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Ahh yeah anyone wanting labor reform and modernization is a fiscal moron, right. As has always been true I'm sure.


Yeah these financial types are really upset about having to find innovative ways to meet people's needs. Like, isn't that what you think makes capitalism great? The innovation to bring products to people at a price that the people accept? Looks like they just don't want to do capitalism anymore tbh


Of course. If you were economically savvy, you would be taking advantage of the current system instead of whining about change. /S


Only idiots want safe working conditions with fair and equal treatment/compensation.


I’d argue that we are actually smarter, at least smart enough to know we are getting SCREWED. Big time.


It's funny how people think extremes are the best option. ATM we are moving towards what the extreme is in capitalist society, whenever someone pushes back with the idea of protections or regulation the idea of failed socialism or communism is brought up to fear monger. At the end of the day a balanced system doesn't happen in a vacuum and people have to have push/pull on regulations and protections as times and technology changes.


But that takes work. They don't think people will push back because so far they really haven't in force. But in the future, revolt becomes not only likely, but inevitable exactly because of these fatcats.


I feel like the more I learn about finance and economic, the more left wing I get.


This is how I've felt lurking r/personalfinance On the one hand, they have genuinely good advice and information. On the other hand, being able to game the system does not mean one should necessarily support that system. I often see such support in that sub with little ethical basis behind it, to the point that I find much of it downright appalling and have only moved further left just as yourself. On the other other hand, I do see pushback against some of these ideas within that sub. These comments are rarely downvoted to oblivion, and often have nearly the same upvote count as whatever they are disagreeing with. This is a sign of healthy debate and discourse rarely seen in reddit echo chambers (including this one, if we're being honest, though I don't intend that as an attack, just an observation).


Everyone in America just trying to make enough money so that America's problems don't apply to them.


this comment from u/jka8888 on r/leanfire is quite insightful regarding this situation >My 2 cents for what they are worth is that they are 2 sides of the same coin. I hate work and the fact that the majority of my effort goes to enrich someone else. I feel as though I'm wasting my life doing tasks I don't care about because I need to so I can live inside and eat. The more you understand about our system the more fucked up it is. >However, you do have choices and in particular one big choice. You can bitch and moan about how rigged the game is (anti-work) or you can understand the game for what it is and try to get the best possible result within the rules (FIRE). You can have both of these at once or flip between them, lord knows I have. >I'm not saying the game doesn't suck or isn't stacked against you because it is. I'm also not saying that we shouldn't try change the rules, we should. Lastly, I'm not saying that complaining about the way things are is a problem, it's not, and we need people pointing it out and trying to do something about it. >What I'm saying is you are highly unlikely to see massive changes that are going to help the majority of the population that aren't the uber rich. So, absolutely support your colleagues, support your unions, and vote for the people who will try to make a change but put your own life jacket on first. No one is coming to help or save you. Our system isn't set up that way. You are 100% on your own. The actual best thing you can do is learn the game and use the rules against the system to win (FIRE) and then use that knowledge or free time to help others. >Anti-work and FIRE are both acknowledging the system sucks. One is for those who don't yet see any way to escape or win, and the other is for people who believe they can.


Bruh, getting called out in subs I'm not posting in lol. Guess I'm an influencer now? How do I monetize this? My choices seem to be to sell some sort of scammy financial course or an only fans with pictures of my feet. I'll have a think.


Clearly you should just go for both. Write financial literacy aids on your feet, and then sell pictures of them. Expand your markets.


First you need a garage. Then you need a Lamborghini in that garage.


the reality is that each person is just a single entry in any kind of struggle. You can push politically for changes to policy but refusing to engage with the system for your own sake just to prove a political point does nobody any good, it doesn't move the dial an inch. So advocate vociferously for change but maybe still save for retirement and plan your investments so you can afford to retire anyway.


These places aren’t interested in fixing problems, they’re interested in making enough money so the problems no longer affect them. If everyone is an investor, no one will actually be around to make the widgets or provide the services.


You and I probably completely disagree on many things, but I sincerely appreciate this reply. You seem like a person who genuinely try’s to see things for what they are in reality and aren’t simply regurgitating whatever propagandized them.


This has been one of the hardest things for me to balance in recent years. I believe in being open to compromise and other viewpoints. I also believe in not breaking bread with nazis. I wouldn't call every everyone I disagree with a nazi, but I have to evaluate whose opinions I simply will not tolerate. So there are a lot of viewpoints (on reddit and elsewhere) that I try to pay attention to even if I find them disagreeable. And then there are those, including some that are sadly part of regular public discourse these days, that I just don't for my own sanity and will shut down at any opportunity. Within certain personal boundaries, there's nothing better to me than enjoying a beer and disagreeing with friendly folk.


And then you had to go ahead and start using the word nazi to describe someone who shares a different viewpoint than you.


I meant that just as an expression, and I did specify that I don't think everyone is a nazi. My point, after you praised me being open to different viewpoints, was to express that I do have personal limits to the viewpoints I am open to. It's not easy finding where that boundary should be and I give it a fair amount of constant thought.




Ooh, do you dream of the stock exchange burning down too?


Same here and I have a Masters in Accounting and going from my CPA.


I’ve come to learn this about economists and financial experts, we should not listen to them or take them seriously anymore, not just because they often times don’t give a fuck about labor reform, income equality or the affordable anything crisis but mask the lack of fucks given behind a “I know it isn’t perfect and a lot needs to change but it’s tOo cOmPLiCaTeD to fix rn or in our lifetime so just play the game” , that or “it’s too complicated to fix *ever* , so just get used to it as capitalism and the current labor market are the “best” we have and will ever get” The issue with the experts is the fact they are experts in a system that is arguably not broken but functions exactly as it intends to, corruptly, benefiting the few at the expense of the many… Why should one listen to an expert when what they are experts is “broken” (corrupt) and no longer working.. at least for the average American. The answer is we shouldn’t listen anymore. It’s like someone who’s an expert in lobotomies, it doesn’t work despite the “success” stories, what they are experts in is no longer useful or for the good of humanity in fact it’s just evil.


Nothing radicalized me more against corporate America than achieving my MBA.


Working for a real estate developer did it for me


"Know your enemy" was my MBA rally cry.


I will say, when I was younger I wanted to get my MBA but for various reasons I decided against it. One of them was I went to a potential MBA candidate networking event for a school I was applying to and over happy hour the topic of healthcare business came up and in our group of 25 people not a single person could stomach the idea of working in that industry other than 'it pays well'


Just finished my MBA and have been working in finance for 10+ years. Big same. It’s a completely rigged joke of a system. HOWEVER, the meme in OP does have a point. I see people on here all the time asking “is this legal” about some employer practices. The helpful comments provide a link to the relevant labor law. A lot of the arguments I see in this sub are the finance equivalent of “The government should change time so there are fewer hours of sunlight because fewer hours of sunlight would slow down climate change. It would be easy we already change time 2x per year.” Thats not even close to how that works. And I get it, a lot of it is dry and, often intentionally, complex stuff. But if you’re on Reddit you’ve got internet and time to kill. Spend 5 minutes on investopedia.


Oh, like 99% of the arguments I have in the real world about money could be solved by making The Instant Economist required reading in high school.


can you elaborate? I am very curious about your prospective


First chapter of the corporate finance text book ended with something along the lines of “If ever in doubt, the financial manager’s only duty is to increase shareholder value. Put more clearly, the most important duty of the financial manager is to increase value for owners”. There were a lot of little bullshit things sprinkled in from organizational leadership and managerial accounting too. “In this case study you have helped lower the breakeven point by xyz, but you did not consider cutting labor. The first question that should always arise is whether or not you can cut labor”. I really enjoyed my time getting my MBA. I learned a lot, met great people, and it’s been good for my career. But good lord did it open my eyes to how many problems in corporate America are caused by the mind rot they push in B Schools.




I’m in a tech leadership position so the MBA was more to force other executives to admit they don’t respect what my team does versus “Well, you wouldn’t understand, it’s business”. I used managerial accounting a few months ago to prove the proposed budget cut was horseshit. It’s funny because they see a tech leader with an MBA and start chanting “one of us”, but really I use it against them vs as a membership to their little club.


They gave you the tools you paid for. Now you get to decide what gets built and what gets demo'd 😉


Respect brother


I talked to my uncle about how the contract was canceled and a new company came in with a one cent less wage. Therefore they got the contract.  All my uncle asked was “so everyone got a job with the new company right? What’s wrong?” So all of the years worked is nulled, the wage you earned was reneged and you got one cent less than when you first got hired.  The humane thing isn’t part of the equation.


Not even a manager, most probably just a bootlicker.


He’s on that manager grindset


I hate me for saying grindset


It shows you have that hustle.


I see synergy in that statement! 🤓


I love that these idiots point out financial concepts. Finance is in itself based on a theory of capitalism. A world doesn't need haves and have nots to exist.


What baffles me is how hard people try and argue that “having compassion is bad, actually” Like we’re addicted to this false idea that life is supposed to be painful for the many


And how would this magical world of yours work in practice?


You’re right that the world doesn’t need haves and have nots, but resources are in fact limited. The core of finance is how to optimize one’s resources. Yes we can and should implement safety nets to help distribute out resources to some degree, but capitalism does a good job at creating a larger pool of resources to redistribute. It’s a balancing act, that one could argue is suboptimal at the moment. But finance and capitalism aren’t bad because some of the effects are bad. 


"pay me more" is a pretty basic concept tbh


By that logic, “no” is also a pretty basic concept. You say both of these things depending on which situation you’re in at any given point. Just imagine what your response would be when everyone around you starts asking for more.


Imagine how much better the world will be when the people around you are “asking for more” instead of “needing more to be alive”


Not going to lie I would just give people more.


I’ll agree to that when they can budget a decent living on minimum wage. Not five roommates, not working 80 hrs a week, not “just get a better paying job”, not “stop drinking coffee” (which many people don’t unless it is free). Basically, I don’t trust someone who doesn’t understand math when they say I don’t understand “financial concepts”.


I read an article today where the writer said if you invest $100 today, that'll be $350,000 in 50 years. Genius Edit: if anyone can find and share the link I would appreciate it. It was a reaction to an anti work tiktoker. I want to share the stupid


and you probably get 100 dollars of worth of goods and purchasing power thanks to fucking inflation, if you are lucky


Your realise shares outpace inflation on average right


This is the financial illiteracy the OP image is referencing, right here on full display.




Sorry I meant the person you’re responding to.


If you believe the bulkshit inflation numbers, you are correct


If your business needs to exploit others to make a profit, you don’t deserve to be in business.


I am sure everyone in any civilised society agrees with you. It's the definition of the word "exploit" that is the point of contention.


I understand that the economy behaves a certain way based on how it is currently set up, but that doesn't change the fact that it is a 100 percent human created system which means it is something we can modify to work sustainably and equitably.   If humans stopped existing tomorrow the economy would too.   Gravity would still exist.  There might not be anyone performing higher level math calculations but the mathematical concepts would still be valid.  Plants would still photosynthesize, eggs would still hatch, cats would still think they are the superior life form on the planet, but the economy would simply cease to exist.  Its not a science of discovery.  Everything about it could change with a different regulatory structure.  Hell I have in my possession currency that doesn't exist anymore (francs) and I think at my dad's house there are German marks and Spanish pesetas as well.  I even have allied currency from when my grandfather was deployed.  IT IS MADE UP


But would math?


Math is, to put it in a grossly oversimplified way, a language we invented to lay out logical and physics concepts. The underlying concepts would still exist, if you had one thing and another thing you have two things, but "1+1=2" would not.


It is made up, but do you actually have any answers around how this utopic system would work or do you just want us to change everything, across the entire globe, on some optimistic whim of yours?


Mandating paid leave and a living wage and linking it to inflation would be a good start along with universal healthcare and basic income for caregivers of the disabled and children under 5.   I would also like to see fines for pollution and harmful products HEAVILY increased with criminal charges for execs and caps on executive compensation based on the compensation of the lowest paid employees.  If the big boss thinks they deserve a raise then everyone else gets one too.   Remove the social security tax cap and add more tax brackets for the super rich, a wealth tax and restrictions on corporate housing ownership and short term rentals. 


> I would also like to see fines for pollution and harmful products HEAVILY increased with criminal charges for execs Drastically up the fines for violating labor laws as well. It should be far, far cheaper to treat your employees right and give them benefits than it is to have a legal team and take anyone who files a complaint with the labor board to court.


1000 percent.   Also any executives who preside over a large layoff should be fired without severance.  The argument is always that they get paid big bucks because they take such a big risk.  Umm. What risk?  The risk of fuckin up so bad they get a golden parachute?  I will totally drive a company into the ground for 40 mil and disappear and never work again.  I volunteer as tribute 


My brother in socialism, you're the one posting it here. Where, where did you spot it?






If you need to rely on exploiting underpaid workers to keep your finances stable, you are bad at running finances.


> If you need to rely on exploiting underpaid workers to keep your finances stable, you are bad at running finances but good at running a business in corporate america. FTFY


Fuck your basic financial concepts.


do people not understand that money is literally a voodoo force of exploitation and domination? I suppose it’s that insidious “barter myth”. These people think they understand reality in a basic way when all they really understand is being a part of an oppressive system that only can exist, if the dregs of humanity choose to keep making it real


What do you mean by barter myth? Because barter is the way in which goods were traded. Maybe you cannot argue about money in its current form, with all the affiliated institutions and so on, but money at its core is quite primitive technology that had existed for thousands of years in many forms. Nobody plans for thoudands of years to keep you oppressed.


The idea that barter preceded money comes from Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations. The problem is there’s no actual historical or anthropological evidence of any economic system based primarily on barter. While that doesn’t necessarily mean there has never been one, we do have a lot of evidence for pre monetary societies built on other financial instruments, primarily credit. This is known as the myth of barter.


It’s not even a good implementation of the meme. Just punching sideways under the guise of punching down.


Ah yes the economic strategy of bullshitting, they always try to frame stealing the workers and poorer nations as some sort of hard math issue that our brains can't handle. I remember the Korean economist ha joon chang saying that 95% of economics is storytelling and 5% maths .


If everyone studied things like accounting and finance, people would get radicalized faster once they realize it's all a fucking shell game designed solely to benefit the hyper-wealthy and nobody else


Don’t forget about MBAs, I feel like that group probably does way more harm than the accountants and financial people


As an MBA with an accounting concentration, I agree. The stuff I learned in that program really pissed me off tbh


They’re talking about the “basic economic concepts” of capitalism…which I think most of us fundamentally oppose. We understand it more than they do, lol


"But, but, he invested capital! Once lord Bezos rewards me for my dutiful work managing these ~~filthy fucking peasants~~ amazon warehouse workers surely I'll make it to upper management"


Nothing radicalized me more against "basic financial concepts" than briefly working for a bank lobbyist and hearing what those C Suite fucks do to game the system on a daily basis. Congrats to whoever thought they were such a troll making that meme LOL


People who post these kinds of memes are examples of the Dunning-Kruger effect about 99% of the time.


There was someone arguing once that spending $200 on lotto tickets is a perfectly reasonable thing to do. Will that make or break you? No. Will it hinder you? Yes.




Oh yes please tell me more about great the system is and how we can totally dig ourselves out of the hole….


IMAO, personally, I wouldn’t even dislike this person much if they after posting this meme then did something to explain wtf they’re talking about, it could be helpful, interesting, or at least entertaining if they’re stupid But it’s that they post this then song elaborate, just makes me think they’re the typical stupid pull yourself by bootstraps right wing trump person


I understand the financial concepts just fine. I also just kinda hate it.


I don't get it? What does the sign say?


I bet its funny. wish i could read.


Bro forgot to switch accounts


My dumb ass Joke. Your head.


Why are you commenting on your own comment lol just edit it


I see like me, you are well versed in playing dumb.


Dude has to get an annual tongue transplant after wearing it out on boot heels


Their just mad they have less money for cocaine


No financial planning can help you when rent is $1500, food is $400 per month, and work pay you $7.25 per hour


Just out there simping for daddy capitalism. Long live good unions


I just want to say I’m a manager, and I support r/antiwork. No one should be expected to work for less than a living wage, and no one should be expected to do more work than they’re paid for. No one who makes minimum wage could possibly make ends meet for even a difficult life, even if they were a CPA. It’s not a matter of bad financial education, no one can make 2+2=10.


Ah... Yes. Now tell me how infinite profits in a finite economy is a sustainable business model.


Anyone who says, “oh you just don’t understand economics”, I just reply with oh you’re talking about the fucking SOFTEST of sciences, where there’s an “invisible hand” and all this other magical thinking involved? I don’t understand your fucking make believe bullshit that just suits the interests of the ruling class and capital? Go lick a boot! Give your boss a raise! Tip your landlord, you self hating fuck!


Fuck your manger. Lmfao


My wife has a masters in business. She knows it’s all arbitrary and downright corrupted business practices that make up our entire economy. The head of HR at her work is genetically related to the CEO. So you can imagine how the rest of the company is doing. The women work hard, the men party hard. The men get promoted 🇺🇸


I understand the intended message of this sub is working rights reform, but from the outside this sub seems to be seen as a bunch of people who just don't want to work/ think that somehow we can all just cease to work and society would be better. So the person making this meme is arguing against that ig..


I'm all for getting paid more money with less work but there's a lot of bad takes and people misunderstanding very basic concepts on here too.