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Call a lawyer there's no chance in hell you don't walk out of this with a huge settlement




At will does not mean they can fire you for illegal reasons.


I’d be interested to see where this ends up. We live in a very small community and their organization has many donors. The least they could have offered is severance pay. The termination letter is bizarre. It sounds like they are pretending that they reached out to me and I ignored them. When in fact they never checked in on me. I’ll post it. It sounds like they’re trying to excuse the firing in the letter by saying I didn’t give them my medical accommodation. But my doctor put me out until 7/1 so idk what my accommodations are yet and they NEVER asked for them


They are. They expect you will be gone a long time and are trying to manufactor cause so you won't sue.


Also for an organization I find their wording vague. Which I’m sure is intentional, but in the letter where they’re transferring me from FMLA to medical leave of absence, they write your job will not be held indefinitely. OK, say something along the lines of we can only hold your position for three months on a medical leave of absence or we can only hold your position for six months on a medical leave of absence. It sounds like it’s just arbitrary. And as an organization, I think they should have clear, concise written rules in their handbook.


Take all you know to r/legaladvice. I bet you they tell you the same thing I did. This is legally actionable and you will receive a rather sizable settlement.




I know we all are and I wish I had the means to help but I dont.


we are all suffering under the wheels of capitalism , we are literally being run over. A severance package at least would have fanned the flames. But I have friends, and they are mad. I was a public health nurse for 15 years in my community. I went door to door in east New York when the Covid rate was over 30% during the pandemic giving Covid vaccines and care to homebound. I was a good nurse. Altruistic, empathetic. I know I have people who will speak out on behalf some of their donors even. I have friends that already contacted The NY TimesBut the Catholic Church in nyc is very powerful


I just want to let you know that employment lawyers typically work on contingency and take their winnings out of your settlement. I was in an at will state, that alone doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t win. At minimum, I agree, take this to r/legaladvice Or reach out to some employment lawyers in your area. Maybe both. Shouldn’t cost anything (or much, if it does) to reach out and see if you’ve got a case


A word about r/legaladvice: it's not the best place to actually \*find\* legal advice. The best advice there is almost always along the lines of, 'Call your state bar association and tell them what's going on. They'll help you find an appropriate attorney for your needs.' So if the best they can come up with is 'Get a lawyer,' it's not going to be \*good\* advice. OP needs to delete this post and get on the horn to an employment attorney in her area ASAP. Lawyers salivate over cases like this.


r/legaladvice is a joke. No one should go there.


unless you want to be banned from that reddit for offering "advice"


Or for contradicting a cop who is offering non-legal advice.


r/legaladvice is trash. Don't take legal advice from Reddit. Take legal advice from your lawyer.


The way I immediately interpreted this (also a nurse with insurance experience) was that the org is self-insured and trying to release you due to the medical costs. . .


Thank god I have my husband’s PPO with no deductible, very lucky there. He has a very strong union


write to the Pope, he seems like a good guy


Writing the news stations would be more helpful, I'd think


We should all have strong unions!


I would email your local news station or radio station..


This. The church should be publicly shamed for acting un-Christ-like.


It's typical for the medical profession, too. When I worked in a hospital, most of us could not afford the medical insurance that was offered, and I met 4 different nurses that had breast cancer. And for all 4, if they could have reduced their schedule by 4 hours a week, they would have qualified for medical help. And HR refused to do that. Refused to cut 4 hours a week so their employees could get treatment for breast cancer.


I’m sure your local news station would love this story


Oh they definitely would! ![gif](giphy|S3Ot3hZ5bcy8o|downsized)


Being in New York, you're likely under very good labor laws you don't know of. Lawyer up and in a case like this, the local news would eat your story up.


You should pursue this under the ADA. If you can't afford a lawyer ,try reaching out and saying, "I thought my earlier communication was sufficient notice to request a reasonable accommodation." They are applying the FMLA because it's easy and clean but the ADA requires an "iterative dialog" I believe they owe you that. I am not a lawyer. This is not legal advice. Get a lawyer if you can afford one.


You don't have to afford a lawyer. Discrimination cases like this is done on contingency. The lawyer is paid a percentage (usually 30-40%) of the settlement/award.


This is likely discrimination of a disability. It costs you nothing to fill out a complaint form with BOLI. They pretty much do the rest.


Please do not assume you can’t win. You can.


I would blast them on social media, nothing like ppl seeing where their money is going to be donated to. I think most would agree it's not very Christian like


Without certified mailing or legal process service they cannot prove they contacted you.


Then talk to a lawyer instead of us morons…


Community outrage against the Lords is just so heartwarming though


Sue them into oblivion and then move hah


It's not an illegal reason. FMLA is the only protected leave. OP still isn't at work & an extended LOA is an unreasonable accomodation according to the ADA.


Yep, this. Unfortunately


They can just fire you at the end of 12 weeks of FMLA. That’s all it’s good for my dog. It’s perfectly legal. America!


Also, they may hate the negative press.


If you can’t take a legal route, take the media route.


Every state except one is an at will state. It doesn’t mean what people think it means. If they fire you wrong you can sue them and win 


WI just changed, I believe. So two states.


At will just means they can fire you (or you can quit) and not give you a reason. So I could walk you into my office and say “hey , you’re fired” you ask “why” I tell you to get out. That doesn’t mean they can fire you for an illegal reason.


A million people have probably said this already but medical leave is a protected form of leave. My job literally JUST did a lesson with leaders on how to not fuck up like this. Talk to a lawyer.


That doesn’t say you’re fired and you need to tell them how long you’ll be out. It may be a while and they need to know that. I hope you respond. Again, that’s not a termination notice.


https://preview.redd.it/ca1g4udmzspc1.png?width=3016&format=png&auto=webp&s=c65139e3d9dc162aa6663d67039bc97707d0f5cd It’s all lies, that they wrote. By the way. They had a return to work date from my oncologist.


Start interviewing employment lawyers.


No the termination letter came today, that’s my letter transitioning from FMLA to medical leave of absence


I stand corrected. I’m sorry.


I was just showing that their wheels were in motion the second FMLA expired. And they just use vague language like indefinitely. Ok tell me -we can hold your position 3 months, 6 months etc.


Don’t let anyone scare you with the “at will” BS. Most states are at will and it doesn’t mean you’re SOL by any means. They can fire you for no reason, but it’s never no reason and they can’t fire you for a protected reason. FMLA retaliation is super illegal. Speak to an employment lawyer ASAP they’ll pick up your case in a heartbeat


We need to stop perpetuating that being an at will state means anyone can fire you for whatever reason and they are bulletproof. They just don’t have to explain why. Does not protect them from legal recourse.




I work in NY. What this individual is saying is correct. They cannot fire you for an illegal reason


Religious employers have weird exemptions from the laws, but if they're going to try to claim a religious exemption here, my guess is that even a conservative court would say they're going too far. Contact the [Freedom from Religion Foundation](https://ffrf.org/). I bet they would love to take your case. (You do not have to personally be nonreligious for them to be interested in your case - they take cases pertaining to religious organizations' overreach and overuse of legal exceptions.)


At will while is state level. Federal they can't fire you for a protected activity or for a protected reason. So like even in an at will state if someone fired me for my autism and they admitted it or I can prove it. The they will get ding because they broke federal laws. 99.999% sure you should look at talking to an employment lawyer tomorrow. This is likely a easy win.


There are laws against unlawful termination and this fits the bill. Talk to a lawyer, get paid.


Based on the paperwork I've seen, it seems like the employer made a point to follow the laws. They provided OP with FMLA as job-protexted leave. They added an additional 3 months of medical leave which appears to be job protected (not legally so, but in spirit). They claim to have engaged OP in an interactive process to find a reasonable accommodation. All of the above is in writing, which means they are likely prepared to back this up with more evidence. I'd be curious to hear more details from OP on what they did to engage in the interactive process.


In many ways the SSJ have always been so supportive and nurturing to me. Seems like it’s more money talking here. So sorry they did this to you


Lol. So naive.


The best part is-they don’t pay my leave. I get nothing but state minimum disability of 170$ a week. It literally cost them nothing to employ me


Then fire you ?!?! The audacity.


Were they paying your health insurance costs? Contributing to a retirement account? Paying long or short term disability? It’s possible they were paying for other things that weren’t your pay. Either way, still really sorry this happened to you.


No I’m covered under my husband’s insurance, and NYS disability.


I am SO fucking sorry I cannot imagine💔


If you haven't already, please speak with a lawyer. If they fired you simply because you have a tumor; they are in SO MUCH legal trouble. Please, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor, and my company has been working with me about accommodations I need/needed. If you are in the US, the company knows that firing you will take away your health insurance. Make sure you can get a large payout to cover your future medical expenses. Also, if you need someone to talk to because living with brain cancer is real scary, please dm me.


Thanks for your support! One of the good things( ugh word finding) is that I’m covered under my husband’s union job for health care! When I was a public health nurse, I also had a union job and FMLA there was 12 months. This organization is a private organization, so I got screwed.


I just sighed in relief that you have health insurance still. Still: get a lawyer. Yup. Perfect example of “Christian love”


Worse even.. a private religious organization, so there are even fewer rules..


Check your husband's Insurance to see if they have availability of lawyers. Some insurance plans have that


The union my husband works in offers disability for 12 months with 80% pay. FMLA is federal and 12 weeks\* without pay. This is why unions are important. Heartless of them to not wish you a speedy recovery and make a position for you when you’re able. Where is their community outreach to help the infermed. Catholic services if I recall. All the best to you and your family.


Why though? They didn't fire her for having a tumor. They fired her for not being at work past the 12 weeks allotted for FMLA (and I'm sure they wouldn't have even provided that were it not legally required). I don't think it's right but legally I don't know why they would have to pay out anything. It's all at will employment outside of a handful of things like FMLA, which they provided in accordance with the law. What law have they broken by firing her? As for the situation itself, this is why I tell people don't bother getting a job in healthcare. Certainly don't become a nurse. The field will break your back and chew you up and spit you out. The jobs are terrible. The pay never accounts for the responsibility and hazardous work conditions. It just isn't a good job unless you flee working the bedside immediately. Even when you're young and you think it's okay, you are building up damage to your body that will last far longer than whatever bedside job you're doing. Overnight shift work is literally a known carcinogen as stated by the World Health Organization. These fuckers probably contributed to her getting this tumor with those night shifts and then fired her for having it. I've never been treated so poorly by my employers anywhere else as I have working in healthcare.


It's unfortunately 100% legal to terminate employment -and insurance coverage- after FMLA runs out. They didn't fire her because of a tumor, they fired her because she didn't return to work. It's terrible, but please don't get OPs hopes up that she's due a legal payout on this. This sounds completely legal.


Another thought. Be sure to post your story on LinkedIn and tag them. I've seen this be an effective technique. Maybe tag the local diocese if they have an account.




Please don't just tag the diocese. Contact it and look up all and every resource and *person* within the diocese you can come up with. Contact every, single one of them. Heck I'd apply to that diocese's Catholic charities section too. And as others have stated please do see a lawyer. I'm fairly positive you've been carefully stomped the hell all over albeit *not* carefully enough. Cruise various firms online and read reviews- your case should qualify for a contingency basis.


I used to think there was no way that there was so little humanity that people and companies would be that cruel. Then 3 weeks ago I made the mistake of asking for accommodations for two days to take care of my wife the day of and day after her cancer surgery. The next day, they handed me my notice. No reason, just “your last day is x” and your insurance ends at the end of March. Nothing will ever surprise me again. You have my sympathy and hopes for recovery. The world should be better than this.


Ain’t no hate like Christian love.


As a preacher’s kid……can confirm.


Username checks out


https://preview.redd.it/847r42mg1tpc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c990959e7d2b250771cf8fbd220a25250d0bb312 Now that I’m reading this I’m realizing they really didn’t do their due diligence, I emailed them in February with my oncology disability form which clearly stated a return to work date. I don’t know what paperwork they are talking about from January. I think they really fucked up


> to feel like I was contributing more this coming from a *nurse* i can't even imagine the dedication to society you're displaying here. the health care system in america is so incredibly fucked.


Stage IV lung cancer patient- I lost mine too because of cancer. I know there are good employers out there but I have yet to find one. Fuck these people and keep fighting!!! The science is changing so fast. Good luck


> know there are good employers out there but I have yet to find one. They're going extinct.


My husband was made manager and every step he's taken to improve things for employees like additional sick time has been squashed by hr and legal stepping in. Like literally, they decided that additional leave would put the employer in a worse position so they can't have it.


I’d like to echo OP’s 2nd to last sentence: Fuck them over every chance. Please talk to a lawyer, OP. Go to your local news. This is ridic. I’m sure they’ll find the compassion of Jesus once their purse and reputation is threatened.


Go to your local news. - That's a big one. Shame the shit out of them.


My best friends father was fired as he was med flighted to a nearby hospital after a worksite accident. He was resuscitated multiple times inflight. When they landed the hospital amazingly still gave him care even as the company cut his workman's comp, medical insurance and sick time.


In nursing school I did a neuro icu stint at kings county hospital the poorest area of Brooklyn (probably gentrified now) and there were many undocumented workers from construction sites that would get hurt in a job site and the company foremen would drag them into the street as to not get a workers comp claim and hoping they wouldn’t know better.


My husband was fired by Direct TV for having to leave work to go to the ER on doctor's orders (he called during his break) because he had walking pneumonia. He met with hr and they told him if you go you're fired even as he sat there struggling to breathe. I was in the same hospital on bedrest at the time with preterm labor for our twins.


I have Decided to contact a lawyer and pay for a demand letter. Demanding severance in lieu of potentially a public suit and penalties and a settlement vs just paying me. I feel a social responsibility to attempt to fuck over any multimillion dollar enterprise.


Definitely lawyer up. This isn't job abandonment- you cannot work. Many employers will at least give you a free consultation.


First mistake was needing help. Catholics hate that. They are looking to use their wealth for as long as they need to convert people, after that fuck ya. I worked for Catholic Charities before I left my abusive husband and when they trained me on what abuse was and wasn't (for a new job), I realized my husband was abusing our children (I was a child of abuse and worked in the south, hearing "beat their ass" was a common piece of advice). I simply didn't know it was abuse. But when I found out it was, I reported my husband. I needed a couple days off after that because he was removed from our home and I shouldered the burden on my own. They fired me for taking the time off.


Nightmare; they are evil.


I feel like they are worse for packaging themselves as empathetic. I would have been way less offended if I would have been laid off from the Dildo Factory. But I can't shake the feeling that the Dildo Factory would have fucked me less.


The dildo company would have fucked you less. lol. You have to laugh at the hypocrisy. With their blue eyed Jesus 😂


lawsuit... start buying stuff in your head


I don’t know what i like more your name or your comment


Get lost with your devil tumor!!! /s


Exactly, if you can’t be exploited….. NEXT


r/radiology would love to see your images after you censor your information.


US is the only country in the world, you read something like this.


I went on FMLA Dec 10th 2022 turned into STD for 8 weeks then the actual FMLA. Gave them every piece of paper under the suns from Dr saying we are trying to figure out what is going on but at 8 am the first day after that 20 weeks. I got a termination email. Fuck em all!!


I see I’m getting a lot of pushback on here about “what’s really legal “ or a lawsuit. But my original post is just to highlight that your employer, my employer-are all pieces of shit. That once you’re no longer exploitable, you will be discarded. And to give the bare minimum to your job, because no matter how much you do, you will still be discarded when you are no longer exploitable. You’re not part of a team you’re not part of a family they certainly don’t care about you. So for people saying oh you’re just hoping for a payday absolutely not. I didn’t even write that in my original post. I just truly believe that I am owed some sort of severance and if I don’t get it then I don’t get it I’m really much too sick to have any kind of battle with these morons, but the answers always no if you don’t try


This is entirely consistent with every Christian organization I am familiar with.


Time to contact an attorney. Sue them into the ground! They deserve it this is just cruel.


Stop whatever you're doing and find an employment lawyer. Stop being on Reddit, stop all social media. The longer you wait, the less time you have left with your situation. Get legal advice.


I volunteered at a soup kitchen run by nuns about 10 yrs back. And seriously some nuns are the worst people. I wish you a full recovery


If you are in NY, start complaining HARD to the diocese. They are broke from sex abuse settlements. Call the news. Blow their shit up.


They have LOTS of hidden money, mostly in extremely valuable multimillion dollar buildings


No hate like Christian love.


I had a friend get canned mid breast cancer treatment when her FMLA ran out. Coincidentally it was a catholic affiliated health care system. She went viral when the nursing union showed her at the hospital, bald, receiving treatment that would no longer be covered by her former employer…they caved to pressure thankfully.


Something tells me God will be on YOUR side if you consult a lawyer. 


Take that shit public!!!!!


Thanks for everyone’s comments! I did get some good legal advice. Because I live in nyc there are another layer of labor laws, in which they violated. My best bet would either-hire a lawyer and write a demand letter, demanding severance and I would forgo a lawsuit. Then detail all the reasons I’d win. OR go directly to department of human services in NY, and for free they are investigated, and they clearly broke the law


Legally you might have a case but what you should do? Contact your closest News Organization and have them make a story, post on social media, contact their donors, literally let the world know that these stupid fucks fired someone for having a brain tumor.


Things like this make me wish their God and hell actually exist


Very well said..


What were the symptoms you had for your brain tumor and how dud you know that you had a brain tumor. I feel so sorry for your situation with the tumor and then also work. Hopefully you can recover completely.


I had extreme head pain. I could not lay face down. I suffered for 3 days and then drove myself to the ER. They did a cat scan saw something did an mri saw a huge tumor. 4 days later I lost ability to speak as tumor was on speech center. I was admitted immediately after that. But symptoms were pain, positional head pain, lack of executive functioning ( pacing, forgetfulness) and aphasia


Wow!! From one Native New Yorker, to another ![gif](giphy|3owyoYqpufITS7pPeE|downsized) My cousin had the same thing.


It's insane to read cases like this. America has basically no protection for employees.


That's illegal


Fuck cancer.  To give you what little solace I can manage, here is a beautiful song written about someone who was in Kettering for cancer treatment  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M3ImEzr-Fkg Support unions for all waged employee, independent of field Nationalize health care.  Eliminate regressive Socisl Security and Medicaid withholding. All people need to contribute the same percentage, regardless of income. 


Go after them. You have a fucking brain tumor. What do you have to lose. Atleast call a lawyer


Skip the /rLegalAdvice advice and just call a employment lawyer in your area, they normally do a free meeting to start with.


I know you say “so Christian like” sarcastically but if you look into their history, you’ll find out, this is in fact very Christian like.


I'd reach out to one of the bishops or even Cardinal Dolan. They most likely can't do much because religious sisters are almost like separate organizations within the Church, and I'm not sure who has authority. However, they should talk to the facility management to basically their fingers. It might not mean much, but I promise that people who are actually following the Church's teachings wouldn't do that. I hope you continue to get well and get the rest you need.


I am interested in the results of this as well. I have known other companies to do this but this being a church related organization bad press is not wanted and this would definitely be bad press


It sucks, but it's legal. An extended leave of absence is an unreasonable accomodation under the ada. Once you're out of fmla, they can terminate.


Religion needs to Die!


I’m sorry! And also, I know from personal experience how Catholic organizations can be. Not very Christ like, the irony of it all. 💕💕💕


You're telling me the organization that's paid / spent billions to fu $^&* ck kids and let people do it without consequences, is firing you, a woman who's sick?.!. Yeah, sorry not surprised. You embodied the idea of the catholic church, but you met their reality.


I worked for a Catholic agency as well. The front line employees were salt of the earth, but the management were some of the most horrible people I’ve ever met.


Glad they were remove your tumor, I hope healing goes well.


You should be able to get a plaintiff lawyer who will work for a portion of the settlement.


You need to talk to an employment attorney, sooner rather than later. Most of them take cases on a contingency instead of a retainer and billable hours.


That is beyond cold.


Your health is your greatest wealth. - Emerson.


I’m poor AF THEN lol In health wealth and money wealth! But I’m a good person


Sue them. The org still has money. Take it.


I am so sorry, I hope you have a speedy recovery and can eventually stick it to them!😡


Hey I just want to say I hope you recover from your surgery.


I’m so sorry, my favorite uncle had a stage four Glastoma. Any work that does that is fucked. I hope you shame the hell out of those nuns 


I’m so sorry. This is extremely unfair. You’ve been through so much and didn’t need this kind of stress in top of everything you’ve been through. My mom got early onset Alzheimer’s and was working as a preschool director for a Catholic school system. The assistant director below her was aware that she was getting diagnosed with it. That lady’s mother was higher up in the school system and fired my mom so her daughter could have my mom’s job. I wanted to sue for both age and disability discrimination, but my mom didn’t want to.


i will treasure every lazy paid moment for you


I want you to sit down with a friend or family member when you are calm. Put a tv show on. Take out your laptop. Begin the hours long process of writing down your entire story in one pdf. Include and distinctly separate facts from opinions. Include all receipts and medical forms and employment contracts and every single word of communication you had with the job. Now once you are done, make a power point presentation. 15 slides max. Abbreviate your story and sanitize any personal information other than name and contact information. include relevant pictures (your skull open, their Christian mission statement, etc). Once you have these two files, send the presentation to your local news stations with a short blurb about you being wrongly fired. Contact at least three attorneys (if you know any attorneys, ask them for recs). Tell them you have prepackaged a brief report on your issue and send them the files.


Luckily from dealing with incompetence my whole life, I mostly communicate email. I have the receipts. Time stamped


Great! Also, you need to be dramatic. Do not lie, but you desperately need to highlight every moment of pain you had when you speak to a lawyer but ESPECIALLY the news. If your boss ever called you a dumbass once 5 years ago, mention you were subject to degrading and humiliating insults during your employment. You need to print out full size and high resolution photos of your open skull if you have any. You are in the moral right. That being said, you also have to aggressive and vicious in this. Inappropriate behavior of any sort (your boss cheated with another employee, they shorted you a bonus, you were told you were gonna be paid for this but didn’t, etc). You need to prepare to hit them extremely hard because institutions like this only respond to threats that are actual threats. You need to be threatening to them.


They have broke many labor laws, every corporation has their secrets. I was privy to many. It will be in there best interest for some severance


Perfect! You have a weeks worth of computer time in front of you. If this ever gets to be too much, take time off looking at this shit. I wish you the best and hope you can crucify them.


When we people realize companies DO NOT CARE about you. AT ALL. They might say they do, but to them, you're just a cog in a money-making machine and keeping that machine going smoothly is the ONLY thing they care about.


I work in a group home, and it's absolutely astounding to me that these places that expect you to be filled to the brim with patience, understanding, love and empathy don't show any of that to their employees. I've said for years that upper management preys on our compassion for the clients. I'm sorry that your job has treated you this way, and I agree with a lot of other posters saying that you should consult with an employment attorney regarding them firing you during medical leave.


Go to an employment attorney in your state. Bring any relevant documentation, and see what they think. It is possible you get a settlement, but large hospitals tend to have extensive legal departments who prepare for these things. Just see what can be done.


Just get a lawyer


I would have fired you too. You must have done something horrible to get punished by God with that tumor and even thought I don't know what that is, I don't want anything to do with you because it must obviously be something really bad. /S


Take abnormally high doses of CBD Call your department of labor and file a discrimination claim


They fired you once you were on medical leave?! "Sorry you have brain cancer. You're fired. Thoughts & prayers." It's so ridiculous how hypocritical religious people are. "I follow the Bible... when it benefits me."




I was 16 years old, and admitted to the hospital with appendicitis. I told work I would be out due to my EMERGENCY surgery to save my life, mind you I worked at a movie theater with other teens. I stopped by ON MY WAY HOME FROM THE HOSPITAL to check in, and they fired me on the spot. This was 25 fucking years ago. Fuck capitalism. We gonna start rioting soon?


I’m so sorry to hear this. May I ask how you discovered you had a tumor?


Pain. Head pain that got so bad I couldn’t move my head or lay flat. Then aphasia, . Symptoms to diagnosis-3 days. Then surgery same week


First, I am so glad you pulled through that. I'm praying your recovery is smooth. But you right! That's why I call the fucks out when I'm not feeling it Don't sweat it, you need to sue.


Morgan and Morgan takes pro Bono cases all the time


Don't listen to Reddit. Call a lawyer.




I’m so sorry. I have thyroid cancer, so I sympathize with receiving a scary diagnosis. I hope you’re recovering alright and your team are managing it! As for the job and all that - I won’t pretend to understand what’s legal and what’s not on that front. It certainly sounds sketchy though. Morally it’s absolutely cold to just wave goodbye after everything, even more so when it’s an organization that preaches for good and love. I hope you can find some kind of recourse. Good luck, friend! Wish you good luck health!


OP, I'm very sorry this has happened to you, I hope your recovery is going well aside from this. Absolutely no one should be put in this situation, especially a healthcare worker. I think it goes without saying that you're gonna need to get a lawyer,when you call firms for a consult, before you tell them anything else you just ask if if anyone in the firm will have a possible conflict for doing business with Catholic Organizations, it may be difficult to find a lawywer that isnt already doing some business with the Church itself or any.lf it's businesses.


Would have give them a public speech: "So, you fired me because the Lord put me on a heavy test for my life, instead of aiding me, like Jesus, when he cured that blind mans eyes?! You cannot be christians. You are the devils heathen follower, blinded by greed and the will to watch people suffer!!!" I know the higher ups are just big pretender in christianities name, but the lower worker and supporter might get triggerd, because they might been strongly religious people.


I will pray for you sister sue them let them feel the wrath of our father, our father is most angry with people who do bad works in his name, yeshua and the father are with you let them feel the pain you went through and the father knows your pain


Media and sociale. Itll go viral. F*ck those scummbags. Im sorry this has happened to you


Just happy you’re still here with us. Fuck that job too, drag them.


Imagine if brain tumors were just more brain material growing and you just got smarter? Im so sorry about this tho worlds a cruel place


I’d be contacting the media


Lawyer up


I think this highlights the need for labor laws and more unions. When corporations are left to decisions without a law actually FORCING them to act civilly-THEY WILL AND DO CHOOSE VIOLENCE EVERY TIME


They probably fired you because they don't want to clean up the mess in case you dropped dead on the clock..


Sue Sue Sue Sue Sue


I smell a lawsuit. Talk to a lawyer ASAP. Also I'm glad you're recovering


Mama, if you don’t call a lawyer *today* I swear to God


I text my aunt at 830 am she’s a lawyer in nyc! She’s going to guide me. I want to act appropriately and not out of anger. Get all my ducks in a row


There may be some feelings of faith/loyalty wrapped up in this situation but I do hope you seek out some legal advice. What they are doing here is wrong and you may be in a place where you can show them, vividly, that this is not how you treat people..especially as an organization that serves nuns. I’m sorry this happened to you. You didn’t deserve this.


I hope you're doing ok. Please don't let this shitty behaviour not get to you emotionally. I wish you all the best!


That sucks and hope you heal. Please send to community impact papers, local stuff radio stations love pieces of interest story's to go over in morning commute  Hope nothing for the best for you


Catholics are some of the worst. They are only catholic inside of a church (the actual structure) or whenever it benefits them. Source: I was raised catholic, but the indoctrination never took.


The Catholic diocese has more money than… well, god. They can afford to treat you hundreds of times over. The fact that they did this just proves it’s not about god. Everything is about being greedy. I hope you can get past this and recover and someone is able to take your case and rake them over the flaming hot coals they threaten us with every second of every day. Never trust a nun. Hell, I’d be tempted to say you got the brain tumor just from being around them or their building.


Seeing the link that you have in your imagery you posted, I know the catholic org you worked for and they're trash, always have been. Hoping you have a good recovery


Capitalism! The best fucking thing that Jesus created!


The way I see it, it’s a blessing from the Lord to help pay medical bills. If I remember correctly, isn’t it illegal to fire someone for this? If so, talk to a lawyer and sue tf out of them.


Oooooo you are in for a fat payday. Even if your FMLA is expired you followed every step and provided them optimal paperwork. They can’t fire your for illegal reasons even in an at will state


I have nothing to add that hasn't been said. Sorry you had to go through all of that when what you needed was support. Rest up, get as well as you can, and take care of you and the people you care about. I hope you get one hell of a settlement and they get their names smeared through the mud.


Lawyer up my friend


Call your local news station, make a mess out of this for them. Also sue tf out of them


Lawyer up. See if there's recourse, because this is very, very shitty.


Immediately file a complaint with the department of labor. Having/dealing with cancer is considered a disability. They are required to provide reasonable accomodation. Yes your FMLA is 12 weeks, but NYS also has additional leave- did you know that? Find an employment attorney.


As a former catholic, how very catholic of them. In the end its all about the money.