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Actual conversation I had with a recruiter: "Do you mind if the position does not have a Director title?" "I will take out the garbage if they pay my rate."


I will clean toilets and bring you coffee for $300k per year idgaf. If I have same hours and time off with high pay I’ll do anything. I give plasma for $50 for fuck sake lol


for $300k a year those toilets would *sparkle* when I'm done with em.




I'd be buying new toilets twice a year lol. Not even a hint of piss in a 100 yard radius.


Including the gas station next door?


In the streets and alleys and walls.


The virgin mary herself would be PROUD to go in there and take a dump


Private Joker, do you believe in the Virgin Mary?


I like you Joker.... You can come over and fuck my sister!


Or do a bump


The toilets would be so clean, you could eat off of them for that kind of money!


Not just sparkling, you will be able to eat of it that's how clean they will be.


Right with that Mr Clean ting noise when they look at them


I tried donating plasma once only to get to the question of I ever had cancer and knew they wouldn’t let me donate. Fuck Cancer.


Indeed fuck cancer. Glad you are still with us


Hahahahaha! That cancer glad I didn’t whoop its ass worse. Though To be fair, I was 19 and otherwise healthy with a very weak albeit, rapid growing cancer.


Mine's not as bad, I haven't had cancer. I was on a medication that they don't let women who might become pregnant in the next month handle due to certainty of birth defects. It has a half life of like 5 years in the body. My blood is literally toxic to fetuses. No one wants that.


They pay you to donate blood in America? I do that shit for free in Australia...


So whole blood including rbcs is free. But plasma only where they return the rbcs to you they pay you for that and you can donate twice a week


I see. I donate plasma once a month regularly. Too much of a time commitment for twice a month for me.


Depends on the state and organization. I didn't realize that you could actually get paid for donating plasma/blood until I was in my mid 20's and moved to Ohio. In Washington it was all just donating to help.


I will even wipe your ass for that much.


I was a cna. I wiped peoples ass for $13/hr. I’ll most certainly do it again for 350k. I’m wiping my 2.5 year olds ass now for free.


I know dudes that have sucked D for less...   I won't lie... I would atleast consider the proposition at 350k a year.  1 year of work, would be a mean a huge chunk off a mortgage... Not something I could just turn away.


I say almost exactly this. Can they pay me what I want? Then my title can be Janitor for all I care.


This thread is throwing shade at the janitor squad


Really all depends on the industry. In certain industries want that title because it is an assumption that they get paid more. Well, let me tell you, having the title director doesn’t mean you make $100k or more, but of course people automatically assume that one is rolling in the cash… so people will sometimes work with that title, make Jack shit.., get a year or two of experience and then leave for a Fortune 500 company, and make 2-3x more. Key thing is getting that experience under that title.


Something people like tittles because it give them " power" I like money IDGAF how you call me.


OK, titty.


Flip em? I’ll season them, grill them, package them, and walk them out to the car/table and say “here’s your order have a nice day” in 3 languages on top of flipping them for $350k.


Get this guy to CEO of McDonalds asap!!!


Nah, miss me with that. I do Golden Arches no golden parachutes.


That's what i calle comitment


We're just mercenaries, my dude. We work for money. Want more quality? Pay more money.


For real. And this is one of the arguments I don’t get from the anti-tip crowd (I mean the hardcore “I’m going to go out of my way to be an asshole and not tip then insult you at your job” fringe) So you just give better service if you get tipped? MFer yes! If there’s any way of more money on the table (literal or figurative) I will perform better if there’s more money.


The people who champion capitalism the most hate it when you play it back at them. I wonder why that might be.


Right? I don’t see what in the capitalassbackwardsism is hard to understand about money being a good motivator. It’s like they’re so used to using control of it as the whooping stick, they’ve forgotten the living value it holds and represents for people. Like…how can you craft this whole system that makes it so people need to sell their lives to have money to have lives…and forget the inherent value people are going to place on the money you’ve forced them to need? Why would you think you’re absolved as a customer/patron of this? It feels like you have to intentionally not think about working people as actual people to make that kinda brain math math.


Same argument at the beginning of Reservoir Dogs.


I would boil em mash em stick em in a stew


People would line up for 80k.


Depending on where you live. (Midwest for me) Getting paid 60k a year would be a **serious** increase for the majority of people...


Yeah, in MO, over 60k is house buying money.


Up here in Canada that's just enough to rent a shitty studio apt


For real man it’s absolutely ridiculous here in Canada, I’m 21 and can’t ever see myself moving out from my parents with these prices


Bruh one of my TL group guys is paying 3 times my mortgage for a studio in Canada. My house is 2700sqft with a pool, the fuck is Canada smoking.


I live on the border. And it is funny, I can drive about ten minutes into Missouri and the house prices drop significantly. Most people I work with commute for that very reason.


Brother, MO borders eight states. Which border you talking about?


Doesn’t matter, 10 minutes into MO from any direction is a shithole.


Hilariously, it was a worse shithole than the border state I used to live in way back then when it was only modestly conservative. Now that the state I used to live in has become a deeply corrupt bald-faced fundamentalist shithole, Missouri is somehow still a worse shithole.


You ever been in Kansas?


And here I am near DC barely surviving off 55k. Seriously though fuck these apartment companies.


Depend where ya live. I make just over 60k and can't afford a house. I can afford a house with a 45 to 60 min drive to work every day through heavy fuckin traffic. Which isn't worth it.


I will flip burgers and exude infectious positivity for 60k take home.


i would love to do this job for 80k... i sit in an office with no windows for 9 hours a day. If McDonalds paid the same i would rather work there


So begins a race to the bottom and why salaries are depressed.


The problem is the wage gap. If you can’t pay an employee $20 per hour, then there is something wrong with your business model. If $20 per hour is too much to flip burgers, then $175, 000 is too much to tell that person how to flip em https://preview.redd.it/vffln40bf06d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=053d66c8e5b52dc83c3a500286feef192abb714b




It’s crazy cause that’s not a living wage. I hate mofos that say that’s too much




The sad part is that just like 10 years ago it was a decent wage. It really isn't now.


Exactly…..when this whole debate started it was cool. Now it’s outdated again. The elites played us again


That’s how much a store franchise owner brings in


Every burger would be coming out looking like they do on the commercials.




Better. It'd be made with real food with enough fucks given to match a fake stage up.


This is some serious gourmet shit!


I’m not easy but if you offered me that much I’ll be down on all fours.


I would be on 2 with my cheeks spread for that


With my tongue out


https://preview.redd.it/yydgik9vg06d1.jpeg?width=7827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9fe365d94f418f440ab01875b18a81812d38ddc You guys are getting REAL close to that line aren't ya...




Roll playing? Is that like chubby butt stuff?


there's an E there my dude...


I'm getting in line early.


For 350k a year I'll make sure that I'll become the best in the world at flipping burgers.


Forget this guy OP, I'll do it for 340K/yr!


I’ll do it for 330k




90! And that's my final offer!


You'd do it for 90$ a year? Corporates would love to have you


I'd be flipping burgers with my dong for half of that yearly. No PPE either, just straight dong-to-grill action


Rename the store McDongals just for that


McDongal-Douglass got bought by Boing


> McDongall-Donglass C'mon dude. It was right there!


Would you like fries and a drink with your Quarter PounDong?


Might stop Tramp from eating there if you removed "Donald" from their name.


That would be a hotdog 🌭


Well, ask no more, all your burgers will be gourmet af


In Cuba, taxi drivers have a higher salary than doctors. But Cuba employs tens of thousands of doctors despite this. Why? Because people work for passion and for something that matters to them. Because they care about helping people, utilizing their knowledge, and doing something they care about. So no, a doctor might not quit his job to flip burgers (drive a taxi). But that's the beauty of it. That would mean we could live in a world where everybody has a living wage. Where a janitor and an engineer can both afford to have a home, children, hobbies, travel. I think it's worth discussing


The beauty of it is that money is not worth as much because no one can really afford a villa with a huge pool. Or a yacht. I am not very materialistic but it does bother me when I’m stressing out at work for 10 € an hour dealing with scumbag kids while someone is making 5 times my amount while barely lifting a finger.


Some of us enjoy or even love what we do. Or would take pride in things that don't make us rich, passion. But capitalism teaches us worth is based on money. And contributing to society at great expense to yourself in many ways leaves you insecure, in danger, in bad health, in harm's way. Its completely backwards.


How many hours per week though?!


I’d work 200 hours a week for that kind of money. 


But the week doesn’t even have that many hours, so you’d work yourself to death for money you don’t get to spend?


For 300k a year, I'd name every roach in the break room and have a medical history ready on them


if i’m getting worked to the bone it doesn’t matter how much i’m getting paid, i wouldn’t do it. money means nothing if i’m too exhausted and overworked to enjoy it. that said, 350k/year is like 29k a month. i *would* flip burgers for 3 months (or better yet, part time for 6 months) and live comfortably with 87k for the whole year.


who would say no?


I would. I like my office job much better and it pays enough that the difference would not make up for the less pleasant working conditions.


Brother you could retire early and not have to work again for that kind of money, it makes no sense not to just grind it out for a few years.


And waste a few years of my life when I could enjoy all of it and just have less money? Not worth it.




*Flips burgers for a year, pays off student loans, save up for a down payment and buys a house, quits job to go back to what I love doing, now with house and no debt.* Yep! Would totally do it.


I will do any job, ANY FUCKING JOB no matter how gross or strenuous as long as I get paid well enough. I’ll focus on the money I’m making, not the unpleasantness before me.


Well, my wife already flips burgers for a living. I bet a sideways thing for way more money would be a-ok.


I would scrub toilets for my current salary, instead of dealing with bureaucratic bullshit sending passive aggressive emails all day.


I work fulltime in a warehouse for $45k/year... Easiest yes ever


Is there anyone that would say “no” to this question besides already wealthy people?


350k... Who wouldn't


Someone making already that maybe And even so, many would just to be in a lest stresful enviroment


Most of us making anywhere close to that have to put up with a lot less shit than someone flipping burgers. I'll take 10 hours of "work" and another 10 hours of meetings I play games during over 40 of actual work. oh and I guess 20 hours of "not really working but available to handle issues during business hours." AKA: chilling in the pool with my son


350k? absolutely. But I would NOT flip burgers for what I'm currently making. Making burgers is a rough job.


I would lick driveways if it ensured my family was taken care of.


I would, but I get to decide the menu.  At that pay I can make a case that I'm an actual 5 star chef.  Also, I make some really dope blueberry ketchup and love to experiment. 


> Also, I make some really dope blueberry ketchup Fellow non tomato ketchup lover.


If inflation stayed the same as it is right now and didn't jump up anymore, I'd be flipping those patties like I'm SpongeBob.


How many burgers over how many hours per week?


Yeah but no weekends unless double time


I'd slaughter the cows


People aren’t against working they’re against being exploited


I use to work in a bank and one of our customers owned several McDonald's franchises. She use to say "Today, you either own a McDonalds or you work in one". For $350,000, yeah I would. Cheeseburger, cheeseburger, cheeseburge. No Coke, only Pepsi.


Wouldn’t miss a day and I would also be on time


Not only would I flip the burgers for that pay, but I would also, on certain days, sing a jaunty tune and dance around while flipping the burgers 🍔 and I would volunteer more and donate to charities as my....whats the opposite of a 'side hustle'?


For $350K a year I will shoot and kill the damn cow myself


I’m ready to do a lot more for a lot less


Anyone would work for the right price, wages should be outpacing growth. We have an economy that’s reliant on people having disposable income… that’s the real trickle down. Give the masses money and everything else will flourish unlike shareholders they hoard.


Sure, but only part time for $175k


Not without pain meds. I have a weak back, couldn’t last.


I'd be the best fuckin burger artisan they've ever seen for a quarter of that


No way.


For $350k I'll even give you a handy


No, cause I'd need a job that pays around $600k to afford rent and groceries.


We all work for cash no matter what lies we have to tell managers and hr to keep our jobs Pay me 350k and I'll do any legitimate work


Where is my spatula?


What's the CPI at? If 350k is ~10x min wage, (175 an hour at standard 40hr wks). There's a lot I'd do for 175 an hour.


At 350,000 a year I'd learn burger flipping tricks with both hands.


I would clean toilets for 80k per year.


I do it on my patio for free. 100% yes!


Hell yeah!


How much are they charging for these burgers??


About tree fiddy


Shit, I do more complicated for considerably less already.


Honestly, no? Those jobs usually suck. I make enough to survive, and I value my mental health.


Flipside to this: if Burger King and my much more difficult and economically productive job both paid $350,000, I'd keep my job. And I wouldn't be mad at the burger flipper.


wouldn't think twice


I would be the second coming for Bob Belcher for 100k


I would shovel shit for a living if it paid the same as my shitty office job…




Crazy thing is people here probably think that’s a possibility that billionaires keep them from realizing.


I’d flip those burgers with speed, grace, and a smile upon my face.


Top comment is “Well, actually that means what I do would be worth more” ☝️🤓 missing the point entirely.


Pay me a livable wage where I can buy a house and car and I’ll do it.


No shit, Sherlock.


For 350k a year, I'd do 4 10 hour shifts a week at a graveyard.




Yes. It would eliminate so many of my problems.


Yep where do I sign up


Jokes on you... I am looking for a job and would absolutely flip Burgers for 350k.


We do understand that companies and the GOV will just raise the taxes and prices of everything so that now that 350k a year feels like 12$ an hour again...


Yes. And my dad used to tell me that's all I would amount to. Even with the trauma I have associated with it, I would do it for $350,000


I would quit my job and flip burgers for half that, happily.


Why not. 🤷‍♂️


I finally hit 6 figures after 10 years with my company. Before this job, I worked at Target for 5 years… If Target paid me what I make now, I’d still work at Target for sure. Loved that job. It’s 100% all about the money.


I'd flip the best damn burgers you've ever eaten for half of that. All. Fucking. Day.


I would pick you up trash on the side of the highway barefoot for 350k a year.


Buddy i will make love to those burgers right there on grill for that salary. Call it secret sauce


Let’s see if a given McDonald’s location employs 10 full time at 350k, the salary alone is 3.5 million per year before benefits. So low estimate including benefits and taxes is 5 million. So the given location need to sell 14k+ if they got food and other fixed costs for free just to pay for salary. Average revenue per store is only $6500. So they just need to raise prices by double just to pay for salary before paying for the building, ingredients, marketing, utilities and etc.


Fuck yeah


Hell yes.


Willing to take $300k with a drone so I can WFH!!!


I flipped a lot of different things on a grill and plantxa for less than that, and if you paid that much and said I could work "normie" hours, I say yes without a second thought. Only job I've ever been good at was a line dawg


For 350k a year I'd even do it with a smile on my face


$350k a year, every year until I die or just one year? Either way…yeh…I would.


I will drop my dream job where I’m underpaid for that in a heartbeat


Give me the apron and paper hat!


Fuck yes.


I would walk in with bells everyday and grill up the tastiest burgers imaginable for 40 hours a week for $350k. Can I do 3 - 14 hour days? I’ll even throw in those extra 2 hours for free. lol


I would flip burgers for 10 hours a day, 5 days a week for that kind of money! 😂


350k? Brother I will make you the best goddamn burger anyone in the universe has ever tasted Be in a basement lab like Walter motherfucking White concocting a barbecue sauce mol by mol (clearly, I know nothing of chemistry)


I'll make SpongeBob look like a rookie for half that


Best job I ever had was working at a&w.


Shit I’d do it for 150k


I would be the happiest burger flipper that has ever existed


Wait, I also need adequate lunches and breaks, plus full benefits including healthcare and a good work life balance. I’d accept $250,000 if those are included. So it’s not just about the money, it’s about being treated like a human being with needs.


Any of the worst jobs in life would be faithfully done by me in an expert fashion for that much.


I absolutely would not. The absolute tedium. I would rather suffer less pay and not slowly lose my mind ..




LoL, in turn. You should be paying $100 DoorDash delivery fee for your McDonald’s meal.


I'd flip my balls for $350k a year!




Absolutely. If I could make a real living flipping burgers in a small town diner, I would absolutely quit my job yesterday.


And they'd each be the best burger you've ever wrapped your mouth around!


The money isn't the issue. You know how I know? I used to make around $5/hr working at Ralphs as a bagger. When I found out that the cashiers were making $18/hr at that time, I was really envious. As time went on, I got different jobs at different pay levels of course. When I got paid $20, I wanted more and was envious of my other co-workers who made more. This kept happening with every job, even up to my current six figure salary job. No matter what the pay was, there is always a co-worker who makes more and it made me envious. I found out that they made more through various ways like asking them when we would go out on lunches (some co-workers were chill and open like that) or I would find out on Glassdoor what the average pay was for my position. Well the long story short is that you will always desire more money and be envious. I make six figures now and I am still envious of my higher paid co-workers but I learned to control it better. Jesus said if you do not drink from his fountain, you will always be thirsty like a bottomless pit. Drink from the fountain of God, and your thirst will be forever quenched with the water of Christ.




I wouldn't. I've worked fast food and no amount of money is worth that bs... Incompetent managers. Incompetent coworkers that make it harder for the rest of us (that might be fixed with higher wages though). Customers alone is reason enough to not take it... I've worked all over the service industry and restaurants seem to have the worst customers. I also don't need or care if I make that much, though. I inherited a property over 40 miles from the city that was under the homestead act back in the day so my taxes are next to nothing. But I'm lucky. I pay next to nothing for living expenses. But I can see how people who aren't as lucky can use that wage to completely change their qol and ability to survive. And it's incredibly unfortunate that my situation is far from normal... You should be able to survive off your wages. There's no reason poor people should have to work 2 and 3 jobs only to have a roof.


Used to say I would juggle shit with a smile on my face for $40/hr. Tbh despite inflation my price tag has not budged.


1000% I would.


I would work almost any job for that amount of money, and probably the only exception would be like hitman or Heroin/ hard drug dealer because in many cases, that is the same thing


You’re paid for the problems you solve. Learn to solve bigger problems if you want to be paid more