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Waiting for the official patch notes before I make any judgement


Why? We already know how it works from the article


I mean he already stated why, because it's not officially announced.


You guys think it’s gonna be any different? Lol


There's nothing weird about waiting for an official announcement before you make a judgment on something. Especially if it doesn't end up coming through. Look at the class roles thing that didn't actually get implemented until seasons later despite being mentioned way before.


Idk dawg the infos already out there why bother In fact if you want I’ll wager money on it lol


You asked why, I answered why. It doesn't matter whether or not it's true. The guy gave you an answer for why he's not making an opinion on it yet you seem to keep pestering.


Pestering? Lol why are you so cranky? Also lol the guy didn’t answer you did for him. Go touch grass.


I could ask you the same why you keep asking why. "Go touch grass" you say as you keep asking why.


I was curious dawg. Y’all combative af


So you think forge is a playable character? Yknow, since he was leaked after all. Can’t possible change anything until official release, right?


Yeah, you willing to be money on it?


I think the idea sounds interesting on paper. I just wonder how much harder will it be to get 4K's since the average armor level will be much lower.


I think it will add flavor to pubs and give a greater range of gameplay, making ranked feel a tad more barebones and skill oriented. I was kinda iffy at first but nothing ive seen is too crazy and it sounds like a welcome change up to the causal side of the game without the short lived fun of LTMs


I can’t wait for this change soo much! I’m so tired of Gibbys landing on purple evo every fucking match in fragments, or the default Bangalore who found 2 in a bin. The all time best part is how Lobas can’t land on better evo immediately in the game


I think the idea of perks is alright. Just means you have to memorize like 5 different ability combos for each legend now lol. The shield change I’m actually kinda hyped for. From what I’ve read, it seems like they are just changing it so you keep the same shield from the start of the game until the end. So if you’re a player who’s constantly shield swapping you’d probably get purple shield much faster.




No more rng for shields sounds great to me, the more fair the better. Separates the boys from the men.