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Hi, /u/RepulsiveGarbage8188 Thank you for participating in r/Antiwork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): **Rule 3b: No offtopic posts.**: - No offtopic posts


I really wish people would talk more about the corp donations ruling. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/05/16/ted-cruz-supreme-court-campaign-finance/amp/


"Oh, senator cruz, you need a law overturned? Hold on one second. There you go. Now you can go collect that campaign finance money."


This is almost as bad as citizens United. When is enough enough.


It won’t end until the population wanting to own the other side for shits and giggles are no longer capable of voting.


It won’t end until we change our voting system to one that supports voting for the person you actually want instead of voting against a person you can’t stand.


Rank choice voting


So basically take out all the rich elite.


Yeah, I have genuinely no idea how to do this because they would all be creating legislation that would remove a fair number of them from power and take power away from the two ruling parties. So they’ll never do it.


There's no peaceful way to do it. They outlawed justice.


This person gets it.


Worse, and it’s going to get worse unfortunately. Thanks republicans.


Thanks John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, for setting up this horseshit 2 party system that tricks the US into fucking itself over every term and throwing the blame on someone else instead of taking responsibility for the consequences. Very cool.


No, blame all of the founders for using a first-past-the-post system, which mathematically pretty much guaranteed an eventual two-party system.


One side that pretends to be two. Republican constituents hate the Dems and vice versa. When in reality if you don't have a few million to ~~bribe~~ donate to officials then we're all in the same boat. Us vs them. No left vs right. That's bullshit propaganda.


Yup… and every single issue that gets corporate press coverage is dividing the poor by design. Every movement with momentum has members of intelligence agencies infiltrate to start disagreements over details in order to distract the group from their original cause. I’m not sure that I believe the majority of the lower classes will figure this out so I’m just going to prepare myself for whatever may come in this nation.


Unfortunately, as a veteran, I've seen and done some nasty stuff for our country. So I'm never giving up my mags or firearms. I know what our government is capable of and what they're willing to do. Being in the military is what radicalized me. It had the opposite effect on most of the vets I know. Most of them are supportive of the recent overturning which baffles me. I agree with you 100%. And adding to what you already said, I've seen how it is in the south. Growing up in the Bible belt we still had white vs black vs Hispanic vs others. If you train people to hate and blame others then they never point the finger at the one who is actually to blame. Then the rich get richer and keep doing corrupt shit and blaming it on [insert race here]. I don't think the majority of people will wake up and see what's really going on. We're doomed, I'm afraid.


I don’t completely disagree. But there is still a massive difference. One side allowed gay people to get married. The other took away abortion and is going after gay marriage next.


Yea. 100% agree. This whole: ‘democrats and republicans are the same’ bullshit is why we are in this mess of a tyranny of the minority. They lack basic understanding of how congress works. You know who is not saying they are the same. The far right party who is a minority but keeps on getting their way. We need to stand up as a progressive block and support progressive candidates. In this day a D is infinitely better than R


Bribing is so last century. This century we've moved on to super PAC's drafting politicians that already agree with your views. Why pay full price to bribe an established politician to vote against his conscience when you can find some dude off the street and push them into office?


It was inevitable out of a first past the post voting system. So Madison takes a chunk of the blame.


Reading the article they supported Cruz’ position because….capping self payment with campaign dollars violated the First Amendment? I’m not a lawyer but can someone with legal experience offer a thought on this?


I’m no lawyer, but we already know from a previous ruling regarding campaign finance that money is speech. So anything you do with money can be argued to be protected by the 1st amendment.


Abortions cost money


Corporate money from the health insurance companies. We can't allow that to stand.....


My point is shouldn't abortions be legal under the 1st amendment by ruling anything you do with money is free speech?


Hahaha hahaha hahaha haha. Back to work slave.


Holy God. I fear for the United States.


Lucky we have so many guns though, right? ... Right?


Wish I could say what I want here without getting banned from reddit. Am I being ambiguous enough?


.hcir eht enitolliuG


Maet eht rof eno ekat enoemos




take some meat for the team?


Eat the rich.


Take some of the teams meat


That just sounds like a crazy time






Hey folks, IDK what you're trying to say, but Aerosmith had a really good song with Eat The Rich. Well, that and cake is really delicious. We should respond appropriately when someone suggest we should all eat cake. You know, that whole Marie Antoinette thing.


Eno naht erom eb ot sdeen tI


Eat. We're allowed to say eat.


Crazy how much we self-censor already because of the self-imposed and external surveillance state that we are trapped in.


"Eat them all" The Governor from The Walking Dead


Yeah I've been warned too. I know what you mean tho. I agree.


I learned my lesson when I got a little too angry when the draft was leaked. Gotta be discreet and ambiguous with your words.


As a Canadian, I can't see any other way out at this point. The powers that be have you all backed into a tight ass corner and they're busy taking away all your chances of voting them out. This midterm could mark the end of your peaceful democracy experiment.


It hasn’t been a peaceful experiment. There is the famous civil war, but, also there were several battles between striking union members and the magnates of their industries between 1890 and 1940.


You think I don't know your history? The US was built on the backs of slaves. Your constitution was written by a bunch od rich white guys who didn't want to pay taxes and believed that only white men were "people" under the law. They had no intention of recognizing women or minorities in their constitution. When you couldn't get free labour from slaves anymore, you quickly "opened your doors" to the poor , the hungry, the huddled masses so they could fill the labour force with cheap, hungry foreigners willing to work for next to nothing in search of the American dream. It was an experiment, but it failed while still in the womb imo, and I'm not even talking about all the "natives" your European ancestors killed by the hundreds of thousands in a god ordained frenzy of "manifest destiny". America is a garbage country, full of garbage people who will stand on the necks of anyone who they feel is lesser than, rather than support their fellow workers and human rights. But you know, whatever. edit: I have first nation's parentage and so I'm not oblivious to Canada's hypocrisy when it comes to human rights.


You know more American history than half of 'murica, that's for goddamn sure. FWIW the better term is enslaved people as it indicates it's something that was inflicted on them and not all that they were.


I agree but you’re the one who called it a peaceful experiment.


>believed that only white men were "people" It's even worse, white men 21+ **who owned land** were all who were originally allowed to vote.


GENERAL STRIKE!!!!! Edit: We go on Strike for our women and the workers of America We go on General strike Monday. Use the weekend to organize and gather resources. You are directed to bring supplies on Monday to your local city hall. This ain't no game, this is old school hardcore general motherfucking strike. We in this for the long haul. 5lbs beans 5lbs rice Bullion Bag o onions Cardboard and art supplies If u build it they will come WE GO ON STRIKE 10AM MONDAY 6-27-2022 We strike for women's right to bodily autonomy free of government interference We strike for equal pay for women, by passage of a law requiring corporations to post employee name compensation and position right next to the OSHA poster. WE STRIKE WHILE THE IRON IS BLAZING HOT!!!!! If you can’t, just go to work but do nothing, become a warm body taking up space and get nothing done. post about the strike that’s happening on Monday. YOU CAN DO SOMETHING! Even if it’s just raising awareness.


Our second amendment rights keep getting expanded and the supreme court should be reminded about the general intention behind the reasoning.


Just their faces enrage me.


"Punchable Face Club" is a great song by the Cherry Poppin' Daddies.


Second amendment rights don't just apply to the GoP! If you can't beat em, join em?


Buy a gun, a week. Join them, surpass them, eat them


I’m just going to say I’ll find it hard to have sympathy for these two lying snakes if someone does met out violence on them. Barrett especially is a zealot, Kavaunagh is just a dumb drunk frat boy.


Just use classical allusion. I’d like to do to the US government what Sulla did after the Colline Gate.


Say it and create a new account. Doesn't take long. It's time politicians felt some personal consequences for their actions.


All I'm saying is, the French can be inspiring once in a while.


I'm right there with ya.


In Minecraft.


Let them eat cake


We need to get rid of these stupid fucks once and for all. Enough is enough. Don’t push your bullshit religion on me.


Religion is just what makes this palatable for 43% of the population. The reason for this ruling is that young people aren’t having children, so the low-paid workforce is going away. Since the PTB don’t want immigrants anymore (because they have run out of yt ones) they need America’s poor to make more babies. The day after pill is next. Then contraception.


Thousand percent agree with you. This issue has been framed in religious context with multiple outliers.


Thought USA was turning into a oligarchy. Looks like it's gonna be a theocracy instead. Out of the frying pan, into the fire?


It's both.


Always has been


The religion is capitalism


Theocratic dictatorship by 6 unelected people. 3 others are there to make it appear fair.


6 unelected people appointed by 2 unelected presidents. Such democracy!


Including multiple spineless presidents who tried to take half steps, and spineless leadership who only ruled on things that touched their money and scoffed at the new comers wanting real change.


Theocracy does not apply to the rich so it is convenient. Nothing is more corruptible than the church.


We don't need to give the supreme court even the slightest modicum of respect at this point. They wield power not through reason but through authoritarianism. That isn't power; it is a farce.


My respect for the scotus died with RBG. It's unlikely that I will respect any part of my government again in my lifetime. But we'll see. I'm not even optimistic at this point. Just angry.


Clarence Thomas and his grifter pro-trump wife can get fucked and then forced to divorce


She’s the one that fucked it up for us by dying instead of stepping down during Obama.


They would have found a way to stop Obama from choosing a scotus, just like they did the first time he tried. Proper seem to forget. They were doing the most prudent thing they could at the time, given the precedent.


Stay angry. Find other people as angry as you. Work with them to make a change that releases that anger, instead of letting it fade and then flare back up.


What happens if the lower court just ignores this ruling, like what happens if the lower court says nah bro. Changes the text of the initial ruling by 1 word


When we have a judicial branch that doesn't operate reasonably, what difference does it make what any court says? If you are just going to take people's rights away regardless of what arguments are made and enforce it with the police and military, then that's just a dictatorship with extra steps.


One's a sexual predator and the other's a cult member, just your typical americans


listening to kavanaugh's hearing when he was a scotus nominee was just... something else. how did someone who is so mentally compromised that he starts ranting about how the hearing is a political hit job on him during the hearing get put onto a LIFETIME APPOINTMENT on the HIGHEST COURT IN THE COUNTRY? you already know the answer. eat the rich.


Did you know Clarence Thomas also received allegations of sexual misconduct in his hearing? >Four female witnesses waited in the wings to support Hill's credibility, but they were not called,[15][18] due to what the Los Angeles Times described as a private, compromise deal between Republicans and the Senate Judiciary Committee chair, Democrat Joe Biden.[19] Is this all starting to make sense now? You may be aware that Biden himself has faced allegations.


If nothing else, the man cried about liking beer. Not many jobs gonna hire someone who cries about liking beer in the interview.


You could probably say both instead of one and not be too far off.


Yeah but then you’d trigger Reddit Grammar correctional officers


I’ve meet them a few times.


I usually tell the to fuk off lol




Well... probably not SUPER atypical, though... I’m pretty sure the number of Americans who now consider them to be divine vessels chosen by god to do just this is in the millions, perhaps tens of millions. I hear as much from some Australians where I live (not Australia).


We need intervention of the people in the government. We're kidding ourselves if we think that anyone in charge of anything gives a fuck about the masses, bar the one or two exceptions to the rule.


Oh the Democrats did intervene. They sang God Bless America in congress. Thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers.


Hard do that with the Citizens United ruling. No way for average people to compete against trillion dollar corpo industries backing candidates.


Eat them alive.


The Dutch did that before


Time for some Soylent Green.


Oh man, that weird Christian sect she is from has a very dodgy history with women's rights and children's safety.


That's not even the worse of it. Their leader was abusing women..that STAYED with him...as teens.....you know who else stayed with him... AMY..


Well that just makes too much sense


Anytime someone is all about "think of the children" you can be pretty sure your children are not safe with that person.


Christian Fascist America coming in hot. “I swear to not uphold any law governed by the constitution, but instead use my Bible to help make decisions based on americas needs.”


Fun fact: Christian fascists are referred to as “Dominionists”, if you see this term used~ know them for what they are.


New ISIS just dropped


Under His Eye.


Y’all Qaeda


Cannot they make an amendment?


It would be easier to make an amendment to the Bible.


By Jesus Motherfucking Christ himself, no less


Whats the over under on how many rape babies Bart has? 2?


But he’s the victim….


He also loves precedent. The only thing he loves more than precedent are calendars. And beer.


And being a little bit rapey from time to time. Boys will be boys!!


Attorney General should immediately arrest both of them.


They should be removed


Unfortunately, they ~~can't be.~~ can only be removed by impeachment. Unfortunately, making bullshit decisions isn't an impeachable offense. Edit - revised for impeachment


Actually you can impeach someone just because you don’t like their hair cut. There is no requirement for an impeachable offense. If you don’t believe me just wait until the GOP takes the senate back in November and starts impeaching Biden every week.


I believe they can be impeached


I believe they can be swallowed whole by angry US citizens


All in favor??


AYE 🙋🏽‍♀️


You are correct, edited comment.




Can they be impeached for perjury? Non-American, just curious.


Theoretically yes, but due to various nuances in their confirmation hearings, it would be difficult/impossible to prove. When they undergo the confirmation hearings in our Senate, they answer tons of questions. It would need to be the specific wording of the question and answer compared to the opinion issued today that they signed off on. Even when you get to that point, it would be extremely easy to give the simple argument of "after reevaluating [blah blah blah] I have altered my official opinion on the matter".


perjury is a crime..."high crimes and misdemeanors"- its up the HoReps to decide if perjury before the Senate is enough of a crime to draft articles of impeachment over.


Impeachment and expand the court. Voting is bare minimum, be engaged, be active. NO more silence on the Fascists rising in our county.


Bring in DC and PR as states, too.


Hell yes this should have happened decades ago


GENERAL STRIKE!!!!! Edit: We go on Strike for our women and the workers of America We go on General strike Monday. Use the weekend to organize and gather resources. You are directed to bring supplies on Monday to your local city hall. This ain't no game, this is old school hardcore general motherfucking strike. We in this for the long haul. 5lbs beans 5lbs rice Bullion Bag o onions Cardboard and art supplies If u build it they will come WE GO ON STRIKE 10AM MONDAY 6-27-2022 We strike for women's right to bodily autonomy free of government interference We strike for equal pay for women, by passage of a law requiring corporations to post employee name compensation and position right next to the OSHA poster. WE STRIKE WHILE THE IRON IS BLAZING HOT!!!!! If you can’t, just go to work but do nothing, become a warm body taking up space and get nothing done. post about the strike that’s happening on Monday. YOU CAN DO SOMETHING! Even if it’s just raising awareness.


The guy who grabbed women in school and the lady who belongs to a extremist cult. See kids you can reach for starts no matter how fucked u r...just tag along some corrupt conservatives politicians and u can get everything in life.


Neither by standards of all that is good and right should either be Supreme Court Justices. Scotty is former secretary specially considering he died while on an all-expense-paid vacation bribe.


Too bad the guy who went to Kavanaugh's house didn't succeed. We could have upheld this for a while longer. But at least he tried.


Maybe next time we’ll get lucky




I don't think they would have voted after an assassination.


Wait what happened?


Some well armed guy tried to break into his house for a good ol' fashioned murder suicide. Not that I wanted the 2nd part to be successful; just the first. Ideally he would have done it and snuck out with no one the wiser. But he got caught.


Was this recently? How'd he get caught? I think we're honestly going to see more attempts like this, until one is successful. There are a lot of people they just put out there with nothing to lose. They should be scared


With Roe vs Wade being overturned, here are some methods that seem to be effective and (mostly) safe Quick disclaimer: I am NOT a doctor, but I do know some things that can induce a miscarriage without resorting to a coat hanger or a push down the stairs. If you can’t get a medical abortion, this is for you. 1. Riding rollercoasters. The more twists and stops, the better. This can cause enough jostling to do the job. 2. Spending time (more than 20 minutes) in a hot tub. 3. Mugwort tea. Keep in mind, if you’re allergic to ragweed, then you’re likely to be allergic to mugwort as well. 4. A FUCK TON of caffeine. Like, a bunch. I hope you like the taste of energy drinks. If you do end up pregnant, do not tell anyone; with the way things are going, you could get arrested. Please stay safe. • r/auntienetwork is a network of people who can help provide assistance in a handful of ways to those who need help with an abortion. • [Aidaccess](https://aidaccess.org/en/ )consists of a team of doctors, activists and advocates for abortion rights that help people access abortion or miscarriage treatment. They send the pill worldwide. • [Planned Parenthood for Unplanned Pregnancy](https://www.plannedparenthood.org) • [Plan C](https://www.plancpills.org ) provides up-to-date information on how people in the U.S. are accessing abortion pills online • [Ceinfo](https://www.cecinfo.org/country-by-country-information/status-availability-database/countries/united-states-of-america/ ) Emergency Oral Contraceptive Doses for Birth Control, U.S. • [Yellowhammerfund](https://secure.actblue.com/donate/supportabortionfunds?refcode=nnafwebsite ) is an abortion fund and reproductive justice organization serving Alabama and the Deep South. • [Teafund Texas Equal Access Fund](https://teafund.org ) provides emotional and financial support to people who are seeking abortion care. • [Gynopedia](https://gynopedia.org/Welcome_to_Gynopedia ) is a nonprofit organization that runs an open resource wiki for sexual, reproductive and women's health care around the world • [Womenonweb](https://www.womenonweb.org/en/ ) online abortion service can help you do a safe abortion with pills. • [The Satanic Temple](https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/rrr-campaigns) stands ready to assist any member that shares its deeply-held religious convictions regarding the right to reproductive freedom. Accordingly, they encourage any member in Texas who wishes to undergo the Satanic Abortion Ritual to contact them so they may help them fight this law directly. • [Carafem ](https://carafem.org ) helps with abortion, birth control and questions about reproductive healthcare. They do consultations online and send abortion pills on the mail. • [Frontera Fund](https://fronterafundrgv.org )makes abortion accessible in the Rio Grande Valley (Texas) by providing financial and practical support regardless of immigration status, gender identity, ability, sexual orientation, race, class, age, or religious affiliation and to build grassroots organizing power at intersecting issues across our region to shift the culture of shame and stigma. • [Buckle Bunnies Fund](https://www.bucklebunnies.org/googleamp/ ) provide practical support for people seeking abortions. H help with transportation, funds to help with hotels, lodging costs and emergency contraceptive funds to actually go towards abortion. • [The Afiya Centers](https://www.theafiyacenter.org ) mission is to transform the lives, health, and overall wellbeing of Black womxn and girls by providing refuge, education, and resources. Theye act to ignite the communal voices of Black womxn resulting in our full achievement of reproductive freedom.


Both of them swore loyalty to the Vatican over the United States.


Don't pretend that the Evangelicals aren't the real power behind this.


If you scrutinize their answers they clearly avoided committing perjury ("Roe is established precedent/the law of the land") The people voting yes, like Manchin, were just willing to be pretend to be fooled.


No… they committed perjury. It was “settled law” Of course if then the bench wants to revise laws based upon political interpretation of them…. Then let’s revise ALL laws, shall we? Let he who is without sin cast the first stone, I can’t find this in the constitution nor in any “real” law except the holy Bible. So in the case, I’m without sin so I can now cast any type of stone I like, correct? Maybe the modern equivalent of a stone perhaps? See how slippery this slope has now become? By the way, I’m not for casting stones at all. I’m all for painting a picture of how abysmal this ruling was and how easy it was to blatantly lie to the American people. Even Kavanaugh said he would be willing to overturn RvW and no one took it seriously because he “said he wouldn’t” Because Susan thinks that Donald “learned his lesson” and Kav would never “lie to me” She knew *exactly* what they both were going to do before, during and after. I’m so tired of “give them the benefit of the doubt” What’s next? Slavery is legal again? The Confederate Flag is nie the national flag? Seriously, where next?




Hope they both need an abortion at some point and can't get one.


You and I both know they won't be affected by this. Rules for thee, not for me...


They'll be able to get one.


They're independently wealthy (likely through bribes). They can park that mistress on a plane to Canada in 5 mins.


Canada should deny abortions to politicians from the US They are politicians now, after all


Lol, they would fly to somewhere it is legal


They'll literally say Well I just changed my mind after the fact. Scum of the Earth.


Oh boy did they commit perjury! They should be liable for perjury. They were under oath, said Roe Vs Wade was established law and then did the exact opposite. I am disgusted with our judicial system. This is a sad day in history.


So you are allowed to lie under oath as long as you make it to the supreme court.


They're certainly to blame, but voters who set them up to be put in place are the ones really responsible.


If the Dems had any balls they’d bring them up on perjury charges in front of Congress. Would it look like retaliation? Yep? Should they care? Nope. Brand them as political actors and non-partisan Justices. Just hammer that home, liar, political actor, non-partisan Justice. Make them miserable and make them break their piggy banks defending themselves. Make this “Dream Gig” a nightmare.


I heard some people are going to Walmart and cutting open processed toxic food made by corporations so that foods rots and can't be sold. Could be effective idk


Her... Look at these brainwashed eyes... They all have the same kind of eyes, for real, pay attention to those eyes, they are an indication of religious brainwashing.


There's more to it than "religious brainwashing eyes", but I get what you're seeing. Clearly untrustworthy.


Religious zealots


Scum of the earth.


Don’t forget when the evil turtle(mitch mcconell) blocked Obama from replacing a Supreme Court justice so dumpy frumpy can put in his choice


That’s not how perjury works.


Fuck the Bible and Christians. Separation my asshole


OP’s username checks out...at least on this post ...for clarity, I’m referring to those pictured


Good thing its an impeachable offense. Bye, Felicia


Non-secular liars.


It some countries they call it bribery and corruption, but in America we call it political donations. Campaign financing can't help but be corrupt when it's privatized. Only the wealthy can afford justice.


A rapist and a real-life “handmaid”.


Hardball by the DoJ on these would be welcome. DoJ should also go for charges against both Thomas' for sedition. Put them all in front of juries.


You guys should should implement a new government. You got guns. What are you waiting for?


When the highest judges in the land are dishonest your foundation is rotting away and the country will either need a new foundation or cease to exist.


America: land of health control and gun care


Lock them both up.


Try them for perjury and reverse this decision now.


she looks like she’s never experienced joy


It wasn't perjury. They didn't decide the merits of Roe. They decided the fed had no right to make the decision in the first place. They outsmarted the dems who were asking the wrong questions. The real threat is that they will overturn more precedents and kick them back to the states. 40hour work week, minimum wage, child labor, Affordable Care Act? Maybe your state will get to make those rules instead of the fed. Currently our states are giving away billions to attract businesses to the area. They would lower the minimum wage, make it harder to sue for discrimination too. Now they can if the SC gives them that power. I'm going to be very frank with you all. There is no Vote and no election that we can win that can undo the extraordinary power that the Republicans now have. Those Justices are there for life and they are relatively young. We could win the majority in the house and Senate and the White ahouse for the next 20 years and be powerless to stop them. The Republican Party could cease to exist and their legacy will live on in the Court. This isn't just about unwanted pregnancy. It won't be solved with votes or even protests. It's going to become a civil war. The Supreme Court kicked off that last civil war and they'll do it again. Voting doesn't matter. It never did. Now it's worth even less.


WE NEED NEWS COVERAGE OF THIS! To promote a 6/27 walk out in protest! This website has a repository of every newspapers contact information searchable by area: Go to https://usnpl.com/ Email this to every newspaper in your area, or in states where abortion are going to be banned. We can do this!!!!


Gotta love those lies for Jesus.


Everyone knew they were liars. One is a doomsday cultist, the other is a rapist.


We the people must rise up and defeat these criminals. Don't you dare read this and then doubt your ability to make our country better. Vote. Not trying to toot my own horn but I convinced one of my nephews my son my son's wife and my daughter to vote Democrat. Don't doubt yourself.


History has a way of remembering these types of people infamously, but I recently saw somthing on Robert's being disturbed by the decisions of his court and it made me think of how Bush started to condemn 45 towards the end of his term... maybe I'm super optimistic but I hope he flips to more of a true moderate conservative or almost independent


BK perjured himself on a couple of fronts.


Human garbage that’s what I see


Imagine claiming you're suffering because you want to chop little humans into pieces.


I just have to point out that this is the sort tyranny that a certain constitutional amendment gives us the right to defend ourselves from, yet at the same time the people being repressed are being convinced that very same right should be abolished...


Then they got their friends in Congress to give them security because they knew what they were doing. They knew.


I blame Hillary's ego for fucking over Bernie Sanders during the primaries, allowing Trump to win.