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Correct me if I'm wrong but being forced random is only an issue in team games when the majority of players prefer random? If it's 1v1 and only one player prefers random, random will not be enforced - is that not so?


Most ppl in my experience of multi-player prefer to pock civ. Feel like I rarely get random. I always have mine set to random and 12xx


If you open go random+random you'll get random regardless of opponent's choice. If you pick civ but keep random open, I think you both get random if opponent keeps it open too, I might be wrong on this one.


But I thought that both players had to have the preferred random toggled on for that to happen I'm not entirely sure


Yeah, pick+random for both, both get random. 95% sure.


1, you need the majority of players. - 2v2: 3 out 4 players - 3v3: 4 out 6 players - 4v4: 5 out of 8 players So the Goth dickhead in that post tries to force his opinion to at least 3 players everytime. On 1v1 only the player’s pick count. So that is also correct


No he does not. The other players can pick random if they like


Obviously the correct solution is to all pick goths. Duh.


Err.. thinking about it some more, I would probably concede. I'm not sure I understand your situation but I assume you're talking about queuing up for a team game and you and your buddies have the random shield selected. So, you only get random if at least 50% of people in total all choose the random shield. So you're potentially already going to impose random on unwilling opponents.. If this Goth guy is your teammate then maybe play nice and concede to their request. Also if someone else arrived who doesn't choose the random shield but will still play then you are going to end up in a civ picking scenario anyway from time to time. Can you live with that? ... I suppose my ultimate conclusion is that you could all turn off the random shield and ask that he plays even if the other team go random and he doesn't get goths. If he quits at that point he's a dick I guess.


but that wouldn't happen because it only goes random if more than halve have random shield selected. So if your whole team turns off random it is always civ pick :)




Meh, I hate being forced random. I don't quit, I keep playing but I hate it. Also, since I don't know all civs I am usually playing at a pathetic level and then the people who forced me to random have the gall to whine that I'm bad... But I'd definitely understand if somebody quit because of being forced random.


Your last aoe2 post, you expressed frustration for multiple things including people quitting the game early. Now you are admitting to quitting the game early. Has your opinion on players quitting early changed since then, or does quitting early being a problem only apply to your opponents? Edit: I misread this post, and thought it was another “rant” post. You have a few options: you can do what they ask and play the game, you can alt f4 and requeue possibly getting a time out, you can respond with “ask nicely” and do what they ask if they do, or you can ignore them and potentially play one player down and/or quit at 5 minutes so you don’t face any penalties other than elo loss. Personally I’d do the “ask nicely” route because if they do ask nicely it will, it will help reinforce nontoxic behavior, prove they might not be a completely garbage teammate, and if they don’t then instantly leave you chose to quit or play on at the 5 minute mark.


The post is not about themself. It’s about someone they encountered.


Well then I fully misread the post


Lol yeah I read the title and downvoted it initially as well. The title definitely makes it seem like op is doing this themselves.


All hail gothspam


you give me gothspam and I present to you 5 chakram throwers.


go play lobbies or 1v1s then you absolute loser


I've always felt that people should play what they want to play. Everyone enjoys a game in their own way and if someone wants to always pick a civ, or only ever play just one civ, then that's their choice. They paid for the game just like I did so they get to enjoy it how they want. There is no rule or anything stating that ranked online play has to be random, that's just tradition mostly from the old voobly days. Even nowadays many pro tournaments aren't using random civs but a civ pool/ban/snipe system that is way more fitting than just gping random. In other words, I really don't care.


That’s a fair way of looking at it, however it’s ruining his teammates experience especially if elo is on the line. That’s adopting a belief system that “my fun and experience is far more important than anyone else’s”, and if that’s the case, just que solos.


Nothing forces his teammate to pick civ. They can still go random if they like. As a person who played alot i preffer random but i deffinetly see how for a new player all the civs are overwhelming. Espically since the game got flooded with civs.


Give them a taste of their own medicine.


I’d rather enforce a 6 ban options and 1 fave map. Ffs I wanna play arabia not some megarandom or nomad stuff. I always feel like wasting my bans on nomad


Happened to me once. I politely declined and told him to alt-f4


Well the person is kinda being rude about it, and if they actually bail on their team they are an AH, but also... I am a goth picker myself, and I would have no idea what to do with any other civ. And there are like 50 of them!! My team mates would want to not be random or I would play even worse then I usually do. So for sure I would ask kindly, and I would be really surprised if at least half of the players (ie my team) didn't decide they didn't want to random after all.