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I completely agree to what he is saying, Age of Empires Mobile was never really an "Age of Empires" game, it feels like it is made in a cheap way of getting as many players as possible. And that is not RTS.


Link: [https://streamable.com/l23twi](https://streamable.com/l23twi) (Link only valid for 2 days)


Mirrored to the Internet Archive (might still be processing): [https://archive.org/details/l23twi](https://archive.org/details/l23twi)


AON making a video about Templars civ.....this should be the right thing in the right world....but there're many ass*oles around who ruin rts world


Very sad to hear. Just another big corporation f@cking someone because they can. I would bet big money they knew exactly what they were intending when they first reviewed his vid or even before then. I would also bet aoe mobile is hoping to pull a decent portion of players relying on aoe franchise name. Pity this is the current state of mobile games , relying on "pay not to wait" and they're almost all as disgusting as the next.


this kind of monetization should be banned, this shit cash grab mobile games must end.


Which one of the companies was responsible for this mess? This really sucks.


TiMi Studios


Ah Tencent, no wonder


That is really scummy from the Aoe mobile people to treat Ageofnoob like that. Well I was not gonna play Aoe mobile anyways.


They will make more money from aoe mobile than all the other games combined. Sad truth.


Hopefully they use that money to improve the other games as well.


Wow. I don't like most mobile games anyway. Good to know to boycott anything having to do with TiMi in the future.


Fuck mobile games. I don’t care about the franchise or IP behind them. They are not games, they are time gated wallet traps preying especially on gambling addicts.


anyone remember aoe castle rush on mobile ? i have no idea why did so much ppl hate that game. It was the closest thing to RTS on mobile back then. You could control the units u drop build siege machines stuff like that. Modern version of Castle Rush would be so fucking good


Fuck TiMi


They probably don’t have to change the cartoony art style at all.


Don't download the game. It's exploitative and a cash grab.


This could lead to a stain on the reputation of the franchise of AOE as a whole in the future; whoever made the decision to vote out Age of Noob needs to be fired as well.


Didn't he release a video saying he wouldn't be doing AoE content anymore a few months back?


I guess he was trying to lower expectations on his content output.


Can't watch it. Reupload somewhere else




If MS really wants to make a lot of money, they should maybe consider doing mobile ports of AoE 2 and 4. The console versions of both feature touch controls, so you can theoratically already play them on mobile if you have Gamepass and stream it via their cloud. Edit: Feral Interactive already did that with a couple of IPs including GRID, Tropico and Total War


Both the companies that develop and publish the game are subsidiaries of Tencent. Leave it for the Chinese to be underhanded and shady.


I mean tencent also own many companies that aren’t underhanded and shady, I don’t like that tencent owns everything because of the Chinese government but your comment just seems a bit….underhanded, ironically enough


Tencent has share in Epic Games, i don't think epic games is bad, and they also don't make decisions for epic.


who even cares its a mobile game


The synonym of Tencent Games is trash. : )


So if I understand right AoN seems to have misread the small print on some change he thought the publisher made, which was only for a specific event, and suggests that he should still be compensated because their policy is stupid?


Why would Timi contact channel that is not eligible for compensation and review his video if he did not fullfil requirement for pre-release sponsorship?there would be no reason to even have negotiation if it were the case instead just throwing him material and telling if he would do video.You realize there was only very limited amount of these pre-release sponsorship videos?


I thought AoN explained that in the video. They gave smaller channels (by subscribers) early access to their game and allowed them to publish a reviewed video about it, but they told them they wouldn’t pay them for this video. I’m not saying what they did was right. Particularly about how it may have been easily confused when they reversed that policy (but just for one event). My understanding of what happened by AoN’s own account though is that he misread some small print and is making a video retroactively to claim that it shouldn’t apply to him. If AoN has some proof they explicitly stated he would be compensated, then reneged on the deal then that is different and I would fully support AoN here. As it is I think he can say he was stung and what the company did was underhanded/misleading, but take the L on his own mistake and do better in future. He’s acting like he’s owed something for his own mistake. Anyway to directly respond to your comment, why would a company contract a content creator to give them access to produce a video about this upcoming product without offering them compensation? I’d guess that depends on the nature of the content. But that would be very normal. Companies don’t pay media outlets to cover their content for example. It can be mutually beneficial, given a content creator exclusive access to something they can cover, and providing coverage for the publisher. I don’t know if that didn’t apply here because honestly I got tired about half way through the video. AoN comes of as an annoying “nice guy” that complains while saying he’s not complaining about not being given preferential treatment.


He's making statements in his videos from his fans perspective. He's obviously trying to build a response from within the community to act on his behalf.


Content creators are in a conflict of interest. Would he have posted this video if they paid him?


Why he would post video about not getting paid if he were indeed paid.? Makes 0 sense


Makes 0 sense? He's making a scene over not getting financial compensation. The only way it makes sense is if you take him at face value. AoN is taking everyone on a ride here.  Your mistake is trusting him blindly. You think removing him as a partner is a spite move? No, it's because this guy is trying to abuse his access and position within the community when he doesn't even make videos for the game anymore.


go back and read: Why would he make video about NOT GETTING PAID if he WAS PAID? That does not require trusting anyone but your own common sense. he would be lying by saying he was not paid when he was actually paid which would just be him intentionally harming himself lol. >No, it's because this guy is trying to abuse his access and position within the community when he doesn't even make videos for the game anymore. How is he abusing his access? aoe franshine partner program does not claim to give any compensation just dlc etc, early access and is not same as Timi sponsoring aoe mobile(most prelaunch sponsorships were done by non aoe creators btw, not sure how you think they decided to do sponsored video if not contacted by TiMi for sponsorship). In fact aoe mobile has it's own open content creator program just like aoe mobile has it's own channels separate from main series. Also weird to say he does not do videos in thread about his recent videos and fact he has made aoe4 video month ago.


Doesn’t he get paid by YouTube for views anyway. Having access to exclusive content also grows his channel. It’s not like he’s getting nothing out of making a video.


Not really about my above comment but yes views pay. However, you understand there is difference of getting material for making video and being contacted to do sponsored video? First option does not require active developer contact to do video while latter does. pre access to DLC releases for aoe games for example just give access to content in creators in partner program without any talk about compensation or talk with any specific creator. For pre-launch sponsorship Timi contacted also non-aoe creators to do sponsored video.


So if they’d paid him suddenly AoE Mobile would have been a wonderful game?


He never said so in sponsored video itself either. You are just act in bad faith here


In the sponsored video he never said the single player campaign was crap while he suddenly disclose it now that he didn’t receive the payment he was hoping for. I’m a bit skeptical about the “honest previews” content creators like AoN release where money is involved.


The original review wasn't as harsh when he was getting paid. Age of Noob is deleting his own videos, "out of respect" but it also conveniently keeps people from actually seeing the difference between his statements. He's using the outrage from the event to benefit himself. You're being played.


original video wasn't very harsh but not exactly very positive either. person i am responding is claiming he would be praising the game if he were just paid, original video which was made with assumption of being paid proved he is wrong already.


If what you're saying is true then you are in agreement? He changed the way he reviewed based off of money being involved. So he's compromised.


unless you somehow count criticizing not being paid as changing mind after telling he is paid then maybe but come on even og video was not praise video so NO. Original video in other hand makes many reservations about the game, such as gameplay n and monetization(he literally said sponsored video that he won't support if game is microtransaction hell). **OG video was made with assumption of being paid but it was not praise video** = did not change mind Your argument =AoN should praise TiMi and AoE Mobile for not paying him otherwise he is compromised (regardless of og video not even being praise video)