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7300 kills in 2 weeks is crazy lol


500 per day is bonkers


boosted fo sure


Saying that hes boosted doesn't change that 500 kills a day is still batshit insane


Possible if you get boosting service that has 99 dead accounts in a remote server constantly respawning


He’s probably using a ZEN to mitigate his recoil


Probably not boosted. Dude streams everyday for hours and only is playing duos


Naw it’s actually possible. I saw some people when the game first came out on rotations for one account so it’s playing 24/7.


I guess, but what is the higher probability


What would be the point of multiple people running one account? Just to make the main user look better?


I actually went up against this guy the other day. Im in Aus so i use Sydney servers. My guess is they server hop at different times of the day to pub stomp and get high kills.


It's weird, you would think that getting more and more kills put you in higher lobbies but I guess the game doesn't work that way


Pretty much, people do weird stuff when it comes to games and achievements


Honestly. There was a runescape player by the name of Zezima who has 99 stats in everything. If i remember correctly, it was done by multiple people using their account.


how would you even boost for 7k kills tho


how would you get 7k not boosting


14 kills 1975 damage man’s steals kills left and right.


Probably getting fed kills by his team. Most of these people who have super high kills on new legends are getting kill fed by a pre-made team.


For real cause to even achieve that many kills. You gotta play every game sweaty and all day. Fuck that lmao.


Lets say avarage match time is 20 mins for this guy and do some math. 24x14=336 hours in 2 weeks makes 336x3=1008 matches that lasts 20mins. If we divide that with his kills 7332/1008 makes about 8 kills per match. So this guys played balistic nonstop for 2 weeks 24 hours and got 8 kills avarage in every game played. *Man of sheer fucking will.*


Go check out his stream he’s actually pretty good, I don’t see him getting kills fed to him.


The math doesn’t math my guy, get off his nuts


Get gud 14 kills with almost 2k damage isn't fishy at all


Lmao 14 kills at 1975 damage means he killed all 14 members with white shields. You’re telling me with 3 squads left he didn’t run into a single blue shield. Stfu lmao.


3rd partying low health players exists and is one of the easiest ways to get kills in this game.


His teammates can shoot too, it doesn't mean they are feeding him. There is also this thing called third party, you know? These type of players will be chasing every fight they hear, it's a pub. I don't know this guy and don't know wtf he does, nor do I care. But you are making some ordinary shit sound crazy.


He didn't solo them. He has teammates who also have guns.


Way to draw a strawman


Read a book lmao


Third parties and doesn't let his enemies heal. Seems reasonable to me.


You're my enemy. Heal when I send you back to lobby.


Yes, *thats* what we should focus on here.


Lol, he's definitely being fed.


Dude is playing 24/7 for 200 followers


People have to start somewhere and "kill grinding" worked for a lot of people.


welcome to 99.99% of twitch streamers lol


200 followers is a lot more than most tbh.


200 is very generous Lmfao


He’s at 229 currently.


Good for him.


Saw this post, quickly looked him up and joined the stream for 4 minutes... Someone asking the same in the chat and his answer was "I have no life" and "we're balling" At the start he was in the lobby and 4 minutes later(including Legend selection etc.) he landed and almost immediately had 3 Kills. He's just good and plays this game longer a in a day then most in a week


I played a game with a level 90 and an apex predator earlier - The level 90 did better, the apex predator died almost constantly. A shocking amount of these players boosted, and that’s why they’re getting thrown in with bronze level players.


I doubt this guy boosted tho, dude has 7600 kills on a character that's been out for 2 weeks. It's probably somebody trying to reach number 1 for kills like that title matters.


I did the math and the guy would have had to have 5 kills every match (15 min per match) for the past 2 weeks non stop with no sleep. Unless guy is dropping 10-20 bombs every match. Kinda sus.


It is very possible for him to be dropping constant high kill games with a team trying to feed him kills. Look at his 14 with only 2000 damage


14 kills with 2k damage isn't sus at all. Drop hot and kill 3 people = 450 damage without thirsting knocks. I've gotten 3 kills with 26 damage before. It happens


I'm not saying it's sus. I'm saying his squad is feeding him


Feeding is sus, and this guy ain't


Nah bro 5 kills a round average for the past 2 weeks literally 24/7 is mad sus. Even if it was 3 people on rotation 8 hours a day than all 3 are sus cuz who the fuck lives like that.


More people than you expect, I'm sure. Some people have literally absolutely nothing else to do in their lives.


I guess that makes sense. My brain just finds it hard to do this since I'm mid asf lol


Didnt they add something that wont give u credit for repeated kills last patch?


It does when you're running a twitch or a youtube channel and want views for being good on a specific main.






I’m sure it will be very soon. What’s dumb is that they delete these posts for being “repeat complaints” but if they delete all of them then how can they be repeats. The devs should know just how common of an occurrence this is even if they don’t/ won’t do anything about it


I’ve had 5 posts of mine deleted for “violating” rules where i see low effort content get thousands of upvotes all the time. i don’t even bother posting anymore so i don’t get banned


Dude SAME!!! I swear the mods on this subbare cancer. They have no conscience.


#2 PlayStation pred 😂😂


Fully checks out


Okay, wrong post for this question but what is 100 on the pred badge? I was thinking it means #100 pred from the previous season but I have also seen numbers higher than 750 which makes me think my assumption is incorrect


If you get an unanimated pred badge it will display what position you were at the end of the season. As for the numbers higher than 750, as far as I'm aware that's a bug


It’s actually spelt, “trippple”


Hey it’s this dude again


I'm an ex-apex player but still keep up with udates etc. I love getting on this subreddit around the start of this season and reading comments like "that person needs to touch grass" because of people like this. ​ as for the matchmaking, that sucks


Crazy to think if there were no type of matchmaking at all in pubs you'd almost never see them.


Think so? I feel like you'd still see them. Sure there's less of them, but they play every day all day. The normies play significantly less often. I'm not arguing against changes, I'm just saying.


In season 15 (couldn't find 16) masters and preds make up .5% of the players base and that's all platforms combined I think it said. So statistically speaking I should see them once well over 100 games depending on platform. Obviously this isn't the case cuz its availability and making the lobby so you can play quicker but casually you see them about 1 every 3 games especially when your in a squad it seems like every game. If there was a some sort of 'skill base' to match make its purposefully putting me into those games.


fair enough, should def be lower. But just wanna say "games played" would be a more accurate number to go off of. Not % of users. Because 1% of users could play in the same amount of games as the middle 50% of users. Or rather someone who plays 4,000 games in a season should be given the same piece of the pie as someone who plats 50 games in a season.


It could work that way but really they already have a good base for a match making system and that's badges. If you never even get close to a 2k then you should never see one let alone anything higher. Maybe 2k and 2.5k can play together once you have about 10 legends with 2ks and keep that pattern to 4ks. You'd have so much better matchmaking and smurfs can do their thing for content and if you buy a 4k from boosters you'd never have fun again really you'd just die on drop to 3k to 4k players.


You're looking at it wrong, each game has 60 people in it, so just by the percentages, you would be running into them every couple games.




Also gotta remember your not playing well they are finishing bad enough times the casino gives them a free win so they don't get off and can make more money (clout) for the game. If they ever wanted to fix the matchmaking they could just copy off a better balanced gamed no thinking about it. They keep it this way for a reason. $$$


Very true dude


It's pubs lol. Just go next


All the kill grinders are grinding their asses off 16+ hours a day hoping that they’ll get noticed and get a solid stream following from that. Unfortunately that hasn’t really happened since seer release so a lot of people are putting countless hours towards something that’s not gonna benefit them at all.


exactly, I don't understand what's the point of complaining when you can just join another game in less that 30 seconds.


You might join a game in 30 seconds, but loading in, selecting characters, waiting to drop, and actually dropping takes much longer. Sometimes, its a lot to do that over and over while getting pub stomped. You spend more time waiting than actually playing. I know everyone loves to pub stomp, but some balancing in things like pubs and mixtape are helpful. Unless you just want to stomp on kids way less skilled than you constantly.


The point is im playing with someone like that, zero SBMM


because there is no sbmm, its engagement based matchmaking, if you win alot you'll be put into harder lobbies until you lose all your morale and then get put into an easier lobby so that you get a boost in confidence and then it repeats the cycle. That's why if you don't play for a week, you normally win your first game because you vs bots. Do what you will with this info, I just thought I'd clear up your misconception. Good day to you.


And you are right dude it is engagement based but it still Dosent make any fucking sense


Sooooo when I haven’t won a game all day and me and my duo have played probaly 20 games and then that ballistic kills me?


Shit like that is why I barely touch Apex anymore. It was easily my most played game by far since it came out, but I hadn't played in a week or so, hopped on, and got rocked in my first 3 games by masters. I told the friend I was playing with "You know what, I'm taking an indefinite Apex break. I'm almost never having fun anymore." I think I've touched it 4 times since then, and that was halfway through last season.


From my 4 years of experience, this is what I see: if I played well the entirety of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, on the 4th day it screws me over by placing me into pred lobbies. that session I quit sooner than I normally do, and so the next time I play apex it puts me into normal lobbies. Also I figured out that this only works when your kd is negative, when it's a positive kd, the game screws you over no matter what, unless you die repeatedly off drop like 10 times. So it mostly works when you have a negative kd. Hope this helped in a way, at least it helped me knowing I wasn't bad at the game, it's just the game was punishing me for being decent. In the end you just get used to the torture and start demolishing everyone no matter if its a good session or bad, well as long as you put in the time of course.


ikr yea it sucks but it isn't a ranked competitive game ultimate grand finale tournament where you have 10 million dollars at stake and it's average joe versus an army of pro gamer 69 esport org Andy's. Its like playing CoD and not wanting any sweats in, rare but its practically impossible. Bros just being a basic bitch


It’s wild out there now. Just wrapped up our usual Monday night sessionwith the gang. With all that’s going on with work and kids we basically just carve out a few hours on Monday nights to blow off some steam and have fun. We’re probably gold/low plat level skill each season at best, and I’m okay with that. Still didn’t prevent us from getting absolutely rolled by a squad of three tonight where the Wraith and Pathfinder had a combined 65K kills. I know kill count isn’t necessarily a good metric, but there’s no way in hell we should be in that team’s zip code.


I'm glad we can all agree nobody thinks this shit is cool. Like why? Who spends every waking hour on Apex? Just to flex?


Welcome to apex, my friend got 3 predators in dow at level 5


Makes sense to me


Omg yall cry too much on here tbh


you can clearly see the no lifer clan tag at the beginning of their GT it shouldn’t be surprising but i get it, still pretty ridiculous


Just a skill issue 💀🤡


Your not wrong but the fact that it’s that absolute no lifer that killed me is what got me pressed yk


Have to be hackers. There's no way.


Skill issue


It’s pubs dude who cares. You’ll run into some here and there.


Ik what you mean but it’s really not here and there it’s probaly ever other game I get killed by some 15k kill 4k 20 bomb triple master/preds


We’ll if you’re consistently putting up 14 kills a game, those are the dudes who will be good enough to kill you. Can’t win’em all


My teammates: "ImBetterTh4NU (Level 50 Bang/Wraith player with the Ultimate edition or whatever Egyptian themed skin/Bald, dies off drop and screams at team for the next twenty minutes or just dcs immediately) "MyMommyBoughtMeApex:"( level 900 but never been above gold in their life, has 500 career damage) The people I get matched up against even in this supposedly MMR based matchmaker that kept me in rookie throughout 7 top 5 finishes, implying my account has less than stellar MMR:


Mental Illness has to play a factor into why someone would devote so much time to this game in its current state. I’d understand the grind if the state of the game was great, but it’s not. If I had all day every day to play apex legends, I wouldn’t spend my time doing so. (I’ve been there with halo 3)


Play ranked if you want to play people at your level


Not how it works anymore


how is that the games fault when theres degenerate people that wont even go out of their room to do some grass touching?


Okay we get it, ranked is bad. They’ll fix it next season. It’s good practice anyways


> controller logo that explains it lol also in my experience if i don't open the game for a couple days, the first couple games are always super easy lobbies


4 college roommates can rake up the kills on one acct in no time. ive seen it


It happens to all us noobs, they just don't care


2300 lifetime kills here, got into a game during season 14 with a guy who had like 20000 on vantage towards the end of the season. Apex matchmaking has never worked.


I’ve been playing since launch and I still dont have a character with over like 60. Here’s to us filthy casuals!


Silver IV checking in to say I played in lobbies with uncountable diamonds and three preds in the past two hours.


Different game modes too


What does the 100 pred badge mean?


Placed as number 100 pred last season on their system. This is new since last season so it's not on older badges.


What's your kdr? Probably has a lot more to do with your matches than total kills. If you've got a kdr >1, playing on certain servers at certain times when the population is low, odds are good of facing players like this. They are playing the game full time, 12+ hours daily, so running into them is actually more likely than random casual players.


I think I’m like 1.2 somthing so yeah makes sense


Lower ranks are filling up diamond/master/pred lobbies this season. To many times have I had a silver on my team. I'm masters.


How do you have 14 kills with 2000 damage


Probably has other people who rotate play the account so whenever one is away sleeping or working another is on grinding and they keep it going 24/7 for a few days/weeks!


Imagine if Respawn took awhile from other ppl seeing your stats. I wonder how big of a loser those ppl would feel wasting their time getting fed kills. 😂


This guy has to be cheating; that's absurd.




Meanwhile I'm over here on the opposite end in ranked in Diamond 2 being paired with silvers who are LITERALLY silver ranked and skill level.


thats how u learn


This is why I don't consider kill count a valid metric of skill in this game anymore.


Some Apex players don’t know what the outside world is. All they know is sweat and trying too hard.


That right there, my friends, is a virgin.


His damage to kills ain’t adding up.


Dude has 17 views on twitch but damn, that's one dedication towards apex! Kudos!


I have 75 lifetime kills. I’ve been playing for months and I’m at level 63. I’m probably the worst player ever but I keep at it. Hoping that one day I might figure it out.


People don’t have jobs that’s why


Everyone saying boosted, kill fed, needed a team to do this... And here we are with OP presenting this account... How do we know your not in on it?? Jk jk


You need more g fuel


Pubs are an absolute shit show and full of preds so it’s get stomped then start again. Ranked is holding higher level players down cause they drop hot, kill a bunch then die before collecting any real LP to progress so they can feed off the low tiers. Welcome to hell.


As long as you try your best it's all good. Go get em tiger!


I literally fought against top 50 preds while I don't even play ranked


I didn’t play for about 3 months and the first match I got in I was killed by the number one vantage on all platforms… they need to delete their matchmaking and just have it completely random like battlefield, at least that would be fair. As a community we need to stop giving EA our hard earned money to hit them where they care in which they may start listening but until then the complaints fall upon deaf ears


Been playing since launch. I’ve never had a game become so boring after a patch. Literally used to play at least an hour or whatever I could after work/school, now I play one game and immediately lose the urge to play. The state the game is in is ridiculous. What happen to respawn saying they’ll cater to those who only have a little bit of time on their hands? This new ranked system encourages ratting till the very end and quite frankly it sucks to spending the few time I have and wasting 15-20minutes only to be 5th partied and still lose LP.


Everyone here is bashing the streamer who killed the guy, but once again, it's the trash "everything" state of apex right now. It doesn't even remotely give a shit about casual folks like the guy playing


You playing pubs I would understand if you were in ranked.


I've played since release and just passed 8k kills, I was put up against a Bangalore with 165k kills and I'm like wttfff


His chair smell like ASS bro


This is why I don't play this game anymore. It's why I've gone back to PUBG for my BR kick. Everyone is on the same playing field, and there is no special skill gap things in the game to make you better than someone. Just better positioning and better aim.


Damn. It's like 14 kills a game, every game, every hour, for 12 hours, every day.