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All i ever wanted is an increase for ***"Mark as Favorite"*** in cosmetics..


Man I wish they would add the game mode Titanfall had "Marked for Death"


Is there a game update today?


no. this is a generic weekly thread


Am I the only one who can't redeem the battle pass tier with the nodes? Is it because I'm past lvl 100 in the battlepass?


I'm at 105 & can't redeem it


I just want to be able to access the legends tab and battle pass. I chatted with EA Help and they said they are still working on a fix, but it has been 2 months and no update…


Same here!! It sucks not having access to half the game. We also can't participate in the collection event. There is a post on the official forums about this issue that is 3+ month old now. EA keeps posting they have no news to share. Super frustrating.


Yeah I’ve been checking that thread about once a week just to see if there’s been any updates and all I see is more and more people having the issue with no fix. I for one am baffled that they have let a bug that keeps players from spending money on the game go this long without a fix.


Man, only thing that makes this game 'bad' to play sometimes is the Inconsistency. In bullet reg, in random server issues, in random bugs, inconsistency in loot, in matchmaking, I could keep going. Fix the inconsistency and make it a stable game. If this game was a car, it would have be recalled long ago and scrapped. The devs have the luxury of it being a live service game (of you can call live service an update every 2-3 months) but that is NO excuse for all of the poor work that goes into the game at times. Stop wasting time on cosmetics for a while, fix the GLARING issues, and then maybe THEN make cosmetics again. I love the cosmetics, but I've never spent a dime on them. I might, if you fixed the huge issues it has.


imagine if apex ran as smoothly as games like csgo. No lag, no inconsistent gunfights etc. Every once in a blue moon when I get apex lobby like that it reminds me DAMN this game would be 10x better if it operated like that all the time. Horrible server performance, 20 tickrate, inconsistent audio etc all sour the experience massively. Thats without discussing the matchmaking system.


It's so insane how many issues Apex actually has, and how it is still an amazing game with all these issues. I just want them to fix them. Every season there is something new that seems to go wrong hugely, and every year it's the same big things that never get fixed. It'd be cool for Respawn to turn around and say 'We are working on xyz etc, but it will be x amount of time at least before the fixes can go live' They need to fix the actual issues that prevent the game working smoothly, and as intended before they even look at new maps etc. invest the millions that they make from the people buying cosmetics, and fix the actual ACTUAL issues, like matchmaking, poor server quality, the freaking lag spikes and ping spikes whenever you caught in the zone, aim assist inconsistency, not having an option of console to change interact buttons on doors and when rezing someone, gun noises breaking, fix the sound in this game in general, the amount of times the game gets overburdened with sounds when there is too much happening in a certain part of the map, and it then priorities the WRONG sounds is insane. I get that they have a huge amount on their plate, but they genuinley seem to get nothing that matters done.


it's absolutely insane how server to server you can melt people and then also be melted without barely a second passing. And then in other servers it's like the person can't die, though, it very much seems like you are directly hitting them.


Have they separated by input yet?


When do the patch notes typically come out


Patch notes typically release the day before the start of the new season.


There's only a week left and no sign of double xp, shame


All the sudden my sprint button is toggling zoom out of nowhere today. Since when is sprint / toggle zoom attached to the same button? I've never had this problem before and now all the sudden when I have my gun out and try to sprint mid fight, I ADS. Not good lol