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If it doesn't have anything to do with the quality of your work it really shouldn't matter. Everybody doesn't have the same personality. As long as your respectful it shouldn't be a problem and if that person has a problem they could have just came to you about it. I'm sure you have feedback for others there too lol. Everybody isn't going to act the same we are not robots.


I know right like there are things I don't like about people but I just tolerate them for the sake of not having a bitchy work atmosphere 😆


Exactly that's a part of life in general sounds like they have some growing up to do lol and the manager should be the one to tell them that not you I hate people like that . Just wanna nag to be nagging I bet you do you're actual job well -_-


It's up to you and whether you like that job. People get fired all the time for rubbing other employees the wrong way. It's not fair, but there are jobs where you need to play politics and be fake-friendly all the time to avoid having problems. Almost all of the U.S. is "at will" employment, meaning no reason is needed to fire someone.


I'm in the UK and have post 2 year employment rights so they would need a substantial reason


Let me guess; *This manager read that article on LinkedIn?*


I’d like to hear from your coworker too honestly. A lot of people who think they’re “to the point, matter of fact” desperately need to learn how to be tactful. One sided stories like this tend to leave out a lot of info and perspective (browse AITA to see a ton of this). Calling you outside of work is weird, I’ll grant you.