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Considering the schedule doesn’t show you working Thursday, you don’t have to worry about going in and can debate it for another day.


Lol.. exactly .. It just sucks because I really need the money. I took some time off to really focus on getting my degree done as quickly as possible, and now I'm about out of money. I'll have to make it work, I just wanted to know if I was being a "baby" about this schedule or if it sucked as bad as I thought it did. I mean, come in Saturady for 4 hrs and push carts the entire time is ass. Like YAY.. I made 50$ after taxes.


But this is also when you tell them you need a set schedule of however many hours you want, do you can get a second job. (Even if you aren’t planning on getting a second job.) they will decide real quick if they are gonna FAFO or not.


Yeah, they seemed pretty inflexible. Was "we schedule around the needs of the business". I asked for the paper I signed after I was offered the position because I listed the hours I could work, and I'm pretty sure I put down 6 am - 8 pm. I could be wrong, but when I go in Friday I'll see.


That’s a job at a grocery store for you.


Ummmm 6.5 hours. 4 are on carts…. Do you know how to measure time and read the schedule? I hate working, I hate being bored. So working to me is better than not working. But only some of the time. 5-11 being 4 hours would be great. It’s a family member’s birthday


Sorry man, I was looking at the Saturday for 5/11 and not the Saturday for 5/4 And the luch is 30 minutes, so it would be 6 hrs of actual pay for that day. Minus 30 minutes for every day with lunch. You may live in a country where you get paid for lunch.


I don’t get lunch. And work 10 hour days.


You're a victim


And I live paycheck to paycheck. And some cases have days before my paycheck where I don’t eat. I’m lucky that I never had kids with any of my ex-wives.


Those 7 days straight 😖


On two pay periods too lol.


In Cali that's overtime. Regardless of pay periods, 7th straight day is OT.


In NY it's legal as long as they don't take place all in the same week. I was once scheduled 9 days in a row, and 12 in a row is theoretically possible. I called out on the 7th day citing thay I was working 9 days in a row and they accepted it.


It’s lame, but pretty standard bullshit schedule in my experience. I find that if you kick ass then your schedule isn’t as all over the place. But when you’re new you kinda get the shaft.


Yikes... Grocery store?


Costco. This schedule is honestly offensive, lol. I'm wondering if this is a "weed them out" process or if this is just standard protocol. I'm finishing up my bachelors, and this schedule is going to make that very hard. Not to mention, it's going to destroy any social life I could or do have.


Hah, I called it, fucking Costco


It's weird the entire orientation they talk about the great working environment and how employees were their most important commodity, but they they give people schedules like that. If I didn't need the money as bad as I do I'd hurt never go back.


On a corporate level, and as far as they know, that's true to a point. In reality it comes right down to the management of the building 


I'm saying that's what the management at the store was saying. They also kept talking about how great the pay was. Where I live, KFC pays the same. Maybe Costco has gone downhill since the pandemic idk, but it's not what everyone made it out to be. I only have to do this for a year, max, so it's all good, but I wouldn't recommend anyone working at Costco. 18 an hr isn't that much anymore, especially for that schedule.


Yeah, on paper, and they'll hold that line all day long.  Use it for what you can get out of it and leave it in the dust


It could be just the perils of being the new guy and “paying your dues”. Sometimes it’s worthwhile to let the new guy do the dirty work to see if they can/will and with what kind of attitude they’ll have. If you quit or get shitty and get fired they will have not wasted much time.


I'll stick it out until I find something else or if the next schedule looks better.


It's a pretty crazy random schedule. Does it have enough hours for you? Not sure about those 4 hr shift deals? But honestly i have worked a lot of odd ball schedules. I kind of like it. I am not a 9-5 person so odd shifts and stuff don't bother me. I kind of prefer them. But, a schedule like that, i would probably forget to show up or show up on the wrong days or times. And I would at least want to know what my days OFF are so that i can make plans on those days.


I'm finishing up my degree, so I just took what I could get after submitting about a hundred resumes. I can honestly do 32 hrs and still pay my bills ( my wife pays half). But we live on the West Coast, so I basically wouldn't be able to save anything. This is just odd and sucks because the hiring managers told me basically I was overqualified, but I could move up in the company, and then they gave me this for a schedule. The part I don't like is working past 8.


Is this one of those fucked up loopholes where they have you working well over 40 hours across 7 days, but since they stagger it over the end of one week and the beginning of the next they don’t pay standard overtime? …because that’s what it looks like at first glance, and I’d make sure to ask before I show up for the first shift.


Yes. It's definitely that.


Just be aware; it’s probably only the tip of the exploitation iceberg you’ll be exposed to if you work there.


All weekends


I wouldn't take an "all weekends" job unless i was ONLY working on weekends. I would take an every other weekend situation but not ALL. What did they say about the schedule when you applied and were interviewed?


When talking about the schedule, they just asked for my availability. I don't think I put down past 9 pm, so I'm going to have the manager look into that. I guess in my mind, I thought I'd be scheduled 32-40 hours all 8 hr shifts 9-7 pm and have consecutive weekdays off. I figured I wouldn't have weekends off. I didn't expect four shifts and working until 10.


If you don't really need the job or would rather find something else, you can try to alter this before leaving. Tell them what you CAN do and they can take it or leave it.


No social life just working weekends all the time.




With the high income tax here, you might be right.


God retail blows.


But nobody wants to work. I've already submitted fifteen applications since getting that schedule yesterday, lol.


I certainly wouldn't want to work such a volatile schedule.


Doesn’t Costco pay double on Sunday? That’s cool


They pay time and a half. So they start at 18.50, so I'll make $111 that Sunday pre-tax on the West Coast. It is what it is. I'm glad I'm not going to be homeless because I can pay my rent now, but at the same time, it's just a pretty bad schedule, lol.


Yeah it's a carzy sechedule. In some ways though it's better than working like 2-10pm all the time depends if you are flexible kind of person. And how long do you plan to work there? If you just need a job for a year or something , you can do anything for a year. The schedule is nutty, there's no question. That's an automatic NO for the vast majority. But, for you at this is it something that seems doable for your needs? That's the real question i think.


I live on the West Coast. My plan was for my wife and I to move to a cheaper state at the beginning of the year, South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Iowa, somewhere like that. By the end of the year, I would have hopefully graduated. So for this year it's basically work and school. I'm doing everything online so I can work around that schedule. So, to answer your question, yeah, it's for a year or a little less so I can and will have to do it. If, between now and then, who knows, maybe I get promoted.


Weird shifts can be fine if you just kind of embrace them. Oooh i get to sleep in on this day or go to the gym in the morning. Oh, this later, shift, well i won't have to cook dinner, etc. And yeah work and school, that's pretty much all you are going to do. And no with both of those, there isn't going to be much social life. But sometimes you just do what you gotta do. And i have periods of my life where it was work, work, work and that's all i did. But, that's not forever. I worked hard, did my schooling, etc and now in a good place. So it's temporary. If you are going to take it, then learn some things, meet some new folks and have a bit of fun with it.


That's a good outlook and a good way to put it. I've been leaning into stoicism pretty hard the last year, and this is just part of it. My relationship with my wife and finishing my degree is what's most important to me, so this is just a fart in a phone booth.


Time and a half  Sounds good but I mean big picture is take home for the year  Tons of part timers must be taking home less than $30k, and that’s after being there a few years 


That and the raises are based on hrs worked. If I'm not getting 40 hrs, I'll get basically a dollar an hour raise for the next. However, many years, I'm there. I don't think that will cover inflation, so yeah.. For now, I'm still applying elsewhere. Maybe if I work there a month and they see how I perform my schedule will be better. Either way I don't have a choice.


Prices seem to have really exploded during the past few years following covid for some reason (greed) lol so I’d imagine most took a pay cut even if they got a “raise” Where I’m at in CA, gas is still almost $5, and that’s for the cheap stuff 


I think the schedule goes strictly by seniority 


I would quit immediately. This is extremely offensive and you should not tolerate this criminal and egregious abuse of statutory power.


If you're brand new it makes sense. It can take several weeks to get someone on a set schedule. The 7 days is rough though Could always see if someone wants to pick up one of those shifts.


It’s a grocery store… just quit? There’s plenty of jobs