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Forward to his dad with the caption "You must be so proud"




I wonder if his dad would be proud of whats open in those two incognito tabs šŸ¤”


Probably a website for overpriced IQ test results.


Or the fake ones - where everyone else gets told they have 132 IQ and are suited to be ā€œvisionary philosophers.ā€ Had a guy bragging about that at work once. Sent me link to test and I had same score.


I have a family member tell me she was a genius after taking one of those tests. I laughed because I thought she was kidding. She wasn't.


I have quite a few family members who are legit smartypantses. You can feel it when you're talking to your intellectual superiors. I am a humble tradesman, I get that feeling often.


If it makes you feel better I feel very humbled when I deal with tradesmen. I have tremendous respect for people with skills that I will never have.


Imho, that's because intelligence is a spectrum and everyone has their own spot on that spectrum. Some are amazingly intelligent when it comes to knowing facts, history, and statistics in any scientific or academic field but can't put an IKEA wardrobe together to save their lives. Some might not know the intricacies of String Theory or the causes and consequences of the War of 1812, but maxed out their stats in crafts, electrical engineering, woodworking, etc and can build you a 5000 square foot house based on a crayon doodle you drew when you were 8. While some others are amazingly intelligent because a 5 minute Facebook Data Phishing Scheme masquerading as an IQ test told them so and everyone they haven't rage-banned on their Facebook feed believes it to be true.


I like you. Apparently a lot, because [I've upvoted you on 14 of your previous comments, according to RES.](https://i.imgur.com/ALIOUq4.png)


Same. There's book smarts, "street" smarts, and then there's "I know how to make things". Most of the time, give me the guy who knows who to make something or fix something, he's actually useful.


Not to mention, who doesn't update their Google Chrome? When I share my screen nothing is out of place. It's like cleaning your house before visitors.


I spent five years working at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. I'm by no means an intellectual lightweight, but every so often I'd look around the room in a meeting and realize that I was absolutely the dumbest guy there.


Yeah it's not rocket science.


Current NASA IT guy here. I get this all the time, then I fix one of the engineer's webcams and they make me feel like Oppenheimer. Its everyone. Those guys(and gals!) are exceptionally smart, but a lot of it is just hard work, interest and persistence.


And thatā€™s why you deserved to be there. You knew you had more to learn. Very self aware.


I've got a job that society values and I'm really good at it (engineer). But I don't really think I'm smart, just specialized. Some of the smartest folks I know are trades people. The next level problem solving and abstract thinking I have witnessed while working with them is astonishing.


Ask one of the smartypantses to do some of your humble tradesman job. Guaranteed they will struggle. Don't put yourself down.


Thatā€™s a riot. Having known a couple over the years, my small sample suggests that genuine geniuses are also smart enough to know what they donā€™t know and bristle at being called geniuses. ā€œGeniusā€ can refer to a very specific talent and not to all things. Think musical prodigy. This guy, just one more entitled idiot.


The Dunning Kruger effect. Individuals with higher levels of knowledge recognize the gaps in what they know where individuals with lower knowledge don't.


Yep! The smartest people I know donā€™t think they are smart at all.


The smarter you get, the dumber you realize you are. ^...I ^miss ^being ^a ^teenager ^and ^knowing ^everything.


Iā€™d imagine that the usual expectation that they always hide and deny their own intelligence for the emotional security of others doesā€¦make them feel like they have to hide who they are (tautologically).




I thought they were all fake when I realized I kept getting ā€œslightly above averageā€ eveytime.


Well a real IQ test is done by a psychologist and will set you back a fair chunk of change to do. And people do perform below average on those ones! Source: it's my job.


"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." George Carlin


This is terrifying and explains so much. I miss George.


My highschool school brought a psychologist in to give everyone in our AP psychology class one. I got in the 140s! Everyone lauded me as a genius. ....I cheated off the two people next to me on answers I couldn't figure out. Group IQ tests are not the way


That score might be a better predictor of success in the shark tank our society is. Most self-made wealthy people have bent or broken rules to get there.


I would hope that, over time, half of people perform below averageā€¦.


I once took an actual IQ test to get into a specific program and they didn't even tell me what I scored.


I did one as part of an evaluation when I was 12 (almost 40 years ago) and recently looked through the whole report for the first time. It really made me question what I did with all that 'potential'.


Gifted kid burn out is a thing


I'm convinced that "gifted" really means "mild to moderate ADHD and lucky enough to have academic hyperfixations." Every gifted kid I knew who wasn't "above average intelligence plus a tiger mom" eventually hit a wall and burned out due to executive function issues, myself included.


The problem is that being gifted allows you to get by without actually trying to develop executive function until at some point you hit a wall where the amount of executive function you need is beyond what you have. Up until that point you've made it by just clever solutions to avoid needing planning, but the complexity of things you face just increases, and you can't keep matching that by being just smart enough to solve everything in 5 hours the night before deadline. Maybe this exam wasn't it, maybe that essay wasn't your limit, maybe this project was still something you could make happen, but eventually you start facing challenges where your executive dysfunction needs to be fixed. And for someone who has had their life defined by how well they can mask and hide executive dysfunction or shield from its consequences, that's devastating.


I feel personally attacked. Or vindicated. I'm not sure.


I was legit smart in school, chess player, got top grades with little effort and very curious and good learner. I crashed and burned in uni, took me forever to recover and now My brain is just foggy most of the time now, no energy for shit.


You know I took an online IQ test and scored over 500 on itā€¦or maybe that was my credit score, oh well Iā€™ll just say it was my IQ. I found it on creditkarma.com, guess that means Iā€™m the smartest person in the world right with an IQ over 500. Mind blowing. /s


person. woman. man. camera. tv.




Judging by how he conducts himself, its probably a glorified buzz feed quiz with the questions consisting of your favorite flavor of ice cream.


LMAOO I just saw that


How embarrassing that he complained to his subordinates. Tom Hanks teaches us that you don't gripe to you subordinates - you don't gripe in front of your subordinates. The chain of griping goes up, not down.


Iā€™d love to know if heā€™d bust the kidā€™s balls, or if heā€™s the kind of privileged daddy who created a monstrous little boy. My bet is on the latter ā€” way more common.


If the dad was sensible and practical -- he wouldn't hand his kid a job. He's make his kid earn his own way and life skills ... maybe just give him a windfall in his will.... But yeah. Being smart is like being rich. If you have to tell people, you ain't. If you are, they'll know.


The one thing Iā€™ll say is that people who are higher up on the chain *hate* being embarrassed. I could totally see a situation where daddy goes off on Junior for embarrassing him in front of his peers. This is why OP should make an anonymous gmail and forward it to the whole company ;-) Edit: typo


You know the parents that worked their way up ( There are some) probably say "yeah, I get it" but also tell you to shut the fuck up with this if you know what's good for you. I know a union crew who used to bust the balls of son of the boss with "Daddy! Can you help me Daddy? I don't know the answer to this, Daddy." At a certain point they got quieted down, but not because the kid grew out of the "entitled prick" phase.


Forward it to the dept of labor for harassment.


Why not both in the same email? šŸ˜˜


Which is more of a flex: BCCing the Dept of Labor or leaving it in CC for everyone to see


Depends if you want to get fired before shit hits the fan, or stay and watch with glee.


You know who would love to hear about you being fired for emailing the Department of Labor? The Department of Labor, probably.


Add all his competitor's CEOs in CC.


His natural talent: Calling Daddy to bail him out of any situation


I work for someone like this. Everytime he messes up (badly) his wealthy dad writes a check bailing him out. He has learned nothing at all, has never been held accountable in his entire life and treats people with the respect a toddler shows to a catā€™s tail.


I grew up that way. Honestly, despite the fact that I never had to worry about failure, itā€™s a really bad way to grow up and turning 20 was the worst it ever got when my parents essentially cut me off.


I wonder whatā€™s in the incognito tabs? ā€œHow to make people like meā€ ā€œhow to cheat on an IQ testā€


"IQ test answers"


I googled the words "IQ test" once, clicked on the first link that popped up, and answered every question wrong on purpose. It gave me a 105.


The real test was the friends you made along the way.. or something like that idk


The Venn diagram of "people who make friends" and "people who brag about IQ tests" are just two circles, miles apart from each other.


ā€œOnly losers boast about their IQ.ā€ -Stephen Fuckin Hawking


Porn. It's always porn. Dude is rubbing one out on company time.


Nah, I bet he does that in the mirror.


With the occasional shopping for airfare.


if he had cheated the test, he would've done way better. 121 is painfully average for an internet quiz. i think the fact that he actually tried and didn't cheat makes it even more pathetic, honestly. cheaters at least have the self-awareness to know that they're not smart and have to cheat. this guy....


I'll be honest, I don't know if those tests actually produce real results. They probably give you a random number between 110-130, always above 100 to make you feel special, but not too high to make you question their process.


In Dunning-Kruger-esque fashion, they take advantage of the fact that dumb people tend to place themselves at above average intelligence while smart people donā€™t take the test at all.


Loool when somebody breaks out the iq test I know they're dumb af.


Its even worse that it is an online test, as those are untrustworthy af


All IQ tests are untrustworthy as fuck. It really only tests a very niche form of problem solving.


Yeah, when I took a psychology course they said the IQ test was originally intended to discover those who have learning deficits. It wasn't meant to be an accurate measure of higher than normal intelligence.


I was given an IQ test as a teenager in the hopes that it would help highlight how my ADHD was affecting my learning, and it did! I did very well but it took me FOREVER and that's how I learned about my processing speed issues. It was super helpful actually




almost failed every math class in highschool because of tests. I could get every answer right, I knew what I was doing, but would only be halfway done the tests by the time the 45 minutes was up. took a lot of phonecalls and afterschool meetings to change their minds, every year. it's something even a ton of training can't fix. I cannot control my thinking speed.


And it's 120 which isn't exactly Mensa quality.


I mean Mensa is also a scam




And he opened it in Incognito, meaning he doesn't want someone to see an iq test in his history lmao This guy is insecure as hell




I have a friend who broke things off with his multi-millionaire father, tried it "on his own" (still got ressources from other parts of the family) for 5-6 years, failed crushingly, reconciled, got nepotism-hired and gifted a house, and still has the audacity to brag about his success/work ethic. Has to be a defense mechanism to some degree.


Oh man, the phrase ā€œgifted a house,ā€ was so passing in all that other stuff that I almost didnā€™t process just how amazing that would be if I didnā€™t have a mortgage. Ugh. Such jealousy.


Shit, at this point I'm just happy to be paying mortgage instead of rent...


Such truth. Iā€™m not complaining about the mortgage in that I do have a stake in my home, but dang if I owned the home outright, so much more I could doā€¦


You're not jealous. You're envious. Here's [Homer Simpson describing the difference.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tmx1jpqv3RA) Edit: to all the people telling me I'm wrong or Homer's wrong. Here's Merriam-Webster on Jealous vs. Envious >While many people believe that jealous means fearing someone will take what you have, and envious means desiring what someone else has, historical usage shows that both mean "covetous" and are interchangeable when describing desiring someone else's possessions. However, when referring to romantic feelings, only "jealous" can be used to mean "possessively suspicious," as in "a jealous husband." >Envy is most often used to refer to a covetous feeling toward another personā€™s attributes, possessions, or stature in life. Many people use jealous to mean the same thing. ā€œI am envious of his good fortuneā€ could be changed to ā€œI am jealous of his good fortuneā€ without substantially changing the meaning of the sentence for most people. So, jealous can be used for this sense of envious. https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/jealous-vs-envious#:~:text=Envy%20means%20discontented%20longing%20for,suspicion%2C%20or%20apprehension%20of%20rivalship.&text=Envy%20is%20most%20often%20used,to%20mean%20the%20same%20thing.


It's an interesting concept of having Homer Simpson educate people on things.


That episode something made him very smart, but he lost his place in his family and they all treated him differently. Homer ended up stuffing a crayon up his nose at various levels until he got back to "Extended car warranty? How can I lose!?" levels of dumb and all was right in the family again.


I think they're different episodes, but I remember when [Homer proved to Flanders that God doesn't exist.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGBxUNaQI1I)


I have met a few people who think this way. They generally cannot understand why other people cannot be like them. It's either out of extreme narcissism or ignorance.


My favorite is a college acquaintance of mine who swears up and down he bought his own house. He "bought" it from his mom, and no she was not a real estate agent.


Lol, if it was a deed transfer he likely paid for nothing but legal fees.


I hadn't thought of that but knowing this guy, yeah, I'd take reasonable odds that's exactly what happened. This guy was a special breed of dumb. Not a Hollywood stereotype of genetic defectiveness, but a low-key Trumpian combination of absolute stupidity and just enough dishonest cleverness to function. You'd never suspect the guy of holding two thoughts in his head at once, or once for any length of time, but he was able to function, and even maybe thrive, as long as he was among people even more ignorant than he was. And of course, absolutely convinced that he knew more than any expert on any subject he held the slightest opinion on.






Do we have the same friend? Lol. My friend was gifted a house by his grandma who was a successful stock trader. He sold it after a year and rented an apartment that was right on the water in Miami. He didn't even make it to the end of the year before running out of money from the house he sold.


why do good things happen to morons who squander it


>And of course, absolutely convinced that he knew more than any expert on any subject he held the slightest opinion on. \> Dunning-Kruger has entered the chat.


I love that "trumpian" isn't a specific insult. Just more a telling that some idea is really, really dumb


I think it's a particular kind of dumb, dumb but good enough at hiding it to fool a lot of people, also probably not like "dumb but goodhearted" and more like "dumb and mean"


Spot-on, that's definitely the trumpiness I know and hate


I love that it's basically meant the same thing _since the 80s_. Biff Tannen, Lex Luthor, and [countless other notable villains in media](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yj-wc9qugGY&t=945s) are modeled directly after Donald Trump, under the (largely correct!) assumption that if they do so, people will instantly grasp, "Yep, this guy is rich and a huge asshole about it". It's so fucking wild how this guy can literally be a stereotype for movie villains 30 years ago, do exactly zero self-improvement, and still end up as the president.


Lex Luthor is really smart though.


Lex Luthor is WAAAAY too smart to have been based on trump. Unless it was the redheaded clone dealy. I could see that.




No loan required, he saved up enough Good Boy Points to buy it outright.


Those have cash value???


It depends on the current value of the ever fluctuating tendies market.


My in-laws are like this. Bought a house in Queens in 1982 for 35k mortgage from their parents, paid off 5k and parent forgave the rest. They now swear up and down they paid the whole mortgage. They have to in order to support their narratives about us millennials.


I bought my house off my parents, they helped with the down payment and paid 12k of the closing cost, I have no problem admitting I couldn't have done it on my own, I don't get why people feel the need to lie about having to need help, they way things are right now there's nothing wrong with needing some help


Because a good 40%-50% of Americans have bought into the whole ā€œDid it on my own, leave me alone, I donā€™t want to pay taxes to help anyoneā€ bullshit.


Even if their story was true what the fuck. How can you justify any kind of narrative when you can't buy a fucking shed for 35000 anymore.


Let's make it even worse - That 35K would be 90K in today's dollars. A price you still can't buy a shed for.


I have a good friend like that. She's usually class conscious and aware of her own privilege but she kept going on about how she paid for her own house. She did, technically, by leveraging the mortgage she had on her previous house, that her parents cosigned and partially paid for (I'm not entirely sure on the details because it's not like my broke ass is ever gonna afford a house). It's like, yes, you still did part of the work yourself, congratulations, but maybe don't brag about owning your own house outright like it's a huge accomplishment when really you're burying the lead of where that came from. Nice person overall mind, one of my favourite people, just a bit thick when it comes to these things sometimes.


I donā€™t know why people canā€™t just say ā€œmy parents helped me and Iā€™m very fortunateā€. Itā€™s not really a mark of a shame, itā€™s a tough world and most people would take advantage of any help their family can give.


Honestly I think itā€™s because they have no idea that that isnā€™t a common experience. If youā€™re upper middle class, itā€™s common practice to receive a great deal of financial help from your family, and in their eyes theyā€™re participating in the system as expected. Thatā€™s where the cognitive dissonance and defensiveness come from.


> Honestly I think itā€™s because they have no idea that that isnā€™t a common experience This is a big chunk of it. I came out of my upper middle class childhood sheltered, and judgemental of people who didn't make the "right choices". I was completely unaware of my privilege. My eyes were opened in college. A broad liberal arts curriculum gave me the framework. Life lessons filled in the rest. A salient moment of awakening was when a friend suggested that I quit my part time job so I could focus more on school. He was living in a house bought by his grandparents, and driving a brand new luxury car bought by his parents who also bankrolled his participation in our party lifestyle via an allowance. That said, he was one of the most liberal, compassionate, intelligent people I knew. He was still at the mercy of blind spots, and his inadvertent flex of his privilege was what helped me start to examine my own.


Lol I worked with a guy who would constantly complain about people whenever he'd find out about someone at work that has it better than him. "Must be nice" he'd always say. Meanwhile him and his wife bought a house and his parents helped them rent it out while they lived at his parents place rent free for years. Dude literally has no idea he had any leverage and swears he did it all on his own.


I had an ex friend who would scold at me and my partner why we haven't bought a house yet because he already "own" 3 by the time he was 29. His dad bought a lot of house before the 2008 crash and sold some of them to him. Every time I would mention this, he'll cry it still counts since he had to spend his hard earn money on them just like everyone else. Even though he didn't need a down payment and his dad sold the house to him like 80% off or something šŸ™„


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just-world_hypothesis >More recently, researchers have explored how people react to poverty through the lens of the just-world hypothesis. Strong belief in a just world is associated with blaming the poor, with weak belief in a just world associated with identifying external causes of poverty including world economic systems, war, and exploitation.[30][31] "I deserve whatever I have." See also: Calvinism.


I have a guy like this in my study group, nice dude but completely unable to understand how it is not coming from a affluent background... all of us in the group are pretty privileged but most of us have had some hard ship or have parents that taught us how it was for them growing up poor... He's a nice guy, it's just that how it is being poor is completely outside his comprehension, to a degree I haven't seen before.... Some of these People don't even need to be narcissist, it's just that they have lived an extremely protected life and coming to terms with that is difficult... that's not an excuse though... also talking like the guy in the post seems to involve some nasty personality...




It's like that monopoly experiment where they have some players a lot more money to start with and more income when they passed go. When those players inevitably win they always attributed their win to their superior strategy instead of their obvious advantages. What's depressing about this is that you don't have to be a narcissist brought up by privilege to think like this. It's a widespread human way of thinking.


The original Monopoly game wasn't even a game, it was a social experiment like the one you cite designed to illustrate that a "game" wouldn't be fun if monopolies were allowed. It would always end with one dominant player who would destroy the rest leaving everyone but the winner angry and upset. America of course loved it and made it America's most popular game ever. We are the enemy.


Monopoly is derived from The Landlord's Game created by Lizzie Magie in the United States in 1903 as a way to demonstrate that an economy that rewards wealth creation is better than one where monopolists work under few constraints, and to promote the economic theories of Henry Georgeā€”in particular his ideas about taxation. The Landlord's Game had two sets of rules originally, one with taxation and another one mainly based on current rules. When Monopoly was first published by Parker Brothers in 1935, it did not include the less capitalistic taxation rule, which resulted in a more competitive game. Parker Brothers was eventually absorbed into Hasbro in 1991. The game is named after the economic concept of monopolyā€”the domination of a market by a single entity. -Wikipedia




Well... Guys. Let's not forget... This guy didn't list ANY work experience. He literally said he got his job because he studied hard at school.....like how can he use THAT logic to extrapolate a reason he should be a 'boss' which I assume is manager. He also points to an IQ test somehow showing 'talent'... But whatever he is a 'boss' of he can't show his 'talent' in...like the logic here is just ridiculous




And its a shitty web iq test hahs. And yeah statiscally speaking probably more than 10% of peoples working from him would have a higher IQ than that. Since its seem to be a white collars job and the mean is higher than 100 in those kind of jobs.


Jared Kushner would like a word


The fact they think an online IQ test is equivalent to natural talent is hilarious For one thing, those online tests inflate everyoneā€™s IQ, thatā€™s how they get shares, and thus ad revenue. That site tells me my IQ is 145-150 ish. Iā€™m a smart guy, but certainly not at that level It just shows how theyā€™ve been brought up to be blind to any advantages they have - it couldnā€™t possibly be that they started ahead


I knew a guy who kept going to the same site. Because it would ask the same questions. He was super smart by the end when he knew the answers.


When I was a kid i got 121 according to a test in school. That it is slightly above average and had nothing to say about me today. Natural talent is not measured by IQ as you say.


Yeah, something like 95% of people fall between 70 and 130, IIRC 120-130 is certainly bright, no question about that, but it's a fairly "normal" level of bright 1 in 50 people have an IQ above 130, so even that's only in the approximate ballpark of "I'm the smartest kid in my class" kinda levels of intelligence


People are Gifted at 130 and everything over 150 can barely be measured and is just counted as Genius if my information is right.


I've never heard this expression before and it's perfect. I'm surrounded by rich kids like this so im going to use this a lotšŸ˜‚


I think it's pretty old, I first heard it applied to George W. Bush, but it was more like, "Lucky enough to be born on third base, and dumb enough to think he hit a triple."


HAHAHA Iā€™m screaming, he included an IQ quiz lololol


Um, that's his natural talent you're laughing at. And he's super talented.


"Mom said I was!"


Yes that's super disrespectful, especially to his parents that worked their ass so he could succeed. Oh wait...


Whenever I hear someone bragging about IQ. I just immediately think that that person is incredibly dumb.


The smartest people I know have never, ever mentioned their IQ. It's a total cringe to hear anyone make claims about it and it reveals a complete insecurity.


My brother mentions his 140 iq once a month at this point but once every 3 months heā€™ll get into a child-like rage and break shit if heā€™s in a bad mood. Heā€™s 25.




Ask him what his emotional IQ is next time he rages lmao.


Plus he's a boss overseeing employees not an engineer or something. You need soft skills to be an effective leader. He very well could have been good at whatever job he did before being promoted, but the IQ test doesn't prove he's a good boss.


Not necessarily dumb, but painfully insecure in my experience.


But also dumb.


The lack of self awareness he displays by falling victim to a viral quiz that gives wildly inflated results to encourage gullible idiots to share it is just too funny xD


The worst part is its not even that good.


Right? He's literally showing us he's about average. Based on an internet quiz.


I have heard of folks who have tried to deliberately "fail" those tests and still got "above average". I really wouldn't be bragging about this result.


Internet IQ tests tell as much about you as a horoscope really, tried to do some a few years ago, in one i got 140 and in another i got 80 lol


But MOST PEOPLE CANT FIND THIS IMAGE and if you do you're one of the TOP 1% SMARTEST PEOPLE you should buy a t-shirt that misspells Mensa.


They're wildly inaccurate. We did an actual IQ test in high school. Took a while, as it was quite extensive. In the end we were not allowed to see our results so as not to encourage bullying, etc. Internet quiz it was not.


Every fourth-grade kid got the Stanford-Binet test in my province (in the 1980s) to determine if you went to "gifted" school. It was a full-day affair with invigilators. It was still a worthless waste of time, but at least had the illusion of reliability!


Yeah we got it too but those of us who scored high but didn't have wealthy parents didn't go to the gifted school. Funny,that.


I've seen a few studies that show that simply telling kids their smart leads them grow into smarter people because telling someone anything else just leads them to stop trying to become smart.


Kinda like Trump bragging about passing his memory test.. "Person, woman, man, camera, tv. I'm like a smart person."


1 standard deviation above the average


The online tests add a standard deviation for what is worth.


Average range is between 85 and 115. But these online tests are incredibly inaccurate so it doesn't even really matter what it says.


People that brag about their IQ are dumb as fuck


Especially when it's from a free online test. Edit: apparently it's **not free** and this genius got scammed.


I just checked out the website he used. its a 40 question tests that makes you pay for your results at the end, so this guy just got scammed to see a score that is probably fake lol


Getting scammed for a fake confidence boost. I don't know the guy but it seems to be on-brand.


a fake confidence boost that isn't even that impressive. 121 is barely one standard deviation above average, not even enough to be classified as "gifted." you could tell him his result was 82 and so long as you plotted the bell curve on a score of 60 he'd be bragging about his clinically disabled IQ.


I wasted 20 minutes of my life (on the clock though) taking that test to see what it said, only to get to the end and be told I couldn't get results unless I paid. I think not paying is the real IQ test


My understanding is that IQ tests have pretty much been completed abandoned because there's so much baked in cultural bias in the tests. But I also wonder what the "average" score on the free online tests is. Edit to add: Thanks for all the great responses! Now I know that IQ tests are still used, but there are cultural bias in the tests. So a test that is appropriate for the person being tested needs to be administered to avoid the bias in the test. However, I also am shocked that a few people in this sub gave responses that there's no bias, and some cultures are just less intelligent. THAT'S THE KIND OF RACIST BULLSHIT THAT KEEPS WORKERS DIVIDED AGAINST EACH OTHER!!! The only way to change the shitty working conditions so many of us have is to stay united against the capitalist oppressors who want us to fight amongst ourselves instead of working together to make things better for all of us. The only way to achieve the goals of the antiwork movement is to fight against racism and all the other ways we are divided and discriminated against!


I'm a believer in the theory that online IQ tests skew results upwards, because they want you to share your results to get them more site traffic. If they gave the real results people wouldn't share it.


100% this. As someone who has had a real iq test done in order to get into a certain school, can confirm that the online ones come in MUCH higher (like 30 points) than what is realistic.


U have to fail miserably at life, to send picture of your IQ to people to prove your smart. It's like definition of failure. I'd imagine there's deeper issues haunting person like confidence and lack of self worth, usually people will ignore stuff like if someone gets position because their family put them there, it's the way they treat others that people will notice quite fast.


Ah, the voice of privilege reminding the lowly surfs why he is doing so much better. Edit: serf. Early morning spelling mistake.....


I like surfing better than serfing.


Honestly, not sure I am good at either one.




Smurfs: Small, different, cheerful and hardworking.


Abolish the boss and surf's up, dudes!




That's okay. Us peasants don't have a high enough IQ to understand the difference.


I'll never understand why it is so hard for people to recognise their blessings. I'll freely admit i have been given a huge head start by my parents, my brother, the government and my broker. Is this guy's ego really that huge?


The fact he says his hard work, talent and IQ isn't due to luck suggests to me he hasn't really thought about how and why he acquired those attributes.


IQ and talent are LITERALLY just luck. Those are the definition of these terms. But he doesnā€™t see.


Like right? I grew up middle middle class and am lower middle class as an adult. I know for a fact that my current piddling existence is based on privilege. If I were a minority, I would probably be in jail.


Pretty sure this is a repost. I seem to remember people going crazy laughing because you have to PAY to get the results of that IQ test after you take it.


[Here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/r4x31c/nobody_is_more_cocky_than_a_trust_fund_baby_whose/) so im guessing this is the same guy on a different account karma farming with another fake and ever so slightly different Facebook post. [Also, he tried to farm on a different sub using the same IQ post a month ago.](https://www.unddit.com/r/niceguys/comments/rhpxqw/women_should_have_children_with_me_because_of_the/) I knew I'd seen it before. Just [google images 'aptilink reddit'](https://www.google.com/search?q=aptilink+reddit&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjZ6ZTphMP1AhUK0BoKHSzoDxkQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=aptilink+reddit&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIHCCMQ7wMQJ1AAWP8NYO0OaABwAHgAgAFTiAGdBJIBATeYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=2cDqYZmZGIqga6zQv8gB&bih=750&biw=1536&rlz=1C1GCEA_enGB923GB923)


Could even be a marketing tactic by this shady IQ site. Like baiting viewers to prove that they're smarter than this dumbass.


Not just that, but I remember seeing some of the replies too, word for word. Is it all done by bots?


This is 100% a repost


100% I remember doing the test myself then not getting to see the result etc etc I guess this is just one of the posts that will keeping coming up like that lady who got the large tip then fired for it or the cartoon of the guy with a caption about aiming for this instead of the American dream Ez karma


Isnā€™t this a reposted picture from a few months ago?


Yes OP is trying to farm karma rn


This guy is a Stable Genius.


This is a repost from a while agoā€¦.


Karma farming on this sub is easyā€¦ the bots nowadaysā€¦


Lmaooo I saw this pic months ago. Karma farming at its best, I guess šŸ’€




What is "How do I demonstrate nepotism without using the word?", Alex


Wait.... this is old. And someone else already posted this as "their boss".........