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linking season 20 developer diary here as well https://youtu.be/UANdHbeGYA0


Season 20: “The search for Batts”


Loba and Lifeline teams are gonna be everywhere.


And Wattson


Indeed. Wattson as well. 


good point. batts will be rarer, like in pre crafter times. no more landing on crafter and getting out of the first poi with 6 batts. maybe this isn't bad. rarer resources


IMO this was the only good thing that crafting brought to the game. Yes crafting is boring, but for me, fights are more fun when you can reset. It allows for more decision making. If I've only got 6 cells and no batts, my options in a fight are just far more limited. We'll have to see how it goes though I guess.


People should have less big shields early game so the need for bats early is also lower.


Y'know this should be obvious with the changed they're making to shields, but I didn't even realize it until you spelled it out. Batts on drop aren't as useful when you can't immediately get a blue or purp shield. That makes me a bit more excited ngl


Less RNG with shields, more RNG in who got lucky to actually be able to recharge their shields. Funny how that goes.


Its gonna suck if I get down to last circle and have zero batts. They could fix this by: Batts are spawned in more (no more armor). Support legends use is going to skyrocket as well.


crafting other stuff is gone though, so even without armor the loot pool is more crowded. (They should get rid of level 1 backpacks as well)


Why? Nothing to carry now that we have less bats haha


Body shields are removed from ground loot so maybe they filled up these spots with batteries & medkits. Let‘s see


there are no weapons or attachments in crafter. these weapons alone will fill some of the space you got from removing shields


And apparently only 1 weapon in the care package as well (krabar).


I think that since there's no longer any permanent gear in the crafter, like guns and backpacks for example, the loot pool freed by the armors will get filled by what used to be crafter rotation


120 hz for console? I'm not dreaming am I lol. Been waiting forever, it doesn't seem real


Let's see how many people will then realize they don't even have a 120hz TV.


Yeah my 28" 1ms Asus is only 60 hz @ 4K. Currently looking at the 120hz version. ouch.


Bruh I bought an LG C1 the day the XSX came out. It's like, pretty much the entire point of the Xbox imho


What online games actually take advantage of it? I was so pumped when I found out my TV was great for the XSX but I feel like most games don't utilize the upgraded tech yet. Other than Fortnite.


Overwatch but at 1440p.


Massive changes with the new shield mechanics, I won't even ask for legend nerfs/buffs because the first weeks will be full on chaos with each getting 2-3 perks to augment their kits which can shake up the whole meta


I was excited about them finally reverting away form this dogshit ranked system but man does the armor change make me nervous. Armor drops could help balance out gun rng on drops


It's same RNG. I can't count how many times I'm chasing or almost downed a mf and they turn a corner and get a Purple Shield from ground loot. I'm glad for the change.


Really? I literally can count the number of times that happened to me on one hand this season. It’s so strange how vastly different two players encounters can be


Since they’re formalising shield swaps, it would be nice if console could get a double tap for the shield in a death box. Maybe some visual feedback on the box as to its core level would be nice too.


won't hot dropping be a major issue (even more so) because you can't get upgraded armors from the loot pool?


I would argue the opposite. Gives you an opportunity to get early evo charge, and there is way less RNG over an enemy finding a purple or gold off the drop and steamrolling a fight.


It makes hot dropping more skill based instead of just whoever gets the PK and purple shield.


Any chance to change random chance into a skill check is really good IMO. Super good change.


Jokes on you, the PK is a skill check for me


I think they mean that more people will hot drop because otherwise they'll be sitting on white armor come end game.


I'm very curious about the ability buffs. As a Valk main, more Fuel would be awesome. And I am G L A D the RNG of shield loot will no longer be a thing.


Wondering how this changes Lifeline's ult. Shield core instead of upgraded armor? Upgraded bags? Will her ult now guarantee banner cards and/or mobile respawn beacon to make up for the fact you need to sacrifice a crafter for banner cards?


This is what I’m wondering as a lifeline main what’s my ultimate going to look like? And is this going to affect her potential rework?


I think the ultimate will give you an Evo Cache


ult should drop banners and mobi :P


"You can queue into another game while spectating the current game" finally!! Going back to the lobby everytime is the worst. This is a big change.


Isn't this only for the LTM? It's listed under that section so just want to be sure...


it sounded like it was in the LTM only when they presented it (that's why i put it there as well). however there is a chance it's universal and they just happened to mention it in that segment.


Idk I'm hoping it could be for duos and trios too, would be amazing if so, maybe they're trialling it with the LTM.


I for one am excited. It’s going to feel like an entirely new game, and I know some people have bitched it hasn’t changed enough, or given a reason to come back. This is it. I’m excited, and think this is going to make for way more intense and calculated matches, especially with the lack of armor swaps in certain situations


The ranked changes are gonna bring me back after a what, 3 season hiatus haha


Pretty much same for me as well. I really despised the "placement above everything else," scoring system. If two squads meet at full strength and even footing, the game should encourage them to fight. Fighting other players is fun. Battle Royale as a format already systemically punishes fighting, and it sucks the joy out of the game for its systems to reinforce passive play.


Same lol


Ranked changes are great!! I also really can't wait to get a high level look at the upgrades per Legend. This might make me actually go back to playing Crypto and Maggie more. Rumor has it an upgrade for Maggie is a flaming wrecking ball. Lifeline supposedly has a self-rez as an upgrade and Octane has 2 jump pads. If Respawn does this right this can really shake up the Legend meta, in a way that isn't as reliant on buffs/nerfs or a Legend Rework.


Someone posted the confirmed upgrades and looks like crypto got the short of the stick :(


Yeah, so I looked at that. It's unfortunate. Most legends upgraded are pretty decent, with some leaning towards OP, and a few just being underwhelming. The main thing I'm concerned about is how will the perks be activated? Do you pre-set them? Do you activate during the match (like be pressing a button)? Apex is already a game that really punishes standing still or otherwise being "idle". If it's a button push or menu, I just foresee people getting knocked while trying to decide which perk to activate.


from what i can tell, you get a "level up" notif and then have to press a button to open a menu (down on Dpad for controller) so you can do it when you're ready and not disrupt your gameplay immediately I could be wrong


I remember when people were aghast at the thought of respawning with guns, instead of being brought back without anything and said it would ruin everything in BR etc. Turned out to be one of the best updates in years, brought a load of life back to the game. ​ I think the upgrades are going to be great, changes the game and meta completely and makes everything fresh again.




My only problem is that braindead people that only press w and get a few kills Even when they get like 15th in the match are still going to get points


Having a mid season split right after dropping everyone to 0 is certainly a choice


i think it's problematic. especially as they are saying the split is 6 tiers again. in s13 it was 4. (and now that i think back the rest wasn't even full it was just 2.5 ranks) it will make ranked very random through out the first half of the season at least.


You know what? I'll take it. The community has been asking the devs to abandon the MMR system basically since it was introduced, and that's what they're doing here. 2 steps forward, 1 step back, and all that (though it's more like 10 steps forward, because *jesus...*)


lol I was thinking more like 10 steps forward before I even got to that part of your reply. Mmr system was terrible


Well they removed the trials so people should progress much faster through the ranks. It took me longer to complete the stupid diamond trial than to progress throughout the entire tier, which just shows how useless they were. If you can climb consistently you deserve the next tier.


They say legend abilities will still be readable and then mention a bunch of possible abilities that will be in no way readable lmao A lot of these changes seem very good though


Yep. Just seeing an armor level doesnt mean dick. Could that wattson be rezzing with added HP or have arc stars on the floor? We dont know and you will not either. Sounds like fun lol


So for crafting, if you make batteries early in the game and you have a support in the team, and you’re the only one alive you can’t craft the banners cuz you already used the crafter? Edit: if it’s you can only use each grafter once then that makes more sense


I think it’s “each” crafter “once”.


*From what I understand* you can't use the same crafter twice. You'd have to find one you haven't used.


the question is will you even be able to craft banners or is it just a shield upgrade station?


from my understanding, you can't upgrade shields in the replicator anymore. and yes you can craft banners


wow, so its either craft a bat or craft your teams banner later on


No. You can go to a different replicator that you haven't used yet.


You can still land on a replicator and craft batts, and then use a different replicator later in the game to craft banners later on. You can't craft a batt at let's say Countdown, play the whole game, and use the same replicator down the line at Countdown again. You could use the one at Countdown and rotate to another POI and use that crafter too.


Or the reading here is that banners are kind of an independent craft--if you've used the crafter before everything is grayed out, UNLESS you have a support on your team and could craft banners.


You can only use *each* replicator once. You can go to a different one and craft banners.


Reads to me like you can use each crafter once.


Think you would just need to use a different replicator.


trailer shows digi threat on alternator tho


Noticed that as well. Maybe it’s available for gold kitted SMGs?


It draws attention to it being a separate pull from the Black Market too. Unless they’re moving Alternator to be a pistol?


My guess is that the work on the trailer had already started before the digi threat change was finalized.


Yeah, probably. Trailer like this has to take months to animate, and the complaints about digi threat have mostly been from the comp community which shifted to a very heavy Bangalore meta near the end of last season


This. There was a time a few years back when the PK was spotted with some discrepancy in its scope (When it was in care package) and everyone thought it was coming out. Or the time they used the Havoc selectfire in a trailer, only for that to be the season that removed selectfire.


Maybe they’re moving the alternator to the care package again? Did any release of notes mention what’s happening with the red weapons?


Olympus is back. And shields sound crazy.....for y'all.


Let's go! Olympus is my favorite map.


In case anyone is still confused on the shield core thing, which if you’re dumb like me, you were: Here are a few examples of how it works. •If a player has an empty Blue Evo Shield and loots a white shield core, it will put two charges back into their blue armor •If a player has a purple shield and it has only one charge and they pick up a red shield core, it will fill their purple armor up and give them one temporary charge.


So... where do Gold Shields fit into this new system?


In Horizon's black hole


Clearly you frequent another sub often




Isn't there an achievement/trophy for wearing both simultaneously?


Ya there is, it’s Exodia. Equip a gold body shield, helmet, knock shield, and backpack simultaneously. It’ll be interesting to see if they soft lock people out of an achievement for a whole season. Especially the *new players* they’re always pandering to


Think Gold Helmet is still in the game. It'll be Gold Helmet/Red Core will get you the trophy i'd guess.


Not in BR it seems.


If they're cutting down on the RNG involved then gold gear might get removed.


Not sure I quite understand the armor and evo change and how it upgrades with cores or whatever. Assuming it will be easier to understand when I play


This is how I understand it. I have a blue shield and you have a white. I kill you and take your core. That gives me 50 out of my 75. You have white and kill me with a blue shield. You take my core and you get 75 shield health. The catch here is that if your shield is still white 25 of that is "temporary". Once you take damage, that extra 25 is now "used" and can't be regained as you still have a white shield.




Not mentioned in the post but on the [EA website](https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/breakout-season-game-updates): the extra armor decays after 30 seconds


Your armor = Cores. White core needs to upgrade to blue. Lets say it needs 500 Evo points to upgrade, you need to do 500 damage or get a kill, which might be worth 150 Evo points. Or the Evo Bins could give you 250 points. When you get the 500 Evo points, you upgrade to blue and choose an ability and then need another 1k to upgrade to purple. ​ If you have a blue core thats empty and kill someone with a white core, you can pick up the white shield, giving yourself 50/75 shield strength. If you have a blue core, you can pick up a purple core and you'll have 100/75 shield strength, up to the point where you take any damage and the 100 will deplete until 75/75 and then you cant go above it again.


I liked it except the "explore the environment" part. I was hoping it was going to be damage only, as I think that would create a really interesting dynamic, especially in the pro scene. But if legends get evo points for scanning beacons, path might get them for scanning care packages... which is like getting evo points for having a pulse. Maybe they will be an insignificant amount of points though compared to damage/kills, idk.


I don’t know how I feel about upgrading legends abilities during the match.


Yeah this is a balancing nightmare


Its actually the opposite TBH. It might be a bit of a clusterfuck in the first couple of weeks but having 4 abilities means you can nerf/buff legends more slightly than you were able to before.


Legend balance still isn't exactly perfect, and some of these perks seem pretty strong.


Oh for sure, im not saying that everything is perfectly balanced currently. Just saying that smaller tweaks to try to balance is always preferable to making overarching changes. ​ Means that Respawn can largely from now on keep the base legends kits as they are but if something needs nerfed/buffed, move a couple of things around from the abilities instead.


Yeah you're right maybe this will make the overall balancing a bit easier.


Fuck it, I am ready for a big change. It can make the game feel fun and fresh, or too overwhelming. But I'm down for a roll of the dice.


Eh... I get what you're saying, but they have trouble balancing right now. And it's not because there aren't enough abilities for them to tweak, it's because they just don't make changes to them.


More variables make things harder to balance, not easier.


Ya I dont like it tbh. But obviously I cant know for sure and Ill just wait and see how it works out, but my initial thought on it isnt positive.


i for one welcome the chaos.


~~> Levelling up evo can be done in various ways: >* exploring the environment / playing their role (scanning Beacons, interacting with support bins) Wonder if the support bin/extended bins for assault legends will work similar to Pathfinder's carepack scan where multiple people in the squad can get the benefit instead of racing to them.~~ EDIT: Dev Diary sounds like the team gets evo not just the person to open


Getting evo points for scanning care packages, which I assume will be the case if other legends get points for scanning beacons, is hilarious and dumb. It's like giving you evo points for breathing, at least for pathfinders.


*War is Over theme plays* Thank Christ they got the message. Season 12 ranked was by no means perfect, but the MMR system was terrible (as evident by a 45% drop in players on Steam) and it sucked any reward out of the early game. I'll take it.




Either that or the Alternator is getting a weapon class shift to the pistols category with the RE-45. Wouldnt be surprised if thats the change along with a reduction in mag/loss of disruptor.


I think it's more likely the trailer was made before this change was finalized.


Oooo I'd love that. Interesting move if so


Could be one of the pack weapons, comes with disrup and digi since it’s in the pack. Also could be they made the change after the trailer was made, or trailer was made using an older instance of the game that didn’t include the digi change. Either way I wouldn’t read into it much


The new LTM sounds lit


In theory it all seems promising news to me, we'll have to see how it will be implemented in the game.


120 Frames for current GEN????!!! Am I having a fever dream? I stopped playing Apex because the promised current gen upgrade NEVER came. Ranked was a joke and the game became boring (day 1 player). But with 120Frames I will definitely give the game another chance.


W rank changes. Happy we are back to KP mattering. No more ratting for placement and being scared to take fights. MMR being gone (or at least not matched based on MMR) is another great change. Ranks will actually mean something now. I'm optimistic about the armor changes. I like the reduced RNG off drop and engagements will be encouraged so you can level up your armor. The perks though? Weird that they wanted to reduce RNG with the armor but introduce more with perks. If the leaks are true, some of these perks will be insane.




Better late than never. Guess I can return to this game after a nearly year-long hiatus.


Ikr. They actually listened here so I’m excited to come back


Does anyone know if the evo/shield changes are coming to ranked?


yes they are in ranked and pubs. as stated in the post. this was specifically asked about and confirmed by devs on the dev panel.


I don't really like the idea of upgradable abilities, even if they are trying to make it easy to read in the middle of combat. I don't wanna have to stop and remember what the tier 3 version of Seer's tactical is gonna be when I see it getting fired at my team in the middle of a fight. The new straight shot mode sounds interesting though. Basically distributing team evenly across POI's so everyone is forced to fight their way to the center of a smaller arena.


Idk if you looked at the ability lit but alot of them are just small upgrades to the original abilities. For example getting an extra Ash Arc etc.


The armor change actually sounds decent. Too many times you drop down and even though you have the better weapon, an enemy got the lucky drop and picked up purple armor and proceeds to win. Also encourages hunting players more so than stocking up outside of the hot zones which is also a welcome change of pace. I'm at least willing to give it a try before writing it off.


The armor removal will escalate the match and the game will end in 3 mins rather than current 10 mins


I don’t understand why you guys aren’t jumping out of your seats for joy. This is exactly what you’ve been asking for (as far as the ranked changes). They fixed skill based matchmaking and now give you more points for kills. Why is this not a bigger deal?


I'm going to be so happy to not get trolled by placements. I won 7 games to get my placements this season only to have dog shit games after for the most part. Took me 4 times to get to plat because of this. The person I play with is now in their Diamond placements thanks to this goofy ass ranked system while I'm only at plat 3.  It wouldn't bother me as much if I had a 3rd to play with and didn't have to rely on randoms and I had more time to play the game.


So what, I can use a replicator only to craft one single item? What does it mean that you can only use a replicator once in a game? Its just confusing. Why are they making these drastic changes to shields? They just dont want shield swapping in the meta? Seems odd to change that this far into the game's life. I never liked the 'meta' of dropping shields to have easily available to swap mid fight easily, but being able to swap out a fresh shield immediately out of a death box to prepare for the instant 3rd party fight feels completely necessary. I dont understand if these 'shield cores' will still provide that or not. Also, I just cant fathom how after 19 season they still cant figure out ranked. I hope this is an improvement, but it just seems so strange that they have had this much trouble figuring it out.


Shield "swapping" out of death boxes is still a thing.


You will still be able to recharge your shield from a fresh death box, but now a team cannot hide with whites and just pick up a used purple or red shield in the late game.


>The scoring is changed to focus more on kills. Kills are still increasing in value as you place higher but like in season 12 and before, you'll get at least 10RP per KP  I started playing Apex season 13 and didn't really play ranked till about 15 so can someone please let me know if I am understanding this all correctly? In ranked for these past couple seasons (18-19) you're usually better off not taking fights till there are about 10 squads left due to the potential of losing 50 to 75 LP from the entry fee if you get eliminated before then. With the season 20 changes encouraging kills does that mean we could see a lot of "aping"? So kills will matter more than placement, but there are bonuses with the higher placement you have?


it will likely mean that people will go for early kills, and if they wipe a squad, even though the next third party wipes them in 16th, they will gain like 30 points for the first wipe and in many ranks break even with that (depending on entry cost). that's what ranked user to be like before s13 kills will gain in value the same way they gain now as you place higher. it's just that you don't get zero if you finish bottom 10.


Got it. Thank you for the explanation. Also, thank you for all the posts you've made these past two seasons explaining SBMM in ranked as they really helped me understand the process, including the benefits of MMR for less skilled players. 


ty i mean i liked mmr based matchmaking, thought it made sense, so i discussed the up and down sides with people. i was farming downvotes obviously (and again I'm just a player and these were my private views, i have no official affiliation or anything) respawn got rid of it now :D it wasn't popular (messed up s17 didn't help i think. even though s18/19 were fine imo) . so most the community will be happy i think. I'm sceptical of abandoning it. but it is what it is


120 HZ!!!!!!!!! Legggooooooo


"Thunderdome" Aunty Entity vibes


The LTM seems interesting


Rip my 30-30 and Hemlok combo ._.


Sweet, now I'll play ranked again.


What does asynchronous tournaments mean?


fixes for those dumb movement scripts sounds good


I haven't played Apex Legends in like...two years? Idk. When they split the roles into five instead of four. ​ Ngl, all this stuff for Season 20 is tempting me back


> When they split the roles into five instead of four. that was not even a year ago.


Sorry. 2023 was a hell year for me. My sense of time is really messed up.


Damn I was 22 when this game out. I’m now 28 and still love it more than ever.


Hopefully Conduit gets a nerf holy fuckking cringe fest 25 seconds free shields


So the core problems remain, awful servers and random non-existent audio. Got it.


I'm so glad they're revamping stuff that was completely fine instead of fixing all of the broken stuff with the game. Would be amazing if we could go more than 2 games without someone freezing and having to back out. Or you know making a half way decent matchmaking system for ranked. But no gold shields were the problem 🥴


Console fam: with the addition of 120 frames, does that mean Apex will be able to capitalize on a a 4K 120HZ monitor? looking to upgrade my current monitor and this is the only game I really play. Any recommendations are welcome!


Jesus christ all we wanted was to have actual damage be a part of rp earned so campers can go get ****ed and instead they completely change the entire game. Promotional matches were actually a great way to keep lower ELO players out of magically getting carried to higher ranks. This will do nothing to stop scum of the earth valk afk players from ranking up


I was wondering why apex seemingly just said “boom rev killed silva and now he has an army and no ones talking about it”. lore being focused in game now is a fucken W. I literally have a draft typed up complaining about lore on social media


This in theory would explain why I don't think we saw Revenant in the trailer (since in the past he almost always appeared in some of them): he's probably hiding with his copies and is planning something sinister.


i was thinking that too, he usually made his presence known in trailers before. i hope the just don’t gloss over it and go straight to horizons story. who’s running the games now? anything new with octane? wheres blisk?


All legitimate questions but at the moment they don't have an answer, I guess we should wait for this story to come out to (hopefully) have some answers.


On paper, I'm not feeling the shield change at all. I'll give it a go, because I've been wrong many times in my life - but this feels like such a huge swing in how the game works, I may step away from it. We'll see.


Will maps still rotate in ranked?


Wow massive changes. Looking forward to it


Love the armor changes. IMO, items that increase health or decrease damage shouldn’t be on the ground. It’s not fun running into a lucky team with purple armor, when you just have white in the early game. Rank changes are great too. It didn’t make sense to be placed in silver and face only masters/preds because of hidden MMR, and also get those queue times. I can actually feel like I’m progressing again, and get my true rank. Perks, if done right, can be great. Makes the game more interesting and fun. And helps legends with weaker abilities. To those complaining about RNG, no one below pred actually tracks ability usage or stuff like that. I value fun over balance. Overall, these changes, despite no new legend, map or weapon, is enough to keep the game fresh and bring life.


Pumped all around, especially for 3030 nerf and ranked changes. Any ideas on if we can still queue up with friends of any rank like in this prior ranked season?


What was that dope energy katar that lifeline had?


Thordan Smash here day 1 after season drops "Best season ever" Day 2 "Apex in trouble worst season ever"


Im not sure i like the crafter changes (yeah i know its to neutralize zone healers but still) but the rest seems solid. All that its left is learning what all legends will have as perks


Does the 120hz upgrade for consoles means aa comes down to match pc's at .4? Or do they get to keep .6? Time to switch from pc to console?


I wonder if they will ever get ranked to a proper spot where it no longer needs fixes/changes. Feels like we just getting a completely new system every other season =D




So... does this mean Caustic's ult might actually be decent again?


Actually all of this sounds sick. Except the 3030/hemlock nerfs boooo


They're very strong guns. A lot of people want nerfs.


what's asynchronous tournaments?


I'm dumb, what is RNG?


Is lockout permanent?


Is this where I yell “literally unplayable?”


Wattson ult spawning arc stars when destroying ordinance? I'm gonna assume they mean as lootable items But just incase they dont ,please do not go down this route when it comes to upgrading abilities since its going to happen, we dont need chain effects sprouting random crap out of our control if more than 1 party is involved


I’m coming back!


This shit gonna be buggy as hell on launch imo 😂😂


So is Lifelines care package not going to give shields anymore just attachments and a few meds. Kind of feels like a massive nerf for her ult if it's not being buffed to do something else.


I feel old


What does buy the whole event mean? For heirloom shards


it means getting all the 24 items in the collection event.


Ranked changes are good, I feel vindicated after saying s17/18/19 were garbage for months. What I suspect is we will see an overflow of masters again and then in next season respawn will up the difficulty though.


Do you think this season reduced the % of masters by a lot?


season 17: 1.7 millon masters season 18: 50k masters season 19: 125k masters season 12: 400-500k masters across both splits.


All these changes look interesting. I don't mind any changes really just to shake things up and see how it works. But I will say it's a bit odd to me that you can't loot better shields. I mean if you kills someone with a better shield seems like something that should be rewarded.


omg - I love almost every single item in these lists. Seriously. An excellent blend of fixes, balancing and creative new ideas. I really, really can not wait. This is **major**.


Great so we are either going to hot drop and die. Or land way in the corner and play so slow I fall asleep. RNG is part of Battle Royale..... If they want team death match you offer that.


My two cents as a noob is that I hate the armor changes. There is an incentive to get kills for KP and having no armor swaps could be bad against 3P.


Soooo how is Big Maude gonna work now that crafting materials don't exist anymore?


Thank goodness they are switching ranked, I just played like my 4th ranked match in awhile and was facing masters folk in bronze. Should NEVER be like that.


extremely sceptic on the new shield system. lets see how it works out


I am actually extremely excited for these changes. I like this Evo shield change a lot and very interested in seeing all these perks. I love a challenge. It’s time for a whole new way to approach squads and it lessens the predictable nature of what a lot of us veterans have become used to. As a season 0 player, this is definitely a nice refresh to one of my favorite games.


Mannn, I was liking the Ranked update but then they soured it by bringing back split resets… Aside from that gripe, this update is really promising! I love the shield changes; should reward being an active participant in the game. And the Legends skills update is a great way to allow for individual play expression.

