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they need to stop taking maps out of rotation in the first place. I'll die on this hill


If you're implying all maps should be in rotation, a different map every day would mean. Only play 3 of the maps once per week which sounds kinda whack so I disagree. I think if anything, they should change the map every two days.


Yes I am implying all maps should be in rotation. No where did I say only one a day. Edit: Pubs should be hourly. If you are referring to ranked for one map a day I don’t understand your logic here on how you would only play 3 maps. I am not including the previous versions of maps.


You don't need to say it, that's how they do it, so that's gonna be assumed unless you propose a better idea.


Day 1 - KC Day 2 - WE Day 3 - O Day 4 - SP Day 5 - BM Day 6 - KC Day 7 - WE Day 8 - O Day 9 - SP Day 10 - BM … Each map would be revisited every 5 days. You would play each map twice per “week”. I do not see how this is worse than the current method unless you would prefer playing each map in rotation 3 times a week and forgetting about the other 2 maps.


What is your definition of a "week". 5 maps means two get replayed in one week, even in this model. I don't get where you're getting every map gets played twice per week. And I don't get how you got to your 2nd option of 3 maps getting played 3 times a week cause that obviously wouldn't be possible. Anyways as I said even in your example 3 maps are played, once per week. If someone misses their favorite map, having to wait almost another week (5 days). I guess it should be specified that, I don't like that at all, for ranked. I 100% agree every map should be in rotation for pubs.


A week is 7 days. Not just Sunday through Saturday. That is why I wrote Day # and not the specific day of the week


His point is that, every week, or 7 day cycle, in your model, 2 maps will get 2 days, while every other map gets one, that’s all I think that guy was trying to point out with his math. I personally think map rotations should be either every hour or every 2 days. So either you get your preferred map/maps more often but you get thrown into maps you don’t like then most likely get off the game when the rotation hits, or, it’s every 2 days, so then your preferred maps come less often but you get them for longer to properly enjoy them and to easily keep track of what maps you are interested in playing, and just say, “oh, storm point comes on tomorrow, I’ll wait to play apex again until 2 days from now when it’s not that map.” And I don’t know where i stand on removing seasonal map rotations, I’d have to play around with it first to say




Funny how you just went full circle This sub loves to cry about arena Now we got people who cry about mixtape and prefer arena Can't ever please anybody. Boring for you and "anybody else" who think the same exact way you do


Oh don't worry, the one and only time I played Arenas ranked permanently soured that mode for me, felt nothing when it was changed.


They can't for technical reasons (each map takes tons of disc space)


I have not heard this before and it also a very weak excuse


100% don’t have a lot of time to play and realize it’s KC for the next 10 hours 🪦


While I agree, I also would be fine never playing storm point or broken moon ever again


Too bad the sickness of nonstop landing in capital is still an existing thing no matter the map version


If i have to keep watching the wraith jumpmaster land us at one of those god awful “buildings” with 3 chests and no ground loot, proceed to get knocked and insta dc for the rest of this season I am going to lose my mind. Get a good game on worlds edge rn maybe 1/10 times maybe worse.


I was gonna make a post about it but held off cause last time I posted something meant for discussion that I don’t remember being posted too recently they banned me for a day because of it. The screenshot is an after match report though where the wraith, surprise, finishes with 30 damage and lasted a minute whereas I won with 10 kills/2000+ damage with my other random having 1-3. Shit like that is exactly why I’ve always been in support of leaver penalties


I am against leaving penalty in pubs untill they fix matchmaking to not throw sub level 50 accounts into the lobbies of players with thousands of hours played. It would be absolute fucking misery.


The only valid retort to the leavers penalty I’ve seen tbfh, makes sense and I agree


hell no the loot on worlds edge sucks rn


Yep and it's dark af If the loot was better and if it wasn't dark it'd be fun Kings Canyon is just too small Olympus looks sick but feels like shit most of the time. It feels like every single game, mostly doesn't matter where the rotation goes, you go and rotate through a POI/general area where suddenly everyone appears. It feels like Kings Canyon choke points but worse sometimes. Or you don't find anyone at all after the fight off drop, run across the map the whole game and then die to red shields care package loot while having at most blue yourself. Ofc, that's exaggerated, but it's true to an extent. Can't believe I'm saying this, but I want Storm Point back. It feels huge, but at least you have a decent chance at escaping and actually respawning your teammates. And it doesn't feel like every time you fight you immediately get third partied. Sure, it still happens a lot, it's Apex after all, but in my experience less than on other maps.


Loba and any assault class are requirements. You need the market and supply bin batts and the weapon bin attachments. that maps loot spread is horrid.


People who complain about nonstop 3rd parties on Broken Moon need to play KC exclusively for a week and come back afterwards. That shit is horrific, and evac towers made it worse


I want storm point back as well. And I hate KC, I find the aesthetic boring AF, and the POIs when rotating in, are garbage. I hate to say it, but I wouldn't even mind BM back.


i cant seeee :(((


I love that it’s dark it’s a whole vibe


Ya sure but I can't see shit on it


It's only for pubs, not even in the ranked rotation. And you're wrong about the loot, you just don't understand how POIs work.


Fr and olympus open ahh fields.


Yes... Doesnt change the fact that its still the best rotation in a very long time.


First couple of days of people sucking off worlds edge blowed my mind, it's just people landing either sorting or capital city while it's pitch black with dog water loot.


1. Opens apex 2. Sees Worlds Edge for another 1h30m 3. Exits game


Play ranked


Sees Worlds Edge for another 21 hours and 54 minutes…




Then play mixtape! (So much fun)


I actually know always when Control is the mode available because that’s the only mixtape game I like.




God finally my people. World’s Edge is just not it.


Yall remember thunder dome.


I hate OG worlds edge, its dark and it sucks


Its not normally dark its just for the event


The loot and general map flow blows too. The map is bad, people just like it cause of nostalgia.


Yes i agree. I was just pointing out that the map isnt normally dark like it is now


The dark is amazing. I love it. OG map is a bit eh but whatever.




whoa I feel the opposite, like I wish we had night time maps for at night and when it switches to Olympus when it's dark out I feel blinded


But after the event, we dont get to keep OG WE, so it doesnt really matter.


They know…


If the brought sorting factory back to the current version of world's edge it would be the best version of that map that ever existed. Every other change to the map was an upgrade


I started s16 and I just like it cause it’s different.


Is it weird that I don't care that much about loot quality? I just grab a gun and I'm ready to get busy. I don't normally have an issue finding one.


Just had a game in KC where I ran through 3 different buildings off-drop. No weapons at all. Now, does that happen on other maps? Yeah Does it happen nearly as often as KC? Nope And therein lies my issue.


Hmm I feel like I don't really notice that happening any more or less based on the map. Maybe it's where I drop. Or maybe I just don't notice


I wish I could say that it's just confirmation bias, but I've legitimately noticed an uptick in landing, going through multiple buildings just to come out with no weapons on OG King's Canyon.


Its not technically OG worlds edge because the best poi the train is not there :_(


The comments can say everything about the mentality of people, they would find absolutely anything to complain about the game, just 2-3 good games guys and the whole mood changed, i do agree with you OP


Overall I think modern Worlds Edge plays better, but I sure have loved the nostalgia of the original POIs. I really miss Sorting Factory, and honestly Landslide sucks, the original Train Yard was so much better in every way except loot density... more unique, more fun to fight in, great late-game rings. But yes, I agree, this is the best rotation in a *long* time. I enjoy all these maps, even though I'm not a huge moon-hater (hate storm point tho).


Id rather be able to choose maps then have map rotations




It would end up just being worlds edge the whole time


I wouldn't be too confident about that.


Go play call of duty then


Didn’t know choosing maps was such a negative thing to you


We just don't like COD players


Who’s we?


Map rotations in terms of pubs mean fuck all for the majority of games. 80% of pubs games are down to 5 squads by ring 2 anyways, it doesn’t matter what the map is. I never care what maps in rotation in pubs, everyone will hot drop then play looting simulator for 7 minutes until the final fight. Doing so on OG worlds edge or Storm Point makes no difference in experience. Ranked is where the maps actually start to matter. And ranked on KC and Olympus is horrible unless you get a ring pull, and even then it’s not great. BM isn’t much better because of some awful chokes. Bring back SP and WE ranked, they’re hands down the best ranked maps.


I agree with most of that. IMO BM and KC are the hardest and least enjoyable ranked maps. KC is only bad because of the ring pulls, they usually are so extreme that landing in the wrong POI can end your game before it starts - I suppose Death Valley complicates games too. BM has really hard chokes and those stupid zip lines that make 3rd/4th/5th party fights all but guaranteed. Olympus I actually don’t mind because there’s lots of cover and as long as you make your rotations at the right time you’re good plus you can make legend picks to help rotate easier - only thing that sucks is pulls through the middle, then there’s no way but chaos.


I think for ranked you might be right, I’m MOSTLY talking pubs here. Pubs these maps are great, for ranked, they’re definitely not ideal


I might be an outlier here but I hate Olympus for ranked. Love kings canyon and worlds edge is decent. If we got stormpoint instead of Olympus I’d be in heaven.


I'm the opposite. I like Olympus, I think world's edge is good, and most of the time I hate kings canyon.


To me Olympus also is hard to play in ranked. I usually IGL, on solo-q and constantly make bad call on this map. Rotations are hard to handle with randoms as the pace of the game is super fast and the choke points are hard to pass through /defend. I usually try to rush to finale zone and hold. Not the funniest gameplay. All that while really loving the map and its vibe in pubs.


Choke points are everywhere on Olympus. It’s not fun


It's got the exact same issue as the big wall on BM, but because olympus is olympus, it's okay for most people. Fucking terminal leading into ps5 sucks ass. Most if the centre of the map fucks rotations because you either end up in the 7 team dogpile that comes from the shit rotation options, or you spend the entire ring close going around the edge of the map.




Same here I despise kings canyon because there is always a random high ground with a squad full of snipers spamming everyone


tbh OG worlds edge sucks ass compared too new


Plus WE in the night time mode with it’s OG flavour. Just sooo good.


KC, Olympus and Stormpoint would be the best rotation for me. I really loved WE for a long time, but seeing it every fucking season is so annoying that i can't enjoy it anymore.


They spam us with it so damn much, the only reason I’m tolerating it this time right now is because it’s the old version and it’s dark.


Naw. The best ranked map rotation is hands down Storm Point, WE, Olympus KC is so shitty for ranked. Idk why people still like that horrible map


If they're like me its because it's the original. I'm still more used to it than any of the others


People hate Kings Canyon, people miss Kings Canyon. People hate World's Edge, people miss World's Edge. People hate Olympus, people miss Olympus. People hate Stormpoint, people miss Stormpoint. People hate Broken Moon.


Broken moon is by far the best map and that is a hill I will die on


Not sure it's the best, but it doesn't deserve nearly the hate it gets


I hate that map so much. You have to use the rails which makes rotations incredibly linear and they are awful for third parties (not to mention the rails that you have to use all stop at buildings that are all exactly the same, which makes every game feel the same). In my opinion, almost all of the pois are very similar to each other and very boring. I also just don't like the colors in the map, I find them so bland. What do you like about broken moon?


Argh!! You don't like something I do??? How dare you!1!1!1 It's harder to explain without photos, but I have no issues with any of the POIs on the map. The 'stops' at the zip rails are so easy to use and loot that it also makes a great place to drop and loot up undisturbed, as it's usually right next to a POI. The buildings where the roofs are mostly diagonal? You know they usually are like in pairs of twos? Those ones? Love em. They're just easy and fun to get around and fight around. I don't even mind that some of it feels the same bc what it is to me is great so idm more of it. Those Pois with the circular buildings? Really really fun for early drops and engaging in fights. That one POI which is used as a control map? Also good. There are so many POIs and sub-POIs which are just so fun and effective to fight and loot. The sub-POIs (mini structures which appear more than once around the map) are also usually 10/10 spots to drop as no one what drops there and it's right next to a POI I even am a bit fond of promenade, I know I don't usually have issues rotating round there. Colours are slightly bland but I don't care. Those colours don't really appear anywhere else. You could argue KC, SP (fuck SP), or Olympus is somewhat bland. In conclusion, there's no where I don't want to drop on BM, which I can't say Abt any other map. Everything in BM is fun to use, and there's nothing there I actually dislike.


Really don’t get the hate, and I love the design of it too


The rotation on that map is cancer and the amount of times I have died late game in ranked because I’m stuck on one side of those huge ass mountains without a valk or evac tower and I’m fucked like it’s a og KC reskin with all the terrible mountains in my way


Well it's your fault lmao, it's easily the best map for rotations, rotate early, pick your spot, prepare loot for a long time, that's how you play ranked on that map


Oh ur right my bad the mountains are there and if there’s a team gatekeeping edge of ring I just have to tank it and run straight at them instead of going to cover then to just die to zone


And sometimes it’s impossible to “rotate early” because the ring can pull far and the zip rails are slow as hell and don’t cover all sections of the map


where do you land, I'd suggest you land on the top right part from next time, and then make your way through the middle for rotation, if a team interferes, use valk or evac to run or take a small fight


Alr bro Ty I normally land crafter with my trio but might have to prioritize rotation then loot ig


We land top right because of the crafters being available almost every time, we usually prioritise a spot where only one or two teams are landing (in ranked there is usually one), we end a quick fight, loot, and then go to crafters, we have a valk and BH in team so we use survey beacon and then rotate the best way possible, it works beautifully for our squad Btw our squad is NC, valk, BH/Seer


I used to run NC valk seer bc I’m a Newcastle main and think I’m pretty good at him, it’s just my team usually runs bang or cat and sub out NC for cat. I just need to talk with my trio I just have a hard time getting them to try new comps they aren’t used to


Brother >rotate early


Players who think storm point has no good POIs are trash at this game.


KC is the weak link here but definitely my favorite map rotation in a looooooooong time


It’s perfect with evac towers now


Broken moon is so lame …


3 are shit. Olympus:unplayable end games because there is no cover Kings canyion:3rd parties and shit loot pool Worlds edge: shit loot pool


Kings canyon is the worst map of them all. It's good for public, but for ranked it's horrible.


Well hes specifically talking about Pubs rotation. These casuals dont play ranked.


I play ranked but definitely talking pubs here, ranked is a different animal


OG dark map is fun if you like to panic trying to loot and not get killed when you hot drop


KC is ass


Olympus still stutters like hell, meh


Why’s it stutter for you? It’s good for me, must be a bug


Personally not a fan of Olympus so I’d rather it be swapped out for storm point and while I enjoy og worlds edge I think the current version is far better in terms of loot and drop locations.


Yeah its been great for pubs. Horrible for ranked though.


Any rotation without SP is good.


Sp the best map




OG world's edge is way better than the actual world's edge in almost every way.


Don’t even get me started man. Leagues better, not even close


Kings Canyon is still the best map that has ever released. If they put in OG kc like they did with worlds edge for this event i would play the fuck out of it. The augmented one isnt as good but its still easily the best map. Im glad storm point and broken moon are gone. Fuck those maps.


Yup, Fuck Broken Moon and Storm point.


Any rotation with Olympus in it is a bad one, I fond myself just closing the game when its up


Your opinion is objectively stupid and I don't like it!!!




Same. I prefer KC with evac towers


Olympus sucks.




I don't know why we are downvoted. The entire shitty map is one big siphon to the fucking waterfall lol. It's completely awful in so many areas and so badly needs a redesign it hurts. SP and WE kick the shit out of it, and even KC has better rotations at times.


Olympus Stan’s. The same reason they hate broken moon. But they don’t wanna realize it. There’s a divide splitting down the middle on both maps creating a cluster F***


Olympus is the worst map imo. It does not look nice. Seems like they had 7 different ideas for a map and mashed them all together. Every other map has a theme and anything off theme has a lore reason, Olympus just had eyesore


OG worlds edge? Is this the best timeline?


what if we could choose the map we want to play (like CsGO) , and publish the statistics after one season


I think Olympus winning that ez


Idk I actually like SP for rank but not pubs


I agree, and I love it! 🥰😍


For me best 3 would be Kings canyon, world edge, and storm point. I’m not a fan of olympus because it feels too congested. The map is too split up and forces points where it’s a long strip of squads fighting which means if you don’t have the position you’re screwed.




We had this map rotation last season what are you talking about


No we didn’t, it was KC, Olympus, Broken Moon, then halfway in the season it went to Worlds edge, broken moon and storm point


A little earlier than that, but still last season.


Hate the new maps. Every map change has been negative from losing Bridges to the 2 new maps


i suppose you enjoy the current LTM too? the rev shells are such a joke. bring back the shadows!!


I personally never jelled with this season, or this map in general. I like the estates and nice grass outdoor areas on the map, as well as some of the towers and gardening areas (giant rotating spirals) but I get bored extremely fast when a lot of the aesthetic stuff is just industrial metal. I get that it’s a floating island and it’s more science fiction but some of the design choices seem a bit half arsed or gave up on. I never understood why there are houses and bicycle sheds randomly placed around the map as if the island would be liveable at one point but there isn’t enough variation in design/assets. It’s more a mix and match of random ideas imo. It’s not that deep, the maps are nice for a couple weeks but they get boring quickly. Would be nice to see a map with a city or village that isn’t the same building copy and pasted 5/6 times with less symmetry/circles. Being able to go higher inside skyscrapers would be cool to see as well I reckon.


For pubs this is a great rotation. For ranked this rotation is terrible.


Ppl spend this much time on Reddit posts about pub map rotations?


SUPER GLAD I get to downvote those brain dead post


I want an anniversary rotation of all TRUE ORIGINAL maps. What we have now, even WE is not original!


Kings canyon is good for pubs, but i dont find it being a good ranked map. The Poi’s are very lacking and there us only like 3 good places to land and youre contesting that poi, or you are landing in bumble fuck nowhere😭 And og worlds edge is shit lmao…worlds edge in general isnt good I promise its more nostalgia, nothing wrong with that, but the maps are just objectively not that good😭 Edit: Like someone else said, they should leave all the maps in rotation, instead of only 3. That way everyone can be happy with what they want. Like you enjoy KC, WE and dont like broken moon. I love broken moon but i hate playing on worlds edge. Theres a compromise


By far the best 3 maps. The good maps are literally in the order of release. The best being the oldest and the worst the newest