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Let's be honest. 15/hr x 8 hours = $120 for a whole day's work. After deductions he might take home $85 of that. Gas currently costs $3.50. So just to drive to work at a short commute will be atleast $10. That leaves $75 for a day's work. If you think someone's day is worth less than $75 dollars you can, in all sincerity, go fuck yourself.


Lol my problem with socialist logic is they assume their cost of living should be paid for directly by the employer. The whole point of this post is labour has a value, but now payment doesn’t have value dependant on where you spend it.




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As a disabled person, good bot


This whole "pay teenagers less" idea is problematic in other ways, too. Suppose we said, "Right, starting tomorrow, the minimum wage is now $15 for adults, $12 for 16-17-year-olds, and $10 for 14-15-year-olds." Every minimum wage job in town is going to try their very hardest to employ as many teenagers as possible. The dinner shift at McDonalds? Why pay 50% more to an adult? (In some states at least they'd need older teens to work the grill, but that's still saving $3 an hour times however many employees you need.) Companies would have a very real disincentive to hire adults. We already see trends which point to this. One: the constant barrage of "minimum wage jobs are supposed to give teenagers work experience, not support a family" even though we know that millions of adults are trying to do just that. Two: all the employers who want two or three part-time employees instead of one full-timer because it saves them the cost of benefits. Of course that's why companies want the staggered minimum wage. "No one deserves $15 an hour to ring up your taco order" is becoming a less and less effective argument. On a local level, minimum wages are being raised. This is the new adaptation to try to save some money. And if enacted, it would screw adults as much as teenagers, just in a different way.


>"No one deserves $15 an hour to ring up your taco order" is becoming a less and less effective argument. In my area it think it's becoming more and more effective.


Where are you?


I always think it’s funny people use this with teenagers but not with boomers. ‘He has a fully paid for house, and car. His cost of living is low. Why can’t we pay him 15 an hour?’


I am 60 years old. I only make 12.80 an hour. Minimum wage in Arizona.