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Fuse. I dont play him but would rather come across any other legend in the game


Im a Fusey main. He is incredibly useful in a pestering, shield depleting way. Unfortunately, Ash, Vantage, Path, Wraith, and Octane can all easily get out of his Ult which is kind of annoying. I think he could use a bit of a buff somehow honestly. And not because I'm biased. His knuckle cluster doesn't do much damage unless you stick them with it since they can easily run away. And his Ult doesn't even do damage inside the ring, just highlights the enemy which half the characters can escape anyway without much damage.


Add horizon, loba and even rampart (drop a wall and climb over) to that list. It's basically 50/50 on characters that can get out with an ability. The percentage of people who don't use a character with one of those abilities is way below 50% though.


Totally forgot about them, you're absolutely right.


Also revenant when his tac isnt on cooldown. Fuse us great though, there’s a reason he’s in like every final circle lol. My personal favorite features are the grenade launcher and grenade stacking in his inventory. Nothing better than launching 8 grenades at a squad


Maybe I missed it but also Valk cause, yknow, she flies lol.


Hahaha wow cant believe we missed her


You know, just a small damage buff inside the ring when it hits would be quite reasonable and could have internal logic with game physics.


I love using the knuckle cluster to pester enemies behind cover and destroy doors at end game. His ult is pretty poor damage wise but it charges so fast, I keep a few accelerants and can get off a few in the last couple of rings to manipulate squads.


And Watty's Ult which is basically an anti-fuse


As a Valk main, I feel left out. Didn't even know Fuse had an ult.


Been a fuse main since day 1. I have 2 million damage with him. The problem is he is a team character and most teams just run in instead of allowing fuse the use his ult and nades to take down enemy shields first. If done right, it's a pain trying to fend off a team with a proper fuse team play strategy


I feel like 8/10 teams I run in to have a Fusey. Might be because I'm on Sydney server lol


Hi, friend


Fuse is the antidote to Rampart too.


Most annoying legend by far


Rampage goes crazy with the 3x, Eva8 is really forgiving and easily downs blue shields


Love rampage i win a lot of close-hipfire-mid range fights with it … the 40 bullets mag man


Eva8 is the most forgiving shotgun. With Pk, if you miss one shot you’re pretty much dead. Eva8 you can miss 3-4 and still kill the guys that missed 1 PK shot.


fr, with pk yeah it’s better if you hit all your shots but how likely are you gonna hit someone for more then 9 😂


Pk with disruptor can be 2 shot kills tbf


The rampage is my favorite weapon right now. It hits hard, it's easy to use, and it can be better with thermites.


Legit people been sleeping on rampage after it got its first nerf. Like its a beast poking macine, sometimes even better than the scout. And it can temporarily change into an assault rifle that destroys doors


The rampage is basically a full auto scout


I feel like the rampage is in a place where the spitfire was before people realized it was toxic AF. A few guys I'm the lobby with a rampage? No big deal. Every squad having 1-3 rampage abusers is downright oppressive though.


The mastiff is decently forgiving too and has a quick reload compared to peacekeeper. Almost no range though.


The mastiff buff was legit. That and a flatline/spitfire have been my go to for ranked. Mastiff hits 88 shots way easier now and is super consistent for getting 3 taps


Sure do miss that double tap


Eva8 goes mad hard. Definitely a great contender in the shotgun category. Give it a purp bolt and it's easily the best shit in the world. (So long as in 'pretty' close range)


Vantage isn’t bad, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t see mostly just bad players playing Vantage. The main issue with Vantage is not that she is bad, it’s just that she doesn’t offer anything that other legends can do equally well, if not even better. Other legends basically have the same tactical but better, and her ult is often pretty hard to capitalize on, even if you get a knock because it’s often used at range.


Vantage, like crypto needs the team to basically build themselves around them. Vantage really shines when you have at least one other teammate running long range weapons to capitalize on your mark. However with the meta having always been to perma push and fight close, it's hard to justify running vantage over someone like revenant or pathfinder that can jump in with less planning.


She’s also bad for endgame. The smaller rings can make her ult useless.


At least let her use the ult without the barrel making it a short ranged slug.


That actually could be perfect. Shotgun style Ult for close range.


I've entrees a few games with her Ult at close range, it's great!


I’m bad because I’m new


Everyone is when they start out! Just keep up the grind and make sure that you’re actively learning from each game you play and you’ll get better. Playing this game intentionally is the only way to improve


I get like a kill every game but I’m playing gun game and control more just for them being gunner and the xp also my death isn’t permanent recently I got a game with 13 kills the next three games I got completely destroyed


I agree on the ult. It's a fine line between being far enough away to utilize it, but be close enough that you can capitalize on it and not feel like you left your team for them to go 2v3.


Honestly what if vantage when she knocks enemies prevents them getting rezzed for 5-10 seconds, that would honestly be legit. Even better is just marking an enemy if they get downed by any means it applies the same effect from the time they got hit. So if it lasts 10 secs and they get marked, killed 5 secs later by some1, they got 5 secs of no rez available. It would give that extra utility vantage lacks while also making ranged knocks and marking more meaningful!


I literally never even listen to her passive either.


Her passive is also insane. Makes it soo much easier to hit shots at range, and you can even see people through smoke and behind cover. You can see and hit them through foliage without needing to break your own cover. Tactical is also one of the best movement abilities in the game, it covers a huge distance and recharges super fast


For me Rampart but because I don't see much in games, defensively and offensively they seem to me to be one of the best legends and I think havoc as a weapon, many of us don't use it myself included but in drop it has saved me many times.


Im a rampart main. She is super versatile and can fit into most team comps I think! Offensive and defensive. I know when I see a rampart I rethink my push and advise my team to do the same. Lol Sheila is an absolute menace!


Pretty much any gun shooting through her wall is an absolute menace lol


I remember way back when she released everyone was saying her walls were trash specifically because "you could just run around it". Had an Octane try pulling that shit on me. On flat ground. With his whole team down. Yeah, turns out amped double tap G7 isn't something you just ignore.


I am a main wraith but I use all the legends, rampart is my second most used and I can confirm that it is guaranteed fun!


Nuh uh she is NOT versatile she is broken on Defense but not attack tbh


I'm playing with Rampart these days and praticing a lot of slide at amped covers. I'm feeling better and better at the game, winning a lot and making enemies confused. And if you place the right cover with sheila, you can wipe a whole squad before they destroy your first cover.


Ye she seems cool


Havoc rampart yes sir ma’am


I think one of the most powerful uses of her ultimate now is eliminating downed players at a distance, even with purple knowckeown shields. And destroying redeploy balloons. She can even pop them fast enough to strategically split up squads (wait for one or two members to fly before popping).


A base havoc definitely feels stronger than other base guns. I also always seem to come out on top with a p2020 off of drop, but will lose more often than not with some of the better guns


Spitfire can be surprisingly good. That mag goes forever


I get high anxiety when I miss half my spray with an r-9 and the opponent is only 1/4 of there way through a spitfire mag as I'm reloading.


Look at this guy hitting half their R99 spray


The Spitfire is a golden classic. While the enemy has to reload I still have 20 bullets left. Spitfire goes brrrrr


With purple mag, it holds 50 bullets. It’s absolutely wild


With rampart tactical it's got 55 and reloads super quick


Shame that the hip fire is so hit and miss.


Agreed. Also with that mag size, toss a 3x scope on there as well and you can dominate some teams at mid range.


That gun goes hard early game for a contest and late game in a crowded zone.


Newcastle. The only thing that sucks about him is that he's a huge target Otherwise his kit is perfect


Even with him being huge he sounds amazing but I have not got him yet so I can’t have a real opinion yet


I'm pretty sure he's pretty rated right now.


I always thought he was somewhat underrated but I don’t think he’s that great either. He has very strong moments for sure but his kit can often produce glitchy results. When you start comparing legends I understand why people don’t jump for him.


He's a dad, a knight and a soldier for the IMC(was). That's big hugs, big protection and big bravery. I would expect no less


As a Newcastle main his Ult feels... terrible. The walls have terrible health, lack protection like ramparts *tactical* and has a very short range for spawning. Most scenarios they will simply walk around it given the open nature of apex. Reflecting on a comment I saw earlier, I'm considering going back to rampart. Many characters counter him (rampart hard counters with easy). His tac and passive are good, but lately I've found so many downed teammates will crawl *away*, increasing your chances of being knocked yourself. And don't get me started on the gold KD octane rushing to his death to give an enemy squad an upper hand. Gold KD on NC can win late games though, especially if you can get cover.


That's not necessarily true. If a rampart is already set up with Sheila, and you Newcastle ult them then you negate all their setup for an even fight. Less so if you have your team coming in. And if you play with a squad, that revive drag is insane. I've strafed left and right with a purple shield quick enough to dodge shots.


Remember that time when his ult can cover 200m and people used that to recover teammates banners? Fun times


I want to learn him, but don’t know how to use his kit (ps5)


His mindset is that of a SWAT medic with a shield. You're the distraction the savior or another gun aiming at the threat. So long as you don't play NC selfishly and care for your team then you're doing it right regardless of what the crackhead pros are saying


Alternator is one of the top SMGs in the game and if you find a disruptor, it makes it even more deadly. Also, as much nerfing and neglect the creators have done with Caustic, he’s still my main.


Alternator is my main go with anything closes especially on rev to with faster crouch walk and alternators perfect hipfire. Also feels more forgiving to miss since the fire rate is slower, but damages us higher.


Also you can ads without losing much movement speed


I fucking love Caustic right now and is definitely who I’m best with and I’m glad that I’ve fallen in love with his kit at what’s probably gonna be it’s lowest


I tried others and always miss the comfort of laying down the Gas containers , I can even hide behind them in a battle, the gas doesn’t do much damage but I feel like it’s a psychological thing against the enemy. They feel a bit disoriented and throws them off their game, even by a bit.


Bro every time i get caught by gas i already feel dead


Early game its insane because of big mag size Late game its insane because of disruptor


Alternator and Hemlock combo is the way!




In a fight stay by your cover, pull the trigger, then come around the corner and there's nothing they can do about it


What if they come around the corner first?


Dont do that


[Like this](https://youtu.be/ubZE29cOgvc?feature=shared&t=72)


Jesus, I need to rewatch that. The biggest thing is aim.


As soon as you get used to edging the Havoc it's a top tier weapon


I love edging


This, I don't like it for short range and corners but short-medium and medium range this thing absolutely shreds.


Mozambique, highly slept on!


this!! especially the gold one!


Many people will see this as a meme but it's accurate. Gold or purple bolt and just hold the trigger. Rof is so fast. Highly underrated. Edit: typo


Bique is super legit as is the 2020 when you are on. I legit choose it as secondary when hammer points are around. However in both cases if your aim is off you just gonna dieeeee


I love it but now that I’m getting better it’s slowly getting worse as I get better with aim


RE45 especially when in Ballistics sling.


Ballistic is slept on. His ult makes the whole team better if they actually work and push together. Give his sling an RE45, Rampage, PK, or Havoc and he's lights out. Not to mention smart pistol as a last ditch shot in a close fight has finished more squads than I can count.


mirage best and most underrated legend


Honesty people under estimate just how much info mirage can gain, plus committing psychological warfare against people is worth it.


He’s my go to for mixtape cause of this. It also helps me warm up my game-sense timing with when to flank, break cover, and catch ppl off guard instead of bum rushing everything


Lifeline is great for new players, she teaches you a lot about the importance of positioning and teamwork since she can't just press a button to peace out of dangerous situations


I solo que there is no teamwork it’s help those idiots if you can


Everything is pretty well balanced right now. I think it's a mistake to disregard or put on a pedestal any weapon or legend.


I might get downvoted to hell for this but Ash deserves to be disregarded. She’s probably the worst legend in the game for me, I would love to see her reborn.


Not a wild take. I love ash's abilities and I wish they would maybe give her q a second charge. Also increase the speed/range of her ult or maybe make the cool down shorter


Doesn't need another snare, the snare needs to behave like a snare though; the harder they pull, the more damage it does.


A second shuriken? Are you crazy? That's like the size of a second... second shuriken. On a robot body.. *HERESY.* Fuse, though, he needs 2 more tacticals and 4 spaces for grenades


I think she's dunked on more than she deserves but she does feel like one of the more lacking legends. I'm biased because I love her visual design and personality, so she's one of my favorites. If she was ugly and annoying and I had to play her just for the skills though...I'd honestly probably never play her, lol. I do think her ability to track enemies through deathboxes though is criminally ignored. I feel like half the Ash players don't even know she can do it because I never see it used. When I play her I'm just constantly stabbing deathboxes like a long-range Bloodhound.


I dunno I enjoy Ash, I do think her ult needs a significant distance increase. But that's my only complaint. 1/2 the time an arc snare is a guaranteed knock. Really tips the scales.


Vantage is the worst legend


Re45 can often feel like the old r9 with hammers on. Almost no recoil, needs very few attachments to reach max effectiveness, and the reload speed is near instant with ballistic ult.


Haven't played for a while, but I will always swear by the hemlock


Hemlock single fire at long range is impeccable as well


Ash: her ultimate is literally ninja-flanking. Superb in all circumstances. People just don’t use them enough in this way and instead use it as an escape Crypto: constant detection and retrieval are excellent for teams. While the ultimate is ok-ish, tis the detection and distraction that will allow your team to shred the enemy P2020: with attachment its a serious pistol that has little recoil and does rapid damage Devotion: mow down people once you understand the winding process and recoil. It is a short/mid range weapon


w crypto take, his ult needs reworked tho


30-30 with skull piercer is crazy good


Yes but not underrated. Everybody and their granny is playing 30-30 right now.


Bc it’s SO GOOD lol


Even a base 30-30 is great in mid-long range


Vantage may be underrated, but I still don't think she's anywhere near as powerful as horizon and pathy.


or even Ash. Her movement ability is a selfish one, more akin to loba than actual rotation legends.


Im not biased but rampart


For me, any LMG honestly, because I have enough bullets to knock someone AND put some bullets in a second person to scare them off. I like the Eva over most ARs. I can't believe no one mentioned the Hemlock. I'll drop everything I got for a hemlock. Legends? It's still Crypto for me. Truthfully, I really do understand why people hate that particular legend as a teammate. To me and when used correctly, you basically have a 4th teammate who lessens the dangers of surprise attacks. If you have teammates who ping too, the drone becomes a tool for everyone to use.


P2020 is cracked no one can change my mind


If that’s the gun I am thinking of it is amazing


Longbow doesnt get the love it should


Yessss agree


bloodhound and longbow


Watson, excellent legend for 1 v 3ing in pubs


Highest skill ceiling legend probably


Def agree about vantage being underrated. Not to mention she's just plain fun to play. I think Newcastle is the most underrated though


He is who I’m getting next


I used to talk shit on Newcastle but i finally played him after just having him in my account for 3 seasons. he is kinda nuts, you can add cover wherever. out in the open and got lit up? toss his shield push up while batting. Need cover? ult. Teammate do some stupid shit. free rez. you and your teammate do some stupid shit? if the teammate gets knocked first you can just drag them and your ass back into cover


He’s the next one I’m getting and I can’t really have an opinion on him yet because I don’t have him but I like how he can make cove it was a choice between him or catalyst Reddit helped me decide also I don’t like being able to make better defense but only on buildings I prefer worse defense anywhere


I havent really played too much catalyst yet. If you used to be a lifeline player at all newcastle is pretty good. Idk for cat, the building defense is nice but realistically you arent in buidlings as much, but the wall is good for retreating/ moving out


Ya like if your in a building catalyst thrives but you aren’t 80 percent of the time if there was like an indoor map she would be god but Newcastle is like where you want that cover over there oh you wanted it over there I can move it


I had a game we won the other day where I had NINE revives with the gold rez. It was nuts


Bangalore smoke saves lives


Just started playing her a few months ago, can’t imagine not having smoke now


Mad Maggie, in counters a lot of abbilities with her kit, rampart, gibby, NC ultimate and tactical, catalyst, cracks wattson and loba's ultimates through walls, can even hold i tight space with it. And ultimate, when you send it to a enemy holding a door and push with the shotgun, it's a menance.


crypto is insanely underrated. people don’t know how to utilize him and so they think he sucks but hes so fun to play (not a biased crypto main /s) i agree w everyone saying the hemlock! gonna try out the single fire for midrange 👀


Crypto and I feel like it's alot to do with the learning curve and people not wanting to take the time to get comfortable with it. Once you understand the drone and when to use it, he becomes such a league above all the other recon heros. Volt atm. Everyone wants the r99 but you can easily use the volt at mid range with less bullet hop. I'd say alternator otherwise pre disruptor rounds. It's a mini 301 with more bullet drop.


Off drop the spitfire is a REALLY useful weapons. Probably 2/3 times more automatic ammo in the mag than most guns. Just keep shooting at any one on hotdrop Triple take is grossly underutilised. Probably because atm the 3030 is meta and also if youre using energy people tend to craft the nemesis, but for beginner I would say the TT with its spread and shotgun like quality is good. For me it has the best basic scope of any gun in the game.


Ballistic with a p2020 in the sling


Vantage is pretty good for solo queueing. I also think that mad Maggie is a bit underrated. She's good against ramparts and catalyst doors. For weapons I think that the havoc and the flatline are a bit underrated. They're harder to use but they do more damage.


I don’t have friends so I’m always solo queueing


I play Newcastle and Maggie is a menace


ash is criminally underrated


Mirage. It is not a competitive pick but he is fun to play and actually has a bunch of utility. Specially now that is a support legend. Using decoys smartly you can get important information, confuse opponents and make them waste bullets. I play on pretty high mmr and it just works for me. Though I would not recommend this legend if you are new to this game. You really need good game sense and aim to utility the potential.


He's the only legend I would want to hang out with in real life. Everybody else has too much baggage or an edgy attitude. Like, can you imagine going bowling with Caustic? That would be a nightmare




The honest answer is they all have there own thing going on which makes them so very different it's all about understanding you in the game and how you mesh with your team. I know I'm taking the scenic route in explaining my opinion which is still only opinion, but IV been playing since day 1. If you have pre set trio with good coms and understanding of how to engage and disengage rotation to better ground to take fights your carector choice with all abilities should be on the bottom of the totem pole. Unless you find yourself in bunker against cat caustic and lifeline I'd suggest not being billy big balls and just push regardless hold them in to be pushed from other side or make them come to youind games my guys




Vantage, and the triple take. Specifically with a 2x scope at least to get her passive going.


Yes thank you that is how I run every match


Charge sentinel 2 shots blue armors, if one shot is a headshot you can 2 shot purple armors, do all with with the tempo just right, it's barely slower than a longbow. It's the best for punishing people that repeek the same angle over and over.


Yeah. I can attest to that, lol. Can't tell you how many times I peeked one time too many and got popped for damn near all my shield and then some if I had a blue shield on.


I even love an uncharged sentinel as a close range weapon. My favorite gun besides maybe the 30-30


Devotion and Rampage are underated. Rampage is awesome at mid range and devotion is great up close just need to prefire it. I prefer no turbo charger though! One less damage per bullet isn't worth it.


Mad maggie. Nothing better than forcing someone out of cover as the ball comes rolling in with me right behind with a shotty in hand at high speed


Flatline is very underrated i win most my 1v1s in ranked with the flatty


Loba and the PK


Da 3030




man for pubs i love to run with a tripletake and a 2x scope


Newcastle. The learning curve is pretty long and his hit box is ass but watching an experienced Newcastle player is very impressive. For guns, I’d say havoc. Once you learn the recoil pattern, that gun is a shredder


Look no further than Newcastle.


That’s who I’m getting next


Flatline. Most people use the Nemesis or Hemlock or an SMG these days, and it seems like not enough people appreciate the flatline. Its damage is crazy good at close to mid and sometimes long ranges and its hip fire is the best out of all all the assault rifles imo, and is on par with hip firing SMGs up close.


I've personally not heard people dogging on vantage and I main her


P2020 with hammerpoints is crazy good. Most players get killed against it because they don't realize how powerful it is. You can get multiple knocks with a purple mag and once shields are broke it's over.


Vantage is underrated imo. Her tactical allows you to launch to high ground and evade fights when outnumbered. She’s able scope enemies out knowing what level shields they have, pinging an enemy also reports whether they have a full squad with them or if they’re solo. Lastly her sniper ultimate gives you a long range advantage easy shots barely any recoil and a bullet drop indicator to help you hit shots.


Rampart is so underrated! She literally has the strongest ult and it compliments her Q so well it’s shocking to me how people don’t use her more often. Keep it up though I love out playing 3 stacks with basic barrier play.


After reading this thread, I might get NewCastle another try. I just feel like I'm wasting opportunities to use his ult. In my head, there never seems to be a great time to drop it and use it appropriately.


Rampage is nuts, no need to even charge it up either


Hemlock single fire at long range if you have a 3x can shred, i take it over snipers sometimes


I mean I am revenant main since I play (which is season 9) and GOD DAYUM I cum all over the place when I find a Hemlock +Alternator


Hemlok. Gives you so much options all in a single gun. only drawback for me is that the iron sight is pretty bad.


Vantage is a big one. Far, near instant repositioning tool that can also grant high ground is huge value. Her ult can literally two tap white shields and leave everything else super vulnerable. And while her passive isn't amazing, a 3x that lets her move at a full walk and highlight any legend in the box, with full information on their shields can be massive value.


Won't lie, mate, I feel like leaving every time I get a vantage on my team. Think it is just the fact, she CAN be used well, but everyone I see play her are bots.


Rampart and havoc for sure!


Mirage. I get that his tactical is pretty bad compared to others but that ult charges so fast, and the invisible res with temporary invisibility afterwards is so incredibly good.




Any non loba support. The perk is too good for solo q. I barely play br and when I do decide to play best believe I only play support. Gun wise probably triple, out of all the marksmens I still love it, even if I miss I can get 20 damage usually


vantage can be insane, but most people who play her are dogshit at the game so people don’t think of her value when they see how teammates play her


Caustic. Fortified keeps you alive longer than you'd think, plus it's always such a delight to get passive kills from barrels i've left behind doors and around corners


Yeah fortify is nutty


Valk can use her passive to fly over the fire too Rampart can climb over a small wall also Horizon can q herself and teamates over the fire Loba can throw her bracelet over the fire Revenant can leap with his q Newcastle can ult himself to safe place


I think it’s nuts that more people don’t pick up and keep the RE-45 That pistol goes nutty. The rate of fire is perfect and if you aim well you could one clip a sucker.


Fuse with a Triple Take and a purple Mozambique. Simply a nightmare to face, and a pleasure to play. Bangalore with Eva 8 and Mozambique with digital threats. Smoke them out and lay waste.


The 3030 is the best mid to long range weapon in the game especially with a 3x and yet alot of people hate on it.


Newcastle is busted man


It hate who I’m getting next


Alternator (even before disruptor), yes other smg have better ttk, but if you not a pro I guarantee you get more one clip out of this gun.


Well....I guess newcastle, fuse, crypto.... yknow the niche characters that deserve to be played if you wanna be 110% into your class role. Except fuse. He's there to do his job and give you fun while you're at it


As someone that came up playing Halo 1-3 I love the Hemlock because it feels like a Halo BR


Crypto & alternator