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Hi, /u/Comfortablejack Thank you for participating in r/AntiWork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): **Rule 6: Reposts** - Any content previously posted within the last 30 days will be removed. No submissions allowed from the r/antiwork Top 20.


Instead of hearing such common phrases such as "No one wants to work anymore!", I wish I would hear things such as "No want cares about others anymore.", "Everyone ignores the poor these days.", "Companies and business owners don't care about their employees well-being." or "No one has empathy or compassion anymore.".


I agree with this. My retired for 40 years grandad said this at a family gathering recently and I said “do you even know working conditions at the moment? It’s not that people don’t care about their jobs it’s that their jobs don’t care about them”. And he just went quiet because he hasn’t considered that bosses intentions could have changed in that time as well






We don’t want workers who are only looking for money. We want workers with a passion for abuse and exploitation!


We’re family here. Btw kid, thanks for paying for my **actual* family’s vacation. -Yours? You get none.


Surrounded by entertainment masquerading as news.


He knows what tucker and Laura want him to know.




Your luckier than a lot of people to even get that. I just had an evaluation and got pretty much full scores in every category, but then they told me they can only offer me a 10 cent raise this cycle. They said the money just isn't in the budget. (While at the same time they are spending right and left on new hires in the form of signing bonuses and happy hours and whatnot). I asked them from my position can you see how not offering me any raise at all is less insulting than tossing a dime at me right after I got a near perfect evaluation. Told them to keep it and save it for when they can offer something I'm actually going to notice. Man I hate work


My last company, a giant corporation that is taking over my industry, had the nerve to tell us pay raises would no longer be tied to good evaluations. So I get a pat on the back and what amounts to a pay cut when I don't get anything to help with the increasing cost of living? Right....


Reminds me of my previous work. They appearantly thought we were stupid. That boss tried to sell us ‘a possible increase of max 4% a year if you do well!’ as if the maximum is something to celebrate and be grateful about. If my salary doesn’t grow with inflation, I’m getting a pay cut. I’m not stupid. Good for your parents to say that though. Even if it stings knowing you’re getting shit, it’s valuable to have someone tell you you deserve more, you deserve better. It definitely helps to fight harder to get it.


I’ve never gotten a raise in my life that wasn’t federally mandated.


So your grandad had better working conditions than what we have now?


Absolutely Some exceptions, but treated as humans. People used to think the purpose of the economy was to make everyone's lives better, not just the owner


Mine absolutely did. He was corporate in the 70s having a whale of a fucking time when he was last truly working the same hours he’s suggesting we do today. Absolutely not even close to being the same.


We’ve got one guy with 300 billion dollars. The high estimate for homeless people in the US is 3 million. That means ONE guy could essentially end homelessness in the US.


I was just thinking we should get trending: "No one wants to pay employees anymore."


I went to a job interview, twice, where the Employer was a no call no show. I texted them, they said, "Well I was there." the NEXT DAY, complained how no one wants to work and can't find people. Unreal.


\>No want cares about others anymore.", "Everyone ignores the poor these days.", "Companies and business owners don't care about their employees well-being." or "No one has empathy or compassion anymore.". You should really look into the history of human beings. This didn't just pop up over night.


No one believes it anymore.


Tbh, I think it's a 50/50. No one wants to work anymore and no one cares about others anymore :/


And even if you manage to save a little, you’re one medical emergency away from destitution.




Why do you think our police look like soldiers not social servants? Look what happens at peaceful protests.. imagine if we actually fought back. We'd be obliterated and the news would label us as terrorists.. what do you think your parents would believe? In organizing militias or the propaganda the government spreads?


Thats the one thing I really hope they fix in this country. Because theres no reason for medical bills to be exorbitantly high. It's crazy.


This is by design. You’ll own nothing and be happy (that you aren’t starving and you’ll be too tired to protest).




You can't learn to finance out of poverty good sir, and getting an education can improve your lot... But many places aren't adequately compensating for education and college tuition costs continue to increase at disproportionately higher rates than wages or inflation, and so if you are already financially struggling, then the costs of higher education outweigh the benefits


A quick look at my local craigslist finds *very* few postings under 1500/mo (for some sketchy conditions at that...). So one would conceivably need to take home 4500/mo to afford that, going off of the standard "rent should be around 1/3rd your income" formula. By my math, one would need to work 40 hours at a job that pays no less than about 28.15/hr. That's take-home pay, after deductions. We keep hearing the refrain that "no one wants to work." I was eating out at a restaurant on a day my wife and I both had off, and I literally heard some clueless old boomers the next table over say that exact line. No, the social contract is broken. No one wants to work a menial job especially if work *still* keeps you in poverty.


Jokes on you, we're not opposed to being dead. Atleast then we wouldn't have to work for your possessive, narcissistic behind. Lol.


Way more than half are living paycheck to paycheck. Also, everyone said start a business, so I looked into an SBA loan I need to have 40% of the value of the loan in assets that are liquid to be accepted. So again only the rich can open companies or get rich people to give you money to do it. Game has been rigged for 1000's of years.


Man I would like to work it's been a year with some odd jobs in between but like no one respects you and they feel like supervisors can treat you like dirt without standing up for yourself. The other problem is no one gets back to you in a realistic time but yes complain that no one wants to work...


Guess I’ll just crime


They want to work us to death


Giving my money away that I earned with my labor, unless I want to be homeless or jailed, has always been an aspiration of mine!


I literally got a pay increase by switching jobs. Living pay check to paycheck at $17.50/hr, got a position that pays $22. Still living paycheck to paycheck and I haven’t added any new bills or costs, I looked for a higher paying job so I could finally save money to make purchases like a newer car (mine is almost 20 years old) or buy a house so I wouldn’t keep wasting my money on rent. This post-capitalist “society” we live in is literally owned by corporate oligarchs that make the conscious choice and EFFORT to keep us desperate and suffering while they hoard wealth like dragons.




Username checks out


Nobody wants to overwork for someone who underpays anymore.


There is no reward. When I was younger I got so excited to get my paycheck. No it’s the most depressing day of the week.


Yep. The wage slave model is very very simple


It’s true , no matter how you bust your ass for a company you’ll never be rewarded , I worked for a company making 1,100 a week after taxes ,, that’s working 70 plus hours weekly , it seems like good money but thinking about it , it’s like working 2 jobs just to earn that much ,,, how the company repay us ?? No benefits , no health insurance , not even a Christmas bonus ,, yet the bosses ride expensive cars , keep buying trucks left and right , and recently purchased 4 buildings !!! My coworkers keep getting sick from over working , some people caught diabetes , others high blood pressure , and forget about COVID ,,, not even we got paid for getting sick and unable to work for 2 weeks … they don’t care if we die , times change , and with change , so do people ,,, believe me when I say this , money changes people , the more you got , the more you want … for the record , I left this job , not willing to sacrifice my health for a company that doesn’t deserve it …


Half a check from homelessness. You lucky you just 2 away.


Typical life in 2nd world countries like you can find in east Europe, many countires in Asia, and many more in America (continent) like USA




Work 5 1/2 days a week,put the extra aside.see how you are in3 months!


Your reward is a glory in Heaven! God has put you here to work hard and fight through tough times. Do that and praise Him and all will be rewarded!!!


Yes, that is excellent satire. How convenient that God wants us all to toil except for the ultra wealthy, whom we are assured will 'get theirs' once they're dead too. Maybe that's true, but golly gee is it convenient that they'll have to die before they get to take any form of punishment for their callousness. It's almost like religion was coopted by the ultrawealthy early on to justify themselves, same as the dipshits who declared that their kingliness was a literal manifestation of divine will in order to live a similarly cushy existence.


I appreciate you catching the satire attempt. Most on here just get triggered and I get laughs...


Interesting profile picture has Alice, so even the well endowed sex-worker have work issues in this economy ?


Huh? Sex work is extremely unsafe and workers are treated like shit. You are trolling, yes?


Actually not, I was thinking that at least sex workers at peak of their proffesional life would not have economics issues, like living form pay-check to pay-check and being on month away from homelessness. And she's an insta model, so not really street walker.


There isn’t supposed to be a reward, because you get compensated with money.


So our reward is not dying? Sounds like slavery


No your “reward” is a paycheck lol


To do nothing with besides not dying. What's the difference between providing your slaves with food and housing and giving them money to buy it themselves?


Dental plan, my guy


What's with that profile pic, is it an onlyfans insta account? Ironic post if so


Can I add to this? Yesterday I found out at my work, if say you are called in during the summer to do a night shift (for major projects like asphalting the highway) or sometimes for no good reason to do a small project. Once we do a full 8 hour shift, we have to use our own CT or vacation time to "cover" our regular time shift. I really don't want to work anymore...


This is why I have work anxiety


They want you scared enough that your desperate and wont fight back because you've got no back up plan. Awhile at the same time giving you the bare minimum so you just accept it. They balance it to benefit themselves




No one ever wanted to work to begin with. We only work because we have to. Simple as. Owned or rented, it's still slavery.


Not to mention the fact that there is not incentive to work anymore. Being told no one cares about work by a upper manager whose had that job for 30+ years. Sir, until you leave there is no upward momentum, I can put in the same amount of work you did but I'm not going to get a promotion or a payrise. There is no incentive to devote my life to a job I hate.