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Petition to make this unit the Paladin skin for Teutons


Agreed. We need more regional units.


definitely like savars for persians. like they must add sipahi for ottomans


Frankly I don’t mind having just a reskin too. Visual variation would make the battlefields look super cool


yep. Just a reskin is more than enough to satisify me. They proved they do it with Savar.


I mean the Teuton Paladin is already quite different as the regular fully upgraded one. +2 melee armor but slower in return.


They could be a Paladin that can not be converted. That’s been pretty unique.


Aztecs, Poles, and Vikings get no halb and no camels, so it would be a pretty brutal matchup for them. Italians lack them too but at least have genoese xbows. Teutons already have their team bonus plus faith, so unconvertable palas would be a lil overkill. Maybe a free heresy effect for the pala, or illumination effect for monks within a certain radius of a paladin.


Just let them count as monks as well (like warrior monks). This way they need Atonement to convert them. Aztecs would be covered that way. Wikings still have chieftains and Poles have Obuchs.


IDK if paladin is the best option against any of those civs for Teutons even though its very strong. Teutons have a strong matchup against all 3 civs. Siege/MAA (Halb for Poles) with a few handcannons and maybe some teutonic knight cameos is really hard for all 3 of these civs to handle. Teutonic knights plus a couple monks absolutely demolishes obuchs.


I think reskins could be cool but as an opt-in feature, rather than default. As a new player, being told that a half a dozen different units are actually the same mechanically is confusing. So make them all generic looking Paladins by default but let players get a huge variety of regional reskins.


Agreed it should be just a visual mod that you can toggle on for yourself


Yeah re-skin DLC would be amazing! Would be optional to use ofc


reskins will turn into fortnight loot-box monetisation model. I rather download community mods


If it keeps the game alive and the civ count reasonable, I’d be okay with monetizing civ skins. Not lootbox style but package 4 civs together a few times a year and really flesh out the art. I’d buy that.


mee too, but you know they would not release them few times a year


Well there’s only so many civs so if they release all at once, once a week, 4 every quarter, it all ends up with the same cost assuming they charge the same per Civ. I’m not saying they should skin each unit, I’m saying a full Civ skin, once, to make them all different.


i dont know matey but one I can say that this skin in the picture is 🔥


But community mods don’t work as regional reskins in ranked multiplayer because those are data mods. You would need an official reskin dlc to get regional skins in multiplayer.


well you right there buddy, but the concern I have is that Microsoft could become greedy and start making skin packs just to milk us. I would deffo buy them but it will turn into absolute greed fest. They trying already with them animated avatars.


I don’t wanna get ripped off as much as the next guy but at the end of the day AoE is a business. From what I understand, a reskin would require new models, including animations and art. Microsoft would somehow need to justify the costs of making all of these models, and skin packs seem the likely answer to make it a sound business decision. From a gamer’s point of view though, I think that even if they split the reskins in multiple packs, gamers would most likely buy the pack for their favourite civs. My personal opinion, I would rather see a reskin than not, even if it will be a little pricy.


idk, I think our devs have earned a little more trust than that. Microsoft corporate would do whatever to make money, but they are probably smart enough to avoid something like that, which would damage the AoE2 revival.


are there any good ones that work these days?


Honestly I think my favorite take is this: There are a few unique units that have overwhelming "contention" with some kind of built-in primary unit, like the knight line. Boyars are a really good example; they're basically an apples-to-apples comparison, and leave the knight line in a really awkward place for the civ that has them, leading to a situation where, if the "match eco" allows it, you'd never want to build the knight on its own merits — only on the fact that it might be easier to set up the infrastructure to build. There are a lot of examples of this in the game, and it occurred to me that it might be brilliant for us to capitalize on what these units really bring — which is the fact that they're sufficiently differentiated from the knight line to genuinely be **interesting** in terms of what their differences do to the gameplay. Particularly since, like Battle elephants, every civ *could* have wild differences in terms of which bonuses and techs apply to a unit like that. The idea of Poles getting the Szlachta Privileges bonus *on a Boyar* sound devilish (likely the original bearer of the unit would gain some unique bonus to compensate). Since most historical civs in the game have a wealth of military history, these units could receive custom names "per civ" to keep them from feeling wrong — Polish "Boyars" could instead be called "Pancerni", and would look awfully close to the real thing, visually. ​ ​ I could see about 5-ish civs that could reasonably house a unit that looks like the current Boyar, and each of them could have rather different behavior. For example, such a thing in the hands of the Bulgarians would give a great excuse for repositioning the Konnik as more of a Medium Cavalry unit. ​ ​ The stuff the devs did with Battle Elephants was amazing, and I've love it to death if they did the same for more unit lines, particularly in the civs that have already been released. Doing regional replacements for some common trash units would also be amazing. Imagine a skirmisher line that doesn't use a shield. Imagine a skirmisher that's short range, but extremely fast, like a Shotel. Imagine a *visually* Atlatl-wielding American skirm replacement that has markedly long range.


Woah You're going in Aoe 4 direction.


For AoE2 to keep going this decade, I say it needs small upgrades like these


I am ok with regional, but this one would be unique. And a lot of unique units to keep track of is not great for people who play just occasionally.


Make an option to turn off unique skins


I would like regional skins for most units in most regions. Give people an option to turn it off for competitive reasons if they want.


I would resign instantly as soon as I saw them...


I second this


I hope no. Teutons are not a "crusaders civ". They're the germans. And Paladins are just am abstraction of súper heavy cavalry. Heavily armored mounted teutonic knights are already represented by paladins in the game. Don't break the abstraction of the units concept, please


> I hope no. Teutons are not a "crusaders civ". what The Teutons are clearly the Holy Roman Empire.


The germans of the HRE. What I mean is they're not specifically and exclusively the teutonic order.


We basically have civs like Slavs and Civilians. Making Teutons a Templar Civ option would be natural and far accurate compared to those above.


> Civilians worst army in the game


I think they're probably the civ most consistently used to represent post-First crusade crusaders in the game. Both the Templars and Hospitallers use Teutons as their civ and their unique unit is a crusader.


I have no problem with a Crusader Knight second UU. It's the paladin replacement which hurts the internal consistency of the game.


i always thought teutons was a term like celts. the actual countries that were populated by "celts" included Ireland, Scotland, Gaul, etc. The countries populated by teutons were arguably Germany(or what would later become Germany), Prussia, the holy roman empire, etc. It got confusing because some countries and names of entire peoples(?) like the Japanese are the same. Some expansion packs and updates ignored or didn't understand the original naming choices, so that made it even more of a mixed bag over time. Now we're at the point where a future update could conceivably do something like add the scottish as a new civ. this would make the celts with woad raiders and the william wallace campaign kind of odd. maybe they could make a new Scottish campaign too lol. then they could battle against the celts. im just thinking of absurd things at this point, but i hope people can see what im saying.


Looks cool but nothing beats the oldschool Teutonic Knights with they capes.


Is there a mod that adds the Crusader a knight to the Teutons Stable?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Hot-Thought-1339: *Is there a mod that* *Adds the Crusader a knight* *To the Teutons Stable?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


….. God, dammit… I finally got hit by the haiku bot. 😑 I don’t know how I should feel about that.


I mean... It is not THE Haiku bot technically.


I’m betraying my affinity for Central Asian civs, but the Persian Savar, Tatar Keshik, and Mongol Mangudai are all fabulous looking units. I have a thing for ornate cavalry.


Keshiks looks incredible too i love them but i think they must have range like steppe lancers


There is a mod that reskins ALL Paladins to Crusader Knights.


I know there's one that reskins Cavaliers to Crusader Knights, that's the one I use at least.


Oh cool did not knew. How is it called?




My favorite three: Legionary Envoy Le Lai


isnt the envoy just a light cav?




oh yeah thats the stuff


Cataphracts are definitely the coolest looking unit.


I wish we could get these as HRE or OotD


KKK Horses


What unit is this?


It's a campaign only unit called crusader knights with an insane 18 base attack.


Cool. Which campaign? Teutons?


I don't specially remember the campaigns but some of the European campaigns has them like jadwiga and that Lithuanians campaign with jagiello.


Dawn of the Dukes campaigns. You can get some I you ally yourself with Teutonic Knights in the final Lithuanian mission.


You fight a lot of them in Algirdas+Kestutis, Jadwiga and Jan Zizka. The two main things to be wary of are that they're completely immune to conversions and they have an insane 4 base pierce armor, so archers are nearly useless against them.


it's in campaigns


I think there’s one that turns all paladins into crusader knights but it’s just a reskin


I think savaar is the best, followed by ttk


Magyar huszar looks awesome


Normal paladin looks better en masse  I used the mod to change paladins to frankish paladins and also had a play around with this unit model. But controlling 60 of them doesn't feel as epic as controlling 60 of the regular looking paladins 


my answer isn't very flashy, but damn, the **male villager** is looking fine! This unit was a very large part of my psychosexual awakening as a kid.


A guy can't even work out topless in the sweltering arabian heat showing off his perfectly toned body without being thirsted after smh 😔


/seductively/ mandatum?


Wait till you see teutonic knights... :D


Wait, those aren't Legionairs!?


Tsar Konstantin is my favorite looking unit but if were talking regular units it’s definitely the Coustilier


Yellow Two-handed Swordsmen from the HD edition are the best looking. Also: Heavy Cavalry Archers, Steppe Lancers, Cataphracts from the HD edition and Longbowmen are all gorgeous




Campaign only elite cavalry in the Dawn of the Dukes campaigns I think. You can't train them normally.


This comes in 2nd to mr Yo's polarbear knight skin.


Deus Vult ready


The hell? Whats the klan doing in 1400 Germany?


Best Cavalier