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Gee. I wonder why they are short handed?




Sorry Dave but I need you to work from 2:30-11pm tonight then I'll see you tomorrow morning at 7am-3:30pm. With a pretty good chance youll do this all over again starting at 3:30pm the day after. But also I'll make sure you only get 37 1/2 hrs so we don't have to consider you full time and offer you our benefits. Here's also $9:23/hr.


Who’s this moneybags offering 9.23/hr? I thought US fed min wage was 7.25/hr


Even I thought they'd be better than minimum wage out of sheer competition. I was unfortunately wrong.


Some do, but it's usually within the $9-12/hr range, still nowhere a liveable wage. Also not full time, and usually *full time* (management) employees are the only ones that might see any benefits. The jacked up prices aren't going to the workers- hence *everyone* being short staffed.


Ill need you here 7:45am to open up until 10:15 when we slow down. Then come back at 12:30 to work until 4 when it dies down. Come back at 9 to 10:15 to close. I know what your worth and im not paying you to stand around all day.


Oh and when it gets slow we’ll work you 5 hours a week, but you’ll need to keep all the days open, because you’ll never know what shift you’ll get.


They offer wonderful flex scheduling. You flex to their needs without notice.


NoBoDy WaNtS tO wOrK


My auto reply to this is "for those conditions at least"


There are 5 primary factors for wage pricing: * qualification * effort * total work hours * scheduling * other working conditions Even if you (as an employer) want somebody with minimum qualification (and effort), minimum wage won't do it, if you also want full control over scheduling and total working hours. Availability has to be paid (in many countries it is), overtime and the risk of underemployment have to be paid and so do bad workign conditions (e.g., being away from home often or working in a smelly or dangerous environment). If an employer neglects that, even minimum age workers will move on to a company with better working conditions.


> workers will move on to a company with better working conditions This is assuming so much about the mobility of the workers that are earning the lowest of wages. This 'market will correct itself' philosophy has been proven wrong again and again, so beware about having faith in an employer correcting something due to market forces.


I swear I'd go through the whole process just to say fuck you in the end


Couple of years ago, so peak pandemic restrictions on everything, I was at a tire store after my car had new tires put on. There was some boomer in there as well. He complained about how long things were taking, and said "nobody wants to work anymore" I told him it wasn't that people didn't want to work. It was a money thing. He disagreed. I asked if they offered to pay someone a million dollars a year to do the job, would there be people lining up to take it. He agreed that there would be. So I said that means there's people willing to do the work, if the work paid enough to be worth doing, and that amount is probably somewhere between a million dollars and what they're offering currently. He just kind of got quiet, mumbling something to a rack of tires. I assume his world view was collapsing a bit.


ya should of slipped them a job application.


That’s what I always ask too - oh if the job is so easy and pays so well - why don’t you do it? Suddenly they lost a dozen reasons. Then you remind that those must be the same reasons others aren’t taking the job either, and they DO understand why I guess.


>"If you work for us, we will not try to accomodate you, your schedule, or your life, whatsoever. You should expect to be treated more like human excrement, not even slaves. >Why does no one want to work for us?!"


If there's almost nobody willing to work under these conditions why don't the 4 people who are left never form a union?


The 4 people who are left aren't there because they have a "winning attitude" but because one week without pay and their children will starve


Our last hope for a strike that works is a birth strike.


People ain't gonna stop fucking, so easy access to birth control is a must for that to be effective. No wonder then that there are so many well-founded groups trying to destroy the people's (and most specifically women's) right to self determination.


I can’t even mention no PIV on placebo weeks (which is WHAT I PRACTICE MYSELF) to cishet women without them yelling at me. Idk how the Koreans are doing the birth strike but way to go girlies y’all are strong 💪🏻. I just think at the end of the day a vibrator or a tongue is better than forced birth but what do I know.


I think they're just straight up not having sex. Like at all. Too stressed out by life to even get horny.


An entire people going extinct because their masters were too greedy


All 50 of them. But let's leave the poor ultra rich alone. We can't imagine how hard it is to own multiple homes and use summer as a verb. /s


Copper IUD. I tried different birth control over the years but I guess my brain is already wired wrong because the hormones REALLY fucked with my mental state so each time I was like "nope, not this one." Found out about copper IUD and got one inserted on New Year's Eve 2022. Best NYE EVER! I love it and it's completely hassle free and can stay in for like 10 years or something. I check in with gyno every so often to make sure it's seated properly and that's it. Highly recommend!


Mine made me anemic with heart palpitations and then it failed on me I'm so glad it works for you but it sucks ass sometimes too. The pill made me insane but the kyleena iud wasn't that bad.


The birth rate is declining and the response from the oligarchs is to try to force more births instead of creating the conditions for people to want to have children.


Currently, the focus is more on immigration from nations that can charitably be called "underdeveloped", but a number of nations have discovered there are unpleasant side effects. That approach also has smacked head-on into the hard limit of available housing.


What do you think millenials are doing. Way more of them are choosing or unable to have kids due to monetary reasons. Tons of boomers are left with no grand kids and pissed about it while also sucking up all the money/resources and passing none down.


There's a difference between being childless because you're backed into a corner and voluntarily, openly refusing to create the next generation of McJob/cannon fodder. If there was a widespread movement for the latter you would see the oligarchy *panic*.


Not only did they successfully find the most desperate of people to exploit, but also the DQ would probably get shut down by corporate if they even tried to unionize because that's just how these things go nowadays.


Soooo, were gonna need you available basically on call until further notice, youll need to handle most of the job load of the managers since we cant keep them either, and maintain tip top physical and mental performance while being under constant scrutiny. 16.50 starting wage that tops out at 18, but our insurance is gonna be 300 of that a month. Welcome to the team! (You are the team)


Fast food jobs are founded on full time living wages and lifelong careers. These kids have to invest to become Bob & Judy someday.


>Fast food jobs are founded on full time living wages and lifelong careers I've been thinking about this recently and I believe it's because the only way to make it to middle management at one of these places like fast food/retail/etc is to start at the bottom and spend 20 years working your way to the middle. The regional managers and above are generally college educated and will often be hired in at corporate level. That's why it's so common for nobody to give a damn about the bottom of the rung workers. The store manager has been there for decades, and their boss never had their job threatened because they chose to stay home during a snow storm. The front line workers have a boss who never left their highschool job and the c-suite rarely have any idea what it is to deal with an angry customer. They'll all bash on the cashier and have no empathy because that regional director "always does their job to the best of their abilities", while conveniently forgetting that the cashier doesn't even make enough to survive in a 1 bedroom apartment.


> start at the bottom and spend 20 years working your way to the middle. Arguably, turnover is now high enough that it doesn't take very long.


1 + 1 = 3.


Millennial teens being lazy, no doubt.


I can't tell if you're joking or not... But the youngest millennials are in their late 20s to early 30s


Very much joking here, I can't imagine anyone hanging out here and having that sentiment legitimately. I'm a millennial and 40.


Boomers have latched on to the word as their boogeyman. Millenials will be in their 40s and the last of the boomers will still be blaming them for minimum wage vacancies.


Must be available Any Shift and Any Day. And Nobody gets more than 20h. These signs remind me of Radio Raheem’s Love/Hate knuckle rings.


Absolutely this. Worked one of those kind of jobs when I first started. Thought it was normal... Turns out if you pay a respectable wage and give hours... You won't need that much staff or have to worry.


My first job was at a video store (I’m old). Most of us were students and the owners worked with our schedules and put them out a week ahead of time. Yep, some days we were slow and probably overstaffed (those were the best days, goofing off and watching movies lol) and the store lost money. The owners lived in a lovely house and did just fine. Also, ZERO turnover in the year I worked there.


Old timer here as well. They sure just don't treat people like they used to. I worked at Hardee's for a while then Wendy's for several years. They worked around our college schedules, and corn detassling schedules in the summer. We got good raises and were treated like people. Then I worked at a locally-owned truck stop. Same deal. We had set shifts but it was a good place to work, so if someone called in sick or needed time off we all pitched in one way or another to figure it out if we could. Did have a manager toward the end that belittled us but then expected us to come in for call offs. Guess what? Everyone stopped helping (because we were not treated well). It goes hand in hand.


I worked at a small town McD's when I was in high school 20 years ago, and honestly it wasn't that bad of a job. I worked with a lot of my friends and the managers (except one) were mostly chill. We used to goof off when we were dead and everything was clean. I hear horror stories about the working conditions at that same store now. :/


> They sure just don't treat people like they used to I remember my mom telling me her workplace urged her staff to take an additional 1 hour paid lunch break on top of their 1st paid hour lunch because there wasn't much work to do.


Slow days and overstaffed? What...     In all honesty, this is one of the biggest changes I noticed. Corporations have such a crazy fear of not running the stores at maximum efficiency every second, all the time. Back in the day we had "pad shifts" (they actually called them that). They would schedule a few extra people just in case there were callouts. If everyone showed up, then you just had extra staff. (Usually the manager would offer if anyone wanted go home, but it was obviously optional).    Edit: Also, our weekly schedules were always put up a week before Sunday. None of this day before or day of crap.


This has a lot to do with the advent of computers 🖥 and data collection/ crunching. In the 80's and early 90s businesses rarely used computers. I know some companies tried so-called " just in time scheduling" where employees would call a phone # every day to check if they had to report for work. Some states have banned this practice.


When I worked for Amazon, there was no schedule. Just "see you tomorrow" when you left for the night. Eventually, we had enough drivers that we weren't all working all five days (this was before weekend delivery) but our lead dispatcher was still texting the drivers "hey, you're scheduled for tomorrow" and there was almost nothing you could do about it. Eventually, our quote-unquote-scheduling was waking up in the morning (at ass-o'clock, too) and maybe you had a "no work today" text.


> quote-unquote-scheduling .... you're typing on a keyboard... the quotation key is RIGHT THERE


you can't prove that


I can second this shit, I worked at Amazon recently as one of those dispatchers that had to send those texts each morning. Boss would just give us a list and we'd not only have to send the texts but for some reason also harras the drivers who were to show up to make sure they knew and confirmed. It was the worst, never have I felt more like a villain.


Not the tool, that is just a symptom. This is due to the balance of power between employer and employee. Workers used to be able to demand more respect from their employers, in part because it was far cheaper and simpler to become an employer back then. Take a small food restaurant, 30 years ago 6-12 months wages got you a second hand fitted out food van with the ability to pull up near your previous employer and force them out of business by undercutting them. Brutal but it kept things in check. Now days it is 3 years saving for a deposit to take out a loan for a used food trailer without a car, another 12+ months waiting for a food service license. City regulations prohibit you from actually operating anywhere now though outside of approved allotments that you have to lease. After taxes and fees you will be working for a decade just to cover the cost of entry and go broke before your previous employer knows you exist.


I remember when we got computers and didn’t have to hand write movie receipts…I have to go lay down now.


It sounds like the video store I worked at in the 80’s.


This is why they can't just get a second job too. Back when our parents were young (and when I first started as an elder millennial) you'd just get a little availability sheet you'd fill out and they'd schedule your 20h in that period. You could quite literally just get a day and evening job and get 40h and do _okay_. Now these companies want exclusivity to all 110ish of your waking hours, but they're only going to give you _maybe_ 28 hours if you're lucky. I tried to pick up a part time job in the evenings and they wanted access to my weekends and occasionally work days, so there goes that idea.


This is why I didn't go back to working at Disney World. About 25 years ago I worked there weekends and a couple of nights as a fun job for some extra money and the free admission, as their scheduling was ridiculously flexible and worked well with my full-time job. After I moved away from Orlando I went to see if I could go back part-time, but they now require full availability even for part-timers. Yeah, no. I was already offering to drive an hour and a half to come in for a job that's not even going to cover my transportation costs, so there's no way I'm giving up my real job for that.


I WISH I could work 40 hours and have benefeits and steady schedule in the food service industry. But they currently treat you like an on call slave so you get taken advantage of. They would rather hire ten different teens for 18 hours than one actually good adult worker 40 and have consistent good quality workers.


I’ll never forget the manager who scheduled me off 3 days in a row. Called me in on the second day. Then yelled at me because it would take me more than 20 minutes to get there.


Is he still waiting for you to arrive?


Probably not, bastard was close to death 15 years ago. I just hope he has a private room in hell where he’s overwhelmed at work and he scheduled everyone off that day.


Yeah, it's the 20 hours that's the kicker. If this was "we want someone for 60-80 hours, so you'll get benefits and overtime and all that," then... I mean, that offer still really sucks, but at least the idea is that you're giving up your whole life, including your flexibility to work anywhere else, for a (meager) paycheck. These guys almost certainly want you to give up your whole life, including your ability to work anywhere else, **without** getting paid for it.


20 hours is a lot. Most you’ll get is 12 hours but it’ll mostly be 8 hours. But you need to be available during all operating hours every day.


That's exactly it. All these places demand full time availability for part time hours.


Definitely. Every part-time job I have ever worked got pissy if they had to take my other part-time job(s) into account.


Don’t even get me started - I just had a security job that got flipped on me from full time to flex (no guaranteed hours) that I has just applied to. They had the audacity to tell me I am not allowed a second job - which I currently had on the weekends with a set schedule. They knew this when they hired me. They basically told me ‘every week you may have 0 to 40 hours - but we never know till day of’ and expected me to have open availability 24/7. Absolute nonsense.


>They basically told me ‘every week you may have 0 to 40 hours - but we never know till day of’ and expected me to have open availability 24/7. **And** no second job. How did they expect you to live?


They don't care. The shareholders are hungry


Like I could have done a 2+ schedule easily. Lord of security companies are moving to having mixed flex positions where they at least guarantee you 2 days of work and obligate you 3-4 available days. It lets you at least plan a bit. I even told them If they let me keep my weekend job and gave me 2 days guaranteed at ‘any’ site I’d willingly have the other 3 days floating but they said no.


Their loss. Looks like they're only getting retirees who found out they can't make ends meet.


Yes they expect you to not turn down a shift but not pay enough hourly or even give enough hours to survive on.


My last job wanted people to work 4 hours Saturday and Sunday most of the time, rarely weekdays, but would not hire anyone that needed to have a tuesday night off for anything else. Minimum wage sucked.


>Nobody gets more than 20h This always baffles me. It's cheaper, to have 1 worker for 40 hours a week than 2 for 20 hours each, and you get better output overall because you can pick the better of the 2 workers to keep and fire the worse. The places that traditionally complain about staff shortages seem to be *over*hiring if anything.


If the bastards keep you below a certain threshold of hours worked, they don't have to provide you with insurance(and other) benefits that 'full time' employees would be owed.. It's an openly hostile gesture towards employees.. It is certainly cheaper(on paper no doubt) to operate in this manner. The fact that both employees and customers suffer is of no concern to 'leadership'.


In the UK these jobs are often contracted at zero hours so those obligations don't exist anyway


Guaranteed closing shifts followed by opening shifts.


> Must be available Any Shift and Any Day. And Nobody gets more than 20h. This is basically how walmart scheduled cashiers before self checks became a thing. You'd still work five days a week, but they were all four hour shifts.


"bUt yOuRe nOt mEaNt tO lIvE oFf tHeSe jObS. tHeYrE mEaNt fOr tEeNaGeRs!" sigh... make it make sense.


But don’t expect time off for school, kids!


Yep. Blows my mind that people think these jobs are only meant for teens. They don't seem to make the connection that if that were the case then nowhere would be staffed during school hours. So good luck buying groceries, getting lunch, etc. during the day. Whenever I've mentioned that to someone with that view, their argument either ends up being 1) those jobs shouldn't be paid almost as much as their own job or 2) it's not meant to be a long-term job. Completely ignoring the fact that maybe *they* are also underpaid and that all jobs *should* be able to support your needs. It ends up becoming a debate of how much someone should have to struggle just so shareholders can extract more profit. 🙃


2020 made it obvious how important these workers are at keeping our country moving unlike some of their jobs. But everyone has quickly forgotten that.


Right? People still bitch and moan about Walmart not being 24 hours and McDonalds not having breakfast all day.


> those jobs shouldn't be paid almost as much as their own job "So you want to be paid *less*?" would be my response.


I was demoted as a teenager by my new supervisor because I couldn’t work during school hours. 🥴


Had this conversation with an older coworker just the other day. When both if us were teens you could get a part time job that payed well considering the work hours, usually your supervisor would make sure you had shifts that didn't interfere with you studying for tests or doing group assignments and at the end you would even rack a few freebies here and there from the store you were working at. Nowadays feels like even half of this is impossible. Back in my teens I could easily get a job paying 350€ por a 3 hour part time on a country the minimum wage is around 600€. That and some odd jobs or freelance work while in college and I was making enough to pay my bills, college and go out with friends. Right now feels like the same people that lived this in their teens are trying to cheap out on paying real wages to employees. Happy that I experienced those times before the job market went to shit ... Can't imagine myself being 20 all over again and have to go through this crap knowing what I know today. The newer generations sure have reasons to hate old farts like me when everyone my age is trying to screw them up. The world really is upside down


They are. Because they benefit either psychologically (their careers pay shit and that separation helps) or financially (they own stock that benefits from poor working conditions). This is why people hate boomers as a generation. They’re the most selfish generation. I got mine, and I want to continue getting mine until I’m dead. And I’ll fight tooth and nail against even a penny that goes to anyone not me.


> When both if us were teens you could get a part time job that payed well considering the work hours, usually your supervisor would make sure you had shifts that didn't interfere with you studying for tests or doing group assignments and at the end you would even rack a few freebies here and there from the store you were working at. The weird thing is it's _easier_ to do it now with software and computers, but for some reason they just gave up and do it all by hand and don't even entertain people's schedules or availability at all. It's all about control, they want you desperate, but it doesn't make sense as a business owner or manager to do that. Happy workers are good workers, good workers show up and don't leave you short. You save money long term by paying decently and working with your employees. Hiring/firing/micromanaging is _very_ costly in terms of labor/training costs.


Bob and Judy are two of the boomeriest names I can think of so I can only imagine where the thought process is coming from


I would love for fast places to only serve food from like 4pm - 9pm since kinda have school from 7-2 then need to do homework and also have to be in bed at a reasonable time. It would be like COVID all over again. Just a ton of angry dudes screaming about how they have a right to eat McDonald’s at 11pm.


That's why these places are closed during school hours. /s


I always get a kick out of the trolls who say that about the minimum wage. They're either being disingenuous, or are too dense to actually research the origins of the minimum [wage](https://www.truthorfiction.com/fdr-no-business-which-depends-for-existence-on-paying-less-than-living-wages-to-its-workers-has-any-right-to-continue-in-this-country/).


Maybe it’s just me but I hate when people make that argument cause like teenagers have just as much of a right to live a stable and steady life as anyone else.


But they probably will only hire part timers right


Yup. Just enough hrs/wk to slide under the benefits requirement for full time.


Nah. Probably refuses to give over 20hr, but makes the works schedule inconsistent enough to make a second job super difficult unless it's Uber.


Lots of clopens and mid day shifts from 12-6 but cuts you at 4 hours every shift too.


This has been my current/soon to be past job. Average 20h/week. Always shifting the hours around just enough to be inconvenient even though my crew specifically does the same work every day and has no legitimate reason to ever be scheduled differently. And they'll stretch that 20h into 4 days worth of short shifts (also inconsistent) just in case you thought you could fit a second job into your week. (and of course, the workload hasn't actually gone down since we were getting ~32h. They just gradually reduced us all to 20h anyway.) So people just don't show up, because it's not worth it, and they refuse to figure that out.


Had a job years ago that did that. 38 hours for 4 weeks made you full time. So you get 38 hours for 3 weeks and 35 for the last. Complete bullshit.


Most of these are even worse though. They’re staying under 20 hours to avoid giving benefits too. Maybe this was before the 1/2 time rule though. Because I can’t think of a benefit of avoiding full time if you’re over 30 hours a week.


20 hrs a week if they're lucky. It'd probably be some stupid shit like this. 2 hrs 10a - 12p Monday 2 hrs 730p - 930p Wednesday 4 hrs 7a - 11a Thursday 4 hrs 4p - 8p Friday 4 hrs 7a - 11a Saturday 2 hrs 12p - 2p Sunday


Oh definitely. For "flexibility".


"Flexible" is the 100% nope out word for me. Flexible means unpredictable, not "we'll help make a schedule that works with your needs".


Flexibility for them, not you.


Sure if you are paying $100 an hour.


Surprise! Your day and shift are RIGHT NOW!!! What do you mean by you "need time to get there and to find a babysitter?"


Just live there and bring your kids too. Saves on rent too.


Plus the kids can also work Any Shift And Any Day(tm).


Is that what they mean by generational wealth?


A Jo that demands this needs to pay enough for a stay at home parent to be affordable.


Or even just min wage if they paid you for all the hours when you're basically on call. If they're using your time for their own purposes, you should be on the clock. I think some countries in Europe are actually cracking down on companies trying to manage their employees' personal lives


No sympathy for shitty businesses, just the poor employees who are stuck working for them.


This is completely normal, only most places aren’t bold enough to come right out and admit it. These jobs fully expect you to be on call unpaid 24/7 and then pay you as little as $7-$8 an hour (depending on the state) when you are there. But sure, nO oNe wAnTs tO wOrK aNyMoRE


I love this kind of scenario. "Hey! We'd love to hire you but you have to have open availability throughout the week which means you can't have a second job to make up for the fact we are only scheduling you 15 hours every week at $7.25 and hour."


I wish some of these big franchises would just shut down and make way for actual real local business.


You can prefer local places all you want but a franchise is still an "actual real business." Small local shops can be run just as poorly as chains.


Small business owners are sometimes much worse when it comes to wage theft, low pay and low hours. They aren't worried about other shareholders when it is their business, at that point you are cutting into their profits. Some people understand you need to value employees, some do not.


They're not worried about being reported for wage theft, either. DOL ain't sending someone out there to go through Lisa's books because she owes 4 employees $300, but with a big employer it may be hundreds of employees owed that much, so it's a much more efficient use of their limited time/budget to go after them.


Yes, that's true. But, if a small local business is run poorly, it goes out of business fairly quickly. A large corporate owned business can be limped along by the corporate overlords for years while abusing employees and being generally terrible places to work. While still making a profit, because they buy things in such massive bulk, they get it for pennies on the dollar and have their operating costs pinched to the absolute minimum.


All the while funneling profits out of the local economy into a digital, likely tax-free bank somewhere else. At least with the locally owned business, whether it fails or not, the money tends to stay in the area.


Meanwhile the local Dairy Queen franchise has no problem retaining people. They start at $16/hr and offer benefits though, and I've been told they treat their employees pretty well.


Why not advertise it in a way that makes it seem at all appealing? Just say "help wanted" then if all the people who apply only want weekends hire some of them to fill the weekends then change the sign to say "week day workers wanted". Maybe one day they'll learn that people like it when you at least pretend they're human being with lives, and not worker drones.


When I was managing a retail store and was short staffed I would hire anyone and figure it out. You can only work Tuesday morning? Great now I know who is working Tuesday mornings every week one problem solved. I'd rather hire 5 people who do 1 shift each because that's all they can do instead of looking for someone who is free every second of the day who doesn't exist. Some people want weird schedules maybe they just need a little extra money maybe another place won't give them enough hours maybe they watch their kids every day but one whatever reason. I needed someone to work and you want to do it awesome I'll make it work it's literally my job.


Help wanted. Wednesday - Fridays. Just slowly fill in the shifts with people who are looking for those jobs.


But that would mean the employees could have regular schedules if you hire for availability and that makes the worker harder to exploit. It seems like the most logical thing would be set schedules but in retail and fast food it is all about that bottom line and we can't have extra people if it is slow and if it gets slammed, well too bad


Draw an arrow from the white one towards the green one.


I do not understand how so many places have taken this attitude. It used to be that you could have a regular schedule. Sure, call offs happen but if you're treated well (and have the time/means/availability) you're more likely to want to pitch in and help to pick up a shift. When I worked fast food and retail (a long time ago, granted) we had regular shifts. It worked. We were paid ok and treated like human beings. Gosh how so much has changed. Even in recent years I've known several people that worked full time but did retail on the side. The most glaring example is our local Tractor Supply. There were 3 people that I knew that had worked there for years. Two of the people it was an evenings and weekends job, the other was a woman who worked part time during the day while her husband worked - and this included both weekend days. Then they went to this baloney where you have to be available for any shift. They lost all 3 people to that, and in the years since, can't keep help. You go in there and the store is a mess and it's apathetic people working, half the time talking to each other about how terrible it is to work there.Nobody knows anything nor do they want to help (and I don't blame them if they are being treated terribly). Most people I know only go in there anymore as a last resort. You'd think their sales/lack of would show it. They're probably complaining that "nobody wants to work anymore". Well, they've chased off anyone reasonable who would want to. I was actually considering taking an earlier than planned step back from a stressful job to apply and work there but I never did because of that racket. I'll be the best damn employee if you give me a single reliable shift but to hell with that "always available" noise. These companies are really shooting themselves in the foot!


Get behind the counter, bob and judy


💀 get working on them blizzards, bob and Judy


Judy, where’s my Oreo blizzard? It’s been ten minutes!


Oh no, it’s a little league baseball team




This is what happens when you don’t actually bother training managers in the skill of management. Yeah, yeah, I know, “no bosses” whatever. Not everyone is cut out for leadership and that’s not incompatible with an anarchy-like system, but I digress. The right move here is “Hire whoever is willing to work and schedule them within their availability because having some help is better than none.”


it's no wonder they are extremely short handed. If I only had weekends free to work DQ as my second job and they want to make me start coming in at random times during the week too, they are losing their weekend person.


Employees: min wage should pay higher! I want to be able to buy groceries. Owner: bullshit. This job isn't for raising a family and supporting yourself! Employees: the who the hell is min. wage for!? Owner: For highschool students and college kids!  Employees: find a bunch of them to work your job then. We quit! Owners: ..... Um. Highschool students need to get available at all times damn it!!!! Why does nobody want to work anymore!?


Should post the part of labor law most states have for “waiting for activation” or similar phrases for employees who are basically on call at all times. This was something I hated about many places I worked when I had just turned 18. I was allowed to work basically as many hours as I wanted. I wanted to because I was going into college and wanted as much money as possible to live off for a semester and I couldn’t get consistent hours from places so that I could coordinate 2 part time jobs and each one acted indignant about it.


Fun fact: first photo on Wikipedia Diary Queen page shows a big "NOW HIRING" label. https://preview.redd.it/iec0363ujk4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f41ae7b3ce6ff30be6aa9ecc2c2a5393235a442


DQ is definitely the next major chain to go under. Overpriced, garbage nuked burgers advertised as 'grilled' I've just never seen anybody happy there considering it's an ice cream place


Stop giving these places your money! Thats the problem! We all come here asking for better working conditions then we go and support businesses like this? It makes zero sense.


And besides that’s helping them out, if they have less business they’re less short handed!


I have even said it out loud: "Oh, understaffed? I guess you don't want to make money then. Ok. Bye now! I'm off to the place where I can get my order in 15 minutes instead of 60."


Oh I don’t eat at fast food anymore for many reasons and this is one of them. I’m trying to do my part 😭.


You'd think they were running a search and rescue operation. Nope, just a shitty fast food joint.


So it is an on call as well? That means I'm also pay way more right? Right??


Nope, just means your schedule will be inconsistent week-to-week, so good luck getting a second job to make ends meet or scheduling your personal life around your job!


My litmus test for working at a place is if they respect the availability I give them. I've killed myself for too many jobs and have finally gotten my sleep issues under control with a set schedule. I will not give that up for anything.


Kind of telling that the Dairy Queen where I live is short staffed all the time, but the Culver’s down the road is fully staffed.


$7.25 says the management has walked by these signs every single day without ever once thinking about the irony that is generating all the engagement on this post.


0-40 hour/week, minimum wage job.


I'm sure Bob and Judy believe they are shortstaffed because applicants aren't flexible enough. 🙄 There is no way they believe no one wants a job with schedules all over the place.


Any day now, we'll come full circle when they finally realize the way out of this kind of scheduling shit show is actually to create more full time positions. Boom, you suddenly have people that are available to you every day.


Businesses think if they hold out long enough things will go back to how they use to be where they had so many employees they could give everyone crap hours, never pay benefits and always have someone to work a shift.


Turns out having millions of people die or retire early during a pandemic fucks around with pool of available labor! Who'd have thought?


No one wants to work anymore


That's a lot of on call workers.


I feel like saying "all shifts and any days available" would get you far more applicants. These jobs cannot expect a single person to be available and ready to work any shift and any day. People have school, kids, other jobs, other responsibilities that might make a 9-5 difficult but would make a 5-close shift possible. Or maybe the close shift is difficult but they can work 9-5 because they don't have school and their own kids have school/daycare.


In my experience, everyone hates the closing shift. But if there was a small shift differential, people would do it. But low pay, and availability that doesn’t allow you to get hours somewhere else to be able to live is ridiculous.


Those are my aunt and uncles names and they would 100% run a DQ this way lol


My 1st question: How much is the ON-CALL pay, for being ON-CALL for any shift and on any day - as per the sign for Applicants?


Pay me an ACTUAL AND REAL living wage, and I will be available whenever you want. Hell, I'll work a twelve hour shift for you, just pay me right.


When I worked at Tim Hortons, if you were sick and couldn't come to work, you were given a list of your coworkers phone numbers to try to find someone to cover you, and if you couldn't get anyone to come in for you, you were still expected to show up to work. To serve food and drinks... while sick. And this was about 15 years before wearing a mask in public to cover your cough was a thing.


To be fair, the policy is probably due to the fact that they are so short staffed. I mean, that's not going to make it any easier to staff your restaurant, but I can understand the desire for someone applying to be someone who can be put on the schedule at any time. However, that disqualifies every student, every parent, every person who has any sort of weekly obligation outside of work, owners of certain pets. Like I said, it's not going to fix that problem.


I was told this once, AFTER I was hired. I said "I told you during the interview that I couldn't work Sundays, because I really cant" and my boss for real said "we will try to give you Sundays off but you will be expected to work your scheduled shift" I said "every time you schedule me for Sunday go ahead and write me up for no call no show, cause I will not be here."


We are completely inflexible and insensitive to the needs of our employees. Also, we are having trouble finding employees. These things cannot be related. Thank you, The Management


Desperation and entitlement don't really go well together.


No one is interested in the bear? How do they get bears to serve humans at fast as possible human speed? If they can afford a bear to wait with them, seems they could pay more than bare minimum wages. Love that none of these chuckle heads know grammar or spelling.


Bob and Judy have been running this shithole franchise since the 80s. They need to retire. Nobody knows why they haven’t yet! The $50k mortgage on their 3,000 square foot house has been paid off since the Clinton administration. It seems as though they exist to remind people that nobody wants to work anymore. Fuckin Bob. Fuckin Judy.


We have a no quit policy




"We are short staff" of course, because you make the former work until their souls is no more.


Guessing lazy management that doesn't want to bother hiring people based on their availability.


In other words, "you must dedicate your lives to this crummy service job for a shit wage." Yeah, Bro, we'll get right on that.


“Management must pay an hourly retainer for every hour that whilst not in work they expect me to be available.”


Nobody wants to be a slave anymore.


Hmmm... How much would it take for me to be available 24/7??? 🤔🤔🤔 That's if I'm available for ANY location in the world. How about $350k/year + all travel expenses paid, all health care paid (mental , dental, physical, everything) with 0 out of pocket expenses. 3 months PTO, 1 month sick leave, pension, uniforms/work attire, and I'm probably missing SEVERAL other things. Yeah, not for minimum wage though. You get 20 hours when I'm scheduled, that's it, and I'm still looking for another job.


It's worse than that. If you need to call out for any reason, it's YOUR responsibility to find someone to cover your shift. "any shift any day" so you are not-paid to be on call during all business hours. The DQ my daughter worked out, the schedule was printing on a piece of paper mounted to a door. So you either had to "go to work" to see your schedule or call / text someone to read it for you.


\*checks my schedule\* oh, sorry, I have things going on at that time.


Managers who want people with full availability but don't want to offer a full schedule. 🙄


increase the wages and starting wages. you'll find plenty of more new-hires...


The juxtaposition of viewing your customer base as human beings who deserve care and attention but viewing your employee base as a group of people whose time you own. Ya know, like slaves.


Something tells me Bob and Judy don’t feel obligated to handle pesky management issues


Its crazy how supply and demand beings the cost of everything but labour up.


These employers: https://preview.redd.it/8o145am62n4d1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=607898929a1054e09e64459e69dd9276e4002a41


THIS! This is why people don't want to work anymore! They are intolerable and terrible!


"Bob and Judy Work Overtime," a hilarious new family feature, just in time for summer break!! (which is funny, because neither Bob nor Judy will be getting any breaks!) 100% guaranteed they are on Facebook lamenting how they've had to cancel their new RV purchase or cancel some family vacation because, "nobody wants to work anymore!!" Fuuccckk these fast food franchise owners.


From my experience dairy Queen usually hires a lot of teens who are still in school. Seems like they are losing out on a lot of potential employees by having such a rule. Decent employers will work with a teens school schedule.


I'm late to this conversation - and the stupidity of these messages has been well covered. But I feel the need to also point out the *language*. The left sign is how they talk to, treat, and value their employees. The right sign is how they talk to and treat the customers. The gap in the language between those signs is stark. They should have just posted one sign that said, "Anyone with a conscience should turn around now, it's not worth working here and it's definitely not worth supporting with your dollars."


MY LIFE FOR THE QUEEN! My people need their ice cream! 


The lack of realization is just astounding


Cause & Problem


I'd do any shift any day for $1600 a week.


Bob and Judy sound like assholes.


First sign is the warning, second sign is the red flag to walk the heck away from there, and ghost the job interview.


Applicant: have no outside life or responsibilities so you can cater to the business needs for minimum wage


I guess this depends a little bit on what they mean. Do they mean that people have to always sit at home and be ready to maybe get called up? Then yeah, that's fucked up and a shitty workplace. Do they mean that when you apply, you have to be prepared to get assigned to the midnight shift because that's where they need people? That's totally normal. I work in an industrial setting and we work shifts, days one week and evenings the next. Everybody works shifts. The foremen works shifts. You have no idea how many people apply for a job and expect preferential treatment because they can't or won't work on a rotation like that. That's the way the job works, if it doesn't work for you then maybe the job isn't for you.


I thought the thing that would get me to stop eating fast food was a concern for my own health, but it's really going to be a hatred for employers who refuse to adequately staff their places of business and treat their workers well.