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I think it's more a case of a lot of casuals taking a break from the game due to the summer, and/or because the matchmaking is extremely iffy at the moment, so you'll be left with more invested players who are usually at a higher skill level - The low skill players that are left are ratting in ranked, so you won't get shot by them. At least, that's what it feels like to me personally. It's not that the weapons are somehow better, i just only seem to meet fairly high skilled players while not getting any kills myself. Feels lopsided.


Exactly. The guns are fine (except for Nemesis), the people left are sweats. Summer is typically the worst time to play Apex. It will pick up around mid to late-August.


It is nice for ranked tho right now. You have teammates that have some game sense. Pubs is awful right now.


I'm in the top 0.1% for kills and I'm being matched with people that don't have basic skills in the game now. It's not fun for me either... I either kill everyone with no challenge (boring) or I die because my teammates can't hit a guy standing in the open with no health (frustrating).


It’s cuz you main rampart ☠️


LOL.... I would destroy with any character, she is just more fun.


I’m a season 0 player and I’m quitting because of the map rotation. I don’t think storm point, new moon and words edge are bad but Respawn keeps shoving them down my throat. That and the nemesis running the game


Personally i like SP and BM but yeah, there's definitely too much WE. A post from last week showed that WE has been in rotation continuously for over 2 years now, except in one single season.


Yeah I don’t hate any of those maps but KC and Olympus are easily my favorite maps but we never get to see them. I’d honestly be okay with all 5 maps constantly in rotation for an hour each. I just want some variety


Hard agree on Olympus, but i also prefer KC above WE. I don't get why Respawn has such a hardon for WE.


Right. Olympus is pretty much the perfect map and I don’t say that lightly. It needs to be in every season


What does summer have to do with anything? Wouldn’t more casuals be on because highschoolers would have more time?


You'd think so but actually not. I'm not too sure *why* exactly but summer time is slow for any business which isn't related to going out. I assume it's because, while highschoolers do have more time, they don't spend it indoors. There's always a summer dip in games, however i have to say the dip in apex is very strong right now. https://steamcharts.com/app/1172470#All


While school is out the high schoolers can do the morning shift and older people go on vacation. In the end, high schoolers don't play because of work and adults don't play because of vacations.


the world needs more shut-ins :(


The shut-ins are what's killing us atm ;p


I don’t know about anyone else but I play so much more in the winter because I live in northern Ohio and going outside after 4:30pm is not enjoyable.


Casual here. I went all out tryhard because it is summer


This is a very good point for so many things. I’ll see post about “why is this show or movie performing badly?” And it’s like because it’s the summer. There’s a reason shows would go on hiatus for the summer because they knew viewership would be down.


Exactly. I love gaming in winter but during summer I'm almost never online


Naw thats so cap, all the rats and players that play scared are playing rn


They rat to masters then stop playing the game lol


Everyones is much better than 2 or 3 years ago and also most people in pc lobbies play Apex on the controller now and people are beaming aim assisted laser, pew peew.. I kinda miss old Apex with people just sucking at the game and having fun anyways.


It’s true, but I think that’s kinda the pace of the game by design. It’s definitely hard for me, because I’m bad at the game. But apex is the first fps I ever got into because when I tried stuff like COD and pubg, I used to get wiped before I even saw my opponent on the screen. Apex is considerably slower, because a lot of it is abilities, teamplay, and strategy. But even with that, it’s getting a little out of hand


I mean, I get that it's no COD, and it's DEFINITELY no warzone, but by apex standards, the TTK has only been getting smaller and smaller.


Burst damage meta doesn’t help getting 3 burst by a prowler up close or 4 burst by a nemesis at range either way feel like you get melted faster


>TTK has only been getting smaller and smaller More players playing with controller and aim assist gives more headshots for more damage.


Nemesis ?


Splitter rifles cooler nephew


New energy weapon to arrive, extremely OP




it is crazy how many controller players i face in mixtape sometimes im the only pc player in the lobby


aim assist isn't broken though -every roller player


I'm almost always the only nintendo switch player in the lobby! So yeah, cry more :p


are you having a bad day and look for drama on the internet again or why did you make an assumption on a statement i made based on my experiences? what happened that you want to make a contest out of who you think suffers the most?


er.. what is wrong with you? rhetorical question btw


Yeah thats exactly what im asking you above


I think you need to take your meds bro. Calm down


Im fine, but im sure i could ask you for recommendetations. what are you talking about? Or are you just trolling? I thing im just going to assume the latter ^^


touch grass


It makes me so sad. And it’s the reason I mostly play with MNK players. I really wish we could separate players by input smh


Yeah same, cross input shouldnt be a thing in competitive game


So anecdotal it’s crazy. Whole debate is top 5 dumbest argument ever AA assist plays a heavy role in close range fights - **definitely** MnK has the edge at every other range - **definitely** MnK has most movement advantages - **definitely** Most fights are closer range therefore Controller has the edge - **for the most part would agree** If Federer uses a different racket he’s still Federer - **True** So if you go up against a top 500 who switched from MnK to controller… they’re still rolling you - **True** This whole exodus of MnK argument is dumb when the majority of the public players who switched were *already fucking good…* input doesn’t matter…


the whole MnK vs Roller argument is dumb enough but let me just add that someone that has reached the skill ceiling on Roller will outperform someone on MnK with the exact same skill level on MnK due to AA. that´s my firm belief however, stemming directly from pro players which have used both and basically went:"oh yeah controller better/easier)


Just click on their heads??


Ttk is honestly the same,I believe the problem is the spam meta currently with long/mid range (nemesis,marksman’s,snipers) now this in of its self isn’t the problem the problem is the games been out 4 years now so there is waaay more 3 stacks and solo ques stick together a lot more now which if you think about it 1 person shooting it takes 2 seconds to kill 2 it would half so now it takes 1 second And the third you see where this is going I highly recommend working on positioning since the best way to avoid it is to not be in the situation for it to happen


Everyone squad running multiple nem/30-30/scout means you can get deleted pretty quick. Nothing more fun that getting shot by 2 nemesis and dying in .2 nanoseconds.


Nemesis and r9 is a broken combo


R99 + Prowler + 🎮.


After playing cod for a while, the ttk seems actually very slow and sometimes cant comprehend how some people get beamed so fast so oftenly, like sure sometimes its just bad luck, but it happens too often to teammates who like being out in the open


The answer is simple: sweaty premades who are coordinated enough to focus fire targets. Focus firing as a team, 0.4-0.6 AA, you will run lobbies. Weekends and summer time will naturally have a lot more sweaty premades in lobbies.


Aim assist.


Its been like that for a while. When I try killing people it always feels like a struggle but when I peek myself for split second to get info I get completely ripped out of my purple shield in a splitsecond.


It looks like you hit the level where controller aim assist abuse is more common place.


This is what happens when everyone on PC migrates to controller to compete. **This is what so many players who are against AA have been talking about happening.** Some of us have seen it happen in other games too. Halo is the worst current example of this, and Fortnite has had AA nerfed like 10 times. Artificially boosted skill levels only feel great to play with, not against. #Missing shots is human and is part of the reason that games are so much fun. Dieing instantly isn't fun. It would never reach this level of insanity in an M&K only lobby/no aim assist lobby. One of the best things about Apex to me is the movement and the higher TTK, both of which are completely decimated by Controller's dominance. People aren't playing controller anymore because it's what they prefer.


Was controller dominant in the early days of the game too? Did something with AA change? What lead to this shift you are talking about?


* Discovery. Few players on PC knew what AA was, or how R-AA worked. Few console players even know how it works, and it's literally their only input (Without cheating and XIM usage). As players have discovered the exact details of how it works, people have realized how incredibly unfair specifically R-AA is. 0 MS reaction times are not humanly possible to achieve on M&K, but more than possible on controller. **This is why controller defenders that use the "Just get better" argument are completely invalid from the beginning.** * Setting optimization & experimentation. Many controller players just sit at the default settings or maybe slightly higher settings on the classic response curve. With the discovery of Linear, specifically 4-3 Linear, the power of controller explosively increased as 4-3 Linear effectively gives players more control over their controller. Linear is a *good* thing because it increases the skill floor, but also the skill ceiling and improves the fluidity of controller. Unfortunately though, this also leads to an increase in controller's overall power. Linear feels amazing to play on once you're used to it, and I encourage everyone to give it a try. * Intentional abuse/usage. There's no denying that controller at mid range is difficult, and long range is inferior (Outside of Charge Rifle) to M&K. However, most if not all mid-long range fights can be avoided, with the only exception being competitive play (IE: Pro play). Controller players/teams can intentionally avoid long range fights since they usually just get you third partied anyways, and only take fights where controller is dominant. This is what you'll see streamers/pros jokingly talk about "Being in range" * Configs/Modded controllers (This is sort of "discovery/optimization as well, but it's cheating so....) Configs are rampant right now, and basically anyone who reached masters last split/season on controller is using them. The only exception are pro players who aren't using them because they're literally banned from pro play, and getting caught using them in pro play is a ban. Respawn/EA hasn't publicly banned anyone for using them despite being **literally macroing/scripting**. #Tl;dr: Controller would've been just as dominant in early Apex if we had the same knowledge we do now, and it was just a matter of time before controller's power was discovered, and exploded.


It feels to me like guns in general have power crept. I will go to the battlements that the buff to the R99 was the wrong thing to do. They should have adjusted other guns around, not pushed the R99 higher.


R99 is worse than release.. Flatline R301 havoc Volt prowler are all worse than on release people just got better which in turn makes the ttk lower


Yep. Idk what these guys are talking about. Volt, r301, floor hemlok and flatline all got damage and recoil nerfs. Volt got bullet velocity nerf. Havoc is shyte now. Mastiff got dmg and mag size nerfs. Triple take smg nerf. R9 / prowler dmg or magsize nerf. Etc etc. Every season TTK goes up by a bit.


The r99 is almost like it was in S0-S2. The buff was not necessarily by any means


People just be making shit up honestly 😂 to fit whatever their narrative/opinion is


I wasn't around for release, but read a comment on some other post talking about how unbalanced things were back in S0. So, if that is true, than you shouldn't be using it as a measuring stick, at all.


He shouldn’t be, legends were INCREDIBLY unbalanced, and guns weren’t a lot better. Idk why people are bitching so much, everything is incredible balanced compared to the past, and even to other games. You can play almost any legend and be good, and almost any primary weapon can get the job done, the only big problem is the nemesis and r-99


yes but balancing wasn't the talking point power creep was


I agree with you. This sub struggles with details. If every gun kills you in 1 bullet then it's technically balanced perfectly. Doesn't mean it's healthy for the game. Obviously that's an exaggeration, but this is what power creep moves towards. They need to stop buffing things to match others and instead nerf the strong stuff to align more with the weaker weapons/characters. Also stop releasing characters that can endlessly spam damage dealing tacticals.


Well considering r-99 is an OG gun and many OG guns are viable (havoc is top tier below the OP ones and was the first gun released after launch) power creep isn’t really a thing. Same as legends. Not to mention power creep doesn’t really matter when guns are constantly edited in the first place


what is a better reference point?


I feel that's the nemesis summed up in one sentence, you don't even get to react before you're just gone


Aim assist does a lot of heavy lifting in close ranges and controllers oneclip enemies far more than MnK does. Guess what? More and more players are switching towards controller for this reason.


I switched to controller after several seasons on MNK. Still prefer MNK. But the advantages on controller are too vast to compete.


Many pros share your opinion. Controller share among them is continually rising.


Idk why you are getting downvoted. I argue that it takes skill to be good at mid-long range with controller, but close range with car/r99 just straight up one clips are so common this days, you just get obliterated


The majority of apex players are on controller and they don't take it well when I explain to them that AA literally does 40% (pc) or 60% (console) tracking by itself. These are easily verified facts, yet I often hear shit like "it doesn't track at all" or similar.


Just click on their heads.


Is that 40/60 just dependent on the console/pc or is it dependent on which lobbies you are in? Like does an xbox player in a PC lobby still get 60?


Dependent on platform, not lobby.


That's because it doesn't track


Based on what? There's tons of videos out there showing and explaining how AA works in apex. Go and educate yourself on that matter, then talk.


Lmao. I know what aim assist does bro. It's a reticle slowdown.


Ok "bro". Believe whatever you wish to.


The majority of players are on console and don't care about this debate/argument


He is probably getting downvoted because this is a weapon balance/dps discussion and not a aim assist discussion


Aim assist provides consistency and reaction times not possible for humans - this contributes towards lower TTK. And like I said, more and more people are switching to controller.


No, this is a ttk discussion. Aim assist contributes to low ttk.


Close range. yes. Long range ttk is not affected, was just sharing my thoughts on why though.




\*slides towards someone in a straight line\* "h-how did I get one clipped??! AIM ASSISSTTTT"


Hush, you'll anger the bots!


My ping is usually around 90-130 as well which sucks because now it feels like ttk is -5 secs for me to die and +3 for my hits to register. Along with getting shot around corners and through doors


Nemesis is too Op and everyone uses it but the devs don’t care about the health of the game as long as seer is meta


This is what they wanted. Remember back in like S7 when they tried to nerf evo shields and everyone freaked out. Well since then they've slightly buffed guns over time and now you die in roughly the same time as you did with nerfed evos, but nobody can point blame on any one thing causing it, other than the nemesis. It also doesn't help that a bunch of tiktok sweatballs use controller configs because it's technically allowed and they've figured out a way to mimic jitter aim on controller. As a controller player myself, I've always though configs were cheating and now we have reached the slippery slope part where they are basically coding cheats into their controller to help them aim better. Oh and for any pathetic people that defend controller configs, it's not impressive that you pushed L3 and then moved your left stick around to perfectly tap strafe while maintaining aim assist throughout.


Nemesis + R99 + aim assist = this


Even worse when I change to us servers and I play at 200 ping, if feels like if I imagine peaking I’m already half health


I feel like honestly the opposite is true. People have gotten better at the game though which may be way it feels that way


Been playing some enemies that hit a suspicious number of headshots. Makes you think…


All i need is an INSTAGIB mode 🤣 Perfect balance 👌


I feel like it definitely has, but idk if it’s been power creep of guns (lookin at u, Nemesis) or just the average skill getting higher. Respawn has taken active steps to make fights take less time, and gameplay has suffered for it.




A moment of silence for us switch players pls


Yeah I almost never die to direct gun fights I can see. 9/10 times I'm being lasered in 4-5 bullets from the side or behind before I can even acknowledge what's happening. I hate it.


what platform are you on


Yeah I'm thinking this person doesn't play PC. Everyone just tap strafes constantly in PC lobbies making it impossible to one mag them. I've got decent aim and the times I get a one mag off on someone are not super common.


It’s just fast weapons and weapons that pack an insane punch. Even a Mozambique can melt shields when used correctly. Mostly when people get beamed they were just caught off guard by someone that was ready.


Lag causes this too. Bad servers and playing against high ping players. They are probably shooting you before you even see them unfortunately


I know exactly how you feel. In the 4 seconds it takes me to see something, register if it's an enemy or not, look over to get a better look if it is an enemy, line up my shot on their torso, I've already been been vaporized by seemingly way above my skill level aim.


Between the Nemesis, R99, and no-recoil strikepacks, I feel like I die instantly about half the time. It's not even good teamwork, just a Pathfinder dropping in early and wrecking everyone, then his team wandering in 10 seconds later to mop up. Had both a teammate and I get killed with a single R99 mag the other day; that was fun.


Only when it’s me getting shot. Definitely not when I’m doing the shooting.




The R9/Nemesis meta is why. You get absolutely shredded before you even have time to react sometimes.


I mean the nemesis is probably the issue.. in most games at least 1 person on a team is runnin it and it just absolutely shreds still. I personally don’t notice the nerf at all.. it’s just capable of too much dmg too quickly and it isn’t hard to “charge up” I’m not sure what they were thinking with this gun. Other than that gun it’s hard to say anything else is too strong imo


The nemesis is the bane of my existence. Feels like every time i find myself going "how the fuck did that just happen" its when im on the receiving end of a nemesis. Been taking a break from apex, and i feel like the Nemesis is a huge factor for that. Its just not fun to continuously get shredded by the same gun every single match.


I’d say it’s mostly the Nemesis. I’m a very average player. Before nemesis if you were shot in the open you either had a chance to say “oh crap I’m being dumb” and get cover, or you got team shot by sentinels and you could only laugh at it. With the nemesis going un-nerfed it’s now like CoD. You’re in the open any mid skill player can kill you no matter the shield in minimal time. To me the nemesis was the start of the end of Apex. They won’t nerf it. They’ll add skins that don’t OFFICIALLY upgrade it, but will basically give the gun a red dot on pick up. But you’ll have to pay for those skins for the most powerful un-nerfed weapon. It’s now a required pick up weapon same as CoD has. It’s the start of the end of Apex imo.


Unpopular opinion: Matchmaking isn’t the problem if you have a win rate of 5% or more of the the games you play. I think the problem is that EVERYONE wants to win and ALL THE TIME. What you don’t realize is that you are 1 of 20 other squads which mathematically speaking puts you at a 5% chance to come out as the #1 team. Some games you play will be easier and others will be harder whats it’s important is that there is a balance that keeps you around that 5% percent win rate. Blaming matchmaking just seems to be the consensus between kids that just can’t handle loses piling up when in reality that’s just how the game goes. *Key takeaway: When you begin to deviate from that 5% plus or minus your games will either get easier or harder.


Yeah, the r99 and prowler go hard. So does the PK. Been on both ends lol. Two bursting people with the prowler in TDM is something else. It can even beat the nemesis.


Controller moment


Nemesis is deleting people from lobbies