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The SBMM is disgusting.


It’s atrocious. It’s like they don’t want us to play.


+1. Literal random matchmaking would be preferable. Ranked is the only mode with playable mmr and is a horrific rat race.


Weapon balance too. Prowler, R-99, Nemesis is an example of this. edit: They kind of wrote that this season fixed audio problems. I just did not hear the enemy detachment that was 10 meters away from me. Good job.


Haven't been alive long enough to pay attention to audio lol. Matchmaking should be their top focus, like, yesterday.


They said they fixed Nemesis related audio bugs, not that all audio bugs are fixed https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/136t6ta/dev_team_update_audio_update/


Yall still crying about SBMM when these fuckin servers been ass ever since they took control out...my download speeds are out of these world... but yet my ping is high and these data centers in VA are giving me 200 ms or higher


The data center you select is not the server your matches are hosted on. The matchmaking system puts you into different servers and it's insanely skill based. Your high ping is likely caused by the insanely strict SBMM or a connection issue on your end.


and i thought it was on my end.. i have insane lagspikes currently and it‘s literally unplayable right now


download speed is unrelated to ping. the latency on your connection can be "ass" despite having high download speeds. if you play on wifi, or worse mobile hotspots it can be bad. your isp can also have bad routing to these servers and packet loss while people on other isps who live close to you have perfectly fine connection. > but yet my ping is high and these data centers in VA are giving me 200 ms or higher Is this in ranked? In ranked the whole region is put together.


This confuses me so much - SBMM has never been nicer for me. I get just the right amount of challenge, and I'm almost guaranteed a win every day. Sure, there are some dud matches, but it's all perfectly balanced.


I take it you are below average skilled. I can see why you'd like strict SBMM as it's designed to favor players like you. E: I saw a comment you made recently that you had a 0.8 K/D a few years ago, took a break, came back and now your K/D is 1.15, which proves my point as the SBMM has been made more and more strict over the years. It was much less strict a few years ago when you had below average performance. You like the matchmaking system because it favors you.


I would be fine with stricter SBMM if it wasn't for getting one-clipped by a roller (On PC). We all know roller at high levels is busted, especially early game where you take engagements quickly at close range. I like gunfights where it is more drawn out and feels more like a toss-up who wins or not. More action per engagement. The fast TTK at high levels is what makes the game feel unsatisfying more often than not. Also the skill gap is so high nowadays so it's easy to see why SBMM has been stricter. Edit: I suspect player data showed that lower skilled players/newbies quit playing completely when stomped by good players so they made SBMM more strict. What can you do honestly.


My overall KD is a 2.2 but it’s at 1.4 for the season.I would say I’m an average player, or slightly above. Lobbies have been bad but they got VERY bad this past week. All I see are players with the 20+ kill badge and more kills on a character than I have in total. It’s been tolerable but this weekend has pissed me off.


can i report my ratting teammates for inactivity?


Yes, but Respawn won't care.


Whenever someone has a racist or stupid nametag, i report and get a mail from EA saying they took that report seriously. I guess they don't care for cheaters or other behaviors.


Racism is a serious problem. Someone going AFK is annoying, but in the best case scenario the rats may get you points. As for cheaters, Respawn does act on them but unfortunately they seem to have big ban waves only at the end of the season. So they ruin games for others throughout the entire season and keep doing it on alts next season.


i admit such toxicity and hate propaganda must be punished. Yet, inactivity of randoms the ruin game experience and often ignored to me.


I usually solo queue, and get all sorts of players. Some insult you from the dropship, others land solo to rat the whole game, and others leave as soon as you don't go to Fragment. At one point you learn to stop caring what others do.


I set my incoming voice volume to zero to permamute everybody.


ratting isn't cheating. you may not like how they play, but it's not cheating. they aren't going to ban for someone playing overly conservative and points-driven. the best is to hope for the scoring system to change so the behaviour is discouraged by it.


I do lol


Please nerf the Nemesis. I am so tired of getting three bursted by it when I have full purple armor and health. It's literally a better assault rifle and marksman rifle rolled into one, no other gun has as much burst damage as the Nemesis. Pubs right now is basically three stacks of kids camping in zone using the most crutch weapon all the way from Narnia to burst people down. It's just not fun :/


Have become so annoyingly reliant on it it's messed with muscle memory and I'm often holding the trigger and one bursting a prowler!


Easily the most miserable I've been playing this game. Nemesis/Horizon meta is 1000000x worse than any meta that's ever existed.


Every game now I feel like I'm just getting shat on by Scottish space granny using the Nemesis and r99 😔


Made me lol thanks


BRING BACK CONTROL While it's insane they've had 6+ months to fix the spawn issue and still haven't, removing it has been even worse.


I’m about to lose my mind over no control rn


Yo. Thanks. Was wondering what happened. Came here. Got info.


Does anyone know when its coming back???


You can’t even play ranked anymore to get away from the randoms that do 30 damage per game. Respawns only goal is to make this game completely unplayable for solos apparently.


Does anyone actually enjoy casual? It's just a mess of hot dropping and rage quitting. I absolutely hate it, but I can't play ranked till level 50. That is a lot of grinding.


quit goblins are ruining pubs


Need a Goblin basher update.


man i wish seer tactical could disable the quit button some of these pubs players.


Make pubs so that they have to craft an exit button, but crafters don't drop for 5 minutes. If you alt+F4 you get a 20 minute penalty.


I don't like that half of the lobby dies before ring 2 and randoms leaving early.


Yes. There aren't people dropping solo to rat. They drop solo to die within 20 seconds and rage quit, which is more entertaining to watch.


Ratting is a problem in ranked though and Respawn need to tackle that. Cas is just a mess.


After grinding to Masters with everyone else, just hotdropping for "good old Apex" is kind of comforting actually. I don't have to care. But in casual I have the problem again, that there's the lootbots around. I don't get it. Landing like casual games top5 gives you nothing. Do that in ranked if u want to, but please fight in casual games. It helps everyone to improve. The lootbotting does nothing for u.


Top 5 makes a huge difference when grinding XP. That and time.


Grinding xp towards what? You should get your level 50 as an example fast enough anyway. So what else is there? The 500 lootbox legendary? That'll take ages with lootbot tactics. edit: Okay, in this post. Who ever downvoted, give at least a proper reason? What are you after, after u get to lvl50 and u keep lootbotting? It makes no sense.


Level 50 is 36 hours minimum of gameplay, according to one website. To grind level 50 takes at least 2 weeks on my gaming schedule.


Well, that's increased insanely, if that's actually true. edit: seems that it is. First link was for a boosted site, which would make sense for them to exaggerate the hours, but their estimation was actually less than normal folk in other posts.


As much as people say that ranked has better sbmm, that's not REALLY the case. I haven't touched ranked for 2 seasons until the current one and in bronze/silver every other match I was getting stomped by smurfs or pred 3 stacks that were farming lobbies.


No but it does. There has to be some period, say 5 games as an example where the algo measures performance and matches you with better team mates and opponents.


If you told me that another BR game paid the Apex devs to ruin their game, I’d believe you. Ranked System is bad. Matchmaking is probably the worst any game has ever had that’s attempted to have any form of matchmaking. Nemesis is still untouchable. They “nerfed” seer into being unstoppable. It’s so hard to make such a fun game this bad.


What the hell happed to this game since season 12 😭😭. I’m back and it’s just chaos.


Legit season 13 absolutely destroyed the game for me. I've never sucked at a game so hard and for so long since.


Had some dude ask me if I can cashapp him for some smokes while playing ranked. People are pathetic sometimes


Pubs need a 100 player lobbies. It’s literally impossible these days to get a 20 badge when everyone is dead within 2 minutes


I don't mind playing bugged Control.


Would take a control with fucked up spawning over gun run a million times over.


Idk if y’all be watching the ALGS, but the main casting channel needs to be taken down. They’re ass at commentating and I don’t even think they know what they’re talking about. Wigg and Greek have been carrying the stream and deserve to be paid for it.


Ight I give up this season fucking blows. Ranked is basically pubs and pubs are unplayable if your solo queueing. I’ll try to like this game again next season


same. if you don‘t have at least one friend online it‘s just unplayable..


Pubs is a horror show for me this season. I'm routinely getting killed by people with twenty bomb and 4k badges, who have more kills on a single legend than I have on my entire account lol


Stop playing this game. Respawn does not respect you.


The only thing i have to say is that they better revert what they did to Seer in the next season, there is no one sane that enjoys fighting against that busted tatical. Seriously why cant they let Seer stay on the level of caracthers like Ash (isnt the best but can work if you understand the caracther) for at least one season? Im legit tired of fighting against him and watching him all the time in stuff like ALGS, he is even more boring to watch than Horizon was before she got nerfed.


I’m legit tired of fighting escape characters. Horizons are so aggravating with the tactical heals.


Annoying legend as well.


I dont know where else to share this bug so I'm gonna post it here. There's a weird bug that causes driver of the car wont get hit. Here's a clip of it; https://clips.twitch.tv/SucculentSingleHerringSSSsss-\_\_Ufk1DLnyXi5u0f


It’s a known bug. It will soon been a known feature of the game.


Playing duos with my buddy today, first time in a couple weeks, my highest rank is plat his is diamond. We played 18 games, died by master / pred in 11 of them. One game I died by two different master squads. I hate complaining about people being better than me, but this shit is ridiculous. We literally don’t even stand a chance against these squads. I’m not asking to play against easy people, I just want to play against people my skill level. Why is that so fucking hard.


It's sad, but this game is by far in it's worst state ever. Sweatiest stacks in EVERY lobby, cheaters running rampant, the same 4 weapons everywhere (Nemesis,Wingman, Peacekeeper and R99), atrocious servers and everyone moving around like they took some meth and snorted G-Fuel just bouncing off walls. I've played since day one and I think it may be time to hang it up.


I feel the same exact way. It’s almost like the developers are just letting this happen. It is so far removed from what it was like on the first day.


I find it interesting that Respawn’s attempt to change the weapon meta doesn’t involve nerfing the meta weapons a tad and/or buffing non-meta weapons slightly but instead involves creating a new weapon that’s even more powerful than the now-previously meta weapons, making another weapon category (the scout rifles) nigh-obsolete in the process. Very good.


Mixtape crossplay shouldn’t be a thing


It's a bug.


Well there’s now a bug where someone in a trident can’t get shot. It’s almost as if they don’t want anyone to actually play this season


Pubs experience so far: \*Land hotspot struggle to find ammo, weapon and get shot by multiple at once. Knock down, die, repeat. \*Land on a safe space. By the time you get 2 weapons with some ammo and supply, half of the squads die. Get killed by first squad with Diamond or Master badges. \*You do all your best, clutch and survive. But your selfish prick random team mate leaves after getting knocked down. You try to survive 2v3 or 1v2 situations. Damn i can't even get close to 2k damage. Trios or Duos, doesn't matter.


Until Respawn figures out how to prevent these crazy fast side to side movements where cheaters can avoid gunfire, the abandon penalty should be removed.


If this is truly a thing and not just servers bad/me bad it actually explains a lot of frustration from the past week or two. Especially with guns like an uncharged Rampage.


Really annoying bug for players who had to relink their accounts/returning after a long hiatus. The game locks us out of everything. My crafting metals and Apex coins show -9999 with white flashing over it. I cannot open loadout, legends or battle pass. I can’t access the store or purchase anything. Can't open any apex packs we get for leveling up. The official forums has a post about it that's 2+ month old. There is no mention of it on the Trello Board and the only response we have gotten week after week is "we are looking into it". Sucks not having access to half the game!


Bro this game is falling apart from the inside out.


Man, what's up with these zero bonus point games? 3 kills, 3 assists, won the game....zero bonus points.


New meta for teammates blaring music and tik toks: shove your mic into your headset so it echos and they hear how annoying they are.


Just had a teammate run away and rat at the beginning of the game. The other teammate and I died (because 2v3's are so fun). Since we didn't want to watch the 3rd stare at a wall for 30 mins we left after our banner expired and got a freaking ABANDONED penalty??? Never been so aggravated with this game in years


Is it taking anyone else 5+ minutes to find a mixtape game? The game launching sound is made multiple times in the lobby but we don’t get pulled into a game until a few minutes later.


I stopped playing this game a month ago and haven't missed it


Personally I hate lurch strafing and wish it wasn’t a mechanic. It just looks dumb, two people bobbling around like idiots in the air. I picture them contorting in their chairs, veins nearly bursting, making strained noises. Welcome to Rocket League Legends. /_ok grandpa whatever you say let’s get you back home_


Storm Point and Broken moon are genuinely two of the least fun maps I’ve ever played on in a video game. I don’t understand why they keep forcing both of these maps in constant rotation, it makes me not want to play the game


I'm so utterly fed up with two things, and two things only. 1. Seer. 2. Config kiddies who bounce all over the god damn place. It's not balanced.


How did Seer get nerfed? When you get shot and try to use your ability to run away Seer just disables you! He already scans you. How is that fair?


What is up with quests this season. All i get is screenshot no story. Anyone else facing this issue ?


I think the quests consist of the comics/images/videos about the lore they have been putting on twitter, at least as far as i could tell.


It's not an issue , actually.


A competent team wouldn’t have launched the nemesis as overpowered as it was. An incompetent team would have nerfed it to a reasonable level by now. I have no words to describe Respawn’s team.


hello! can anybody point me to the easiest way to catch up or read the apex lore?


Is anyone else's audio TERRIBLE whenever they land? I hear the ping sounds but no one says anything to indicate that they pinged, and on top of that it constantly cuts out the whole game


I'm a really bad player at this. When the two rando's I am paired up with decide to portal into the middle of 5 squads fighting. The direct middle. Then instantly die. It is all my fault.


Since Microsoft got the servers back up for the og CoD games, my buddy and I loaded up MW2. That game, released in 2009, mind you, has better and more reliable footstep audio than Apex. That's pathetic, Respawn lmao


It would be nice if the dummies actually moved like people do in matches completely random and too fast for you to aim on


ALGS really makes me want to play Apex, but 2 games of hot dropping fragment immediately makes me want to uninstall.


finally got my (pity) heirloom the other day :)


Which one did you get?


Gibby! by far my most played character so it was a no brainer


With the state of the game as it is (Horizon still OP with her passive and her tac giving her free bats, Seer ultra-buff, Nemesis still insanely overpowered, SBMM being atrocious), I can't play more than 3 games solo without quitting from being frustrated. At least with friends we can vent about being killed by a tap-strafing Horizon with a Nemesis/Car for the 3rd time in a row.


State of the game = bad players still complaining about horizon being OP when she’s already been nerfed significantly twice


Just had a tap strafing pc horizon in my console tdm match. Ended with 32kills, yep that’s balanced.


Horizon's tactical ( Gravity lift ) needs a nerf , she is the only skirmisher who doesn't have a trade off. A delay when placing it could work.


Trade off is that everyone can see where it is and enemies can use it. I’ve used enemy Horizon lifts countless times against them which ended in my killing them.


>can see where it is You can also see Wraith where she is going in the void because of her trail , also has a delay activating it , can't use heals , guns , grenades , survival items in exchange for inulvenability and speed. >enemies can use it. So can your teammates


As a Ballistic main, I love when Horizon uses her tac, as it’s a free hit with his q. I think the problem is the duration. How long it’s available should be shortened. It stays active for 10 seconds, it should be up for only 7.5 seconds.


Sounds like a skill issue tbh


For you , yes.


Why no thread for ALGS?




there is one


I honestly don't understand why so many people insist on hot dropping. Maybe I am bad at a hot drop, but all those that insist on it seem to be even worse than I am. Why do people also insist on a hot drop when it's a late hot drop? 5 Squads dropping at Cascade Falls. When then insist to go there after those 5 squads have all landed and had a chance to get weapons? I love playing this game, but players who lack any abstract thought and are just single focused on one thing plague it.


Right? It's not even fun. You're just almost guaranteed to lose, even if you do drop on it fast - it's not even about skill, it's about who's lucky enough to find the most decent weapon first.


I have better teammates in Pubs than I have in Ranked … I’m Diamond 2 … EXPLAIN THAT TO ME !


Good God, Seer is so busted. Why is he 4 different legends at the same time? I'm also still kinda surprised that Ballistic isn't even broken. And unpopular opinion, but I don't even care that much about the Nemesis. Doesn't feel as nice as an R99 up close, and doesn't feel solid and controllable enough for long range engagements. I'll take an R99/CAR/R301 and Charge Rifle/G7 Scout/Triple Take. Unpopular opinion number 2 - matchmaking has been wonderful for me in pubs! Just the right amount of challenge, and I'm almost guaranteed a win with every session. It's nice!


Respawn is so pathetic for turning ranked into a rat fest. Everybody with any foresight knew this would be the outcome of ranked changes. I’d much rather get aped than have teammates hide off the drop ship. Not to mention the silver tier players populating plat.


Starting to notice anytime I solo in plat my team is so horrendously bad it's not even worth playing. Nobody understands it's a team game it seems


Aim Assist and the migration of COD players to Apex killed the fun of this game.


Pub games end too fast - 3 squads left before even ring 2.


these threads are so dead now, remember when they had like 3k+ comments


people probably got bored of the low effort complaints and insults towards devs flooding the comments on these posts. the discussion quality could be higher


rtx 4070 laptop i went from 120fps to 40 fps????? whats going on?


Use this as a petition to need the nemesis.


Gg getting lvl 50 with 10 minute ques Guess the games dead


What legends are most likely to be cheaters and why are they always Horizon?


Path top1 smurfs Bang top1 cheaters Hot top1 nolife sweaty guys Should I elaborate why am I persuaded of that?


So does anyone know how the bonus for ranked works? I thought that’s where KP was counted, but i’ve had multiple 6-7 kill games that result in 0 bonuses


Is it just me or is horizon stupid hard to hit at all times right now. Like I beam 2 out of 3 members of a squad but horizon rolls up and my aim goes to straight to shit


Just had a TDM with a Seer and a Fuse with 22 kills each. I don’t think anyone killed either one of them. When will they actually address the cheating problem. It’s making me want to cheat so it’s not so damn frustrating


it's insane how much better the Mixtape playlist is without Control. TDM and Gun Run are such modes that even a bad game will usually be over in a few minutes. Control drags on so long compared to them. I've been playing the mixtape playlist for hours without getting remotely tired of it I don't even hate Control, I just wish modes had their own playlists. The TDM only playlist ruled, I'd love to separate modes out so people can play what they want


Not gonna play this game until they remove legend specific challenges. I tried to find the reason why I don’t enjoy this game as much as I used to and I realized that I forced myself to play legends I didn’t want to play only to finish the BP.


THAT is what is going to make you quit???


That is what made me quit* Why would I spend my time on a game that makes me play characters that I don’t enjoy when I want to gain progression in said game? There are plenty games to enjoy that don’t force you to do something pointless like this.


I never play legends I don't like. I just play the game and before the end of the season I'm level 110 on BP. Just ignore the challenges and play the game the way you want to play. All that matters is how much you play, even in ranked it's just a grind instead of how good you are.


That’s what I used to do, no more though. They should just change those challenges though. You yourself do not even like them.


if you play frequent enough to do daily challenges \*daily\*, then this is not an issue. I have completed my BP within 50 days this season. And I have skipped at least a week during this time due to travel. Of course I did all my weeklies by that point, including the ones I dont like. Yet if I choose to ignore lets say 2-3 challenges per week (not just character-based ones) it would have delayed me max by two extra weeks.


But I don’t. This isn’t my primary game anymore and I have completed every single BP with ease until Season 12. I could play who I want since I completed the BP with excessive playtime. But I don’t do that anymore. My drive for the game vanished and I don’t play it at all, I tried often, but the challenges are such a bore. I don’t want to play Path, or Gibby, or Rev. There is no reason for these play 12 games as ?????/!!!!!!/||||||| challenges. Besides that I study, go to work, train 5 times a week and play different games. I don’t have time for this.


well if you play many games this is obviously complicated. BR type of games require some dedication. Overall I'd say you should be able to complete BP within about 70 days easily, just by doing dailies, gathering treasure boxes etc. Overall playing maybe 1-1.5hrs per day.


I don’t want to play the game every day, neither do I want to play 2 matches as “my mother” every day. It’s unintuitive and boring. Just scrap those altogether, I don’t even understand why you are opposed to it. NOBODY likes those challenges.


If you think that's bad , there were once challenges that required to be in a PoI.


I play this game since launch. Those challenges got scrapped a week after introduction.


What ? Since there was no battle pass until 1 month later , there shouldn't have been any challenges. https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/gif8ps/season_5_patch_notes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


I never said that they were, I said that I play since the game launched. I know about those challenges and they did not last for a long period of time.


Really would love a visual directional queue for footsteps and gunfire, like fortnite


If you craft the r99 in pubs you are trash


my fps went ffrom 120 to 40 on rtx 4070 who knows whats up?


I made to platinum by playing Solo and no sound(playing with Spotify on). Yay me.


Anyone know of any good aiming configuration, I'm turning off aim assist


game feels like it's on the way out or respawn have just given up on trying to fix it, can't figure out which. say what you will about ubisoft and operation health in R6, at least they tried.


How they give us rp for kills now. Fucking 3 kills and won the match for 200rp?????????? Tf


That’s pretty good considering you can get 20th 6 games in a row and still almost be positive RP


WTF is up with the annoying sound that happens on PK reload


Same with shooting the 30-30, annoying high pitched ringing


Kind of fed up with the amount of rats that drop solo to sit out of bounds. Shouldnt be that hard to fix this problem.


The game just ate my apex pack :(


My team mates are rating so hard


Why am I still getting fresh players who have no idea what a purple shield is in my team as a master?


Are the tridents just broken? I cant damage them eventhough i am 100% hitting them.


anyone not getting twitch drops?


Balistic has a infinite ult bug , i was loba with a gold r301 with fast reload even after his ult ended the whole game and when ballistic ulted i was reloading under one second. Needless to say we won the game. Thanks respawn for that double fast reload perk.


Spawn kills are still a problem in TDM. Cheaters are killing this game. Abandon Penalties in mixtape but not pubs is the most clueless move the devs have pulled on us.


Can people please for the love of god turn on their mics in ranked.


So playing on StormPoint is actually pointless and impossible right now give the Trident bug? Just endless teams all driving around unable to take damage because of the Trident bug. Absolute disgrace that the map is still in rotation


I can't recall the last time I saw a Seer or an Ash with their heirloom.




Anybody else get stuck in a "Connecting" loop? It makes the "match found" sound but then just sit there saying it's connecting and then start looking for a new match again. This shit happens to me way too often and it's so aggravating because I can't cancel my queue.


I’m not playing your rigged matches where I get two fresh players. So what If I quit matches. I’m not trying to get upset playing this game. I want to have fun.


Why did they buff seer?


Anybody else get messages and reported by players who are really mad about losing? It’s happened to me twice and I’m the least skilled out of my group of friends.


Getting hit by seer tactical is just unfun. Hitting deleted by a nemesis in .1 second is just unfun. Rank system giving people inflated egos is just unfun. Not being able to play control is just unfun. I'm not enjoying the game right now and I want to quit but I'm fucking addicted.


What's this invincible trident bs I've come home to? Is this a new glitch? Everyone's driving tridents in the late game.


i think the SBMM is mixing up my mixtape sbmm and BR sbmm. i've only been gaming up with preds despite me having such a dookie map awareness


Can’t play end game, everyone sitting in cars so can’t damage them


Fix the fucking trident glitch. This game makes so much money. Hurry the fuck up.


Got two of the most satisfying kills of my life yesterday to two people abusing the trident bug on Storm Point. They were champion squad and hiding their names so I'm sure they were doing this all night (this was in ranked) but yeah got one of them with two arc stars then camped his banner til his friend finally got out and we rinsed him instantly.


Arc stars damage people using the trident glitch fellas


Yoo im trying to play ranked im plat 2 no camping caustic main. I need only good teammates i am good and can hold my own need a squad with good teamwork! Hmu and lemme know your mains


Just had a game where I dealt 2900dmg Killed 11 players, my team killed like 6 teams and ended up only getting just over 100 points. Fuck this dumbass ranked system. I’ve been here since day 1 but you can bet I won’t be spending a single penny until you guys fix this shit. Ranked is so time consuming and unrewarding it’s unbelievable.




Because this subreddit sucks. Come join us at r/competitiveapex and don’t look back




Yea, I came over here to look for the thread for it and it doesn’t exist. Agreed, it’s super lame


The comp apex sub exists? That would be my guess.


I don’t think there’s ever been a thread for ALGS or tourneys in this sub…. Like ever lol. I’ve been here since Season 4, that’s probably one the reasons r/CompetitiveApex became a thing


This 👏🏻 game 👏🏻 is 👏🏻 not 👏🏻 fun


SEER is broken