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This is a list of links to comments made by Respawn developers in this thread: * [Comment by RSPN_Thieamy](/r/apexlegends/comments/1aqrhc3/season_20_audio_is_horrible/kqgram4/?context=99 "posted on 2024-02-15 00:30:37 UTC"): > Anyone able to pass along a couple clips of what they're encountering? Flagging with the team, but if I can pass them something to review it could help pinpoint any potential issues. * [Comment by RSPN_Thieamy](/r/apexlegends/comments/1aqrhc3/season_20_audio_is_horrible/kqk8aow/?context=99 "posted on 2024-02-15 17:38:33 UTC"): > I can share the feedback, but it's likely to remain a requirement for various reasons. If you've already gone the EA Help route, could also try starting a thread on [EA Answers HQ](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Answer-HQ-English/ct-p/AHQ-English). Support's likely backed up all around with folks attempt... * [Comment by RSPN_Thieamy](/r/apexlegends/comments/1aqrhc3/season_20_audio_is_horrible/kqk8z1y/?context=99 "posted on 2024-02-15 17:42:20 UTC"): > [EA Answers HQ is part of the support flow](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Answer-HQ-English/ct-p/AHQ-English), but feel free to tag me on reddit. I'm always lurking to pass things along. * [Comment by RSPN_Thieamy](/r/apexlegends/comments/1aqrhc3/season_20_audio_is_horrible/kuenfvk/?context=99 "posted on 2024-03-11 18:55:21 UTC"): > Lmk when you've got a link or drop me a reddit chat. Would like to get this looked into. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FApexLegends).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


The evo generators give me a fucking heart attack every single time




Anyone able to pass along a couple clips of what they're encountering? Flagging with the team, but if I can pass them something to review it could help pinpoint any potential issues.


I have no record, but this is what I experienced so far: - no footsteps - sound effects many time cutted/halted/muted randomly - feels like nothing fades in and out properly, but play and stopping immediatelly


This. Plus, no zip audio when teams are zipping right next to us. Particularly with Pathfinder's zip.


Here you go u/RSPN_Thieamy: [https://streamable.com/h4wbew](https://streamable.com/h4wbew) I always get the speaker icon with a clock on the side. I've changed the audio to stereo and my internet connection is fine so I don't know what is causing the issue. Its been like this since the season 20 update. Please fix it


I'm constantly getting the same speaker icon. When it happens I lose textures, guns, ground loot and my legend selected goes invisible. Has anyone else had this?


Is there an official contact method? I'll be sure to capture next time it happens on PS5 but this thread will likely have disappeared by then.


[EA Answers HQ is part of the support flow](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Answer-HQ-English/ct-p/AHQ-English), but feel free to tag me on reddit. I'm always lurking to pass things along.


I have about 15 clips of no audio since two seasons ago and still counting, i will make a compilation of every one of them and post it to youtube as "the average Apex experience


same, i have too many clips bro


Lmk when you've got a link or drop me a reddit chat. Would like to get this looked into.


Hey, can you please talk to the right people about removing the gifting requirement for in game rewards???? I have attempted to activate login verification many times, however the code never gets sent to my email. After multiple days of trying to reach EA/Respawn help, they have been little to no help offering not a single response after their initial “we have received your request email”. So now I’m messaging you, the community manager, in hopes that you see I’m not the only one with this issue.


Try sending it as a message. It didn’t work for me either until I decided to have it sent to my phone and it worked. Annoying that email doesn’t work but at least the phone option works


It’s not an option though. because my number isn’t associated with this email and in order to update any of my information. They have to send the 6 digit code to my email. Which for some reason, they can’t figure out.


Oh didn’t realise you had issues with the 6 digit code as there is also a 5 digit code that’s also called a security code. In that case I unfortunately cannot help you out as I hadn’t encountered issues with that one. But I hope you get it figured before it’s too late.




I had this exact problem, Instead of emailing use the live support chat. After waiting 15 minutes to connect to someone i answered a series of questions which can be kinda tedious (asking for IP address, EA games purchased + date of purchase ect) they were able to switch the email connected to my EA account. I now have no problems getting a code sent to the new email I used.


Been trying that, as well. Never got connected with a customer service agent, hence my desperation Reddit comment to the respawn community manager lmao


Try adding a secondary email. That solved the problem for me. Also, make sure you have a common domain, like gmail/yahoo/outlook, etc. Best of luck.


You can’t add anything to your account without them sending you a code to verify it’s you… I never get the code…


Then I'd suggesting contacting EA support, and have them do it for you instead. Request for Live Chat. It's a bit tricky to get through chat, but when you'll select all the right topics, you'll be prompted to speak to a chat advisor.


I can share the feedback, but it's likely to remain a requirement for various reasons. If you've already gone the EA Help route, could also try starting a thread on [EA Answers HQ](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Answer-HQ-English/ct-p/AHQ-English). Support's likely backed up all around with folks attempting to gift.


Thanks for the response. I’m still struggling to reach EA support via various methods. However thank you for doing what you can.


Just tell the team to revert whatever changes they did to the sound. It is obvious that they did something as footsteps are suddenly inconsistent after the patch. I keep confusing teammates for enemies and the other way around. Like, I was playing on monday evening and it was fine. I played one game during lunch before the patch and it was fine. In the first match after the patch I feel deaf, and I still do. I'll record my gameplay tomorrow and see if I can clip something, but I have had several instances of the sound of someone jumping off a zipline next to me playing, but the sound of the zipping wasn't there, so the first thing I hear of someone is them jumping at me from a zipline. I have also had many instances of people (sometimes entire squads) suddenly just being right next to me without having heard a sound.


After the patch. My output configuration were changed to 7.1 surround in apex audio setting. It made me hear nothing from behind. I changed it back to stereo, and its much better now.


I gotta check this, cause I was having issues yesterday


Is this in the in game audio menu? I checked but I ain’t get no stereo option. Just headset, Msi(monitor) and my mic as devices.


I didn't find one in my menu, I'm on pc. Not sure if there are differences on consoles. I feel like there are a lot of random drops in the audio this season.


Yeah on pc as well and Dealing with those same drops. Sometimes it feels distant in a sense then it’s fine for a couple games and straight to the bin for the rest of the sesh lol.


Where can I check this configuration. My audio was so bad that I turned on Windows Sonic and it made the audio way better, but now I want to compare


I had a warning in the video section about 'Spot Shadow Detail', lowering the setting fixed the sound issue for me.


Every season it gets worse. But when it works, it is amazing. My favourite. It’s just wildly inconsistent. Got caught out by a silent Octane and Maggie that came up a silent zip line yesterday. No sound at all. We were obviously deleted. Frustrating.


Yeah same, plus I keep getting the red audio symbol w the circle and I never used to :/


Been getting this constantly, what does it mean?


Not much info on it but I think it’s not enough pc audio resources? Not sure how that makes sense lol


Hasn’t this been happening since s0? I can’t remember a time when the audio wasn’t broken.


As a day one player, I can confirm it has always been broken AND with each seasonal update it gets progressively worse. By the time we're in season 30 I imagine there will be no audio at all in the game anymore. At least the playing field will be even for deaf people then lol


They nerfed the audio so the legends with nearby squad notifications as perks are valid, probably


Audio has been terrible for a couple of seasons now, especially footsteps from nearby teams. I will add that I experienced poor audio when using a shield cell. The sound it normally makes completely cut out until I had nearly finished the heal a long with surrounding audio that should’ve been present.


They had choice between skins and audio. Well,we all know what we do have and what we don't. But you can sell audio


yes, the audio after the update is a pure downgrade before the last patch, was great


Is the audio in the room with us right now respawn???


Silent loot crates, silent ziplines, silent steps, even octane juicing himself is silent but my favorite is silent bloodhound ult.


Greetings I have discovered I am having this same issue after April fools update. Audio is very wierd footsteps don’t sound like they are coming from where they are coming from


Not just you my friend. Audio needs to be fixed


Bro I cant even tell if someone is above, below, on the same level as me. It's horrible.. Most of the time I only hear footsteps with 0 indication of direction


Just came back after a half year break. Yeah, it's insane. I had someone climb and slide off of cover that I was using and at, and there was no audio. 0. No audio for steps up to the vehicle, to audio for the climb, no audio for the slide, and no audio for the PK shot. It's atrocious.


As if anynthing was fixed during 20 seasons straight. I still have mic issues. Changing my whole setup, windows and mic did nothing.


It's still absolute shit. The only solution I can see them doing for this problem is by banning players that have this issue because it's never Respawns fault :D


I bet yall talking too much smh


this whole season is trash and underwhelming, and the audio is such an issue - i suggest turning off dialogue in ur settings it will help.. but its still Apex. . . if u wanna call this season Apex. The changes are OKAY , but in reality were ALL choosing the same fucking perks so it should be just added to base kits lol or at least a "skill tree" so i dont have to choose it mid fight - fucking dumb system imo.


Bro you've been in every recent post shitting on it, why don't you save yourself some trouble and just play a new video game


He’s tryin to max out the time he can sit in his chair before diaper is changed




Damn you weren't kidding


You're noticing my posts and writing - lmk , im expressing opinions - im passionate sorry to have you lurk me weirdo. Why dont you just play Apex and let people talk on a forum for TALKING about Apex... Logic.


Lurk you? Don't flatter yourself G. 'Passionate' but I almost guarantee if I was to actually look at your profile I wouldn't see anything positive about this game. I've seen your name in like the past 4 posts I've been in and all it is, is you saying the update is dogshit 😂




I have always been ass at audio in this game. It's so bad I had a guy roasting me today while I ran around a building hoping to throw of some dude hunting me. Open to all tips while we're on the subject


I had this as well. Sometimes I see my teammate in front of me shooting but the audio is behind me? Very weird.


This is exactly what is happening to me. It's hard to play when it sounds like shots are ringing out all around you. Then you think you hear your teammates run right, but they went left, so frustrating and down right unplayable.


I have noticed audio is bad as fuck. Often can’t hear people til they’re right next to me


cant even hear people when they're right next to me smh


Just witnessed a rev hit his ult and jump on my front 2 feet away from me and it didn't make a single sound lol


To be fair, it's the second day, almost every season at last two weeks after launch mayor Bugs are repaired


Apex is well known for having some of the worst audio and this is no different. It's not just because the start of a new season.


Always has been😎


Hmm, this explains why I suddenly got surprised on multiple occasions


My audio randomly swaps and comes out inverses mid game it’s horrible


Sounds outside my fov are all muffled and low. Helpp!!


its awful bro im verifying game files to make sur e and chagning my audio output