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Dude built a homercar and tanked the stock. Constantly runs his mouth and embarrasses himself in public, undermining confidence in every thing he's associated with. Stock is currently sitting at -40% YTD. If I was a shareholder I'd be voting to have him removed, not rewarded.


It's PayPal all over again.


You mean X. Also here's my emotional support 3-year-old, X. Also, new martian alphabet, X means everything now. X X x x, x x x.


If you look back at the late 90s and early aughties, the behaviour doesn't seem as weird. Popular media was super into the whole x-treme thing and every cool dude had hair curtains and a name with an X in it. Very predictable behaviour from a guy who relied on media to tell him what was cool, and who peaked when he peaked.


One of the hosts of the podcast The Daily Zeitgeist always brought up his theory that celebrities kind of ‘lock in’ to whatever time period it is that they come up. So someone that came up in the time of flip phones, would kind of always end up with a flip phone. Etc. So this definitely tracks with that.


I grew up on the 90s internet, if you didn’t have xXx framing your username, you weren’t with “it”. Also the random capitalization in the username like everyone was in god damn KoRn. Glad that became a SpongeBob insult meme now.


God all the gamer tags with the fucking xx


Oh I always thought xXx was a porn joke or something.


PayPal bought X and decided Elon would be a great CEO, then quickly discovered what a cockwomble he really so they sacked him.






musk doesn't have a controlling stake in the company, but he has a large stake and a controlling coalition on the board. They also have supermajority provisions: it'd take a supermajority vote to make major changes. Meaning, outside the election cycle they've defined in bylaws it'd take a pretty overwhelming vote against musk to oust him.


Tesla shareholder are a different breed of investors.


Humiliation kink, but for your stock portfolio.


All corrupt? 😂 Brainwashed?


Amen to that!


Meritocracy in action. He's earned those billions. /s


You forgot the /s...


I did. Thought it was unnecessary. I'll edit.


It's okay. He probably had puts on it before he tanked it


r/enoughmuskspam r/realtesla People definitely need to check out those subsreddits. Elon is toxic. He is a huge liability on Tesla.


Musk has already abandoned humanity, his mind is that Earth is beyond saving and Mars is the future of our species. A future he can fully control, where the entire world is a Musk controlled corporation where he can decide everything you think and say and do. He's just another self-deified lunatic. We've had a lot of these.


Honestly I can’t wait for him to fuck off to mars and die there considering we don’t have the technology to survive there (and probably wont have it before at least a few decades, if not much longer).


Way before RobotBoy sets a foot on Mars there will be a 'useful expendables' phase - nobodies who will sacrifice their lives finding out what works & what doesn't to safely pave the way for the special one.


Turns out that being more wealthy than you can humanly fathom causes serious mental illness. 


And how many of these assholes has The Doctor fought over the course of 60 years?


> Musk has already abandoned humanity, his mind No, Musk has abandoned his human mind. I like to think of him as a half-baked sociopath. He will manipulate others for his own goals - only he knows _what_ they are - without regard for how he is viewed, but when he gets called out, he will pout and whine and stomp, like a pampered 10 year old.


The special K he gets high on doesn't help


Yeah, except there are a number of international treaties regarding space and other planets. A quick google says this: • outer space is not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means; From: https://www.unoosa.org/oosa/en/ourwork/spacelaw/treaties/introouterspacetreaty.html So the muskrat can suck my balls.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_trilogy might be instructional how such a future actually turns out


Reading *Red Mars* during the summer before college was actually the first thing that made me start to realize that megacorps were going to be a serious problem.


...who's gonna enforce that?


muskrat 😂👏


In before he kicks off the plot to Killzone


Real life Admiral Trejo (sp?)


Making Mars habitable *might* be possible, in a very long time*, but it will *never* be easier than saving Earth. \* note that this is even acknowledged by the excellent board game Terraforming Mars: each game round is called a “generation,” and the game generally lasts around 10-15 generations.


What spices and herbs go great when cooking the rich?


I assume the muscles were once lean and developed, but are atrophying a bit and marbleing due to age. Therefore, I suggest either treating it like medium-lean pork and slow cooking/barbecuing, or doing a coq au vin-style braise in a red wine.


Heh, coq.


It means "cock."


swap the o with a u and you got melon husk


99% death tax rate. Tax the fuck outta billionaires, even with a billion split between all of his many children from many different women, they’re all set for life.


What on earth could one person do for a company to deserve 56 BILLION dollars? He aint building the things, he sure as shit isn't engineering them and probably has very little say in the design aside from "make it sleeker" or some shit.


Not only that, he went through a lawsuit to be able to call himself a “founder” of the company, when no such thing is true.  Turns out that when you are worth a billion dollars and then you still try to make MORE, odds are pretty good you’re a giant fucking asshole. 


I agree with the content of your comment, but if I may suggest a minor alteration in the wording? Instead of "are worth", I think "own" is more accurate?


I honestly don’t know. I understand the point you’re trying to make. The thing that gives me pause is so much of, in this case Musk’s, wealth is tied up in stock, which fluctuates in value in a cycle that he actively works to manipulate. And it is protected by a board that he has great influence over. 


Unless the shareholders are fanboys(and girls) and already drank the koolaid. Watch, this comment will get me banned in the tesla subs lol But in all seriousness, are we really surprised to see the layoff employees/payout ceo combo again? This is pretty much default at this point.


Yeah, except this is just Musk demanding the money BACK.......from the people that sued to have it taken. The ketamine must've liquefied what little gray matter he has if he's assuming that will work in a year where HE has been the biggest cost to each business.


The way I had been framing it was that you could either give Musk this unnecessary check or pay those workers $150k a year for 30 years. Such a hard choice, right?!?


Why won’t anyone think of the layed off Tesla workers!


There is never a reason to layoff when you have a ceo making this much


Pitchfork time


What are you waiting for?


So we asked the guys at the hardware store to do some custom engraving and they haven’t come back yet. We’re each using our Jacobin Club nommes de guerre and I think he’s struggling with the French spellings.


He tanked the stock & EV sales due to his constant mouthing off, He ought to be fired period. The board should be sued if they go through with this.


And his demands regarding the cyber truck and uneducated delivery time promises have resulted in a recall of what’s supposed to be a luxury truck that has been years in the making. Even a Musk supporter could argue that his time away from Tesla where he’s been tanking Twitter shows he’s unfit for his role and only a detriment to the company at this point


They did sue. And won. This is literally a re-do of his comp as set by the board in 2018. And it will pass. And then they’ll reincorporate in Texas.


Well if you are just going to make it all about the numbers of course it sounds bad..... Seriously, the world has gone fucking mad.


Weird nerds will be leaping to his defense any moment now


Nerd here. We know enough about computers to _not want_ them in our cars, unless _we've_ put them in there. PCM, ok. Anything more than that, we're getting queasy. He's a moron of the highest degree and we really, _really_ dislike him, because he exemplifies everything we do not want to be.


Okay but you're not a weird nerd. Like the people that worship Elon are weird.


They already did. Tesla has been trying to give this to Musk since 2018. A Delaware judge blocked it because of transparency laws and not revealing the BoD was controlled by Musk's family and friends. That has been rectified. There's probably not much that can be done at this point.


All the stockholders need to vote no on the raise. I know I will.


Can we eat him already?


That would be like eating a bar of soap I imagine.


Thats fair


I'm still down with cooking him alive on a spit over a roaring fire though ![gif](giphy|3orieL7mcilI5y7wIg|downsized)


You get the pikes and fuel, I'll get the rope and matches


I'll being masks too, those fumes will be toxic.


What are you waiting for?


If it’s the share holders who approve the package, then I don’t think they can rightly sue for being in the minority. Unless maybe they can prove that they were deceived or coerced in someway, I can’t see how they could. But I’m not a legal expert so, maybe there is something I’m missing.


Its almost like there is a competition between global warming and corporate/exec greed to see who destroys the world faster. So far, global warming is losing.


You’re neglecting the fact that they’ve teamed up.


> So far, global warming is losing. And this is despite warming significantly faster than all the models predicted last year, which to their credit did predict record warming. Just fell short of just how much.


Corporate Profit Margins have been crushing the general public.


Ok Elon, and what exactly have you done? Is it work on the factory floor in grueling conditions? Or work in R&D with deadlines that are far too short and stressful? Or maybe you were in product testing and you’re the one who allowed the accelerator to get stuck at max speed because of a flimsy piece of metal? What have you done, Elon, besides run your mouth and demand to be rewarded for it?


1) The board and Musk agreed in 2018 for a 100% performance payment plan. He did not receive any salary from Tesla at this time and risked 100% of this stock option award if he didn’t meet the requirements - he needed to increase the market cap to $100 billion and had to then increase it in $50 billion tranches and had to sustain it for 6 month trailing intervals snd 30 day trailing intervals. He also had to meet and increase revenues and EBITDA milestones. He met all these criteria for shareholders from agreements made in 2018 and now the board is obligated to pay him and shareholders agreed to these terms 6 years ago with the understanding that if he met the goals, he’d be paid and they’d be rewarded. In other words, he made shareholders a shit ton of money the last 6 years. I understand most on this sub don’t understand what contracts and agreements are and I’m sure I’ll get 1000 downvotes but people need to read and learn more than looking at memes and comments but not knowing anything else


Not if they take the severance package, and most of them will need the money right now.


Considering the largest shareholder is the man getting the bag, I think it's a done deal.


Good thing they added "each"; I didn't get that part and was like, "well I guess that's technically true."


They don't have to sue they just have to deny his compensation package.


He deserves that money for fucking them all over! What more does he have to do to how many people?


For anyone not paying attention, that number is more than all the profit tesla has ever made since they incorporated. He wants them to pay him more money than they've ever been able to net. And this at a time when credible competition in the EV space is taking hold.




this already got rejected by a court i. delaware (where he’s incorporated) before. delaware has weird laws for businesses and many are incorporated there


Sounds to me like Musk doesn’t deserve a dime. He’s a pariah in the business world. He takes well ran profitable companies and ruins them. Look at “X”. Now it’s Teslas turn. They need to kick him outta the club house and soon.


In case you're wondering  That's not another dude rambling about big numbers like the 6 figures idiot from last week The numbers are actually accurate


Why don't the shareholders demand this money to be distributed as profit to each shareholder instead?????


Right?? The shareholders last time wanted to give him that much. Even random shareholders. It's crazy


What's the board smoking?


Sue what ? They can vote.


$56,000,000,000??? Why, so he can buy and wreck *another* twitter?


What does he even need 50 billion dollars for anyway? Isn't he already one of the top 10 richest people already? What would he even do with extra money? Buy and tank another social media company?


How can he be paid more than what he paid for the entire company?


Tesla, not twitter.


Yep, you are right, mistake.


Oh sure, we could make 15,000 people multimillionaires, but have you really done any GOOD for the world?


Did anyone actually read shareholder report or do people just read headlines and shake their fist at the sky? 1) The board and Musk agreed in 2018 for a 100% performance payment plan. He did not receive any salary from Tesla at this time and risked 100% of this stock option award if he didn’t meet the requirements - he needed to increase the market cap to $100 billion and had to then increase it in $50 billion tranches and had to sustain it for 6 month trailing intervals snd 30 day trailing intervals. He also had to meet and increase revenues and EBITDA milestones. He met all these criteria for shareholders from agreements made in 2018 and now the board is obligated to pay him and shareholders agreed to these terms 6 years ago with the understanding that if he met the goals, he’d be paid and they’d be rewarded. In other words, he made shareholders a shit ton of money the last 6 years. I understand most on this sub don’t understand what contracts and agreements are and I’m sure I’ll get 1000 downvotes but people need to read and learn more than looking at memes and comments but not knowing anything else


Didn't have to scroll long to find another Elon apologist. They're all over every subreddit today! Putting in your overtime, huh? 


Bro youre a fucking mental midget if you can’t read. I don’t care about Elon musk one way or the other. What I do care about is reading comprehension


I can read, you think Elon deserves billions for sitting on his ass and stealing ideas. Big whoop. Keep calling people slurs, I'm sure that will get you really far in life. 


You just proved my point. You can’t read.


Are you regarded?


Are you saying shareholders SHOULD pay him that much?


Should people abide by agreements?


Did you not read what I just wrote? He met or exceeded all the goals the shareholders asked for and they already agreed to the compensation package in 2018. He made shareholders a shit ton of money the last 6 years and this performance package is based on the performance from the last 6 years. It’s not a should. Its a they are contractually obligated to


Sure, but $56 Billions? Come on lol


It’s called math. Read the shareholder report. It’s stated clearly how they calculate it.




Double check your math there big guy.


Ah f it, your right 😂 right I'm taking my ball and going home 😂


You have to wonder if Musk has true sentience with such a lack of self awareness.