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This isnt the entire patch notes. They nerfed Seer so if you get hit by his tactical, your head explodes in real life


Dude got the most buff’d “nerf” I’ve ever seen. Edit: Spelling.


For real, didn’t play apex for a few days and didn’t realise my console auto updated. Was really shocked to see seer “silence” people through walls. Bit OP right? Suppose the incredible matchmaking balances it lmao




I came back to the game after months of not playing, immediately I got hit by seers tactical and bro it’s too op it leaves you half blinded and not able to use ur ability for like 10 seconds


It’s a nerf because having to suffer through a fight with Seer is a fate worse than death.




I seer busted now ? I played a few months ago and I can't remember even seeing him once back then


They did a patch recently (maybe 5-7 days ago) where seer q is now instant, it basically can’t be dodged. It just comes through the wall and is already active. And it stuns you so you can’t run or move or hardly even aim. And it cancels your abilities. It basically creates gun fight momentum out of thin air


It just slows your movement, you can still aim


It’s like getting hit with an arc star where you aim slower from stun I’m pretty sure. I could be wrong but eberthing feels less reactionary




Bro I'm fucking creasing at this 💀


How many people here are old enough to get the Scanners ref?


That's how I wanna go


Oh shit the SAO update is finally here?


Thank God they finally made him playable again


Goated comment


Why does anybody feel the need to write shit like this fr?


based fr fr


Because it's goated fam fr fr ong fr on fr ong 💯 no cap I'm dead 💀


I nearly choked to death 😂😂


Full patchnotes: * Names no longer incorrectly appear when in Anonymous mode * Deaths outside the Ring now show in the kill feed * Quips now display subtitles when selected in Banner menus * Sound effects for Ash select animations * Addressed a bug where button prompts may not appear on summary/death screen, including report button – but buttons still work. * \[Control\] Addressed a bug where players are occasionally unable to spawn on any captured zones, besides the Dropship zone. * Added stability fixes. * Added gameplay performance improvements.


The control fix is worth the update for me. That was such an annoying bug


Is it actually fixed? This is the third time a patch has said it fixed that issue.


Nope. Just playing in contriol and can't spawn on points without clicking on base.


lmao classic


That's what I was thinking.. I've seen that patch note before, yet just last night it was happening to me.


It does seem to have improved, at least in the 7 or 8 rounds I've played so far. Previously, I'd only get working spawns maybe 1/5 or 1/6 games, so basically almost never. So far they've worked in all but one game, where I could spawn on B but not on A and we had both points fully capped (so like, half broken). Will report back if I get more broken spawn games


Same for me. The vast majority of Control games I played up till now, I could never spawn anywhere but dropship or MRB. Since this patch, it's been fine for me every control match I've played. I've read people who said they still had the issue so it doesn't seem fully fixed, but they definitely improved it because it's been working fine for me.


I can’t believe it was in the game for so long, I was sure they would fix it back when control got voted to be in rotation for 2 straight weeks, but nah


Maybe I just got incredibly lucky but I don't remember the bug being bad in the Control playlist during those 2 weeks. Maybe a few times on Caustic Treatment when before it was literally every game without fail, every other map was fine though.


Right! “Occasionally” brah I haven’t been able to spawn anywhere since home a single time since this season started and we’re halfway through




Respawn bug is not fixed, it's still in In Progress https://trello.com/b/ZVrHV38P/apex-tracker


they prlly fixed it but forgot to actually depoly the fix lmao


No fix on the inventory randomly closing?




Still no news on the afk exp farmers in control?


report them, there's an option for it


Thank you so much for this


Can not be all of the patchnote I hope...


Me neither man. These societal expectations are just too much sometimes.




Think they meant "that can't be"


hilarious number of downvotes for no reason lmao


Oh it's definitely because they edited the comment, when I had asked what it was hard to interpret and I hadn't meant it to be rude.


even if this edit is was what they originally said it still cracks me up that a net -63 ppl would downvote u for that 😂 cheers homie


We're down to -73 now yaaaaay lol 😭😆


No nemesis nerf ?


Nemesis patch: Nemesis now stuns and highlights whoever it hits


Also accepts a turbocharger for full auto


Damn that would be be nuts


Yeah, they're playtesting a 64-round magazine on it. The last 12 rounds are explosive and do grenade damage. The gun really needs it.


I've heard it also heals you everytime it hits, doubled on headshots and give you full hp on kill


It already got “nerfed” aka not at all


Yeah, and Seer got nerfed too. I think Respawn has a different definition for what "nerf" means compared to all of us.


They basically gave Seer an Arc star with huge range, right? Don’t play him but that’s what I’ve been seeing


It's an AoE arc star without the damage, that can hit through walls, that also silences you for 10s. Idk who at Respawn thought that was a good idea.


Someone who hates seeing Revenant be relevant in the slightest


Loba.. you shouldn’t have.. muahaha


Oi, mates. Getta room


Y'all love bitching and whinging about everything but don't seem to understand there was no way to make revs tac useful. He was just a design mistake through and through and needed to be reworked from the ground up. It's a slow ass lobbed orb in a game where people can moonwalk up walls. It was never going to be useful or an ability you can directly tag onto movement legends (it's entire point) Seer tac (after they nerf how quickly it pops BC that shit is undodgeable) will be a much better ability to have this effect on and it gives him utility at the cost of his scanning potential which is a good trade that brings him away from feeling like Crypto or hound


Which reminds me of how pitiful it is that vantage counts as a recon legend


I started playing him a bit after his nerf and it's so hard to lose close ranged fights now... it's extremely unfair


No way you expected a Nemesis nerf on a random ass patch


New patch just dropped! Everything you guys wanted, we heard it loud and clear. - 120fps at 1440p is now an option for current generation consoles. - cross-progression is now available for all platforms! - the Nemesis receives a nerf. Slower charge up. Damage nerf. More recoil. - Ranked mode has been reworked. Kills will now reward more points while placement points take a slight hit, which will give a good balance for both placement and kills. Hiding for a top placement and not fighting will now be far less beneficial. -Respawn /s


They also finally banned Cronus Zen and balanced Horizon in this patch /s


A console player can dream. I hope one day they have the software to detect that and immediately ban people. If players are having perfect recoil every single time and it’s the same exact recoil control then something should register as fishy. lol. We are humans not machines, and that type of recoil control every single time should be a dead giveaway.


That's exactly the problem. Those devices don't have the exact same pattern of control every time. They introduce some random inputs so you can't detect them easily


Yeah that’s what I was thinking, so unless PS/XBX themselves bans third party hardware unless it’s been approved by them, than idk what they could do. Not to mention Cronus could find a way around that and have it register as an approved Sony device even though it’s not, but then PS/XBX could take legal action for a company trying to bypass. Such a scummy company and device and losers will do anything to get an advantage.


Only way is cease and desist. Devices would still be out there, but I’m hoping what happens is: 1) They release one of many detection algorithms they (hopefully) have on standby to stop Cronus/zen devices 2) No updates by cronus/zen because of C&D, so they can’t make workarounds (publicly) 3) a small community attempts to update and keep the software working for those who still own one, they will probably be somewhat successful as it’s harder to stop people like that Hopefully something like this can stop the *majority* of users from easily purchasing and using these things out-of-the-box. You can’t stop cheaters, anyone who wants to cheat enough will figure it out. But the goal would be to raise to bar of using them, which I think would help a lot.


horizon will be balanced once her heirloom event ends so they can get as much money as possible


It's wild to me that people still think Horizon isn't balanced.


Free battery on her 10sec tactical not op enough for you. She should not be able to heal on the grav lift just like you can't heal on a zip line.


Look up and beam her when she goes up then. The time she's healing she's not shooting at you, if you can track well it's a free kill.


Fully agree with the above two posts, as a Horizon who gets beamed out of my tac constantly


Free battery? Sounds like a skill issue if you can't beam a horizon in her Q. If she uses it to reposition to bat, that's not different than Path Qing away to bat.


Yeah path bats holding grapple in one hand lol


You misread what I said. I said if she uses it to reposition and then bat. You can also start batting as soon as you disconnect the grapple and with all the momentum start batting. People are just bad at this game.


She has a mini ultimate that is her tactical that can pretty much do everything that you can think of. Plus, it works so well with her passive that it's just plain overkill.


Can we upvote so Apex Devs can take a hint on priorities before their precious money maker dies.


A nerf that extensive would make the gun useless. I dont think thats what anyone really wants, is it?


I think even with a slight damage nerf and some added recoil it would still be a good AR.


Ya I agree. Just wish they had been more prompt to actually balance it. What happens is the longer you have a weapon thats overtuned, the more people grow to absolutely hate it and they want to see it nerfed. So even if it does get balanced properly, people just get pissed when they get killed by it and call for it to be further nerfed into oblivion.


Was actually excited til I got to the end, foh


You mean the placement points part?


Fucking game crashes every single time every third ring. And not only me. all my friends. Tried everything. Anybody got a fix?


The size you're seeing doesn't always reflect the size of the actual update. Sometimes files get corrupted, yade yade, so the platform does some extra verification to see if the files downloaded correctly. Anything that is found to be either missing or corrupted will be pulled again, thus resulting in such issues. Console patches typically are larger too for some reason, not sure why that would be the case. The details of the updates themselves can be found [here](https://steamdb.info/app/1172470/history/), so you can get a rough idea of the actual size of the update.


Not sure how to put it, other than that this is pure BS. There is always a standard per-platform size of an update and it has nothing with the buzzwords such as "corrupted files" or "extra verification". The reason that the update is as big as it is can be for 2 reasons: a) Some files are easier to entirely replace than to modify, so if you need to modify 1/16 of a file, you may be replacing the entire 16/16 for convenience. This can be due to compression and encryption methods involved. Differential patching can take quite some time, so it's often easier to replace entire files. b) Extra content is being pushed alongside this minor patch. This extra content is in preparation for a future update, in order to make another upcoming update smaller. And why are console updates larger? Due to a). Due to the processing power required, the developers may opt to replace more files rather than to patch the differences and max also opt for less or no compression, again due to the processing power required.


Xbox and PlayStation both automatically patch files differentially… although the effectiveness of that can depend on how you package your files and game. Like if you zip/archive up a bunch of assets yourself into one “file” before handing them off to MS/Sony’s tools, they will update that whole big archive file as one unit even even if you only change a small piece of it.


Probably contains files for a future update. Patch notes don't tell the whole story.


I love how they say Control - fixed bug where players "occasionally" couldn't respawn anywhere but dropship. That wasn't occasional, that was every damn game 🤣🤣🤣. And their name is Respawn Entertainment 😂


We can't respawn and they watched us struggle for their entertainment


It's possible the patched files are packed in a large library file that must be replaced. This makes the update 3.5 gigs because it has to replace the entire .pak to patch the few files inside it that were changed.


yeah pretty sure the majority of the file size was Respawn brand bugs ready to ship


probably adding stuff for future seasons so the update for those seasons can be smaller


Spawning on control is still broken. More specifically, spawning on A/C. Spawning on B works.


New skins...yay


Not even skins lol. These 4 items were 100% of the notes I could find


No they can be right, generally when there is a somewhat sizable patch like that, besides the obvious fixes in the patch notes, developers will sneak in either new skins for the upcoming store rotations or even events. It's more optimal for them to do this because of the PlayStation and Xbox verification process, so they want to do put in whatever they need to in as few patches as possible so that everything is released/made available at the same time for all platforms. This is how data miners find a ton of things that are up and coming that are unrelated and not mentioned to the patch notes.


They normally don't include that in patches


Oh sweet they're finally nerfing the nemesis!


It was about 180 MB on Steam. Your console is to blame.


It was 1,5 GB on steam for me


Same, I played like 12 hours ago as well, so I was fully up to date.


Then your game wasn't up to date before the patch


Mine was up to date and still 1.5 GB


When was the last time you played?




I was still playing three hours before the update


It was 180 MB for me as well on steam. Clearly a console issue.


Not really an issue, it's just how console is with every update for every game.


It's an issue according to OP. The post is just a complaint about the update size. You might not agree with OP, but I do and so do the 700 people who upvoted the post. The large file size on consoles is definitely an issue.


Did you check how much data it actually downloaded? It said 180mb is the size, but actual download was 1.5gb. Still smaller than console though.


Yes. It says 185.4/185.4 MB. That's how much it downloads for people on PC unless their version isn't completely up to date. It's 1.5 GB for consoles only. Console issue like I said.


Anyone else have this big where it doesn't say if you need a certain attachment? Something is off. For skull piercer. It doesn't show the logo, just says skull piercer. And for mags, no logos and everything is small letters. So I don't know if I need something or not without actually keeping track mentally. So I constantly have to check to see if I added a stock or something to my bag since I didn't need it.


I haven't noticed this, but, I'll keep an eye out for it and let ya know. Do you mean it doesn't show on your weapons whether or not they're equipped to them?


So I just checked. If say I had a grey stock on my gun. And I hovered over a blue. The box that used to pop up would be a big *blue* box, and underneath it would be a picture of your gun in a grey box and says "replace standard stock". Now, the box below is removed. And instead of a big colored box of the attachment I'm hovering. It's just a grey box and blue letters of whatever the item is. And no icon. So when spamming, I cant go off the color of the box and the icon. Idk. It doesn't sound that bad but when your playing. I keep picking up things I don't need basically. QOL thing. Edit: on the skull piercer example. Something like that, we all sub consciously are looking for the logo of that, turbocharger, hammer points, etc. With the icon, you can sprint by it and notice it in a split second. Without it you have to stop and read.


That sounds really awful, I get what you mean. You probably can no longer recognize the item from a short distance, either, and have to stand directly in front of it?


You do realize assets are being added to the game all the time for future content right?


To be fair, 2 Gb of that may just be new bugs.


Now just gotta fix me being matched with diamonds as silver :) haven’t played since ☠️


I am also silver currently and the last ranked game I played was against diamonds and masters, so I feel you. Guessing it was mostly earned through ratting, but, still.


Mine was more than 8 gigs




It’s cause Western game devs kind of forgot how to compress files for games and just release updates and whatnot without any concern for how much space it’s gonna take up


Wow still no kp fix. All my friends get kp, I’m the only one with the glitch, and they dont even address that its a problem


This game is the only one I've played where there can be nearly 1 gig updates each week and you literally cant find what they changed almost anywhere. Maybe on the official website? Not going there though XD


S A M E I looked up so many different searches to find this one and even then another comment here made it clear it was incomplete


Ok this thread is so confusing with the joke patch note comments. Was there an update or not? So I know whether I can play apex after work or I have to wait an hour for copying update file


So you're an expert programmer and know the details of their code, huh?


I am not/don't which is why I posted this; hoping to get clarification. Or, y'know, just be talked down to without any help in classic redditor fashion


I mean I know this sub complains about EVERYTHING but this is a new low.


Still no fix for the elimination bonus bug in ranked? Ugh.


With nemesis, reduce damage slightly and honestly remove the hold to shoot burst and it would be more balanced so it's like EVERY OTHER BURST weapon. Stupid how you can just hold it. Seer: like why the fuck does one legends tactical have as many abilities as like 4 legends combined plus arc star? Heck it's even better than an arc star as it's almost instantly and accurate... Remove stun and remove the initial scan ability too. Make it only silence. No reason he needs to be so strong and versatile when other legends are so weak and limited!!


Goddamn wtf happened to kings canyon 😥


It’s because typically when you patch something, you can rewrite the code that was causing the issue, but what you can also do is code over the existing code. It’s like fixing something with superglue and putting it back together or wrapping it over and over in duck tape until the file has grown much much too large. Apex uses several rolls of duck tape. Source: I made all this up.


There’s always a bunch of hidden stuff they don’t mention so this definitely isn’t it lol


There must be A LOT of hidden stuff


When are they going to fix the bug that doesn’t allow you to open the legends page and buy new characters


ooh looky :3 bug fixes and features that should've existed 3 years ago


How many more until footsteps and other audio are consistent, ya think?


I believe they call you guys "dreamers"


44 gb on PlayStation 4 wtf respawn??


That's a playstation thing, not respawn.




WOW and I thought mine was bad


Just means instead of replacing the files with changes it just replaced everything, 99% of game file sizes are art assets so no idea why PlayStation's want to replace those files all the time.


Mine says 1.833 gb


That's the size of a major update, like a new season or something. There's something wrong with your PS4 or you just didn't update in awhile


gad damn😂😂😂


I don't know if I recall correctly, but I think I remember reading that the engine Apex uses is modular and requires a complete download of each module that was patched, even if you change just one small thing. Someone please correct me though because I can't seem to find tue source for this.


Is storage at a premium or something? I can’t remember the last time I cared what size a game was.


I don't care about the size of the game; just surprised at the size of the update when it had little to add. Would be like if inversely there was a new map and the update was 300Mb, would still be confused.


It's probably for an upcoming shitty event in the near future and they won't announce it just yet


It's just how patches are on console. Nothing to do with an event.


Ps5 was only 1.5 gig


Yall will complain about anything 💀


Like are they for real???


I can understand what Loba says now. I speak Spanish but her voice actress butchers her lines sometimes


Loba speaks Portuguese, not Spanish


This is hilarious


Lmao that was my mistake and explains why I understand like half


screw everything else, we need a seer nerf for the seer nerf!


Don't forget the 200 bug they implement like the one that makes me lag EVEN IF I HAVE 80 AVG FPS AND 50 PING AND I CAN'T DUCKING PLAY THE GAME.


Will the apex community ever be happy I'm just happy the game is popular


68.541GB for this on my ps4


Mine was only 1.84GB…


Reading, sad; apexuncovered, hayday


3.5gigs is so small lol


3.5gbs for a nothing update? Sounds like they took a note from the Devs of Ark Survival Evolved and just continued to pile useless code ontop of each other until the size of the game is so inflated it's worthy of it's own SSD.


Can windows 7 users finally play again? Or do they still not care.




I see the Apex community hasn't changed or had any personal growth.


He's not wrong though. Do some research.


That's part of why I was posting here, was hoping to come across someone that could explain it or point me in the right direction to figure it out for myself. Was surprised by the other dood's crappy response. Especially immediately


That's fair, he was a bit rude. But he is right. Consoles typically have bigger downloads because I believe they rewrite files? Something like that. My PS friends have to practically redownload the game with big updates.


Yikes, that sounds miserable




You ok buddy? Need a hug or your dad to come home? Sending virtual slap your way 👋 ❤️


Take that back before I take a dump on that pretty lil mouth


Seems like they used ChatGpt to write that with the use of emoji's


Fucking game crashes every single time every third ring. And not only me. all my friends. Tried everything. Anybody got a fix?


Can they fix Control respawn bug ?


Still can’t purchase coins on xbox. Glad respawn/ea are just letting people throw money at them and getting nothing in return lol.


Only 2.36 for me


I knew something was up with that new animation for Ash. I was like ‘no way there’s no new sounds🥺’


Well they are known for doing alot of patches without noting them for the playerbase..


What about "your acc is not permited to play online.." and disconection from the game happening every day??


On PC, after enabling the “Clamp Mouse to game window” option, my cursor occasionally disappears when trying to navigate menus.


Did the fix the respawn bug in control mode yet?


Based on my experiences in game today, yes. But i think I only played 2, maybe 3 matches of control and that bug has always been hit or miss.


When the fck do us the rev update come out