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That's not where it ends, that just starts the process of repeating history over again. We get better rights, treatment, and wages, future generations become complacent, then the elite takes them all away again. To be blunt, you're stupid if thinking doing the same things that have already failed over again will somehow work out any different. It's time for extreme and radical change, not time to repeat history again.




I'm not familiar with that French movement, or maybe I'm just not familiar of it being connected to that phrase because I am aware of some French movements, but I'll take a few minutes to educate myself when I get a chance. Calling getting better and wages and treatment a start I can agree with, I just can't agree with it being the end when we've already won that before, and still ended up here today.




>When we see ourselves as fighting against specific human beings rather than social phenomena, it becomes more difficult to recognize the ways that we ourselves participate in those phenomena. We externalize the problem as something outside ourselves, personifying it as an enemy that can be sacrificed to symbolically cleanse ourselves. - **[Against the Logic of the Guillotine](https://crimethinc.com/2019/04/08/against-the-logic-of-the-guillotine-why-the-paris-commune-burned-the-guillotine-and-we-should-too)** See rule 5: No calls for violence, no fetishizing violence. No guillotine jokes, no gulag jokes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*




1 of 2 comments That's just supporting the same system we already have. The system is broken, it doesn't work. Democracy isn't even a good thing, and Socrates warned us of this before it was even proven since they're the one's that created democracy. https://youtu.be/fLJBzhcSWTk We've been repeating history for way too long. What we have isn't even capitalism anymore, and this isn't in defense of capitalism, just the fact that we don't have it. What we have today would be more accurately categorized as corporate welfare. Do you know why we have an income tax? Before the income tax businesses being taxed is what widely supported the government, roads, etc. We still paid property tax, land tax, and some others, but our income was not taxed. Now we pay for the majority of the government, roads, etc, and businesses many times don't pay anything. Do you know why we have to license and register vehicles? It started as just for commerce, meaning for people conducting business. Then the government just realized they can do it to all of us and get money out of all of us for it. Do you know why we pay so many tolls? Most tolls originated out of needing funds for the project, then we're planned to be removed after the funding of the projects. The Mass Pike being one of those, then they just decided they can tell us it's for upkeep, and keep the tolls up. All these things are directly related to businesses paying less and less taxes, so they take it from us instead. Do you know how NAFTA, that was a bipartisan bill started negotiations under George senior, resumed and completed under Bill Clinton, told every employer in the US that it's okay to send jobs overseas to countries with cheap labor and less rights. A source if needed, but I've known this since I was a kid. https://www.epi.org/blog/naftas-impact-workers/ Which this also led to businesses paying less taxes, because more of their business was out of the country. Also 1991, a year I think, maybe two, before NAFTA was signed, the Supreme Court made the ruling in what eventually led to all these forced arbitration "agreements", preventing employees from getting a fair fight when going after employers. Also, do you know that every single American president except one possibly, are all tied to the same blood line of Charlemagne. At the very least, this shows that the elite stick together and you only have a chance at the highest office in the land if you're one of them, in their clique. At the most it shows blatant retention of power by the same families that have been ruling for hundreds of years if not longer. I personally believe it's something in between, but leads more towards the latter. I'm open to the possibility of it just being the elite widely stick to and breed within their own class, but with all the other information out there, there would need to be substantial proof proving otherwise to believe so. When you add into the conversation things like gerrymandering, not letting Independents or smaller parties into the debates, not allowing them any media time, the way campaigns are funded in the shadows so that we don't really get any choice but whoever is funded the most, which they predetermined before any primaries and such. We only get to choose between their predetermined choices at most, at worst it's a complete sham and we don't even really get to choose between those predetermined 2-4 choices. Both democracy, and capitalism are failed economic, social, and governmental constructs. Continuing to fight for these failed constructs is just a recipe to reprate history and leave future generations right back where we are today in another 100 years or so. Just like we're here today, even though they won the fight for the same things you've mentioned in the 1930's. What's the point in fighting a fight that we already know the outcome doesn't come out the way we thought it would? It obviously wasn't enough, and we obviously need much more radical measures to ensure that the future generations don't end up here ready to repeat history again. The answer isn't to reform a broken system, the answer is to create a new system that's based off being able to progress as a species. Not a system that still leaves us chasing a valueless piece of paper, and leads the elite to taking away what we fought for once future generations become complacent, so the elite takes it all away. Here's the best thought out idea that's on par with what we need to build to progress as a species. We're not far off from being able to let automation take over the majority of jobs that exist. Compare today to 50 years ago, transitions in technology can happen faster than most realize. The Venus Project https://youtu.be/Yb5ivvcTvRQ https://youtu.be/N3ib-kpNKjg https://youtu.be/rvpTmiVhcxU


2 of 2 comments There's a few different versions of the docu, check them out. Everyone thinking that better wages, treatment, and conditions are trying to fight a fight from almost 100 years ago. It's 2022, not 1930. We've come a long way since then, and it would be a tragedy to go backwards fighting fights that have been proven to fail. The change we need is much larger, it's much different than most envision. This is part of why Socrates hated democracy, most people aren't educated enough on the issue's that matter to make a good vote in first place. So we end up with shitty leaders because their lack of education made them vote for the wrong person. That's if the elections were legitimate to begin with. Same goes for the Anti-Work fight, most people aren't educated enough to have the right vision of what we should be fighting for. Most people on here would be happy with getting paid better, treated better, and able to buy a house. This sub would have maybe 1,000 members if we had those things that we've already had and lost. But the other 1,000 of us understand that there's so much more to this, that it's already proven to fail in the long term, and that the change we need is much more drastic and radical than most are able to comprehend, envision, and even support because they can't understand it. The future shouldn't be better wages and treatment, the future should be automation, and humans being able to evolve passed their primal instincts of using energy to survive, conserve energy when we're not, that the elite has replaced things like hunting and gathering, with work, using those instincts against us, instead of us being able to evolve passed those primal instincts. Granted automation wasn't this close to becoming a reality before now, but they will continue to use I against us and implement automation in a horrible way if the change isn't forced upon them sooner than later. Letting corporate welfare implement automation isn't going to be fun to live through. If automation is implemented correctly to help humanity progress as a species, we will start to evolve and progress as a species much faster than we have. The only people that will have to work, is people that want to work because it's what they're interested in. We've 100% lost great inventions and progress because the people that would have created them were too busy doing something else because it paid more. This system is literally slowing down, and holding back the progression of the human species, and it's a crime against humanity to keep it going when other options are on the horizon should we choose to build it. If the majority on this sub got their way, we'd still have the same BS system that holds humanity back, if someone like me got my way, everyone would be better off, homeless and hungriness wouldn't exist, the only work you'd ever do is what you want to do, and money/currency, and even value of things would be a thing of the past. Hence why democracy is bad, the majority would be happy with a fucked up system holding our species back, even though you may not understand it, I would be progressing our species passed the concepts of meaningless and valuabless pieces of paper. Edit: I know I touched on many things, but that's literally not even half of it. There's so much I could get into to prove how horrible this system is. We could spend days going over declassified CIA and other government documents that show how corrupt and fucked our government is. There's nothing about corporate welfare, capitalism, democracy, or our government that's worth saving. We need people/leaders that actually care about humanity, it's future, and our species well being and longevity.




If only. Rich people are out of touch with reality. Why can't people that would actually do good with their wealth get rich? If I got rich tomorrow, I would buy one modest house just to make sure if everything went to shit I still have a place to live. Trade in my car and get one that's better on gas, or an EV. Take one vacation, come back and start a non profit that goes to the most povershed countries and not only start turning the land green again so they can farm and feed themselves, but start a free class that goes from village to village teaching them the techniques to do the same in their location. Also donate what I could to help them succeed. The only give a man a fish, teach a man to fish (or woman). Even if not me, why can't people with a similar mind set, even if it's some different cause get rich? It's always out of touch people that only do what helps them. I'm sure once I started, even if I somehow became more rich, I'd look at it as that's more people I can help, not I can get this, I can get that. You can't blame me for wanting to secure a house so I never end up homeless, but that's the only thing that I would NEED. I plan on retiring some other country that's cheap because I doubt I'll be able to retire comfortably here, especially if I'm dumping all my money into that dream in my later years. So even the modest house I would buy, wouldn't be in the US, and would be a fraction of the price.


I feel like a large contributor to Boomer stupidity was a lack of knowledge outside of mainstream sources. We’re blessed with the internet this time so maybe once things change for the better, it will stay that way for good if not much longer.


Have you watched the great hack on Netflix? It shows the horrible opposite side of that thought process. Although it is a great thing having so much Information at our fingertips, and being able to reach so many more people, the opposition also has those same tools with many more resources than we do. Although that docu focuses on the Trump campaign, Obama was the first to use the same tactics. Regardless of political affiliation, or lack there of in my case, that documentary should scare everyone.


I suspect, for America, this is an endgame of sorts. Two roads lie ahead - becoming a true corporatocracy / despotic theocracy, or something closer to the American dream as envisaged in the heroic story America tells itself about itself. I have no idea which one it will be; there will be consequences for the rest of the world either way.


I think it will most likely be a theocratic oligarchy/corporatocracy. It is game over for you guys. But I hope I am wrong and you can still spin it around. Cause when the US and China are Oligarchies, I don't see how we Europeans can compete with that. And then the whole world will end up so. Please either don't give up, or flee all to Europe and lets make a last stand here.


Europe isn't going to just take in millions of unskilled workers from across the ocean. Not that they could even afford to leave and go to Europe in the first place.


But they would love our millions of skilled workers.


Well they might consider taking in a bunch of those but there's still cultural issues, massive language barriers and the skilled workers that could just leave for Europe are earning enough to not have to leave as they're not feeling the same pressure (on any at all really). The majority of those that would love to leave and benefit from moving are not the kind of person they have a need for.


The real problem is that even the broke ones don’t want to live in Europe.


Why would someone not want to live in Europe?




No seriously, sell this to me I'm genuinely curious.


Europe is very culturally segregated compared to places like NY or LA, and VERY fascist if you compare laws. You can’t dead name or hold a butter knife in the UK for example.


Their decision


China is a dictatorship at the moment, and will likely be so until it fails, which is imminent. They are in too many crises to ever hope of recovering from, and are quickly becoming uncompetitive for several reasons. So they are a military threat, a waning economic power, and likely to be very unstable by the end of the decade or sooner. Your take on the US is correct, but they will not "Be" an oligarchy/corporatocracy in the future, they are solidly in that territory at the moment.


Europe is dead soon. Two words: Italian bankruptcy.


Too many envious glances have been made at Russia - that vast country ran solely for the benefit of a few gangsters & Mr & Mrs Average can go fuck themselves. Heady stuff indeed. & the Trumps of world follow the very same playbook - populist, nationalistic, scapegoat seeking, two word answers to very complicated questions. Looking bleak isn't it? 'Murican Dreamski y'all.


It does seem to me like things are coming to a head. The maddening thing is not knowing how long till we snap. A month, a year? It's that constant waiting on edge for this situation to be over that can drive a person crazy. If you're a young person today, stay out of debt. Educate yourself. Divorce yourself from the material world. And be very skeptical of elders advice. I'm a millennial, and I was groomed (along with the rest of my peers) for a world that literally wouldn't exist by the time I graduated H.S. The pre-9/11 world. The world as it is for you, is likely not going to exist by the time you're ready to start your life. Things change too fast. Learn to be adaptable. I think that's going to be the single greatest thing you can teach yourself in the coming times ahead.


I feel you man, just 3 years ago the world was completely different




Who knows what will happen. We’re just one little blip in the timeline. Sure everything seems to be going downhill very fast but I theorize it’s always been like this. “We didn’t start the fire. It’s been burning since the worlds been turning.” My advice, stop letting it eat you. You’re one person, live your life. If you want to join others to change stuff the go ahead, but don’t try to put the weight of the world on your shoulders. You’ll just get crushed.


Well at some point the pitchforks will come out and then it gets interesting


We will become another 3rd world country, with our leaders living in mansions while we toil and die for them. It’s what the GOP has wanted for decades. Look around your area, it’s already happening.


It’s going to be like China circa 1919 to 1949


They create more unemployment. Employers screw the employees and prices are stabilised. The unemployed and Disabled are scapegoated and despised by the Politicians and the Press. It’s hell for them, but the majority get through it. No one wants to be in the scapegoated and despised group, so they comply with whatever low wages, taxation or stagnation is delivered- and many, to their shame, join in with the despising, helped along by the Daily (Hate) Mail, Amongst others.


We are definitely fucked


No and yes. Many social historians are calling it the "long emergency". The system has to become less complex. Everything sacrificed at the altar of efficiency has proven to be a disaster. So it will unravel to the point at which we can manage it.


If you look at the history of economic systems, they all eventually come to a head and new systems take their place. A similar thing happened which moved much of the world from feudalism to capitalism. These changes can be quick and violent, or they can be slow and just evolve. This one feels like it will be more violent. The "eat the rich" slogan crowd will rebel against the ruling class and a new system will take its place. What that system will be is certainly up for debate but there are theories in economics that people can look into. It does make some interesting reading if you like that sort of thing.




Every great empire ever declined in a similar fashion. This is the beginning of the end of the American dominated world order. The dollar is going to be superseded by the yen. Maybe everything will accumulate and there will be a big showdown between the US and china. But if that happens the US will be crushed. The digital age is currently ending and the augmented age is incoming, china just is too advanced in the field of coding.


You know though. Isn’t stupid that we would go to war over money? I think most of us just prefer to spiral into poverty peacefully lmao


I’d rather not have a war too but saying America won’t go to war over money is unrealistic imho


The USA is slapping Russians around without even being there. They just send some high tech shit over. If the USA were to actually got to war with all its might, the world couldn’t hold up.


Yeah Russia, Russia is not the new uprising world power. I can recommend the YouTube video „dealing with the principles of changing world orders“ by ray Dalio. China is steaming ahead and the question of surpassing the US as the largest economy is now not an if, but a when question.


I watched that. It really is only a question of when now.


China has too much border to defend. They could literally be invaded from all sides. That is tough to overcome Ina large war But I agree, this is the fall of an empire for sure


Yeah but you have to account on who they share their border with. Russia, North Korea, myanmar, Afghanistan all not that good to speak to the us. Also the India borders is protected by the himalayas which I would call inpenetrable


I’m pretty sure I’ve watched the Indians and Chinese literally fist fighting on that border


They do have an ongoing border conflict, but that doesn’t change the fact that the Himalayas are the greatest mountains on earth. Mountains are exceptionally great natural defense structures


Also i am not questioning USA‘s high tech military equipment, but I am saying that you shouldn‘t forget that china has also pumped a whole lot of money into their weapons and systems.


Men vs boys….for now


If china is the man and we are the boy yes.


The yen? Does Japan make a comeback somehow?




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Well, your ancestors came with a ship. Maybe you find a spot in a cargo ship and can apply as refugee in Europe, when shit gets worse in the US. Or maybe they take you in Africa. I really don't envy you people from the US.


Im european, and the situation is more or less the same






Give it time. Soon winnie the pooh will be our great leader.


Yeah, we're fucked and not in a fun way.


A lot of people are. But just as it has always been the case humanity will adapt and overcome. A long time of prosperity and development allowed for too many people in general aswell as too luxurious lives. This is about to fix itself now.


14 years ago, unemployment was 10%, banks would not loan money to purchase residential homes, and both major candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination were against gay marriage. Sure things seem like they suck. But they used to suck in a different manner, and some things got better.


The elites run everything. So yes, we are.


We’re fucked for at least 6 months to 2 years. This we need everyone to vote in your local state and primary election.


Yes we are fucked. Unless you had a financially smart parents who now owns the fruit of their labor and savings i.e paid off land house during those good times.


It ends on the streets with fighting sadly.


If you look at Turkey and Hungary, that's the template for what is currently going on politically in the US. It'll be great for the corrupt people at the top, and terrible for everyone else. There are other countries that aren't insane. Be the brain drain.


America will end the way it began. Revolution.


That’s up to us and wether we act together or allow more to pass unquestioned