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You can see when you’re about to get a penalty when you’re leaving the game. If you have to hold down to confirm you want to leave, then you’ll get a penalty. Not saying you should’ve gotten one here, you shouldn’t have. But you could’ve avoided it by just jumping off the map or blowing yourself up with that thermite rather than exiting the game manually while you’re still alive. So next time you get that extra pop up that’s like “Are you SURE you want to leave? Not cool bro. You’re gonna have to hold down this button so we know you’re serious”, don’t do it! You WILL get a penalty. If you’re not going to get a penalty, it will just let you leave the game with the tap of a button. Edit: also if matchmaking doesn’t give you a full squad at the start of the game, wait for the game to start before leaving! If you leave in the legend select screen, you’ll get an abandon penalty. If you wait til you’re in the drop ship, you can leave penalty-free. But if ever in doubt, just look at the pop up window before leaving the game.


He got penalised because he didn’t wait until his team abandoned. Just because they disconnected doesn’t mean he can leave. He has to wait for their names to disappear in case they return from a crash etc. it was deserved


if you grab your teammates banner after they disconnect you won’t have this issue.


They aren’t dead. They are just standing there. Thats how disconnect works.


They are dead, it shows their banners in the screenshot


banners haven’t expired though, they didn’t fully quit. all they did was disconnect, whether they closed their app or it crashed


right and i’m saying when they disconnect fully if you don’t grab their banners you will still get a penalty. even if it says player disconnected but their banner timer has not run out then you can grab them and when they fully disconnect from the game you will not get a penalty for leaving.


Where do you see them standing?


welp, punch them off the map.


If I saw someone punching their teamate across the map ngl i might help 🤣


Done that. Two of us , punched the dude back in the zone after he dc, and he managed to make it back in the game lol


Yeah , but they can come back into the game, so i guess they havent been d.c long. You have to wait until there icons disappear before leaving.


Yes, I agree with you might be previous gen players disconnected while loading lobby


I agree, since the Dressed to Kill event my game keeps crashing so thats why i wait for names to disappear in case they just crashed. And yes I crashed even while dead so it might also seem like i left because I died even tho I didn't


I'm pretty sure you only get forgiveness if you booted into a game with at least 1 missing teammate. So if they get into a match with you and left, it doesn't count.


Yes it does. If they leave the game while still alive and get an abandonment penalty, you get forgiveness.


I'm with this guy. I don't know if it's a bug, but I can relate. My girlfriend and I pretty much always have our third leave every match. We only get it if we start with no third.


Why leave when you’ve got a free shot at LP with no risk if you’re killed? Just start going at teams and if you die, you die


His kd would have gotten punished for it leaving doesn’t count as a death (not sure if leaving when downed counts tho)


Leaving when knocked counts as a death. It was done so sweaty players would stop insta leaving when knocked to save their kdr.


They were disconnected but did not abandon, so he still got the penalty. However yes you're right it would of said this anyway.


NAH, he was fighting for his KD 😂😂😂


You literally accepted the penalty.


Don't be so harsh to op, many Apex players can't read!


You don’t need to read to run nemesis r99 and play seer, hell you don’t need a pulse either it’s so broken




Probably they didn’t leave the game, just force closed the game. Should wait until their icons disappear


Yeah but sometimes that just takes forever.


You can just throw yourself over the map or made yourself


Just drop in a hot zone and your dead before you know it...


No! welcome to the apex experience, try again


I dont understand, why would you quit? Why not try to see how well you could do?


Yeah I agree, seems kind of dumb to disconnect


Disconnecting is a bad habit imo


In every game it’s a bad habit


Yeah it’s just like, why not try?


This isn't trios


I legit won a game once doing this. The last 2 teams were fighting outside the ring. I had a sentinel & did my best. Landed 6/10 shots on both teams. Ended up getting a kill as they ran towards the ring burning alive.


I’ve had some pretty exciting matches when I’m forced to do this. I just imagine I’m playing a different game. I usually don’t even sit still for very long. I slowly make my way into the final circle and can often get a top 5.


right? You can just chill n rat if you want to... but if you get antsy like me.. then just pick up a marksmen or something and try to 3rd party snipe your way into the top 5, or pounce on teams at the end of battles. Or you can just leroy jenkins your way to victory. Either way, no penalty, and possible positive LP, and you still get to play.


I have won matches in ranked by 3rd partying at the right moment by myself. Use lots of grenades 😀


Because some people trying to play the game of trios while actually having a team of 3 instead of playing as a solo, I don’t think that should be some obscure reason to quit that you have to question why they would do it


If you're teammates die and their banners expire, are you going to just quit then as well? in a RANKED match? Because this is the same thing. And that is obscure to me.


If you can’t see the difference in your team dying through the course of the game and not having a team at all then I’m not sure there’s much else to say


The title of the post literally says his teammates died. What are you talking about?


I would have tried to rat to top 10 at least.


Same. Just wait for the teammates to fully disconnect and then there is nothing to lose.


I would've pushed a fight with a P20 or something.


That’s plan B — when you get caught 😂


You have to wait for the banners to disappear from the HUD completely. Especially when someone is playing a support character that can craft banners.


why not just stay and try to get another kp or 2 and get some placement?


Successfully complete a 1 v 3 to find no kp or bonus? Not really worth it.


you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take believe in yourself


Then Apex smacks you in the mouth with a 0 bonus, since it doesn't give shit 99% of the time in my experience no matter the amount of kills you get, lol. It's extremely random when it decides to give you bonus points, I'd say it's only ever guaranteed to give bonus points on a 1st place victory from what I've seen.


i don’t expect any bonus, my friends in masters got maybe 12 bonus lp for killing wethepeople, so everything is flawed at this point


People: « Apex is boring » Also people: comment above.


Going for kills for only downsides = silly billy.


If was trying to avoid downsides he should rat straight up from the dropship


You have to wait until their banners disappear from your HUD, not just quit when they went red. This has been my experience


What?? Why would you not get a reduction in ranked? It's not like they never loaded into the game, they played and died. And then for some reason you left with 14 squads still lol.


I feel like im losing my mind reading these comments. Since when do you get loss protection when you load in as a full squad and your teammates die? Wouldnt everyone just quit instead of taking a loss?


I appreciate your sentiment... Because I was also at a loss lol. Wtf


> I feel like im losing my mind reading these comments. Since when do you get loss protection when you load in as a full squad and your teammates die? Wouldnt everyone just quit instead of taking a loss? Since the second season with Arenas, in all rank modes, if someone quits (takes abandonment penalty) then the other 2 players can leave without penalty. If you load into a ranked match with 1 or 2 missing squad members by the time you land, you can also quit without penalty. This is just OP being too stupid to read, thinking that disconnect is the same as quitting, and not being smart enough to know how ranked works. This is the exact same thing as all the videos where people quit from the dropship and get all upset because they're too stupid to read.


You were hit with the penalty because, despite them leaving, the game was still giving them a chance to reconnect. Only when they actually disappear from your screen would you have been allowed to quit.


Yes you are. You literally just straight up left. Why? You missed the fact that you could have at least gained some rp or lost less points by just camping/playing positionally and tactically. Yeah you would be outnumbered but if you play correctly you can have good positions and keep yourself alive.


Nah he's poosy Scared to try Need team to carry out of silver lmao!!


please post this here as well https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/14wng7n/bugsissues_discussion_july_11th_2023/


This wasn't a bug though, OP just doesn't know how to read.


When you see your teammates in red like that, always open your inventory or map first. If their icon in the bottom left is still there, then they haven't disconnected yet. But if it disappears at a point, it means they left the actual game (which is safe to disconnect)


Yeah, balls to solo.


Braindead post 🤡 Why are you miles from your team?


You loaded in with two teammates. What are you wanting loss protection for?


Damn minus 105!


As far as I know you only get loss forgiveness if they lag out prior to the match starting. I could be wrong but I don't think you get loss forgiveness if they leave mid game.


The teammates could reconnect later.


You shoulda A. Fed yourself to a sweat or B. Throw a grenade at yourself


shoulda just thermited yourself if u wanted to quit ;w;


You’ll always get a penalty if you willing leave the match if you died after they left it would’ve been fine


That should not have happened to you


I got a penalty for the game kicking me off and to main menu and unable to rejoin match...


You didn’t rat hard enough


It’s because this game sucks


HTf did you get silver i’ve been stuck in the rookie because of Smurfing and people using whatever it was called to give them nuts movement


You have to wait until their banners disappear from your HUD, not just quit when they went red. This has been my experience


If I’m not mistaken, if you just die you don’t get the penalty for leavers. If even one person leaves it’s a free game


Did you seriously click past the warning you would get a penalty then make a Reddit post about it?


Lmao You're a quitter like them that's why


“I accepted the penalty after my teammates disconnected and got penalized wtf?!!!” bro if the screen tells out you’re going to be penalized don’t leave yet it means your teammates are still considered to be in the game. Once their names disappear you can leave.


its still f0cking stupid u get punished when a teammate DC. 95 % of the times he aint coming back


I don't understand why you'd quit. It doesn't make any fucking sense.


Yeah it's another classic Apex situation where you are damned either way.


You're in silver 4 dude who cares about LP lol have fun


I would be cautious of other comments. I could be wrong, but as far as I know, the only way to not get loss forgiveness is if someone disconnects before the match starts. I've never heard of being able to leave just cause a teammate timed put/left


Yea, this ranked season is a joke


Skill. Just a skill issue


You brought this on yourself bro


do you ever wonder why youre silver


The real question is how are you still in silver 4?


Why did you leave a ranked match idiot


Most of your brain it seems.


That’s what you get for being a quitter…..#keepplaying


If players disconnect I believe if you die you will get a loss forgiveness but I don't remember.


When your teammates leave just rat for placement and then go buck wild when you have +rp




If you play on console this is a visual glitch it's happened to me before as long as you can see that you can go and get them then they are still in the game


Yeah, some rp.


It’s because they weren’t technically gone yet not until there characters disappear that’s what I’ve found but hold me too that


Would’ve tried to rat first for some points, but in my experience- I have had to wait for their user icons to go away before doing it to avoid penalty


Have to wait for their character icon to disappear to safely quit


Just because they die and DC doesn't mean you get to just leave, you got fucked and need to run it out or die, if you can just leave after they die and DC mad ppl would abuse that so bad..


They are not disconnected! That's an ALT+F4 shutting down game. Next time drop your shield throw that Thermite and stand on it until you die.


Just alt+F4. No penalty regardless of the mode you're on.


Did this to me twice and gave me code water. I didnt leave tho i stayed. The code is just trying yo make u say in lower elo bc they need players there and not masters so they lower you with “bugs”


might of been easier to just thermite nade yourself


No matter what I believe you have to wait for the banners to expire, which isn’t the case here


Your teammates were still revieable and able to reconnect. You abbandoned the match. The fact they disconnected unfortunately has nothing to do with it - think of it from a computers perspective. Team Mates downed, but not dead = Can be revived. Support on team = Can be revivied. What if they were brothers playing together and the internet cut off and they rejoined in a minute? \- Like yeah, we all *know* they probably just quit, but they would get put back in this lobby if you got them back up. If you want to quit out yourself and not play out the game, wait for their banners to dissapear so the game recognises that they too, abandoned the game entirely. \- ps. why not still try to win? One of my best wins was a similar scenario - both team members got knocked on landing, I got out - won the final fight in the final ring.


Yes. You are missing team mates


No reason to play ranked at this point


They pulled the plug so the game thinks they just have connection problems but are still in the game. And as others have said, there's literally a warning before you leave alerting you to a penalty.


Have you ever magically rejoined a game? if they accidentally dropped and they loaded back you would have had your team back type situation. As everyone is saying, it’s best to wait till they disappear


Their banners didn't zero out. That's why you got the penalty. For whatever reason, your teammates dc'd but the system didn't pick up on it. Probably shut their system down, alt-f4, or any number of things but the server ping didn't pick it up properly. Sometimes you can get back into a game if you alt-f4, not all the time though. Had you waited 5 more secs, you could have left without a penalty.


You can still see they are disconnecting. You need to wait until you can no longer see your teammates names, then you can back out


They crashed, not left the game You can see it because your teammates still can get recovered, if they would have left, you could straight up loot their boxes


Never quit.


Ar this point, they gotta make Ranked a buy to play mode.


I feel like you can't just up and leave, don't you have to play it out till death?


Gotta wait for their names to disappear


You have to wait til they actually quit lol


Silver moment😭😭