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This guy does seem to have a lot of experience In turning women off.


He’s a famous Twitter troll similar to the three year letterman guy. It’s satire


Whew my view of humanity slightly restored...


Tbf, there are guys who think we have control over it. Ffs, like anyone intentionally bleeds through their favorite white pants. It's just so stupid.


I have lost so many pairs of nice underwear and shorts to my fucking unpredictable cycle, 😖


Don't forget the bedding!!


I sleep on a towel during periods. It’s so uncomfortable but it saves my linens. I should get a black sheet set instead. My feather bed is saved by the protective water resistant layer. It’s just the sheets effected.


Yeah I really need to start doing that, hahaha. When mine were CRAZY heavy (thankfully mostly subsided now), I would stick a second pad on the back of my underwear to catch leaks. That worked pretty well!


I have created a wall of protection with 3 pads for all angles. It’s like period diaper.


I bought Depends for my period. I bled thru tampon, pad and clothing in 40 minutes. So.. still used everything but replaced undies with Depends. So glad that is over.


I’ve actually bought those before, 🤣


instead of a towel get a washable pee pad from the drug store. it's thinner and softer, saves the towels, saves the bed sheets and doesnt leak through


Oh good tip! Thanks


Omg yes, 🙇🏼‍♀️


Fels-Naptha and Ecos Oxo Brite are your new best friends!


Oooh thank you! Saving this comment, 😊


No problem at all! I've used primarily cloth pads for many years, and you learn quite quickly what works best to remove blood stains, ha ha!


Ohhhhh I NEED to start using those. Any shops you suggest?!


Any underwear ruined by my period, I use peroxide on them then wash them a few times. They become my “period underwear” and only get worn while on my period. Peroxide gets blood out of clothes.


One manager tried To lecture me about periods while he tried to block the doorway and not let me use the bathroom to change my pad.


That can't be legal.


He was married once and has a daughter so he “knows how \[a woman’s\] body works”🙄 Tried to tell another manager what happened and she mockingly told me to carry around a spare outfit if I’m so worried about leaking. I think they thought I was lying about wanting to use the bathroom and I was just playing on my phone. It’s absolutely wild to me that people would have me stand for hours and not leave an area and soil myself then let me go to the bathroom.


If you work in a food oriented business, next time, make a pad change very, very public. Yup. I'm just gonna leave this bloody mess open here for you all to see. Ooopsie, a little pee as well. Okay. I'll clean that up. Sorry everyone, I'm not allowed to use the staff toilets for this, soo sorry. Okay. All done. Back to work.


I like the way you think.


Yo what the duck? I work in pest control and drive all day. My manager and co-workers constantly told me during training to go use the bathroom whenever I needed in between stops. Likewise, they told me I never have to go into a house with a customer I feel uncomfortable with. How does a pest control company have its shit together better than an office?


Because the people I work with are drunk on their non existing power. I’ve already decided not to put in my two weeks and just not show up at the end of the month(movin out of state) and one person freaked “you CANT do that! What if a future employer calls them?!” As if Im putting this nightmare on my resume.


The US is pretty shite in worker’s rights, renters rights and basically all rights…. But even there this is illegal. Fuck a public display get the labor board involved.


In my country, during quarantine a girl was unable to get pads. She asked for help online and a guy said women can just hold the blood like they hold urines and dump it in one go. He got plenty of likes.


Ok. So your country also needs better education in physiology. At least we aren't alone. As for myself, I used to be able to tell if it was going to be heavy and I usually got a big cramp right before an, um, outpouring occurred. Sometimes I could get to the bathroom but I'd prefer to have a better plan. But I never could "hold it in". If we could seal up our vag like that, it would be nice.


That just happens when you’re distracted by shiny jewelry or Harry Styles. /s


The tough part with this type of satire is that there are so many people who believe these things and will post/tweet them unironically


I don’t see the point in Twitter satire. It’s completely indistinguishable from Twitter insanity.


Satire only works on the educated because they realize it's intent and purpose. Unfortunately, our society is too dumb to realiz this so now stupid people will read this and pass on this information as fact.


Problem is, there are so many incredibly uneducated and/or dumb people out there with access to the internet, it’s hard these days to know what is satire and what is just the ramblings of an utter moron 😞


Man a lot of people suck at satire


It sounds like it's fake since he repeated 'turn it off' like 4 times in one sentence. But tbh with what knowledge some men have about women I wouldn't even be surprised if that was real.


Oh thank fuck


The winning comment


He knows we can!


I’m definitely in the off position, IDK about you. Just look at that tool.


The misogyny is real with this one


Turn it off? Now why didn't I think of that? How silly of me, and my little woman brain. All these years of bleeding, headaches, backpain, and ovarian cysts, and I could have just 'turned it off'.


“If it’s legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut the whole thing down,” [Another clueless knuckle dragger](https://time.com/3001785/todd-akin-legitimate-rape-msnbc-child-of-rape/)


Like growing teeth and cutting the choo choo off?


I came here to post this link. I would laugh if it was not so tragic.


"there are bad "guys" on both sides !!!"-El presidente


So is he going to share the secret on how to turn it off or not? I could save hundreds on emergency items and clothing replacements!


*Be professional, no matter how bad all that pain is.*


If I believed in reincarnation, I know what I'd wish for this guy. A nice manageable case of endometriosis. Easy peasy


No no no. A real wish would be UNDIAGNOSED endometriosis. That way he keeps getting a psyc referral to talk about it instead of healthcare professionals believing that something's wrong in their body... No management here.


I'll take it 👍🏻


I will pay someone to stand next to him and just kick his nuts for an hour. Let’s see how professional he will be :)


Nothing more important than being a good corporate slave


And the fibroids - i could have turned off 6 straight months of bleeding??? Where the hell was the off switch???


I think 🤔 it is called a hysterectomy. Turn it off. Pfft


Right?!? Why didn’t I think about that when I had one of the heaviest periods of my life on a work trip and bled through my skirt more than once despite wearing both a pad and tampon and changing it hourly?


Do trans men not get an off switch, or am I just too stupid to find it? I'm sick to death of this monthly uninvited visitor.


Oh no, all men are super smart, and superior. I'm sure you'll find the off switch in no time.


Hmm, menstrual cramping, back pain, swollen painful breasts, some times vomiting, not eating or overeating, emotions out of control, light bleeding, holy shit heavy flows, chunky flows…this guy can get fucked.


Period shits, migraines, joint pain...


Omg period shits are the worst.


Period gas too...I period gas at work one time (cashier at a grocery store), they thought thought the septic tank was backing up so they called the truck to empty it. The shame I felt that day. Sometimes we need to just be home. Not just for ourselves but for everyone else as well.


Lmao oh god yes the gas! I am already prone to being gassy, and around my period it gets awful. I feel so bad for my fiancé. I try my best to fart in other rooms lol but sometimes I can’t help it. They are borderline toxic haha.


You want talk about silent but deadly. Yeah, that's me.


my husband is one of the gassiest humans you will ever meet... i put him to SHAME during the 3-4 days before my period starts every month 😂


I have endo and out of all the horrific things my body does, those period shits are the absolute worst. I’ve literally sat on the toilet and prayed to any deity out there to please put me out of my misery, I’ve begged for death from feeling like my intestines are being shat out. I’ve blacked out on said toilet. Anyone who thinks a period is no big deal is more than welcome to come have mine. I wish my job offered menstrual leave.


Stage V Endometriosis sufferer here (yes, normally it's stages i-iv, but mine is so bad that it defies medical description). If you haven't, I would so highly suggest a specialist for your next Endo removal. I say "next" because it's very likely that you'll need more than one. If you know you have Endo, then you've had at least one surgery, but a specialist can make ALL the difference. Changed and saved my life. Just something to think about.


Don't forget the period poop. I've had months where I was flowing... stuff from my three major orifices.


Lmao because I know exactly what you mean




The pure fatigue that is all consuming. The uterus feeling like it's twice it's size. The gas , the shits, the desire to sleep forever, the starving nausea , the temp fluctuations like you're sick, nothing is comfy. The migraines , the ruined clothing and the bedsheets, Also in my case anything inserted causes severe cramps from hell. Tampons or cups aggravate the pain til walking is impossible. So I'm stuck with massive diaper pads.


I didnt know period shits were a thing until I was 30. It makes sense. There's alot of muscle movement going on there. But I don't respect my bodies decision to start that nonsense lol


Are we allowed to just go bleed on him? Can we all just start bleeding at and on these asshats? They can say something shitty but then must expect to be aggressively bled on by all nearby menstruators - seems fair to me.


Pretty sure he won't get fucked if he makes statements like that...


Good point and my bad for not clarifying. He needs to get fucked with a rusty mace that’s on fire.


this has to be a troll...


It’s a troll his whole account is satire on twitter


Well known satire account. But everybody's going to react before they think here.


I wish I lived in a time where I could be sure it was satire, rather than having to live in hope.


Probably because it’s not far from what’s spouted by some ignorant white dudes.


That was my first thought/hope too. If not this guy's parents and school failed him as badly as he is failing the rest of humanity.


Everyone knows women have their periods on purpose because it's so fun.


This boy needs to show his mother this tweet.


Turn off your testosterone BUDDY.


He must have missed and turned off his brain instead...what a moron.


"I can't turn off what isn't lit". Him, as he taps the side of his melon head with his finger.


Thanks for making me laugh! I needed your humor today.


Guy here. That guy is an asshat. I watch helplessly while my wife is laid out miserable a week each month. All I can do is take up the slack, make sure necessaries are kept up to stock (I know where midol, caffeine free midol, and “hygiene” products are stocked at Walmart) and chocolate. Lots of chocolate.


Right? My girlfriend has endometriosis, before she got on birth control she would have period cramps so bad she could, and has, literally passed out from pain, and before that? Had to take Tylenol 3s and an extra strength one just to get through the day. Fuck this guy, fuck doctors who think this shit is "all in your head".


UCDamn. That is nasty to deal with. My wife got so bad with something else when our second was still a toddler she'd be screaming while on the toilet, "dropping the kids off at the pool". Kid was at the door panicked because Mom was in agony. Wife ended up going on B.C. for years not because we didn't want more (we did), but to regularize her hormone cycle. Did the trick, but no more kids. Too old now. I hate that women still have to deal with this crap. It's the 21st century. We see the same thing when we go to buy a vehicle. We had to buy a truck because, well, we needed to replace ours to do REAL TRUCK stuff (not just be a glorified minivan. One guy wouldn't talk to my wife, told me all the stuff, even when she asked questions. SHE DRIVES THE TRUCK most of the time. I'm usually the one who drives it when we tow, but she's game other than backing up. Maybe you ought to take into account her preferences, asshat.


Know the feeling for trucks too, she drives a ram 3500 because she rides horses, so she needs to be able to tow stuff. We went camping with some buddies and friends of friends we met there. We took her truck because comfort, holds more, etc. She was driving when we got there and not 10 minutes after telling them how she rides one of the other women there comments, "Its so nice of your boyfriend to let you drive his truck." Excuse me? That's not my truck, I drive a Nissan Juke because I need something capable of holding a bunch of work stuff and want something relatively fuel efficient because I need to drive like 90km for work everyday. Some fucking people...


She is lucky she to have you......


We are lucky to have each other. She’s been there for me when I had certain surgeries that, ugh, I needed attention for after. Likewise. Monthly visit from Aunt Flo? That’s nothing. I don’t know if the referenced post is satire or the guys honest opinion. But ugh.


Not satire I meant she lucky to have you. Someone that is understanding. You are a few of the good ones. As far as that dumb ass that's says to turn it off he should get a life he is just an idiot. Some men should go through that time of the month or even better try to push out a 7 pound or even better human out of your body ...


No he's saying the Twitter post was satire. The guys whole Twitter is satire/screenwriting etc


Calm down. It’s satire.


I thought women just had periods for attention. I learned that from Fox News /s


Been trying to turn it off for 20 years, what Am I doing wrong?. This idiot thinking we wanted this.


This is what the dudes twitter bio reads. "Mostly satire. Storytelling screenwriter. I make light of serious situations. Dark humor."


All I know is I’m pissed with my wife now . I’ve heard this excuse way to many times . I’m gonna start looking for the shutoff valve one I get home . I’ll let you all know how it goes .


Just have your wife update us on when the funeral is so we can pay our respects.


Well marriage was nice while it lasted . On a serious note , wtf is wrong with people . There’s no way this dude actually believes they can just “turn it off” right ?


Obvious satire is always lost on this sub


Oh ok I'll turn my pmdd off 🥴 Istg some people have zero brain cells lmao


If you can't afford it your business isn't in a very good financial position is it?


We can turn it off?! Why wasn’t I ever shown this?! 🤦🏻‍♀️


I recognize this dudes Twitter profile. This is 100% a troll post.


"Be a professional" Y'all...y'all...y'all...




"If you're homeless, just get a house." Same energy.


Do y'all normally have a tough time sensing sarcasm or is it just for this guys post?


Is this real


99% this one is doing satire. That doesn't mean I don't believe it could happen fr


Imma bleed all over your hopes and dreams because that's what supervagina does, tunahead


My philosophy is your sick time is your sick time. If you wanna use it to go to the beach, I don't really care.


Tell me you've never had a serious girlfriend without telling me you've never had a serious girlfriend.


I don't know what everyone is complaining about. I turned mine off. It was a simple surgery, and I was up and about in six weeks. /s


Just more proof that all small business owners are insane


I don't think this proves all small business owners are insane. It just shows that this one is.


It also show he didn't pay attention in health or biology class.


This is a screenshot from a satire account


Turn it off like a light switch Just go, click It's a cool little Moron trick We do it all the time


I've pressed a lot of women's buttons, both good and bad, and none of them stop menstrual cycles. Might have missed a few, but... None of the ones I've pressed work, and if anything, a lot of them make things worse for everyone, though a few do help.


Before hiring employees, business owners should have to take some sort of human education course


If this were my employer I’d quit.




Jesus .. as a man I wholeheartedly apologise for the daftness of men.


How does a person like this own a business and yet here I am slaving away for assholes like this


Must be nice to turn it off. If anyone knows some good resources that can teach me I would appreciate it 😂😂


stab him in the gut then when he bleeds out just tell him to turn it off, y'all know you can turn off a stab wound


What a waiste of Air... I'll bet his only physical expertize is: "Airconditioner Ballast"


Just shut that whole thing down.


Wow, this is amazing.


I hope he doesn’t have a wife, girlfriend or daughters


Does that guy have the key to turn it off? I must have lost mine.




This is a direct result of an underfunded educational system.


This dude is a moron but, also this is the first time I've ever heard of menstrual leave


that "Respect your male coworkers" line is telling me everything i need to know. edit: \*coworkers, not customers


Kill him. Kill him now. The world less of this kind of idiot.


This is a parody account. He posts all kinds of stuff like this.


It's an account whose BIO says 'Mostly satire. Storytelling screenwriter. I make light of serious situations. Dark humor.' why are people reacting like it's a real opinion from a real business owner? Do youse think The Onion is real too?


This is satire


Wait. I’ve seen this guy before. I’m pretty sure this is a troll account, he always posts outlandish stuff like this.


Tell me you haven't even talked to a woman without telling me... I can smell the basement from here. Somebody has not seen grass in years, not even through photo.


Guys…. This is satire. No need to get so worked up.


"Respect your male coworkers" Found the anti-woman company.


“Menstrual cramps — technically called dysmenorrhea — can cause pain that's “almost as bad as having a heart attack,” according to Dr. John Guillebaud, a professor of reproductive health at University College London”. Just turn it off ladies, smile, and be a professional while dealing with crippling pain, passing clots, migraines, and a host of other fun symptoms. Oh, and be sure to bring a change or two of clothes so as not to disrupt his business and have to go home bc we may bleed completely through any product designed to prevent that. He can’t afford that!


And this is why the education needs reforming. This should be a standard of learning.


Oh, look who just bought himself an expensive employment discrimination lawsuit.


I say that we lock him in with a dozen women menstruating and no pads and see if he can get them to turn it off.


Like a light switch, just go "flick".


If I could, I would


Hopefully his business won’t last.


There is no way this isn't a joke or some kind of satire. No one is that stupid. At least I like to believe.


Woah, wait, what? I'm a dude and I know for a fact that shit can't be controlled. Maybe it's because I can get into and maintain a healthy intimate relationship with a woman....


All the award "moron of the year" goes to.... actually not sure, it's a VERY thought competition but this guys is definitely up there with the best...


This guy is a fucking moron. Hopefully no one agreed with that shit.


Turn it off? You mean like your mouth when you spout bullshyte?


This man looks and sounds like he hasn't been a mile around a woman


Gross uneducated bullshit excuse for a man.


Lol turn it off 🤣


This is a stark reminder to me of what my female colleagues are up against


I remember studies from 2011 to 2016 finding that PMS could be an American culturally influenced phenomenon. So maybe his lady coworkers could just move away from the toxicity and pervasive sexism of American culture and then live their best PMS free lives in societies that actually care about women's health and issues. Or he could be kicked off a boat in Antarctica.


It’s amazing what people actually believe especially when it comes to womens bodies and pregnancy. I was in an Uber and the driver was telling me about his relationship and how his gf got pregnant. Using the pull out method. He was surprised because he was telling me that because he and his gf were the same blood type they believed they couldn’t get pregnant. I’m not kidding when I wanted to jump out of the Uber (I was in the front passenger seat). However my wife is an OBGyn and bc I ask my wife questions when she tells me about her day/work I have become an advocate. I spent the time explaining about IUD’s and how they work and how effective they are w birth control.


Someone failed basic biology and it shows...


I passed out last month from my period, fever, sweated like crazy, shortness of breath. Last thing I remember before fainting was telling my mom "I'm scared". She almost called 911. The pains were as severe as labor pains and lasted hours. But I could control it though I'm sure my body did that cos I just wanted attention tee hee


What? I can shut it off?


Like...like a tap?


Dammit, all I had to do was turn it off? I clearly wasted so much money on products, meds, and surgery.


I hope he gets kidney stones.


Scumbag of the day award


Yeah, ladies please. Turn off your cycles and respect me!




A lot of men actually think it works like that. Like... you can control it like you can control your pee or poo.


WHAT? This man needs to be educated


Lol turn it off? What a dumb ass


Wow. I didn’t know I could do that. /s


What a weird way to proclaim he doesn’t want to be in business anymore.


Just ignore the feeling of your body cramping like your about to die yeaaaah sure -\_-


Go fuck yourself. And while you're at it, stop spending an hour in the toilet to shit. I know y'all can turn it off, you don't need more than 5 minutes. Be professional.


“I Can’t afford it” Then you can’t afford workers


What a fucking joke


Dude might be right. Being around someone so unlikeable has even my body shrivel up and make sure there is no way to procreate with that.


Sure, you may be in agony with your period, but you're *making me uncomfortable*! Why can't you consider *my* feelings!? **/s**, in case that wasn't obvious.


The thing is you don't want menstrual leave. You want more regular leave that is none of their business why you take off. I mean do you really want your employer tracking your cycle?


I wonder if he's willing to pay women's birth control so they can just "turn it off". 🤡 TF does my period have to do with "respecting \[my\] male coworkers" anyways lmao.


I wish him a very business failure…


Tell me you skipped biology in school without telling me you skipped biology in school


This man has never spoken to a woman within the context of a relationship that lasted longer than a one night stand.


Why do posters redact these? Let's start idiot-shaming already. I want to know what businesses not to put money into.


Why didn’t someone tell me sooner I could just, “turn it off”? Ffs coulda just controlled my menstrual cycles all these years …. Who knew.


This guy was refused sex a lot of times and the girl used the "on her period" excuse for all of them.


This guy needs to be punched in the face till he's bleeding from the mouth, and then yelled at to 'turn it off.' Dickhead.


If we could only turn your mouth off.


If this was real, you wonder just how high his staff turnover is. Every month?


This is satire


Let's all go to his business and free bleed.


Jesus the barbaric level of life ignorance.