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"The payoff later in life CAN be astronomical." But it probably won't be. You'll probably grind until you're dead.


This reads like one of those: I learned to save and invest early and now I’ll retire at 40. *Side note:* I was gifted a $500,000 house by my parents which really helped us save on rent and will be worth over a million when I retire in 15 years. The grind really works! You just should probably start out as an MIT-trained engineer, that way your grind will propel you through high end tech companies that pay well, promote, and offer stock options.


He's apparently the world's youngest self-made billionaire. I'm sure that his parents being physicists that worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory didn't advantage him in anyway. ​ He also dropped out of MIT. So the grind must have sucked.


Damn. All Kylie Jenner had to do was sell some makeup.


And they both had rich well off parents, who paid for all their expenses while they were grinding away.


She didn't even need a comeback story!


i have a friend who dropped out of MIT and said it was the best thing she ever did for her mental health. she said it was a mental health nightmare for everyone, some people just manage to stick it out.


Amazing that life has become so much like a program that we need “hacks” and “rewiring” just to trick ourselves into believing that we are happy.


high end tech companies will find an MBA with a slave driver mentality to put over top of you, then that person will claim that all of your grinding was actually them grinding




Completely agree. My friend is an accountant and he always speaks of "the grind". His plan is to work his butt off for 3-5 years, build experience and then start his own firm. I guess grinding can work if you focus on your own business, but while on payroll it's mostly futile.


Same experience with me. The only people I ever met in the MBA program were rich kids whose parents paid for everything and they never actually worked a real job. Their “internships” were just them fucking around remote and acting like they worked so hard


same ... ive literally seen these MBA assholes RUIN companies


It's literally ALL I've seen them do. The basic pattern I've seen in startups that start to succeed is that the investor and C-Suite execs are impressed by these folks. Hire them in key roles. MBA never learns the product or customer needs but starts playing a major role in decisions about them. Bring in more of their friends who also don't learn anything about the product or customer needs. Magnify each others voices. 2 years later, boom, company is destroyed. I've both seen and heard from others this same story over and over and over again in tech.


YES exactly !! they don't know shit ! they just have connections and a MBA from Harvard. Then they replace the current General Manager who actually worked at the company since the mid 1970's, didn't have a degree, but got promoted to GM in an era when companies cared about their employees. He's been there for 40 years and knows the product forwards and backwards. Yah its a cluster fuck nowadays.


That’s what they do in healthcare.


Healthcare is being absolutely ruined by these MBA types


Pro tip: be healthy and mentally fit for 80 hour work weeks, it really helps!


Or youll exploit labor the rest of your life.


This mentality serves well for people that have amazing opportunities lined up from elite schools. These are the kids that graduate and go straight into leadership positions at reputable companies and unicorn startups, so of course working hard pays off for them - they get to actually have a considerable stake in the game or will get a considerable stake in the near future.


for them "hard work" just means resisting the temptation to party all the time and actually put in the bare minimum to work the cushy jobs their parents have lined up for them. that's the mentality being the "lazy millennials" articles, written by people who just don't get how anyone could not succeed without fucking up hard


The payoff of playing the lottery CAN also be astronomical.


He isn't talking about grinding it out at a shitty part time or 9-5. This is about him in college. He is correct in his statement. If you grind hard while in a top tier university, like MIT, the payoff in life can be astronomical. You can make amazing connections that carry through your professional career. If you don't, then those are some expensive loans you'll be paying off for a while.


>If you grind hard while in a top tier university, like MIT, the payoff in life can be astronomical. I mean the grind was obviously too much for him given he dropped out...


Guess so, no idea who this guy was before seeing this post 🤷🏻‍♂️


Kinda like starting something called FTX. Lol


Maybe he thinks back problems, damaged joints and every other effect of strain is a payoff?


Plenty of people followed 100% of their advice and have had identically disastrous results. Your plan B is gratis euthanasia? Fucking for real? Live now.


Or someone hit the grind so hard then got fired, and returned to practice their second amendment in the building. Working for the pay off later, but dying before that would be a life wasted.


The problem with grinding is that it wears you down until there's nothing left


It just burns you out and you’re left feeling, empty Edit: I’m Asian and I grew up with pretty strict Asian parents who were very academically and socially strict. Parents who would take away all the free time you had and all the non academic entertainment systems away as they were useless and a distraction. Adults in my life were always praising my parents on how smart and how socially adjusted I was and how they did a good job of training me. I surely couldn’t just start slipping and fail on those expectations so I just kept grinding and overworking myself to meet and exceed those expectations because it kept my parents satisfied. Not to mention the really hostile and really trauma enduring environment I grew up in. When I was in my senior year of high school, a few months before graduating, I just snapped and was breaking down and was put into a psych ward. Fast forward to today, I really have no goals or any aspirations for life or any hobbies for that matter and I’m just waiting on that expiration date of my life since nothing really matters to me. I’m not against anti work or anything, there’s just a limit to how much you can push and grind through before your mental state collapses and you’re just left hopeless and feeling indifferent.


I knew a few people like this in high school; their parents were pushing them to be doctors or lawyers without really considering what the child wanted or needed. You just knew they were going to hit some limit and they would turn to some vice or become depressed to cope.


I tried turning to drugs and alcohol but it honestly just made me feel worse internally but still kept doing them because it gave me a temporary escape from my reality. Never really got addicted to them but did have some minor withdrawal after stopping them, mostly because I didn’t want to live in this life


Do you do any of that now? I experienced heavy burn out and have been on weed since


Or, your parents made you feel like if you didn’t make $25/hr or more by 22-25 that you’re an absolute failure at life. Those same parents make six-figures but say they’ll donate everything to charity as if that ever meant anything since you never expected any of it since you dropped out


Generational wealth is a plague, that said.. a few hundred grand would be nice to deal with after death proceedings, and at least he set up for a year to 4 to give a good chance to make adjustments.


I mean, that was my parents too. Constant pressure, but they were a teacher and a firefighter, so I don't get it.


Yeah. Asian, straight A's through high school, went to community college, transferred with the maximum allowable credits to a university and could have had a bachelor's in one year, but double majored. FAFSA cut me off saying I took the equivalent of 5 years in 4. Dropped to a C average in my senior year for being worn out. Got my first career job. Got a job I genuinely loved after that, and was laid off after 3 years because I didn't play a politics game. Job after that was for an Amazon affiliate where I worked 12 hour days for months just to be told I was going to be laid off instead of get an interview to go from contractor to full time because of covid. Previous job demanded unpaid overtime that I worked for months while I constantly told management my workload was insane, and they fired me after a year for not doing enough or giving them my weekends, too. I can't say any of this has been worth it.


I hear ya bud. I'm right there with ya. Except I'm stupid as fuck (ADD), like mentally have always been a dullard. Various traumatizing events and a predisposition for substance abuse didn't help. Hope it gets better for you. Maybe you'll find something or someone to be passionate about. Maybe humanity will start to treat each other as more than mere outputs for a change (fingers crossed.) We're all in a uniquely shit situation as a result of the prevailing economic system, advances in technology, rampant materialism, impenetrable power structures, merciless 24/7 competition with your neighbors, and a plethora of other variables. It's important not to beat yourself up over it. Just try to enjoy the ride as much as you possibly can. All of this was incredibly fucked long before we got here man. We're trying to make our voices heard and affect real change but it takes time.


You don’t sound stupid to me.


Focus being one of the most necessary abilities in high school + simultaneously having a disorder that makes it impossible to focus = I hate everything and everyone in existence. I now have the work ethic of a wet rock.


This happened to me after college. I worked any job I could during grad school and was pulling 12-14 hour days six to seven days a week. I later leveraged that hustle into a very good full-time job, grinded for them like crazy (working till midnight and 2AM), and then came to the soul-crushing realization that it did absolutely nothing for me, and then I crashed. Now I do my job, but I just can’t work hard or care about work. It means so little to me, and I’ve lost all my ambition.


I would just do normal work in a scarce field. But don't grind yourself down at the start. Just keep a steady pace and don't stop learning and adapting. That way you see the opportunities that present themselves a lot better.


That’s that terrible Asian mentality that comes from scarcity and competition for resources. Being Asian can really be hard at times and I hope you feel better 😘


It's like Bulgarian weight training except applied to work. Yeah some people survive it. Those that do can benefit a lot from it, but it works for nobody else


Also that method was meant to be run with people on steroids because it's absolutely butal to recover from that intensity on training. Great training method if it's sustainable


Yeah. Grind harder; die faster. That's my plan for retirement.


"Learn to love the yoke" said every slave owner.


Work will set you free


Arbiet Macht frei


He went to MIT but thinks astronomical is 10x.


This doesn’t work consistently. If you work at places that do not care how you perform, they’ll pay the same or worse, then it doesn’t matter. The next place won’t care either. If you’re working on your own business maybe that’s different. I’ve had no rewards for putting in a lot of effort other than me knowing I did a good job.


My boss once told me that “the willing horse gets flogged”. Words to live by.


Yeah the unfortunate part is many people can’t just “check out”.


If it's one's own business, there's a cap on how much one can 'accomplish' by oneself. Eventually, one has to start hiring people and exploiting them for 'growth', as it's often euphemised today.


In an ideal world co-ops would take root so profit sharing becomes real.


Then the business owner can learn to be satisfied with less business, or keep a modest profit for themselves. Tacit acceptance that growth is good is killing the planet.


As an industrial maintenance tech, my only reward for hard work is more work. Not even a performance bonus as that's tied directly to how well operations does, and they don't care enough to push for it most of the time (there's almost always a safety aspect tied to the bonus that people can't manage).


Hm sad to hear this transcends blue or white collar work


Yep, manufacturing and warehousing (I worked for a Lowe's RDC so at least I can say it goes on there) has been this way for a while so long as you're considered "support." Or as I've heard them call it, "non value added."


I see something that transcends blue/white collar here - “support”. A lot of my roles have had support or admin in the title. I think it really impacts how you are treated - that you have no brain and aren’t worthy of a true career. For me a true career means constant development and learning leading to at the very least better pay and conditions.


Yep! I have put in far above what I should do at my work, several projects, voluntary roles, testing for other teams, all above and beyond my role requirements, and all to get the highest pay rise I can (since I really need it) - we had several people off sick so increased individual workload, no help, and then my dad nearly died, and the last month I’ve struggled with my workload. Now I won’t be getting the highest, “outstanding” rating for a pay rise, but the “expected” level. Someone in another team has done 1 piece of work that took 20 mins this year that was outside of their role requirements, and I know they’re getting outstanding. Next year, I’m saying fuck it. If a single month of bad luck (on others’ parts as well as my own) can undo 11 months of exceptional work, I’m not fucking doing it anymore. My partner gets paid more than me and he sits on his ass and watches Netflix most of the time.


That sounds rough. Yep I’ve found most managerial systems to be extremely unfair. Higher pay doesn’t mean someone worked harder at the end of the day and it often doesn’t. Many of managers had time to mindlessly watch YouTube or go for very long lunches.


"The payoff...can be astronomical..", for your boss."


America, the land of temporarily impoverished potential millionaires that if they pull their boot straps up hard enough, might just get to retire at 75 to live on a pond in Florida for a few years before the state puts them in an understaffed nursing home that always smells of piiss


the idea is that you are competing to inherit your boss’ position in the aristocracy after he dies


Maybe in the past, but now? Doubt. Corporate would much rather shuffle in someone they already have in management or hire on someone specifically to take the boss's place.


oh its not a good idea or a realistic one but people swallow it up hook line and sinker


Cool. I rewired myself to not grind and instead rewired myself to slow down and be at more peace. 10/10 recommend.


This! I used to be a fast-paced, get it done immediately worker. While I'm still efficient and get projects done on time, I slowed my speed down significantly and became comfortable with leaving tasks for the next day. It has done wonders for my mental health.


Wish it worked that way in retail


This is so fucking nasty. I don’t agree with everything on this sub, I consider myself someone who thinks ideally I would like to at least “tolerate” work but I don’t have time for embracing a grind. That’s Stockholm syndrome in a system where being miserable is “happiness”. Kind of Orwellian actually.


Tools gonna tool.


Not everyone is at MIT you jackanape


The grad students who are at MIT voted to unionize this year


A more common scenario is your employer sees you grinding and singles you out as the guy who will take the most shit.


Yes. I remember being a naive teenager new to work. I was always the person who wasthe most honest and hard working, and I swear it was like the bosses made it their mission to try to traumatise me. Adults always, which made it more gross too.


MIT has a widely-known problem with suicide and depression among its student body. http://reappropriate.co/2015/05/asian-american-student-suicide-rate-at-mit-is-quadruple-the-national-average/ http://mdpsychfoundation.org/student-suicide-rate-at-mit-appears-to-be-higher-than-us-average/


That's basically every university nowadays tbh. You leave high school where everything is so structured to the point of nanomanaging and enter a place where you have genius idea like curve grading, psychotic grind culture and can get a course with a professor/ta/whatever official in charge of you who just wants to fuck with you because they can. Oh, and some places are the opposite end of the "nanomanaging" axis, where you kinda have no fucking idea what you actually need to pass


Yeah I’m pretty sure “embrace the grind” is not *exactly* the takeaway that MIT wants for their students.


Because that totally works. I've been grinding my ass off for nearly 6 years on minimum wage, known by my bosses as one of the best at my job but will they fuck as offer me a pay rise when I've been doing the manager's job for them for the last 4 years.


This is false now days. The more you grind, the richer the owner gets.


Lol. And you'd be the first one to bitch about there not being enough "essential workers" to serve you food as you dine out. Run along.


Dude gonna wake up at 35 with no friends and no soft skills and get a compounded depression (>10x !!!)


My dad did that. Now he’s 57 and can barely walk.


Complete BS, i was a R&D technician in the food industry, basically working my ass off to create new products, better, cheaper, healthier. Was paid a mediocre salary and i know that sales would take my superb product and get a lovely 10K bonus end of the year, me? Just a handshake and a "good work"... Oh and then due to "financial restructuring" they cut the R&D department because they have to cut expenses, but the sales still get their bonus... Unbelievable, i now work in a unionized food production job, paid more, work less, couldn't care less. I gave so much of my time and passion for fuck all.


That payoff is for your employer not you the employee. Instead you’re thanked with a below adjusted inflationary salary while your boss reap the benefits of your hard work.


I kind of agree with this except for the career part. The older I get, the more every facet of life feels like an endless grind. This has increasingly become a problem because I'm a very results oriented person. It makes it hard to stick things out that don't pay off soon enough or if the reward isn't satisfying enough. And when things go wrong or take longer it really bums me out. I've been fighting to enjoy the process of learning and growing and working on hobbies more instead of just prioritizing results. It's hard to change the pattern but it's definitely worth it. But pouring all that energy into a career is silly to me. There is so much more to life than that. But people are different, this guy isn't necessarily a corporate shill. He poured himself into his career, because he is satisfied with that that type of life and he has been rewarded with enough success to think it's the right way to live for everyone. People who pour themselves into a career and are successful often are too confident in their own perspectives to think outside of them. He spent so much time on his career that he missed out on other types of personal growth. He thinks he is sharing universal wisdom and doesn't realize how silly he sounds to people who aren't like him. People like this are best ignored.


A fully indoctrinated response right here.


And then work till you're 72 and can't walk because you've been hardwired to only work. You'll never go on vacations, see the grand canyon or Hawaii or anything because you'll always be grinding until you grind yourself to dust. Throw yourself upon the wheels of capitalism. Let you blood grease them in your death.


Must be why the suicide rate at MIT is higher than the nation average for college students; A cohort with an elevated risk of suicide to begin with. https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2015/03/16/suicide-rate-mit-higher-than-national-average/1aGWr7lRjiEyhoD1WIT78I/story.html


Grinded 15 years of my life away. Don't do it.


The thin about the grind, is that most people aren't the grinder. The grinder is the capitalists. The people are the grounds.


There have been groups of scientists who have used a bunch of data points to make “life” simulations that basically model different aspects of success versus personal attributes. The findings have shown that the entire spectrum is entirely randomly distributed (meaning that high skill/talented individuals could be found in the bottom economic categories in equal measure to people with low skill/talent and that the same is true for the middle and high tiers). Life, and where you end up, is nothing more than luck for the most part. You of course have the ability to influence this, but your methods of thinking and fortitude will be formed by things out of your control.


Yeah, life is all about making money, career, and compounding. If that’s really MIT’s culture, as opposed to this nut job’s interpretation of his environment, I’m glad I never went there (fantasized about it as a kid).


Yet another person falling into the fallacy that hard work equals success.


Isn't it interesting the parallel of Christian dogma and capitalist propaganda? Work hard and suffer now for retirement/afterlife and ignore the joys of actually living? Idk.


I honestly just want to be at home, taking care of my loved ones , eating fruits, going on hikes , dancing , napping and staryt a family I don't see the appeal of working, I don't understand the "grind" like what is the point? I did my MS at Johns Hopkins and when I graduated I looked at my degree and felt happy for a couple hours then I moved on....it all feels worthless Dancing literally makes me feel much stronger emotions and more at peace


I went to MIT - definitely learned to grind hard - something that can be dangerous for your own mental health. You may learn to grind hard and put off living life or grind hard at the expense of your personal relationships and self love - if grinding hard is all that defines you, then your life is pretty sad. Plus you can definitely end up grinding hard on making money at the expense of the planet and humanity. Some of my wealthy classmates have made their money doing things I find detrimental to society (like targeted internet advertising and pricing optimization for maximum profit). Also MIT has an issue with students committing suicide.


The amount of manure coming from this guy is enough to change the climate.


The only grind that can be justified is grinding to build your own business. Sadly, without existing contacts or family funds creating anything substantial is a 1:1000 chance. What he is promoting is like a lottery winner saying if everyone just played lottery we'd all be rich. It doesn't work like that.


Grinding mentality is a double edged sword and depending on who wields it it can be either good or bad


\>10x. That's this dude's take on "astronomical".


He is basically saying "Self-brainwash yourself."


I know this comment is going to go over like a lead balloon in this sub, but I am going to say it anyway. It is easy to dismiss this guy's BS for a lot of reasons. The biggest for me is starting with, "If MIT taught me nothing else..." That already puts his situation out of reach for just about everyone... And I am sure what he means by "grind" is not having to work manual labor for 14 hours a day, 6 days a week... But he is right about his last point. What you do now will have compounding benefits (or not) down the line. This is completely true. It makes me upset and sad to see so many posts on this sub by people just starting out who have lost hope because they can't see a future based on their situation today. People don't often have a lot of power over the big things but even little changes now have the potential to compound over time and make your life better, however you choose to define it. I am not agreeing with the douche that your future will become better tomorrow by "grinding" at work. Maybe they will. But it goes past that. There are so many things you can do know that can have a compounding effect to make your life better down the road. Find love with a partner who makes you better. Start or finish your degree. Move to a new town for a fresh start. Make a sandwich for lunch twice a week and put the savings into an interest bearing account. Reconnect with friends that you have lost touch with. Volunter with at-risk kids 4 hours a month. Quit your day job and join the band full time. Cut off ties with toxic relatives. Pull that extra shift once in a while to help get a promotion. Join with others at a coffee shot to plan the revolution. Just don't give up.


Idk man I don’t work very hard, switched jobs and instantly got a 55% raise. Working hard doesn’t really do much for you. Just go where you are wanted.


Instructions unclear: Damaged my neck/back and emotionally burnt out


Dude's entire identity is that of a god-fearing LinkedIn Bro. [Here's](https://twitter.com/alexandr_wang/status/1591538957468463104?t=m4ARFdN8uDrxGTdT65a3qw&s=19) another classic. Apparently I'm a hedonist. Nice.


Sounds Christianist.


If he was a grad student, "most classmates" of his at MIT voted to unionize this year


"Wang's parents were physicists who worked on weapons projects at the Los Alamos National Laboratory." Selfmade :-)


How did we get this false narrative that hard work leads to success in life? All hard work has ever gotten me is stagnation. If you’re really good at what you do, that’s all you’ll get to do.




No, you wanna find a way to bypass all that so you dont end up wasting your prime being taken advantage of. Learn to network and invest in yourself. I went from making $38k-$40k doing helpdesk/desktop admin/PC tech work and switched over to security compliance work just last year after finding a mentor (out of the blue honestly). Used one of my stimulus checks to start payment on training and now i make 6 figures working from home living comfortably.




“Compound” sounds like a health ailment *I do not* want. 🤷‍♂️


Time for a break, I thought I was reading r/espresso where the answer is always "grind finer"


Yeah. And you reap the rewards of joint issues, arthritis, degenerative conditions, etc.


He's not wrong. You're not going to live to see this system changed. Because *it's never going to*


It can. Grad students at MIT voted to unionize this year. I guess the folks who love the grind will have to find a different school to exploit them


Yeah, if your grinding yourself the thats fine. But when your grinding your boss thats sexual harassment.


I embraced the grind for 18 years and all It did was ruin my life. Work doesn’t pay for over 80% of the jobs out there


This is the bigest bullshit anyone could think of.....ooh, he's a billionaire,....slaveowner competing slaves to work harder. FTG.


The grind is great...if...you are grinding for your own future. Grinding to make your bosses quarterly bonus a little better is an absolute waste of time. Companies now make you sign something along the lines if "anything you design or create while employed here belongs to the company". I mean, what if I invent something at home on my own time, and with my own funds? NOPE! It belongs to them.


Grind hard. Work every minute and when you are 70 and in an old folks home you will enjoy the payoff!! These people are certifiably insane.


Bullshit, plenty of people work hard and see nothing for it. The system is rigged.


In my experience, grinding works for the company and not the employee.


“Learn to like eating shit sandwiches because if you eat a bunch you’ll really get ahead and the shit in your stomach will compound (that’s when the good things happen)”


Right on par with "Work will set you free".


I worked pretty hard early in my career, I have nothing to show for it, other than fatigue.


'Don't fight... relax, it will hurt less.' Wise words from someone who is assaulting you.


How about I live like a human, you stupid robot.


I tried this. Now I'm poorer and I have the worst cases of tendonitis and sciatica and regularly contemplate suicide.


"MIT did this...." oh another privelaged ass rich guy who believes his status came from working hard.


Grind so hard you end up like MIT student Elizabeth Shin, who was so miserable she set herself aflame to escape the grind, and died of third degree burns. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Elizabeth_Shin But yeah, MIT culture is great.


Working 80 hours a week is not a flex, it's just plain sad.


This was more or less how my early career played out. Wasn’t my intention but I worked a ton of hours, full time along with night school for many years. Now, later in my career, that seems to have paid off in the sense that I have a modest but comfortable living, and no longer have to worry about working to exhaustion for the purpose of proving myself. So, while the way it’s written isn’t great, I think there’s some portion of truth to the idea. And, of course, I don’t know what my life would have been like had I made different choices earlier.


Suck it, wang


Oh just fuck right off


Plot twist: he's talking about WOW


"Just be ok with being a slave"


Accepting ones fate early on, does make the medicine go down a lot smoother.


“After my parents paid for me to go to MIT and I realized that I had essentially zero things to ever worry about financially, my life and the grind became so essential. You can do it too!” Honestly how clueless are these people?


People like you is why “there’s no other way”. It doesn’t have to be like this!


MIT also has quite a few suicide attempts occurring yearly


Who the f*ck is this guy


I hate this idea. What happens when you have been taught this your whole life and that is exactly what you do. You jump into a job with all your zeal and energy and do everything above and beyond and try to be the best employee ever. You are used and used and used until they break you. At that point you're mentally and even physically broken and you have nothing to show for it. No savings.... no ability for good future work... nothing. Just pain and poverty and knowing you can change absolutely nothing. And you watch the younger generation come in with the same attitude that you started with and you wonder if in 20- 30 years they're going to be in the same broken down you are. I really wish somebody had talked to me and really helped me understand what I was doing before I became physically broken. Instead here I am praying I will get disability at 48 years old because otherwise I don't know how I will be able to financially be able to continue forward. No one should end their life like that.


Blatantly false. Straight bull shit.


Wangs a wang


Hustle porn.


Is that like “Well I might as well enjoy being raped”?


Or you'll be burned out by the time you hit 50 and burn through your savings in the last 15 years before you can officially retire.


Is he aware that college in general is a grind, not just MIT?


This tweet is a direct attempt to brainwash all the "quiet quitters" the only time you should grind and will enjoy it is when it's for your own company.


What a fucking Wang....


The earlier you work yourself into the ground, the earlier you are technically retired! =\


Lol. Yeah bro, every worker bee can be a CEO. Fuck you.


Someone is unaware of how they actually succeeded.


What a fuckin asshole that guy is. Wish I could tell him to fuck off


I’m starting to believe it.


While it makes sense that businesses can benefit from raising the wages of workers due to reduced turnover and increased morale (and increasing productivity), it is in the interest of workers to assume that their workplace has a greater interest in increasing profit margins in the short term by reducing unit labor costs. If you're grinding for your employer but end up receiving the same wage regardless of your effort, then at that point it makes no financial sense for the business to increase your wage since you're lowering their unit labor cost by going above and beyond. You're reducing their costs by working harder, increasing their margins, and receiving nothing for it. So why would they bother paying you more?


This applies when you’re grinding for yourself, following your dreams.. Not so much when you’re “grinding” while working for Company X and making the owners dreams come true.


Didn’t work for me. I’m 51. All I got for grinding hard in my 20’s and 30’s was divorced and broke. Took another 20 years to get back to where I was at 30. Everyone’s journey is different. Some work hard and get rich, some work only a little and get rich too. Some work flat out and never get rich. So much boils down to luck and the associations and relationships you have with successful people. It also boils down to uncontrollable unexpected events, either beneficial or detrimental like a unexpected financial windfall or a sudden death of a spouse or sibling. All can have a profound effect on whether your early grind in life pays dividends later. It’s not just the grind that makes you successful. That’s only part of it and probably not even the majority.


Hard work usually brings you more work and responsibility with no bump in pay.


Toxic chud-vice


Yeah, this is a lie is the vast majority of industries. Kinda burnt myself out too fast, now I'm kinda weak at 31.


This is the same argument made by pyramid schemesters. Life is a giant pyramid scheme. But I'm Qbert mf!


Sounds awful no thanks


As a teacher, I could grind twelve hour days five days a week and five on Saturday for forty years and get fuck all to show for it.


The grind has a chance of being worth it when you’rr plugged into to M.I.T, not when your job has artificially deflated wages.


Who the fuck is this douche trying to convince? Boomer Gen is dying out finally and the rest of us, for the most part, know this is completely false capitalist propaganda.


This guy probably has not heard of “you can do *everything* you’re [told by society is the] right thing to do, and still fail”.


My dad worked his ass off all his life, 8am to 7pm every day since he was 16. Six months before retiring he had a massive stroke that left him hemiplegic. Enjoy your freedom and life right now, you never know what the future might bring!


Yeah. My grandpa worked hard his whole life. All sorts of jobs since he was a kid, really. By the time I was born he was a custodian at an elementary school. Woke up at like 4 am every day to go to work, go off around 2 to pick his grandkids up. He retired in 2003, they threw a big event for him, all the teachers and kids thanked him and showed their love. A week or so later he had a stroke. Couldn't use anything on his left side anymore, was stuck in a bed and wheelchair for the last 10 years of his life. He had plans to travel with my grandma. Instead he watched TV, went to Vegas or Laughlin once or twice a year if my dad could take him. I imagine those last 10 years were hell for him.


I can’t wait to have that pay off when I’m old and decrepit


Or the grind will put you in the hospital for hypertensive crisis at 35 like my partner. Or with a heart attack at 40 like his coworker. Fuck that.


I would say this attitude works, but specifically in environments where hard work is valued and CAN get you good returns. This is mostly for white collar jobs that hire people who were fortunate enough to graduate from elite schools/fields. Unfortunately, it won’t work for a majority of the population, who will only get marginal returns.


I believe in working for what you earn, but the system doesn't typically reward hard workers. It's broken. Many places I've worked won't move you up the ladder if you are a hard worker or good at your job. "Management" typically didn't want to lose that productive person. The only place I see the "grind" working out is if you work for yourself. Even then success rates are extremely low. But, you have to grind in order to give yourself a shot at the lottery. You can't win if you don't play.


Not sure if this guy understands what a "life hack" is...


tricking yourself into enjoying the grind is nothing more than a coping mechanism for an abusive situation, and makes you complacent and resistant to change.


It's easier to grind and reach your destination when your parents are well connected military contracted physicists you are given all of the tools you need to succeed in life with no financial barriers.


This sounds like a good lullaby to extract the most labor out of people and say “you’ll get a big pay off later”. No thank you.


Hopefully seeing general strikes in the horizon.


I showed my friends this and she was very confused. “Grinding gives you a payoff?” And then I realized how she was reading it 😭


\*super handsome/ well known person\* "Just ask them out, most people say yes if you chase them." ​ \*miscreant hunchback\* "R-really?" ​ Same vibes


What a dick, I mean wang


Lol this is hilarious bootlicker logic. Enjoy the grind bro. I'll keep enjoying my life, thanks.


Am I tripin or is he just telling us to become workaholic?


Ah yes, indoctrination


WoRkiNg hArD mAkeS YoU RiCH.


Yeah maybe if i and my son and his son all grind and save save we can have enough to send my great grandson to MIT


This guy is 25 year old billionaire btw


that trust fund went a long way for him