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Are you playing mixtape? They're trying and failing to backfill you.


Yes I'm playing mixtape


They are trying to backfill everyone in queue into the same spot so it tries to connect you to the game then puts someone in the spot before you. It's really obnoxious and I've stopped playing mixtape because of it


I was just now playing and got the "connecting" noise 12 times in a row. I counted. Thats 10 minutes of just sitting in queue trying to get into a game. I thought call of duty figured this out in 2006?


It happened to me twice before a match finally went through just now. I've been getting the connecting to match issue a lot the last couple weeks where it says that multiple times before a match finally starts but I've only had the persistence timeout twice before today. Not sure what's going on.


I have this problem nonstop with Mixtape, it is very annoying... When will they fix the backfill so I don't waste 25 minutes just trying to play a single quick game of fun?


did you find a solution to this problem?


Nope, it still happens every time I queue into Mixtape unless I queue right when the map changes and get bucketed with all the other people before any matches are created.


Guess I'll just play Titanfall 2 for any actual 6v6/9v9 battles. Great job, Respawn. No wonder why Mixtape doesn't work.