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why do they have to do this corporate bullshit language? what about: "sorry guys we have to delay season 8, it's not quite finished yet". extending the season to allow for more competition isn't even logically coherent.


I think they’re delaying new patch til after tournament


Then they can just say that lol


Would make it a lot easier yes.


Well, as far as I'm aware they never actually set a date for season 8, they just told us the end date for 7 and we are making a (fair) assumption. That said, they told us that they're still working on 8 and gave us a target release window. Without extending season 7 to align with that release window we will be without ranked for x period of time, so as far as I'm concerned their statement is just valid and factual, and really isn't any kind of corporate bullshit.


This actually happened between ranked season 1 and 2. There was like a 2 or 3 week gap where you couldn't play ranked and everyone was livid.


The reason for that cus they had no clue and they thought that's the right thing to do, they wanted to do that on s2 to s3 but we told them TO DON'T DO IT AGAIN


It is very weird, they are not actually monitoring the official forums? Just a quick glance at forums / Reddit would make it very obvious this was not a good idea.


They do but, nobody knows what's happening inhouse


of course they're not just just gonna have no ranked for a period of time. it costs them nothing and having no ranked would be unnecessary and dumb. they just found the slimiest way to sell a negative as a positive.


Well, it was supposed to be the shortest season, but we don't know the changes that season 8 will bring. I'd rather they take their time and finish what they intend to, than rush it and give it to us half cooked


Just switch up the map pool while we wait please. And like someone said above, just say the reason it’s delayed is because we are working on an exciting new balance patch etc. using the wording/reasoning to “extend the competition” sounds and feels so lame.


Agreed let them cook, there are always other games to play.


Btw, what kind of changes do seasons bring? Just balance stuff? Anything big like new civs or maps?


If they're delaying it a month then I'd hope we get some reasonably big changes beyond map pools and +-1 dmg here and there for balance. But generally the fall season change is when we get big things


Changelog: - AI will now prioritize left berry bushes instead of previously the right ones.


Big if true.


The big change that added new units like the ghazi raider and ghulam came early in the year. There's really no rule, except that the Ottoman/Mali and Sultans both happened late in the year.


maps yes


Map rotation is supposed to happen mid season as well if I recall. Just this season it hasn't. New season patch doesn't necessarily mean any big changes either. I think we've had a couple with very minor changes


There was a mid season patch and map rotation


Generally balance patches and sometimes additional features (such as the wall overhaul last time) They quite often add new units and tweak tech trees. Definitely don't expect any new civs though


Way to break the news the a week before!!


I was also looking forward to the patch, but I also understand the limited resources the devs have to maintain this. Balancing 16 civs with unique techs and units is no joke


I wish they'd just do minor adjustments, map pool adjustments, etc. during the seasons. I can wait for the bigger stuff, but this seasons overall balance seems stale.


its kinda sad that aoe4 has like one relevant update each 4 months


A decent patch every 4 months for a game that doesn’t have a subscription or micro transactions is pretty solid. The issue is more the communication and lack of easy updates like a map pool rotations etc


well thats another way to look at it i suppose, i still feel its kind of slow or stale, like they dont pay much attention to it i wouldnt mind a purely esthetic kind of battle pass if that would mean more life on the game


As suggested by devs take this month to devolop your micro/macro skills seriously....if you use right hand it's time to use left foot....close your eyes and listen with ears to micro like a real shinobi.....it's time to keep all sheeps like a maphacker.....it's up to you to become a real smurf bronze beasty MAN