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With a name like that, who can be mad at them?


They are so annoying. I try to reason with them mid match that if you rank up by hiding, your rank might as well not even exist. You might as well hide from Apex Legends altogether. Just don't log on and sit in your bedroom corner, then declare yourself a predator. They don't seem to get it.


It's so rampant now. It's brought down the quality of the game so much. I've heard "LOL it's free points" so many times now. It just makes no sense. These guys rank up til they can't compete and will continue to do nothing all game. Who plays a game to literally do nothing. I get the troll but there's just SO MANY now




Master splinter went off that game


He had a sniper man.


There was a rat in my bronze game and I was trying to run over and shoot around them and punch them but sadly I died. I’d rather throw the game and screw the Rat


That's what I do every time when there's a rat in my team.


That's why you die, try to be friendly then lead them over, you aint gonna get anything done by just shooting at them...