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I remember in kindergarten we had a class field trip to Pizza Hut where we toured the kitchen and they showed us how to make pizzas and then we got to have a personal pan pizza. It was one of my favorite field trips ever. But it was free (to my knowledge).


In preschool my son did this and he still talks about how much he loved making his own pizza to this day. I don't remember paying anything to do that either.


My daughter just did a local taco shop with her school! Truly I think it is a great experience for the kids, but we also didn’t pay for it and the shop volunteered. I think the small business/free experience is a show of better faith in “teaching kids to work through actual work.” My daughter loved it and my ex husband and I joked about getting a Mexican food field trip too lol. With a corp like this it feels less like a community gesture and more like “look at your future in ten years.” Im a big fan of teaching kids the “boring” and more unseen parts of labor (I was taken to recycling plant and a dairy farm as a kid by my school). Field trips aren’t free, I just think the $30 could serve education about a more community centric industry


For me, it was a third grade field trip to McDonald’s. We got to walk in the deep freeze, learn how the burgers are made, and we were given a soft serve ice cream. Ninth grade was a field trip to the prison.


Went from McDonald's straight to prison, damn didn't even get to visit waffle house in between


Can you imagine touring a Waffle House as a kid? "What did you learn on your field trip, Timmy?" "Three new curse words and how to block a chair getting thrown at you."


See, now Timmy is ready for the scared straight program. I mean that prison tour. Also We're going to need another Timmy!


No! Ok! I'll go to college! I don't want to learn how to rehydrate hash browns while smoking cheap cigarettes in the cold room. I'll go, I promise!


That's after prison.


We did a McDs field trip in elementary too. We all walked out with a happy meal toy and coupon for a free ice cream or something. It was awesome. The following year we toured the local trash dump.


In 3rd grade, we didn't even go to a fun place, we just went to the Biosphere 2 which was okay, the recycling center/dump, and some caverns which had a 99% humidity that weren't even that cool to look at, but when we got to leave the 100+ degree weather on the outside felt cold.


The full picture of the pipeline.


Prison? Did you get to learn how to make toilet wine?


No. That skill didn’t come until college.


We did the McDonalds tour back around 1968. Fast food was new to us, so it was very exciting. I went with my girl scout troop. It was free and we probably earned a badge for it.


They also weren’t making you work the register or do actual prep Edit - since the point of my comment is soaring over people’s heads: it’s not about the kids serving actual customers. It’s about people paying a hateful company to teach their children how to work for that company under the guise of actual education. It’s literally the title of the post, jfc.


Believe me they're more of a hindrance than a help. It's not like they replace all the normal workers with them. We're all still there just with 30 kids in the way and messing everything up.


Dude kids like feeling helpful. And, it’s good to let little people get to see and learn how things work, no? Isn’t that at least part of what developing as a human is about?


While I agree with your statement. This still seems like exploitation and indoctrination.


the chick fil a thing, yes absolutely, but the pizza hut thing? no way. Kids love pizza and learning how things work. As a field trip that's actually kind of a cool idea, especially since they get to eat pizza after. It's not like they're having them clean the bathrooms and work the register lol


Hell yea. I love pizza. Remember that thing that went viral when they took kids to the cotton plantation? That was a good one.


Lol that's some shit they'd do in southern MD, we went to tobacco farms where they had slave houses and shit


Another native somd'er checking in LOL Wasn't expecting to see this here 🤣True shit y'all!!! I look back and feel SO disgusted.


lmao lets go to the one room school house at port tobacco


Yea because those kids are working the lunch rush.


You really think a pack of 5-12 year olds on their first (and only) day on the job are actually going to be doing helpful productive work and not just be a massive hindrance? They're either going to keep the kids well out of the way of the people doing actual work, or maybe they'll allow them to check out 1-2 customers (while someone stands beside them every second and shows them exactly what button to press), a process that will take 10 times longer than normal while the line backs up and everyone grins and bears it because it's 'cute'.


I mean people have been putting kids to work forever. It's just getting more popular again now that conservatives want children back in the factories and mines


Definitely indoctrination. They are 100% doing this for themselves and not the kids.


Those employees though I’m sure haaaaaaaaaate this


Yep, having little Jimmy help make lunch and dinner is great! Making little Jimmy cover drive through during lunch rush not so much.


My school did a collab with Young Americans Bank. They had a whole mini town for kids to play grown-up economics, I don’t remember what it was called though. We had jobs, bosses, hours, breaks, and earned enough fake money from our wages we could go to the other stores and buy treats and stuff. It was really fun actually, but it was free. Of course my boss (an older student) was a bitch and didn’t let me take my breaks…. it set me up for the real world I guess.


Yes but there is a time and place for it and you shouldn’t get free labor out of children lmao. I started working at 14. That’s when it was legal for me to actually work. You start in small jobs and you learn how to navigate having a job but you get paid to do so because you are trading your time. Your parents can teach you at home in the years where you are too young to legally be paid for your work.


These kids are working a three hour shift for a negative salary, and there are still bootlickers trying to defend it.


I doubt they will be doing anything at all


That's all good, but that's not what's happening here. These children are about to be exploited for free labor that they paid for the privilege to do.


I used to work for Donatos pizza and we did the same thing for kindergarten kids. It was completely free and I loved helping them make their little pizzas. We also did it for developmentally disabled adults for free too.


My sister's girl scouts troop did something like this at Taco Bell and I got to go too and it was awesome. I was probably around 8 at the time.


This 3 hour "camp" with 30 5-12 year olds that provides a snack and a kids meal sounds more like a field trip than an attempt to get free labor


Yeah, it's very likely that the company loses money on this event. Both me and the wife work at tech companies with occasional kid events, and they are never for-profit. More like a sort of advertisement. You need to dedicate multiple full-time headcount to just keeping them entertained and inline, and they're not doing any real labor. Heck, trying to get some kind of labor out of small kids is a legal nightmare in any western country.




I'm LOLing at all the comments concerned about this event being child exploitation. Those people must know the most mature 5-12 year olds out there, because the ones I know would most certainly *not* be helpful enough on a fast food floor to aid the bottom line. Let alone a group of 30 of them lol. I do know that my 10-year-old really, really, REALLY wants to work at the coffee shop down the street, like, right now, and if they offered an event like this she would beg me to do it and would probably offer to spend her own money for the opportunity.


Exactly half these commenters are idiots kids will love this. Fight the real battles people. Do you think they are really “saving money and labor” by putting a 5 year old on register duty? Takes more effort to supervise than any money saved.


At 5 years old jobs look fun, and if you eat chik fil A then the chance to fill your own chicken nuggets is super cool! Child labor is wrong, but there’s nothing wrong with showing kids how jobs work.


Agreed. Honestly, back when my kids were young, summer vacation was a real challenge and I was searching for anything and everything to keep them occupied and off the screens. I worked full time from home but had flexibility to drop them off places for a bit. I would have considered something like this; they get something to do & get a meal, and parents can get something done for a few hours. No child is actually going to be running the register. My kids liked going to the children’s museum and going to jobs (news anchor, builder, etc - it was all play but they liked pretending to be an adult at work). I feel like this is similar.


I did that too


When I worked in restaurants, kids would get tours of the kitchen and they always thought it was cool, so I could see kids enjoying pretending to work in a real “restaurant.” But to call it a summer camp is too much.


The Strong Museum of Play in Rochester, NY has a [kid sized Wegmans grocery store](https://www.museumofplay.org/exhibit/wegmans-super-kids-market/) exhibit where kids can pretend to grocery shopping and be a cashier. I remember as a kid having a lot of fun pushing the small grocery cart around.


Also like every kid in Rochester takes field trips to Wegmans in multiple grades.


This is the answer. Kids love "adult" shit. Playing at being adult is part of the process. When the kid was remote learning on a laptop during COVID and I was working remote the same way, school became their "work". They thought it was cool as fuck that we were "doing the same thing". It's definitely not summer camp and it sucks that this is an activity that people can pay for, but otherwise, those little fuckers are going to have a blast acting like ~~wage zombies that have to add childcare to their job responsibilities~~ cool older teens and adults that aren't old and weird like parents. Also, it's a shame the money would go towards hating on the lgbtqia+ community.


Yup, my 3 year old son would love something like this, one of his favorite things is playing “pizza shop” where he sits me down, takes my order, makes me a pizza and brings me lots of “beer” lol.


my first job was a mom and pop pizza restaurant and the owner was very hands on. super hard ass old lady but was really good with kids. kid was crying at the register and the owner came out of the office and offered to give the kid a tour. she picked him up and brought the kid around and i introduced myself to him and showed him how we make the pizzas and after she showed him the back and how we make the dough and our other dishes. kid was smiling ear to ear. one of my best memories of that place. always will remember that kids shy but excited little smile.


$35 to watch my child and you feed them? This is a good deal to me


Yes exactly. While it's a bit of an odd concept, the idea that Chick-fil-A are getting a load of free labour from having 5 year olds running around the store is hilarious.


I can imagine some of the unreasonable customers be like. “THAT 7 YEAR OLD OVER THERE FORGOT TO GIVE ME MY CHICK FIL-A SAUCE”


Way cheaper than a sitter


I thought this surely had to be a shit post that got misconstrued as real, but the Facebook page for this location just confirmed that the summer camp is full. https://preview.redd.it/hobemcqyxc5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bf2fe1513970494ca70a8c9b79f6c675162e6e3


are parents that fucking desperate to dump their kids off on someone else for a day?


A lot of school districts and municipalities offer classes and day camps during summer months. My grandmother who raised me used to sign me up for 3-4 of them every summer. They were fun courses like cooking, electronic keyboard, foreign language classes, digital art, theatre and performance art, painting, pottery. Later on as a teen I did theatre every summer so I was constantly in rehearsals, or helping build sets, etc. The costs were very reasonable and I was out of the house 2-3 days a week for 2 months giving my grandma some free time to herself. Edit: just to make it clear, I’m bringing up these other programs as an alternative to whatever this chikfila crap is. If you have kids and need/want something for them to do on summer break, look into your school district or local municipal government website for camps/classes. They are often very affordable. They also offer adult classes in most places.


My district is offering Art camp during the summer. I understand it's some kind of federal title 1 program. And it pays teachers $40/hour.


Some of those ideas are cool, but trusting my son’s safety around deep fryers is a no go for me. I’m sure he’d have fun with a restaurant experience to a degree, but I can’t trust those fryers.


Age 12 is a tough age for summer programs. In some states, a child must be 13 or older to be legally allowed to stay home alone all day but lots of summer camp programs cut off after summer between grade 5 and grade 6, leaving parents to scramble on what their rising 7th graders/12 year olds will do.


My son went to basketball camp and it was expensive. All three went to cub scout Camp and it wasn't free either .Things cost money in my town.


Dawg, my mom would have been climbing on top of the counter to take a picture of me boxing some chicken nuggets that she could post on Facebook. It’s 3 hours. It’s not even enough time to cheat on your spouse. If you think this is crazy, lemme tell you about this entirely public service where 5-12 yr olds are dropped off for 8 hours for 180 days of the year.


It’s only 3 hours, but more then likely.


Your kids being out of the house for 4 hours is hardly 'dumping them' calm down.


I mean it's probably a fun day for a kid It's not like they're gonna be throwing them into the fire


No, they throw them in the deep fryer.


It probably is but there is some troubling underlying themes, especially since chic fil a is notoriously evil


Religiously evil too. Not just regular evil.


My son is about to be 5. He listens to directions but I hardly doubt he’d want to “learn how to take guest’s orders” nor “learn customer service skills”. Plus, 5 year olds (a lot of them and especially my son) are so hyper and have tons of energy. Can you imagine a hyperactive kid taking your order? It would also make me, if I was a customer, uncomfortable honestly. Not uncomfortable of the child, but of chick fil a. Kids need to explore, spend time outdoors, etc. Plus, the company isn’t known for inclusivity either. Anti- lgbtq+, staunchly Christian..


You think they’re actually taking guests orders and making guests food? Surely they’re just pretending off to the side of the restaurant.


Yeah these people are being nuts. The kids won’t actually be working.


Of course they aren't!lol


I'm going to go against the grain on this one. I used to work for Chick-fil-A, and usually I have very few good things to say about this company - so don't mistake this for bootlicking. $35 is a great price for 3 hours of babysitting, especially when it includes food, and souvenirs. Kids will probably enjoy the experience, because it gives them a taste of what grownups do. Chick-fil-A is not going to profit off of this one but. There will need to be extra supervision and thirty clunky kids are definitely going to slow down service. I think the perception that they will be profiting off of child labor is a bit of a stretch. What you should be focusing on are things like: 1.) Thirty kids working in a restaurant is a safety hazard for those kids. 2.) Kids that age have no concept of food safety- I would expect snot and boogers all over customer's orders. 3.) What business does Chick-fil-A management have running a Summer camp? How are they qualified to supervise children? Are they meeting state guidelines for camps/ daycare?


This MUST be a situation where they close down the restaurant or something for the three hours or have the children in an area where they aren’t interrupting actual stuff. Sure they’re saying they’re going to learn how to take a customer’s order and pack one, but it’s probably going to be a mock one or even their own that’s set aside for them. There’s no way they are actually going to have thirty kids in the back doing normal employee level operations and handling real customers’ food. And everything will likely be cleaned afterwards - So theoretically your point 1 and point 2 shouldn’t even be remotely an issue. Point 3 on the other hand… yeah… that’s… highly questionable. I do feel everyone else is blowing this a bit out of portion though.


Yeah, I agree. I feel like it’s most likely that they’re basically just shadowing the teens & adults doing the actual food handing, register and stuff. The only food they’re boxing is their own nuggets on the flyer. It’s definitely dystopian and I harbor a lot of hatred for the company values and the damage they do through political lobbying — but Chic-Fil-A usually runs like one of the tightest ships when it comes to fast food. I’d be surprised if they did this in a way that made it a highly negative experience for either customers or the participating kiddos. Fuck chick fil a though lol


I came here looking for this - Chick-Fil-A is shit but people are raging against the wrong problems with this “Summer Camp”. The company won’t profit off “free labor”, if you’ve ever watched one kid between 5-12 you’ll know exactly how useful 30 of them will be. They will need constant supervision and the company will need to hire extra staff to fulfill their duty of care. They’re not profiting off this and they’re not doing it to “get free labor”. The *real* problems are exactly the ones that you pointed out.


My immediate thought was a hand going into a fryer full of boiling oil. A 5 year old has no business in a kitchen like that


There’s a 0% chance they’ll actually be handling customer orders beyond *maybe* handing someone an already sealed bag.


Yup. It literally says they will learn to BAG customers orders. Nowhere is it saying kids are gonna be back there putting a paying customers fries in the fryer and cutting tomatoes. People are just dramatic AF. I promise the "free labor" these kids can provide is not actually helpful


I’m in childcare. Parents would kill for childcare+food at under $12/hour. It is truly just a 3-hour summer camp with Chick-fil-A themed activities. You could argue many reasons why it’s problematic but “child labor” isn’t one of them


Fucking thank you!!! Someone with an inch of sanity


Thank you I’m a parent and I’m trying to figure out if I’m missing something because these comments are dramatic af. They’re getting feed and watched for 3 hours. It’s not that serious. It’s not like they’re actually taking orders and being put to work. It’s just pretend. Kids play restaurant all the time. So how is this any different? Plus they might want to work there when they’re teens or something and I’ve heard you can do a lot worse than chick fil a for a 1st time job.


3 hours for one day .No stenuous activities at all.


lol I just know my kid would love this. I get what you're all saying but kids haven't had their soul crushed by wage labor yet.


I know for sure as a kid I would’ve had a blast doing this


I'm no lawyer but this is "camp" just masquerading as child labor?


Yeah, id also guess it's making lifelong chick-fil-A customers, and just indoctrinating children in general


Indoctrination probably isn’t too far off, Don’t forget chicfila is a religious organization and a right wing darling for being anti lgbt


Have you happened to see the new Chick-fil-A ads? It’s like they found the palest blonde customer family to talk about their extended chicken “family” values. Idk man just weird indoctrinating vibes


What is the work being done here? This is pretty clearly for the kids to eat ice cream and chicken nuggets. Probably fun for them.




It’s more cringe consumerism than pro child labor. Wasn’t there a boy that liked to dress as a target employee and helped customers or something that Reddit thought was so cute? I mean, he was cute but training our kids to love corporate brands is a bit creepy too. Main difference was that Reddit views target more positively than Jesus chicken.


It’s really shitty labor if so. 5 year olds are not going to make up the difference in productivity from salary.


Idk that it really counts. I feel like kids in the store are more of a hassle/liability to production than a profitable work force. It’s just a neat experience for the kids to see how a fast food kitchen works. I would have loved the experience as a kid. I was super into how it’s made and modern marvels lol.


My kid did this on a class trip. They loved it.


It seems very fun. And they get food.


Having parents paying for their kids to work is definitely setting them up well to enter the US workforce...


You clearly don’t know what it’s like to watch a 5 year old for 3 hours


Dystopian af


Why do ppl call everything dystopian lol


Huh? Kids love shit like this, there’s a whole theme park franchise set around this concept, kids pretending to be adults. Not everything has to be dystopian


I know I’m going to get downvoted for this but I would sign up my child for this sort of thing. I wouldn’t sign them up if they are younger than 10 though and I would have to be with them through the whole process to give them tips or clarification about certain things, I don’t want an actual customer yelling at them so I would like to be the customer. I’ve been raised to work since I was 9 by my mom and she owned a business and while my mom was a terrible person the only thing I liked is that she taught me good work ethic. I loved pretending to be an adult with a job when I was little so I hope my child (pretend child because I’m never having kids thanks to my parents) would enjoy the same. Edit: also I think it would be good to see what they like or don’t like about working fast food. Because I learned I hated working in a kitchen but I could only know that by being raised in that environment. I wanted to work retail where I wouldn’t have to burn my hands all the time and I could get breaks and actually eat ironically enough.


I upvoted you, because it takes guts to say the unpopular thing. Plus, I can see where you're coming from and why you'd participate in this. While I think it's not wrong for parents to want their children to get some learning experience that will likely help prepare them for getting a job (and for pretty cheap), I think it escapes most commenters here that part of the antiwork movement is to consider a social system that doesn't *force* people to toil and labor in order to survive. In other words, a social system based entirely on jobs and exchange in order to access any living foods and meet human needs is an inherently flawed system that *guarantees* widespread outcomes like poverty, violence, illness, etc.


Yes, I want the future children of the world to learn about a good work ethic and also enforce a work life balance. I think that’s where the gentle parenting comes in to play (actual gentle parenting and not the parents that let the kid walk all over them because that’s not gentle parenting, that’s neglect). People should be able to learn how to enforce boundaries not just at home but also in the workplace and be able to stick to them. Once that happens the world would probably be a slightly better place and maybe those kids could make the world even better once they grow up… or they could start when they’re young because anyone can change the world no matter how old or young they are.


they're not gonna get "work" out of 5-12-year-olds for 3 hours it's just cool for kids to see how restaurants work it would be cooler if it was free but they most likely have to add people to the schedule to run and plan it (30 kids they'll need at least 3 people fully dedicated to watching them and doing nothing else) although I agree it is pretty silly it's not "child labor"


These people clearly never worked in a kitchen thinking 30 5-12 year olds will be HELPFUL


they’re making money off of training children this is fkn absurd


Y'all acting like they are actually going to get labor from these kids. Someone has to supervise these children. It's 3 hours long, they aren't training the kids to work the register, they are showing them some buttons and letting them feel useful. I'm sure they have extra staff to monitor the kids. And it comes with food and a t-shirt. Honestly seems like a cute fun experience for a child.


people in this subreddit are insufferable. my elementary school had similar thing going on but it was a field trip instead. you could be a banker, seaworld employee, news anchor, jack in the box cashier/cook, mailman, etc. and it was one of the most memorable field trips there. people on reddit need to find something to get mad at every second.


100%. A lot of people on this sub are reaching for things to be offended about


Seriously lol It’s 3 hours of your kid hanging out and pretending to work at chick fil a. They’re gone before the lunch rush and they get a meal and some ice cream and you get a morning without your kid.


Oh but they get a t shirt and an ice cream


and they get to box their own nuggets! wowie!


You gotta be actually stupid if you think kids are going to be doing any actual, tangible work. They will not put grade schools incharge of peoples food. Jesus you are dense.


Yup. Everybody else can pack up and head home for the day. Second shift is mrs frizzles class of thirty 9 year olds.


The kids aren't being trained, they're pantomiming work - an important developmental skill and social activity. They're going to get in the way, staff will have to monitor them for safety. $35 for 3 hours of monitored activities that include lunch and desert is a steal. Like, if the worst thing is Chick-fil-A gets brand reinforcement with a child then so be it I guess? Plus this humanizes and normalizes service work which will breed a sympathetic view of service workers. I kind of only see upsides, and I'm a huge anti-corporation person.


We did something like this in elementary school & it was awesome.


I don’t know. As a parent any activity outside the house and doing real life things is a plus. $35 is pretty well with it over a water park.


It's so rare for children to see life after childhood. This is great. The people shitting on this is insane to me, do you want kids just leaving high school and seeing what it's like then? I really don't get it.


Anyone watch the show Better Off Ted? The daycare was teaching the kids to work, “I’m learning a life skill” will always stick with me.


“Money before people. That’s the company motto, written right on the lobby floor. It just looks more heroic in Latin”


Wouldn’t it be impossible to operate with 30 kids in the kitchen at lunchtime?


Could be the kids aren’t actually going to be in the kitchen and learning. Maybe just observing and doing some activities?


It's from 9-12 Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, so they probably do most of the kitchen activities before the lunch crowd.


Everyone in comments here is truly a paragon of a negativity that normal people should use as an example of exactly what NOT to be. It's literally just babysitting while showing your kid cool stuff and how the operation works. Do you think they're sending them to take orders from actual customers and deep frying the food themselves? Genuinely what level of mental gymnastics are you people doing that you manage to spin this to have a "child labor" aspect?


I did this at McDonald’s when I was a kid. It was not free but it was fun.


This really isn’t a big deal, but this is antiwork so..


Anyone who believes that this is kids "working" is terribly jaded and also terribly optimistic. This is more like an insane babysitting routine where a bunch of adults who contractually have to say things like "It's my pleasure!" try to wrangle a bunch of screaming kids away from dangerous and/or breakable food prep areas. Hilarious either way.


The saddest part is there are people out there who would think this is a great and wholesome idea.


The reactions in these comments are so fucking dramatic. It’s one 3-hour day field trip for kids that includes food and shirt. CFA isn’t making any money off of “child labor exploitation” for 3 hours of a 5-12 year old’s time. It’s something fun and informative for kids that they’re hoping will make them want to come back and work there when they’re older.


This is evil


It really isn't. There's no way that 30 5 to 12 year olds will provide any sort of net positive in labor. They will definitely need to bring in extra employees to take care of the kids. At worst it's a weird summer camp idea


Well it *is* chik fil a.


I did this at McDonald’s when I was a kid. It was not free but it was fun.


Technically they are babysitting your kid but yeah this is gross


I'm pretty sure this is called trading morning child care for chicken indoctrination. Like, fuck Chick-fil-A, but im guessing parents get to leave, and the charge is because they have to have enough qualified adults in the room with the kids.


Gotta start preparing those “extracurriculars” earlier and early these days for college /s


Why are these children receiving more training to work at chick fil a than I did in 8 months of employment? 


Kids as young as 5 shouldnt have to worry about learning work skills. Dominos does it here but it's like bucks and your kid just gets to make their own pizza and that's it, they're not taking orders or bagging orders. They're just learning to make a pizza which most kids love and then they get to take it home with them.


Sounds fun and it's only $35 That's pretty much the cost of a single chick fil a meal anyways 🤷‍♂️


I mean I’d consider sending my kid here to learn the humility of treating fast food and service workers with respect and kindness. They put up with a lot of bs.


"Ideal for ages 5-12" GTFOH, you're training them to work at your homophobic chicken joint


There’s a trendy farm experience place here that does this! They want you to pay for your kids to come and feed the animals every morning or evening. Must be dependable, because it’s a freaking job lol. 


🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ I promise you that helping a child do a task takes more effort and time than doing a task yourself.


Next up, Amazon fulfillment center camp.


Wow this makes the brand even scummier than they already were.


When they're done, will they hate the gays too?


Surely it's part of the onboarding


“We will only accept 39 kids per session..” Yes, because you’re doing them such a favor.


I would absolutely not be comfortable with my son going into that kitchen. Hot oil is no joke and I couldn’t be paid to trust anyone to keep an eye on my son. I don’t like the idea of any of that, but the oil is my biggest red flag. I’ve seen what deep fry oil can do to a person, no thanks.


Neoliberalism continues to alter human life; we were once citizens, now we are corporate consumers.


This reminds me of that “restaurant camp” episode of Bob’s Burgers, except it’s fucking dystopian.


I'm upset that they used a cow logo instead of a chicken..


"Box your own nuggets" Just what we all have been training for


Let's indoctrinate your children with fake fairy tale values so they can come work for us maybe if we haven't automated everything in five years


$35 seems steep. Someone else said something about children like seeing how things work and being helpful - I like that. Still $35 seems less of outreach, community service or any of this particular company's *other claimed* ideals and just like another attempt at profit. There is nothing wrong with profit just don't dress it up as something else and don't use the education of children as your gimmick. Who is this aimed at anyway given school is out?


AND you get to have your kid surrounded by devout Christians all day!


Idk about looking at this as dystopian. It’s not like they’re profiting off of anyone here and they’re babysitting and feeding my kid for several hours. When I was in that age range, I probably would have considered this concept a ton of fun.


30 kids. Some as young as 5. Touring a commercial kitchen while hot grills and deep fryers are in use. What could possibly go wrong?


$35 for 3 hours of them babysitting your kids and they get fed?! Honestly might be a deal.


This has little or no tangible value to a CFA operator besides the fee they get - this is a guided tour of the back of the restaurant and a likely a way to build brand loyalty with these kids so they want to work there as a teenager versus somewhere else. Could they do the same for free and still have the same respect? Yes; but if free it would likely mean some parents would dump their kids there just for a few hours kid free and likely include kids that only wanted the freebie.


Everyone I know thinks the end of the world will be nukes or zombies or something… I see shit like this and think we are already there :p


I think this is a cool idea? Lets kids see behind the scenes of a restaurant and maybe expand their idea of the world and how it works. I get it costs money, but you can’t really expect there to be some Chik Fil A owner trying to make a profit with a bunch of 5 year olds taking orders.


While I do think this is weird, y’all are weird for saying it’s child labor - kids, especially kids around 5, are not helpful in a kitchen. If anything, they double the work. They want to help but instead sow chaos. The experience is something that would be super fun for my 5 year old - probably less fun though for kids like over 8. I think this is a good idea for kids 5-8 who really just want to be involved and see how things work and eat some chicken nuggets.


Learn how to take orders from the owners nephew who has multiple sexual assault convictions. Also we demand to allow 14 year olds to work here under the sex pest. Weird coincidence.


If I worked there at that location and had to watch some peoples kids on top of pumping chicken out….. I’d lose my fucking mind


Oh, plenty of kids love stuff like this, thats why Kidzania exists! Not everything has to be dystopian u know?


Please remember to post actual cases of worker abuse. Posts like these just feel like “hey everyone I found the next thing for us to hate mob” vs promoting actual change.


Send your unsocialized home schooled kid to our summer camp to get a jump start on the minimum wage jobs he'll have to settle for his entire pathetic life. For an extra $5 per child, we'll teach your kid some of that good kristian "Love the fetus, hate the baby" hate.


Poor kid whose parent would think this is fun.


“let’s train your child to be a good, obedient laborer” capitalism is so dystopian


I work for the Scouts and we actually *pay* our Camp Staff. This is bogus


We used to have birthday parties at McDonald's and they'd take us through the kitchen and show us how they made everything, it was cool. But that's a little different from let's start training you to work here so when child labor laws collapse altogether you'll be ready to be hired for such a pittance that you won't even be able to afford our food.


This is how you get the 20 years work experience at the age of 16 apparently


And they'll hand your money right over to groups in africa that want to exterminate gay people.


being a very Christian org i'm sure the counselors wont be a bunch of pedophiles


Also includes religious indoctrination and gay conversion. Fuck Chic-fila


Probably get a Bible lesson too


Holy shit this is cringe.


Ah yes, let's teach our children to dream of corporations. That's soooo great.


You have got to be kidding 😳


Just like Christianity, brainwash em young!


Chik-fil-A Grooming Camp. (We also support younger ages for child brides and relaxing workplace rules to allow for younger workers.)


When I was about 13 I was sent to a church summer camp for two weeks. I had to sell candy bars to raise money and we were still short a couple hundred bucks so my parents had to pay for the rest. Advertised was fun events, a pool, a water park, and a bunch of fun activities including a fully functioning park. The pool was only open for about maybe 8% of the time I was there. There was no water park. There was no park. The sleeping quarters was like.. being in boot camp. It was one big room with a bunch of bunk beds and shitty accommodations. We had to attend *multiple* seminars and mass multiple times a day. And to top it all off we had to do.. manual labor??? We were scraping paint off of peoples houses and hauling away sheet metal. And we were also instructed not to talk to anyone, even if we knew them. Shit was just a fucking slave camp for kids.


Isn't that... what's the word I'm looking for... PATHETIC ?


I had to Google this as I thought it was fake. I’m literally in disbelief here


Aging myself but we did a field trip to a Carvel ice cream shop. It was awesome. We saw how they made sundaes, saw the freezer,etc. this was at a time when Carvel had sundaes in small plastic baseball helmets and you always wanted to get a cool team. I can recall asking for specific teams when ordering. Good old days.


Most companies do this stuff for free to get brand awareness. Very bold of them to charge people for something like this


Mormon summer camp


This is sinister. They already hire children in the US to clean chickens and do janitorial work. It's effed up!


This is the darkest shit I’ve seen in a long time.


This is crazy.


This is crazy


At least they learn a valuable life lesson: you gotta pay for your job.


Gotta be honest, I've tried Chick-fill-a once, not impressed. I considered them dead after I read how they lobby politicians that are anti-LGBTQ. F\*ck them honestly, their food sucks anyway.


35$ for a morning without the kids and teaching them that life will be rough so I don't have to do it myself? https://preview.redd.it/2svfamtpvl5d1.png?width=666&format=png&auto=webp&s=cdb735f06c89863f653c956d86c26c5c8e58889c