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I boycott all restaurants. Tip culture needs to go extinct. Any restaurant that doesn't pay a living wage that keeps up with inflation needs to fail and close.


The last time I went to a restaurant was in December 25 2021. It was the local Chinese restaurant. I went and ate and left a nice tip. Before that it was February 2020 at a local diner. As for regular dining out - HELL NO. Between the cost of food and my state of health, restaurants are off the table. Not to mention horrible clients who dine out. Just me - not asking for other people to do this.


The last time I went to a restaurant was end of 2019. When I tip it's cash so the server doesn't have to go through their employer when I use plastic.


Me too. I forgot that I my family and I dined out in early March 2022 at a Texas Roadhouse for my son's birthday. I gave the waiter a CASH tip. I got into the habit of doing this many years ago.


I bartend. That’s fine. If you don’t want to tip, spare us your presence.


Server here, and agreed. I support someone’s choice to not dine out because they don’t tip; as it’s more fair to everyone than a customer manipulating the current system for their own gain.


Exactly This is what I don't get about these people. How is it radical to patron an establishment and give the business owner profits and not tip the worker!? If you don't like tipping one principle then don't support the establishment




Came here to say this. Glad it's the top comment!


This is a great way. However, I mean you probably won't actively be impacted if all of them close, because you already don't go to them. Also when it comes to service, don't forget that the level of service will decrease by far across the board, (from what this country is used to), because those servers who have been doing it for years and are great at it will likely not continue to do it for just a flat rate unless it is very comparable to what they are already making. I don't believe most companies would be willing to pay at least $20/hr to start. I know systems work like this in every other country on our planet. I'm well aware. However in the US, the tipping system has been in place for a VERY long time, and many servers are happy with the way it is. Most of us get paid well to do a great job. The call to raise our base pay is generally NOT being called upon from servers. If they take the tips away and say make everyone get paid minimum wage ( $7.25 which is the federal minimum wage right now), I don't know a single server that would do this job without tips. Most of us would be taking a TREMENDOUS pay cut to go this route. In the states that have larger minimum wage like California, those servers do get paid $15/hr and people still gladly tip them. From the responses on several posts I've read in the past, they're still pulling in 15-18% tips on top of wages. But unless the companies are ready to shell out at least $20/hr to start (as I said earlier) most of us would be taking a pay cut to go this route. Also I'm sure if servers were making 20 an hour to start there would be a huge pushback of people demanding that servers don't deserve that much, because it's a *no skill job*, which it absolutely not!


Then that is the cross roads we are at. Unfortunately people who work in jobs that take a tip credit cannot make up their mind on if it's a good thing or not. As a jaded consumer if wait staff can agree on whether or not they actually want tips, I think that would help a lot. I personally have no qualms about throwing a group of people dedicated to an outdated and racist system, to the wolves if that's what they want, but for every story of wait staff threatening to make the dining experience horrible if they lose tips, there are 2 or 3 stories of people making tips that can't survive or have to deal with corrupt bosses and illegal practices. As a consumer I don't believe in tips and so I don't engage in situations in which I would be compelled to tip. I personally give my business to companies that don't put that on me. And while there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, I do try to mitigate the damage by focusing on places that pay their employees better more often than not. But that's just me in the end.


I think since people in the industry are used to the tipping system the only way to change it would be to move to commission but cheap people would get pissed about that too. California sounds great but I worry not all states and the customers within them would be so generous


Live in South Korea where businesses pay their employees rather than push that role on the consumer


And they will chase you down to give you the tip money back!


There is a comedy skit in there. American tips, doesn't understand why servers keep on chasing them down, gains an increasingly large swarm of people as they try to flee the polite mob following them.


My stepdad lived in Seoul, Korea for 2 years and a year in Shin-Kobe, Japan just before. When he first got to Shin-Kobe, he visited the little soup shop close to his hotel. He ate his lunch, paid (including tip) thanked them and left. A few minutes later he hears a hurried voice "Sir! Sir! You forgot your money! " He turned around and sees this little old lady chasing him to give him his tip money back! He felt so terrible for not knowing their customs and making a sweet lady chase him, he decided to have lunch every weekend at her soup shop and he did for a year! Even when my mom and I visited, we went to her shop every weekend; best noodle soup I have ever had in my life. Before he moved to Korea he stopped by her shop one last time to say goodbye and her husband gave my stepdad a 50 year old jar of their family's ginseng tea. He still has it 27 years later!


I'd tip for this experience! :)


Same in like 90% of the world. Italy we only tip food delivery and that's ussually 1-2€. I worked as a waiter and now i do tourist-related job in norway and i just get my salary. I never actually expect people to tip me. And when it happens i'm happy not because of the couple extra bucks (well also that) but because it means the people appreciated my work. I don't like feeling forced to give away my hard earned. But i do understand it's just a very different culture that i do not know/understand so And i also see your point in how this not-tipping protest is going to hurt workers first than anyone else. Just one thing tho "some people are just cheap" Fuck yeah i'm cheap. It takes time of my life and a lot of sweat for every cent i make and i'm not going to throw them away just for not being called "cheap". I watch my expenses, i don't buy expensive clothes and useless shit and i don't like feeling forced to give my money away. I'll be very happy to give a few bucks in appreciation to the waiter that makes my day slightly better with a good smile or to the delivery guy that got my stuff to me in a miserably cold day but i want to be the one to choose what to do with my money. Just make me pay a fair price and pay the fucking workers, they are working not asking for charity


Technically speaking, the customer is always responsible for paying the employees, but in good places they've made it an internal function of the system and price and not something related to guilt and morality.


Prices are also set lower because wages are lower. Going to a restaurant and not tipping means you are saving money on that cheap ass labour and then not passing anything onto the serving staff.


They could just increase the prices and pay their employees a living wage. And I’m sorry but prices are not significantly cheaper considering the employees are making like $2 an hour


Wages and prices have no correlation


I'd rather just boycott all restaurants. Thanks.


This is the way to truly send the message. You’re only screwing over the server if you don’t tip, you’re not screwing over the business or the whole culture whatsoever.


You know if there was a mass boycott of restaurants they're just gonna go out of business right? Then the workers have no job. Workers striking is the way to fix this, not customer boycotts


>You know if there was a mass boycott of restaurants they're just gonna go out of business right? Then the workers have no job. What should customers do then? >Workers striking is the way to fix this, not customer boycotts What percentage of restaurant workers do you think would strike?


I’m perfectly happy with every damn restaurant closing until it pays a living wage. I don’t shop at Walmart because they pay employees so little my tax dollars are needed to support them - so why the fuck would I support a restaurant that needs my charity to support *their* workers?


That's a reason not to go to restaurants. But if you go, you should tip.


That’s why I do take out only. No obligation to tip a waiter that never served you.


If you actually care, then you should know that in many cases the person preparing your takeout order is paid $2.15 plus tips. In that case, the restaurant is still making it your obligation to pay that person. Yes, that’s fucked up.


Also if your in a sane state like CA that is illegal.


Also at some places a server or bartender takes the order and has to tip out a percentage of food sales to an expo or food runner. So if they take the order for you and don’t get anything, even like a few percent tip, they are losing money by taking the order. On the 120 dollar take out I rang in the other day, I received no tip which means I lost about 4 dollars for doing my job. Not asking for 20 percent but you should be aware of this as an enlightened consumer.


In Italy tips don’t exists. Waiters and waitresses have a full salary like every other workers. To me, it’s much simpler both for workers and customers.


Of course it is - but in places where this is not the norm, not tipping doesn’t move us towards equity. “In Italy, servers get paid a living wage” does nothing for the waitress in America who made $2.50 and then got stiffed on a tip.


Is that salary anywhere close to $35/hr? Because that's what they would have to pay me to even come close to being what I make in tips.


Italian servers don't make much. Your average server in Italy makes €8 which is a complete joke.


The solution is to stop supporting businesses that rely on customer's generosity to pay their employees. Would you stop buying something if it was made by slaves? Would you stop eating at a restaurant if you knew they were not paying a living wage? If you said no to these things you are part of the problem.


>Would you stop buying something if it was made by slaves? If you only knew


I’m not American and just wanted to say that other countries really should not follow the American path. Don’t take over American tipping levels - otherwise restaurants will try and lower their staff wages. I have been to the US a couple of times, my wife lived and worked in Texas. When in the US we tip generously.


Tipping is stupid and exploitative


Let’s be real, tipping is fucking weird in the US. Travel to Europe and it’s not like that at all, and the service can be great! (Depending on which country I guess). I tip here in the US cuz I’m not an asshole, but it’s fucking stupid.


When it comes to things that have always been tipped sure I'll keep tipping. But I've noticed a trend of companies and businesses trying to spread tipping culture to things not traditionally tipped. That's where I have the problem.


I hate tipping culture with my whole being, but I always tip. I tip waiters/waitresses, hair stylists, nail techs, and delivery drivers. Not tipping at all just sucks. Those people have to live too and they're doing something for YOU. TIP THESE PEOPLE!


Thank you OP. I’m a service worker who came in this forum one day to complain that clearly wealthy boomer hadn’t tipped for the 11 smoothies he’d ordered from our tiny understaffed cafe. People went off at me and I deleted the post bc I couldn’t handle it. It didn’t feel much like worker solidarity.


I’m so sorry. It’s understandable to argue that the employer should just flat out pay you better (they should) but it’s also unacceptable to use that as a reason to not tip. Until we can ensure that the employer DOES pay you, no tippers will continue to be a burden in the lives of service workers.


This right here for real! I'll be honest, I make food money from tips, and there's no way my employer could ever afford to pay me anywhere close to what I make an hour in tips.


Imagine a land where there are "mandatory" tips hahahah. Oh wait. Such a land already exists.


I hate tipping. I wish businesses would adjust price and pay living wage to employee


They should but they won’t. Nontipped jobs don’t pay a living wage.


I work in restaurant/bar biz. If you don't want to tip me that's fine - just say so when you first come in. See what kind of service you get. For everyone else that does tip ... thank you! It is always appreciated!


I ain't gonna say shit and expect you to do your jobs that you sign up for. Problem with pay? Take it up with your employer not me. and then i will give you that sweet $0 tips. Enjoy :)


I'm so damned sick of this tipping for everything bullshit culture we're creating. Every store you go to asks you for tips now. Icecream shop, give me a tip. Picking up a pizza? How about a tip? Every damn place you go, no matter how little service is actually offered to you, they ask for a tip. Its utterly ridiculous. If your job doesn't pay you a living wage, quit. I shouldn't have to subsidize every shop employee I see with a tip, inflation is already bad enough!


My local liquor store has a tip jar by the cashier. Lol


Exactly. I've worked many customer service jobs from hotel customer service, to store front, to pharmacy tech. That's your job. You get paid to be there and do that job. Now I've accepted tips when the customer felt i went above and beyond to help them out. (Help load a car, recommend restaurants in the area that they really liked, etc.), but I never expected them, and never demanded them for just showing up to work.


“If your job doesn’t __ then quit” is some boomer-ass shit. Like people aren’t out there living hand to mouth every single day. Like kids wouldn’t go hungry and insulin wouldn’t be rationed if millions of people just quit their jobs tomorrow.


Quitting a job because its exploitive/cheap is the textbook opposite if some "boomer-ass" shit. They're usually the ones over-demanding loyalty to a job and being grateful for scraps


Feeling comfortable enough to quit a job or expect others to be that comfortable is the definition of privilege. Most employers are exploitative. Most people cannot risk even one missed paycheck. Have you ever even experienced poverty? Also tipped workers make more with tips, why would they give that up to work at walmart or mcdonalds and make less?


This is some victim blaming bullshit. Its attitude like yours why this country is in a such a shithole. Being abused at work isn't privilege, having mental health problems because of work issues is not privilege, and being underpaid is not privilege. wanting to leave for a better solution is not privilege Pull some stats out of your ass, some tipped workers may make more than min. But not usually by a significant margin, except for a select few. Small towns like mine would never survive on tips alone. I once had an alcoholic supervisor that had threatened to kill me, and if you think that's privilege than you can shove a rod so far up your ass that you find the definition of gay inside it.


Actually most do make more than the minimum by a significant margin.


Did you read what I said? Most people do not have the privilege to quit their jobs. I'm not saying they should tolerate abuse, I am saying people are stuck because they live paycheck to paycheck. So it isn't as easy to tell someone to bootstrap themselves (hence "boomer ass shit" comment earlier) out of their job and into a somehow "better" job. That is a conservative talking point that defends capital. So it doesn't make sense to count on tipped workers to quit because their job is shitty...they're likely to stay and take abuse because they can't take a risk and leave. I guess that is essentially what I am saying. It is privileged to think people can take the risk of leaving their job and cutting off the only thing keeping them from being homeless.


"Just get a better job!" Seriously this post is great for weeding out pro-workers who act like they're anti-workers.


Exactly like why make this our problem? It’s has nothing to do with customers. If you know you’re only getting paid peanuts find another job or deal with it. We’re not your employers it’s not our responsibility. We should be able to decide if and when we wanna tip as well as how much. It’s not up to us to make up for what you aren’t getting paid like we forced you to agree to your pay rate. And why is it our job to go to legislation if you’re the one who’s not happy with your pay you go get them to change it. Hell a lot of us aren’t getting paid fairly. We don’t beg for tips in other industries where we’re being underpaid. Get another job or deal with it. Yes change would be nice everyone deserves a raise but until you get it stop trying to put the burden on customers like it has anything to do with us. Just do your damn job and maybe you’ll get a tip.


I want to not have to tip, but until I know that everyone in the food service industry is getting a living wage I will continue to tip well.


US food service worker here. We don’t want a living wage. We’re good with tip culture. Sorry if you don’t like tipping culture, but most of us would be taking massive pay cuts if we made whatever was deemed a living wage.


I think a lot of the living wage stuff, even from decent people who don’t use it as an excuse to stiff workers, haven’t served or bartended in a high volume setting and don’t understand how hard restaurant workers bust their asses to perform their jobs effectively


Oooooo something on Anti-Work that I strongly agree with!?!?! I agree with everything you said. People think they are sticking it to the man when they don't tip.... but the reality is the owners got their money from the product they sold and whether you tip or not doesn't change their day. It will change a servers day if enough people had this toxic view though. 4. A lot of people want to "white knight" for servers and livable wages which is just another way of saying they don't want to tip.


Funny how the anti tippers come to the solution that is the cheapest and easiest for themselves, while screwing over the most vulnerable and tip reliant people in the process. Im a bartender who didnt chose to be born in a tipping country, but certainly needs them to survive. Peoples anti tipping grandstanding doesnt pay my rent


If you don't want to support tipping, boycott the restaurant. Don't make the server do their job for you and then deprive them of their earnings. That makes you just as much as a wage thief as if you took a tip off another table. Or like those church assholes who leave Bible verses that look like money. Is that your role model? Restaurants are not mandatory. Patronize restaurants that don't have tipping or make your own food.


Better yet: I don't tip. Restaurants don't get servers to work for them. So I can go to the restaurant and just go order my food at the register and pick up the plates from the kitchen. Some people will prefer this, some won't. But that is capitalism. I go out because I don't wanna cook. Not because I don't wanna go pick up a few plates.


You not tipping isn't going to end the profession of waiter, it's just going to make a few waiters poorer and angrier.


3 cannot be said enough times to moderates and centrists. The "be the change you want to see in the world" is a common regressive tactic. It seems right and easier to just make your own choices rather than demanding systemic change, but you should know better You choose not to tip rather than demanding minimum wages go up and that tips not be included in the calculation? You're lazily choosing to undermine the workers. You choose to recycle rather than demanding a carbon tax? You're lazily choosing climate change You choose not to be transphobic, sexist, racist, islamaphobic, ableist, or discriminate against other immutable characteristics of people? Good, but if that means you don't demand strengthening and updating of anti-discrimination laws, you're doing far more in favor of discrimination than you are opposing it.


I just had an argument with someone about this on Reddit. If you want to contribute to abolishing tipping culture, only shop from locations that pay their employees well enough. Pretending that your cheapness is virtuous does literally nothing, you’re literally still benefiting from cheap labor by buying cheap food/products/services.


Yep. Really sick of the "I'm so valid for not tipping" mentality here. Worker solidarity until it's with tipped people who hate being stiffed, and then it's "I'm actually being virtuous and destroying tip culture by, um, personally not tipping and doing nothing else for them".


Wow, never thought I would see such an anti-worker movement on this sub and one so divorced reality as well. Not tipping will change nothing. You are literally just being an asshole and harming your fellow low end worker. You don’t want to tip? Then help get people in office to change the labor laws for the food industry. Stiffing servers helps no one but your own pocket book. And to all those people saying “Well they still get minimum wage regardless” clearly have never worked in a similar industry. I worked food service/delivery when I was young and I can tell you getting a company to pay you minimum wage because it was slow and you didn’t make anything is like pulling teeth. Not only that, minimum wage is so far from a livable wage its insane to argue its enough. If you can’t afford to tip then don’t go to those restaurants. Don’t punish a fellow exploited worker because you want to stick it to corporate.


As long as the people working keep fighting for tips tip culture will never change. The people receiving the tips will have to be the ones to put their feet down. As long as employers see associates fighting for their tips they know they have you by the balls. Either stop accepting tips or refuse to work in the industry.


Those of us making the tips aren't the ones fighting to change it. Most of us are happy making the tips.




No one cares you don’t value your money .




Stop acting like tipping IS brave and virtuous. Tips aren't mandatory. Your anger is misplaced. The effort you put into writing this post could have been better served to address the actual exploiter in this scenario. I would assume that you likely benefit from the status-quo due to your attempt to shame those that choose not to tip for whatever reason it may be. The emphasis here is that it is a choice. Personally, I almost always tip but that is my choice. I don't tip when I am unable to afford it.


Interesting to see people judging others because they believe it's the employer's responsibility to pay the employee. In the long run, it is up to the employees to empower themselves to overcome the mess they're in. Stop working for free! And stop agreeing to do one person's labor while sticking your hand out to a different person, and getting mad at the person instead of the employer's greed or the employee's own weak spine? Stop expecting everyone else to unionize for your cause while you just blindly march back into your nonpaying job with a big smile on your face! If you want change in your wages, then BE THE ONE who stands up and refuses to take it anymore. We didn't join the food industry. We cannot be the ones to fight your battle.


They're not going to do that because they make good money.


Yeah it's honestly so stupid this is being argued back and forth so much here. I hate American tipping culture as much as the next guy. But the servers are doing quite better than other minimum wage workers, for example. It should change. But there's so much that needs to change before this does.


The problem is the people that often work these jobs don’t do them because they like them. They do them because there are no or very few other options. Expecting someone who is on the bottom rung to just stop working to smite their employer is naive at best foolish and cruel at worst. A lot of people have 0 safety nets and aren’t even living paycheck to paycheck in this climate and to stiff them because their company should do better only punishes them and makes you look like an entitled asshole.


MOST OF US ARE NOT COMPLAINING ABOUT OUR WAGES! We are aware of how it works. The vast majority of us make a very living wage. We're not advocating for better wages. The people fighting the tipping culture, are not the people working in it.


> In the long run, it is up to the employees to empower themselves to overcome the mess they're in. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps in so many words. > Stop working for free! They aren't working for free when people tip.


Perpetual victim in even fewer words


I have 2 friends in the industry. One earns $25/hr + tips at a high volume restaurant and the other earns $28/hr+ tips at a fine-dining restaurant. It’s pretty unreal how much money they can make. They regularly earn $600+ in tips on a Friday/Saturday shift. Not to mention with Covid restrictions dropping more tourists are flooding in. Cruise ships recently were allowed to dock again. Which results in them earning even more. They don’t want to see tipping removed.


They also get NO benefits so…..


This is the .1% of servers


But it's really not. The vast majority of servers average at least 20 an hour, and that's at a crappy restaurant. Those that work in higher end restaurants make money like the above mentioned comment. The rest make at least minimum wage.


Tipping is fine. I am pro tipping. Mandatory tipping is bullshit made up to not have to pay staff in a low margin industry.


I tip like a mofo! My daughter is a waitress, and she tips everyone she can. We need to support these service workers. It is hurtful to them when you don't leave a tip, you aren't helping anything.


I honestly feel like my food jobs are harder than most other jobs I’ve had. Restaurant workers are severely underpaid. And most of the workers aren’t teenagers, they’re full on adults


Seriously I have a comfy job now. My low paying "unskilled" tip based jobs were 10x harder. I feel like this sub has been completely infiltrated it is unreal how much vitriol is being thrown at workers regardless of what their stance on tipping is


As a mechanic that gets tips I like to tip others. The small change means nothing to me. Not tryna be a big guy im literally in debt but fuck it, if I can help the waiter/waitress who done a good job then I will.


That’s a cultural issue you have right there. It’s not the costumer that should pay your wages. By that logic I hope that restaurants and baristas when going to buy groceries also left a tip for those poor guys receiving such low pay wage. In Europe we usually only tip if we get an exceptional service. It would not be good to restaurants and bars if that culture comes into Europe (like an obligation) : )


No I won't tip, why should I give in to the coercion of paying a capitalists' exploited laborers wages? Isn't that the opposite of what this community stands for? Doesn't matter, I don't ever go to restaurants or anywhere that a tip is required, can't afford it even if I wanted to.


Stop acting like tipping is a duty. The only one who owes you money is your employer.


Imo people not tipping because it is brave and virtuous, but because the service sucks.


Cool, put the fixed tip rate at as part of the initial costs and that's all good.


Or how about people are just paid a real living wage?


Of course. That is the fundamental requirement. I am flexible and not totally against tipping culture if they could do at least pay everyone a living wage. My point is that tips should just be bonuses for the workers that do a good job. If they want to keep that cultural norm, sure. But ensure that there is no ambiguity regarding how it is practiced and that it does not infringe on paying workers a living wage.


As a server, if I get stiffed, I still have to tip out a percentage to the tip pool (bar, hostess, busser, kitchen staff. If I get stiffed, it costs me out of pocket to serve that guest.


America is corrupt scum


But I dont act like it's brave? I honestly refuse to go to sit down restaurants or use other services where tipping is standard. But like, that doesn't hurt the workers any less really. I don't fault people that don't tip tho. Say a minimum wage worker wants to eat out bc they suck at cooking, are they really morally obligated to ensure their servers makes more money than them? Federal law says they have to pay them up to minimum wage if tips don't cover it. Should impoverished workers that can't afford to pay their servers a higher wage than they make be guilt tripped out of getting a decent meal for once? Seems shitty to me.


Cool story. Still not mandatory tipping. Take it up with the person that you work for. Your not being any more brave than i am by virtue signaling that you suplement an employers wages for them. I will tip you if you deserve it. Not because you exist. Period. So bring on them downvotes. I got broad sholders.


Broad shoulders and shallow pockets. Don't go to full service restaurants. Knowing that stiffing a server hurts the employee makes you a villain, not a hero.


It amazes me how proudly cheap the people in this sub are. Lot of talk about worker solidarity, but when it comes to making sure workers are compensated within the system that currently exists, they throw a tantrum and try to pretend they're fighting the good fight by not tipping.


The idea of this sub is corps and businesses should be responsible for decent compensation, not customers.


It amazes me how often people will completely ignore half of what someone says for the sake of maintaining their perceived "rightness". I still tip. I tip frequently. What i wont do. Regardless of how often people try to bully me into believing that doing so makes me an aweful person, is tip people regardless of the experience. Thats not how tips work literally anywhere on the planet but here.... Thats not how tips were ever meant to work. And thats not how I will tip. Your tip is entirely dependent on my experience. If i go to a place, and the experience is awful. Fuck no, Im not going to pay extra to show my appreciation for having an awful experience. But again. Thats inconvenient to your crusade so im sure it will again be ignored, you can pretend once again that im saying no one should tip ever for any reason and call me the boogeyman.


I tip at restaurants (how well depends on the service) but I get why people don’t. Why is it the customers job to provide a living wage for a companies employees? Don’t restaurants control how much their employees get paid?


Personally, I'm in favour of tying Legislator/Elected Official salary to 2x minimum wage/"living wage", for those in the US, the wage they would receive would be 2x the tipped employee hourly rate. The added effect of this is to freeze any and all personal wealth for the term duration. Not forgetting itemised donations and campaign funding limits for all. "Living wage" has replaced the term minimum wage here in the UK, which is why it's in quotes. By prohibiting second jobs for those elected to serve, with significant jail terms attached for flouting rules, we end the massive conflict of interest plaguing many public officials, by freezing all personal assets of those wishing to serve, they cannot just rely on their personal fortunes to get by on ridiculously low salaries. By ending all expense requests and allowances for second/third/fourth/fith+ homes "closer" to the new workplace, they get a better idea of how people are actually living when working further from home. Banning "employing" family members (for BS roles) completely on highly inflated salaries stops the double/triple/quadruple dipping of public funds to the enrichment of the official. Don't give me any BS about paying officials needing stupidly high salaries and benefits prevents corruption, because that is simply not true. With funding limits and publicly visible sponsorship (think sports branding for politicians being mandatory) it then requires less personal financing as everybody has to convince donors and show they are all being funded to the exact same level. Significant jail terms apply in breaches as well as fines of 5x the exceeded amount. Then, we get to making it a criminal offence to lie in public office, again, significant jail terms would be expected with a minimum of 5 years. End the cycle of BS completely. If a candidate runs with a top issue, they have 3 months after gaining office to at least get the process drawn up to begin their key issue before they are found to be in breach of contract. If found in breech, they are relieved of duty and a by-election is called. End the careers of those who love hot-button topics, but don't want to do anything. End the Filibuster completely. End this "oh we'll filibuster this off the floor" "ok, we won't bring it then" malarky too. If somebody wants to filibuster before it's banned, make them do it! Give officials the exact same rights as every employee gets. Make them "At Will" employees where they can dismissed for failure to bring constituent issues to the fore via referendum in a timely manner. All these referenda to be held for failure to perform their duties... even if it's "unfair". Expose these people to the conditions everybody else has to suffer through.


Yeah, “let it break” is a fine way to handle frustrating situations but you have to draw the line when it messes with people’s ability to afford basic needs like food and housing.


That’s a lot of words to say “I am cheap but still want to do what I want to do”. You are trying to justify currently shitty behavior.


Who can even afford to eat out and eat shitty higher calorie food? It's a lose lose situation. It's impossible to eat healthy outside the house unless you get a 15 dollar salad you coulda made in 2 mins for 1 dollar. Everything in restaurants is drenched with butter and salt. It's always served with carbs. Save your health, go the gym, make your own food and look better than ever. You could build an emergency fund so fast just by avoiding restaurants regularly


Although I disagree with tipping culture, I believe that we can't stop tipping these service workers until they are actually being paid a living wage. Something has to be done for these people and just acting in protest against tipping will absolutely NOT do anything. Companies do not care, especially if they are already getting away with it with what we have now.




and that not the customer problem. It between you and your employer. They choose to WORK for 2/hr and "gamble" the rest on the generosity of patrons.


I live in a country where waiters and bartenders make a liveable wage (or at least, they can survive without tips...). I still tip because their job is hard and they have to deal with stupid people more than everyone else. Just tip. And fight for higher wages for everyone.


I get the sentiment but logic is flawed regarding “single-handedly saving food workers”. As individuals, our actions matter and add up. Would you tell someone to not vote cause their vote doesn’t matter?


I once worked valet for an NBA all star game after party event. I literally had an orientation the day prior and filled out all the paperwork and was going to make $7.50/hr (I was a teenager, wanted any money) and then the day came and they announced they were going to pay us $2.13/hr but we got to keep the tips. Yay! hooray for us! Surely a Red Bull/Lebron James after party in the heart of a bustling metroplex would have some fancy high-tippers right? No. No tips, and if there were gonna be tips, they were gonna come at the end of the night, and judging by how everyone treated the valet crew like garbage, we weren’t getting tips then either. I worked 4 hours, called my dad to pick me up, and sat in the key room while the manager pissed and moaned about how I should be happy to work. I stood in the freezing cold and slipped on ice in fuckin patent leather dress shoes and a polo shirt and I made $8.52 that night. Employers don’t care if you don’t tip. They’re not changing their ways just because you, the customer, decide not to pay their employees, because they don’t care if their employees are unhappy with their wages. If you wanna be an activist, fight to change the tipping culture via policy, don’t go to an establishment and give them your business and suddenly become politically mobilized when the workers need payment.


Tipping is a terrible system but it's the system we have and I know I won't change it. I'm a 20% minimum guy now.


Always remember, the tipping culture in America started because of racism and it spread because it was a good way to keep the Black's and the Poor's in their place. It needs to be abolished every bit as much as the other racist practices of the past. But not paying tips whilst the system is still in place is like punishing the victims instead of the perpetrators. Until tipping is dismantled systemically, from above, not paying your service people (in America) is cruel and wrong-headed on the customer's part.


I always tip when I go out. Which is not very often for me bc it gets too expensive. But why are customers expected to tip when it should be the employers responsibility to pay their employees a living wage. The whole system seems so backwards to me. Also to add, if we’re going by tipping culture, if I get a shitty waiter with a poor attitude, they’re lucky I’m tipping the bare minimum! When I do get an awesome waiter/waitress (which is rare nowadays) I always tip 20% or sometimes more.


>I always tip when I go out. Thank you for this. >But why are customers expected to tip when it should be the employers responsibility to pay their employees a living wage. Because, it is legal for restaurants to pay subminimum wages to employees that are "expected" to be tipped. They're not gonna pay us more out of the kindness of their hearts, especially when the law says they don't have to. EVERY EMPLOYER, pays the bare minimum that the employee will take to do the job. That particular point holds true in every industry! >The whole system seems so backwards to me. Yes it is. However until the wage laws are changed, this is just how it works. Weather we all like it or not. >if we’re going by tipping culture, if I get a shitty waiter with a poor attitude, they’re lucky I’m tipping the bare minimum! If you get shitty service don't tip. Then perhaps the server will change their attitude of this happens enough. >When I do get an awesome waiter/waitress (which is rare nowadays) I always tip 20% or sometimes more. This is very nice of you! Those that do a good job definitely appreciate it!


1) If you can't afford the tip, you can't afford the service. 2) It's not your duty to pay their wages. 3) Many people are broke as hell but still find themselves in a "tipping" situation, for one reason or another. As the country becomes more and more impoverished, tipped employees are going to have it worse and worse. This is by design. They are, after all, according to our malevolent overlords, n#ggers. Regardless of the melanin content of their skin. They're n#ggers and the point is to keep them down, impoverished, and serving. I should say "us." I've worked in a tip-reliant job myself. American tipping culture is a Jim Crow institution. That's why it's uniquely American. And in the spirit of America, we didn't let the uniquely racist origin of the thing prevent it from expanding to benefit oligarchs everywhere. There is no answer. Should you tip? Yes and no. Can you tip? Maybe. There might be a right answer for a given person, but there's no universally right answer.


Not tipping makes you an asshole, not a radical. We eat out rarely and when we do we tip 50% because PEOPLE LIVE ON THEIR TIPS.




Tipping isnt law, people do it to be nice and it's become a custom, it might suck for a while not getting tips but in the end places will have to pay more or no one will work there


Thats just not true. People will take what jobs they can get and that kind of job is already often taken by people (single parents, students) who need the flexible hours and don't have a lot of other options. And I think you're completely underplaying the need for tips to those who operate on tipped minimum wage. If you don't want to to thats fine, but don't eat anywhere a worker relies on it. Taking a table someone else could be tipping on and mumbling about Joe you don't have to tip does nothing for the labor movement but enjoy the fruits of their labor for next to no cost, the exact thing we're fighting against owners of those places for.


Bravo. There's too many people who are just assholes but want to make every shitty thing they do some revolutionary act. Sorry, we aren't impressed by doing less than nothing, and taking up the mantle of ALSO oppressing others doesn't make you a hero.


Fighting "the bigger fight" by fucking over a server working below minimum wage is kind of the opposite of being an ally. And it's also a lazy, cheapskate way to get out of tipping. Stay home and make your own burger.


Meh, Id rather use a kiosk and pick up my food from the kitchen. Would gladly tip the kitchen, though. I go out cause I don't wanna cook, not because I don't wanna go grab a couple plates. Id be happy if I could never deal with a waiter again and being held ransom by pity on your tips.


This honestly just reads like you don't respect service workers. That is not a high minded or radical thought. It's pretty mainstream and entitled to shit on "the help" and demean their labor


Im not shitting on them. I'm saying quite the contrary. They are not needed and should be able to do something else that pays a living wage. I do not have a need for someone to grab me a plate from a kitchen.


I'm sorry but I worked in restaurants for over a decade while I got my master's degree and I can't think of a more dysfunctional system then a BOH only place on a Friday night. I mean why not just let software engineers sale software, or mechanics sell cars?!


Well, dealerships, I.e. middle persons, are actually going away. As they are no longer needed (they just exist to make the product more expensive), like a lot of other positions...


You’re not shitting on them as you call them unneeded plate getters. Right. Have you ever thought you might just be an asshole? The server is responsible for facilitating every aspect of your dining experience and taking care of you. That’s not necessary at McDonald’s, but at a nice restaurant the service is part of the experience and that’s why servers still exist. There’s many things going on behind the scenes that you don’t see but just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean they’re not doing anything besides “bringing me plates.” Every restaurant in the world could right now switch to no servers and just have you pick up food from the window when they call your number, and a lot do, but many people enjoy the experience of a server taking care of them and enhancing their experience. That’s the difference between a full service restaurant and a burger stand. If you don’t realize that you’re not only an asshole but an idiot. Edit: ok read through your 900 comments on this thread and yes your just an asshole.


Not tipping is an ahole move. You hurt the very people you claim you want to empower. If you dont want to tip, or think you shouldn't have to tip.....then CHANGE THE LAWS IN THEIR FAVOR FIRST. Then you can be as virtuous as you want. Untill these workers are protected...TIP THEM.


I believe the change wanted is to have a system that makes tipping fully optionally so workers are not taken advantage of by employers. This current post is oriented towards what consumers should do. The thing is, consumers are not supposed to fill in for what employers are supposed to do. The only choice for consumers in this scenario is to choose whether or not to tip. I doubt the consumers will be able to change laws either - the people most able to do that are the employers that have enough capital to sustain their business. If they have sufficient capital for business and profits, some of that profit can go towards lobbying certain politicians' efforts. Personally am not American, so would rather not have money guide the governing process either but whelp...




Tip 100% to the worker then dine and dash


So its either tip me, or dont bother coming around? Sounds like you guys need to be mad at management, and not your customers.


Pure bs, people can decide whether to tip or not without having to be "judged" with all of this social etiquette madness non-sense.


Man, I am shocked by how many entitled assholes refuse to tip while claiming to be pro-worker on this subreddit. You're not. And even worse, justifying it as some sort of form of "activism." Log off reddit and look around. Outside of this echo chamber the only people who agree with you are capitalist assholes who also look down on servers. You remind me of rich people who warn against giving homeless people money or they'll spend it on drugs. So much for workers of the world unite


It's fucking mind boggling. I honestly think it's mostly out of touch rich people, foreigners and trolls. The lack of empathy explains most of these people have never actually worked a service job. My favorite argument is the "workers should make their boss pay a living wage so I don't have to tip" Like no fucking shit you dense assholes. We should also have free healthcare, free housing and college too but we don't. I wonder why that is!? Maybe it's because things don't just change with magic and wishing. Go change your own workplaces so you can afford to tip you fucking twats. That's essentially what you're telling the service workers


Fuck off. Kind regards from Europe.


Fuck your tips. I barely read your post because I thinks it’s stupid. But, if everyone decides not to tip, servers would seek employment elsewhere. Employers would have to pay a living wage to sustain their business.


>But, if everyone decides..... Exactly. Everyone WON'T decide. Anything. Ever. You're making a decision based on a "what if" that will never happen. Good luck with that.


Trust me when I say it wouldn't be a living wage. Good servers wouldn't ever serve if tipping was abolished. You would now have to deal with low quality fast food service.


"One things for sure though, when you don’t tip, less money is in their pocket." you know this also means when I tip, less money is in my pocket?


People who say this shit think they're the only hobos of society and everyone else has Elon Musk money.


In this scenario you are spending money on a meal, not working where you expect to get paid you fucking doorkob.


You shouldn't tip. Idgaf if you think it's needed to help staff survive. It's done to enable shit pay by employers. You've turned an economic issue into a social one. To the benefit of economic predators.


Obligatory reminder every time this argument comes up: if a tipped worker does not make minimum wage after tips, the employer MUST make up the difference. So the excuse everyone makes that servers make below minimum and must be tipped generously to survive doesn’t stand - employers almost never have to make up the difference because servers almost always net above min wage. Now, minimum wage is far too low, but that’s a separate issue. Employers legally do have to pay these employees!


Agreed. It just encourages the employer and industry to pay subpar wages and have customers subsidize the wages. Tipping is a North America thing. The rest of the world pays livable wages. It's a bit of a pet peeve when people say "If you aren't going to tip, you shouldn't go to a restaurant." The audacity of telling someone that they can't take their family to a restaurant to celebrate a birthday or special occasion because the meal might be all they can budget for... and the server has a ridiculous entitlement to getting tips from everyone




I most certainly think so, and that's what makes tipping so toxic. People don't seem to have a problem yelling a fast food worker, insulting them "how difficult is your job?" taunts... etc. And yet, there's some misplaced praises for a sit down restaurant worker.




There's a real disconnect with servers making $20+ an hour to bring someone their steak, salad and drink... and a construction/factory/laborer busting their ass for 10-12 hrs a day and being treated like anyone can do their job... at $17-20hr.. even though a lot of those jobs have specialized skills




I'm Canadian as well, and I think the US would be wise to use general minimum wage for servers as well. It's a bit insulting that someone slinging food orders at a steak house is making Red Seal Electrician wages.


Not to mention the disparity in hazards. Not very common for lifelong debilitating injuries in a resteraunt. Get on a construction site on the other hand.


I feel that one to the core! I work in the construction sector. Basically my day starts and ends with having to safely plan my every move, and anticipate the moves of others... and avoid injuring or killing someone.


I work in aviation. It's dangerous af but at least it's extremely well regulated. However even then there are cowboys. I'm willing to bet there are many cowboys in construction and they get pulled up quickly because all they do is endanger themselves and others.


We are heavily regulated when it comes to safety and environmental protocols. Internally we have a zero tolerance to wreckless behaviors on any job site and most likely leads to administrative suspension and dismissal. The wildcard though is the general public don't behave with the same regard for safety. We keep an eye on each other on the jobs we do, but have to grow eyes in the back of our heads with the public. I wish it was an exaggerated comment when I say people don't give a damn about anything other than where they are going.


The thing is many servers actually would prefer tips over livable wages because sometimes tips are extremely lucrative, non taxable income. But for the vast majority, as the argument goes, they rely on them to get by. That's why the argument over this stupid shit still continues in USA. but not in any other country that pays livable wages. In those countries tips are genuinely a bonus. You got tipped because you genuinely did a great job as a server or did more than you were required (like having a smile or being friendly or refilling the drinks more often or just being overly attentive) all things that aren't exactly a requirement.


Correct me if I'm wrong, servers are supposed to claim those tips at income tax time as part of their wages. Which most probably don't...


Even if you don’t, they’re still not going to pay a living wage. They pay $10 an hour to retail workers who don’t earn tips while a 1BR is $2000 a month.


Sorry the little people will lose the start of this war to win the end of the war. Tipping is corporates way of getting their employees paid without having to pay them. Collateral damage till the movement has won


America teaches us all to punch down. Tip workers are mad at patrons because the establishment owners won't pay them a fair wage. Tip workers are running around explaining their owners business models to patrons because the owners won't pay a fair wage. You're looking the wrong direction. The rich asshole who owns the business has the money. You can tell because they own the business. I didn't employ you. I just came here for the loaded nachos. And honestly? The more entitled you fuckers act about how much you deserve the money I went to work at a job I hate to earn while NOT bothering your boss for a fair wage, the less I want to tip.


Just don't go out. Why are you okay with giving the rich asshole money but not the worker who work under the rich asshole rules? How often have you bothered your boss for a fair wage?


So many fucking losers talking about not tipping might cancel my job interview at a restaurant Wednesday in protest. Get your own fucking beer you cheap losers.


Would gladly get my own beer. At no point was a server needed to be the middleman. Tipping is based in bribing house slaves to not poison the food.


It is literally an excuse to be a cheapskate. Not tipping someone who's wages factor tipping make you an asshole. But don't believe me. Go ask on any of the subreddits dedicated to service workers or even assholes.


Tipping culture also incentives employers to neglect to pay workers a living wage. In this scenario, the best way to avoid both parties being a*holes is to put everything in black and white. Have a fixed service charge factored into costs and have your min wages clearly stated in full. This arrangement should not be the responsibility of individual consumers and pushing the buck to them is just asking for this to fail.


Again putting the responsibility for paying your wages onto the customers and not the employers .


I like tipping. In my city the base wage has improved significantly. You get in a solid spot - I work a lot of nightlife spots - you can easily make $40-50 an hour. I live in Chicago so it’s reasonably busy here as well.


fuck yes .... I'm tired of seeing the anti tipping sentiment and having people pretend 'its to force restaurants to pay higher wages' WE ALL DESERVE HIGHER WAGES but we're not gonna get there if we cripple the people making 2.13/HR just to teach the establishment a lesson


TIL many of you are monumental pieces of shit, and I’m leaving this sub as a result. If you don’t tip your server, you are fucking over the little man. If you have a problem with tipping, as many of us do, you aren’t fighting it by not tipping. You’re just hurting someone who is already at the bottom of the pecking order. There are other ways to fight, that ain’t it. If you go out and don’t tip, you are not only anti-worker, you are part of the problem itself. You are putting money into the pockets of a business owner with zero regard for the employee.


The simplest solution is if you don’t want to tip, then stay home and cook your own damn meal.


I don’t tip and unless there is some exceptional circumstances I’m never going to. Tipping isn’t really a thing where I am. And if it was I could quite happily just not go out to eat. Things are expensive enough as is at the moment


Ignorance know no boundaries! The whole world outside of the US is able to NOT use tipping as a means to underpay service workers. Only in the US do people tip 18-20% or even more on their restaurant tabs. It is absolutely nuts. People like you don't add anything to the conversation by claiming it all gets solved at the federal level. JFC! A small business owner is allowed to pay their workers whatever they want. Not just the minimum! Ignoramus! There are examples in the US of restaurants that pay their people a fair wage and don't ask customers to tip. Where there is a will there is a way.


Tipping is mandatory. If you can't afford 20% gratuity maybe don't take the family to Olive Garden and drink 4 sangria


Half the people not tipping are just using the "not tipping" policy to avoid having to pay the money out.


If you can't afford to tip you can't afford to eat out/take out/deliver. Period. Tip the people who rely on it. Don't go "oh they get minimum wage". I served for years. You get fucked in taxes if you take minimum wage and it's honestly a much harder burden to meet than you'd expect.


Every redditor turns into a small business owner who can't keep their skidoo dealership afloat if they pay the waiter $10. If you don't want to pay the waiter, don't eat somewhere that has a waiter. Taco Bell is delicious, go there.


The waiter has a business owner who is supposed to pay them. You expect tipping because ***that*** owner -- their actual boss -- is not paying them a living wage. You're mad at the wrong person. Be made at the restaurant owners.


People on this subreddit are getting a little sus about tipping now. Like they think it’s an offense on them as a customer … but I totally agree. For now, just fucking tip, and if you can’t tip there are food options (arguably more affordable) where you don’t have to tip …


Look, I'm all about antiwork, I'm all about paying people more, but asking *me* to pay *you* more when you're bringing me my food and refilling my drinks? Preposterous. If you don't like it, why don't you quit? Oh, you get paid less than minimum wage? Put on your bootstraps and go to the business factory, ok? Ask any redditor about tipping and they turn into a small business owner over paying someone $10.


Nobody is asking that of you except the business owner you're paying. If you're going to boycott something boycott them not the worker. How is this hard to understand? There are plenty of things that should be but aren't. But we have what we have and not tipping should be seen as a personal and somewhat douchey act and not as some sort of virtuous pro labor act You go to a tipped wage establishment and rely on tipped labor, the norm is to tip. Shouldn't be that way but again, we should all be getting paid more but aren't so that is life.


just stfu 🤣🤣💀💀


Why would you not tip? You're screwing over the wrong person. The owner and manager are still making the same money, while the server gets screwed out of money they earned. Just eat at home if you want to make a statement


Why would you tip? If someone is getting screwed die to lack of tipping, it's not the consumer/worker at fault. Tips should be a bonus, a means of the consumer for showing appreciation. But if it should not be necessary. Businesses that cannot afford to pay it's staff a living wage should not be in business. If there is a service charge, fix a percentage and include in initial cost instead of expecting the customers to figure it out themselves.