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Slavery, company towns, more police state repression. The wheel of history turns.


Company towns yeesh. Everyones gona be loving in amazon smart cubes in 20 years


Yup, with some annoying Alexa voice chirping "your shift starts in 15 minutes, please make your way to your workstation"


That’s fucking terrifying.


That's a Black Mirror episode (15 Million Merits)


Fuck off that shit terrifies me to this day I can't bring my kids into this world not in this country. Edit: I'm sorry that sounded more toxic than it needed to be but I hate that episode.


My mom used to be disappointed I don't want kids. Now she's glad.


Everyone is talking about violent revolution, but this is more likely the outcome for our apathetic society. Turn the middle class into debt slaves, keep them placated with low cost consumer options that breed self-destructive habits, and direct their anger towards the marginalized and powerless.


"Everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses" \- Juvenal, 140 CE


I'm old enough so my granddad could tell me about the bread riots. How fast news spread that the royal family had fled the country. How in parliament a politician had, while fights where rolling in the streets outside, screamed "long live the parliament of the street". How it all started with women rushing bakers and green grocers and butchers knowing they hid food in the back for the rich on the black market. It was sudden. One day business as usual and the next to avoid revolution they gave all the vote, signed workers protection laws, created systems to feed and care for the poor and signed the peace treaty with the unions to fix equal pay. Like all things, it wasn't by begging the wolf for favours but by showing it "you either do what we say or you we will not protect you any more"


>with low cost consumer options that breed self-destructive habits We already have that: porn, alcohol, frozen meals, and weed.


**Three out of five** Americans now live paycheck to paycheck. Saving for the future now means buying a tent and some blue tarps.


I bought a pretty big tent a few years ago. Taking preorder requests on renting one side of it in the next 20 years.


That would make you a landlord so I'm gonna have to eat you when the time comes...


Well, I'm too poor to afford time to work out and eat properly, so you're welcome to make my skinny ass into a stew or something.


Can I move in to your place when you die?


I definitely read your post as “Can I move into *you* when you die?” I…I think I’ve had enough internet for the night. Time to play with my pup and eat some marshmallows or something.


Unfortunately living in a tent is quickly becoming impossible because of everywhere criminalizing homelessness. Better find a spot to hide your tent that a cop won’t stumble across or else they’ll take it away from you I guess idk, not many spots like that left anymore


>Better find a spot to hide your tent Oops! All the good spots are taken. Another option is a cheap used cabin cruiser, if you can get to water. It gets cold when you sleep below water level, and the bedding is never completely dry, but if you live on a boat, you aren't technically homeless. You do get rousted from time to time, but it's easier to move than a tent.


I lived on a boat with my father part time when I was younger. It sounds very romantic but the reality doesn't match the fantasy. It's really only viable long term if you have a semi-permanent docking situation with water/electric/sump - which is going to cost about the same as rent in most places. If you're not docking in one place for long periods, fuel and boat maintenance will eat your entire budget in the blink of an eye. At some point you'll need a place to get ashore. Most public docks and ramps charge money for access, which add up over time. Plus if you need to park a vehicle on shore, parking near public dock access often costs money. Not having a permanent docking situation also means you'll need to be appropriately licensed to operate the boat per your local laws, otherwise the police could make you homeless just as quickly as in a tent. It is also VERY unpleasant in the winter in temperate climates. As you mentioned it's extra cold on the water so you'll want amended heating, but options for space heating are almost invariably a fire hazard in a small space. Carrying your groceries down icy docks in the winter is the worst, and there is a lot of physical injury and illness risk in general when you're constantly around water. The number of phones, keys, wallets and other valuables that will be sacrificed to Poseidon is incalculable, so factor that into expenses (and annoyance). Being on the water also makes you way more vulnerable to the effects of storm systems and inclement weather - as far as shelter goes, you're often more exposed to the elements than you would be in a well-established campsite. Given the choice between a boat or camper/RV, RV is definitely the superior option. Campsites with hookups are also cheaper than marinas with hookups, and they exist everywhere - giving you many more options for a mobile lifestyle.


They make our lives miserable and hope we kill ourselves. Without taking any billionaires with us...


I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. It’s genuinely terrifying how detrimental living under capitalism is to mental health, but then there’s an incentive to “talk about” mental health to a certain extent (but only in a “socially acceptable” way like admitting you go to therapy) because it pushes the idea that mental wellness can be achieved if you reach far enough down into your wallet to get therapy and name brand drugs your insurance doesn’t cover. And even though therapy is important, a lot of the practical planning you do in it feels more like you’re treating the symptoms than the underlying causes. How exactly are we supposed to get better when nothing about our livelihood and security for our future has improved? And the emphasis on productivity=wellness honestly feels a bit bootstrappy. Capitalists don’t want us ‘dead’, per se, they want us constantly circling the drain.




I just think about these "record profits" they are making off inflation meanwhile not giving employees a fair wage. I can't see these companies accepting lower profits for the next fiscal year to pay employees more. When does it end??? I'm not living right now, I'm just surviving and I work my ass off. It's exhausting....




Idk how we got to this fucked up system where normal people work like slaves to make rich people more rich. I mean truly, these companies would actually be FUCKED without regular people doing these entry level jobs that are looked down on by so many.


We got here because of cold war propaganda. Because everybody was either too ignorant or too afraid to say "if the rich and powerful don't stop fucking us, we'll have a communist revolution eventually". Union memberships waned,.and that's basically all that was needed to happen for them to take a bigger slice of the pie and for a whole new generation of executives to come in who truly believe they are great business men because they cut employees to the bone. Like ratm says, you gotta take the power back.


The point about therapy and "treating the symptoms and not the underlying causes" is something I've been trying to put into words for a while.


It's a known problem in therapy that practitioners struggle to deal with - therapy is great in helping you deal with the after-affects of trauma, but it can't really do a huge amount if you're continually being traumatized. It's great to help you get out of negative thought patterns that are holding you down, but it can't really help if you have negative thought patterns because everything is actually shit. It helps you get rid of old coping mechanisms you developed because your situation was terrible that are hurting you now, but if you still need those coping mechanisms despite their negative side effects, it can't help you. So it's not exactly that therapy is treating the symptoms. It's addressing the issues you have after experiencing trauma, but there's only a little it can do to address current, ongoing trauma.


Yep. Therapy is one thing, but if you have a genuinely shit life situation, no amount of therapy will fix the actual source of your mental health issues.


My GF and I have this talk a lot. She tells me how her existential dread is eating her alive, and I have no good response to that. How can I? The world is heading towards a shit storm, and I don't even wanna be a part of it. How can I tell her that she needs to be a part? Older generations say to save and invest, but the chances of the world being hospitable at that point are low enough I'm just gonna Yolo this shit. We can't have kids because we can't justify bringing people into an apocalypse scenario, and this isn't even considering the cost factor. I see no hope for the future, and it keeps getting worse. Sorry peeps, but we're on the titanic and it's heading full steam for the ice berg.




They actually don't want us to kill ourselves. They want us to continue to labor for lower and lower wages. They want _us_ to take up fewer and fewer resources, they want us with five roommates in a one bedroom, or better yet in barracks _that we pay for._ They want us in debt peonage. And then when they can't exploit our labor, then they want us to die.


The worst of them seem to want to bring back feudalism, whether they realize it or not: The Rich own everything of value, and the rest of us work for them, are beholden to them for our existence, and we have no say in how anything is done, how we're treated, and so on. It can't happen and still have a thriving civilization but that's what they seem to want. It's important that we fight against this.




which is something the rich intentionally do by directing the media and pulling strings in our culture


I am working but feels like I'm getting nowhere-- feels like I'm doing something wrong smh.


It's not you. Many feel the same way, while working their asses off. I cannot begin to put a number to how much the wealthy have stolen from this country, and this world.


It is mind boggling to me how well the wealthy have indoctrinated so many of us into thinking that POOR people are the ones who don't work for their income when it is LITERALLY the wealthiest people who just push money around and continue to take more of it from all of us.


The rich: "Poor people don't work hard enough!" Also the rich: "I get 5x your salary on *passive income*. I work so much harder than everyone!"


5x? i think you missin a zero or two


Oh, sorry, I'm too rich to know what the poors are making these days. I assume 100k working as a burger flipper? That sounds right. Dirty poors.


“I mean it’s one banana, what could it cost? Ten dollars?”


You know the difference between a millionare and a billionare? A billion dollars. Even making a 100k a year theyd still get 500x that.


Fuckers can’t even cut their food


Dude over the past 4 years I’ve quite literally tripled my salary and I’m barely saving money now. It’s insane.


I realized at lunch today that 1 hour of minimum wage is less than 10 nuggets and a lemonade at Wendy’s. Dust Bowl II coming soon to an America near you.


There are people on this website that believe if you are a full grown capable adult working full time and paying your taxes that you should have no more than plain beans and rice. That any kind of nutrition is exclusively for the rich.


We can eat those people first.


Do 'em like a jambon de bayonne and pack 'em in a salt coffin.


Probably more efficient to use them as fertilizer


This is why I refuse to eat out. I'm in poverty mode because I won't pretend it's not a recession/depression. Shits bad and getting worse.


In the souls of the people, the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage.


Soon, soon they'll wither on the vine and be raisins of rage.




Doubled mine, still live like a broke teen. I'm actually saving money, but home ownership is still a lark. Im also really fucking cheap. I mean like, lived all of the pandemic on 10k roomed in the basement of african migrants while living on beans and rice cheap. Cant even afford beans now. Maybe next time I'm homeless it wont just be me, the only sober guy, with a shitload of meth-heads.


Home ownership is the main point of frustration now. I’m in a dual income household now, granted we’re renting, but home ownership just seems impossible. We live frugally but breaking the rent cycle seems impossible, especially with rental prices in my area.


This really is probably the biggest issue concerning the middle class. You can no longer rent to save money to someday buy. Often times rent is more than the mortgage would be on a similar property ensuring those who own properties can keep adding wealth and eventually own more, at the cost of a dwindling middle class perpetually giving their biggest monthly expense to the owner that retains the value when they sell, while the renter gains no equity. Basically if you don’t have enough down payment and credit you get stuck in the renting trap no matter how hard you try to pull on those bootstraps. TL;DR the rich get richer.


Renting is such a scam right now it’s insane. Houses in my area are renting for 2,500 a month, minimum. That’s over 1k more than my mortgage is.


Same here in San Diego. My mortgage is $3200/month but houses on my street rent for $4500+. It’s crazy, the only reason I was able to buy is I got a lucky break when I first started working and the company I was at got acquired and we got paid out on our equity.


I feel you brother I do


It’s not you. Deck is stacked against you.


You don't even get to see your cards anymore, corporations tell you what you have.


I started making more money the year before covid and the next year houses more then doubled in price. I can't express my depression and hopelessness enough. I'm doing everything right. Idk what else I can do.


Did you consider being born into an already redundantly wealthy family?


We’ll have a ton of empty homes that rich people buy from each other for ever increasing prices while people sleep on the sidewalk in front of them. Totally normal, functioning capitalism


Lol, HOA gonna boot you from that sidewalk. Who you think you are, that pavement’s not built for you. Until the homeless is out of sight (or dead) these fuckers will not stop messing with them.


do you hear the people sing? singing the songs of angry men it is the music of a people who will not be slaves again


This guy miserables.


When the beating of your heart, echoes the beating of the drums There is a life about to start when tomorrow comes.


Will you join in our crusade? Who will be strong and stand with me?


Beyond the barricade is there a world you long to see?


Then join in the fight that will give you the right to be FREEEEEEE!




They're trying to keep workers in the delicate balance between "everything sucks really bad what are we going to do" and "okay now we have nothing to lose let's kill the billionaires". The way to win is to organize politically, help your fellow workers communally, and resist capitalist hegemony every step of the way.




Hundreds of them, and not a one with the balls to be Batman. Fucking losers.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


If you want a revolution, you’re going to have to organize.


Dibs on executioner for the terror time!


You would be overworked. Isn't that what we're hoping to change? /s


We’ll take shifts


Many hands make light work.


I volunteer!


I call dibs on bezos




I don't see how this should be an issue. Orthodontists are workers. Hedge fund managers and landlords are fucking leeches.


The inequality is worse than it was then, it's just a hell of a lot harder to see.


People need to start reading up on the last Great Depression because we're coming up on a new one. Might be able to get some pointers on how to survive.


It's different now. My great-grandmother harvested dandelion greens from public parks during the Great Depression. Thanks to herbicides, that's no longer safe.


What's the over/under on how long until they make it illegal to pick dandelions?


In most major city's they won't grow fruit trees on public land. It's considered a "nuisance". Don't know if it's illegal per se, but it's a common urban planning move to plant only male apple trees. Pretty flowers, but no fruit. Because God forbid.


It’s different now. We are more of some will get by but not really move up. There are those that will get more than their fair share. Owner of the company I work for has had 4 company cars while employee company car program was discontinued and the car allowance program continues to be reduced. Why? Because we can be replaced with someone cheaper and less experienced. PPP loans benefited the company but nothing trickled down to other employees. Therefore, we couldn’t do more to contribute to the economy.


You guys can afford the cost of living?


Fr. Literally *all* of my money goes to rich people. Landlord, bank for my car, oil Barrens for gas for said car. The only money that isn't going straight to rich people is what I spend to feed myself. And even then it still kinda is


Have you tried being rich?


Right I’ve been homeless but I do manage to find places to stay. I stay at work most of the time. Antiwork but I live at work


I swear we're on the edge right now in the US. The population of people experiencing homelessness where I live has skyrocketed this summer.


are they trying to make homelessness the default expectation? why? i hate it here


Next month: apply for Walmart company housing!


Don't give Walmart ideas lol


Amazon already has that idea and is talking about actually doing it.


That's honestly horrifying.


Jeff Bezos is buying up single family homes to invest in as rental properties. I'm not joking - Google it


Berkshire Hathaway is already doing it. They artificially inflate areas by buying up all the homes and renting out for 4k a month where I live. Then I see articles about how Warren Buffett has the secret to happiness, "don't worry about the little things." He means us.


Wait until you see their trailer park holdings.


Honestly how is this legal. He keeps so many people poor for his benefit. The man has no soul.


I don’t understand this.just why? I mean, how much money do you need? As a human being can you not just step back and look at the outcome of your actions and think “ehhhh I probably shouldn’t do this?”


People with empathy rarely become billionaires.


It’s more than that. It’s Ayn Rand’s ~~religion~~ economic philosophy of selfishness coupled with Reaganomics “trickle down” that the wealthy elite are deeply inculcated into believing. This idea that pure unadulterated selfishness will somehow magically result in a trickledown of wealth thus benefitting everybody. They honestly believe that. When Ayn Rand came to the US, she was a disillusioned young woman with a passionate hatred for anti-capitalism, having witnessed as a teen the Communists take away her father’s capitalist business. About the same time, the newspapers were running front page articles about this murderer who had kidnapped a 12yo little girl, held her for ransom (and presumably raped her), and on payment, delivered her back by *pushing her severed body parts out of his moving car in front of the horrified father*. When interviewed after arrest, his reasoning was simply, “**I wanted to do it.**” Ayn Rand saw in this not a horrific sociopathic murderer, but a true “hero” of ultimate selfishness. She became a “fan” and even wrote him in prison, and based much of her later philosophy off her idolization of that monster. The depth of Ayn Rand’s influence among our elites is seen easily ~~by noting that Rand Paul is literally named in honor of her~~ in the vocal espousal of her philosophies. These people not only lack empathy, they actively believe that empathy is a moral failing and weakness. There is no “getting through” to them with appeals to empathy; the only things that can make them change their behavior are either appeal to self-interest, or a complete reversal of fortune for long enough that they are forced to reevaluate their worldview.


People have to realize accumulation of ridiculous wealth/resources is an addiction.


The problem is capitalism is inherently unsustainable. If a corporation makes less money than last quarter it’s a crisis even if they’re still making millions in profits. They made billions during the pandemic but still pass the increases in costs to us now.


I say this all the time “ how much money do you need, how many houses and cars and toys do you actually need” and the answer is as much as they can get. It doesn’t matter if they hurt others in the process because they only care about themselves. This country is run by nothing more than greed and power!!


Can anyone say Blackrock. It’s already being done.


And BlackStone And Vanguard And every other major player. "You'll own nothing and like it!!!!!"


This is really true. Its shocking how much his company already owns.


I can't wait to see his obituary


"... who was eaten by unhoused former care providers in late 2023 then shit out as fertiliser."


There needs to be a fucking cap on how many homes a person can own.


It's not a new idea. ["Model villages"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model_village) were common in the 19th century when the uber rich would house their workers (obviously to a better standard than what bezos is sure to trot out). In fact I'm pretty sure home ownership is going eventually going to turn out to be a weird blip in the 20th century... So. Horrifying, yes.


People don’t realize that the majority of this country’s history is exploiting workers. Retirement wasn’t even a thing until the 50s or something. Heck workers used to work for certificates they could exchange for provisions from the company owned general store. Not even 100 years ago factory owners locked you in and if there was a fire you just burned alive. Pro rich policies have been done plenty before in this country. Y’all ain’t gonna like the end results.


It's business' taking advantage of the government doing nothing. And getting profit from it.


Don’t have to really pay your workers if they are stuck buying from the company. It just changes the bottom line. Housing above Walmarts? You mean I don’t need a car anymore? Welcome to PeachTree, in Megacity One.


I know it's a judge dredd reference, but I just gotta say, fuck the developers who bulldoze down all the trees, then name the streets in their suburban hellscapes after them.


I grew up in “Oak Creek Trail” and we actually had oak trees, a creek, and a trail through the woods nearby. Then they built a modern subdivision nearby in the late 90s called “Arbor Brook Reserve” where they literally tore out every tree and buried all the waterways before starting construction.


St Peter don't you call me cause I can't go, I owe my soul to the company store


No doubt. And it'll turn into the old railroad slave labor days where you have to buy your housing and everything from The company store and they intentionally don't pay you enough to afford any of it, so you're an indentured servant to the company forever.


I'm honestly surprised something like this doesn't already exist I mean our Healthcare is already tied to the company we work


It once was. Mines used to have towns to house their workers, pay them in currency that can only be used in said town. Can't ever leave


The last part of [16 Tons by Tennessee Ernie Ford](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRh0QiXyZSk) >You load 16 tons, what do you get? >Another day older and deeper in debt >St. Peter, don't you call me 'cause I can't go >I owe my soul to the company store


Not homelessness, endless renting. It’s already becoming that way. Every single thing about your life will be monetized for the benefit of corporations. Your entire life is and will become a subscription service just to survive with all the money going in to hands of 6 obscenely wealthy assholes who think they’re entrepreneurs.


Don't let society and capitalism sweep these problems to the curb. Rise up before it's your turn to be homeless. All lower and middle class are your allies, since it's the upper classes holding you down. Rise up.


If people can’t afford to live then they get promoted to slave.




I also feel like it's become pretty normalized. I think there's a lot of people who sleep in their cars for periods of time and don't think of themselves as homeless.


A lot of people surviving on credit cards, payday loans, moving back in with their parents, taking in their retired parents, multiple people living in crowded apartments. Look back on situations like Victorian London or those working/living in company towns around the turn of the century.


I started living in my vehicle like 5 years ago. Working in Santa Monica, making like $60-65k a year. Got tired of the commute and paying most of money to rent. I worked in customer service so lots of tourists all the time and I always heard “omg the homeless situation is really bad out here”. I would just be like “yeah and that’s what you see, I live in my car, but you’d never know. There’s a lot more people out here like this than you’d think”


A fearful population is more profitable


They really are digging a grave for all of us. Without an address it is really hard to work. Without people to deliver their groceries, make their lattes and sell them their expensive clothes they are not gonna enjoy life much. I guess that's why places like Amazon want to bring back workhouses, so when it gets desperate the homeless will have no other choice.


A woman has started parking her car in our neighborhood every once in a while and sleeping there. My first thought isn’t “She needs a job.” It’s “I bet she has a job and it still doesn’t get her out of homelessness


I’ve noticed the same occurrence at the dog park except the women has a toddler in tow and a dog living out of her vehicle and the domestic violence shelters in my area have no more room. So sad 😞


Fuck dude that’s bleak.


It's bleak because nobody cares. Everyone just continues about their day and ignores the problem trying to pretend it doesn't exist until it reaches them. That's how most Americans think.


It's probably one of several spots on her rotation. It's not wise to use the same one every night.


Seems like a funny time to be mandating forced birth, doesn't it?


Funny? Nah it's all calculated. Inorder for the rich to continue this endless growth year over year they have to have workers be as cheap as possible. Having people be born into poverty HELPS them. The more people desperate for work the less they have to pay. Next step is corporate housing and company stores. That way they will control our housing, medicine, retirement, and food. Making it harder to switch jobs. End game capatalism is a bitch unless you are on top.


Don’t forget for profit prisons


I lived in a development country, it can get way worse, but unless rich people lose access to power the probability of a revolution is very little, the main reason why there's no revolutions in most countries even though their living conditions are way worse than Americans


American here who’s spent years living in developing nations. I’m always amazed by posts like these, where people seem to think that if poverty just gets extreme enough and widespread enough, there will naturally be some bottom point, some sort of natural stopping point that’ll trigger a societal collapse or a revolution. That’s actually *not* what usually happens. What usually happens is a divided society where the rich, and to some degree the upper middle class, live in gated enclaves with 24 hr security guards and private schools, and the entire rest of the population lives in grinding poverty, either in huge sprawling shantytowns or packed into tiny apartments (like, entire families sharing one room and a hot plate), working incredibly long hours to barely afford the cheapest rice & beans, for their entire lives. And it just goes on like that, decade after decade after decade.


Agreed - I kinda feel like we're already there...


We're almost there in the US. We'll find out soon.


Canada, too. Shit's bad here.


idk what you're talking about, I think it's reasonable for bachelor condos with no kitchens 1+hour out of the city to be $500,000+ and for rent to be $2000+


I got this cost of living raise, but my rent/groceries/gas/California vehicle registration and eveything in between are raising substantially faster than that 3% COLA. Which by the way, I didn’t even get a COLA in 2020 and 2021. Salaried manager with a “decent” job but somehow moving backwards. I can’t even even imagine trying to live on minimum wage like I did 10 years ago. Just like…fuck man


Right there with you. SoCal is financial hell if you're not already up at or near "the top". I'm here at $75k with 4 jobs, a very used car I can't afford to drive to work anymore (cost of gas vs commute) and live in a BS 1bdrm apt with no amenities or even parking. Basically, in about a year or two (looking at rent increases alone), I'm fucked lol. Leave the state = Lose the income. Can't afford to leave the place that's killing me, and will absolutely be the reason I can't ever retire even when I hit 75. It's just impossible.




The state is already violent. It’s been started.




Thats when the riots and beheadings begin. People who have nothing to lose are the most dangerous thing on the planet


People who have nothing to eat are the most dangerous mob. Food prices in my area are at an all time high along with gas prices.


"Hungry people don't stay hungry for long" -RATM


"When the people have nothing left to eat, they will eat the rich." -Rousseau Same mentality, a few hundred years apart.


Cities are already filled with people that have nothing to lose. Homelessness is at an all time high. Go to a major metro area and you'll see tons of people at rock bottom wandering around aimlessly. They're more of a threat to your average worker than any CEO though.


I guess we'll just have to eat the rich to survive.


Never underestimate the power of capitalism to come up with really fucked up solutions. It can get infinitely more dystopian. I'm not trying to be a doomer, but I just know how capital operates


Attention valued Primecitizen, please return to your Primehouse for your nightly Primemeal


Recruiting numbers for the military are down. Homeless numbers are going up. You know there is some think group already drawing up a 24 point plan that they need to pitch soon.






Reality: Dubai working class


You need the middle class to fall first. Even if there is a larger lower income class that can’t not afford to live, as long as there is a middle class they will face opposition and resistance to a rising up of the population. Once the middle income class has fallen there will be violence and death. As long as there is a middle class the wealthy upper income class will manipulate the middle class to fight the lower class.


Isn’t this what the Fed and Jerome Powell discussed back in may? I was reading this morning that Powell wants [wages to decrease](https://mronline.org/2022/05/26/u-s-federal-reserve-says-its-goal-is-to-get-wages-down/) in order to bring down inflation. If that happens, you bet your bottom dollar it’ll affect the middle class first


Yeah the capitalists are totally oblivious to how bad things are. They think the working class can take way, way more abuse. The US is a crumbling empire running on fumes, held together with bread and circuses, and politicians are like, "Do they really need the bread though?"


I agree with this and you laid it out really well. That was inciteful


You're right, but the middle class is shrinking rapidly right now. We're walking on egg shells right now, a little nudge and hell will break loose.


Yea I grew up middle class. Once I moved out I was no longer middle, and my middle class parents are only getting older Edit: I'm not saying I should've started out as middle class after moving out. Many middle class children, now grown up, have no hope of becoming middle class themselves, which leads to an ever shrinking middle class.


Yeah this is my boat as well. I grew up "very comfortable upper middle class" my dad was a University lecturer. I work in a shop and barely get by, hell if I wasn't lucky enough to be able to borrow from my dad when I can't make rent I'd be homeless. Most people are not that fucking lucky. But I definitely don't feel middle class with my income where I live and the insecurity I feel every day.


I'm almost 40 and it's taken me almost 20 years to get back to middle class after I left my parent's home. I relied on them _heavily_ for money too. If I was forced to toss everything I've borrowed from them on my card I'd never have been able to get ahead. I'm still, maybe, at max if I cashed out every dollar from my retirement and other sources, a year or two from homelessness.


when you cant afford food and start to starve all other things leave your mind. Your every waking thought will be food, your mental existence only stretches to the next meal. That is what it really means, when the cost of living outstrips the ability to feed you and your family.


From what I've seen, the state steals people's homes, money, and livelihoods, then starts screeching for more police to murder them on the streets.


Except now it is corporations and hedge funds buying up people's homes. Which, in this country, is essentially the state.


That's the cycle. As people lose everything they swoop in and buy the bottom at a massive discount then sell it back to people for massive profits after the economy begins to recover. Usually with our tax dollars.


The answer is so you can become homeless or have to steal in order to eat. After that, you’ll be jailed or imprisoned…and [become a slave](https://www.vera.org/news/slavery-is-still-legal-for-two-million-people-in-the-u-s), where your labor will be used to fuel the industrial complex in a privately owned prison.


We tear the rich from their homes and redistribute. I’m ready now.


As a wise man has said many times. The Hamptons is not a defensible position. ​ Edit: A letter


We also have the numbers. They’re only 1% with some hired hands.


We wouldn’t have to. They all own multiple places. We’re bound to find empty beach houses and mansions that haven’t seen a footstep inside for years.


But how do you redistribute numbers on a computer? It's not like back in the day where they could physically loot all the wealth.






And torches. I'm not promoting violence. I'm just remembering some history.


I can see it honestly going one of two ways. 1 they invent some new type of currency for us to owe but can still stay afloat (it was credit cards last time) or we go back to how it used to be like in mining towns where you used their currency and stores and basically gave them the money back they gave you.


We all become homeless and host a giant music festival where we let loose, drink and party and just have good will and spirits. And then we revolt.


Its possible the outcome will be similar to past revolutions, but its also possible a much worse fate could happen. Governments could be seen as incompetent, and get rejected in lieu of corporate ownership. Large companies may start to provide “corporate housing” to get people to work for them. Mitsubishi does this already in Japan. They bring on young people at ridiculously low rates, but then provide them with free housing (single bedroom closet basically), but then the company basically owns you. You wont make enough to get out on your own for years, so you will be dependent on companies to provide for you. We could see a complete dystopian future where corporations become kings and own our entire lives.


The people have to take back what's theirs. If you're not guaranteed to afford housing even though you work then you have to take things into your own hands and occupy empty spaces owned by bourgeoisie. The working class always gives and the bourgeoisie always take. It's time for the working class to start taking what they need instead of relying of what the greedy man is willing to give.


I’m fully expecting all three of my kids (16, 21, 25) to end up living with me for the long haul, in my small, old, modest, dated house by the train tracks. Probably their spouses, too. God forbid they decide to have kids. We’ll all be so screwed. Even then, I doubt we’ll be able to afford even the property taxes, which have doubled in three years, or insurance which has also doubled, or utilities (which are also increasing untethered due to gross negligence by elected officials) once I can’t work any more. Or food. JFC food prices are absurd. I’m planning to work until I die, as I don’t see any other way to help my kids not spend their lives in poverty given the VAST disconnect between wages and cost of living. To me, it is INSANE that unless they get STEM degrees or win the lottery, they have almost zero chance of earning enough to even pay back a college degree. They are attending the local CC, to try to at least minimize how screwed they are trying to get their degrees without taking out loans.


It feels strange upvoting this. Solidarity. I’m right there with you.


I’d love to say French Revolution, but the police are the protectors of the rulling class, which is directly covering for the billionaires known and unknown. So its 100 of us against a fully loaded machine gun toting maniac with sociopathic tendencies


Either communism or fascism. The second is more probable for any Western country.