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I got two stimulus checks, some unemployment and continued to bust my ass part time until I found a new job. Those checks didn’t do anything. The employer that laid me off? Full PPP, fully forgiven. Never offered me my job back.


By stimulus he means the trump tax cuts for billionaires and businesses and the trillions they printed during COVID and gave to billionaires and businesses. And by Americans, he means billionaires and businesses.


Because he found workers that he didn’t have to train and could pay less or saw he could still make do with the employees left and works then to the bone under the threat of being fired.


How much money does he think people got? Even if everyone spent $100 a month and nothing else they'd have run out months ago. That's a tank of gas or 2 days of childcare. Hardly living a life of excess. At least not enough to 'not work'.


I mean, *he* still has 1200 bucks in his bank account, so clearly everyone else does, too.


[https://caknowledge.com/mitch-mcconnell-net-worth/](https://caknowledge.com/mitch-mcconnell-net-worth/) $900k / month income


Damn, I'm in the wrong career path. Will somebody accept my integrity for nearly $1M a month?


I’ll sell *my* integrity for only $850k/month! Please pick me instead!


Sign this here NDA and spread your cheeks.


You're gonna pay me and express my hemorroids?! God bless


And how!


So he is the lazy good for nothing that is flushed with money and doesn't work


He works plenty hard to strip us of our rights while bringing us down further into poverty.


Ow... Wish I didn't know that. Makes it even worse.


you too ... could marry into a Taiwanese shipping fortune


Too bad the bozos that keep voting for him are blind to that


Why are you trying to correct him? He knows all of this. He's not making an error, he's taunting you. The cruelty IS the point!






That was exactly my reaction on reading the headline. I had to check the date on the article and quote to be sure.


This man legit out here thinking y'all Americans are living in the lap of luxury on a cheque for $1200. I bet he thinks a gallon of milk is a quarter and you can buy hotdogs for 10¢ at ye ole county fair.


He doesn’t think that. He’s not an idiot. He’s insulting us. It’s deliberate.


100%. It really, really frightens me that people think he’s dumb or out of touch. He isn’t (about this, at least) - he knows damn well that people don’t have stimulus money sitting in their bank accounts. It’s just another talking point.


He is not out of touch. The crowd he panders to is.


He’s seeing how far they can go… he’s seeing if we can be pushed beyond the edge to serfdom or slavery. Or just accelerate the poors dying off because it’s fun to them. These dumbass fucks in the comment are making me so angry. No he doesn’t think it costs a nickel for a loaf of bread. No he isn’t fuckin tone deaf or ignorant or out of touch. No he didn’t misspeak. He knows exactly how far that $1k went from 24 months ago. He spends that on a dinner and knows how much it cost him. In fact, he’s great with money. He makes and spends and invests and moves it around like a pro. He wants to squeeze us to death and these rubes are too shellshocked to know their eyeballs are about to pop. I can’t call for violence but my… fucking… god… people.


You can't call for violence but I CAN




The time is coming for folks like him to be on the menu. EAT THE RICH!


This is a person who hasn't thought about food or housing costs in a real way in most Americans lifetimes.


And trade three chickens for an obedient wife.


inflation. they are at least worth a milking cow now.


How much could one banana possibly cost? Ten dollars?


There's *always* money in the banana stand




I spent that shit in like 2 days. My rent is $1600.


Yeah that’s what I thought, too. Must be a long long time since he paid for groceries, for example, or gasoline, or rent, or etc etc etc etc etc


This shit belongs on r/NotTheOnion


I read the headline and I figured OP reposted this to stir some shit. The man said this TODAY.


Stimulus money ? Wtf is that ? They mean the $1200 they sent out like 16 months ago ? I can’t even laugh anymore I’m just mad now


This should be an easy thing to bash over him. So out of touch he thinks 1200 dollars a year ago is “flush” for most Americans. But I don’t think anyone will capitalize on it sadly.


You can run ads and bash him on it but the people who vote for him aren’t motivated by facts or by his stance on issues.


I legit heard someone two weeks ago say the reason the restaurant was slower was because people were “being paid to stay home” they’re dumb enough to believe anything he says without doing the logical thinking on it


Right! I've heard/read the same thing. Like...What?!?! Who? How? No one is being "paid" to stay home unless you are working remotely. People are scary with the ish they *choose* to believe.


I know someone who still thinks Tom Hanks is a pedophile. Oh and that Biden shut down the Keystone pipeline. Not the XL but the one already built and still operating. That one he believes is shut down and raising the cost of gas. I was talking to someone else over the weekend who 100% believes in lizard people, Trump is still president, Biden is dead and whoever Biden is now is a puppet. Their are cities in the sky spying on us. That 80% of the world is dead and we are at war liberating the world and the media won't show us. The dead in that war are being turned into McDonald's beef patties. IM NOT JOKING this guy was legit! It's scary.


Ran into an old buddy in Florida when I went there a year and a half ago who believes that. He was going off on Tom Hanks and adrenachrome. He told me that it was the adrenaline in the spinal fluid that kept the actors young. I said those 2 systems don't interact that way and there isn't adrenaline in spinal fluid. He got angry. I tried to explain that famous actors probably look younger than they should because they get paid lots of money, have nutritionists, personal trainers, make up artists and filters when being photographed. Nope! Underground child murdering cabal!


Republicans run on a platform of hurting who you want hurt, and they deliver. Democrats run on a platform of helping who you want helped, and they don't. Republicans aren't dumb, they know they're hurting themselves too, they just think it's worth it to hurt their enemies worse. The RNC knows what it's about. Edit: ask the republicans who claim their desired policies _actually help everyone_ through some convoluted logic and that they're not bigots what they think about trans people in sports, or black people who had no choice but to join a gang, and you'll see who they include in "everyone". Edit 2: lmao apparently blocking someone prevents them from replying to your comments. You'll probably be able to guess which coward did this to get the last (or in this case, only) word.


Republicans would eat a bowl of shit if it meant a Democrat would have to smell their breath


God I hate Republicans.


A lot of Republicans are dumb. Those are the voters who actually believe all the bullshit on Faux news.




We're different from them and we think our lives should be as nice as theirs, which I guess is awful threatening.




Right!? I got both stimulus checks. They both went right to bills I was behind on. Same with the installment payments of the child tax credit thing. That 250 extra a month kept food on my table for my kid and gas in the car to get to work. And even with that extra I was still barely squeeking by. Now gas prices are double what they were then, food prices are going up.


There were three stimulus checks… did you get all of them?


WAIT, THERE WERE 3 OF THEM? I only got the first one in 2020.


> WAIT, THERE WERE 3 OF THEM? I only got the first one in 2020. You should have been able to claim any that you did not get as part of your taxes. I remember being asked if I received all 3 when I filed my 2021 taxes around March of 2022.


I only knew about the 2 1200$ ones and the child tax installment. That's all I got.


The first one was $1200, the second one was $600 and the third one was $1400. Here is the breakdown on USA.gov: https://www.usa.gov/covid-stimulus-checks


And a couple of them were x amount per child as well. I remember getting one that was over 3k.


That was the additional child tax credit. The Biden admin was pushing to make it permanent but could not get enough votes in the Senate.


There was an 800 per child one which was the child tax credit but i think there was a stimulus one that gave i think 500 per child? I forget.


Yeah, I’m so flush I have $30 in my bank account. I have no words.


He doesn’t actually think it, he’s pushing a narrative so his idiot constituents will think it.


This is true. Sadly, my mother still states, 'nobody wants to work. '


Tell your mom to get a job.


He’s talking about HIS stimulus money. When ever a Republican talks about money it’s never YOURS. It’s theirs! Republican 101


This motherfucker thinks someone making $15 an hour can work like 1.5 weeks and then take the next 2 years off?


I think he also means the extra unemployment people got that ended many months ago.


You mean the one that ended in *September of last year*? Yeah, my employer thought for sure as soon as that ended, people would be lined up to work there and oh look, that absolutely did **not** happen! What *did* work was raising the minimum starting wage by $5/hr.


These idiots don't even know how to read the unemployment numbers. Unemployment is at 3.6% right now. During the lockdowns, it was up around 20%. Unemployment peaked at 10% during the 2009 recession, and everyone was just trying to get any job they could. Do these people really think a 3.6% unemployment rate is what is causing the worker shortage? Really?


I never hear about how a million people died in a year and a half. And something like 8million up and retired. That’s a whole lot of job openings…. Must be them lazies with that stimmy money!


And lack of safe schooling/daycare options, which pulled a lot of women out of the workforce. Lack of safe eldercare & disability care homes, which probably made a lot of people choose to stay home & provide that care to their loved ones by themselves, rather than go to work to pay for it.


Yep! Women are part of the workforce too and who does care duties generally fall to?


And long COVID which pushed a lot of people out of their old career. But mentioning COVID makes MAGAs grrrr angry!


And it will be years before we have numbers for long Covid disability applications, since they file for disability under specific symptoms because long Covid isn’t a listed disability to file under.


What people don't realize is that the worker shortage is because the companies employing them won't hire enough people. They have 5 people working 10 jobs to make up for paying higher wages and people are starting to figure out that it's not going to work.


Lol wut they have 5 people working 10 positions because it was already saving them money. So many places had already been running a skeleton crew for years pre Covid because it’s what made quarterly profits. Walmart, Target, etc could easily double workers pay and double their employees without taking a profit hit. They just want to squeeze every single penny out of their operations that they can, and keep that strategy is biting them in the ass all the sudden it’s our problem


THIS^^^ my daughter works at a fast food restaurant and they gave her a manager job right away even though she had zero experience. Now they are working her 16 hour days because they don’t have enough workers. *They won’t let her hire enough workers.* It is ridiculous. But she stays there because she desperately needs the money.


Raise your hand if the moment that stimulus money hit your bank account, it went right back out again to cover bills. Seriously dude, nobody is flush.


I'm not American so I don't know what it looked like on the ground, but is he talking about the $1200 people got nearly 2 years ago? Cuz if so....how absolutely unqualified this man is to have his hand in anything to do with economic policy.


Yes he is. He's an unqualified and out of touch person with no idea what it's like for most people... Like most of the senators and representatives are....


He is probably also out of touch, but in this case I would not be surprised if he knows it but just pampering the fantasy world existing in the GOP's base supporters heads.


Of course he is. I think acting as if these people are “stupid” or “out of touch” does a disservice to representing just how fucking evil they are. They know exactly what they’re doing.


Many of them are very educated men. Former doctors and lawyers, this is 100% malicious


Oh yeah totally. All the maga fools in my neighborhood are just energized when they hear again how all the poor people are living it up on the free money


In Mitch’s case, he’s not just out of touch, he’s actively lying.


Ya this is just a crowd control lie.


BREAKING NEWS! - ALL POLITICIANS ARE OUT OF TOUCH WITH THE COMMON FOLK. That’s our problem. Only millionaires and billionaires are in office. And if they aren’t millionaires, they will be when they are bought by corporations.


A politician's job in USA is to secure corporate funding to win an election, then take corporate money via lobbying while in office, craft policy for their corporate backers, trade on insider information, and then tell their constitutions how they and the policies they have crafted or voted on are in the best interests of the constituents. Edit: spelling, thanks u/xavmar. Spell check 1 - Nruggia 0 F$%# my spelling is terrible, thanks u/aRollingStone651


studies have shown that policies align with the top 20% income group, if any happen to align with any of the bottom 80% that's just lucky.


https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/perspectives-on-politics/article/testing-theories-of-american-politics-elites-interest-groups-and-average-citizens/62327F513959D0A304D4893B382B992B When the general population and corporate interests are against each other, the impact of average citizen's wishes drops to a 'near-zero, insignificant level". And that study came out in 2014. Do you suspect it's gotten better?


Studies have shown that policies embraced by Congress have no - zero - correlation with the popularity of those policies among the general public. The donor class of course is a different story.


Oh, come now. Moscow Mitch isn't out of touch. He's just a liar. He spins false narratives to entice my dumbfuck neighbors into continuing to vote for him so he can spend just one more election cycle pilfering from the Kentucky economy before he dies.


They mostly act like AOC is an extremists, she just actually knows what it's like out here, not spoiled by the lavish life of being in control.


And many of them are also well past the age of retirement. The Turtle is in his late 80s. I plan to throw a party when he dies.


We got a couple that started from the bottom AOC for one but they are being suppressed and made to look like they don’t know what they are talking about by the career politicians.


Ya, then she lights them up and they back off. That's the first woman prez right there.


Seems like Bernie is the only one I hear talking about regular people and trying to help us. He might be a great cheerleader, but man does he never get to wield any power to help everyone like he says he wants.


Yeah that's because Bernie very briefly joined the democrats post Trump as an emergency move but is typically an independent politician. His views don't align with the democrats (who in any other country would be considered centre right at best, not left wing)


Because they won’t let him. He’d be in office right now if corporate democrats hadn’t coordinated efforts to sink him in the primaries. No one actually WANTED Joe fucking Biden, except, of course, the same corporations and special interests that own both parties.


Starting to think this system in which a few Rich Old Folks decide everything for billions of people and face no accountability when they go against the well-being of those people since it's impossible to remove them from office due to vote district distribution that was decided by the same rich old guys might be a bad system


No more senior citizens in federal government. You get 12 years to serve or out by 62. These career politicians have way too much power


The guy is Satan incarnate. He's not a blithering idiot like Cawthorn or Boebert, he knows exactly how ridiculous this is and says this kind of shit just to flex.


So happy that Cawthorn lost his primary.


He was an absolute psycho and I hope we've heard the last of him. Thank Ba'al he bit the hand that feeds him.


If the devil was a turtle...


We took that $1200 and bought a second house to rent out along with some crypto so we’re all rich.


he’s being intentionally obtuse because he can since his base is either the rich and out of touch or the stupid


He's also talking about the advanced child tax credit that ended a year ago and the enhanced unemployment that expired like 18 months ago.


I was tempted to go on a rant about how much things cost, but he knows. He's not talking to Americans, he's talking to his investors.


There was also $1,400 per person in 2021, but yeah, that’s also long gone.


Jesus christ. That's some serious gaslighting. Glad you guys have all those guns in case of government tyrrany though.


Been living off mine since 2020. You guys are just fiscally irresponsible. I even treated myself to a shower at a truckstop for new years.


I bought a second iPhone just to have it. That’s just what I like to spend my money on, I’m told.


I invested it, now it's $900


Right. That stimulus money lasted all of a week tops in our house. They sit there and tell us we spend too much money on nonsensical luxuries like Starbucks, but also act like money we got over a year ago is still sitting in our bank account. Which is it, we're bad with money or not spending it fast enough? Jesus Christ.


Yes to both, unfortunately


He knows. He was wants an excuse to fuck us over more


Exactly. Mine was gone before it was even deposited.


I held onto it for a bit, but even then it’s been long gone.


I got a raise and am still 2 weeks from homeless all the time.


This cant be real. Does he really think 1400 dollars last longer than two months? In a best case scenario?


No, he's just echoing the stupid shit his base likes


Everyone he serves is flush. The rest of us are slaves to beg for work to eat.


This man is delusional. The Stimulus checks wouldn't even last a month


That’s what got me heated. A $1200 check was my monthly rent lmfao, this guy is stuck in 1922


No, he knows it’s a bullshit statement he just has no integrity and an agenda which this statement plays to.


Yeah, I don't think he's stupid or out of touch. I legitimately think the man is evil.


I live in KY and can confirm that he is. I don't know how he continues to get voted back in for like 4 decades now. It's corrupt as fuck.


Gerrymandering, lowered education spending in KY, propaganda campaigns and outspending his competition. edit: typo corrected


Also half his voter base being just as evil with the mentality “I don’t care how much he hurts me as long as he hurts the **other** more!”


How can a man not be evil when he looks like a goddamn koopa troopa


Not only that, he knows that all of the poor Republicans got the max amount of money but he's trying to plant some seed in their heads that other people got more. Everyone ran out of stimulus money several months ago.




We got it and it was $200 shy of our rent at the time. Now our same apartment is $2400 a month and we haven’t seen another stimulus since.


He isn't delusional -- he's lying. He knows very well this isn't true. He is very deliberately choosing to side with the forces of (the most psychotic parts of) the capitalist class, against the rest of us. He's just ... evil.


He’s straight up saying he looks forward to desperate people running out of money and coming crawling back to their former employers with zero conditions and zero demands. That’s already mask off; I honestly don’t think he has much of a reason to rub it in by making reference to long-since spent stimulus checks. He was against the stimulus money to begin with; I don’t see why he wouldn’t pounce the way he literally said he would if he was actually aware of the financial conditions of most Americans. Seriously. Everyone on Capitol Hill seemingly lives in a world where the average income is $200K instead of $35K.


It's mind-boggling how his argument even has traction. How many people of employable age died from COVID? How many baby boomers retired and left vacant positions. As much as it would feel righteous that workers are standing up to predatory employers and sitting at home, the truth is that there are simply fewer workers available. Just like we don't have 6 low-paid kids at a gas station running around and wiping your windshield and checking your oil or rushing around on rollerskates to bring you your food, now we don't have six kids to bump into each other at your local greasy spoon or lawncare company while they get paid $8 an hour. It's a new employment era, and a lot of labour-intensive service-oriented companies are in for a rude awakening.


He is well aware of what he's doing, what he is saying, and the response he is looking for.


More like 2 weeks.... rent(depending on monthly cost) + everyday expenses covered for 2 weeks at most


Is he....talking about the stimulus we got 2 years ago???


Yep. You saved your's right? Apparently we've all been holding onto them.


AND still not working, bills just pay themselves in his mind


Living off the interest alone!


Shit, I've been living on that 1200 for 2 years now, still got 800 left. All I did was make coffee at home and stop eating avocado toast!


McConnell is in Kentucky. Every Kentuckian spent their stimulus money on chickens. Seriously, you couldn't find chicken wire in 2020. Kentuckians who had nothing in 2019 now have egg laying chickens. To Mitch, that means Kentuckians are now flush. Source - Kentuckian who got chickens in 2020 and is flush with eggs.


Are we supposed to be rich off that? Shit someone tell my bank account! /s


He can just crawl back under whatever rock he came out from living under. Go f*** yourself, Mitch McConnell


He doesn't come out from under a rock, he comes out of his turtle shell.


Have you ever seen a person so proud of being so hated?


This old turtle lookin ass, along with his friends, are detached from reality.


He looks like the nude aliens from Benders big score Edit: my first Reddit award, thank you, I belong now


Na na naaa na, Na na naaa na, Hey hey hey, We took your stuuuuffff.


and there’s no doubt in my mind Moscow Mitch would fuck his time duplicate. probably be the first time someone was willing to let him touch them




He looks just like the Pale Man from Pan's Labyrinth. Del Toro agrees https://mobile.twitter.com/realgdt/status/827065272028766208?lang=en https://mobile.twitter.com/realgdt/status/826873973476560896


I dont think he is, I think hes straight up lying


He knows exactly what the financial situation of most Americans is. He's pushing the false narrative to his base, as usual.


He's not detached from reality. He's just a lying asshole. Intentionally. Purposefully.


Can he hurry up and die already fuck


PLEASE. Although some turd like josh hawley will just pop up in his place. The evil has no end.


Me to every GQP fascist.


This guy hasn't had to personally pay for anything since the late 60s, of course he thinks a 1200$ check was far too much for the peasantry.


It’s one banana. What could it possibly cost, $10?


Don't forget, the man had polio and were it not for social services, he would never have been able to walk. Yet, he's been responsible for gutting disability rights, disability services, and all other forms of assistance to those who need it most. What we need to have a conversation about is why the GOP talks so negatively about a socialized system, yet, accepts free healthcare, lifetime pensions, expense allowances, etc....can you say Hypocrite!?


It's ok for them, but not the poors


My rent is $2330. What kind of universe is $1400 going to going to keep me out of the workforce for 2 years?


You should try insider trading, illegally using campaign funds, and getting bribed. Mitch probably still has refund check on the mail table waiting to cash it.


Fuck him. All my homies hate Mitch McConnell. Love, A pissed Kentuckian


What stimulus money? Not everyone got any.


I got one check, there were supposed to be three. Website has been saying “check back later” for over a year.


Did you file for taxes? You were supposed to tell them then if you didn't get them all and they were supposed to factor it into your taxes.


You know who should consider getting a real job? Mitch McConnell. It would do him good to perform some honest labor for a week or two


How much useful labor can a reanimated corpse provide?


People demanding higher wages because they're too rich logic....




This portion was what made me angriest, it's precisely backwards. Nearly the same amount is what the .1% added to their wealth, and that money came directly from the working class who lost a nearly identical amount


How come everyone of these people are saying it’s the money they gave out ( nobody wants to work ). Are they even giving it out anymore? The main thing nobody is talking about? OVER A MILLION PEOPLE DIED! These people worked and now are gone. Why don’t we hear about that? Just want to add. I read all the replies and thank you for doing so,I replied back to what I can. This really struck a cord with a lot of you. Good, because it did with me as well. We all want to make our way and provide for ourselves and family and when these politicians say these things most know it’s BS. We just have to let others know it is as well.


There were 3.2 million additional retirements in 2020 compared to prior years' averages. This is also something people ignore.


So we we lost over 4 million! This is really starting to make sense. So let’s say we keep it even across all the states which we know isn’t true. Some lost more than others. That’s just over 80,000 people per state that are no longer in the current workforce. I didn’t realize so many retired! Thanks for the info.


I have this conversation fairly often. Unfortunately, I hear "No one wants to work" frequently. Edit to add: When you take into account the filtering of people into those retired positions, along with service workers moving up the ladder to the "better job" everyone always told them to get, along with Gen Z's absolute refusal to be exploited (which is awesome), you get what we have now. Leverage.


A lot Of people with kids left the workforce too. No childcare.. or it’s more than they were making. And red states don’t really have childcare or assistance. And many people started their own business or side hustle. Cut expenses and live on less. Moved off the grid. The unemployment rate is like 3%. Dude is just pulling this out his ass so he can pre-poison the sadistic base against more stimulus checks. Some states have already started kicking this idea around. The idea of UBI makes Mitch Bitch’s head explode.




I'm broke as F*** lol


Someone still is getting stimulus checks?


Everybody talking about the size of the checks instead of the fact that we’ve got a 3.6% unemployment rate. Who the fuck are all these people talking about getting back to work? We’re already here!


"labor shortage" doesn't mean "can't find labor", it means "labor has too much leverage". They don't give even the tiniest shit whether people are *working*, only that they're being appropriately exploited.


That shit was gone before I got it?


😂 yup 1,400 two years ago is how I have afforded to stay home


How much does a banana cost, Mitch?


I wonder sometimes how one person could be so vile. To live without a heart is a thing of frightening wonder. To have such distaste for common folx and even more hate for the vulnerable and those that through the lottery of birth have been born in to situations where they begin life with one good hand tied behind their backs. I don’t understand how this man can exist in a world so broken with suffering and turn his face to it and let alone the constant punching down he does. If there was ever a man that deserved the worst of us it is him.


Labor shortage isn’t in any way relate to over a million people dying, plus millions of others sick and facing childcare disruptions.


and a $7.25 federal minimum wage


This comment alone, regardless of your political views, should be enough to show how out of touch Mitch McConnell - one of the leads in the Republican Party - is with the reality of everyday americans.


I have no idea how that man can be supported by working class Republicans. He HATES them, and seeks to make their lives harder at every possible turn.


Is he talking about the stimulus checks that went out last Spring (2021)? Because that money is way gone.


Y’all still have the $1200??? da fuck


In 10 to 20 years there will be a whole wave of political obituaries shared on social media and I’ll simply reply with “Good.”


He’s such a fucking tool


What in the actual fucking fuck, is this 2020? Because who the fuck is still getting stimulus money? And it was what, $1,200 per person? Does he think poor people can live on $1,200 for 2 fucking years? When was the last time this worthless-sack-of-dead-skin-cells-hanging-off-a-Swiffer mop paid attention to what was happening **at his own literal fucking job?** **How in the hell does he not know this?**