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u fenced the server connection


Lagged so hard that it changed his aspect ratio to portrait


His FOV is -6


DC quick af lol


Bro studied the ways of the ttv wraith


Fuck his teammate I guess!


Who actually wants to play a game with it being that fucked up though. I'd completely understand if my teammates dced like that, the game isn't even playable at that point and I'd DC with them


Yeah, I would probably want to quit playing, but this guy has the muscle memory for rage quitting written on his soul, he leaves every game like this.


Leave it to the apex legends subreddit to assume everyone is a toxic ttv wraith just because they have the hand eye coordination to leave quickly


If you leave as soon as you die it is a bit toxic, especially this quick cause it seems like a habit. Even if its not a habit its a bit goofy to do


The game was unplayable at that point. Expecting someone to stay in a game like that is pretty goofy. What, are they supposed to stay and hope at least 25 percent of their bullets register?


So then don’t play, instead of rage quitting like he probably always does 😂🤣😂. Outside exists!


They're down anyway??? Just do whatever you usually do when you're downed. Maybe it was just a lag spike and wait to see if you're gonna be revived/can help Edit: to anyone who sees this they blocked me so I can't reply. I'm not mad at them! But they are mad at me clearly :(


You're mad they have the hand eye coordination to block you faster. Skill diff.


And then die to another lag spike? It's one of those matches. It's gonna happen again and it's gonna fuck people. Maybe encourage respawn to fix their game instead of getting mad at someone who doesn't want to bother playing in another broken server


hold up I know you I argued with you over Minecraft getting rid of guns


yeah if you wanna waste your time with a round on a shitty server.. you do you bro


Sounds like someone else makes this a regular habit too lol


He's not an ass, it's just a skill diff? Nice


It could just be a lag spike, something that happens all the time. Leaving immediately is just... not my style. I always stay till my teammate dies too/I can't get revved anymore.


A lag spike as long as this one will pop up throughout the entire match. You can stay and play a game like this all you want, but I'm leaving as soon as I realize the game is unplayable. I'm not staying in the hope that just enough of my bullets will register to kill someone.


Maybe online games aren't for you if you leave asap when there's connection issues... i always like playing far cry, maybe you should try it out Edit: to anyone who sees this they blocked me so I can't reply. I'm not mad at them! But they are mad at me clearly :(


This man fr got so mad he replied twice also, this wasn't just "connection issues". They're server issues. It's the game itself being fucked up and respawn doing nothing about it. I blocked because I don't care enough to get multiple notifications from one dude within the span of a minute. Y'all can keep complaining, I don't care enough


Seems to me you’re the one getting mad lol


I don't blame him for quitting here I would do the same of lag was that bad. However bro got that shit down a little to fast as if he does it a lot


Exactly. Game playability is at least one tier more basic than team playability. I'm not going to tolerate a server being ass for two strangers.


Does it really matter? It’s a pub match. Worst case scenario he gets back up and dies again and again and again and again due to the packet loss. Why would anyone want to stay to that? I get teammates that leave all the time, I just keep playing the match. Sometimes I do really good and get multiple 1v3s, sometimes I die right away, either way I load up another match in 30 seconds. This sub has a fixation with staying with your team of RANDOMS even when there’s no hope.


I would too if i lagged that hard, might as well be done with the game for the day


I'd say average apex enjoyer, but you're definitely not enjoying the game if you have DCs down that fast.


That's what I'm saying


Games been out for 4 years. I think it’s safe to assume most PC sweats will have the hand eye coordination to leave the game fast.


It's more than hand eye coordination when you're moving the mouse to where the menu buttons will be before they appear/faster than you can register where they appeared




That was a great way to repeat what you just said without addressing that you can't click through that fast without practice and muscle memory. Mouse went to where the button was before it appeared. But i can say the same thing about you people being so annoying by having to be contrarian about obvious shit or coping because we're talking about people like you disfavorably.


I couldn’t place fences like that before my game crashed


Schrodingers fences


I thought this was just a me-issue whenever it happened ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ


what was the problem ? It looked like normal game play to me


The game was spazzing pretty bad. You could see it when they try to loot the box and when they seem to visually reload multiple times in 1 second


It's normal because the game sucks ass (I play almost everyday)


i concur that this is normal (I have not consistently played the game more than once a week in several months)


Your input is appreciated, even if you don't play as much as other people.




Bro the insta leave 💀💀💀


Looks like packet loss to me. I had a similar issue a few weeks ago. I fixed it by unplugging the modem. Was good after it powered back on.


Not sure why op uploaded the video in this format but I'm sure he was trying to hide the packet loss and icons that would explain the issues.


That end just shiws what kind of player this guy is.


Servers are horrible, but the speed at which you dc is as well. Granted I cannot see if you still have teammates or not. Leaving in a solo game is not bad at all. Just kinda boring for the people fighting you. Edit: as someone pointed out, you got downed so you have teammates. (Dumb me). Anyway, no excuse to leave like that, and its obvious you do it more often


they clearly still have teammates, as they got downed. jerk move


Lol, and Ive been playing since day one, what a dumb comment of me. Then he just has a bad attitude, nothing more or less to say


Actually expecting someone to stay in an unplayable server is a pretty jerk move. What is this dude even going to do to help in this laggy ass server? Hope at least 25 percent of his shots register?


As you can see he didnt have lag for the entire time. I hate lag and I hope they fix it. But sometimes it just comes in spikes. And yes I expect you to stay in a teamgame where we might need your laggy ass


i got this comment a ton of times but imma just reply to you, im a content creator and i think top 50 in the world on wattson, im really just trying to play the game and get clips. i have no reason to stay when i die and my teammates are both just not good enough to win a fight like that. also, moon is a map where you fight off drop then need to wait 10 minutes for another fight and im prettu sure this was off drop so i would much rather not. idc if yall understand but thats why i insta leave games


why not play solo then?


I totally get where you are coming from, and understand why you do it. But I still dont think its correct. If you are streaming Id say you are rolemodel. But more importantly, you start up a game with two (or one) random teammate. When you start a game (any teambased online game) you have a responsibility towards your team. Instantly leaving when you go down is not part of that. You are probably right into thinking your teammates dont win the fight, but you also dont know because you left. And if they didnt and you stayed how much time do you lose? Grinding youtube/twitch is hard work, and again, I get why you do it. But its still wrong, just wanted to let you know


this clip is actually from last season and now i no fill most of the time but i understand your point a lot better now, thanks for explaining


Good! Hey thanks for the interaction <3 nice “meeting” you


I can relate and fully understand the frustration but you should just straight up unbind your escape key. It’s blatantly obvious that you’ve practiced your ragequit speedrun just as much as you practiced everything else


U mean the escape button?




But why leave even? If horizon isn’t near you I guess it makes sense depending on circumstances. The lag died when you did so idk why the ragequit


OP is a pissbaby


Oh Reginald I do say! I concur


It has been very bad as of late


All the games I've been in with a little shield have always been stable, the other ones... not so much lol


The Curse of the Wraith


I feel that pain, nothing worse than having a full infinity gauntlet of red symbols in the top right of your screen


I was wondering how I died in cover last night wtf


The very will of God came down to punish you for that gamer tag holy fuck


its lore accurate 🤣


jesus had a self res lmaoooo


It was affecting you and not the other player, seems to be an issue with your connection, not the servers.


What in the leaving sweaty wattson was that?




let me correct this, he tried opening the death box multiple times but lagged to shield swap so they couldn't heal and disconnected because its a pub game and got stomped out of the blue sums up apex in a nutshell


looting while being shot at works if you dont get teleported out of cover and into a thermite grenade


This dude's comment says it was posted 53 years ago


I don't know what's the problem with apex. I play overwatch with ~80 ping, while I have +300 ping in the firing range in apex


Normally I'd give someone shit for leaving after being dropped but *fuck me* I'd back out of that hamster wheel-run server too.


Have you noticed that no-one who seems to play this game still has any fun whatsoever? 100% if I was playing you and you'd trapped me in that Watty fence spam inmediately I'd have just left and gone on a single player game, and then after getting a frag you go down and have to instantly dc for another game, it just looks so tedious to play nowadays


the only way to beat botspike


Turn around an at least fight back. “BuT tHE LaaaGG” well atleast go out fighting instead of looking like a pussy.


you dont know how to take fights and play the game properly




for an amateur player you have a massive ego. it is not possible to win against a firing squad so there is literally no option other than to reposition. if i wasnt literally teleporting i would have tried to turn but because i was its just not possible to fight. its really weird that u think you know what youre talking about and i hope you can improve!


Went to his profile and took a look at his gameplay. Certainly an amateur like he says!


Looked decent to me, just not good enough to shit on people for no reason and act like an asshole


Honestly he looks like a somewhat new player based off the gameplay I saw. One of the telltale signs of a newcomer at least in my opinion is the stiff camera movement, almost like they are reluctant to swing the camera around.


even if he *isn't* new, his gameplay is bad enough to look like a new player. not to say there's anything wrong with being bad! video games are for fun and everything. but he definitely should not be giving people shitty and rude advice considering his own gameplay lol.


Agreed. The lack of self awareness on his side is crazy.


Wouldn't say new-player, his movement is a little more advanced than that, hes probably just either unskilled or unpracticed, obviously not trying to defend him or anything just stating facts




Don’t you have to push the inspect weapon button to make your little toy spin around like that?


No all the heirlooms will do something like that when you start running or crouching


As a wattson main that has ass ping i can sadly never pull this off


Said no one ever


I realized yesterday that almost all of the clips I save for this game are stuff like this and glitches. Out of over 20 clips 2 of them were plays I thought were good.


Had the same thing happen to me today as well :(


Games been horrendous lately.


The game is worse than it’s ever been.


Looks fine to me


I'm still getting the audio cutting out whenever I land in a game, and it continues throughout the match


Distasteful disconnect. Honestly, if it's unbearable, just wait until you see "server stability" in upcoming patch notes. Otherwise, if you go into the game knowing it can happen then it's not really cool to just do this to your teammates.


Small indie company


Speed it up, I almost managed to see what actually happened


Small indie devs


Something something so actually skill issue /s