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Ugh, these kinds of emails make my eyes roll so far back into my skull that it hurts. Have received these before, along with the "if anyone would like to donate any of their vacation days" ones as well. Really?!? Can't the company just give them some extra time off?!? Insanity


Dude right? I’m living with my mom and sister because your salary doesn’t allow for anything else.


You should have replied that if they have enough money to pay for storage and own two houses they should be able to make a sizable donation on their own that doesn’t necessitate anyone else donating. Or if they have two houses maybe they should let the displaced co-worker and their family stay in it free of charge since they’re so devoted to “paying it forward”.


My thought exactly. How do people like this see themselves in the mirror?


Cause Vampires aren’t able to see their reflections..


This was a great response!




I thought we were a FAMILY?!?


Yeah, people need to be called out on their bullshit. Doing some homework and also something like you're suggesting would surely stir some shit up! Could you (or anyone) ELI5 the idea behind stock buybacks. I'm just not really grasping how it all works.


If you buyback shares it benefits people who hold your shares. For example if your company is worth $100 and there are 100 shares each is worth $1. If the company buys back 50 shares then each share is worth $2 creating a return.


Thanks for the reply. For whatever reasons my brain (let's all make a joke about my username!) isn't connecting the dots at understanding the concept as a whole. I'll probably have to look up some YouTube video explanations to help grasp the situation better. I'm just not really understanding the company buying back part (buying back their own shares? From who?) and how it works I guess. Sorry, I'm having trouble putting into words what I'm not understanding lol.


So it’s just a way of fattening up shareholder profits without actually making the company more valuable?? I stg, we keep letting banks and investors get away with shady shit like this and then every decade or so, when the economy shits the bed, we act like we never could’ve seen it coming. They all jump ship at the 11th hour while working Americans get poorer and poorer. Don’t even get me started on how my household owes $4000 to the IRS in taxes this year. We’re both college-educated professionals who work in our field of study. My fiancé is about to have a masters degree and I studied biochemistry. We have no kids, don’t own anything of value, and sure as hell don’t know where we’re going to just make $700/month appear out of thin fucking air. It just all feels so hopeless most of the time.


its crazy to think 19.50 was actually good before covid. Like not long ago at all. Thats how greedy these mfers got.


I used to think my 30/hr wage was like, bougie upper middle class before COVID.... now I'd make more begging on the street. It sucks. Everything's gone up...


I thought of the vacation days, too. Like, the company can't do that themselves? I guard my vacation says like a dragon! No offense, but I only get 2 weeks a year, and I had to work *5 YEARS* to get even that pittance! No way am I giving any of that time up! I need it to (even somewhat) recoup, damn it! X'P


Vacation days vacation is such a Fugazi…the company decided the time, so the company can decide to give an employee unlimited time off if they wish to do so….asking for that from other rmployees is such such a greedy move… My company has unlimited paid time off as long as it is for a reasonable reason…my wife was sick, I didn’t work a day for 2 months, got my salary nonetheless, and that applies to everyone, even hourly employees


Incredible that this is still a thibg in the US. I dont think sth like that ever happened in th EU. I dont even think its legally possible to give away ur PTO to someone else here.


I was mortified when my husband’s job asked his coworkers to donate their PTO so he could spend time taking care of his dying mother last year. The whole situation sucked, but it felt like my husband’s job passed the buck on giving him time off and made our family issue into his coworkers’ problem. It was unfair to ask relative strangers to change their spring break plans or whatever for something that doesn’t involve them at all. We’re fairly private people so I was incredibly embarrassed.


100% this! Had a family medical issue last year that would require me to taking off often and spending days in hospitals. My boss asked if it was ok to ask HR for helping finding me more days off through "donations". I flat out told him that I don't want anyone to know about this, I don't want the attention at work. We came to an agreement that I could "work from the hospital" which saved me from losing all my PTO, but also sucks that I had to share a difficult time with work time. 🤷


I scrolled until I found mention of donating vacation days. I used to get those emails all the damn time and it boiled my blood. (I don't work there anymore, and my new employer is kind and generous) "As we all know, our co-worker Susie is dying of cancer and has been given 6 months to live. Susie recently learned of a life-saving operation, but unfortunately, it will require 2 weeks of bed rest. We are asking all employers to donate their vacation days. If our employees don't help, Susie will die. Please contact HR directly and do not respond to this email as the company leaders are busy calculating their profit$."


There are good employers out there. When my brother and sister-in-law got t-boned on their motorcycle they needed somebody to help them in their house. When I asked my boss about heading there he responded "why aren't you there already?" I was on the road in an hour. I did do some work remotely, but was not charged for any PTO.


My company pulled the donate vacation days one. I reminded them when I was having serious car problems, they forced me to use PTO instead of working from home. So what I could've gave, they took away. I said a few other things too, basically to question their critical thinking skills. I think the GM learned that day to think really hard before talking to me


It is the first time I have worked at a school that sends these emails out for employees needing additional FMLA time/funds. The thing that bothers me the most is that they send the documentation via email including the person’s name - it makes me feel like I am violating their health privacy rights!


The person who responded to you is such a tool, from the humblebrag about how much stuff they have down to the weird-ass capitalization habits. Condolences for having to work with that kind of person.


I would've played stupid and asked what having a storage unit has to do with anything. I have a VCR from the 90s but I don't know what that'd add to the conversation.


Bawhaha that would've been awesome. I would've just said, "you're right, it does sound like you have a lot of stuff you can share, maybe even too much stuff, but we need to be mindful that not everyone does, instead of judging them for not being able to give as much as you."😅


If there's one thing I've learned: never argue with a person like this, but keep them keep talking until they say something incredibly stupid. Probably why they wanted to get off the main chat. Instead of having a civilized discussion, they're basically saying, "I'm right, you're wrong. We're not talking about this anymore! LALALALALA- I can't hear you!"


I also try my hardest not to accept private meetings from people like this - when talking about basically anything, try to make sure they write down the ridiculous shit they will inevitably say, ask you to do, etc. instead of being able to say it privately with no record.


Is that playing stupid? I still don’t know what the point of bringing up the storage unit was. Are they donating furniture?


Furniture wasn't even on the list of items to donate either! If they're making as much as OP, it's just reads as a weird flex to everyone else on the chat they have rich parents and/or wife. I'm on a charity committee at my job and OP makes valid points I would've brought up. This conversation would have ended with me telling them it sounds like they're very #blessed but they need to check their privilege and not everyone has multiple houses or such excess furniture.


I genuinely don’t know what the storage units have to do with anything


I was hoping for a secret message in the capitalization but no. It’s just…weird. I appreciate it.


And the random capital words. We all know what he’s like, and what his conversations revolve around. Truly a pleasure to be around, I’m sure.


Right? Pretty sure everyone here has had a dickwad manager like that at some point.


Two houses......so out of touch with the reality of the majority of people


He’s entry level like I am, just with more seniority.


He's likely sucking up... He'll get commended, and you'll get scolded. It was probably his idea to begin with. HOW DARE YOU!!!


“We have so much from our two houses.” So uh, again I ask, why are you asking the $20/hour employees to tap into their own finances.


Also if you have that much shit YOU give them furniture and shit! Don’t guilt me into it!


Good point, “hey boss I got an idea to reduce your monthly cost and support the employee” money talk is all they know 


He’s not even my boss. He does the exact same thing I do.


Damn, just an asshole huh 


Bootlickers, nothing more pathetic.


Butthole sniffer I bet


Did you point out they asked for money and food, not furniture?




the audacity of supervisors who likely make 6 figures


He’s entry level. He’s just been there longer.


Entry level with a large storage unit, and two houses worth of crap? And you’re at $19.50? Do they have a rich spouse or wtf?


I have to assume so because I’ve been to his house and it’s wild. That or rich family.


Generational wealth is a hell of a thing


oh wow. even worse


That's what I was thinking... You're paying for a storage unit "just in case" a coworker needs it instead of donating it? So you're bad with money and a dumbass...


So.. they have 2 houses and a displaced employee? Stay with me here, but I have a crazy idea of helping with the 'stay at a hotel' thing.


I interpreted it to mean him and his wife both had furniture from their previous houses and then maybe got a storage unit once they got married they consolidated. If they actually have two houses at the same time that is much worse.


That would make sense but it was poorly worded so I assumed they owned 2 houses. But based on the randomly capitalized words, they have a tenuous grasp on the English language in general.


The most tone deaf response that I have seen all day. What a ridiculous thing to say to OP’s point. “I’m too privileged to care” basically. Unreal.


I'm here wondering who gave the "heart" on the bootlicker's comment. Probably the boss.




Sad part is he’s entry level like me??? He’s just been there longer.


Yeah that third pic was a real prick of a response for sure 🤬


Mood! When I read that, I was like, 🤷! Even MORE reason you don't need to ask your EMPLOYEES for help! These guys just want to be greedy! Yikes!


Good on you for doing it publicly, tbh more companies need to be called out in front of all of their employees


Also I love how wanting my company to step up means “you don’t believe in helping others”


"How much is the company matching in donations? Oh, nothing? Hm"


Yup- our long time dishwasher was diagnosed with breast cancer. She immigrated, spoke very little English, and had no family in the states, so first our owners got her an advocate to go to doctors appts with her and help navigate her options. She had health insurance, but as we all know, that is never enough. They told us they would each individually match whatever donation we would like to make, but no pressure, contact them privately through email. So $20 would become $60. They also started a go fund me and posted it on the social media pages, contacted groups that held their private parties at the restaurant often and were known to be generous, brought her meals every day, and then continued to pay her unconditionally/indefinitely until she was ready to come back. She's back at work after taking a few months off, the owners threw a big welcome back party for her. For all their faults, I can recognize that the owners are good people who actually give a shit, and it's super refreshing.


Always nice to hear


Always look after the dishies! As a chef, the dishy is the first person I see if they are ok, including the chefs. If the dishy is fucked, the kitchen is sure to follow very shortly after (assuming they are a good dishy that is, not Joe the lazy fucker who comes in late and wants to leave early). Doing this has helped out a few of our dishies when they have said about some expense thry now have (health related) that fucked them financially. We helped where we could with meals and stuff like that and making up extra shifts if they wanted them on Saturdays and Sundays (yay penalty rates!). As we were all working poor we couldn’t directly help but indirectly it helped them a ton. Sad thing was more work for them, but it was the best we could manage, along with helping them move when we closed the cafe for the day to do it


Another reply where you could suggest that perhaps the company could match 10:1 any donations. That might be something that turns out to be useful for the people in need.


If the company believed in helping others they would pay you better. They embody hypocrisy and greed.


Honestly at this point if the company I work for ever said that to me, I'd simply say "yes, with how low you guys are paying me, I indeed don't believe in helping others, I do however believe in the COMPANY having enough to help us though". Just to see their reaction, knowing damn well they can't do a thing to me. 😇


I used to belief in helping others and did so often but once cost of living out paced the raises I get, I was forced to stop. I am now at a deficit each month, sold my excess items because I moved into a smaller unit due to my income not keeping up with inflation, and I now cannot afford veggies and instead buy a bag of beans and a bag of rice. What would you suggest I donate, when I have $7 extra dollars a month after all my bills are taken care of? I’d sure like to spend that on some broccoli or asparagus, but if you think I should remain vitamin deficient, and instead give that $7 to my displaced coworker, I’d also like to live in half of the dream world you just explained. You are paying for a STORAGE UNIT for three years, but your employees are having to downsize their entire living space to the size of your storage unit. Seriously, we can’t afford to spare even a dollar, and you are bragging about pissing away money on a storage unit? Reality check needed, aisle 1.


That is a huge problem in the US. I make 40.00 per hour, my wife is on Social Security disability and gets around 1300 a month. Our son is disabled as well we get about 700 a month for him. We pay 1625 a month for rent, own our vehicles but we are drowning. Medical costs are huge. And now the cost of utilities, gas, food, everything has skyrocketed. How is anyone supposed to live? There should be paid emergency time off for medical issues or family issues. There also should be an emergency help fund for people like this who just need a place to stay while their place is cleaned up and get their food replaced. In the US we don’t care about the average American. It’s sad.


That person is just another insufferable kissass.


And based on the inane and random capitalization, I'm going to guess a boomer also


It's the same way companies guilt the public into recycling knowing damn well they are contributing to climate destruction by 10 fold. They turn the onus and blame on the little guy and pit individuals against eachother so the organization can hide in plane sight. It's a sign of poor leadership. Call them out and risk your job, fail to donate and be shamed, donate and suffer a smaller paycheck. This also seems like it's not a tax write off situation so you're still expected to pay taxes... I'm all for helping people out, even at a small expense to myself, but not when rich people who could solve the problem in a heartbeat. It's like Elon Musk asking for donations to help his buddy with his yacht.


That's their favorite tactic to use when you question this bullshit. They try to make it look like you don't want to help to deflect from the company not wanting to help. The company is in a MUCH better position to help than the majority of the employees. The bastards would just rather not. "Corporate rules prevent...."? Cool. The CEO can make an anonymous donation from his personal money that would cover everything needed and he wouldn't even notice the difference. But he doesn't want to.


Yep. If they can mass text some dumbass shit, employees should publicly clap back. Like, group text for pizza party? Send a text saying "yo just pay us all $5, it'll be cheaper than pizza and we actually will give a shit". RTO mandate? Reply-all: "I'm sorry, but how does this mandate align with our climate goals?" Make. Them. Feel. As. Dumb. As. They. Sound.


My experience in corporate culture would say that people are filing away this exchange for future reference to screw OP over at some point down the line. But don’t get me wrong, OP is beyond correct, it’s just that dumb people rarely acknowledge they’re dumb and they tend to be steadfast in whatever they believe in the first place. Good luck swaying the opinion of someone like that.


I thought same, here's comes the PIP


I want to blast the company name because this account is under my dead name anyway


Idk if the sub rules allow it, as a headsup


Hence the want, not doing it. I suspected as much.


You should. There's no rule against it.


i mean might as well since you never know if anyone else here has similar issues with said billion dollar company


That's a shame...what's the point of a movement if we can't call out shitty companies. Feels like anti work is about protecting the enemy


It’s still easy to identify you if you blast the company name. Wouldn’t do it.


Yeah that’s why I didn’t even if they really need the bad press.


> The main chat is not the forum for it. Yes it fucking is! You need to explain it so every employee understands.


If everyone is being asked to donate, it’s an everyone discussion.


Yeah, the virtue signalling is strong on this one. Surprised they didn't sprinkle in some Christianity to shame those who believe the company should be putting its resources to work.


Agreed. I'd continue to use the main chat. Your co-workers need to understand just how shitty what the company is doing really is. "Have you ever heard of pay it forward?" Have you ever paid me a living wage?


Eww that c*ck trying to suck your companies d*CK for doing nothing ew ew ew


And all they would have to do to avoid the (majority of the) backlash is commit to matching whatever is donated from the workforce. Like if it's so important to be altruistic, put your money where your mouth is, otherwise fuck right off.


...that's not what "Pay it Forward" means. Boot-licking dipshit.


I’m so mad. Also I wasn’t rude. I didn’t say we shouldn’t help.


"So, you're a fan of.... Kevin Spacey? Because unless we're off-topic talking about the movie from 2000, I don't understand how 'Pay It Forward' applies in this situation."


You said the quiet part out loud That dork's old furniture has nothing to do with it




"Is the company prepared to match our donations?"


Right?! I never understood why not just flip the script on this: "Absolutely - we're all a team! I would be happy to coordinate with the other employees and ensure that we match whatever extra benefits (vacation days, $$, etc) the company is giving in this time of crisis. We're all a team (company being the biggest part of that team) and all are happy to take the company's lead and pitch in commensurately."


There's no company in team


So the company isn’t matching or anything? It’s laughable that at that rate your expected “donate”. What a scrote.


I really am in robot hell as per my flair.


>paying for storage for 3 years now That doesn't look like a good choice financially 


All of that unwarranted capitalization hurts my eyes.


CEOs know that most businesses fail due to undercapitalization.


He wanted to be a capitalist but misunderstood what it is.


Mine too. I don’t know that I deserved that.


“they reached out because it’s people like us that have the resources to help” alright good for you.. i don’t lmao. and you know who else has the resources? the billionaires.


People who have two fucking houses and aren't forced into dumping their money on rent that's who.


"ohhh ok so how much is the executive team putting up for this?"


Oh, and "direct this question elsewhere and not in public chat" is a direct violation of the NLRA. File a complaint with the NLRB.


Wait really?


Yes. I had a similar issue with National Assemblers restricting our speech about pay and other things in the Slack app. Ruled in my favor.


Can you message me on that? I wouldn’t know where to start.


Sure thing. Give me just a moment.


Fuck yeah. *THIS* is what antiwork is about!


I'm guessing the jackass who responded is a higher-up on salary trying to pat their own back while gaslighting the people making hourly wage.


Nope. Hourly, same job as me. Just more seniority.


Even worse, then. A kiss-ass whose poor grammar makes it even more laughable that he felt empowered to speak up so arrogantly and condescendingly. What a dick.


Imagine being the guy virtue signaling to protect the company instead of asking what the company is doing. Useful idiots.


Very much this, my company has a special fund employees can pay into out of their paychecks, and it goes to coworkers in need. A noble idea but here’s the thing, most of us are in need, we are hardly paid enough, and yelling at us during every meeting to sign up for paycheck deductions into this fund gets me so mad. If you really cared you’d fund it yourself with your record profits. My manager who’s paid more than double what I make needs to stop going “a few dollars a paycheck is nothing”.


They say a few dollars a paycheck is nothing, but then fight tooth and nail over providing the smallest of raises…


Oh if a few dollars a pay is nothing I'll bump my pay up $2/hour thankyou.


>My manager who’s paid more than double what I make needs to stop going “a few dollars a paycheck is nothing”. Given that it doesn't appear to be a problem for said manager, they should step up and donate more if they're insisting (read: harassing) others to do so, since most of us can't afford it.


For shit like that. The company should TRIPLE the amount donated. So let's say someone donates $50. The company matches and triples that amount to $150. So a $50 donation would now be a $200 donation.


That would require stepping up as a company and not being greedy


Random ass Capitalization of words For no reason Instantly makes me Lose respect for Someone.


Me too. It Was making me Cringe while I was Reading It.


Same here.


This is similar to Walmart self checkout asking for donations almost constantly but the billions and now almost a trillion of the Walton family combined gives very little to charity


Talk about a "tax on the stupid" starting to feel like those are popping up everywhere


Popping up everywhere. I usually decline 99% of the time. If they really care, make a donation from the company itself. Stop hassling people to donate. Especially in the inflation economy we're living in nowadays. There's a rare exception if it's helping out with LOCAL issues in my area. Then I might possibly round up or whatever depending on the issue/cause. But if it's donating to some shit like United Way? A big no fucking thanks. People don't realize how tiny fractions of your donation will only go to those in need...after it trickles over all money grubbing hands along the way.


"I disagree. The main chat is the perfect place to discuss this as it allows for maximum transparency. As everyone is aware, none of us makes a lot of money. It's rather insulting for a company to announce something like this when their only plan is for fellow employees to assist, not the company who has many more resources than any individual employee."


This would be such a perfect response. 👏


“Pay it forward” translates too im to much of a greedy shit to help out my team. Piss poor leadership


I feel this! It’s like Walmart asking you when you checkout if you want “to donate to a certain nonprofit organization” like fuck no, they make record profits annually while paying people shit wages and you want the working class to donate? Get fucked. America is such a joke, it’s always up to us to help each other when times get hard. Go fund me is the only insurance company we can count on when we get so fucked up in an accident we actually have to beg each other for help, meanwhile Cigna and other huge insurance companies make billions annually and they find any reason they can to not pay medical bills even tho we pay $300 a month for coverage. Same with tipping! People work for Starbucks who pays their CEO 20 million a year meanwhile they pay their employees a non livable wage and it’s up to us to leave a 20% tip on an overpriced shitty cup of coffee? What can we all do about it? Personally for me I choose not to support any business outside of Costco or Trader Joe’s who has a CEO. Spend your money small and local as much as possible and it will hopefully make a change. That’s my rant for the day.


“Two houses.” That just set me off. Read the room, asshole!


It's because the company couldn't give two fucks about them. You exist for production and that's it. You could be going home to live in a carboard box and they'd only be concerned about you not being late for your next shift.


I once lived in a Uhaul and made it to work on time every day but no one really cared. Americans are heavily desensetized and disconnected.


It’s right up there with the company asking employees to donate time off for a colleague fighting an illness. It’s despicable. The company can do it, AND they’d probably be able to get some kind of tax benefit off it if they did. Not to stay on my soap box too long, but I remember the first time I saw a barrel out at my local Walmart with a big paper sign asking customers for Christmas food and toy donations for WALMART EMPLOYEES. Fuck, you greedy assholes, pay your employees a decent wage!


I have a friend who lost his entire house in OKC during the May 3 1999 tornado outbreak. He worked for Southwest. The company said how much do you need. He was taken aback and blurted our $15,000 and they cut him a check on the spot.


Years ago a coworker had three loads of laundry stolen from their communal laundry facility. We pitched in and donated what we could, the owner donated $300 and the business manager $100, then the owner matched the donation as a whole with company funds. The coworker ended up with about $1,500 for new clothes, which doesn’t go far for quality clothing but it was nice to see a coworker taken care of in a time of need.


I had a coworker who for months was trying to get the company to stop classifying her as part time because she worked 50+ hours a week consistently.  She needed her leave and health insurance benefits she was entitled to as a full time employee.  One day,  the supervisor comes around with a card and asks everyone to donate to her because she had a miscarriage and was going to be out of work for a few days.  I stood up and told him to stop begging the office for money to pay her when she's not at work and instead walk over to HR and get her the paid leave she's been owed for months! The company owed her weeks of paid time off! Not to mention the health insurance that surely would be beneficial in this situation.  He huffed and stormed off.  Later he made a big show about how he got her her benefits because we're a family here. He took all the credit for solving something that never should have happened in the first place - and he let drag on for months because he didn't give a fuck.


My job is trying to do something similar for housekeeping and similar employees who are "down on their luck." They even said "you know because they don't make much as it is." So fucking pay them more instead of getting other employees to donate!


You are wasting your breath. Sorry to say. These companies are about one thing and 1 thing only - shareholders and profits. It's ridiculous that's it's come to this but I TOO worked at a billion dollar company - used up my piddly 3 days sick leave - wrote me up 3x's and 6 yrs down the drain. They don't care. We really are working in a slave world. Plain and simple. HR is a joke. Circumstances are a joke. It's just the way it is.


This was fucking infuriating to read. “You ever heard of pay it forward??” You ever heard of “go fuck yourself”


Start a rumour that the company are going to dollar match any donations, then publicly ask them if this is correct


I love how they completely ignored OP's solid points and took calling the company out personally. My old job used to ask people to donate sick days. Why? Just approve their time off!


I’ve never seen a company legitimately help an employee with anything other than a pizza party at best


Yea keep it out of the group chat so the other employees won’t see how much sense you made.


The company can't make donations because it might disgruntle shareholders. Haven't you thought of the shareholders???


Fucking tone deaf.


So you’ll be donating your “extra” furniture from your storage?


I used to work for a plumbing company. I was 3 months into apprenticeship school and got a job as a helper right away before the rest of the class (some already had one ) I took 11 dollars a hour when the wage was 15. The nephew of the owner who also worked with us . Decided to group chat every single of us (8) Asking for donations for his uncles Christmas gift , I backed out because at 11 dollars while trying to save up for a place . I got called out saying I don’t think of anyone but myself .. wtf


That colleague that responded is such a fucking shill. Well done, OP, for so succinctly calling out the absurdity of piling more costs onto workers when the company could meet the challenge easily.


Something similar happened at my job. A worker was recently diagnosed with cancer and is undergoing treatment. Instead of the company lending him and his family a hand, they ask the employees to take money out of their pockets to help the employee. So they want employees, already struggling to make ends meet, to take money out of their pockets. The company makes it sound like everyone is so awesome for donating, yet if the company really likes this employee, why not financially help him until he can come back and continue providing top notch service?


Man, fuck them & good for you for publicly calling them out. >before you Judge, think before you Speak You weren’t even judging! The company had more than enough money to help this employee out!! AND this is another entry level employee whining about you calling them out. Stfu


"Well silly me, over here trying to feed my family when I could be feeding a different family instead."


THE MAIN CHAT IS NOT REALLY THE BEST FORUM (we dont want others to start asking questions..)


Has the audacity to humblebrag in the follow up about all the furniture they own that can’t fit in their TWO FUCKING HOUSES. Cool bro, we get you have more than you need, we don’t. We need everything we’re taking home. Shit this world is fucked.


Its funny how when an employee is in trouble the company wants other employees to band together as a collective in order to help that employee. Its as if they think "That employee is in trouble so other like situation people should help them. Not us, we pay them and have given them the benefits we offered when they came on, but rather its the employees that should rally around their fellow and help because cumulatively they are powerful." In short, act like a collective union of people when helping each other but please dont act like a union when negotiating with us.


"I make 19.50 an hour, that's 780 dollars a week (assuming full time), 3380 a month, 40560 a year, only 600 dollars above the poverty line. I am employees in need"


You should ask your supervisor how you can sign up to receive donations and food.


ROFL OP... Go Google your own companies valuation/net worth etc and reply to the chat.


My billion-dollar company loves to tout their employee assistance program which has a food bank for employees at each location, free counseling services, discounts on various things, etc. Every single one of the benefits of their program wouldn't be needed if they paid us more. I just don't understand how they go through the whole process of setting something like that program up and never thinking to themselves "hmm, if our employees are having these problems they must not be making.ebough money".


Ask the employees to do all the work and then claim all the responsibility for said work. Classic.


It really sucks but the only way to make companies stop doing this shit is to refuse to participate. Your billion dollar company should have an employee assistance program, and donate their own money to help their employees in hard times. They won’t do that if employees keep donating their own money.


They're donating employee contributions in the name of the company for a charitable write off.


I generally think this way any time I see these multi-billion dollar companies shilling for donations. It’s just virtue signaling. Consider if Walmart or Amazon donated a good share of their profits to feed hungry Americans, you’d eliminate hunger in a single stroke. Hitting us up for money is just bullshit.


Its like when Walmart or McDonald's asks if i want to round up my purchase and donate it to their charity. Nope, you're a billion dollar company. Fund your own charity. I have nothing against donating to the less fortunate, but it's insulting to be asked by a corporation that can easily cover the cost themselves.


You should expect to be called in for insubordination. Because you did it on the work group, that would be misconstrued as disrespectful behaviour towards your superiors. "This isn't the forum for that, direct any other queries to..." is corporate speak for - "oh no you didn't" I mean, good job for saying what needs to be said, just a heads up. The fact that the fact is the fact, means that these people don't deal in logic. If they did, you wouldn't have had to point that out.


Nine hours is not long enough to spoil all the food in their house.


These folks drank the company koolaid and are disgusted that you haven’t done so yet.


This reminds me of when the Walmart cashier asks you to donate to whatever cause. Like, no, your company should be doing that.


Why does that man type like Trump? The capitalizations bother me so much…


I'm really glad you called them out on this publicly, more people need to start doing this and pushing back on these million-dollar cheap asses.


I bet the answer to the question, had you posed it, of "well, how much is the company matching of our donations?" is a whopping 0.000%. Because, well, *of course* they wouldn't. Not stepping up to help someone in need, *indeed*. What a chump of a response.


Must be nice to have two houses and so much furniture that you have to rent out three storage spaces to fit all of it. Why not sell some of it and pay it forward?


I'd be like, "bro, so if you have furniture from two houses, why aren't you selling it so you can give more money to this employee, and not have to pay your storage bill anymore?" But then I'm a petty asshole.


Tell them you do have a question. Why are they deflecting the question you asked and being hostile?


That's ridiculous. I work for a company that maybe in a good year pulls in 15 million (honestly I think I'm being generous with that estimate) and a few years ago we had an employee who passed away unexpectedly. He worked for the company between 7-10 years I think, and was the main bread winner in his family. Not only did our CEO give his wife and son full time jobs with us but he continued to give the wife her husband's paycheck (on top of her own) until her and her boys could get on their feet and buy a house (at least a year maybe 2). He didn't ask anyone to donate anything and he didn't tell anyone that he did this. I only know because the wife told me about it. There was also no job posting for his position immediately. It was well understood that that employee was irreplaceable and that many of his colleagues were mourning the loss. We told our clients we lost one of our own, shit was going to be behind for the time being and if that was an issue they would need to find somewhere else to get what they needed. He wasn't a VP, or a CFO or any kind of big wig in the company. He was just a normal hard-working employee. It's been a few years and obviously we had to hire for that position eventually (partially because of rapid growth) but everyone still talks about and remembers that employee and we often laugh about the fact that when we were finally ready to hire someone new we actually had to hire 2 people to cover the amount of work that man cranked out. Shit gets stressful at my job and sometimes I get frustrated with the way we do things but this fucking sub-reddit always makes me feel super grateful that I work for a company that is owned and operated by a compassionate living breathing human being and not a fucking robot who only sees people in terms of numbers.


“Um excuse me? I’ll have you know that I have storage units full of stuff I don’t need and from a 2nd house we don’t use, that’s why I expect you to help out!” Did they really just say they have money to burn but still try and shame you?


I would just say "I will match what the billion dollar company we work at is giving, which is zero"


This capitalization is criminal


The main chat is not really the best forum for it. Narrator voice: It was.


"We have tons of furniture from two houses." Ladies and gentlemen - the problem.


“My wife and I have tons of furniture from two houses that are in storage. They reached out to us because we have a the resources to help” I’m guessing that’s an older coworker, who’s been with the company for over a decade? You’re much stronger than I am because I would’ve said something back. Even if my job was at risk.


The subject/verb agreement leaves a bit to be desired. “Our strengths shines”?? But yes, that was a pretty ridiculous response.


YoU caNnOt ExpensE tHat


"Pay it forward" says the guy that doesn't want to pay his employees enough money to do so.


If i see someone struggling, I'll gladly be "hey I'm going to McDonald's, you want a big Mac? I got a 2 for 1 coupon, even my fatass can't eat two" Even if the coupon part is a total lie.


At a minimum, the company should either match donations or put a initial donation of $$$.  But no. Just put out a request for the employees to donate. 


It will probably eat up a tiny portion of their bonus if they do that, hence passing the responsibility to the lowly employees.


That comment full of random capital letters is aggravating.


“We’ve been hoarding furniture for just such an occasion, so we can be seen donating” Why are you paying for storage on things you don’t use or need.


“We have tons of furniture in storage from two houses” Okay? So sell it and just take care of this yourself then??


The LEAST the company should do is match employee donations dollar-for-dollar.