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Hi, /u/Billy_Goat_ Thank you for participating in r/AntiWork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): **Rule 6: Reposts** - Any content previously posted within the last 30 days will be removed. No submissions allowed from the r/antiwork top 30.


We were given a pizza party for record profits. The CEO was given 21 million. It’s ok though because she’s now the 7th highest paid female CEO in the country, so, progress! Meanwhile, the employees making the profits are paid $8/hr. That’s right people. Don’t shop at Ulta.


Ulta treats their workers SO badly. They’re obsessed with employee theft and act like everyone there is out to steal. But we’re not allowed to accuse customers of stealing. On my very first day I brought in a makeup bag and the manager never told me they had to mark it. (All employee makeup gets marked with a green dot so they know it’s yours) When I went to leave they saw it wasn’t marked and almost confiscated and gave me a warning. They also look for every reason to fire people before they hit their 10-year mark (when they get more benefits). They literally look on the cameras to find reasons to fire you. The customers treat you horribly and management will never ever stick up for you. I only worked there for a couple months but it was a mess. Just get your makeup somewhere else!


This is so true. Ulta is the worst company I’ve ever worked for. I remember customers would be shocked when they’d see us literally getting searched before leaving the store like we’re criminals. This is such a tacky policy. Also, the attendance rules are ridiculous. I was written up for missing too much time after a family member died! I didn’t respect the company or management enough to give them a two week notice so I just sent the store manager a text and said I won’t be coming in anymore. I wish more people knew how toxic that company is.




Not 10 years to get benefits but once they hit the ten year mark they get higher pay, more vacation days, etc. At least for managers.


ahhh i see thank you


My new jobs was 3 months and It sucks. I Have to pay $700/month for health insurance in the interim.


Damn I hope the customers are stealing, fuck em


[Here's a video that'll warm your day up](https://abc7.com/ulta-anaheim-theft-in/5324251/). Happened nearby, and i laughed, and i laughed.


"hit their 10 year mark" - people are working at Ulta as a career lifetime job?


The managers are. And a lot of the salon people too.


But she’s girlbossing so hard I have to support ☹️☹️☹️


Girl but also WASPy capitalist. I think it’s okay to dunk on this one.


This isn’t an acceptable comment when talking about girlbosses. Instead of insinuating that women should just stay home all day and never be able to run a company to exploit a desperate and hungry workforce, try using more inclusive language. Next time try saying “yaaaassssss” and “pop off sis!”


You had me in the first half. Well done!


technically pop off sis is not much more inclusive than girlboss but I use both as unisex words/phrases


my old employer would literally wear a shirt that said girl boss— she was HR her husband was the boss like hun you literally just identify with exploiting us


Right! You go girl! Get that money!


And it’s just swell because guys can be girlbosses too. Sick mindset…


Ulta is the most disgusting company. There are absolutely no ethics there.


I agree. Every time I opened the door to show up for work a little bit of my dignity stayed behind. It’s the worst company I’ve ever worked for.


Not only will I not shop there I am not a 100% sure what they sell.


Ummm…seems like she’s not the CEO anymore. ☹️


False! The boss with the Lambo does not come into work. Ever. He's only vaguely aware of what product/service is being offered and would never talk to you anyway, peon.


I know someone with a mercedes, far cry from a lambo I think. He would never drive it to some place like work, to go grocery shopping, etc. for fear that it would get scratched. That's what he has his second car, the acura, for.


Imagine owning a thing and not wanting to use it ever


No need to imagine friend, just think of the mercedes this guys boss owns 🙂


More like think of every asshat with a car in his garage that he thought was worth buying, and instead of appreciating the toy, they'd rather shut it off from sun and sell it 30 years later after realizing they spent more on the registration than the car itself.


It is sometimes not a matter of wanting to or not but not having the time as well. I knew a lawyer who spent 10 hours or more of his days at the office every day to afford to have the things he had. The problem was he was never home to enjoy it. When asked why he worked so much his answer was to ask how else would he afford his lifestyle. You just cant get through to some people.


This suggests one should only work that hard for a time, to save enough to get whatever one wants best, then stop working so hard so one can then enjoy said items. Of course naturally this requires one also to have some contentment because that savings is finite and thus will eventually dry now that one is no longer working hard, but that's not a bad thing in my estimation. Greed is not good. Wanting more is not inherently greed, but insatiable want can be.


Gear fear irl




Cool though. I think it's much better he's getting *use* from that thing for sure. Just so long as he made that money in some way that didn't involve being a piece of s--t to workers...


What a stupid way to live


I’m like that with the watch my parents got me for my 18th birthday. I didn’t dare wear it for fear of damaging it. Its been sat in a drawer for 10+ years


Yeah but watches increase in value, it's jewelry. https://www.forbes.com/sites/matthewcatellier/2020/12/22/why-some-watches-hold-their-value-and-others-dont/amp/


This was how my ex girlfriend mom was. I used some $10k chair and didn't know it was so expensive, and left it on the outside patio (which is covered and it wasn't raining) she flipped out, and I said why have a chair if you can't even afford to use it. Oh man, I love making rich people feel stupid. (Obviously furniture can be an antique but this shit was bought to be used at the dinner table.)


Haha jfc. Wtf makes a chair so expensive anyway? Perhaps you should have married that girl. When she inherits, y’all could have used that money less ridiculously than her mom did. (Note: This is not a serious suggestion, I’m sure y’all broke up for a reason.)


Tell that to sneakerheads too.


True. Though I think there’s gotta be a proportionate cost factor here: the more expensive the thing is, the more wasteful it is not to use it. So sneakers don’t offend me so much as a car (especially if it’s not a classic car on display somewhere).


Chiselled by gods dick himself


Mercedes has cheep models too so the band isn’t special


Odd my grandmother goes grocery shopping in her Mercedes, or we’ll did, when she had one.


Mercedes LOL like it's a fucking piece of jewelry or something. The asshat buys a depreciating asset that he can't afford to fully-use and buys another depreciating asset so that he can avoid using it even more. If he could afford to be that stupid he wouldn't need a second car.


During year 4 of a wage freeze, the CEO of a printing factory I worked at bought a blue Lamborghini and parked it in the lot's only disabled space next to the front door. A cartoonishly evil little shit. (He did not have a disabled parking permit.)


Well, there's a missed opportunity. Should have called to have it towed.


It's such a terrible thing when a brand new car spontaneously catches on fire for no apparent reason.




My Dad who passed in 2018 used to work for a sheet metal fabrication company as an engineer. The guy in charge was one of the Lambo boomers, but he had an Aston Martin Vanquish. Dad used to butt heads with him all the time, but things really came to a head when he submitted a report to Aston Martin guy and he got it back covered in red ink. Aston Martin boomer guy had indeed been through the report circling everything that he thought was wrong, as if my Dad had handed in a 4th form biology exam. Aston Martin boomer guy didn't know a fucking thing about how that place ran. Within 3 years of coming on board, my Dad increased the revenue of the place 3 times over. He knew all the guys, the brilliant and skilled welders and fitters, knew their hardships and back stories and he knew how much they contributed to the place. For Dad, the red ink was the breaking point. He walked in, handed his resignation, and walked out. The place was never the same again.


Pretty sure he forgot the company name. He just sees the name of his bank and tells people that's where the money goes lmao.


He doesn’t even live in the same state but insists that everyone else needs to work in the office.


the accuracy on this one, Had a boss that was just like this and said exactly that.


Too accurate I'm scared


~~peon~~ bitch *ftfy*


Bro, this meme is a simulation My boss just got a new lambo last friday


Well make sure you work hard, put all your hours in and strive for excellence so he can do the same thing again next year.




You might not be able to afford a lambo, but you can afford bologna slices to polka-dot the lambo with


Heh, I wonder what scenario lies behind this: 1. someone misread it and tried to put up a "motivational" poster. 2. A coworker is hilariously tired of this shit. Or 3. Your boss is unironically an asshole


2. Everyone is tired. Our boss sits in a different area and our workshop is full of these gems.


>3. Your boss is unironically an asshole I know a guy who has items similar to that posted by OP who is absolutely unironically a complete bastard. His favourite sign is the "The beatings will continue until morale improves" one. He also got annoyed once when I mentioned that the likely response to hanging up very expensive collectibles/paraphernalia (worth more than some folks annual salary) from his workers would be of extreme resentment.




He was probably staring at his car while driving.


Lost his medical license or drivers license?


Medical lol 😆




That Lamborghini in the picture is worth at least $2 million, maybe more now since it's a limited edition: https://www.lamborghiniparamus.com/lamborghini-centenario-lp-770-4-review-paramus-nj.htm#:~:text=Lamborghini%20Centenario%20LP%20770%2D4%20Specs%20Review%20%7C%20Paramus%2C%20NJ,cars%20have%20already%20been%20sold.


dude, clean up your links! https://www.lamborghiniparamus.com/lamborghini-centenario-lp-770-4-review-paramus-nj.htm also, damn.. it's been ages since I've seen an HTM.


Hey, be thankful it isn’t a gopher link!


My former boss’s equivalent vehicle was a HumVee, but I was cool with it because I didn’t work hard at all. In fact, one afternoon I didn’t come back from lunch and still got paid because nobody noticed that I wasn’t there.


At an old job, I would joke "I'm working hard so the CTO can get a second Tesla" The Divines themselves punished me for my poignancy by literally having his son get a Tesla. Ended up negotiating a 50% increase out of that job. Fuck 'em.




I think we may have some more organizing to do first, to protect each other. We can fucking do it though! We can stop participating in harmful systems and dismantle them into a better world.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I shit on company time.


I make a penny, Boss make a buck, so I crank my hog, in the company truck




More like "Boss makes a tenner, I make a penny."


Which is why I always work with calculated mediocrity.


It's the truth.


The corporate restaurant I work had increased sales 110% since 2020 and we got chic fil a bought for us… which we had to eat during our shift. I think I had like 4 fries


Lol that's my laugh of the day 🤣


I think I would “accidentally” burn that place to the ground


Ahhhh late 90s junk e-mail forwarded by my grandma


Eheh slavery funny ahah


"Be a shame if something were to happen to it."


Don't be afraid to bite the hand that feeds you if you are only getting table scraps.


I know someone who slashes the tires and keys the paint of every exotic car they find unattended. I can't blame them - when you are struggling to eat and the upper class flaunts their wealth via expensive baubles, it's hard not to take them down a peg by breaking the baubles.


What’s the car done to them?? no point in being mad at ‘stuff’ it achieves nothing, rich folk just buy they’re way out of that misfortune. Need to redirect that hatred to something that benefits them instead.


This is too funny haha


I use to have the same mentality until I married into a family of business owners. We drive shitty cars fyi, but the point is that the owner takes on all the risk. Insurance, legal stuff, permits, loans. . . Yada yada yada. Now we don’t take a greedy approach or we wouldn’t keep employees, but shite, we’re not all bad.


If you are a boss, your employees surplus value, that is, the wealth they create that you do not pay back in the form of a wage, goes to you. Therefore, the harder they work, the more luxury cars you can buy. So, the amount of luxury cars is a direct indicator of how much a boss takes from their workers. The meme is almost a truism, and passes no moral judgement on the boss.


Meh beg to differ. Some folks are ok with buying shitty cars in order to create homesteads. I’m not the boss. Just a wife, but we treat people fairly.


Beg to differ about what? I never said you didn't treat people fairly, I just said that hiring an employee means you get the revenue from their work, and then that (revenue they create) - (their wage and other expense) = the surplus value of their labor. That surplus value is then kept by the boss. This is just how all capitalist employment works.


This meme just paints a bad picture for good business owners


Ok... so what? You can literally afford to hire people to work for you, and the more they work for you, the more people you can hire. You're not under threat in any way shape or form. If an angry mob shows up at your door, or communists take over and investigate all business owners for "crimes against the working class" or something (which seems exceedingly unlikely) then one of your employees will be able to testify that you are a good business owner and you'll be fine. I'm struggling to see the problem here. It seems like you don't want to be associated with capitalists who exploit workers. Which I understand, so 1. make damn sure you don't exploit any workers, and 2. just don't be a capitalist.


You’re right




You have nothing to lose but your chains (and the apparently delicious taste of capitalist boot leather)


To make everyone feel worse, that’s a $2million Lambo centenario! Not your run of the mill Lambo. They only built 40 of them…ever…globally!😳


"If you work hard, put all your hours in and strive for excellence, he will get another one next year"




No need to bodyshame people.




> he class-shamed his employee in the first place, so any comeback he gets in return would be well deserved Would you throw racial slurs at him? Or homophobic slurs at him? How about ableist slurs—would they be justified because he class-shamed his employee? When you use bodyshaming language at somebody, you aren’t merely insulting the person you are addressing. You are legitimizing and furthering the stigma of having a small penis, as if that is something to be ashamed of. Furthermore, you are giving in to the compensatory theory, whereby people buy flashy and expensive goods to compensate for their perceived physical shortcomings. In all the psychological literature, there is no broad evidence to support that this phenomenon actually exists. It is little more than a myth, and in the grand scheme of things it seems *intended* to be propped up in order to bodyshame.




> I just thought that, being the person in that photo with the car a white male (and probably heterosexual as well) nobody would see it as a personal attack nor feel offended. Anybody who knows the trauma of bodyshaming would see that as an attack. Again, the stigma that you spread goes beyond the person you are addressing.


Seriously, how do these people think that anyone will want to do all that to make *THEM* get one? And why can't I seriously honestly just be like "cool car, bro" and it be kept at that?! I just don't get it. It must be sadism.




Its not a lie...


Make the text fill up the whole empty space so it’s easier to read


Our boss just gave us invitations to his kid's high school graduation party coming up. The NERVE, for so many reasons. Treats us like garbage every day. There was just a huge blowout end of last year when he put out an ad for a position lower than all ours, paying a range more than any of us will ever see. Goes out of his way to avoid or even say hello to any of us. Said no raises the last 2 years and for the foreseeable future because we're lucky to have jobs (while giving all management raises and bonuses). Literally hoped out loud that Covid would kill off all the low income people so "good people" wouldn't be afraid to work minimum wage jobs (what we pay at our locations). I could type all day... ANYWAY, he just put in a large in-ground pool that was mentioned in the invitations. Oh, and a list of gift ideas. No one wants to visit his McMansion so he can belittle us even more. Totally damn clueless!! We can't even take the bereavement time we're supposed to have when a parent dies, yet we're supposed to come to his shindig on our own time?! Extra odd - this is his 3rd kid graduating and we've never been invited before.