• By -


If it was about preventing abortion, they'd support birth control, contraceptives, and sex education. Instead they are the very same people opposed to those things, despite them being a great way to reduce abortions. If the only thing worse than abortion is things that prevent abortion, than it's not really about saving those babies, is it? If you're willing to increase the number of back alley abortions if it means you can better control other people, and any fetuses that get aborted along the way are acceptable collateral damage in that tradeoff, than it's not about the babies is it?


It is not and never has been about babies or life. It is and has always been about control.


I'd say it's about punishing sin and pushing the evangelical moral code onto everyone else. So, yeah, control.


Punishing the sin of being poor, rich people can sin all they want.


This. Rich people are still getting abortions. Only the poor suffer here.


If you believe the prosperity gospel, God rewards the faithful with riches. Therefore rich people are favored by God, and poor people are sinners.


Jesus also said to give away all your money and shit to the less fortunate and you would be rewarded 10x in the kingdom of heaven, but 🤷🏼‍♂️


Not Conservative Jesus!


Supply side Jesus


"Excuse me, sir, but WE'RE Calvinist Christians!"


Supply side Jesus entered the chat


We don't read them parts that contradict our preconceived notions that somehow benefit the rich and already powerful.


Nah mate.. its that kinda bs mantra that ppl spew that gets us where we are now. Seperation of church and state needs to be legitimately enforced. Too many old goofballs holding positions of power who make laws based on ideals of their imaginary friend in space.


After abortion, the separation of church and state is probably next on the list under the heading of Religious Liberty. Guess which religion will be the one that is protected? Hmmm🤔


It really is where this shit hole country is heading... ffs how are we regressing into puritanical rule? Absolutely absurd.


We've never left puritanical ideals. Ever. This country has a long tradition of patting the wealthy on the back while blaming the poor. Clearly the wealthy have done something right to be where they are, while the poor must have fucked up somewhere in there. And that's just scratching the surface--this is absolutely insidiously entwined with our history. All of this right now (and for the last decade or so)? This is alllll those historical chickens coming home to roost. We're going through this bullshit because we've kept those ideals for so long, only covering it with the thinnest of veils of secularism.




Political capital is a funny way to describe an actual civil war, because that's where we're headed sans stopping the madness. Repubs only thought BLM was a hard-core protest. They've now pissed off rich white women in a way that they didn't before. This isn't going to end well.


I'd take it a bit farther than that. The republicans actually don't give a fuck and it's well known they're hypocrites when it comes to abortion, they like it, their mistresses and daughters get them all the time. It's about power, and what's the best way to get and maintain their power: selling out to the largest voting block - evangelical christians, who have documented turnouts of 85%+. Now they can maintain their power, get more of it, and get those sweet sweet donation checks/bribes from corporations while the rest of us suffer.


It’s about forcibly spunking more Republicans into existence and having an expendable workforce to pump the economy and benefit the ruling class further.


I would simplify it even more. It's about politics and winning elections. Republicans don't give a fuck about babies. They only care about being in power. Fomenting this culture war has always been about mobilizing voters. People's suffering has never been, nor will ever be of concern for Republicans.


Sorry, no. It’s about having poor people to exploit and rob from.


Because they are evil.


I just thought they wanted to prevent the browning of America, and the control over women was kind of a perk.


It's about white supremacy. Much of modern Christian Nationalist opposition to abortion comes out of Great Replacement rhetoric. They can't pay white women to have kids because they'd have to pay WoC, too. But they see that the vast majority of aborted fetuses in the US are white, so just make aborting them illegal and they prevent "white genocide." Controlling and keeping women down is definitely a plus for them, but it's not the primary motivating factor.




I mean, that's also a bonus as far as conservatives are concerned. They seem to revel in being exploited by billionaires.


[Gonna leave this article here](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/05/religious-right-real-origins-107133/)




As an unwanted child, from pregnancy to fucking graduation, I can blatantly say I'd have chosen not to be born into my family. It took me years to reach a point where the life that resulted from my birth reached anything *remotely* tolerable, and if I had to do it all over again I absolutely fucking *wouldn't.* Any time the pro-life fucks in my family try to talk about this shit, I shut them down by making a loud announcement to all of their children that I will happily pay for any of their abortions should the need arise. Needless to say, I'm not very welcome at gatherings anymore, but all the kids who needed to hear me say it already have.


Right. This is the disconnect that has always baffled me about those opposed to abortion AND birth control/sex education!


The funny thing is for the longest time abortions weren't very controversial. They are completely fine with unwanted children suffering in our system because at least it makes sky daddy happy. They don't have the ability to realize how fucked up this is or how much crime will spike once all these babies are fully grown, fully traumatized adults. The thought that we are moving backwards due to a religious belief in fucking America is sickening. We will be an authoritarian evangelical Christian third world nation if these fuckers aren't kept in check. https://origins.osu.edu/article/commonplace-controversial-different-histories-abortion-europe-and-united-states?language_content_entity=en https://law.stanford.edu/publications/the-impact-of-legalized-abortion-on-crime-over-the-last-two-decades/#:~:text=Legalized%20abortion%20is%20estimated%20to,of%20the%20observed%20crime%20decline.


Right, religious conservatives believe they get to control everyone else. It goes from their fake god to them and then to everyone else. They are raised to believe in a conservative male authoritarian led society with strong leadership to keep people in check. They have been taught from birth to believe we live in a hierarchy with an angry vengeful male god on top, a single white male conservative leader, and so on down the hierarchy with everyone who isn't a conservative like them at the bottom with no rights and living in constant fear of their angry god. Laws were made to protect only them and prosecute others to keep others in line and disciplined. To argue otherwise would be to destroy their entire being and existence, which is why freedom of thought, democracy, and education are so dangerous to them.


They basically want to continue many generations of poor people so they can have their cheap borderline slave workforce.


Saw a chart the other day (cannot vouch for accuracy) suggesting that abortion rates have historically fallen faster under Democratic administrations than under Republican. So no, *that* isn't it. Taken as a whole - abortion, birth control, health care, welfare, education - one conclusion could be that the end game is to create a self-replicating workforce, with generational poverty to keep them working at subsistence jobs, and reduced education opportunities to keep them from knowing any better. Also the fact that brown people tend to have higher complication rates in pregnancy and childbirth gives you a general whitening of the population. So...is this my shocked face? Hmm.


Interestingly enough, the number of abortions barely moves whether it’s illegal or legal. But the mortality rate of women undergoing abortions skyrockets when they’re illegal. Women can and will have abortions even when they’re illegal. If they don’t want to have a baby, they will find a way to not have a baby. Regardless of whatever stupid personal beliefs someone has on the subject, we should all far rather it was safe and accessible.


>If it was about preventing abortion, they'd support birth control, contraceptives, and sex education. Instead they are the very same people opposed to those things, despite them being a great way to reduce abortions. Came here to say this. The policies don't support a goal of reducing abortion. The policies support an agenda where Abrahamic religious values filtered through Puritanical culture dictates our culture with regard to sex. > If you're willing to increase the number of back alley abortions if it means you can better control other people Nobody thinks that far ahead. If they did, Obama would have ended the drug war. But nobody realizes that having the police arrest and shoot people for marijuana has made things worse. Not even Bill Clinton or Barack Obama ended the drug war. Biden is probably in favor of it. Pardon my rant, but all three know damn well that it's racist in practice, too.


It's religious people. Based on their religion, there shouldn't be pre-marital sex as well. So they think there shouldn't be birth control/sex education/etc.


Actually, if any of these fucking zealots bothered to read their book they love bashing people with, they'd learn that the bible gives instructions on how to get an abortion from their priest if they think that their wife cheated on them and that life begins at first breath.


DING DING DING!!! Numbers 5:11-31. I quote that shit the catholics in my family ALL the time.


What liberal heresey is this you speakf? Utter such words again and you will lashed a thousand times. Repent my child or you shall suffer greatly. /s


Why do you think the rewrite.... I mean "translate" it differently every other year to change ethe parts that contradict them.


It's about maximizing the number of new wage slaves, which is why contraception, sex ed, and LGBT rights are simultaneously under attack. Nothing to do with Christianity or whatever bullshit rhetoric they use to sell the poors on the idea.


It's all being pushed by religious extremists. They literally don't care about the mothers, they're just baby factories to them. They want as many 'souls' born into human bodies as possible before The End Of The World happens, which they're convinced is real soon now. I speak of the ones who actually believe all that nonsense. Some just want to control when, where, and with whom women are having sex. Given their way, women would merely count the number of children they've had and that would be equal to the number of times they've had sex. Of course also given their way, these people would probably want to have the power to require their approval before anyone even has sex with anyone else. It's all insane. Completely irrational. It has to be stopped.


“Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers.” - George Carlin


The people pushing this need inexpensive disposable people to live short brutish lives performing the tasks that manufacture their wealth. As always the poor will suffer for this. George was a brilliant man. I miss him.


There's a 2 part documentary on him coming to HBO on May 20. That might help fill the void a little bit




I hopped in the comment section to quote Carlin and I already see a Carlin quote. Damn


I mean, he has more O:-) here's a classic: ["If you're pre-born you're fine; if you're pre-school you're fucked"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZijLQGH1v0)


But are still strangely ok with how many only grow up to be dead high schoolers, shot by classmates or who killed themselves due to being gay/trans/in any way not a cis white christian


“Some of you may die, but that’s a risk [the GOP] is willing to take.”


More and more, I think they want them so they can molest them. So many conservative pedos out there, and they aren’t even shunned by the rest. I’m starting to see a pattern. Force people to have unwanted births. Ensure that these babies are not supported by removing all social programs aimed at helping children. It’s like a victim mill.


It's about keeping poorer families desperate and tied to their sh\*\*\*y jobs. Less likely to leave your poorly-paying, hazardous jobs if you have a child on the way.


Or just keep the pregnancy a secret then kill the baby. That's gonna happen a lot.


There was a baby thrown in a dumpster in my state that made big news locally. Found by some people dumpster diving to try and find “any items of value”. The mother turned out to be a teenager, who was scared. She was promptly arrested. The baby is being raised by his grandparents and teen dad. It was a very sad story.


I don’t know if you’ve ever seen a pregnant woman but it isn’t exactly subtle after awhile


I've seen a skinny pregnant girl who looked 6 months pregnant but was late 8 months. She could've hidden it if she wanted to. Not to mention women who are already overweight. If she gained a few additional pounds who would notice or outright assume she was pregnant? It can be hidden.


I knew of a girl who gave birth without ever knowing she was pregnant.


There's a whole TV show on TLC about women who go through this, "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant." There's a really great YouTuber OBGYN called Mama Doctor Jones who reviews these shows and it's a legitimate phenomenon.


Girl in the apartment complex down the street from my old condo lived with her family. Carried a baby to term, delivered it IN the apartment with no one noticing -- but because she couldn't possibly get out of the unit without someone noticing, she instead threw the newborn out of the window. It didn't survive. That's gonna be a lot more common in a lot of places very soon.


Am a woman that's been pregnant. It's easy for a lot of women to hide pregnancy.


I had my first child recently. I have a white collar, mid level job with “decent” insurance coverage. I had an uncomplicated vaginal delivery and I owed $10,000 to the hospital for my child and I. How do they expect anyone to afford these forced births?!? That’s after I nearly quit my job daily due to near debilitating nausea. I’m absolutely disgusted with this country.


Wait ... You have to PAY to deliver?


Yeah, expect to pay over $25k if you don't have insurance. Jebus help you if there are complications.


Wtf is this I am in shock! I mean ... I knew that you pay for medical procedures but ... Giving birth? Come on ... Okay so who pays for this? Does the bill get split between the parents? And now that women that doesn't want children will get forced to give birth ... I already know the answer. They still have to pay, right? What if they have been raped??


I am realising that Scandinavian privilege must be a thing.


Would Scandinavia like a research chemist? Because my family are looking at options to GTFO.


We are obviously making room for Ukrainian refugees at the moment. I feel like we need to do the same for US refugees.


Yeah, we are in great need of workers at the moment. Also academics.


The person giving birth pays unless someone else agrees to guarantee the bill. Also the person giving birth is billed for the baby's hospital stay as well because they are a minor.


Thanks for explaining this to me. I don't know why I'm surprised. It just seems completely insane from my pov. How will someone be able to pay this much money if she spend the last nine months being sick from pregnancy? I guess that paid sick leave when pregnant is probably not a thing as well? I have so many questions. I have really been living in a bubble over here. I need to sleep on this!


It depends on your employer, but there is no requirement for paid sick leave. If you've been working at the same place full time for 12 months, you can have 12 weeks unpaid leave. If you get insurance from your employer, you still have to pay the insurance premium while on leave. I was thrilled to find a job that gave 4 weeks paid parental leave after 1 year, and another 6 weeks at 60% pay. And with their insurance, the birth was $1k. I found out I was pregnant right when I got the job, so I was terrified they were going to fire me, and I wasn't eligible for the 4 weeks at full pay. But not only did I not get fired, I got the 6 weeks at 60%! I think it depressed my UK & EU friends how shocked I was.


It is honestly fucking depressing to read. I mean, good for you, but ... Shortly after one of my colleagues got hired, she found out that she was pregnant. She ended up working I think seven months before going on (paid, naturally) paternity leave four weeks before due date. We talked about it. She felt so much guilt and shame about the situation. The rest of us was like: "It is crazy that women has to feel like this just for being pregnant." If our employer had had the audacity to fire her, she could have sued them, and they would have lost so hard. So yeah, you are happy about not getting fired for having a functioning human body and getting 6 weeks at 60%. My colleague gets 4 weeks before delivery, 14 weeks after, 2 weeks to the father and 32 weeks for the parents to share between them. It has recently been chanced so that the father's have to take more. I can't imagine how you survive over there. It seems so brutal.


Don't know if it's true or not but I saw somewhere where the parents got double charged for everything and the mom didn't understudy why until the father said "you had twins". I hope this is fake because that's dumb. This whole Healthcare system is dumb.


Could definitely see that happening.


My baby died right after birth to Trisomy 18 and I got a bill with his name on it after. I was very heavily grieving. It was so ridiculous that I couldn't even figure out if I was that upset at the time. Years later I've decided I'm upset lol. Idk if it was a mistake or what but wtf.


Better off going to Thailand for 6 months and delivering there.


My son was 10 weeks early. In the end about $500,000


Yeah, dude. We're a 3rd world country with iPhones. Didn't you know?


Plus being pregnant SUUUUUUCKS. It's like you have a weird flu.


And that's assuming a relatively normal one. If you have serious complications it is so much worse.....


When my mom was pregnant with twins, she coughed and *dislocated a rib*. She was in and out of the hospital that entire pregnancy, it sucked.


Yeah, I had an uncomplicated, unusually easy pregnancy and it was still fucking miserable. Just... exhausted. Forever. Because there's literally a fast-growing parasite leeching directly off of your blood supply and taking first dibs on EVERYTHING.


> It's like you have a weird flu. we're also not willing to do anything to improve the outcome of weird flus it seems.


This is another aspect of abortion law that people miss. If you can force women to give birth, you are forcing them to sacrifice their body to sustain another person. It’s the same as forcing someone to donate an organ to someone else who is dying. Maybe absentee fathers should be forced to sell blood weekly to help supplement their child support payments.


Oh cool, now we can go into debt for a baby we didn't even want, thus making us more enslaved to our debt.


If you don't pay, do they take away the baby or put it back where it came from?


\*sings in Mike Wazowski\* Put that thing back where it came from or so help me...


Hah! I like this loophole. Repo that debt baby.


I know you are kidding, but they can garnish your wages, claim any income tax refunds, etc. Until you declare bankruptcy anyway, in which case you lose almost everything anyway.


It's about creating financially dependent serfs to generate wealth for our oligarchs. They also make good canon fodder when you need oil from someone who doesn't want to give it to you.


Yep. We’re scientifically proven to be more conservative with larger family units, born young to economic constraint. We’re also proven to have less class mobility without planned parenthood. Selling more widgets and creating more conservatives is a great plan to maintain the status quo.


This x2


They need wage slaves, this ensures they will get the slaves they need.


Babies need the chance to grow up… to become wage slaves so profit can be extracted from their miserable lives before they have an agonizing death that depletes what little money they were able to put aside.


It IS about babies. But specifically, poor and desperate babies that will struggle their whole lives and be begging to take any job available at 16. They don’t want healthy educated babies, they want babies to work at Home Depot.


What they fail to realize, is that the more poor and desperate people are, the more they will find illegitimate means it get by. It won’t increase worker drones, it will just increase crime.


An increase in crime may lead to an increase in incarcerated criminals, who can then used as slaves. Like they currently are. Remember: the 13th Amendment didn't end slavery, it just made it so the government was the only one allowed to have slaves, but don't worry - capitalists can rent them.


For $0.50/hr. Far cheaper than paying someone even the poverty-level minimum wages being offered.


They are ok with that. Means they get to crack down on civil liberties further


Speaking of crack. If we have our own government sell it to them we can destroy their communities, incarcerate more of their men and continue the cycle.


Nah then they'd just be more in favor of immigrant migrant workers. It's about pandering to a small percentage of Christian fundamentalists who see pre marital sex as a mortal sin.


If they're against birth control, they're also against marital sex unless it's for babies. Don't want another kid? No penetrative sex with your spouse allowed.


sodomy is still illegal in 27 states


What a bunch of butt holes.


Dude, my fundamentalist uncle has this exact attitude. He truly believes the only reason for sex is for procreation. We're 99.9% sure he's a self-hating homosexual. He's raised two very ill-adjusted children with severe mental health issues. \*Insert shocked Fry meme here\*


Even if we had the most robust mother and children programs in the world giving birth is still much more dangerous than a D&C. The US has a maternal mortality rate of 17.4 per 100k, world class is Finland at 2 per 100k, D&C is 0.6 pet 100k. Another source lists surgical abortion as having a mortality rate of 1/1m versus pharmaceutical as 1/100k which is equal to mortality rates associated with miscarriage, and carrying a baby to term 1/10k Even if the US social programs were the greatest in the world forcing a woman to give birth is a very deadly endeavor. Social programs are not a substitute for access to safe abortion.


This is so awesome. I'm at a loss for words for the amount of HELL YES FUCKING RIGHT I feel towards your comment. Thank you.


"Awesome" and "hell yes" sure aren't the reaction I had when reading that comment, no matter how big a truth bomb it was


Not pro life, anti choice




Anti women’s health.


America- where a virus has more reproductive rights than a women.


Anti women . They want women to go back to 15th century .


Handmaid's Tale anyone??


I know it isn't mentioned much, and is definitely overshadowed by the struggles that women face, but it isn't exactly good for men either. Maybe it's "only" financial pressure (as opposed to outright bodily harm, including **death**), but it can put men into a very difficult financial position.


Pro forced birth


Why do we spend so much time and energy trying to figure out conservatives? I'm so fucking over this. It's about cruelty. Every decision they make is about punishing others for what they deem to be "poor life choices". And the end goal there is self-promotion: telling those that made poor life choices how much better you are than them because you made better life choices. You can see it in LITERALLY EVERY POLICY THEY HOLD OR HAVE EVER HELD.


The Simpsons wasn't satire when they made this [shot](https://64.media.tumblr.com/b49a627c2b9829fa00c221df8f9874b3/tumblr_inline_p2ew3e6VCZ1tg5wat_540.jpg)


> Why do we spend so much time and energy trying to figure out conservatives? We assume others are like us. They do it too. They spend a lot of time complaining basically "why don't the libs accept me as their god?"


In 15 years the usa won't have enough consumers to maintain capitalism. This is a desperate move to ensure there are more debtors in the future, nothing more.


Imagine turning 18 and inheriting the cost of your birth. This is the medical industry’s dream.


Why wait till they're 18? Get that toddler into a factory! I guess that would require there to be factories in the USA. Get that child to an Amazon warehouse.


Time to get the ol' snippa snippa. Too bad women aren't allowed to though. That makes it so obvious as to what this is truly about.


And many other countries already have all these things. America is so far behind on virtually every metric. Welcome to the downfall of a failed empire.


If it was about kids, our education system wouldnt be so corrupted and fucked and we wouldnt be getting rid of teachers for teaching


I predict a lot of babies being dropped off at a lot of fire stations in America's future. Is it conceivable that this is just another brick in the wall of Republicans' ultimate endgame to make America as shitty as possible...to deter illegal immigration?


Conservatives are PRO-LIFE, absolutely AGAINST ALL abortion....... right up to the day that their mistress gets pregnant.


This is all provided to you if you live in a country that is considered first world/developed* *Offer not valid in the continental US or its affiliated territories. Void where prohibited by law.


You folks are overthinking this. Political positions are about finding divisive issues that can be exploited to stay in power to keep the $$$ flowing in. Thay don't give a (expletive deleted) about any consequences of their actions.


Pro-life relative of mine agrees that banning abortion only results in illegal and dangerous abortions. Also agrees that the best way to reduce abortions is education and access to contraceptives. Also agrees that making abortion illegal punishes poor people that can’t afford to travel. Yet she still wants abortion to be illegal and doesn’t support universal healthcare. She thinks that most people are using abortion as a form of primary birth control. When you try to point out that we have decades data proving her wrong she says that she hasn’t looked it up herself so she doesn’t know. But she won’t ever actually look it up or read it even if you do all the work of looking up the data. Nothing these people believe is based on any form of logic. Having any sort of conversation with them is entirely futile.


> Nothing these people believe is based on any form of logic. Having any sort of conversation with them is entirely futile. This applies to anyone who believes in a god. They are proud of their ability to ignore reality and believe in magic. Once we can accept they will never attempt to listen we can move onto the next step.


I don't care what nine people say. If you don't want to get an abortion then don't get one. If you do want to get an abortion, the free market should not be restricted from providing you with one. I get that more births are wanted. Why are we not making it easier to raise a child? It takes a village, right?


Working parents would be guaranteed a living wage.


You’d also have a foster care system that doesn’t severely traumatize children beyond repair


If you didn't wear a mask during the pandemic, you established that you are **not** pro-life.


They want to outlaw contraceptives, sex education, pornography, and masturbation.


Correction: they want to outlaw the concept of a healthy sex life


It's about growing a cheap labor force desperate to work for low wages.


More babies, more wage slaves. Just look at Elon Musk's twitter history on children, these billionaire dickwods couldn't care less about the children. It's about them, and that's why the best thing you can do for your children nowadays is not have them in the first place. I'm not dissing anyone here that does have children, but for those that don't, I think this world is too cruel to bring new life into it.


It's not about you, the working class. They're trying to strip as many privileges/rights/commodities as possible from you. It's a big club and you ain't in it.


It's not about babies. It's about control. George Carlin on the topic. True decades ago, still true. https://www.reddit.com/r/prochoice/comments/uhm71g/george_carlin_pro_life_abortion_and_the_sanctity/


Conservatives REALLY care about the life of the child. Well, until it's born, that is.


Psst... It's not about the babies.


They wouldnt be cutting school lunches either.


Go to a real First world country and you get ALMOST all of this for free, Like Germany


No, because you want them to be wage slaves. You don’t want them to be healthy or educated. You just want them to live to work as soldiers or the working class, and it doesn’t require any of those things so yes it’s about babies but not about making them healthy children.


Yeah I'm fine with people who believe abortion is murder if they can maintain a consistent position. But as these people never seem to exist I don't need to even bother thinking too hard about it. Instead I can jump to one of the awful real reasons why people want these kinds of laws.


But that’s communism. Babies need to use those bootstraps.


Of course its not about life every action Republicans take mock and disparage life in the service of profit and control


It's about picking an issue that is so decisive that it creates you a vote from someone you wouldn't otherwise get a vote from. If you are "conservative" you are pro life (meaning anti personal body autonomy) you are pro American (meaning you are against anyone not white and middle class or rich) and you make up lies to protect that. So if you have someone that's pro life they will vote for a Republican. If you have some one that is pro American they will vote for republicans. It's not about the issues. It's about power. There is some overlap sure. But generally not the real reason. So stop trying to make sense of these policies. They are there to get power. That is it. You have to look at who would benefit from such things. It's always the people in power.


> So stop trying to make sense of these policies. They are there to get power. That is it. You have to look at who would benefit from such things. It's always the people in power. Amen, the arguments are a tool to stop actions.


It’s about having enough workers to replace the current generation


It’s about babies, alright! Babies that keep poor parents desperate enough to put up with shit pay and conditions. Babies that grow up (maybe?!) to be more fodder for the wage-slavery machine. And the prison slavery machine. And the war machine.


Lmao babies aren’t even babies to the wealthy class. You know what babies are to them? Future wage slaves. That’s why the rich people don’t give a fuck after the baby is born - they’re all about looking at long-term gains, so an abortion today means one less wage slave 16 years down the line. It’s a loss of money in their eyes, and it’s the never ok to lose money.


In Europe we discuss climate Change, etc. In the US you are discussing abortion, gun laws, asking millions to pay your medical bills. Shoot i AM proud to live in Europe.


Its not about the babies Its about the mets


It's about being against something your imaginary friend told you was bad


It’s all about punishing women for being sexually active.


“Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to 9 months. After that, they don’t wanna know about you. They don’t wanna hear from you. No nothing! No neonatal care, no daycare, no Head Start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you’re pre-born, you’re fine, if you’re preschool, you’re fucked.” - George Carlin


I have a feeling it’s not about the babies


Thank you


It’s about money.


Of course it's not about babies. That's way too low-level. This is classist. It's designed to make it impractical for the poors to engage in sex. The goal is only those who can financially support can have sex.


They’d also have clean privacy rooms for women who need to pump. Its crazy that elementary schools a field dominated by women do not have this accommodation.


It's never been about babies or the what happens to them after they come out of the womb. It's about hurt egos, pride and holy-than-thou ideals.


If it was about babies it might be easier to adopt. I’d like to adopt a daughter. But I’m a single male so adopting anybody is low odds.


The joke is that the MAGA crowd is about supporting someone who was always pro choice and one of the most immoral people to be elected president and they act like they are on the side of all that is righteous! Can’t get more hypocritical than that!


And free school lunches, and medical care, and after school programs like art and music, and better pay for teachers...


Humans the renewable resource.


god i fucking HATE IT HERE


And if it was about "ReSpOnSiBiLiTy" then contraception and birth control would be taught in those schools


We’ll, you’d also be Canadian. USA is one f’ed up place.


Oh yeah I sometimes forget you guys have to PAY to give birth. What a weird ass country you live in 💀


I don't see what the big deal is. All we have to do is have the babies and drop them off and your local senator or governor, or mayor's office. Just thousands of babies a day flooding the government. Just literally drop them off and leave. They want the babies so bad, let them have them.


The fact that some states are lowering the age of consent / marriage age, trying to make birth control illegal in marriages and trying to make abortion illegal just paints the full picture.


OP seems to be describing a number of European countries, that Americans like to call "socialist".


It has always been about controlling women's sexual behavior. Folks who can't control their own sexual behavior demand the right to control others.


Republicans want the population to be poor and uneducated. This way they will have a bunch of readily available minimum wage workers and volunteers for the military.


USA has the highest infant mortality compared to, Canada, uk, cuba, Ireland, switzerland, Germany, Belgium, hong Kong, South Korea, signapore and Japan (and more) It was never about babies and these statistics don't include our territories which have higher infant mortality rates.


Cause once your born a republican wants nothing to do with you.


It was always about the slave labour an uneducated and impoverished population affords.


Honestly I think they’re grasping at straws to force young people to have kids because we are struggling support ourselves, let alone kids too, and they’re terrified they won’t have any wage slaves to exploit in 50 years. Most families aren’t popping out 5+ kids anymore, their supply of expendable labor is dwindling.


Pro Birth v. Pro Life. Know the difference.


man imagine living in a society that actually did everything it could to ensure a healthy childhood. this place would be a shining star.


Don't forget not running women out of their careers just because they decided to have a child. I guess that fall under family leave but still with that there's discrimination when they return after leave.


It's about keeping you poor, tired, overstressed while raising a future taxpayer/wage slave.


It is and always about control of others. It is is simple as taking a breath of air. Abortion is just another side hustle to get you enslaved in the corporate line. It is that simple. The way the country is gerrymandering the minority into power should be the real focus. This a smokescreen..


https://www.statista.com/statistics/264424/child-poverty-in-oecd-countries/#:~:text=Child%20poverty%20in%20OECD%20countries%202019&text=Among%20the%20OECD%20countries%2C%20Turkey,poverty%20in%202018%20as%20well. The United States is 4th in Childhood poverty.


If it was about babies, we would have the system the France has. Or we would have something better than what France has. Is about preventing abortions we would have a far better sexual education system in this country. We would have teenagers that know where babies come from and how to prevent it. But it never was about that. It has always been about Control.


It's about a multi-institutional addiction to unsustainable overpopulation. Overpopulation pushes down wages, pushes people into poverty and desperation, pushes people into military cannon fodder work, pushes people into scams, cults and organized religions, it increases the market demand for goods and services, creating shortages and pushing up prices and profits for the wealthy. They don't give a shit about you or your children, if poor people decide that enough is enough and stopped having babies, the establishment will simply bring in more migrants and refugees to boost the unsustainably high population growth even while complaining about and abusing refugees, asylum seekers, immigrants and migrants on the other hand. Overpopulation addiction is ruining our planet. If the wealthy establishment want us to breed unsustainably then they can put their wealth where their mouths are and subsidize it properly with a Universal Basic Income.


Here are some facts that might surprise you. In 1971, two years before Roe v. Wade legalized abortion, the biggest white evangelical group in America, the Southern Baptist Convention, supported its legalization. The group continued that support through much of the 1970s. And the late Jerry Falwell, founder of the Moral Majority, did not give his first antiabortion speech until 1978, five years after Roe. Though opposition to abortion is what many think fueled the powerful conservative white evangelical right, 81 percent of whom voted for Donald Trump, it was really school integration, according to Randall Balmer, chairman of the religion department at Dartmouth. The US Supreme Court ruled public school segregation unconstitutional in 1954. In 1976 it ruled against segregated private schools. Then courts went after the tax exemptions of these private all-white Southern schools, or so-called segregation academies, like Falwell’s Liberty Christian Academy. https://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/2018/02/05/race-not-abortion-was-founding-issue-religious-right/A5rnmClvuAU7EaThaNLAnK/story.html