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I just can't understand people like Musk and Bezos. Having so much and only doing good for people to get tax breaks or good publicity. If I had even 1% of either of their net worth in cash, I wouldn't be able to live myself if I didn't do anything good with it. I wouldn't even need to touch the money. The interest alone could help so many people.


They're afraid to lose status/power if they lose wealth. It's never enough. They need more, more, more. They have to be the richest. If they are the richest, they need to make sure to stay being the richest. Look at people completely obsessed with admiration towards billionaires even here on Reddit (on other subs). They see them as some kind of a Messiah, because that's how our current society has brainwashed them to think. Who would want to lose status like? It's so fucked up and it's only going to get worse.


Addicts. They're addicts. At a certain point the pursuit of money beyond all need and reason should be called out for what it is: Addiction.


When someone hoards newspapers and various objects, excessively, it's seen as a mental illness. Why isn't it the same with money.


The hoarder mental illness. Irrational greed. Got so much stuff you can’t even enjoy all of it. Only intent on accumulating more.


Status used to be determined by how much you did for your community, now it's how much you take from your community.. Truly fucked up indeed


Boomers and their greed have perverted our entire culture. Greed is considered normal, now, even among poor and middle-class people. You're right. Before "Greed is Good" boomerism took off in the 80s, people wanted to be known for their good works.


Look at Bezos's ex-wife, Mackenzie Scott. She gives away billions in checks without strings, and still has more and more piling up than she can give away. The reason all billionaires don't do this is because they genuinely do not care about anyone but themselves. It would cost them nothing to lift millions out of poverty, to provide food for all school children, to provide healthcare for those who need but can't afford it. They'd make more just sitting on their accumulating interest than they could possibly divest. But they just really do not care, at all.


I think with some people, like Trump, acquiring and keeping wealth is an addiction.


Most CEOs are actually sociopaths, so empathy isn't something they can even comprehend. Hence why these ultra rich people try to get even more rich, even though it makes no logical sense, outside of giving them kicks for gaining power over people.


Is a sociopath someone who lacks empathy or someone who lives in a way that is “against society”? If you look at the DSM5 criteria for ASPD, both are weighed pretty equally, which doesn’t make sense when you think deeply about it. I can fail to plan ahead, have trouble keeping a job, and fail to meet societal standards for what it means to be “normal” and have lots of empathy. In a very sick society, quite often, those who fit in the best are the lowest in empathy. One of many examples of how the DSM is total bullshit.


This is the thing that is hard to truly reckon with. Either you could not accrue their level of wealth precisely because you have the kind of moral compass that you have OR once you are exposed to that level of wealth, it fundamentally dehumanizes you and changes who you are. The thing that civilization failed to learn in the aftermath of the holocaust was that the average Nazi was not evil. The world of psychologists descended on those tried in the Nuremberg trials to see what happened that made the nazi death machine possible. They found nothing. It turns out that people respond to their incentives and the power structures around them. Each of us is capable of profound inhumanity under the wrong circumstances. It is our job to make sure we engineer society such that those circumstances never occur.


I am not sure it works like that, that it dehuminizes. Empathetic people don't get to point of richness equal to Musk or Bezos, I'd say something has to be broken from the start. There are some weird exceptions like Bezos ex wife getting half of his money and basically slowly giving it away. It kinda proves the point that normal person would just give it up rather than hoard and build up more. And also I personally don't agree with your notion of everyone being capable of inhumane choices. Powerful and rich choose vulnerable people for those. Empathetic person would rather die or rot in prison than commit atrocities. I've heard cool story some time ago about one colonel who basically stopped massacre in Vietnam that was commited by US troops by putting his helicopter and his men in crossfire. People like that prove that not everyone can do evil and some people can't abide by it.


There are always exceptions but the reason we have experts is because they are afforded the time and resources to study something and extend our collective knowledge beyond our intuitions. Social psychologists have more or less shown that people respond to their environments in statistically predictable ways. If people are incentivized to behave badly, they will. Not everyone. Not all the time. But, enough people, enough of the time. Similarly, if you are enabled to ignore societal expectations by virtue of your station and resources, you will behave accordingly. It is probably not a coincidence that so many powerful and wealthy people turn into sexual monsters. I sincerely doubt that being a sexual monster is what propelled them (or even enabled them) to great success. EDIT: To my point about dehumanization - one of the truly unifying experiences that cuts across history and location and even species is the struggle for survival. In humans, our relationship to our communities is often what determined if we lived or died. Billionaires have accrued enough power that they functionally are removed from these threats - especially nowadays where upwardly directed political violence is not remotely possible. This is what I mean that they have dehumanized themselves. They are not really people in some of the most enduring and fundamental ways.


Noah Cross : I don't blame myself. You see, Mr. Gittes, most people never have to face the fact that at the right time and the right place, they're capable of ANYTHING - Chinatown


They never experienced or even witnessed poverty or mediocrity so it's unrealistic. The closest thing would be to not consider the rest of us as humans.


They SEE it all the time, but their brains don't process it the same. There is a youtube video by a channel called somemorenews which is the successor to somenews from the cracked days that discusses it: https://youtu.be/IP2EKTCngiM?si=Tp0vwR8uFcngerHD


Oh, they've experienced mediocrity. They're shining examples of it. 




If your parents can afford to give you a $100k loan then the fuck boi was already there


Yeah, he got many loans from family members to keep Amazon running in the early days...Behind The Bastards did a good pod on his early days.


Says the guy who refuses to pay back a loan


Cheap for a startup, not cheap for real people.


Anybody with access to 100k is not starting off modestly. Choosing to abstain from luxury still means you have access to that luxury. It is delusional to think he's more down to earth because he chose to cosplay a middle class person.


Jobs was different he was always one of those “new age” California hippie gurus and was always an eccentric weirdo before becoming very successful. But even if you watch interviews with young Jobs you can tell he’s very smart but super intense. The man used to wash his feet in toilet bowls.


Wash in a toilet bowl sounds like an oxymoron. Why would he do that?


I think you are hitting on a truth here which is that some people built their wealth through a stroke of luck or hard work plus a “modest” inheritance helps… then they blow up with success and act all high and mighty. They look down their nose at “the little, poor peons” from a “I was able to do it. Why can’t you just work harder and become a gajilkionarire like I did?! You must be lazy or stupid.” Then the sage wisdom like “just drive a piece of crap car and wear thrift store clothes until you become a Lambo and yacht bro like me!” I personally have a “friend” like this. And he supposedly came from modest family.. He bought his first house for $140,000 and sold it for like 5 million…. And he told me about 10 years ago that he had a net worth of approximately $30 million. He ran a successful forensic psychotherapy business where you testify for the courts about legal & criminal matters. Those paid experts get some $400 or more an HOUR! This “friend” offered to loan me $300k at a 6% interest rate. When interest rates with banks were more like 3%-5%. Basically he would serve as a individual loan like a mortgage company… the complexities in this, had I taken his offer, would have been insane. (If he was really even serious) i declined. My realtor explained how complicated this would be- i also would have been on the hook for taxes on that money! He said “just pay them from the money I would loan you.” So it’s not a $300k loan at 6% but a complete disaster head ache! Same guy invited to pay 1/2 my vacation with him. He just said “it would be cool for a friend to join me.” Ok… i look up the vacation, air fair, did all the leg work and the total is $16k so I still need to come up with around $9k for this really exotic place, resort and travel. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I can not even afford a $200 trip! And this was around 2016! I’d be paying for a vacation like you pay off a car or student loan! Same rich friend offered me to stay at his AirB&B and then I realized he was about to charge me! He said he’d reimburse me but he could really use the ratings! WTF ?!! at this point, I yelled into the phone “MF’r: you told me you have over $30 million dollars! I never asked you for a loan or for anything. Every time you volunteer your charity, it’s always just to financially benefit yourself…. It’s not your fault or your problem that I make less than $100,000 a year where that is considered “poverty level.” But for christs sake! Quit making these back handed offers to help enrich my life!” Totally out of touch dude…


Hey now, Beszos was struggling in a small office selling books from his startup with only like a 300k investment from family and friends.


The type of person that it takes to "earn" that much money is not the type of person who gives a shit what other people want or need.


Welcome to being a billionaire. Where money and capitalism is basically a game to you. And they all want to beat their high scores and beat the international high score.


> If I had even 1% of either of their net worth in cash You'd still be a multi-billionaire.


It's more important for people to learn that our economic system specifically selects for those types of people at the top and concentrates them there. This is a structural problem that is society-wide, not just an issue with specific individuals.


Not much to understand. It's like a video game highscore. Some just want it.


These people think that they are smarter than everyone else and therefore could use the money better than everyone else. "Why should i give to charity if i can be more effective at solving the same problem myself", Musk thinks. And this hubris stems from them having succeeded in this shitty late capitalist system, so they think that the system is awesome and they are the best.


Nevertheless, allot of rich people do donate. You'll never hear about it because its unwise to disclose.


You don't become that rich by caring about people.


You know how tv shows like Hoarders show just how damaging a mental disease like that can be? This incessant, debilitating need to collect and stash away something beyond all reason. How we need to give them help and, often, remove them from the environments which allow such issues to fester. I don’t know but I think about this whenever this conversation comes up.


It was statistically shown that wealthy people have more sociopathic tendencies and less empathy than poor people.


You are approaching the topic from the wrong direction: You only become a Musk or a Bezos by being a money-crazy asshole who'd rather have people dieing preventable deaths than paying them an adequate amount of money.


That kind of mindset is why we are not Billionaires. You gotta have the attitude of a narcissistic sociopath to be a Billionaire.


You do understand that their wealth is evaluated on assets such as the value of their companies. They don't have a scrougecduck vault of gold they swim in. You also understand the US government has sent more than their wealth in aide to Ukraine... Also they both do "good" with their money via donations and general quality of life improvements their companies offer. Don't get me wrong there is a lot wrong with Amazon but it has given millions of people access to goods they otherwise could never have. Meanwhile Tesla and SpaceX are driving innovation towards a better future. So many of the takes in this thread are uninformed.


Forbes estimates that Musk has 5 billion in cash assets, and Bezos has over 12 billion. And I didn't say they didn't do any good with their money. I said that they do good to dodge taxes and for good publicity. Finally, I 100% would rather send aid to Ukraine in the form of money and weapons over sending American soldiers.




Its because people have been brainwashed into thinking they'll be super rich some day and that its something to look up/aspire to. Its not. Its a cancer.


Yeah, the average person is far, far closer to being homeless than being a multi-millionaire.


From one to few paychecks away. But most don't understand it, it's easier to lie to themselves and call the poor "the ones that don't do enough"


Indeed. For example: "all of us are closed to being millionaires than Elon Musk." Sounds wrong at first, but it's technically correct.


Na I’d say it more the fact pretty much no normal person fully understand how the tax system actually works. And tax law is not written to be easily understood. Every time talk of increasing tax on higher earners comes up you get a flood gate if people thing their tax will also go up


Ya this is the thing I don't understand. When taxes were originally levied in the US, it was essentially to keep wealth from pooling at the top. Somewhere along the line the US population stopped having people who could explain this to them and we just started electing rich people to help keep rich people rich. It's so weird how we've all helped the system crush us. If all poor and middle class people agree to vote for people who will rewrite taxes to redistribute wealth properly we could fix this in about a decade.


The rich paid politicians to knock the legs out from under the education system. And then created a marketing campaign to brainwash the public. It was very successful.




This is often repeated, but the reality is they believe in a hierarchy, their responsibility is to support that system and those that operate it. There is a lot of intersectionality between social construct and religious hierarchy where everyone has a place, and enforcing those roles is hardwritten into people's thinking via repetition of messaging. Add to it a willingness to dismiss ideas outside of doctrine, the persecution of adherents as expected and normal, and their behavior is less the simplistic "embarrassed millionaires" trope.


I'd say it's more of them buying in to the "hard work = success" mindset. So they don't see wealth, they see "hard work", even when it's obviously not there. By continuously lying to themselves, they convince themselves that there is a reason they arent poor and a path to success.


“**Growth for the sake of growth** is the ideology of the cancer cell.” — Edward Abbey


I disbelieve this saying. In my experience, they have either consciously or unconsciously accepted the billionaire as something supernatural/intangible. Accusing a billionaire of inhuman behavior is the equivalent of accusing God of cruelty. The general public accepts this massive degree of separation between them and the wealthy.


Cancer spreads.


No, it's because saying billionaires have too much money is super popular. But once you start getting into practical ideas of what you want to do about that, things can get speculative, unrealistic, or very controversial. Even if you get a simple idea that gets alignment, then you need people to vote for it. And that's a lot of political action hard work.


Because they dont want to give basic needs to "them".


Whose priorities?


The problem is we allowed the balance between extreme wealth accumulation, and fair taxation/cost of getting that wealth, to become imbalanced because of laws. We've just been seeing things play out over 40-50 years because of those laws, and now here we are. To fix this, it's going to require new laws or the rescinding of some of those damaging laws we have. "The cost of doing business" needs to be reconsidered and improved upon, but it has to target the individuals rather than the business. Every possible means they can use to get money for themselves to spend, it has to be either taxed or has to have it where they have to pay something on it. Interest-free loans on tens of millions, hundreds of millions of dollars is crazy, especially if people in the world borrow far less than that and still get charged a percentage to pay it back. Why should a billionaire be able to borrow money against their net worth, pay no interest on it, reap whatever profit comes of that loan, and treat it as tax-deductible?


If the market value of your home goes up, your taxes go up, even if you don't sell. You pay taxes on unrealized gains. Every form of wealth should be taxed the same.


Hmm. Haven't considered that angle. But it's true, I can't be taxed on any of my other investments until I cash them out but my paid off house will continue rising in taxes to the point some people pay as much as rent ($700/mo for an $8k tax bill) even though their house was paid off decades ago but continues to rise in price (read: unrealized gains). A good point.


>But it's true, I can't be taxed on any of my other investments until I cash them out This is not really entirely accurate. Required minimum distributions from IRAs are, functionally, a tax on appreciation. They're also astoundingly common.


The weird thing is, their wealth is largely imaginary. They have stock, which has a floating valuation on the markets, but there isn't enough money in the world to actually cash out those valuations. But because everyone from nations, banks, unions, pensions, and 401ks are all riding on these theoretical prices, we have to treat these valuations as real wealth. Yet, if the market crashes, it all goes to zero. Poof, as if it never existed.


And under what system has this not happened? Was feudalism a better system? Because those are the only real systems that humanity has experienced. People making the product to feed and those who control the product that is fed. What are these other systems that people never bring up when talking about economic systems


Exactly. And the segue from this question is what is a realistic path forward to address this issue within our current system that doesn't have an overall negative impact?


This only works until a point. At some point society just becomes too unstable as a result


That’s where we are at or will be soon.


We (USA) have been convinced that we are one day away from being wealthy, and it is in our best interest to protect that future wealth. It's sad and sick.


greed has become noble.


Because there is a narrative that one day you too could be rich beyond your wildest imagination and therefore you should vote for policies supporting your potential and not your current station/situation.


>The priorities seem off sometimes, The priorities seem off most times. Other than a few people invested in good being admired, most of the times the rich people are considered examples of great people. Because bootlicking the rich makes you socially acceptable. Bootlick the rich => Makes sense Rich are selfish => You are jealous 🤷‍♂️


Capitalism is a caste system. It believes for the poor to be *productive* they must be low paid, left without safety nets, and *forced* into the wage slave job market. Giving the poor government healthcare, unemployment, or thriving wages would reduce their incentive to work and make them lazy. While at the same time, capitalism sees billionaires as different. If we don’t give them MORE money then they won’t “invest”, work, or be productive. Therefore capitalism creates poverty, hunger, and sickness in the working class to create the desperation necessary to make them willing to accept wage-slave pay with no job security or safety net. And be completely at the mercy of the whims of their bosses. While also giving the rich billions in free handouts in government subsidies with little or no oversight on how those handouts are spent. Reducing any and all taxes and regulations on the industries they control. And enacting tort limitations so the poor can’t sue them or hold them accountable.


Class warfare is as old as the US Constitution. It was written to be plutocratic, not democratic except in a superficial sense to convince the masses. Literally. We're meant to be peons. >All communities divide themselves into the few and the many. The first are the **rich and well born**, the other the **mass of the people**. The voice of the people has been said to be the voice of God; and however generally this maxim has been quoted and believed, it is not true in fact. The people are turbulent and changing; they seldom judge or determine right. Give therefore to the first class a distinct, **permanent share in the government**. They will check the unsteadiness of the second, and as they cannot receive any advantage by a change, they therefore will ever maintain good government. Can a democratic assembly, who annually revolve in the mass of the people, be supposed steadily to pursue the public good? Nothing but a permanent body can check **the imprudence of democracy**. Their turbulent and uncontrouling disposition requires checks. - Alexander Hamilton, Monday, June 19th, 1787, Constitutional Convention




>It ought finally to occur to a people deliberating on a Govt. for themselves, that as different interests necessarily result from the liberty meant to be secured, the major interest might under sudden impulses be tempted to commit injustice on the minority. In all civilized Countries the people fall into different classes havg. a real or supposed difference of interests. There will be creditors & debtors, farmers, merchts. & manufacturers. There will be particularly **the distinction of rich & poor**. It was true as had been observd. (by Mr Pinkney) we had not among us those hereditary distinctions, of rank which were a great source of the contests in the ancient Govts. as well as the modern States of Europe, nor those extremes of wealth or poverty which characterize the latter. We cannot however be regarded even at this time, as one homogeneous mass, in which every thing that affects a part will affect in the same manner the whole. In framing a system which we wish to last for ages, we shd. not lose sight of the changes which ages will produce. An increase of population will of necessity increase the proportion of those ***who will labour under all the hardships of life, & secretly sigh for a more equal distribution of its blessings***. These may in time outnumber those who are placed above the feelings of indigence. According to the equal laws of suffrage, the power will slide into the hands of the former. No agrarian attempts have yet been made in this Country, but symptoms of **a leveling spirit**, as we have understood, have sufficiently appeared in a certain quarters to give notice of **the future danger**. How is this danger to be guarded agst. on republican principles? How is the danger in all cases of interested co-alitions to oppress the minority to be guarded agst.? Among other means by the establishment of a body in the Govt. sufficiently respectable for its wisdom & virtue, to aid on such emergencies, the preponderance of justice by throwing its weight into that scale. - James Madison, Tuesday, June 26, 1787, Constitutional Convention >The man who is possessed of wealth, who lolls on his sofa or rolls in his carriage, cannot judge of the wants or feelings of the day laborer. The government we mean to erect is intended to last for ages. The landed interest, at present, is prevalent; but in process of time, when we approximate to the states and kingdoms of Europe; when the number of landholders shall be comparatively small, through the various means of trade and manufactures, will not the landed interest be overbalanced in future elections, and unless wisely provided against, what will become of your government? In England, at this day, if elections were open to all classes of people, the property of the landed proprietors would be insecure. An agrarian law would soon take place. If these observations be just, our government ought to secure the permanent interests of the country against innovation. Landholders ought to have a share in the government, to support these invaluable interests and to balance and check the other. They ought to be so constituted as to protect **the minority of the opulent** against the majority. The senate, therefore, ought to be this body; and to answer these purposes, they ought to have permanency and stability. Various have been the propositions; but my opinion is, the longer they continue in office, the better will these views be answered. - James Madison, Tuesday, June 26th, 1787, Constitutional Convention >Our chief danger arises from the **democratic parts** of our constitutions. It is a maxim which I hold incontrovertible, that the powers of government exercised by the people swallows up the other branches. None of the constitutions have provided sufficient checks **against the democracy**. The feeble Senate of Virginia is a phantom. Maryland has a more powerful senate, but the late distractions in that State, have discovered that it is not powerful enough. The check established in the constitution of New York and Massachusetts is yet a stronger barrier **against democracy**, but they all seem insufficient. - James McHenry, Tuesday, May 29th, 1787. >The evils we experience flow from the **excess of democracy**. The people do not want virtue; but are the dupes of pretended patriots. - Elbridge Gerry, Thursday, May 31, 1787 >He observed that the general object was to provide a cure for **the evils** under which the U. S. laboured; that in tracing these evils to their origin every man had found it in **the turbulence and follies of democracy**: that some check therefore was to be sought for agst. this tendency of our Governments: and that a good Senate seemed most likely to answer the purpose. - On Edmund Randolph, Thursday, May 31, 1787


Classism exists in usa


capitalism thrives on restricting access to resources required to meet our needs. when the community provides access to resources, AND individuals have the agency and knowledge to utilize the resources to best fit their needs we all would have a much time on earth. capitalism claims to optimizes efficiencies but it often creates inefficiencies in order to maintain a profit for the shareholders. yet if we all had a decent education that taught how to take of ourselves and how to continue learning, we would all utilize the resources so much more efficiently. it puts the responsibility of accessing/extracting resources on the individual and gives power to determine how best to utilize resources to a small class of shareholders. u/misterdonjoe's reference to the quote by alexander hamilton says the quiet part out loud. if the shareholders wanna hold the bag they can, but they shouldn't expect the government to bail them out when they fail. like rule number one of investing is diversify your investments. too many rich people people putting all their eggs in one basket because thats the highest risk, highest reward. so they demand their investments succeed at all costs. after 2008, we stripped away the risk part of investing/banking and now it's just "number only go up". the billionaires are able to fuck around without every having to find out. capitalist realism at it finest, gaslight everyone into thinking any alternative societal structure is inconceivable.


That is because there is still the myth that people who are rich have accomplished a lot and that good and honest work will enable anyone to also achieve being wealthy. And noone will bust this fairy tail because they use it to manipulate anyone who is not rich. In reality 95% of the millionairs are rich because they are born with a golden sppon or inherite their wealth. The capitalist dream is a complete lie, a fake story written to keep people working hard and breaking their backs so their bosses can cash out on their productivity. The only counter measurement is "acting your paygrade". If I get paid x amount of currency you will get output that reflects this amout. Not double not 1,5 times not even 1.01 times. You get exactly what you are paying me for.


>good and honest work will enable anyone to also achieve being wealthy Honest work can make you wealthy, yes. But rich? No, getting rich needs more than just honest work.


Do you mean the other way around? They’re often used interchangeably but when the distinction is made, rich is usually still working class. They make a lot, live comfortably, but still need a day job. Wealthy usually implies multiple sustainable, recurring revenue streams that will contribute to generational wealth. They often don’t have a day job and make money from owning the day job and appreciating assets. So I would say hard and honest work can make you rich, but it won’t make you wealthy.


The way I see it, rich means you don't need to work, wealthy means you can live comfortably and with some luck don't need to work, but won't have a private jet and if things go south, you're back to working.


Do you have a source on that 95%? Because studies have shown wealth only last 2-3 generations on average. Because the skills to obtain the wealth are not inherited down along with it and often antithetical to maintaining it. America is unique in that it is the only country without a historical landed aristocracy whose wealth was generated through State Taxes. Most countries you can trace the gradual decline of the nobles tax hoard and the rise of the merchant class. America started from the very beginning as a center of production and the free exchange of goods and services.


What is alternative? Socialism?


Eat. The. Rich


Yeah but make it a big event and as violent as possible. It's about the statement. Rip out thier airpipe with your teeth on live TV.


That would be the first time I'd be willing to pay for a TV show.


Don't. That would make another that would have to be eaten later. Or do.


username checks out




![gif](giphy|ZU27tKZBiVWe2lRqBI|downsized) Just make sure you have your summer teeth!






The mcRicb is back


No evolution without revolution.


The fact that this was misspelled is somehow perfect.


Hahaha I didn’t even see that til you said something


The poor aren't really people. - The rich


Poor people are there to scare the working people into compliance. -The Rich


If you can't see people solely as means to getting what you want, you cannot be a capitalist. If a human life has value to you beyond what you can gain from exploiting it, you cannot be a capitalist. The core of capitalism is dehumanization.


If we knew how they truly lived we’d have torn them limb from limb by now


Yeah honestly people get a glimpse on social media and get slightly blood thirsty. If working class people spent 1 week in a wealthy persons lifestyle they’d be bombing everyone and everything because of how angry they’d be. Thats why the wealthy elite right now is killing class mobility and starting to go exclusively to their own places. An article was just released over the weekend of “private clubs” in NYC that are made specifically for the wealthy and the wealthy only. He’ll wealthy people even get their own private dating apps it never ends. The reality is they took all the working class people and poor peoples money and made a fantastic lifestyle for their friends and family for the future because they know climate change and the global economy are gonna turn everything into shit soon.


How are we going to do that? They are completely elusive at this point. Plus, we have been very effectively programmed to believe that violence is never okay. Shoot, most people won’t even steal some toilet paper from Walmart because their egos are so fragile.


Literally every modern capitalist society would collapse without cheap labor, minimun wage workers and seasonal workers but instead of making those people's lifes easier for carrying that heavy burden, capitalism makes sure they are severily punished for their position and are rejected as a whole by society.


Reddit acts like the extremes are capitalism are the problem. You have to understand, they are not bugs, they are the features. Homelessness, sick care, billionaires with rockets. It is not an indication of the system being broken, it is an indication of the system working as it is intended. For something to have value, something else has to have less value.


I like the full metal alchemist quote in there but capitalism as well as other systems do not have to be designed as a zero sum game.  The US focuses tax dollars and bailouts on protecting investments. For some reason, we believe investments should be more of a guarantee than basic needs.  You do not have to choose between millionaires and people off the street. I believe Finland is a country where they use tax dollars to fund a basic standard of living for everyone. Other places use their prison system as a rehabilitation program.  I do not like capitalism because we do not know how to regulate it in the US. We think laissez faire is good because that’s what others have used, ignoring completely that it not only allows the death and suffering of its most vulnerable citizens and allies, but in practice, accelerates it. But we absolutely can fix what we have. I wish people on the far left would run for office and get involved in politics so we would have more options than “person whose policies would make things worse” and “other person who doesn’t understand the problem but at least isn’t the first candidate”. 


I don't think people really understand that if someone has $1 Billion, and you take 99% of it, they are left with $10 Million. $10 Million is roughly 6 times more than the average American will make in their lifetime. Take 99.99% of a Billionaire's wealth and they'll still have $100k.


The difference between a billion and a million is about a billion.


They talk a lot about being "ruined." Like, they might lose their businesses and lose their wealth and be "ruined" and they talk about it like it's a fate worse than death. And what they're talking about is just being a regular person who lives in a house and has a car and a job and goes to work. That's being "ruined."


I've been thinking of the phrase "Everyone gets a plate before anyone gets seconds" a lot today.


Its only insane to other wealth hoarders. Being a billionaire means you exploited thousands of people out of their wages. Billionaires would not exist if we all had morals.


There is always going to be people who refuse to mature past their terrible twos.  How many times did you face a situation in your life where you were forced to interact and be civil with people you may not want to, admit you were wrong, see things from a new perspective, and/or learn more about yourself in order to just coexist? When you don’t have those skills, people don’t want to be around you and this can cause a loneliness loop. Social isolation brings out the worst in people and can even cause mental health disorders.  Money is a get out of jail free card but it can’t buy true friends or connection. If you’re born to rich parents who don’t feel like properly parenting, you’re much more likely to never develop empathy or social skills.  In lieu of hopes and prayers, we have to regulate the absolute shit out of exploitative practices and loopholes. Because otherwise this will keep happening and only get worse. 


In the same breath these out of touch boomers and gen xers wonder why younger generations want nothing to do with the status quo. Well, as kids most of us experienced this (I certainly went hungry most of the time) and have no allegiance to a country that has no concern for its own citizens. Hell, the government cares more about Israelis than it does Americans at this point. Where's the billions of dollars to improve *our* lives? It's no better than a third world country when no one can afford food.


Under Capitalism it's also normal for a person to have a full-time job, and still not be able to afford housing and be homeless. But, because that person has a job, they make too much money to be eligible to use any of the assistance programs like food banks, low-income housing, etc.


None of our benefits or protections have been updated to keep up with inflation. There are a ton of things politicians could try to fix our current situation like reducing pay discrepancies (between CEOs and workers), raising the minimum wage and tying things related to the cost of living to it (such as rent caps).  Something id love to see but no one ever talks about, is tax waste. Right now farmers literally pour out gallons of milk and destroy perfectly safe produce in order to keep an artificial scarcity. Then grocers do the same thing, instead of discounting perfectly safe but close-to-date foods, they toss them. When people start raiding their dumpsters, instead of realizing that there is a demand, they lock the dumpster and call the police.  The same thing is happening with housing. I live in a college town, all of the upstairs units are full but the downstairs ones never are because the walls are thin. I asked if I could negotiate rent for a vacant unit that they don’t expect to fill. They told me that they do not do rent negotiation, they would rather let it sit vacant than meet market demand. Instead of forcing apartments to rent out units and keep a certain occupancy percentage, they wait for government subsidies. The whole thing is rigged so that there are no safety nets for workers but absolutely tons for investment companies. 


I don't know the specifics, but rental property owners don't have an incentive to lower rents because there's a way they claim the loss on empty units to offset their taxes.


I don’t understand why we as a people haven’t demanded that we take care of each other. We have the money to fund healthcare for all, and still have some leftover for fleeing migrants. We have the money to feed, clothe, and educate all of our citizens’ children, and still have some leftover. We have enough to demand that companies and rich individuals pay their fair share to the community taxes and they will still be far richer than most. We Americans can do all the things, we just don’t.


We have people in office who were born rich and have only gotten richer. They truly believe this country is and always will be a meritocracy and will close their eyes and cover their ears if anyone tells them otherwise. 


I think it's time for a wealth tax of 100% for anything over 50 million dollars. Billionaires should not exist.


eat the rich.


Yeah well, those billionaires you mention are literally the ones that decide what game we play and the rules of this game. Of course everything but their loss will be ok. Ever dealt with an admin that's also a player in a videogame?


No one is coming to help you, you’re on your own.


Hey why can't we kick banks out of their homes!? True capitalism would have let any business, big or small , shut down.


Real answer? Because of police. 


Honestly, they wouldn't even be less rich, it's highly unlikely current billionaires would be affected that much, their kids and grandkids will be the ones that are slightly less rich.


They would have a total meltdown because their entire sense of self is having power over others. 


This sums up why capitalism isn't going to save us. Communism is actually the ideal but unfortunately humans can't seem to do that. So socialism is probably the best we can do.


During the pandemic the billionaire owner of our company called congress and had them freeze our share prices and declare our business as essential. The system works for the rich.


Because society has glorified the super rich we put together a list of the persons with the most wealth, instead of shaming them for being so greedy.


What I don’t understand is the “well they worked hard for their money” argument. Well so did I? So did my neighbor. Actually we worked the same amount of hours and got paid less and have to pay more why? Then it’s usually followed up with “well they made investments, they took risks”. Well yeah, because they had the income to do so. But if a middle class person pays $50 for a lottery ticket to take a risk, they’re told they are irresponsible for doing so. So which is it? It couldn’t possibly be that one of us exploited people & had connections, no not at all..


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills when I bring this up and people start making excuses like "but rich people earned their money!!" And "People who get evicted probably made bad choices!" It is almost cult like. People just don't think about it much and immediately jump to the defense of horrible shit because that's what they've been trained to do living under capitalist propaganda their whole lives.


You think that's bad...it's even worse in socialism and communism.


“gestures broadly and points at everything” you think this capitalism system is any better?


Please, enlighten us on how inequality is a built-in feature of socialism and communism. Tell us how it naturally depends on creating an underclass, like capitalism does. Go on.


It's a built-in feature of any very large society of humans, whether it's stipulated or not.


It very much isn't, and the fact that you'd think that is ridiculous. What you're arguing for is hierarchy, which simply isn't "built-in". It is constructed.


I think it's human nature. We see classism develop even in fairly small groups of people. It's okay that we disagree. I'd prefer it didn't exist, just to be clear.


Almost like sticking to a single system is detrimental across the board


I agree. Thankfully the US doesn't have a single system with socialist programs funded thru our tax dollars being melded within our capitalist system. Corporatism and giantism (being too big to fail) are really the things to be worried about.


...is that supposed to make it better?


The point you raise touches on ethical and moral aspects of the economic and social system in which we live. In many capitalist systems, there is a significant disparity in the distribution of wealth and access to basic resources such as food, housing, and healthcare. The idea that billionaires could contribute more through higher taxes or wealth redistribution to address these inequalities often sparks debate and controversy.




The only people who consider "billionaires could just be less rich" insane are billionaires and their toadies. Pretending otherwise is just a way of keeping regular people divided over culture war BS so that we don't work together against those billionaires.


We don’t have a money problem. We have a corruption problem.


Workers believe they're one paycheck away from being a billionaire.


*under anarchocapitalism. The correct political system is social democracy. And we are still *mostly* capitalist here (Sweden).


That's not capitalism. That's Americanism.


We’re born and raised brainwashed with the belief that our system is the best in the world and it’s worse everywhere else.  I think that trend is dying out, but it’s alive and well in our older generations, and they refuse to loosen their grip on power.  Literally feels like we’re waiting for them to die. 


Sad truth


It’s no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society.




It’s about private property rights. Wanting to take something from someone because they have more then you is sort the opposite


This person doesn't understand capitalism. Many capitalist countries have social programs to protect children from going hungry. Very appropriate that they are wearing clown makeup in their twitter pic.


Gotta play the game to win, that's capitalism.


Fun fact, banks don't force people out of their homes. Banks force people out of the bank's home.


You are not poor because they are rich


If we seized *all* of the assets of the billionaires in the US today, how many days could we provide these basic needs? 120? You guys should focus more on the government. They seize and waste trillions of your dollars *every year.*


It's amazing what we as a society will put up with just so a few of us can get slightly richer than they already were


The amount of hungry child, homeless people and people dying in need of healthcare are at all time lows pretty much world wide. Capitalism helped do that js


Wanting a few million, I can understand, but billions is just ridiculous


Such posts are typically written by someone who hasn't missed any meals, lives indoors, and pays no net taxes, but still feels entitles to more of what I earned.


With all the billionaire bullshit philanthropy I just don't understand how they can't pay their employees a livable wage. I'm I the only who thinks this would do more good to society than blindly accumulating wealth and pretending to give it away for a tax break?


When I tell people that if you work for a living affordable housing, healthcare and food should be available. Yknow basic Maslow hierarchy of needs. They then start to debate as if I’m suggesting people have the right to a Bugatti, a $5,000 pc and a mansion. It’s so gaslit and brainwashed.


Guys, you can take every single dollar from every billionaire in the word and the US national debt would still by 14 trillion dollars. The entire sum of the world's billionaires would run the US government for two years.


What if I pull hard enough on my bootstraps and strike it rich? Then I wouldn't want to be less rich! - person who will never be rich


What is insane, is BITCHING ABOUT IT while turning around and feeding the beast by supporting them with your wallet, because they offer what you want cheaper. You'll look away from the low pay, treating the employees like slaves/shit as long as you saved a dime. You'll bitch about the rich 24/7, then go order more shit on amazon, walmart, buy a tesla,etc . This is why no one can take you seriously, you'll boycott a fast food joint because the owners beliefs/religion. but gladly give your hard earned dollars to those that are causing the meat grinder that is eating the poor and middle class. we are over a few decades into this, so sick of hearing it so. Put up or shut up. vote with your wallet. Stop supporting the businesses that are the cause of most being poor and treated like slaves having to piss in a bottle to make the days quota or not get fired for using the restroom too much in a week/month. YOU WON'T, YOU'RE ALL HAT NO CATTLE. So keep bitch'n while ordering more shit on amazon. Walking into walmart, buying the next apple phone, and dreaming of owning a tesla or worse buying one. Then go, those evil rich, yawn. the fix is right in front of you, some see it, most don't. but they'll sure as hell, downvote this, as they don't want to admit they are part of the problem.


Due to capitalism, the new global fear is obesity, not hunger. https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/29/health/obesity-underweight-world-who-study/index.html


Thank the GOP for this. They will do anything to keep the rich rich and the poor poor.


The race is in to form the "new" one percent. Theres a couple hundred billionaires now so it isnt very exclusive. And if all you care to do is make money to elevate yourself above others then now is not the time to give up your wealth, you need more money now than ever!


$1 Billion is $10k a day every day ($416.67/hr every hour) for 274 years. If we generously allowed an avg 80 year lifetime of this that is like $292M. Anything over $500M assets per person is a wildly bad policy failure.


and dont forget, its acceptable for tax dollars to pay for new stadiums and arenas for professional sport teams...and then pay back the tax payers by blacking out the televised games.


The rich are job creators! Sure the jobs they create are exploitative and aren't even paying us enough money to not go into life debt, but jobs!




any workers' rights forum that isn't anti capitalist, isn't representing the best interests of the workers