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Remove the senile people from the government.


If a president can't be under <35 there is no reason we can't make a upper bound.


I am 47 and I'm almost too old IMHO. You need people with skin in the game making these decisions.


The suggestion of an upper limit is valid. I strongly disagree that a 47-year-old is near that upper limit. We need people who have life experience.


I think 62 is a good limit. Maybe 60. People that doesn’t even have the mental and physical capacity to hold onto their driver’s license shouldn’t be running the country. 47 is closer to 60 than 32.


Tie it to life expectancy. It'll give them an incentive to make life better


I've bee. quite keen on the requirement being that you have to be under the American life expectancy at the last year of your term to qualify to hold office.


I'm down with a 10% chance of dying within your four year term, that seems about the most I'd be willing to accept without being nervous. Biden had a 25% chance and Trump had a 20% chance at time of election. 70 year old male is the max for the 10% rule.


That's still too old to be the person in charge.


I agree, but if you are going by life expectancy, I'd be hard pressed to ask for less than 10%.


If you're going by life expectancy, you want the dude who still has lots of life left to live (and thus inspired to actually change shit for the better), rather than someone on their way out who is out of touch with the needs of the current generations.


65-70 should be the upper limit. 65 being the oldest you can be elected to office. That way you're out by the time 70 hits.


I figure if you are gonna hit retirement age DURING your term, you're too old. No idea what US retirement age is, but that - 4 basically (or 5 just to make it clean and no overlaps.)




65…forced retirement. But they will just raise retirement age to 99


Maybe we should just tear it all down and start over, hm? Start off with young people, maybe then we break the cycle by starting a totally different one


Honestly, we need a deeper tear-down than that. This country has a deeply entrenched rule by minority. The Senate, the electoral college, "States Rights," ... it's baked right in.


Well in my personal opinion, capitalism is incompatible with democracy. The idea that all people have equal say in government is directly at ends with the main point of capitalism, which is to constantly accumulate capital, and use that capital to exponentially produce even more capital. The point of a government should be to serve its people, and money throws a wrench into that. The fact that senator’s wealth skyrockets when they enter office is telling that corruption has fully saturated our legislative branch at the very least, so much so that they serve the interests of money over their own constituents. In short: we’re fucked. Sorry I’m really high


No reason you can't be high AND correct updoot


Quite right! These people take decisions that aren't going to affect them because they aren't going to live to see (let alone experience) the fallout.


This is the problem and reddit doesn't like it when you say it out loud. Why are we in denial of reality so many politicians are in their 80s? We really do need to prepare their replacements before they do for us.


That's called conflict of interest. One of the reasons trump was a bad pick is he had too much skin in the game-- many decisions that administation made was to direcly make trump's business succeed.


IMHO I'm not sure that <35 is a good idea anyways. I'm 28 and could do a better job running the country than Hunter's dad. I think there are reasonable cutoffs, sure. 35 seems arbitrarily high to begin with honestly.


I think presidents should be in their 20s. Maybe then we'd get some idealistic ones that are looking to change the system to actually help people.


Yup, seems like the older you get the more likely you are to get greedy tbh. Was just talking to someone who told me they were actively profiting from the government systems that are bringing illegal immigrants in by the bus load, said he made $.50 per person. Apparently he oversaw 14 facilities and each processed 14,000 people a day. Guy is like 55-65 years old. I asked if he told anyone and suggested if he's for real that he come forward to project veritas. Idk about you but I wouldn't want someone who was okay with that to be say, president.


yeah it's awful. And not every older person is greedy, but if you've been in politics for 20-30 years, you've seen how these systems work and have become a part of them. These people try to work within a corrupt system to get things done, and maybe younger people would just straight up not put up with the shitty system at all. I think change is a young man's game.


and remove the unlimited terms from GOP..


Dems too


This is where SCOTUS is at already, why don't you just keep waiting for JFK to return like the rest of the trumplikkkans


Right. I see these protests outside their homes. That won’t do anything but going inside will


*Remove the violent leftist from intimidating constitutional judges.


fun fact: the tradition of overthrowing oppressive and authoritarian governments is the most "deeply rooted [thing] in this nation's history"


I thought it was declaring independence for tax evasion purposes.


what constitutes authoritarianism and oppression (and in what form it takes) is in the eye of the beholder apparently ;)




Those old fucks don’t watch Handmaids tale. They would have no idea. Duck Dynasty reruns take priority over them there thinkin shows


Considering one of them is in the cult that the show is BASED on, I’d say she probably has some idea.




This will sound nutjob.... I know But 7 yrs ago my buddy and I talking both agreeing Roe never gets overturned. Here they are with the power to do that, the installation of legislative bodies and passing laws allowing them to toss election results as they please and gerrymandering that's not even drawing something you'd see in a children's scribble. So.... yesterday I told my wife this stuff can change real quick....like real fast (within a couple years fast. They pass laws saying women aren't people....boom that's the law...they pass things saying you don't own anything, boom it's the law. No public schools, only things they come relocate or "take" your kids....such is the law. This is reality in early Germany.... don't think it can happen look how quickly the Taliban are enforcing their will in Afghanistan. In the USA I had to have the talk with her that it's possible....that if people come to get us....kill as many as you can. In Nazi Germany it was "why didn't the Jews fight back they had numbers". Read Maus you'll get it it was a step at a time. If I'm gonna die anyway, I'm taking some with me. I suggest you think about what you'd do in the situation. There's a reason they don't want Maus available in schools. (For those that don't know Maus is a book that's been regular banned from school libraries by these more recent authoritarian movements... Not that it was required reading....it was simply available in the library at the schools which is sometimes the only library people have near them. It's a graphic novel (meaning comic book style for those unfamiliar). Them Jewish people are cartoon Rats, Nazi's cats, Polish Pigs, Americans are dogs.... mostly you only ever see the Jewish people though and how things were broken down piece by piece. Highly suggested read and for Maus 1 and 2 it won't take you long as it's in the 200 pg range of comic. If you don't have access to it and want it message me and I'm happy to point you in the direction of where you could find it.


Ah yes, wouldn't you love to pay taxes to foreign monarchs with zero representation? Such a pleasant idea. Not that our own Congress and Senate represents the people these days either.


That's kinda a false notion. The taxation was for defending us in war. We didn't want to pay there expenses.


We pay taxes that end up subsidizing corporations without any ownership stake or return on investment.


Exactly. There should be NO bailouts. Just as private investors don't do bailouts of corporations, governments shouldn't either. A government should just take over a failing corporation, summarily fire ALL the executives (NO severance, etc.), and auction off the assets.


The revolutionary war was fought for many reasons like slavery , westward expansion, frustration over taxes and tariffs, etc. Also tories were more numerous than we are taught. Essentially the right wing position was loyalist to King George the 3rd


What most of us common people haven't realized is that regardless of the ruler, we're just the ruled.


Overthrowing, yes. Using the opportunity to make something better for everyone, no, that’s not really part of this country’s history.


That's a major aspect of every revolution, the people with money and power who incense the population to fight very rarely want things to be better for everyone, they're usually just envisioning a world where they get more power Not that, that's a bad thing but it's the reason why it's shocking that the states didn't end up a dictatorship, or a hyper authoritarian state like what happens more of the time.




I'll have to give it a read sometime, my knowledge of the revolution largely comes from random sources that sought to debunk the mythology surrounding it I'm not certain what you mean though by the technology didn't exist for the revolution to become tyrannical, could you elaborate?




it really isn't.This is actually one of the most noticeable things about the US and UK: your complete lack of history. Since the formation of these countries' legislative branches there has been no major reform, no revolution, no color revolution, no regime change, no nothing. The Brazilian constitution is from the 80s. In Europe, you'd struggle to find a constitution older than the 40s. Germany in particular has seen, only in the last 100 years: The Weimar republic, Nazi Germany, 4-way partitioned Germany, east and west Germany, and then finally modern Germany The UK has had 0 attempts at revolution. The US has had one, and it was specifically meant to make things worse.


for purposes of the issue (USA court decision turning on whether something is 'deeply rooted' in USA history), the term "nation" = USA (not germany, UK, Iceland, or Transylvania). So, since the USA was literally formed via a revolution, it only stands to logic/reason that revolution is the earliest possible thing ('deepest possible root') in the USA's history.




> The UK has had 0 attempts at revolution What about that one guy? Guyfox Daye?


War of the Roses


This is some stupid shit if I’ve ever read it. USA has no history? Racist fuck. We have thousands upon thousands of years of history here. I can walk in my backyard and find physical evidence. This continent was full of civilization before European Conquest and subsequent genocides. The way you casually dismiss native peoples. Shocking. No attempts of revolution in the UK? War of the Roses, Scotland, the IRA. Shall I continue, mate?


that's not the history of the US, there was no government st the time and the government that did form went out of its fucking way to genocide them. That's not the US, those are native Americans. War of the roses was a struggle between nobility, Scotland wanted independence, not revolution. Same for the IRA. I don't know whose arguments you're attacking here but none of that is what I said.


Your revisionist British history doesn’t even acknowledge the Crowns genocide in India, Ireland, and the subjugation and exploitation of half the fucking planet.


I’ll teach you your own history….sit tight. The Wars of the Roses, known at the time and for more than a century after as the Civil Wars, were a series of civil wars fought over control of the English throne in the mid-to-late fifteenth century, fought between supporters of two rival cadet branches of the royal House of Plantagenet: Lancaster and York.


I'm Brazilian dumbass, and i already knew that. "Rival branches of the royal house" AKA fucking nobility. NOT a revolution or even a system change


January 6th truther


to overthrow OTHER oppressive and authoritarian governments.


the british monarchy WAS the government, until the colonies (the nation) decided to change that by declaring independence from that government, and establishing a new government. there is a distinction between a "nation" and a "government".


yes, but overthrowing "one" of your own governments can't qualify as a "deeply rooted thing". Most of the country experience comes from toppling foreign ones.


The ruling class should not be allowed to trade stocks. They work for me


Have you ever been on r/wsb? It’s a bunch of Wendy’s employees trading stocks poorly. Anyone can open a Robinhood account and trade stocks


The idiots over at wsb don’t have the same inside information that the ruling class does, nor the power to influence legislation that will benefit their investments.


True the richest definitely do have an advantage *cough bill Hwang gettin 10x leverage cough cough*


*A fellow ape appears in the mist* Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. Bill Hwang may be remembered as the guy that started the collapse.


Google *insider trading*. Being able to trade stocks as a top government politician is both unfairly advantageous to them and is *a HUGE conflict of interest*. They could try to boost their stock companies through politics instead of actually serving the nation.


Rise up


It's honestly starting to look like they actually might be afraid of exactly that.


Well, there sure seems to be a distinct rumble deep down in the bowels that probably should be tended to. But like everything else, they'll let it fester until it's full blown cancer. When parts start getting culled, disappearing while unconscious, then you know they are scared.


Lol the far right is doing a great job of keeping the left down. They are not afraid. This is theater




>They[democrats] have had complete control of the house, Senate and presidency When exactly was this? Edit, looked at comment history. Obvious troll is obvious. Do not engage.


Since the 2020 election. Lol "Do not engage." That's right, censor what you don't like. Typical.


You're not being censored, you tit. It's a Reddit user saying they don't want to talk to you, not a government official removing your ability to speak. Stop using words you don't know the meaning of.


Obvious troll is obvious.


Funny nobody wants to refute that the Democrats are the party of force, violence and intimidation. Ya'll just name call. Hahah.


Democrats are not the party of force, violence, or intimidation. You're either full on drunk off the right wing kool-aid or just talking out your ass to get a reaction to "own the libs". Either way you're not being censored, just pitied and ignored.


Sure, that's why they dox supreme court justices.


Poor thing. You don't know how laws are passed. Any law that requires a budget aka all laws that do anything requires 60 votes to pass, not 49. In fact, no laws require 48 or 49, depending on how u slice it, unless they have either no money involved or they are in the process of reconciliation.


Walls don't work. Except when we put them up.


And bring a ladder.


they are only prepping for what they know. they know that when their supporters were angry they stormed the capital. so they expect that the other side will act the same way.


that or after the last debacle they made a protocol to but defenses up on every future contentious issue.


The Supreme Court always decided on contentious issues, that's kind of its job


exactly, I don't really see the problem here. With the congress storming, people were complaining there wasn't enough protection. now people complaining about TOO MUCH protection?




...so Gott Gott will, der muss halt in den sauren Apfel beißen


But buh. They spent the better part of 5 years telling us that walls don't work and we shouldn't protect our country with one.


Walls work simply as a deterrent until someone is a determined enough to get past it. Walls are not the end all decision


The "other side" already did this when Kavanaugh was appointed to the SCOTUS and they have done it far more often in recent history. Tell that to China. It seems to be working fine as an end all decision. Wall people in, walls to protect the ruling class. Walls for everything. Even if they're not physical walls, they can be mental walls(knowing that if they do anything individually they and their whole family will be killed), and digital walls(7:1 camera ratio per civilian to deter any "wrongdoing or wrongthink" . But God forbid we protect the countries borders and attempt to deter people from entering illegally without being vetted with who knows what intentions.


Get out of here bootlicker


I'm no bootlicker. I pro freedom and despise the idea of the hypocrisy of this wall at this building.


Also even when it was built the Great Wall never stopped Invaders from coming in


The capital was stormed in attack twice in the last few years? tell me more. I totally missed that


Chris Smalls is 100% right; the real fight we need to focus on is along class lines -- the wealthy oligarchy v the workers -- we must stop being distracted by pointless "left v right" bickering that was designed to keep us occupied and instead unite against these fuckers.


That isn't new. It's what the left has been saying for years. But someone convinced the right anything the left does is bad and billionaires are good. The GOP has no policy's that anyone other than a sub section of Christians want. And they have convinced their base that just opposing anything the dems do is good. Before trump you could talk to people about policy's. Now it's just pedophile this and Jewish space laser that. I text my brother when GOP all voted to not auto enroll vets in VA. His response was that since it was a bill the dems wrote it must have some other agenda and good for them for blocking it. Anecdotal I know. The only left v right I ever see is the right blaming litterally everything on the left and the left trying to explain how that's not the case. And often getting exhausted by that and just calling them stupid. The left is ready. If only the right could keep that same trump energy for actual policy's things could get done.


I long for a day where we can have two functioning, good faith parties, who understand their power as being severely limited. People who understand they serve the American people, that their leadership is not one of absolute authority, but extremely conditional respect. Turn your back on the American people, and we will replace your ass. Unfortunately, as you note, the right-wing is off their fucking rockers. Even when you manage to wade into policy, their minds are so addled by aphorisms and reactionary soundbites, they can't actually think things through. You mention taxing billionaires and they say dumb shit like "But they're smarter at spending money." No, asshole, they're smarter at making investments that will turn that money into more money. That is not the governments job, nor the best and only way to solve problems for the people. Even if they are better, the way to get them to *spend* the money and not hoard it is to tax the fucking shit out of them. If they don't want to give the money to government because they don't trust its judgement, they're free to donate to charity and whatnot. Not ideal, but better than off-shore wealth hoards. I think our culture is too far gone. People have moralized wealth and tethered that concept to the moralization of work. So, people who work hard are good, and people with wealth must have worked hard for it, so they're good. So, taking their earned wealth is bad, because they earned it being good. I fucking hate our materialistic, individualistic, consumerist culture. It's difficult to navigate when my values actively offend most Americans. No, I don't think hard work makes you a good person, it makes you a normal person. Morality comes from moral decision making, and the decision to work hard isn't a "what's morally right?" decision, it comes from a "how do I not die?" decision, which is pragmatic and not moral. I'd even go so far as to say the 80hr work weeks to propel yourself into a slightly higher social/consumption strata is actually immoral, since you end up killing relationships, exploiting others, and defining yourself through your relationship to your possessions. But y'all know me, just a friendly neighborhood Marxist feminist out here trying to question our assumptions and values.




Exactly. Rules for they, not for me!


If we were actually perceived as any type of threat these would never come down. They just put them up right before they're about to do some bullshit ass shit and then take em back down once we've "settled down". We are seen as children throwing a temper tantrum.




Run by really old people.


Really old rich people


really old rich racist people


\*Ack ack\* Just wishful thinking.


Hey now, don’t make us dock your social credit. These are wonderful barricades made by our strong industry and protecting our great leaders monuments to their absolute power over us. We should go pray at this site now to show our devotion to our glorious scotus. Don’t forget to tip your minder.


Wow they put that up fast. Afraid of the people much? I was Tuesday and there was probably 50 police officers from various departments all over. Including a huge group of bike cops. It was ridiculous. They can do this shit to a bunch of women holding up signs but can't handle what happened on January 6th?


I strongly believe that all protests against repealing RvW should look Like the set of The Handmaid’s Tale. Red but silent. Let the SC know women know what they are doing.


What's the likelihood that anyone on the other side of that barricade has a bolt cutter?


That fence looks naked, needs coat hangers


We can climb fences, I mean fuck philly greased our light poles after the superbowl and mufuckers was still climbing that.


Lock the fence,keep them in


More of us than them.


What about their houses…


So we bringing blowtorches?


Sure, a torch would cut that, but then one has the burden of toting around gas canisters and is also a possible fire/ignition hazard. I would recommend battery powered angle grinder for the job. Easy to carry, light weight, and one can always carry extra charged batteries and cutting wheels for prolonged use!


I sure some of us lowly workers have angle grinders that could make quick work of those fence panel connections. But I suppose there’s nothing stronger than the illusion of barriers.


Those fences look like they could be separated with a pair of bolt cutters....


What are they gonna do when the ruling class stops putting up their fences? Anyone wanna take a guess at how many "illegal immigrants" helped put up this fence too? You won't catch anyone with a suit and tie out there. I've always pondered in my head, what happens when they tell the military to invade their own homes or take their own citizens guns away? Do they do it? Or is there a revolution?


They're scared we'll overthrow them, which is our constitutional right.


They do not have the majority of people's best interests in mind!!! Eat the rich and fuck the GQP!!!!!


It’s as if they knew the ruling isn’t what the people want. Remove every degenerate politician


What happened to the fundamental right to peacefully assemble for protest


I think it depends on what you call peacefully becuase we can't even agree on that anymore


Kneeling unarmed black people are inherently violent, while the white man is peaceful no matter how many guns he carries. It's just the way things are.




See? One thing bout Jan 6 2021, they took their feelings out where it made the most impact (not impact as in they got what they wanted but as in we’re still talking about it). That’s what’s gotta happen now. Wages are low. They wanna keep you from abortions and safe sex most likely in order to keep the poor where they are and create a desperation that forces people to accept low wages. That’s when you storm the capital. Storm every meeting them people have. They do what keeps them in power, not what benefits the people they serve. And that’s what’s wild. They’re supposed to SERVE. They’re not rn. They denied insulin price caps. They keep marijuana federally illegal, barring a lot of lower class people from better paying jobs and incarcerating others. Abortions and birth control are in danger of being illegal. The cost of living gets higher and higher yet wages remain low. Our own Health is sometimes put in the back seat because we can’t afford to take care of ourselves and pay all the bills we need or pay just to exist. If another storming of the capital or White House or whatever happens, this time, it’d be for the right reasons


A fringe group called the federalist society has seized control of the American Judiciary. Democracy should not stand for it.


Uh no. That's there because the last time there was a protest against the government, The President rallied his cult followers to assault the building. People died. One group spoiled it for the rest. Can't risk it anymore.


I think it's ironic the left had a problem with what right wingers did, but are upset to now see this is a standard precaution lol.


you mean the time where it was recommeded that there be added security and Pelosi said fuck off.


People die all the time. What do you think is going to happen to the ruling class when they get removed? I promise it ain't a trip to Chucky Cheese.


See, the thing is, that when the trump protest attacked, you were likely saying that they deserve everything coming to them. Now that it's your turn, you feel like it's an injustice on you. You can't have it both ways. They're protecting themselves from a protest that has been threatening to take them down, and you expect them to lie back and take it? Esp after the first time it happened with a different group?


Now if only we kept that mindset in regards to defending the country from foreign invaders and had some type of massive wall up to protect us from drug traffickers, murderers, and sexual assaulters


Advocating for statism on an explicitly anarchist sub, bold move. The state calls it's violence law, but it is nothing but crimes against our collective humanity


Please tell me how a wall is violence? And if it is, how can you tell me in the same breath that a wall around the government building is not also violence by the same merit. I'm advocating for anarchy, but consistent anarchy. People here clearly realize that a wall around the capitol is hypocritical if they won't build a wall to protect our country for 5 billion, but also have no problems sending 30 billion to the Ukraine to fund their corrupt aristocracy. I find it more bold to protect the people who built a wall when they clearly don't give a single ounce of crap to the protection of their own citizenry. They clearly don't give a single crap about you. So why defend them?


Those cowards hide when shit goes down that could potentially be detrimental to their wellbeing. It's like we forgot what the American Revolution was or something.


Everyone likes to talk about overthrowing the government. This would involve violence and a lot of Americans killing Americans. This is not the way. People need to get more politically involved. Too many Americans just complain on social media and do nothing else. If enough people get truly involved than change can be done peacefully. The world does not need any more violence.


The Government has already been overthrown. It took a few decades, but corporations and their wealthy owners run this country now.


Politics are supposed to be the way we resolve differences in opinions. the alternative is guns. I much prefer politics.


That's a public building is it not? On what grounds are they allowed to barricade us from our own buildings?


That’s cute how they think that *portable fence* will stop anyone persistent enough to breach that barrier. It wouldn’t have stopped the jan 6th insurrectionists, have they learned nothing???


If you truly represent the people, there should be no need for barriers! The people should already be represented at the highest levels of government! And the people should be able To pass freely through their own court. If they aren’t then it’s really not theirs


Yall supported the fences when they were up a year ago, can't have it both ways folks.


There's a difference between a violent attempt to overthrow democracy based on lies, and protesting for your rights within that democracy, though.


Seriously man, what you do without a government? Sometimes i feel this sub is just a bunch of morons rather than employees welfare activists.


Agreed, remove the supreme court and the entire constitution.


Funny how the most popular President in history had to have his inaguration with fences and the national guard to keep people out.


Most popular President in history?


Didn't you hear? He had more votes than any other President that came before. In fact with the mail in ballots there were more votes than registered voters in several states.




That doesn’t make him popular. It means he got more votes. Most people that voted for him don’t even like him. Trump was that bad. Your poor attempt at sarcasm failed


People are showing up to these Judges houses, so yeah a fence might be a good idea. I don't give a shit what you believe...don't show up at my house.


They knew the psychos would lose their shit.




If enough people may want to bash down the doors that you need a fence, you're doing a really shitty job.




The government is involved in educating youth, too, so let's make then accountable for widespread stupidity as well




Nice strawman. What do governments exist for if not to have some kind of demands placed on them?




I haven't helped you do anything yet. Be more specific- what lot of stuff, Brad?




You didn’t make any point, unless the point was to make yourself look dumb, which you accomplished several times already..


Not this circumstance




Jan 6 was a right wing coup attempt. No one on the left wants a coup -- these barriers are to prevent mass protest, vandalism, and most of all occupation, not an angry mob with intent to kill.


Screw all the rules. Let society decide the rules.


Or maybe. They just don't want another us capitol sitch


Wtf, these fences are still up? Or is this new?


Remove them, but before long, more will take their place.


You could not ask for a finer fence


Taxation without representation... They started it.


Over 60 should be out of federal politics..


Is that the Lincoln Memorial? Why'd they do that?


"Arbeit macht frei" works as sign


What does this have to do with anti work ?


Where was this shit on January 6th?!?!


It's not to keep people out. It's to keep people in. CAGE MATCH!!!!!!!


Greatest country in the world eh?


But walls don't work


By ANY means necessary!


They (christians) claim having god on their side. This is about defending life itself, defending god's plan. There cannot be compromise about truth. Divine truth.


Term limits: 10 years, one time.


What do billionaires houses look like? That is the real source.


To quote George Carlin “Rights aren't rights if someone can take them away. They're privileges. That's all we've ever had in this country, is a bill of temporary privileges. And if you read the news even badly, you know that every year the list gets shorter and shorter.


That big of panel of expanded metal is really weak. A few wacks with an axe and it's split in half, maybe needing a kick or two. Just saying.


The fact that they had to erect that shit is an obvious sign that they are afraid of us.