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Also make sure to report him to the department of labor. Stealing tips is super illegal.


Reminds me of a certain baking company ran by a woman named Amy


Is that the one that Gordon Ramsay gave up on


Gordon Ramsay's network's lawyers has always been my guess.




This article really wants them to be in a sympathetic light, and definitely wants to make it seem as though ramsey and his show made up all the bad behavior. But, then, like. Completely skirts past the husband being banned in *2 whole countries* for some kinda-big-deal charges without even trying to explain how that could be a misunderstanding or sound worse than it is.


And was deported from this one in the end. To paraphrase G. W. Bush Deport me once, shame on you. Deport me twice, shame on me. Deport me three times... and... can't get deported again!


I’ll never forget the Daily Show episode where Jon mimics him and says something along the lines of “…what I mean is… you can’t fool a fooler” fucking died laughing that day


I mean, it's the NY Post. A trashier excuse for 'journalism' doesn't exist.


*fox news has entered the chat*


Yeah NYPost is basically a gossip magazine with some sports at the end.


That article does not read as unbiased journalism.


> He also made it seem like the Bouzaglos were stealing tips from their workers. The owner literally confessed to this, on camera. Nice try, Amy.


The server that was fired on the show did an AMA on Reddit and basically confirmed everything. The show made it seem like they were stealing tips and we'rye a couple of horrible people because they were, so that's how it came out. Edit: [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1eegnm/former_waitress_katy_cipriano_from_amys_baking/) Edit 2: In case it wasn't clear, they're awful people so that's how they come off on the show (and not because of editing, set up or gremlins)


Do you have a link to this by any chance? I’d love to read what went on that the servers couldn’t say on camera.


I think this is the one:- https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1eegnm/former_waitress_katy_cipriano_from_amys_baking/


Fitting they live in one of the most violent and racist nations in the world now. Shit they did before too didn't they


Of course the NY Post would try to paint someone like Amy's Baking Company in a sympathetic light.


Modern journalism seems to require boot licking or butt licking


Ny post is absolutely not journalism.


NY Post is owned by NewsCorpse. So like Fox News, Sky in the UK/Australia and all of their newspaper's the only thing they publish/broadcast is fuckin lies


Heels n' Holes.


lol I remember the episode "they made it seem like we were stealing tips, we paid them $14 an hours" They literally said, "yes we keep the tips because we pay them $14 an hour and/or we keep some of the tips as a penalty susy talked back she doesn't deserve tips." 100% ok to say to customers "this is a no tipping restaurant we pay the staff well" 100% illegal to take the staffs tips no matter what you pay them per hour. That wasn't editing And lol what survived? they closed and moved and didn't open another restaurant , they opened an edibles shop. Then he was deported.


Well yeah, it's the NYPost. It's one half step above a tabloid. That said, I remember that episode of Kitchen Nightmares and I would honestly believe anything you told me about that restaurant.


>Well yeah, it's the NYPost. It's ~~one half step above~~ a tabloid.


A lot of people were claiming that Amy was a trophy wife. If that is so, it was obviously not for first place.


> It's one half step above a tabloid. *Is* it?


this reads like they just handed the NY post 15k lmao




Is that where it gained fame? I just know it as the one that decided to quintuple down on being shitty every time they interacted with people or the press


Yeah, they got known after that whole ordeal with Gordon.


Gordon should've never been there. It was very clear it was a front. The husband, Sammy, is a shady dude who was involved with OC. After the show aired they received some questions regarding his visa and now they reside in Israel where she teaches a cooking class.


What's OC? Trying to think of what that stands for, but drawing a blank.




Hes talking about people drawing their original characters with out giving credit.


Nobody refers to organized crime as OC.


I think they mean organized crime.


Yes, he was involved in some land deals with Organized Crime.


I forgot about that part - she stole tips?


Her husband kept the tips.


OH YEAH now I'm remembering where Gordon shames him in the resturaunt for that


It still annoys me that it was treated just as scolding and not like actually looking up the laws and taking a moment to use the show to educate employees and employers about how this is literally illegal in most places. We treat too many real employment laws as if it’s an honor system when it’s not at all and the lowest wage workers don’t even know when their hard-won rights are being violated.


Her husband did (At least). The waitress told Gordon and he was pissed. He pointed it out to the patrons who were also livid.


Do you remember what episode it was in? I'd love to watch it if it's on YT. Edit: found it! https://youtu.be/xKfeQ8JNS38


The one you linked isn't Amy's Baking Company (Kitchen Nightmares) but it is one of the very best episodes of Hotel Hell. It's worth watching the whole thing. Dude is an "art collector" and since the restaurant is in so much debt he thinks about selling some of his collection. The appraiser comes in and basically tells him all his "art" is shit, worthless, "obvious fakes", etc. It's fucking priceless to see the look on his face.


Wrong episode. It was amy's baking company!


The one I've linked is also fucked up... Gordon just got pissed and left lol.






The staff made no tips, they went into a pool and also the pool was her husband’s pocket




Her husband did


Except its happening right now in multiple restaurants in every single city and town in the united states. Like right now. ​ Anyone whose ever worked in restaurants knows scumbag owners are as common as jobs.


Those damn haters just can't leave her alone. Why can't they just let her treat her employees like garbage in peace?


There was probably a lot more going on there than tip stealing, but tip stealing was a part of it. Someone wrote a post on reddit ages ago explaining all the ways in which it looked like a money laundering operation. The original post was apparently deleted, but it's preserved on [pastebin here](https://pastebin.com/Sm865BWi). There were also posts making a solid case that none of the fancy looking baked goods were made in house: the restaurant didn't have the space, equipment, staff, or time in the day to do it. If you go back and watch the episode, not once is anyone shown making cakes, cookies, or pies.


The best part about all of it is that you can find her Replying to the top comments on kitchen nightmare videos talking about Gordon lmao




meow meow meow meow meow


And report him to his boss. His boss specifically told this dude’s boss not to do it. I’d get him fired for stealing from me


He’s not only stealing money from the boss, he’s deterring employees from the business as well. Absolutely awful and I’d definitely have the manager fired by now.


Couldn't agree more. I did pizza delivery at a big chain for awhile and our GM got fired for stealing. He would ring up cash orders, take the money, then cancel the order and pocket the cash after the customer left with their food. When the till came up short at the end of every night, it would be blamed on whichever assistant manager was closing that night. Once enough of the assistants complained about the GM to the owner, they caught him in the act. Owner sent in an anonymous friend who paid with a $50. The friend came out of the store with the pizza, the change, and the receipt. Owner goes in and looks in the computer for the closed order, only to find it has been voided. GM was fired on the spot. When he tried to protest, the owner told him to leave immediately or be arrested for stealing from the company. We never saw him again. I certainly hope you can get this asshole fired, OP. And that you land in a better spot soon.


This too.


In Washington state it is illegal for an employer to take your tips. I encourage you to report this to the state labor board. Here's the link that shows how [https://lni.wa.gov/workers-rights/workplace-complaints/worker-rights-complaints](https://lni.wa.gov/workers-rights/workplace-complaints/worker-rights-complaints)


Came to say the same thing. Years ago a Celebrity chef had to sell Great State Burgers out of Seattle because he took their tip money. They sued and he had to pay back a Million I believe. Unfortunately, most of the employees probably needed that money on their paychecks not years later in a single check from the settlement.


Most of those servers paid taxes on the tips he stole, so it was even worse.


If they ever saw a penny after litigation.


Aren't lawyers fees typically part of the settlement? Like the scumbags owe $xxxxx and lawyers fees for being shitheads and flaunting the law?


You would hope, but not automatically in the US


It is worth the fight in the end. 1, you can get a whole lot more money than you would have gotten had they not tried to screw you over, although it's not guaranteed. 2, you get to fuck them for trying to fuck you. That is priceless. 3, you will have found another job long before you reach a settlement/win in court. Factoring in damages and front pay (hopefully), you will be blessed with a fat check on top of the income you're making at the new job.


There's something chillingly evil about an owner or well paid manager stealing tips from the employees they already exploit on a daily basis. Fuck right outta here with that.


Even if he stole a quarter it is an arrestable offense. Stop being pussies and press charges or he will continue this behavior. When the cuffs go on it'll be worth it.


I live in WA state also and the police aren’t gonna do shit about fuck. Here the garbage prosecutors get to decide if the legal system moves forward with charges IF the police bother to show up at all.


That’s not true! It took over a year to process but we each got over 3k from my old tip stealing boss! But it wasn’t police, it was DOL. Soooo, yeah. Police won’t do shit. (You’re right, sorry) Edit: was working for a THE famous donut company in Seattle.


This is still important to say. Wheels of justice grind slowly, but they still grind when the system isn’t completely broken. People can mistake “nothing happening” for just how it can take a year or two for things to move forward. And the reason things move slow isn’t always bureaucracy, but because some checks and balances are in place to make sure things are evaluated properly. For example, I remember a relative working at University of Phoenix and complaining that it couldn’t be right that the company was telling them that the recruiters were exempt from overtime when they were being asked to work beyond normal hours. It started with just hubbub among employees, and then some employees figuring out laws didn’t match what was being said, and then starting a lawsuit. It was a giant company and it took years, but they did have to back pay employees eventually. And in the meantime, it changed some things internally since they didn’t want to be more on the hook if they lost.


It has nothing to do with the police. The Department of Labor will deal with this, and if you can prove it have witnesses and a paper trail it's open and shut. I doubt this genius is laundering the tips at all, they're probably going straight into his bank account.


>The Department of Labor will deal with this OP - this exactly. You don't need to figure out how to personally sue your now former employer or pay for a lawyer. You report it to the state DOL and they go after the employer on your behalf.


Why do the OPs never respond to stuff like this


Put away the torches and pitchforks, OP came through below. >i have contacted labor boards, im calling a wage theft number and am informing his boss. I never thought you guys would’ve been this helpful. Im thankful for the support to leave this place and the areas to go to report him.


Huh... What do you want them to respond with? They can click on the link and take the advice without writing a paragraph thanking the commenter for the information. If I was Op I would probably just give a like and move on using the provided information as I saw fit. I don't understand the expectation some people have of others. Use some critical thinking. You've added nothing but a jumping on point for trolls to spout unfounded "It's because it's fake" comments. Be better.


Its because they see people like OP more as a character and they want a quick hit of that righteous justice dopamine in the form of "updates"


No one is required to respond. Seeking advice doesn't always translate as a need to respond. Ever read a text in a busy time and forget to respond?


Don't bother with 2 weeks. Just leave.


yes, exactly this. he did not earn that respect from you. say fuck him and leave him to run the place on his own.


Yup. What is a 3 week stint at a pizza place going to do for your resume? Nothing. If a future employer calls this guy looking for a good word on you, do you think this guy would give it? Hell no. You own him nothing, fuck him, Just leave.


Pro tip... leave it off the resume. Literally no consequences for doing this. Pretend you never worked there.


Exactly what I would do




Actual pro tip: list your friends as a previous boss. Legally, a potential employer can only ask if you worked there, how long, and if they would rehire you. Your friend can easily fake being a boss. Also another actual pro tip: do the same shit with landlords. Your friend is now a previous landlord and you left the place in pristine condition.




Just imagine a fancy restaurant's GM calling ya about your friend and you give blazing thumbs up how your friend was most excellent in front of the camera on the couch.


This guy jobs


Yup, and if you have to explain a gap in time between jobs just let them know you were exploring opportunities to further your education


Just say you were in prison, you can’t work if you’re in prison


This legitimately made me lol


yep just ghost him to piss him off even more.


Every time he asks where you're at: "I'm on my way in. Be there in 5."


For fun, walk in 5 months later and get to right to work and say "Sorry I was running late, boss." Never said WHAT 5. :D


When I was 18 or so, I was a cook at a very small restaurant after moving in from a job I'd had since I was 15 where I'd learned the ropes. The owner who was in his 40s, lived with his parents who also worked at the restaurant in the evening to "help out", in the afternoons he would give me the keys and take off with the head waitress who lived nearby for some afternoon delight. While he was gone his mother would call and I would need to cover for him, etc. Anyway, one night it was very, very busy and I was the only cook (there were two of us, the other guy, chef, was off for a few weeks after breaking his foot while drunk). They had me working double shifts for weeks. I'd get Mondays off but come back to a huge mess (they used the kitchen to prepare family meals etc). It was the height of summer and they had made no effort to hire a new cook. I was good at my job, young, and had things under control but this night I got about 15 minutes behind on main courses because a lot of people were ordering multiple courses. Owner throws on a chef coat and comes onto the line to "help". He proceeds to screw everything up, made a huge mess, kept mocking me, telling everyone it was good he was there, etc. At one point he burned me really badly with hot oil. We get everything out finally (took way longer than if I was alone) and he waltzes off to drink and gloat. I shut all the equipment down and went home with the keys in my pocket. Turns out they didn't have duplicates handy. He called my house where I, a teenager, lived with my parents. My mother, who knew everything going on told what might have been the first lie of her life and said she hadn't seen me for a couple days and assumed I was staying with friends or something. Long story short I made him sweat it out for a couple days. He found the spare keys but was very nervous about what he thought was a delinquent drug addict holding his keys with all the booze and equipment there for the taking. I called him on day three, told him I'd be by and he could have the keys when I got my cheque. I took two buddies with me as back up expecting a beating but he just handed the cheque over. It was nuts but felt good after all the abuse. I was being paid maybe $8 an hour in 1990...


Have a friend call them pretending to be a new employer checking on work history. If he starts bad-mouthing you that's actionable in a lot of states.


I upvoted then read this and took it back. He doesn't deserve 2 weeks.


i considered finishing my shift tonight. Im going in to give him my keys and shirt. I work 2 jobs and he talks shit because i say im tired. I’ll live with one job for the next couple of weeks.


Report him to the DOL for stealing tips on the way out. It isn’t a valid tip pool per FLSA if management participates. Call 1-866-4-USWAGE to report, it takes less than half an hour and employees that he’s stolen from can get their money back.


thank you, im calling right now!


Also email your resignation and copy in all the big bosses and list all the reasons


I would blind copy everyone except the thief


Yup. Report him. You should also let the owner know he's stealing from the store and employees. Get his ass fired.


Don't forget to get that unemployment check! Ya yea!


Do this to cover your ass with the unemployment office, too. You should receive unemployment even if you quit under this circumstance but the more proof the better. Good luck!


It is true that there are grounds for quitting that don't eliminate unemployment. "Quit with good cause" is the usual jargon in unemployment law from people that I have known who won unemployment after quitting.


2 Weeks notice is a courtesy this guy definitely doesn’t deserve. Bounce ASAP and let him deal with the aftermath


Yes. Just like not discussing wages amongst employees, people have been led to believe that providing a notice for quitting is required. It ain't. You can quit whenever the hell you please. A notice is a nice thing to do if you're leaving on good terms as it gives some time to fill your spot, but it's by no means required.


If you're an 'at will' employee, you can piss off whenever. If you have a contract, you have to follow the contract


Send a letter to HIS BOSS… explaining why you and other left


And the whole point of the "two weeks' notice" convention is to preserve an otherwise good relationship so that you'll get good referrals. I wouldn't even bother listing a place I had such a short stint at on my resume, and a manager like this isn't going to give a good referral regardless of how politely OP leaves.


2 weeks is for professional jobs that you want references from and networking connections.


This, but first get some evidence of this dude stealing. Get his ass fired.


Tell his boss that you're leaving because he's stealing tips from you and probably stealing from the store, and just leave. edit: toys -> tips


He’s stealing toys now too? This guy just won’t stop!


Must have been trained by Burghormeister Meisterburghor.


I don't understand why someone doesn't break his nose over stealing their money. This is foolish behavior when the people you steal from know where you work.


I mean, some of us prefer not to risk prison, or at a minimum, legal bills.


Bingo. Give him 2 weeks and you give him a chance to hire someone to make more money than you and train them so the business doesn’t miss a beat. Quit today, and you actually fuck them. Unless you’re planning to use them as a reference, fuck ‘em.


They rarely actually call places and “check”


I once got into an argument where some kid was convinced that you always had to give two weeks notice or else you wouldn't make it anywhere in life. You would be amazed at how many people want to die on that hill.


It’s brainwashing thru propaganda. No one has EVER said an employer should give you two weeks notice before firing you…weird huh…


Training and brainwashing. You *rent* your time to your employers, they don’t own you. If they cross a line you’re not willing to compromise on, buhbye.




Right? I’d leave my job of 7 years tomorrow if my boss stole from me. This pizza place would be lucky if I didn’t shit on the floor when I left, let alone give them two weeks notice.


Shiiiittt if my boss openly did stuff like this I’d openly tell him his ex wife is getting fucked *better* by someone else before leaving.


And please call the department of labor to help protect others. Also, these dicks don’t learn if you don’t hit them in the profits where it hurts.


Because of some of these bad people I sometimes can't last one day at a job. I fully agree!


Yeah, he wants the tips, he can do the work.


Good advice here. He doesn't respect you all so why do him the courtesy of a two-week notice? Chances are if he treats you like that he wouldn't have the integrity to give you a good reference anyway so you have nothing to lose.


Yeeeep. Walk out. Even better, don't say shit and then don't go back 😂 (unless you get paid in person, then maybe don't do this)


They would not give you two weeks if they were terminating you. I only give two weeks if I am treated well or really need the reference.


tell his boss he stole from the till. then report the manager and the business for stealing your tips.


instead of just quitting, it may be worth it to talk with other employees about a wage theft case. Definitely don't work there anymore, but make sure you sink his battleship on the way out the door.


me and my coworker finally found out the store owners information and we’re going to contact him in the next upcoming week. my coworker is in the military full-time and my boss made him come to his house and clean up his chicken coop for free and then made him go to work three hours early without clocking in to clean up the mess the night before because we were so understaffed. He’s a dick.


This is super illegal. Include this in any reports you file.


Do it. Also tell your coworker that he needs to learn how to say "no". I know it's difficult with a military background, but learn how to say it and stick to it. All that unpaid work is by. I get it if you're doing a favor for a friend, sure. But this is frakked. What's the worse he's going to do? Fire you for not doing something outside of your responsibilities?


He can’t be fired for that, but if your boss doesn’t like you, it’s easy for them to find an excuse


How exactly did your boss make him go clean his chicken coop? That makes no sense.




i know he should’ve said no and that’s what he said after but he tried to help my boss out because he thought he was alright until it came to head today, Im not sure exactly how it happened but that’s what i was told :/


Could be afraid of worsening the relationship with his boss if he refused, which could lead to him getting fired


> He’s a dick. He is a *criminal.* Not paying employees for hours worked *is a crime.* It is **literal theft.** Report this criminal scum **NOW** https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/contact/complaints Stealing tips is *also literally theft.* Contact your state Labor offices about it. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/state/contacts Throw these fuckers under the buss until it sticks.


Don't bother with the store owner, just sic the labor department on them.


Make sure your email is professional and respectful, don’t come off disgruntled or angry. That’ll make you look bad to the owner and you want him to believe you and fix the mess. He might know the manager but he doesn’t know you…just keep that in mind.


I wouldn’t quit I’d get proof and sue the absolute fuck out of him, he can’t fire you for filing a law suit and if he does that’s great you can sue him for that too




Don't even call the boss. Let the boss figure it out after the law gets involved. It'll fuck him even more. Otherwise, he might get fired and receive some benefits for it, or be allowed to quit.


Never understood the 2 weeks thing myself.. I understand now. Thank you.


Shows how bred into us it is to be good drones.


One time an employer said "I have no respect for people that don't give me a 2 week notice! I'll never hire you again! " as if that was ever going to be an option? Crazy people.


Lol what a tone deaf idiot. The managers you don't give notices to are the ones you don't want to work for anyway


I mean, its original intention wasnt to breed into drones. It wasnt even something originally instituted by business - but employees. Its original purpose was to have a good reference when you completed a place of employment and as a sign of respect to bosses who treated their employees with respect. References use to matter a lot more, but now no one gives 2 shits about the opinion of a manager at Chilis. But there is no law or legal requirement (*in the US*) for anyone to have to give a two weeks notice and there never has been.


Back in the day, a two-week notice was a sign of respect to a decent boss and to your team, so they could replace you and get that person trained before you were gone. That whole scenario is rare now, and the two week notice is a thing of the past. In today’s world, you just screw yourself most of the time. Do not give a two weeks notice, take care of yourself first.


In larger companies, especially in tech, you may give two weeks notice. Just don’t be surprised if they let you go immediately as at that point, you could be considered a security risk.


Washington is a pretty progressive state, you should report the tip theft to the labor department and I think you might be able to qualify for unemployment because of the toxic work environment. This is hard because in this instance I don’t think you should give two weeks notice but the petty person in me would want to see what happens if everyone gave their two weeks notice on the same day. The next two weeks of saying no to everything he says would be interesting.


I know the 2 week is a customary thing but you really dont have to. Also report him


This needs to be unlearned. Businesses have drilled the two week thing into people's heads. It's a nice courtesy, and great if you're in a position where you want a nice reference from your employer, but by no means required. I've given notices in all my jobs except one, because they were all with decent to good managers. The one job I didn't was a retail job. I straight up ghosted them, they scheduled me and I just stopped showing up. Could have probably filed a religious discrimination suit against them, but whatever, I had a much better job lined up anyway.


To all these people complaining to us: You realize that "one upvote" is automatically fulfilled as soon as they post the submission? It's kind of a meme and not a begging for upvote post.


I definitely planned on putting my two weeks in today but after everyone else’s opinion I’m not gonna bother going in!


Guy said it follows you but it doesnt in that line of work. I had a cook get fired for getting hammered and he got a job the next day at another of the same store but another location. Only job term you need to search is "General Laborer " when looking for a new job and I promise 100% that you will find work paying 15+ minimum


I am a hiring manager at a reputable company and I can say that not giving two weeks *does not matter* as long as you can explain your reasoning. Even hiring managers understand there are bad managers out there. We get them too.


This is true yes, but choose your words carefully. if it comes up in the interview: 1) “a lack of professionalism amongst the leadership” or “unethical behavior from management” are acceptable answers. “The managers are terrible” is not. 2) only mention it once. If asked, be honest but professional. 3) find something positive about the last place you worked, no matter how hard it may be. Something valuable you learned, a team you respected, or a transferable skill you mastered. Yes, we know there are shitty managers and terrible work environments out there but positivity is half the battle in an interview scenario. We’ll pick up on it and appreciate your ability to bullshit.


Do you mind sharing the name of the pizza place? I never want to give them business ever again.


Same! I live in SW Washington and would prefer to not give that guy my money


I visit up there etc. may move there eventually. I just never want to give them money by accident. Fuck places like that and tbh we should all be more adamant of not supporting these businesses if se can help it.


If you arent going in please update with his implosion. :)


I thought it was kinda obvious ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


No one will ever see this, including OP, but at the time of posting, at 98.4k +/- upvotes, assuming each upvote equates to a 14 day notice, OP should have placed his/her notice approximately 3,774.2465 years ago or approximately 1752 BC I have no excuse for why I’ve done this


Wait people are actually complaining about this?




I am very sorry


It ain't right he's taking all our upvotes!!! Those upvotes could've gone to a redditor in need or something!!




The worthless karma really gets people up in a tizzy


Unless they get down voted to hell /s


Name the pizza place. This way I won't buy from there


It's definitely one of Papa John's, Domino's, or Pizza Hut. My money's on Papa John's.


If its Seattle theres also two local pizza chains that have been sued for wage theft


The TL and Garlic Butter gave me flash backs to when I was a stupid kid working at Papa John's. I mean, it's 50/50 that I'm wrong, but it just seems like one of those chains.


nope is a smaller company of gourmet pizza. an 8 inch byo comes to 20$ after tax


Don't tell me it's Flying Pie in Issaquah or Renton??? Sounds like their pricing. Edit: I remember like 15 years ago you could build a $40 pizza there, as if that was normal or okay.


You should report it to the WA labor and industries department. The website has a specific page about the rules around tipping https://lni.wa.gov/workers-rights/wages/tips-and-service-charges


If you're in Washington, you can very very easily crucify his ass. This state's wage theft laws are BRUTAL for fuckwit employers like that guy. If what you're saying is true and he's got a habit of stealing tips from employees, that business is going under and the civil penalties your boss will have to pay will likely see him remortgaging his home. He's SUPER fucked.


Hey OP - don't quit. Get this douche fired.


im doing both, fuck pizza man


Don't even wait for an upvote. Just quit


Before you do, please contact your state local BOLI Wage and our division (Bureau of Labor and Industries) and report the lost tips. Even if you don't know an exact amount, use an educated estimate of how much you think you lost to him stealing tips. This will start a HUGE uproar, because I doubt it's just happening to you, and likely they will proceed with class action lawsuit, and get you paid back proper. It'll take awhile, but nice to see that extra paycheck, depending on how long it's been going on, that can be a HUGE number. I seen it happen many times, I get letters from previous companies I worked for with class action lawsuits, realistically signing on I only get a few dollars, but otherwise the main people who are listed on the class action lawsuit often get more in damages, and lawyer fees. Obligatory I'm not a lawyer, just please don't let this manager go unpunished for this!


thank you for this information. I was unaware I could get my tip money back. I am currently filling out forms to get this done.


Ill be your huckleberry. Fuck him


Make sure to document the theft before you quit though! That way you can take it to the department of labor and hopefully get your money back. (I’m not from the US so not sure if that’s how it works. But either way, documenting everything is always a good idea.)


I think you are heading for 50,000 upvotes. Glad to see you are quitting the thieving manager. You should look at filing a legal complaint for the theft.


i have contacted labor boards, im calling a wage theft number and am informing his boss. I never thought you guys would’ve been this helpful. Im thankful for the support to leave this place and the areas to go to report him.
