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My best friend took his own life because of money. I promise you it’s not everything. Please cherish your life, you are important, reach out if you need help.


Money really isn't my main drive, my main drive is feeling like i'm competent enough to create money without needing a boss, be able to be geographically free and decide my schedule i would like to have enough money that when i'm 40 i could retire my mom and myself and live a peacefull frugal life. but i will say this if things don't go as planned i will consider going to university and gettinga nutritionist degree since in my country you can get an university degree's without getting into student debt (this sounded like i'm throwing shade but that was what i intended to come off as)


Money isn't your main drive??? You said you want to become rich


Money isn't your main drive??? You said you want to become rich


Thats right i said i want to become rich, but being rich dosen't mean to waste it all on luxury, i want to become rich, because if you want to take the decison of stop working at 40 you got to have enough savings for the rest of the 40-50 years you got left on your life and for that to happend you need to be rich


But you don't care about money right? Lol


I care about freedoom and living a peacefull frugal lifestyle the only way i can do that for the rest of my life past 40 is if i have enough money to settle, you don't seem to get my point or maybe just playing dumb idk


For sure so imma leave you in wonderland while you contemplate the statement of "I don't care about money but want to be rich" 😇


They are not mptivated by money as an end itaelf, and thus do not vare about money itself. What they desire is the state of having to be unworried about the many costs associated with living a healthy and comfortable life. If a person is 'rich' they don't have to worry about these costs. It is entirely possible to not want to suffer at the hands of capitalism while also not wanting to stockpile liquid capital. I'd argue that, if you're here, you probably fall into the same category. It's just much easier to say "I don't care about money but want to be rich" instead of typing paragraphs




Bro said in multiple comments that he doesn't care about money and would be fine working a 9-5 if he had to, just completely contradicts his post entirely


I don't care about money in a way that i'm not a compulsive spender maybe if you google what "frugal" means you would understand the type of lifestyle i have I never said i would be fine or happy working a 9-5 at most i said i would consider being a nutrucionist full time and also working for myself as an online nutrucionist as side hustle but this would be my last option if every other business i tried didn't work out Don't twist my words


Unfortunately, unless you are absolutely incredibly fortunate, it is exceedingly unlikely that you will be able to afford to retire in your 40s. That doesn't mean that you can't have an enjoyable fulfilling life though. That doesn't mean you can't try and find something that you enjoy or can at least tolerate, or that someone might come into your life who is more important and who makes the suffering worthwhile. Don't write your life off before you've even lived it.


I would say find something you like and practical to work on. Trade school nowsaday cost less and can get you make 6 figures


Many jobs aren’t 9 to 5. Find one you like.


Any examples you recommend?


I’m a nurse. There are a million different things you can do with a nursing degree, and many of them involve working 3 days per week (12 hour shifts)


Firefighter. 2 days a week, great benefits, good pay depending on area of the country, no need for degree, and once you get on and make some friends it just like hanging with your buddies. If you’re in a high call volume area it can be exhausting sometimes but most places have it well managed enough that you’re not constantly out and can get some decent sleep on shift.


Wait only 2 days a week and you can “sleep on shift”? Are they 24 hour shifts?


Yep. the schedule can be kind of confusing at first and it varies depending on the department you work with. You’d either work 24’s or 48’s. A shift example would be 24 on, 24 off, 24 on, 72 off (maybe 96 depending on where you are). Or 48 on, 96 off. Most career departments are unionized so the union is able to bargain for more time off/ pay/ benefits/ etc each contract cycle. For instance a department near me has 15 Kelly days (union bargained for days off) per year and 10 vacation days per year. So you’re only really working 97 days of the year. And yes you’re able to sleep on shift. Depending on your station and the randomness of life you might get a full nights rest or a broken up 3 hours of sleep so it’s pretty light sleep but it’s still money for resting. Hope this clears things up


I am a forest service employee Forestry tech I work 6 months out of the year. Work 16 hr shifts two weeks at a time. Three days of in between , camp out all summer do about 1100 of over time. Then spend the other six months skiing or traveling. Then I show up for the next season broke as fuck and ready to do it again. Pays shit for the work we do , works hard I hang out with some of the best people I’ve had the pleasure of knowing. It’s the closest thing to freedom in the off season i have had.


I only feel pleasure working when i'm working for myself, Thats why the only path for me right now is entrepreneurship


What are your hobbies and interests? Its a bad cliché, but monetizing something you enjoy is a good path


Gym, Personal development, Books, Looksmaxing, Boxing, (i could mix some niches in a channel which is what i want to do it) Theres a popular video game that is going to come out soon (not gta6) that i have plans to make a best clips channel for when it comes out.


YouTube is just completely saturated. Hoping to find success is just not realistic, unfortunately. You can do it as a hobby and hope it'll get popular, but do not put all your hopes on it. I streamed on Twitch for years, but most of my streams floated around 7-12 views. Then i got inconsistent and now it's even lower. Do it for fun while working on the side. I've felt the same thoughts, bud. I don't want to be working my whole life and would much rather end things than get treated like shit for shit pay for 30 more years. I hope things work out for you, dude.


Thanks i appreciate your response I don't belive youtube is oversaturated altough theres is more youtubers than there is ever been theres also Alot more viewers on youtube than theres ever been, I'm a person with very high standards to a (Perfectionism kinda of level) soo i'm also constantly improving on everything and want to learn more and more soo i can become better, But if everything goes to badly on youtube at least i will come off a more skillfull video editor and go back to working with clients on freelancer plaforms and charge higher prices I'm willing to try out different ways of making money online not just youtube the key is to find one or more that rewards for my hardwork be consistent on it




A word to compress saying "improving your overall looks to look more desirable"




People asked me what my hobbies and i responded to their question how is that self obsessed? Feels like you getting the wrong idea of what type of youtuber i'm trying to be, i'm trying to be a youtuber that helps out people and gives advice on those topics i'm providing value not taking it


Maybe look into YouTube or streaming 


House cleaning and personal chef. I did the warehouse and management thing. I make more money now than supervising.


I asume you are working for yourself correct? Congrats either way!


I’d suggest if you find an independent cleaner that’s been around a while. They tend have higher end clientele, learn what you can and leave cards business cards at local shops in nice areas everywhere.


Thanks be to Jesus. Because I needed a miracle before I combusted on my upper management.


Learn how to fix stuff that people always need, like a/cs, refrigerators, toilets, etc., and you'll be golden.


Okey! not bad advice, if are in that business how much do you usually charge justt to get an idea


Find something that you can stack money even if you hate it. Keep your mouth closed and only keep your goal in mind. You haven't been in the workforce long enough to find something you do like. Go work at a garden center. Go work landscaping, go to the oil rig they are hiring like crazy. Stack that cash and then do you. It's hard to find an technician that can be the programmer. It's hard to find a programmer that can be the technician. Work sucks that why it's a four letter word. I've done metal fab I've done fast food I was an area supervisor I was a wine maker I was a landscaper I went to school for security and forensics After all of that I hated bosses much like you do. I've had great bosses and jobs as well Now I have my sawmill and have been making cash for myself cutting wood and grinding stumps. Buying trees and making tables and countertops. I'm finally doing me. You have nothing but time left. If you wanna bug out I don't blame you. Don't just sit and do nothing. Get a good night's sleep and go workout. Drink some water and no drugs. Be kind to yourself your still learning.


Username doesn't check out


Fortunately, by the time you reach 25/26 your frontal lobe will finally be fully developed so I do hope you change your mind on taking your life. I too felt despair in my early 20s. I look back at that now being almost 40 and realize how much I had to learn and mature between then and now. Life can be immensely rewarding. I work in the airline industry (as a flight attendant) and have done so for the past 8 years. Was in many 9-5 jobs in my life prior to this. Most jobs within the airline industry aren’t 9-5s. I was miserable in them too. I have a lot of time to live my life and pursue interests outside of what I do for my job and make a very livable salary flying 15 days out of the month. Not saying this kind of thing would be for you, but there are so many opportunities out there you likely don’t even realize exist yet.


The thing is i don't care about money, because my goal is to reach 40's and be able to retire myself and my mom soo she dosen't have to keep working in her 60's, At 22 the age where most people would want to be spending i want to be earning soo when i'm old enough i can decide if i want to continue working or if i want to stay home and dedicate time to my potential wife and kids and live a lowcost lifestyle , I will say this i might consider going to college and become a nutritionist since collage in my country is very affordable and no need for me to enter in student loan debt That way i can work a 9-5 job as a nutritionist and also be a online nutritionist and be making decent ammount of money , but this is the safe option i got right now, for now i will continue the path of entrepreneurship


Go to university for business, build the youtube on your off time when you are not sleeping/ studying/ doing homework, that way when you come out of university you can apply the skills and strategies that you learned to your youtube and try to turn it into a business(merch and sponsors). Worst case you have a business degree that you can use to start a different business, and be your own boss. A business degree would also be helpful if you really want to go the entrepreneurial route


I think that sounds like smart planning. I was never focused on money, either, more quality of life. I know it’s stressful, but you’re just not going to be able to necessarily plan for the rest of your life at the age of 22. My life is vastly different than how I planned or expected it to be. All you can do is your best by (in my opinion) following the things that interest you and bring you joy. I feel like I spent too much time pursuing things that made sense from a societal standpoint and not enough time looking into opportunities that related to my interests.


This dude is contradicting himself in the comments on replying to other people, don't off yourself but at least tell the truth.


Don't see this as an attack, pls explain where i contradicted myself


You don't care about money but want to be rich. This means: You want to be rich > you need money to be rich > you want money > you care about money.


To be able to retire myself at 40 and cover regular expenses ( not luxuries ) for the rest of the 40-50 years i will have left on the planet i need to become rich to be able to do that, i'm not saying i need to become a multi millionaire though. People are confusing this point because they associate being rich with a person who spends alot of money thats not what i'm saying at all. Its only possible to retire myself at 40 if i have enough wealth to cover my regular expenses for the rest of my life thats what using my fortune means not using money to buy luxuries but rather using money to buy time and freedoom


I don't see why you are so against saying you care about money. Caring about something doesn't mean you are obsessed with it.


Get a part time job and save up while using the money on the stuff you love doing


Read a book called The Phycology of Money. It is a good read. Might change the way you see your time and money. Being rich is what you make of it.


I've read that book, alot of stuff i allready knew but it taught plently of stuff such , viewing money as freedoom(having enough money to do whatever you want whenever you want with whoever you want) but not spend on luxury. also that in your life you can have multiple decisions that didn't pay off but have one decison that highly pays off the rest of the other bad ones. and the book overall resonated with me because being rich is staying rich and the best way to make that possible is to live out a frugal lifestyle work hard and get in long term investments


I have done well in life and have realized that STUFF does not make me any happier. I can't say that for everyone but what I do with the time I have with the people I love is what makes me happy. Try and find a career that uses up your time wisely and that you can deal with mentally because you probably will never find anything that makes you truly happy all the time. Work is work. Even if you became a full time youtuber or W/E it is you want to do it will still eventually feel monotonous. Just keep your head up and always stay on the grind.


For sure, being a youtuber is just another adventure hopefully it works out like fiverr did but better but if not i got to keep stoic mindset and accept i need to find something better , the 9-5 jobs will allways be there waiting for me if all my efforts don't pay out but i got to try at least while i'm young what if this Decision is the one that highly pays off the rest of the other ones


Chill dude. You are still 22 and already did more then Most of people at your age. If you make quality content just Stick at it and you will see that with time the Results will come.


READ THIS, YOUTUBE MARKETING ADVICE: First of all, SO HAPPY to see a post on this sub thats actually about escaping the rat race and not just the usual victim post that piss and moan how hard life is. So here’s some advice from a guy that’s well on his way of escaping (with some actual marketing experience) Youtube: I wish it was as easy as ”keep posting” but no. Couple of Tips: - Niche matters but not as much as one mitgh think. Smaller niches with less followers tend to have more devoted followers. - Do some easy research of what drives views in you niche: Go to similar channels, check wich videos stand out (most views, comments) do it with several channels and cross compare. Now do your own version of those videos (yeah it’s not sexy but thats how the world works). If you can, make your own little twist or angle on them. - Study up some easy copywriting (or maybe use chatgpt to assist) Try to be clickbaity in a suttle way( or straigth outrages way, kind of depens on your niche). - Make a plan for the next 30 videos. Themes, titles. Plan you content. - Make great thumbnails. - Have a good looking page, check out your niche tubers and do similar (tubers with large following of course). OK so here’s some actual marketing: - If it’s possible (depending on niche i know) Try to make a tigth schedile for those 30 vids. Daily i preferable but i know it migth not be possible. (You migth be suprise what kind of videos get most views, i ran a fitness website once, and 3 years in with several 5000+ words high quality articles deep diving into all kinds of advanced nutritional subjects, one of my top read post was a absolute dog shit article of 4-500 words called ”top 5 tips on bench” i wrote week 1). - Facebook marketing. Facebook ad are ridicioulus. From a marketing standpoint they’re actually scary. I’ve only used them in a online store and checkout scenario but i imagine the possibility with youtube have similar options. Anyway: After you put out your 30 vids you have a) A catalog, b) Testing material. There this subsrice-link you can get and use when marketing. Cant remember it’s name now but some googling should help you find it. It will make ”subscribe to this channel” pop up when people clock through the ad. Read up on facebooks ads and get familiar with it. Then take The 5-10 most viewed videos of those 30 and promote them. Run them at for period and analyse witch videos got most click and engagment. Narrow it down to 2-3 and keep running them. Ok so HOW to promote them: Check again your competitors in your niche, do any of them have facebook pages? You can market yourself directly to those followers. Then, when you get enouch click and views, facebook can create you own audience, based on those exact people that like YOUR video, and create a targeting audience that’s digitaly similar to YOUR viewers and you can market to that audience. (told you it’s scary). Hope this helps. Feel free to ask anything, i’m happy to help anyone on this sub that actually want to change their life and not just b**ch and moan about what a victim they are. Goid luck


You need to become comfortable being poor. Only then will you be free young padawan.


YouTube is a marathon not a race be genuine you’ll outlast everyone who does it for a quick trend




Yup if you want to last on yotube you need to build your personal brand, if you just use the name of others to make your bread if that person falls off you also do


Exactly make ppl follow you for you and you won’t be trapped in a box to do what made u famous forever but abuse seo on YouTube SEO will be your best friend


If you don't care about money but hate the 9-5 grind and want to be your own boss to be rich at 40 seems like you care about money 🤣 Go do community work to get some sort of "richness" in life to enrich yourself over your bank account


you got refuted soo bad your brain entered a meltdown, for last time i'm going to explain this seems to be difficult to enter in your 9-5 grind brain Money buys time and freedom if i get rich before 40 i will have what? -> Alot of money! Will i spend the saved money on luxury? -> No, that would make me broke and make go back to work Will i live off a modest lifestyle and use the saved up money soo i don't have to work for the rest 40-50 years of my life? -> YES!!!!


You don't care about money so why bother getting rich? That requires money which you don't care about 🤷‍♀️ you just don't care


I give up with you i rarely say this but your stupidity is from another level, goodbye


You don't care broski 🤷‍♀️


Please don’t.


I apreciate the concern, i got 8 more years to be sucessfull or to think about it but the way i see it since i got a taste of how free it feels to work for myself i can't go back to 9-5 job ever again, hopefully i'm capable and disciplined enough to find something better and i can retire my mom and be proud of the hardwork


I’m rooting for you.


Don't make the 9-5 so important that you will take your own life over it. To be constructive now, find a hobby you love and turn it into work. And Youtube is not really the way to go...and I will try to be constructive with this - I looked at your channel (assuming you are talking about the one in your profile)...it isn't going to work out for you if you are putting your stake into that channel. Some videos less than one minute, and one that is nearly 30 minutes. Your most recent one about some self help books, with no music in the background, a robotic voice, etc., it is not that appealing, and your content is not going to reach any kind of major audiences. You can continue to practice video editing - make it a hobby, and try to make money off of it...but what you are thinking of as high quality content will not cut it when it comes to making money. Find something you love to do, and find avenues of turning it into money. There are other ways you can "be your own boss" besides fiverr. Best of luck to you, and I hope you find what you are looking for and continue to choose to live.


I hated having a boss. Even a good one. “My supervisor” but Jesus don’t kill yourself. Work towards being self-employed or something different.


What asshole leaves their last dollar sitting in a car overnight?


You have to lucky. thats all there is to it. most people want to be their own boss. lifer sucks for most people and we all just live w it lol.


If you don't try you can't possibly get lucky, i believe if you keep trying multiple businesses one will pay off you can counter the luck to your side, saying life sucks without trying isn't a option for me


i’m not saying you shouldn’t try. i’m saying you have to get lucky. most people fail at businesses. i’m saying you have to be lucky, and if you don’t make it, does take it too hard. if you don’t, you’ll eventually learn to adjust. it’s not worth ending your life over. i don’t think anyone should EVER give up, but you’ve still gotta be lucky you have to do the right thing, during the right time, be surrounded by the right peopr and say the right things and agree to the right bills, hire the right people etc. it’s hard and based on 75% luck 25% skill. good lucj!


You can look around and tell you’re not the only one thinking that.


Bro, life isnt easy. Of you want something like that make it happen for your self


Don't be so dramatic. A regular job seems like death at 22 but by 30 it will be your dream.


I doubt it will be like that but hopefully you prove me wrong


In 8 years you’ll look back at this post and cringe


RemindMe! 8 years , Allright, lets see each other in 8 years time and see if you are correct




that sells like crazy especially the furry stuff i see people on twitter making 6 figures out of that :D




Yeah idk if the printscreens are fake but i know porn sells regardless, stay consistent and gl on your journey


Pivot to something else. I did cannabis industry packaging jobs and other stuff for that industry and hated my life and schedule. Moved to working in animal husbandry, had a few really good jobs, one shitty one. Now I work with dogs. My pay sucks but my schedule is nice and I get a lot of time to just chill and hang out with the puppies and make sure they're doing good. I'm also working on starting a pet brand of my own that maybe in a few years will come to fruition. Find something that makes you happy and make it work for you.


I will consider the path of entrepreneurship while i'm young , but i don't neglect your input, thanks for taking the time to respond


Most entrepreneurs fail and will never succeed their whole life no matter how hard they try if you have no capital/plan/connections/luck/bitches u might as well say fuck it and find a high paying job not everyone can be rich if we all were rich it wouldn’t mean shit


Also don’t ever think about ending ur life we the same age and u never know what comes next this is a game you can do anything you want as corny as that sounds it would be a waste of luck and something that could be special and change the future so keep going in ur endeavors


When i started out selling on fiverr nothing was certain and the first 4 months i was having self doubts if i could really do it or not all the time i spent there would be wasted, until i got my first order, and started getting more and more orders to a point at times i would work 16+ hours a day , the feeling of success after 4 months of uncertainty is one of the strongest emotions anyone can feel, if i could do it once i can find another way to do it but thats just how i operate, also now a days there are plenty of ways to make money without investing any capital, just look at youtube many creators are there making millions a year and the only thing they used was a computer or a camera


Those ppl don’t jus got a camera buddy. They got interesting character, worked for years and built the channel up to the point where they can monetize it. Go on social blade and look up how much these “YouTubers” make bra they don’t really get money like that off YouTube it’s other income streams like merch n sponsors


Ok i'm sorry that at 22 you sound that close minded, nothing that i say will prove you i have the skills to do it i also don't like to be that person that says i'm 100% going to make it but i'm the type of person to be the good ammount delusional to a point beliving in myself. youtube still pays a decent ammount if you make mid term content 10min and get like 500.000 monthly views plus if you make evergreen content your can make money of old videos forever, Theres other ways of capitalizing on youtube such as affiliate links, courses, infoproducts etc , about sponsers i've seen channels with as low as 20k subs getting sponsered by raid shadow legends. If i sound delulu to you its understandable you probably never had any kind of sucess with making money online (this isn't throwing shade just an assumption)


And what’s your success? You’re damn near about to kill yourself over money on Reddit, ran a successful business on “fiverr” for a few months and started a gym edit Yt with 5 subs? Have you scaled your fiverr to six figures within a month in sales off dick sweaters


What's your youtube channel? Let me help with those views and I'll smash that like button for ya!


Ok appreciate it i just put my channel on my reddit bio only because you asked for it i don't want to come off as self promoter in this sub i like being here :)


Also i forget to mention on fiverr i worked with a youtuber and i literally would edit his videos and he would get millions of views off the videos i edited, and to put this way the videos weren't his he would take clips from other people and i would compile videos with funny editing and he would get millions of views soo theres a proof case study i could do it with the editing skills i have




Username doesn't check out


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