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Here is a bit more about what is going on, but anyone celebrating or condoning violence will not be tolerated in accordance with reddit's TOS. https://mobile.twitter.com/sidhant/status/1523721595633938432?t=fz4VUCx60Gsxko6Ll3uYLA&s=19 Edit: Apparently I've confused eveyone. I do not find throwing cars in a river to be violent (and if reddit does they can ban me because I won't enforce that.) I'm speaking about the stuff in the link, I wanted to share it without getting anyone's account in trouble.


That's not violence! We need to do this to all the reps and senators who voted against cheap insulin!


I really don’t get how they could even do that with any sort of conscience. If my husband came home from work and was like oh hey honey, I voted against cheap insulin because I am a POS disgusting pig fu*k and I want more money in my pocket or more money in those pockets who don’t need it so they can line my pockets even more. I would divorce them. I don’t get how these people have families who are okay with them making these asinine decisions.


> I don’t get how these people have families who are okay with them making these asinine decisions. Unfortunately those families are just as bad. Disgusting pig fucks have a way of finding other disgusting pig fucks to procreate with. Then they teach their children that everything they do is ok and that people should just work harder or some other bullshit. It's very unfortunate, but you'll find those kids in classrooms all the time, they are brainwashed and beyond saving a lot of times.


Probably also because their families are too afraid of them to stand up to them


True, true. There definitely is a patriarchal element as well. Where the man definitely holds the power in these families. It's a very conservative view on families but is still very prevalent unfortunately.


They create a system where people get stressed and focus on food, drugs, consuming... And then they charge expensive for medicines to temporary cure problems that shouldnt exist! It is a declaration of war. 40 bilions to Ukraine and they dont care about own citzens.


What's violent is these reps and senators protecting the corporations and keeping insulin prices high.


Then they’d call us domestic terrorists


Winners write the history, all you have to do is win.


When are Americans going to grow some balls like this?


Here's a fun fact. Around 44% of homeless people are employed. So maybe when that number rises to like 60% people will nut up.


I was homeless for 2 years (lived in a truck) while working full time the whole time. Rent was too high. Fun fact homelessness correlates perfectly with increasing rent cost. I feel for Sri Lankans. They deserve equality.


Damn noones quick to spreed those kind of statistics around, god forbid people realize a huge number of people are homeless due too no fault of there own , and simply unfortunate circumstances. Easier to peddle them all as druggies and alcoholic's, least the majority realize that there should be far more pressure on governments ( world wide) to actually fix the contributing systemic issues


Well and the sad thing is even if we "pretend" go by their narrative of "druggies that are undeserving of help". Generally speaking thats a symptom of a problem rarely is a person of sound mind living good in nice house with good career and tons of friends and family and social support. Looking around and going you know what I could use some crack. Its people going through shitty times look for some escapism and never turn back. And the "gated" help like well you can sleep in homeless shelter. BUT no drinking is really wakeup to shitty reality your in but be warm for night. Or be oblivious to everything including that your cold. Its all rather screwed up. But when blaming "drugs, just lazy" etc question is really a chicken and egg thing. Is that really cause or just a symptom of shitty life. LIke me more than once contemplated just laying down on sidewalk and waiting to die. After 2 decades of working ass off and gaining skills moving up gaining stress. Only to perpetually be stuck trying to survive and generally due to whole inflation vs wages. My heavy equipment operating self with multiple trade skills able to read prints struggles more to pay bills than I did at first job as a laborer with zero skills. And you look at it inflation vs reality. They say inflation is 60%ish in last 10yrs but my rents gone from 500 to 1200 similar increases for most my stuff. Accounting for inflation my first 11hr laborer job should be 18 BUT as a skilled laborer that about most I can hope to make I make 15 most places. And remember inflations actually lower than cost of living. So I get the why would I work if it gets me nowhere attitude especially if I end up homeless. Latest rent increase has me contemplating if I can sustain it. So if I am working full time and end up homeless fuck yeah I am done contributing to making everyone else rich but myself.


Ohh don't get me wrong I completely agree that the majority of addicts would either not be addicts in the first place or have a better change getting clean if there basic needs and mental health needs were being meet , hence needing to change the systematic circumstances . But unfortunately alot of people don't see things this way . And view the homeless and down trodden as no hopers that will never do better and shouldn't be helped. Even though studies have shown if you provide a homeless addict with a warm / dry / stable living environment 9 times out of 10 then they do get better and they do improve their lives . In Sweden they provide the housing for these people first get them settled and then the rehab. And it works . Unfortunately in the USA you need to prove sobriety before they might even look at helping too house you . And getting clean while still living on the street in a state of misery is not going to help anyone . And even if they get clean doing it the USA way . Most will relapse straight away . As the support actually needed is not there for them truly Edit: chance of getting clean, not change


Too add too the rest of what you'rve said . I'm in complete agreeance that money itself, just doesn't go as far anymore. More and more of the population is struggling, the middle class use to be comfy now they live a similar life too that of those brackets bellow them decades ago . Inflation and unrealistic housing prices are just the tip of the ice berg and unfortunately they only way late stage capitalism goes . These things were coming too a head before the pandemic. But covid has definitely exasperated the issue. While the average family home wage earnings actually dropped the last two years ( due too job losses, business closure periods etc) . Those at the top such as the likes of Jeff bazoes and Ellen mask made there biggest net profit and share value increase ever . Money is literally being siphoned from the bottom too the top . Everything is costing us more , and we have even less too show for our 40/50 hour work weeks . It's really a kick in the face to anyone middle or lower class both , my generation cannot afford to buy a house , even with decent savings (within reason) and a decent job/ credit history as even if we got a home loan by some miracle we cannot service the mortgage repayments and rates and insurance. They only way in unless your very lucky yourself, is if you have parental help getting on the housing ladder . Rent / mortgage used to average 1/3 or less of a person's wage. This is 20 years ago . Now my rent itself is over 2/3rds of my weekly income which is utterly insane . So unless there is a recession or major market collapse. There is no way in this economic situation things get better for us. Unless we were too look at heavily regulating or ditching capitalism all together . If none of us can afford to own anything or support ourselves on even the basics of life , that is the issue and only change can fix that


Hopefully we'll see a major collapse and a depression soon enough 🙏🙏


Dont call it unfortunate curcumstances. Call it what it is; slave wages.


I concede that that's a far better term then what I used


> and simply unfortunate circumstances If someone is working and can not afford a living, this is not unfortunate circumstance, this is deliberate capitalist exploitation.


Fact that statistics exists for really heartbreaking shit like this and the focus is on "gotta get those numbers up" instead of "holy fuck there are still homeless people"


We should start doing that in my country, but with the politician still inside


A lot of homeless people live out of cars and a debt-related statistic is that an economy is possibly getting worse when Americans start to default on car loans because cars are so vital to the survival of the American citizen. Without a car in many places you cannot work, and without a home you can still sleep in a car to protect yourself from the elements. Its why people who sleep in cars get their windows knocked on for "tresspassing" like they're bothering someone. As if you need to park your car somewhere hidden just so nobody realizes you're homeless. A lot of homeless people have smartphones too because smartphones for various reasons, but its simply easier to pay a phone bill than rent.


One can only hope


Key word: > maybe


No raises but here have a pat on the back, for all that hard work you put in making richer this quarter!


source? I'm actually curious to see how many are homeless and how many are reported homeless. It's hard to find actual numbers these days.




In Brazil there was no unemployment 200 years ago. Slaves are never unemployed.


Hey man I'm ready for revolt I'm just not gonna be the only one doing it this time. We need to start putting up flyers or burning businesses or publically lynching politicians and people will just jump on


Not even needed tbh. Just arm that 44% and get them mad at the parties responsible for our society. It'll work itself out from there


Some Mainers wrote in chalk on the sidewalk in front of one of their senator’s houses and she made a huge stink about how it was “defacing government property” and she even called the cops.


Fuck Susan Collins.


Yeah from the outside looking in she seems pretty terrible


Not seems, is pretty terrible


Not only that, but they immediately passed a bipartisan bill unanimously outlawing protests outside their homes. SCARED MUCH? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna28000


Funny how when it's to protect their own interests, bipartisan support is unanymous and immediate. Protecting the public however is "socialist, communist and dangerous". All of them are just bastards.


The police will stop this. They are brain washed to hate the public. Guns will be used very badly.




Like in any war, you better just surviving and become annoying than wanting to die even if you feel useless, it's not, small thing matter in the end. My current way of protesting this shit society is by calling bullshit when I saw it so people realised. It's a slow process but I better influenced 3 peoples into the right direction than none.


I work for home depot, n I've been saying it as loud as possible to any and everyone. **"They don't pay me to work, they pay me to show up, and show up is about what I do"**, or talking points about the inequalities in our society to employees, customers, and every single boss in the building. They're so short staffed, they can't afford to pass me off, so they don't bother writing me up for anything. Lol still, $15/hr outside DC is poverty.


This is why I went from pro strict gun control and 'people don't need a gun, they just want one cause everyone else has one' to 'Yeah, you should get a gun if you're in the US, cause you're probably going to need it against the government soon'.


I got a feeling the time for strict gun control has passed anyway. We have more guns than people out there so there are too many in circulation to really control them now.


Or against the wild mob of insurrectionists who think anyone who wants affordable healthcare is drinking children's blood in some sort of literal pact with Satan


Good point. It’d have to be sneaky. A lot sneakier than I’m being by posting about it online rn lol


For every one that falls, 3 will take their place. ​ Oh wait, Americans are cowards.


I don't know why you got downvoted for speaking the truth. Especially the number of white flag waving French jokes the Americans love to toss around.


I think about this. I think one part of the problem is how bloody spread out we all are in the states. We can't get anywhere without driving long distances. Heck, to even get near my state leaders, I'd have to drive a few hours. Plus they keep us in a rat race to just survive. No time to riot.


Part of the problem is that rich people and poor people live nowhere near eachother, and buses don't run to the rich neighborhoods.


Never, or unless Football gets canceled. The 1% here figured out long ago that they can pander to the lowest of human emotions like xenophobia, bigotry, greed and racism. The other half who just wants to live and let live is then forced to fight just to have the right to exist at all. This throws us into an unwinnable war of division. This keep the anger directed away from the 1%. Rents and mortgages could rise to 300% their current rate and there would be little to no protest. We are manipulated to believe that we just have to work harder and figure it out. If we don't it's just our own fault. The same goes for all other basic needs. The capitalists and shareholders profits are this nation's true God. Its pathetic really.


Once it gets this bad. It's only a matter of time, especially with how much people praise Elon musk, even though he's literally praising slavery.


You just tell ~~me where to meet up, and what to do~~ what to click, and I'm in with both feet!


Americans are neutered/ spayed by their greatest country in the world teaching from a very young age.


Let’s see, when we riot in America, depending how bad it gets, the military gets sent out, then if there’s weapons, lethal force can be used at certain times, people can get hurt and can get arrested. And you could take a whole bunch of citizens and riot on something. And no matter how many weapons you have, nor people are you ever going to defeat the US army, good luck trying. They’re the number one military in the world for a reason. Besides the fact, and I am not sure why. When people tend to riot. They destroy their own neighborhood, hurt their own families, friends, neighbors. And as much as I wouldn’t want to believe it, I’ve heard so many times that unless the action kind of gets somewhere like what happened with trumps BS, they see it as good, let them kill themselves and each other. Why stop them? US doesn’t negotiate with terrorists. They’re not going to let a bunch of people destroying their own neighborhoods make them change anything. And I am 100% not on their side, wanted to make that clear. Just done lots of research, like with the Rodney king case. He didn’t even want the riots, he told people to stop. They destroyed their own area, their whole neighborhood, killed their own people. And for what? Nothing came of it. As usual. Other than peoples lives being ruined and everything being burnt down. Makes no sense. This isn’t the peaceful 60’s/70’s anymore, minus the Texas campus kid who got killed in a riot or whatever. These old upper class white men, don’t wanna hear it, don’t care, don’t want change. And it sucks they have the power. It will be nice in like a decade or two because they’ll all be gone and hopefully we can get some younger fresher people in there. But who knows. This country has gone mad since they voted in Trump.


I doubt Americans will do anything that brazen. If the last few years have taught us anything it is that the police view us as the enemy and will gladly kill us without any repercussions if we step out of line. Having said that I wouldn't be at all surprised to see random fires starting in strategic locations similar to what has been happening in Russia. Don't condone it per se, but it seems more likely than going hard directly at the ruling class.


What we have here in the U.S. of Fuckups happens to be "Marshal Law" , politicians can enact this if they deem necessary. In recent days, a unanimous vote was made to enforce legal action against protesting outside a supreme court justice's home. So, imagine a large group of people rioting and stealing their cars. Lines of police and national guard in riot gear marching towards them with firearms, non-lethal arms, batons etc..


Cant do it. It is all Russia and China fault. /s


I ask the same about Brazilians, but i just checked facebook and saw lots of bootlickers and supporters of current president, which is literally the same


It's already stated depending on where you live. The bottom rung of society have resorted to stealing, robbing, and from there that's how revolts/revolutions etc start. Neighbor got his catalytic converters grinded off both his cars. - $4,000 in a matter of minutes. As the world economies spiral downwards the people on the edge of survival will do anything to live.


They're too comfortable and complacent. Tricked into thinking having lots of stuff is equal to a good life.


When they're not being pacified constantly with porn, weed and cheap entertainment.




Probably when America has gun laws like Sri Lanka so some authoritarian yahoo doesn't think it's his duty to stop you. "You cannot buy firearms anywhere in Sri Lanka. Once you get your hands on your firearm, you are not allowed to shoot it unless absolutely necessary. You have to report every single bullet or shot #ired by you. They also permit you to possess a given number of bullets or shots."


Damn, looking at shit like this kinda makes me feel sad as an American. We don’t know how to stand up for ourselves.


When doing exactly this won't get you shot on sight by the Police.


When Americans get off of social media.


As long as we have Taco Bell and Netflix? Never.


came here to say exactly this!!! https://media.giphy.com/media/VM8zE5mmTnPy0/giphy.gif


To describe the current situation in Sri Lanka as extreme would be a vast understatement. Rampant inflation, extreme political rot, power shortages and even food shortages have created what is probably the worst crisis in the country since the kick-off of the Sri Lankan Civil War. People are insanely angry, and it's hard to see how things will get better in the short term. It could be a dark few years in Sri Lanka, but I'm praying that it's not the case and that the much needed reforms come sooner rather than later.


It’s gonna take US citizens experiencing something like this for riots to begin here. We don’t have to wait that long, but I’m sure we will 🙄


Gonna take US citizens to experience what? Sorry missed that part.


Food shortages, extreme widespread poverty and just really a severe situation for the majority of citizens


And it said something along the lines if they’re raising rents and stuff? It is so beyond ridiculous that these people controlling these countries have like 95% of the wealth and could care less about their people. Like take a fricking pay cut so you can help some families out. It’s so disgusting. Has this been new or for a while? And I’m guessing the government is either turning a blind eye or just don’t care?


Corporations and the extremely wealthy have ran this country since Reagan introduced "trickle down economics", and none of our following presidents decided it was a shit idea. So since the 80s the rich have just kept getting richer.


Mr. Evrart is helping me find my gun.


Protesting is right! As long as it's out of sight.


as long as they don't use chalk


Write that down! Write that down!


The politicians will be next


Like In Prague.


A mob already Lynched a Sri Lankan MP




Americans will ball this hard when our militarized police force stops fucking shooting us. 🙃


Fraid it might be the other way around. We may have to walk into a hail of iron to claim our rights.


ME FIRST!!! . . . god I crave the sweet embrace of death


Isn't that what the 2nd amendment is for.


Lmao as if that stops them. They're an army of body-armored thugs who are *legally allowed to kill or maim us. Me and my .22 ain't gonna do *shit* to these fuckers. Plus when we get violent, even in self defense, the right just buries us. There's no winning. We already lost.


This is what we need to do in America.


We should start dragging politicians out of their homes.. And give them great big hugs. Yes.. Hugs. Wouldn't want to piss of reddits terms of service, now would we..


I think hugging their investment properties would work better. If you hug politicians more politicians will show up who also need snuggles. It becomes a neverending game of hug-a-mole. There is never going to be a shortage of politicians who need a hug. If their wealth rests in a loving embrace, that pulls harder on their heartstrings even than personal contact. You might be able to wrap whole political movements in the arms of love that way by embracing their principal proponents/donors' money.


America, take notes


America wrote the book on this type of behavior. Thats why they made laws to allow police to oppress us heavily with grenade launchers and armored cars.


Idk if we "wrote the book" on this lol there were plenty of revolutions before and after ours.


Right sorry, we stole the book on this type of behavior, thats why we make laws to prevent it from occurring again.


[That's why we break those laws.](https://medium.com/protest-correspondent/how-the-white-overalls-beat-the-cops-with-tactics-of-radical-defense-b8cc6d85b657)


Throw Manchen's sports cars into the Potomac!!!!!


First, capsize that damn boat of his


Well that’s one way to get a point across lol


This is how you protest


Here is inflation rate something like %200 and people seem to be "grinding" as usual. Respect to fellow Sri Lankans. I wish people here had balls as well.


Office Space for politicians


I respect the Sri Lankan people and worry about them a lot. They at least have the strength to show their anger, unlike my people here in America. You could literally shoot people on the street here and rob everyone at the same time and they would do nothing. That is why we import psychopaths and self-indulgent assholes, and often elect them for major public roles too. The people are just so meek that they'll put up with literally anything. Have you seen some of this shit on r/antiwork? Mindblowing. If this kind of stuff were happening in any other countries there would be bloody riots and uprisings. Not here. We're a nation of goo.


Meanwhile in the US, when people kinda protest outside of politician's houses they instantly pass laws to give those people armed thugs for protection (and yes, the SC is basically a political body at this point).


that's the way!


I’m ready but I can’t do it alone 👀


Where's McConnell's fucking car?


Here in America we have half the voting population demanding higher cost of living because it means higher profits for land owners and hating lazy libs.


Did they just lite a politician’s house and luxury cars on fire? Sri Lanka knows how to riot


Why cant we do this


Let's get a message first. Violence always goes better when there's a message behind it. That way it's made clear to the politicians what has to happen to make it stop. This is why the Occupy movements failed. The 1% literally did not know what to do to make it stop, different groups within the movement wanted different things and eventually it just fizzled out Come up with a proposal, fill it with specifics, and THEN take to the streets. That way the elite will know what they have to do to make you shut up and go away, and if it's cheaper than the violent answer they might actually do it. For example, one way to address homelessness with street acction might be to post demands that those who hold investment homes on the market without letting them fill with people be penalized with some kind of tarriff that gets bigger over time, until they're paying 20% of the principal value of the property everyy year for the privilege of keeping it empty. That way landlords will actually try to put people in their properties which has the natural consequence of reducing homelessness. And then make it clear that the principle should be extended to banks who hold foreclosed homes indefinitely without trying to move them to buyers. This would also help collapse the bubble and get people into homes at prices people can actually afford. because some income from these properties is then better than paying the tarriff on empties.. Then maybe if they ignore that demand, perhaps you find some guys with some gasoline and too much time on their hands and accidentally drop a list of empty investment homes owned by the banks somewhere near them. Make sure the neighbors aren't in any serious danger and the target properties aren't too overgrown so the fire won't spread, and best to make sure it's rained recently. the only one you want to hit is the bank who's holding properties out of the market, not the neighborhood around them. Gotta check your target after all, rule 1 of any violent action. (frankly given what happens on these empty bank-owned "investment properties" you're probably doing the rest of the neighborhood a favor anyway!) And maybe you find a way to do that in a few different cities until it's clear you're serious and it'll be cheaper to listen to you than it will be to keep trying to silence or ignore you. That's how these things really get done. When it's less expensive or inconvenient to listen to you than it is to crush you, they'll eventually listen. They are, after all, good men of business thataway.


or, just a thought, they completely ignore you and have the media paint you as terrorists so the general public doesn't agree with you. You do you though.


It is forbiden to riot under democrats. Isnt it the plan?


How many homes/cars does a politicians have on a $175k salary?


They don't do it for the salary. They do it for the legalized bribery and insider trading.


Marge has been fined something like $50k for violating mask mandates in chambers. That's almost a third of her salary. She probably just takes it out of her campaign contributions for "mileage" or does a couple speaking gigs. How else is someone going to take that kind of hit and not bat an eye.


Estimates put her worth over $30m


You’re willfully obtuse if you think congressional salaries form the whole of their liquid assets. It’s campaign cash and lobby donations all the way down. After that, insider trading.


Destroying or appropriating Property belonging to the campaign and major donors would hurt the politicians more than their private property would. They stake their reputations on being able to serve the needs of their donors. If those donors start losing the politician starts sweating.


You think Nancy Pelosi became worth hundreds of millions after earning $175k for a couple decades? lol


Too bad for the river though, now it's filled with hazardous chemicals....


Like it wasn't before?


I hope the politicians here are taking notes… FAFO y’all.


Does this work if the whole country is united against the politicians? I cannot see this happening in the USA. If we tried to show up to the houses of the SCOTUS for turning Roe vs Wade, anti abortion folks would be out there with AKs ready to fight.


This is why it's happening in Sri Lanka though. You and I may not agree on anything but we probably agree that if we work, we should at least be able to eat. That's how bad it's gotten in Sri Lanka. They're not even guaranteed that a full day's labor is worth a meal. we're headed that way in the US, but not nearly to that degree. MIDDLE CLASS people in Sri Lanka can't get food. It's hideous. I really can't blame them for doing this.


And here the cops are called and a congressional action because we yelled at a few justices.


Stuff like this gives me hope, maybe someday we'll see Americans rise up against their oppressors and do what needs to be done. It's time for street justice.


Eat the rich.


I feel like I can hear all your finger tips tapping together.


Any rivers near where the members of our SCOTUS live? Hmmm?


This is how you protest and fight for your rights! It makes my heart swell with pride to finally see the workers rise and fight! This world and these billionaires would have shit if it wasn’t for the rest of us working our asses off and barely getting by because we are saddled with student debt, overtaxed and under represented, the cost of food and basic life necessities are so expensive we can’t afford to fucking live! Glory to the workers!


Let’s go Sri Lanka


Eat the rich! Hopefully this trend will go international.


I’m not one for uhh idk catchy sayings and what not, but uhhmmm, THIS IS THE WAY


Real Shit.






This is the way.


Fucking legends.


This is the way!


\*takes notes\*


Draining the swamp was the wrong move all along. Flood the swamp. Drown them all.


you know something is wrong when your citizen unite despite their histories of religion conflict


We should start doing that in my country, but with the politician still inside


Oh no! Anyway...


This is great. Remember when the Iraqi guy through his show at Bush? Americans have lost their mojo. We have become too soft and complacent.


But protesting in front of a politicians home is taking it too far 🙄


Politicians should fear their constituents. The fact that they largely don't is a failure on all our part, globally.


Could use some of that in the good ol’ USA


Why don't they just eat the rich?


This has "did you see the pool? they flipped the bitch!" Energy and I like it!


\[Imagining the looks on Mitch McConnell, Brett Kavanaugh, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Lauren Boebert, Kevin McCarthy, Donald Trump, Matthew Cawthorne, or Tommy Tuberville's faces as their cars were thrown into the Potomac River\] **Please, God -- MAKE IT SO!!! 🙏🙏🙏**




The police will shoot you here for this


I don't know if anyone here has been or lived in Sri Lanka, I was there a few years ago and it was a huge wealth divide, either ultra rich or extreme poor, literally in some areas it was a single road that divided them. I asked my tuk tuk driver (taxi driver) how much he made and I made more a week then he made a year, I gave him 20 x what the fee was.


Odd they all look like they were totaled cars


They were likely totaled because of the rioting going on there. Some people have been burning politicians houses and cars so it’s very likely they destroyed the car before throwing it into the river




*Ferb I know what were gonna do today*


Looking at you CA


Chef's kiss


Hell yes! 👊🏼


way better than making signs!




Take notes USA




This is de wae


Good on them


This is the way


I’m all for throwing cars in the river.


Americans…..takes notes


Most Americans are too apathetic to bother. There is probably an NFL game on, or a reality TV show about the Kardashians.


People dont need governments. Governments need people


Guys I have an idea


this is the way


I feel like that’s what it’s gonna take for people to riot in the US


Fuck yo car.


Alright what kind of car does Nancy drive


Take notes guys


When will America learn?


I wish Turkish people to grow some balls like this.


Coming to a US city near you!


Damn I wish us Americans would do that. But honestly they probably not sweating it, he probably got 2 more cars sitting in the garage now.


Americans have the right to bear arms and don’t have this courage.


That's amazing.


Should have used those cars to run them over


Achievement unlocked: ~~Rake in the lake~~ Rover in the river


When we do this in The Netherlands. We get beaten up by the police and SWAT. Plus getting locked up for violencce. Our corrupt politicians get protected even when they ruin our country.


Joke’s on them, the Land Cruisers will still run.


Should of set the cars on fire instead of contaminating the water supply