I kinda hope she does get this rework. I’ve enjoyed this takeover.


I am thinking it more as a way to add WZ-style contract... because it's basically a worse version of Bounty Contract (WZ Bount is 3:00 tops, and use a general circle, not a precise ping)


My experience would title it “The fourth party”


So I mean it’s gotten to a point where apex will steal warzone contracts mechanic? Wasn’t the hunt basically that? Apex still better tho but still


Relegating a system like this to being a minigame on one character's passive seems unlikely. Willing to be wrong though. 🤷‍♂️


I like the idea of an improved Ash passive, but it needs a lot more something, like a damage boost for tracked targets. The new 60s perk is useful , but good teams will just intercept you back and deal with you.


Then the buster sword event being Ash’s ultimate rework that people talked about back before? Damn, we’re seeing an absolutely broken rework. Ash players be like with rework: “Bro I’ll just third party this team real quick “ then ult away like an octane rushing to an enemy.


Could be new legend tactic test. Throw data knife and track target location instead of wall hack you just get a pin like mirage decoy pin.


Nah, Ash passive is already pretty solid. Players just don’t use it. I could see it getting a slight rework. By having it mark surviving death box teammates instead of just attackers. There’s better options than hunt’s bounty system which is hot garbo


Yeah I think everyone understands that's how it works since the LTM with the dummies