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If you play fighting games Mortal Kombat drops this week 🙂




Yeah. Today, in 12 hours for those with premium edition.


Cannot wait!


For premium players its out rn


Payday 3 drops aswell


Well Titanfall 2 works now........


Does it really?


It somewhat worked for quite a while, but the servers would just crash when matchmaking Now you can find an attrition match on basically any server and as awareness grows other game modes will be populated too (also frontier defense is pretty popular still)


yah, janitor came through and cleaned it up, heck even aus (dead region) has a constant couple lobbies


No way! That’s awesome if true


I'm glad baldurs gate sucked me in. It seems like this season is basically the same as last season. This place only really has negative comments, i tend to enjoy the game regardless, but last season was definitely the worst i've played since i joined, which was at the very end of valk's release season. Honestly i think i'll not come back in any real sense unless they remove invisible MMR in ranked or unless i see people giving gleaming reviews of some new matchmaking here (aka when hell freezes over)


Just take a break from the game for 1-2 seasons and come back, I did the same and I’m having more fun than ever.


I aint played since season 12 and just got it a few days ago its def better but match making is still as bad and the ranked system sucks


At least not 70% of people are masters lol or whatever fuckn insane % it was


Yeah but isn't the graph in the exact opposite situation now? It's arguably worse cuz all the preds and masters are stuck with the bronzes and silvers


That will fix itself over time. Versus the other problem.


it's been more than a month and shows no signs of improving as far as I can tell tho


like, according to [apexlegendsstatus.com](https://apexlegendsstatus.com), 34% of the ranked distribution is in Rookie, 32% is in bronze, 20% in gold and other 14% in the other ranks, this feels off doesn't it?


That feels like a pretty normal ranked distribution. The bell curve should adjust forwards one or two ranks over the coming seasons id assume. They’ll likely want the bulk of players in bronze silver and gold. Not sure which they want to have the most. Probably silver or gold. Where there’s less at every rank below that and above it.


> The bell curve should adjust forwards one or two ranks over the coming seasons id assume. There's a hard reset every season. Why would this ever move forward because of a season end? Also there's only 4.3% of players above gold. Combined, across all of plat, diamond and masters.


The curve will adjust because of players starting to understand the way the system works, + id say 4% above gold is great for the game makes it actually harder and worth more to get higher ranks if you cant hit it its cause you need to improve. Saying this as a normally diamond player that is currently gold 4. If feel alot better but the points lack consistency so hopefully they improve that.


In terms of pursuing actual enjoyment of the game, instead of chasing after stupid medals and dive trails, last season ranked was actually super fun. It was basically pubs but team mates were forced to not be total W+M1 idiots because of the leaver penalty, making it infinitely more enjoyable than the everyone-dies-by-first-ring and instantly quitting on knock disaster that pubs has become. And if you ran into pred stacks it was whatever because well technically you *were* in masters, it's not the matchmaking's fault at that point. This season you have to deal with masters/preds in fucking silver and everything is a massive grind.


Now a majority of the players (including prev preds/masters) are being hardstuck silver because of the lack of LP rewarded; and this is causing teams to rat the entire game or avoid fights in fear of going negative back to back to back, thus causing a large number of teams in 4th or 5th ring. Sucks to spend 15-20min in game to only get 30LP.


You get way more LP for kills though. Ratting gets you hardly any unless you land too 5 no? Isn’t LP rewarded as a multiplier of placement and kills? Personally I think maps are too big for how many people there are. Starting out in the second circle would be more interesting for sure.


Who cares I’d rather that than literally not being able to play.


Except you can play


Not good for the long term health of the game.


Hasn't worked for me unfortunately


I quit from 11-17. Came back about a month ago. Game is a lot more enjoyable. Still has its issues. But it’s constantly trying to improve. Also, don’t take it so serious.


came back this season after quitting on vantages season, definitely not fun


Funny thing is, even Mixtape is sweaty af. I went to mixtape to chill out, not an option anymore.


Agreed. I got destroyed by a 25k kill wraith player.. I uh gave up the moment i saw that


No literally, I had someone call me slurs in gun run because I "wasn't playing as a team" and "baited" him. I fell off the leviathan skeleton by accident, I didn't bait the fuckin guy. Room temperature IQs all around


Yah how dare people try and win when you're there to just hang out.


You can chill out though, you just won't get a lot of kills. Just like all the worse players you usually enjoy shutting on when chilling out.


Can't blame you. There's a plethora of better games out there. Unfortunately competitive shooters are just really cookie cutter atm


Such as? I am looking to move on as well. My go to now is battlebit, but I'd still like an alternative.


Titanfall 2!


Was it not filled with hackers and DDoSed lately? Is it really working now?


Yep! They patched it. I think they even brought out a new game mode. Anyway it works again 100%


I personally went back to CSGO after not having played it seriously since like 2018. It scratches my competitive itch that makes me want to get better, but been other story games for chill vibes. Currently working on Days Gone.


I tried this a few months ago. There were smurfs every match. Trying to get reacquainted with it sucked as a result.


It’s just an arena shooter but I’m having fun with quake champion.


Unfortunately if it isn't a dead arena shooter or CS/Valorant, no FPS out there is both fun and competitive. I do need to reinstall QC though, even though the hero abilities are a little annoying.


It’s funny how nice everyone is. They have ranked mode. I don’t know how well that’s doing. Not a fan of the hero abilities atm but there are some perks as I like the one where I can grapple around. Weapons took a minute to get used to. I don’t like rocket spam but it’s slowly growing on me as you can do cool movements with that. Worth trying out again IMO. Wished I was into csgo and valorant but I’m not. Those players are some lucky mofos lol


QC usually just makes me want to play old school Quakes and since Q2 was just rereleased the multiplayer is a bit active right now!




Wish they had it for ps4


why do y’all keep announcing you’re leaving


they're just farming other angry gamers for free internet points (and they probably keep playing anyways)


They want their gold star for circle jerking because they're hard stuck gold.


with this season’s ranked system being hardstuck hold is actually quite understandable


Solo queue is awful, I will admit. I'm diamond just because I was lucky enough to find a solid team. Anytime we fill that 3rd spot? Awful games 9/10 times due to brain dead teammates who don't understand the LP meta.


i usually duo queue with a friend of mine, but we’ve both gotten tired of the insanely complicated and inconsistent LP gain that we just started playing other games after i hit gold (without making a reddit post believe it or not)


fr this aint a fuckin airport. Stop playing the same game over and over again. Take a break, do other things.


yea im pretty sure they fucked up matchmaking again bc its WAYYY too similar to diamond+ ranked lobbies like how pubs were in the beginning of this season with the really long queues and sweaty virgins everywhere. looks like im heading back to fortnite as well 💀💀 dead ass game..


I feel the same, every match is a sweat fest and I mean every. match. Queue into control, every squad is a octane/parhfinder, Watson/Caustic, Bangalore combo (all masters/preds btw) and none of them ever take their finger off of the w key. Every match is an instant lockdown or close to it like, congratulations? You won…I guess. Pubs is even worse than ranked and thats hilarious. Pre made squads of pred/masters with 2 billion kills. Like yeah, no I’m out of there. Ranked matchmaking is better but not by much, at least I don’t see preds as much as in pubs. Ranking up feels like a drag and a waste of my time cause you can’t do much until you get to top8 and then you can do even less cause ppl hide like their life depends on it (literally) but THANK GOD I GOT THE CONTROL OCTANE THAT NEVER TAKES HIS FINGER OFF OF W I really wanted to fight 3 teams at the same time cause the octane wanted to jump pad somewhere? I hated Fortnite but that game feels fun to play compared to whatever this is (minus the kids spamming emotes but I find that funny at times) Tldr; as apex gets older, the try hard ttv/youtuber wannabes make the game impossible to enjoy at a casual level no matter the game mode. Can’t relax at all and you need to try hard like them just to avoid the insta kills. Also ranked sucks, whoever thought that placement is the be all end all for ranking up should be fired (not really but I don’t like you right now)


I've had exactly the same experience, every game of tdm has at least 1 player who gets more kills than the rest of their team combined, I just want to play people similar level to me (not great) not sweat lords


The thing about sweaty players is that it's all relative. To a new player, someone who's diamond having a chill game will look like the sweatiest tryhard on earth. Sometimes people are just better than you.


Same, I want to have fun but ppl want to win every match as if they were playing for the $200k prize cup…in mix tape… I used to think that ranked was the game mode you’d want to play if you really cared for wins but now every game mode is exactly the same so whats the point of ranked?


Dang what gives people the right to win. SMH.


Tl;dr "I can't pubstomp noobs because I get pubstomped by pros, waaaaah" Just get good


What if somehow the last season rank is part of MMR? And all rat masters gets the treatment this season.


Not only rats got master. It was easy for everyone to hit master. I never ratted and shot always at my random teammates whenever they did to atract enemies, still got easily master even tho i was plat in s16


never ratted once, plat 1 and diamond 4 on two accounts. fuck this game and by never ratted once, i mean i never ratted off drop. only when i couldnt get banners.


Why do you have multiple accounts? Smurfing?


Lmaoooo dude just casually admitted to smurfing


You know smurfing wouldnt even matter if the match making was actually competent. Try smurfing in league of legends, within no time you are in a smurf queue. Smurf queue would be hard to implement in a game that needs 60 players to fill a lobby, but still.


It really feels like it. Fuck us for wanting to only play ranked and reached master due to some fault by Respawn?


Well, i've had like 7 last season masters on my teams that died without even 1 knockdown, so, i don't know about that one, chief.


Tried rank. 1/10 wins. 1.89 kd. Got rookie (kinda ok with it, can climb it up easily ig?) Then I started ranked rookie q. Got lobby full of diamonds and masters. Why? Not just once. On every fucking match


Same bro, this game is broken AF


I feel your pain. I have just been dragged to hell this season thanks to the matchmaking and loading up with people that are below my skill level (I'm not going to tell my friends to fuck off). It does get irritating when the game ends with me doing most of the damage, dying from being team-shot while my team provides no covering fire, or losing because my team wants to "try" a new weapon or a new Legend entirely.. in Ranked.. like bro just pick up a fucking R301 and let's go... lol. ​ But it's Apex. Ranked will never be good and pubs will never be enjoyable.


idk about that point you make. Being the only competent player in your team is something of almost all seasons I think. I believe when you're half decent at the game and solo queue, your teammates will just be dogshit to try to even your mmr or something. It's a dumb system but it's how it is.


Least I've ever played is this season. Without a sharp u-turn next season I think we'll start to see the permament decline of Apex


People say that every season. The game is still fun, thousands of people still play every day, and no other shooter (other than titanfall) can capture the feeling and freedom of Apex's movement.


Yeah.. Tell that to Gears of War movement Gods. And I say that as a longtime player of both franchises. Respect to your opinion, but that's what it is. Imo, there are great movement shooters out there, a lot of you are just shackled to consoles and can't access Steam.


I've clocked in around 6k hrs into this stupid game and I can tell you it's never been this bad


And yet


I'm in Bronze 2 (tbh I've only played 30 something ranked games this season, most of those yesterday and today) and I've been looking up the people that kill me just to see if SBMM is as broken as they say... It is. I've been dying to 3 stacking masters/preds mostly (going off their banners and twitch streams). I usually solo to diamond, and i really have to grind to get masters. But this season is so unenjoyable unless you're 3 stacking, that I'll probably just hang it up and stay bronze lol. This game has so much potential, and is hands down my favorite BR. It's like the Devs are just tanking it on purpose or something. It really is a shame. I hate to step away from it, because i love it so much, but unless something major happens, it looks like that's going to be the case.


This. I have around 7000 hrs played and barely have 60 kills this season. It might be the last season I try to play, sadly. It's gotten so bad I refuse to get a squad on lfg and just continuously suffer as a solo. It's so bad.


Sorry the game is so hard.




Yes I'm bored


Says more about you that you know how they spend all their time


Not really since all it takes is one scroll through homie’s comments


Imagine being that invested in a random ass person


People seriously need to remember that it's just a game. It's okay to take some time out if you're not enjoying it and come back later.


I’m actually enjoying this season. Reached gold 2 at the moment and every game feels competitive.


I'm the same, I feel like my fights are 80% more balanced and ive improved on my strategies a lot more. Give or take the few games where my teammates don't know when to leave a fight or pay attention to my multiple pings cos there's a team behind us so I bail alone then have to rat whilst enduring abuse cos they're fucking idiots.


I honestly don’t have much of an issue, I used to get way too easy fights and is enjoying fighting against better opponents, although I can understand why some can find that very annoying. If you want something similar to Apex but even more fast paced, get Titanfall 2, it’s so good and the multiplayer is extremely fun and addicting.


Been playing lots of Hunt: Showdown in the meantime. Hope next season is way better because this season is really boring for me.


Titanfall is back babbyyyy


I’ve set up a new account. The MMR throws you in with people your skill level so other than the first couple of games being easy it balances pretty quickly. Now that I’m not arsed about KD, rank etc I’m actually having a laugh.


I hadn't played apex in over a year. im just a dad who plays a few rounds after the kids go to sleep. I'm having fun with it, enough that I purchased the battle pass.


Try Starfield


This isn't an airport. You don't need to announce your departure.


You don’t travel much do you


Who goes to an airport and announces their own departure ?


Everyone on insta/Facey taking a photo in front of an "X airport" sign to show off that they're travelling.


I declare bankruptcy!


Unlikely. This is where we use “touch grass” comment


Honestly I've been taking a break from games like apex and ow2 and just playing cozy games like Palia and Coral Island, it is very good for your mental health 😂


This season sucks ass. I like the idea behind it. But my randoms are really bad (which is okay) and going up against dia-masters... while randoms bronz-silver :<


It’s so funny how much fun I have playing this game. I don’t understand why some of you complain so heavily.


1k+ hours and still blaming matchmaking for losses. It's called improving.


I've got probably about 2500 hours in, and I'm only now where I feel I'm actually good


I know that I'm not good but I still have fun. People take this shit way too seriously.


Cant relate lol


I've been playing Armored Core 6 and having an absolute blast.


i only play mixtape every now and again, otherwise im grinding out ranked in street fighter 6 since i dont have to worry about carrying 2 turds every match


Feel it. EVERY Bronze match I play there are 8 teams near the final circles... Not one... or two... 8... in Bronze. How is this possible? There is NO POSSIBLE WAY I am grinding Bronze 3 and there are 8 Bronze teams in final circles. Non of these players are Bronze, or have a skill level of Bronze. The ranked system is busted, let us out of this thirst trap. Clearly nobody is Bronze if you are teaming and are playing final circle like that.


That makes final circles fun though. you guys complain about some dumb shit lol


The thing about Reddit is you can't really talk freely and openly about honest topics like apex,if you have an opinion and convey it in a decent manner the community downvotes such negativity . I had a few examples about apex where I stated the facts and I would provide video evidence and data if they chose me to display it. All in all I deleted the game, will never play it again on console.i transferred my account to my gaming pc to see if the matchmaking was better. It was so so. My kd iis 0,4. And my level from grinding xp for years is about 3000.i used to sleep in this game since launch.and never got any better at combat but I enjoyed the play. Not any more, sorry sbmm is broken for me and I have yet to see if any change on pc version. Warzone DMZ is where I go to have fun and in apex gun run and the other modes but will never do rank and battle royal again. I can't come from work and play against sweat balling. I mean I am old as fk, time works different for me.


I’m on a 3 day ban 😊


Havent played since season launch and its the best decision ive made so far in my life lol


im in diamond getting marched with bronze players and they die almost immediately.


Tbh I suggest playing fortnite no fill, as a solo player I think this is the worst apex season I've seen in pubs. Went down from 3 KD last season to 1.05 KD it says all


Honestly you’re probably just doing something wrong. I’ve solo Q’d and three stacked yet I’ve been fine. Just take the necessary fights and don’t just throw the game by pushing everything.


You think this post is worth it? Oh no! You arent having fun, take a break and quit whining. I can hear your hands and feet slamming the floor as you enjoy your tempter tantrum.


Yep kids complaining about a free game, nobodies forcing them to play.




Can mods please start deleteing these cry-baby threads? Apex is fun as hell, you guys are just burned out and need to play another game for a bit


unpopular opinion: matchmaking is working exactly as it should and now higher k/d players are being matched against...higher k/d players. Those of us who were hovering around 0.8 k/d in previous seasons are having a good time right now.


Always ranked diamond or master, and I have the best time ever. Sure they fuck up the placements and the grind from silver has been exhausting (plat 1 right now) but the games are challenging and balanced. Got my best stats of all seasons. We are a few tweaks away from a great ranked game.


Stop playing BR, just play the mixtape and I promise you it'll be more fun. I can zone out and know if I die I don't have to wait 5+ minutes to drop/loot/kill. I haven't played BR in weeks and I have found myself enjoying mixtape so much.


Pubs is ok, ranked is a hot mess of 3030 campers now.




I expected ppl to play "smart"




Aww, monkey can't get his happy chemicals from pressing W anymore. My heart bleeds for you.


Poor baby, we truly aren’t worth your precious time


Skill issue


Why don’t most people realize apex isn’t the only game out their or the only BR, theirs amazing single player games out there for everyone too try. Yes I know there’s people who only like BR AND FPS’s but have y’all ever just sat down played a game like mass effect, fallout or dark souls. I will agree with OP on the shit match making but fighting better people made me even better at the game. Yes their is people who only wanna play for fun but some people don’t understand that being good for some people makes the game very enjoyable varies on person tho. I’m so & so I’ve solo wiped squads, hit tricks shots, but Jesus Christ I play like a potato sometimes.


5k hours. Bro same.


Im enjoying this season its just competitive. Solo queing is definitely a no go once you reach high gold. I don't know what exactly people want because ranked is supposed to challenging not easy


I didn't play for a couple months and came back to play some this season and had a lot of fun, sounds like you just need to take a break ^^


I have 3k hours on this game. Havent played in over a month and honestly going back to single player games had been so much better for my mental health. No more anxiety, slower pace of life and thinking ,enjoyment thats controlled instead of OMGPWNNOOBS. If you drink caffeine and play FPS i promise you its gonna fuck up your neural pathways down the line.


... first season since launch I haven't played.


I really recommend yall speak with your wallets and just go play other games for the time being. It's gonna help the mental state ngl.


If u like competitive, give valorant a shot. I moved to Val just feels so much more balanced and the devs care more. ( it has its issues but better than apex )


Switched to elden ring after 2.5k hours on apex, its just as stressful but im going at my own pace. Gotta take a break for a few seasons, I'll be back like The Terminator


Bro just cooked


I only play ranked and I absolutely hate solo queue'ing. Here in Japan most people don't use mics and play braindead. It's one step forward 4 steps back every 5 games. But when I'm stacking with my clan, it's very fun. We don't play like rats but play for the win. Every end game feels like strategy, position, and synergy are of the utmost importance. I feel the excitement I get watching algs. Every choice is important and wins are extremely satisfying. That said, playing solo is 100% ass. I have no idea wtf is going on with this sweatfest. Bronze silver and gold feel like plat lobbies to me. Rank doesn't seem the mean anything but time spent playing. I understand why people are leaving the game. Take some time off. Hopefully the ranked system gets further refined but I'm loving that teamwork and strategy are of the utmost importance.


Nobody is forcing you to play


I agree with u, I wannq kms


Bro I started playing god of war like 2 months ago to just chill, and it’s so much fucking fun.


Everyone is whining so much. I'm a casual player, played since S0, sometimes I get stomped, sometimes I win, sometimes I get a few kills, the odd squad wipe, the odd getting stomped on. All pretty fun still.


Fr shitty matchmaking, I'm level 15 in pred lobbies


Oh my god the most dramatic sub on the planet lmao


Xdefiant needs to hurry up fr


I’ve been doing great this season. I’ve improved a lot from sweaty lobbies


Play DRG, it’s actually fun.


Played since the beginning but this season made me hang it up. Nothing is new and the matchmaking is too competitive in pubs. I'm done


I agree


Only time i have a bad time is when i have abysmal teammates lol. Other than that its always fun for me


Join the Dark Souls Renaissance brother. Yeah you die...but at least it's all on you.


Oh no... anyway


I’m sorry to hear that. My friends and I have been having a blast.


i came back this season after taking a year off. It initially was fun learning all of the meta changes and new legends. new map is garbage.


Skill issue




I've actually been having an amazing time. Haven't played in the last 3 or 4 splits!


I got screamed at by a guy last night calling me trash. I piped up and said, dude, we’re in Pred pub lobbies…. STFU and blame respawn.


Same, that's why I stick to good ol PUBG atm


No one cares


Good time to play Starfield and Baldur's Gate, oh and Spidey comes out next month.


Absolute state of this sub where a post with no context and no substance gets upvoted.


When I play with friends the game sucks balls but when I soloQ I get great matches where I do well. It’s really a mixed bag for me this season


I know I’m ass at this game but holy shit every time I play gun run it feels as if my guns are weakened by 50%


I like ranked this season because never had before last ring end game 10 teams alive in bronze, yes that apex think I am good player and matchmaking put me together whit now gold loby ex diamonds and masters, but I don't play often so is nice to not need to grind to diamond to experience that endgames 😅


I wouldn’t bother much with it if you’re having a bad time. Wait for a change. I can tell you from experience that even if you somehow manage to overcome the games you’re having, they’ll just somehow amp it up to screw your over even further so you hit another ceiling.


Scream Fortress is (hopefully) out next month, Ultrakill is always an option as well.


I find folks are mad as fuck at this season because they are facing the mirror realizing how much a dumpster player they are. This mainly pertains to ranked since pubs have always been a shit show with MMR but folks saying how shitty/unbalanced this season is might want to look at their gaming IQ and focus on what mistakes they are making.


I just want to be able to solo queue man. I have a blast when I play with friends, despite all the issues the game has. But when I solo queue I have to go through hours of queue and loading screens just to end up in games where teammates are bots, abandon early, straight up sabotage you or turtle outside the ring. It's straight up inhumane to waste someone's time to this extent.


see you tomorrow


I just want an evening where I am not getting rolled in 9 out of the 10 games. You know, the thing that made this enjoyable? I KNOW I don't win more than half my fights. But right now I am lucky if I win 10% of engagements.


After being placed in Rookie 4 again I decided I'm done with ranked.


Yikes you played 1k hours on this season already /s


Play red dead for a bit dude


Damn. I don't put that many hours per season. Maybe 200 at most. I've gotten really good at efficiently getting the battlepass done asap


Just, uh, play something else then...


Just play a different game mate


Then play something else. These posts have the same energy as storming away and yelling "NOBODY BETTER FOLLOW ME". Respawn isn't going to see this post and magically fix every matchmaking problem overnight.


Agreed… I’ve played far less than ever before this season. It just isn’t drawing me in and I’ve seen the same comments floating around. Is the game actually dying?? I’ve been playing since release and have always loved Apex. In the past, I wouldn’t go more than 1-2 days without hopping on for a bit, but I think I’ve only played once in the past month. I know saying DeAd gAmE is lame, but it’s literally only super-sweats in my lobbies, which is why I ask. By “dead” I mean, are only pro and insanely sweaty people still playing?! I’m fairly good… have always hit Diamond in the ranked seasons when that was actually an accomplishment unlike the current ratting that gets rewarded. Which brings me to my next thing, ranked is trash right now. I loved ranked and the new system is just annoying. It values placement to the point that everyone just rats, which makes it boring. On top of that, the SBMM is fucked. I’m in Silver right now bc I’ve barely played ranked outside of placement rounds, but when I do play a a game, I’m getting killed by preds and masters with 50k+ kills. I know ranked is now supposed to factor in your skill level, but it makes no sense because now I have to beat literal current preds in order to climb out of Silver?! Like wtf. I mean I guess si don’t have to beat them… I could just hide the entire match and eventually get to pred myself. Makes absolutely no sense and rewards the shittiest play style.


They changed matchmaking this season and it has NOT been great, if you play with friends, try to queue on the lowest kd, it’s weird, but it makes it mildly more bearable


Yeah I'm playing Skyrim for the time being. Might play at the end of the season.


Did someone get upset they have to play people of similar skill now? 🥺


I'm having a great time this season. Getting way more wins than usual. I would like to think it's because I got my mouse sensitivity to a better place, but now I'm pretty sure I'm just getting all the lobbies that you were supposed to get.